Birmingham vs. Boise


This comparison of crime in Birmingham (AL) versus Boise (ID) and similar sized cities originated in a discussion in the comment section at

Birmingham, Alabama – population 212,413, 21.1% White, 54 murders per 100,000
Montgomery, Alabama – population 208,182, 36.1% White, 31 murders per 100,000
Mobile, Alabama – population, 194,914, 43.9% White, 30 murders per 100,000

Boise, Idaho – population 210,145, 89% White, 1 murders per 100,000
Des Moines, Iowa – population 206,599, 70.5% White, 8 murders per 100,000
Gilbert, Arizona – population, 211,951, 72.9% White, 0 murders per 100,000
Spokane, Washington – population 210,103, 84% White, 4 murders per 100,000

Note: In 1964, there were 16.42 homicides per 100,000 in Birmingham when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Would you post an expanded list of similar sized cities, racial compositions and murder rates?

    In the southern states there is a larger black presence in rural areas. Do you have statistics or other information on murder rate correlations to blackness in rural areas?

  2. Wow, Mobile is now 57% percent black? What a crying shame. My dad was born and raised in Mobile (family settled there in late 183os). It was a nice city when I’d go to there visit my grandma and other relatives in the ’50s and ’60s. Most of the ones still alive moved to Baldwin county. I see that it’s 85% white and thriving.

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