Salon: Let’s Hope The Boston Bomber Is a White American


Check out the headline at Salon: Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.

Note: Did you know that anti-racist means anti-White?

“It will probably be much different if the bomber ends up being a Muslim and/or a foreigner from the developing world. As we know from our own history, when those kind of individuals break laws in such a high-profile way, America often cites them as both proof that entire demographic groups must be targeted, and that therefore a more systemic response is warranted. At that point, it’s easy to imagine conservatives citing Boston as a reason to block immigration reform defense spending cuts and the Afghan War withdrawal and to further expand surveillance and other encroachments on civil liberties.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent



    secular humynist, pro-Israel, feminist, and fiscally conservative Arianna Pattek
    My first week of work
    Posted on June 8, 2012 by feministconservative

    Like I said in my last post, I’m working in my school’s admissions office for the time being. This is a great opportunity for me, and I’m so glad to have the ability to decide who will come in and who won’t. We are here to make future leaders of America and the world, and as such we have the responsibility do keep those who would make the world a worse place far away, while admitting those who have potential to use their abilities to improve the world.

    For instance I can’t tell you how many applications I saw that were just dripping with white male privelege. Any of those that I saw basically went straight to the garbage can regardless of how good their qualifactions were. If I saw an application from a white male that basically was just good test scores, and activities like chess club or math club or what not then it shows me this person is not interested in a diverse environment. Obviously he made no effort in integrating with minorities or to sympathize with them and is counting on male privelege to get in. So that kind of application should get ignored. In their place I admitted a female student. This goes double especially for math/science majors.

    Another time this I had an application for what sounded like an arab male who wanted to study computer science. On paper he looked good enough, decent above average scores, and such. But I checked facebook and sure enough on his wall I came came upon a particularly hateful post about Israel supposedly not having a right to exist. I promptly trashed the application and sent out a rejection letter.

    The lesson here is that people are multi-dimensional. We can’t boil people down to numbers or statistics, or reject people based on the color of their skin. I’m happy to say that I approved nearly 90% of all female minority and 80% of all (white female applicants especially if the girls want to study math or science) while rejecting over 50% of white males this week and hope this trend holds out.

  2. “It reminds us that we’re dealing with true-believers, hardcore ideologues, like the most bloodthirsty of the Bolsheviks.

    It’s not people that matter to them. What matters to them is the System, the globalist “liberal” ideology of multiculturalism, race replacement, mass immigration, and White dispossession and genocide–all of these must be preserved at all costs.”

    WG- this is their RELIGION.

    No other moniker fits.

    And we can only fight back, if OUR RELIGION is just as crystal-clear, just as exclusionary, just as “isolationist”.

    In short, Biblical, patristic Christianity. Not the feel-good, universalism, multi-racial crap that passes for same, today.

    “You ALONE of all the nations of the earth, have I known.” – Amos 3:2.

    Can’t get any clearer than that.

  3. Brandon says:
    April 17, 2013 at 3:42 pm
    One word……mossad. What they do every day.
    313Chris says:
    April 17, 2013 at 4:13 pm
    you’re an idiot
    Lew says:
    April 17, 2013 at 5:22 pm
    The Salon writer lifted the main points from Tim Wise. Follow the link to Wise. 14,000 likes on Facebook. Many of readers are blacks. Wise routinely exhorts them to violence against whites. Folks like Wise and his rabid supporters will have to dealt with using the only language they understand.

    Wise is a JEW.

    313- YOU LOSE.

  4. Robert- that column is amazing. I cannot believe how much HATRED the ‘goyim’ are racking up for themselves, When White America TAKES BACK OUR COUNTRY.

    I will gladly bless the scaffolds erected for bitches and whores like Ms. Pattek.
    Such scum deserve to die, for what they are doing to God’s Israel. [Gal. 6:16]

    “Live in peace with your enemies, but only with your personal enemies, and NOT the ENEMIES OF GOD.” – St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves

  5. What do you expect when the foundational stories of your people are the passover and exodus from Egypt into Canaan? Slaying the firstborn sons has now become existentially dispossessing the elite males of your primary competition. And if the native people in a land they immigrate to are not corrupt, they do their level best to corrupt them so they can bring God’s wrath down upon them. They are actually trying to manipulate the Almighty by their machinations. So much for being a light unto the nations.

  6. “White”? Jews are erroneously called “White” all the time.

    I’m calling JEW.

    That Eff BEE EYE press conference on/off/on/off. thang.

  7. I really dont think Pattek is the one. Their thesis that you can find online is not a doctoral thesis. Its a different length than the one mentioned on the blog. Published in a different month. Also on facebook they have only been in college for 4 years, you can’t get your PHD in 4 years..

  8. The unkindest cut on the JEWHAG blog:

    “This blog is 100% pro-Israel and pro-Jewish. I am not Jewish or Israeli myself. I was raised Christian and am not very religious. However, I believe that the Jewish people have the right to secure the existence of their nation and a future for their children.”

    It denies being a Jew – but it is. Like All things Jew – it’s stolen the Sacred 14 Words.

  9. If whites had their own country would jewish kooks be allowed to abuse whites with false charges?

    Of course in Connie Chastain’s Confederacy the official line would still be anti-white and the Old Pa’s of the LoS would be backing her up with Black Confederate myths.

    So to provoke anger I will give points to Uncle Harold and deduct points from the Rainbow Confederacy.

    Myself I want to see Judge Denise hand out the sentences.

  10. “I saw those on 4chan. Alex Jones and 4chan. Not the most reliable. Something smells.” – Well the picture of the arab/north african with and without his backpack and with it having the outline of a pot sticking out the back are kind of suspicious.

  11. I am laughing now, this has to be a hoax, and here is the tell:

    Jewish people have the right to secure the existence of their nation and a future for their children.”

    The 14 words?? Really ???

  12. “Ton of pictures here, they confirm atleast 1 of the bombers from images of him with a(pressure cooker bomb filled) backpack, and without it before the blast.”

    Lots of pictures of random people carrying bags – although the two guys wearing more or less the same clothes down to the shoes ring an alarm in my head – looked a bit military to me which is odd – unless it isn’t.

  13. “We can’t (…) reject people based on the color of their skin.”
    “I’m happy to say that I (…) [rejected] over 50% of white males this week and hope this trend holds out.”

    Hypocrisy anyone? I seriously doubt that it’s a hoax as everything that I read on that blog fits to a T what I have read of the standard Jewish mindset – the vicious hatred of Whites and their civilization and the overwhelming urge to do everything in their power to destroy said culture. This coupled with the overarching desire to protect and defend Israel at all costs… Cultural- and Racial-Marxism abroad, ethno-nationalism at home, in other words your typical Jew.

  14. Also the cognitive dissonance in all these articles is mind-blowing. Untolled numbers of Jewish journalists and pundits constantly and collectively attacking White people as a group for their privilege while *at the very same time* saying the power of an ethnic group to collectively attack other ethnic groups is an expression of that first group’s power and privilege.

    It’s insane.

  15. Gosh, RRS – they finally got to you.

    Thank you RRS. That’s what I want, too.

    I don’t want to rule any-one. I couldn’t be less interested. I like to do what I like to do. In a sane world, a world of our own. I’d spend my time reading, dancing, enjoying music, art and theater, and spending too much money on clothes. I do those things now. But all this – my “obsession” re: Die Juden Teufel – I don’t WANT this.

    But I’ve been born into this. So I deal with my world as it is.

    “Never look away”.

    Doling out sentences – yes. I’ll do that.

    Peak – the blog is NOT a “hoax”. “Our Gubmint” is the hoax. That blog is an example of what they DO.

  16. Denise, I thought it might be a hoax for two reasons:

    1) It’s so over the top, it’s like a caricature of a PC marxist multi-cult admissions counselor, with a little parody of the 14 words mixed in for good measure.

    2) What she said about her admissions decisions, if true, is actually so egregious that the place she works for is now open to civil litigation. Can she really be that stupid?

  17. Peak – the last post’s on that blog are from 2012. I understand why you think it’s a hoax – but yes -it’s a caricature.

    That’s what they all sound like.

    Could ANY of us make up stuff that is MORE MarxistJew than the stuff that they write, and do, 24/7? In our wildest fantasies?

    Peak -the reason I thn that they haven’t bene hunted down and killed off, before, down top the last Mischling, is because people never had mass media before. When Der Jude screwed over one demo, and get booted out, they went “Over there”. On to the next unwhitting “mark”. They bounce back and forth. Most people have not beenable to read and writing. Please consider how recent mass printing has been, as dar as accessibility to the Common Folk. It’s really only been approx 200 years, thay your Average Goy has been able ot access any type of “mass communications”. They were still debating the advisabilty of teaching the peasantry/lower orders how to read and write, n England, about 150 years ago. Literacy has always been a rare thing.

    Now we have mass media. Most people can arguably read and write. Whether or not they do so is another matter.

    If you study REAL Jewish history, in their own words, they’s ALWAYS “talked among themselves”. Their numbers were always small, in terms of the general population, and the General Population has always been small. (The mass explosion of the Global population itself is a hundred year old phenomena). The reaso nall thios matters is that is was always EASY for a Nation that Shall Dwell Apart, to “get the memo out” to their own, among the Cattle Beast dupes.

    Read their own intra-ethnic press venues. Gosh – I got hip to the Jew things years ago, when I was entreated ot begin reading the Talmud, by a poster on Stormfront. I did npot use the link he provided. I went to a Chabad site, and pulled a translation form there. I ALSO read an open chat, where-in the good devout Kikes were obsessing over food. What types of food is pure enough for them. They made repulsive jokes about feeding the trief – the garbage – to the Goy. I was shocked, at the time. The stuff written onthe JEWHAG blog is 110% consistent with what they say, and write, and DO. Come on. You MUST be aware of the Jew/Asian percentages, in Ivey League Universities, vs. Caucasians. You MUST know about AA Racial quotas. David Duke just published an article about how the majority of Phi Beta Kappa outfits are mostrly comprised of White males, although White males are a DISTINCT minority in “top school” admissions. The divide and conquer technique, cited on the blog, of admitting White females vs White males is one of the Unholy Planks of the Frankfurt School Jews.

    It’s not so much that they are that “stupid” – it’s hubris, they think they have it all locked up, and that the Goy is so distracted that the Goy doesn’t pay attention, or is already brainwashed. Which has been pretty accurate, for the past 800 years. Especially the last 200.

    You are literally witnessing the run-up to the Final Expulsion. They are simply behaving according to their genetic diktats. This sort of behavior is what they DO. They are not that smart. Devious, malicious, deliberate, and cunning, as well as maniacally racist, goes a loooooooong way in a generally open-hearted, tolerant, recently affluent Host society. They are simply doing what they do. They ARE crazy – they hace 4 times the genetic diseases of any other Race. These genetic flaws usually result ni cretinism, and loads of mental illnesses. They ARE crazy. If they really were that smart – they’d spend every second of thier lives feeding and breeding White Christians.

    The thing is – evil falls from it’s own weight. The whole world is watching now. America is THE LAST place that has been burned by The Jew. Now – America is being literally burned by The Jew.

    The rest of the entire world has been “done” by them, before. When Americans FINALLY snap out of it – there will be no place left to go. They will be exterminated. I’m not going to mince words. I’m NOT threatening them myself, or even saying Americans will finish them off. Nope – I’m stocking up on popcorn, so to speak. THEY are killing offthe only demo that is genuinely interested in accepting them, tolerating them, and serving them. They are going full-bore in killing White Americans off. They won’t get us all. The ones that survive will NOT be able to avoid the unfortunate facts anymore. I think thier pet Darkies, or the Chinese, for the fun of it, will finish ’em off. “Americans”, of all ethnies, will not be interested in saving them. “Americans” will either look away – or help.

    They DESERVE what’s coming. Every last one of them. Human beings of all kinds will be infinitely better off with out this Race of Devils.

    It’s real. Just like the Protocols are REAL. By their fruits ye shall know them.

  18. Thanks for taking the time to write me that great response!

    Sometimes I forget how bad it really is out there, in places like colleges, since I try to stay focused in my own little subject area. I don’t bother cruising the opposition sites anymore since it’s so pointless listening to their brain-dead echo chambers while trying to get some insight into their mindset. I shut off my TV a long time ago too, so the propaganda could have gotten incrementally much worse since I last turned it on.

    So, basically they are just laughing in our faces now. No a good thing to do while the white middle class is getting crushed by ZOG at the same time….

  19. “They ARE crazy. If they really were that smart – they’d spend every second of thier lives feeding and breeding White Christians.”

    lol, so true.

    “The thing is – evil falls from it’s own weight. The whole world is watching now. America is THE LAST place that has been burned by The Jew. Now – America is being literally burned by The Jew.”

    Yes, what they don’t realize yet is globalization will create globalized anti-semitism for the first time – and although white people are mostly blind to their own stealth genocide everyone else is watching.

  20. Rudel! HA! I love that song. Here’s another version. Full On Jew:

    Mel Torme was an ugly little Russian Yid, that looked like a frog, but whatta voice!

    Jews, like Nigras, behave much better when under White control. The thing is – we inaviarably feel sorry ofr both breeds, and let them off thiers leashes, Complete civilizational collapse is the result.

    Not worth the trouble, in the end, is what I say.

    Join me in a song…

    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday Dear Adolf!
    (Extend third verse…”Your Spirit is Rising….)
    Happy Birthday to You!

  21. Peak,

    You are welcome! Sorry about the myriad of typos. I was stressing over taking a beloved pet to the vet today. My darling has cancer….I don’t want to think aobut what’s next (I already know. I can’t stand it).

    The vet’s office was jumpin’. Had to be THE most crowded place in town, this PM. Filled with all sorts of lovely white folks, getting care for their furry family members (Today was Doggie Day!) I LOVE how much White people love our beloved animal companions. I struck up a conversation, while waiting to pay, with a young feller and his gal. We had been chatting for a while, while our pets were waiting to be seen. Now, as check-out, as his wife was laughing about spending all his money, he casually remarked about having to wait to get another AR-15. I told he’d better hurry, and we were off and running.

    We had a rapid-fire exchange about the fact that we are under Communist Rule. He KNEW. He told me his wife thinks he’s crazy. I told him that she will ver very grateful to him, one day. He knew this as well. He knew a lot of the folks in the waiting room. He pointed out several White females that voted for Obama. He pointed to one well-heeled middle aged White woman, and said, “She voted for him. Thinks he’s the salt of the Earth”. I know I expressed amazement, on my face, and asked, “Doesn’t she know that he, and Michelle, his HATE people who look like her? They HATE Whites. They’d kill her off in a second”. He knew. We went on, in this vein, for a bit more, until we were all finished. Oh – we made jokes about the resemblance of Moochelle to baboons. He was highly amused by my commentary. which I will not repeat here.

    We exchanged names, and I told his young White wife, “Your husband is right about EVERYTHING, and you are very lucky to have him. One day you will fully appreciate this”. She kinda shrugged, ’cause she had no idea what we were discussing. He said one word “politics” – and she made a mock snarl, and toled her eyes. The hubby and I just gave each other a knowing smile, exchanged names, and aid our goodbyes.

    I think, if we never see each other again ever, that we are happy knowing we are out there.

    He’s a young fellow. Quiet. Patient. Intelligent. Soft-spoken. He’s a true husband to his wife. She doesn’t know it. But I do. And so does he.

    Test – yes. The rest of the world is watching. Doing what they’ve done is going to go very very badly, indeed.

    Hunter – the young Yankee man – I gave him a quick run-down on Southern Secession. He thinks it’s a wonderful idea. Our conversation ran so fast, and the waiting room was so chaotic, but he said something like, “Wow. I hope they can. That would be great for them”.

  22. “Never again Red flags over? Berlin.” And the fact is that there are not any flying.

    Next step is to eliminate the mosques.

    14 Words.

  23. “Rudel! HA! I love that song.”

    I like particularly the fact that it is two 1926 WASP trust funders deciding to move from Manhattan to the Berkshires!

    OTOH hand from the same revue, although recorded in 1956 but with an appropriately New York accent:

    Everything sounds better with Nelson Riddle!

    As always, your politically incorrect brownshirt who thinks Negroes do got dat rhythm and Jews know how to write pop songs. (Richard Rodgers might even be a bit better than that even.)


  24. Incredibly ugly jewish bitch on CNN says “islamic and terrorist” are two different things. They are terrorists that happen to be muslim.

  25. John/NM,

    What are the dynamics for Chechnian Muslims? Separatists who kill Russian Orthodox Christians no?

  26. The Sirota “author” of this Anti White garbage, if a Kike. A homo, too.

    Jews ALWAYS defend Ragheads, unless the ragheads kill them.

  27. Chechnyan raggies. I have to get on Sirota’s Twitter feed. The Raggies. They are Turcics. Asiatics. Just like the Khazars.

  28. Chechen muslims call the caucasus region “kavkaz” or “qoqaz”. They follow a guy named “emir Dokka” in their make-believe emirate.

    They can be found in Syria, Afghanistan and apparently New England causing havoc. That is when they’re not blowing up Russian kids.

  29. Q. Why did whites perish?

    A. Because Jews said the desire to live on was racist.

    Q. Why didn’t whites object to that assessment?

    A. Because that was antisemitic.

  30. Chechnian moslems fight all over the world to expand islam. They can be real pro’s and you’ll run into them in iraq, the a-stan, africa….

  31. Denise I am praying for the poor woman you write about who is probably being abused physicially and emotionally by your new perfect right-wing man friend. And I’m sure you will see him again haha; he’ll be running to you when his wife leaves him.

  32. I gotta admit these brothers Did the whe Butch and Sundance routine.

    Carjacking a Merk? Then sticking up a 7/11? Typical Armeno-Georgi-Chenchen-Azeri!

  33. PGRT,

    Hahahaha!!!! Fro some reason you are trying to provoke me, on my little story about the lovely couple. You took a shot, and missed by miles and miles…how sad for you.

    Join me in celebrating the Natal Day of a truly GREAT Man. He’s currently the most demonized man, ever – but the Truth is emerging.

    Happy Birthday, Herr Hitler! I salute you!

  34. Lew
    “What are the dynamics for Chechnian Muslims? Separatists who kill Russian Orthodox Christians no?”

    Originally just separatist but partially Islamified by foreign fighters and preachers who came to help fight the Russians. More focused on actual fighting than terrorism so there were/are lots in places like Bosnia, Iraq, Syria etc. Up till now anyway most of the terrorism was focused on Russia.

    My guess with these two though is they’re part of the other strand, muslims who come to the west and do various unislamic things then decide to try and blow something up as a penance for their sins.

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