Salon: Let’s Hope The Boston Bomber Is a White American


Check out the headline at Salon: Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American.

Note: Did you know that anti-racist means anti-White?

“It will probably be much different if the bomber ends up being a Muslim and/or a foreigner from the developing world. As we know from our own history, when those kind of individuals break laws in such a high-profile way, America often cites them as both proof that entire demographic groups must be targeted, and that therefore a more systemic response is warranted. At that point, it’s easy to imagine conservatives citing Boston as a reason to block immigration reform defense spending cuts and the Afghan War withdrawal and to further expand surveillance and other encroachments on civil liberties.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sounds like a reason to ban entry of Muslims and persons from Muslim countries except for essential diplomatic personnel, and remove diplomatic recognition of all supra-national organizations like the OIC and bar their officials from entry.

  2. Arab or African bomber will simply mean whites must bend over further and quicker. The overall effect is to turn whites into veal, by penning us in.

  3. I would not be at all surprised if the regime discovered the real identity of the bomber(s) and then sat on the info, refusing to release it until they cooked up a way to spin it.

    My hunch (and I could be wrong) is that the terrorists look a lot like Obama.

  4. A lot. Given the cover story that the bomber was using.

    “Hij be Merikan, I bring Abu his chicken zoop, hij kerf it heeeer okayee?”

  5. Rush Limbaugh will be able to quote the Mantra within a couple of years, the idiot left is letting this happen because they literally cannot shut up their insane or keep their insane from committing mass murder. So the soft power is not going to work that much longer IMO.

    Really I’m supposed to disarm because some mentally unfit progressives go out and mass murder in a spree (Loughner, Holmes, Lanza and the two gay rods from Columbine)

  6. Yeah, that headline is pretty shocking.

    It reminds us that we’re dealing with true-believers, hardcore ideologues, like the most bloodthirsty of the Bolsheviks.

    It’s not people that matter to them. What matters to them is the System, the globalist “liberal” ideology of multiculturalism, race replacement, mass immigration, and White dispossession and genocide–all of these must be preserved at all costs.

    The System only exists due to the ideologues and fellow travelers that make it possible. I’m not sure if conservatives, traditionalists and other right-wingers understand this.

    The real struggle has not yet begun.

  7. Salon magazine writes:

    It will probably be much different if the bomber ends up being a Muslim and/or a foreigner from the developing world. As we know from our own history, when those kind of individuals break laws in such a high-profile way, America often cites them as both proof that entire demographic groups must be targeted, and that therefore a more systemic response is warranted.

    Your blogmeister responds:

    Which America does this? The America/Dixie of Occidental Dissent does this (for the most part — Save a few of us who are too obsessed with JQ for our own good). Smart people do that. But Official America does nothing of the sort — It bends over, tries to excuse and rationalize the actions of the nasty Muslim perpetrators, calls Islam a “religion of peace,” and far from shifting the Big Mo on the immigration issue, the borders usually swing even more widely open for nasty Muslim terrorist wannabes.

  8. The Salon writer lifted the main points from Tim Wise. Follow the link to Wise. 14,000 likes on Facebook. Many of readers are blacks. Wise routinely exhorts them to violence against whites. Folks like Wise and his rabid supporters will have to dealt with using the only language they understand.

  9. They have a suspect. I’m thinking it might be a white person since they leaked it so fast. It suggests they’re not stalling to spin a story. The authorities know the race.

  10. It’s most likely a south Asian muslim of some sort. I’m hearing that this pressure-cooker bomb setup is common in India and Pakistan.

  11. “dark skinned male” as been described at zero hedge. Down the memory hole folks, better luck next time Potok.

  12. It would be laugh if he turns out to look like a skinny.

    We can have him and Obama wear mom jeans together and sing some Mau Mau anthem about machete coup coup’s on whites.

  13. Sorry, this whole thing just went into the Twilight Zone

    The first guy they caught, has pictures of himself holding guns, Hezbulla (sp?) flags on his Facebook page, and reporters have pictures of the FBI pulling bomb making stuff and military equipment out of his apartment, and he is not the guy?

    Here is a pic of the bomb making stuff and the military gear if you have not seen it yet (and before it goes down the memory hole):

    WTF is going on?

    This is BEYOND bullshit and we are clearly in the realm of the “False Flag” now. My guess is that they got an “Arab” to do the deed but are trying to set up some white tea-party type.

  14. This headline illustrates one of the primary differences between leftists and their ostensible opponents – leftists openly, without the slightest hesitation, express their hatred and loathing of those they disagree with while conservatives and the main-stream right are petrified of giving offense to those whom the left has marked as unreproachable (Negroes, GLBTs, non-White Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Muslims or basically any and all c&*ksuckers with an axe to grind against White people). The left designates and sets the guidelines and rules of the game and conservatives without question abide by these.

  15. Another day, another screed by an anti-White Jew posing as a White man.

    Sirota was born in New Haven, Connecticut but grew up in the Montgomery County suburbs outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[14] After being educated at the William Penn Charter School, he went to Northwestern University,[14] where he earned his bachelor’s degree with honors in journalism and political science. He has lived in various cities around the country including Philadelphia, Chicago, San Diego, Washington, D.C., Helena, and Denver.[15] He describes himself as “a Jew”. [16]

    Tim Wise is also Jewish:
    Timothy Jacob Wise? (born 4 October 1968) better known as Tim Wise, is a Jewish Europhobic agitator and cultural Marxist propagandist involved in the pseudoacademic school of critical race theory. Among with his co-tribalist, Noel Ignatiev,? he is one of the main Jewish propagandists openly avocating the genocide of ethnic Europeans (which he dresses up as attacking so-called “white privilege”).
    Born in Nashville, Tennessee, United States, Wise was born to a rich Jewish family. He still lives there with his wife Kristy in a house worth $639,300 and in a neighbourhood that is 97% white (there are no negroes at all). Wise is known for delivering lectures and authorting such as White Like Me: Reflections on Race From a Privileged Son agitating for the socio-economic disenfranchisement of European Americans via affirmative action, while pretending to be ethnic European himself. Unfortunetly for Wise, his Jewish ancestry has been unmasked, a fact he tried to cover up on Wikipedia.


    Sirota and Wise ought to be more careful, more and more are catching on to their two-faced game.

  16. If it’s not the muslims brotherhood than its white supremacists; All others are innocent bystanders.

  17. “Kristy” bet its a nice little shiksa married to that genocidal maniac. I wonder how comfortable his neighbors are with him and his violent rants against people like themselves?

  18. You could …almost… respect Sirota as consistently truthful if he had pointed out the mechanism for the development of Islamophobia is sparked because of Zionist practical ownership of foreign policy and media and mainstream education. And only then if he had stipulated this includes an array of LIBERAL Zionists, like Barbara Boxer.

    But Sirota himself is a dual loyalist and former AIPAC man , so he’s not about to be

  19. O/T but related:

    Masha Gessen: Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage

    Born into an Ashkenazi Jewish family in Moscow, in 1981 Gessen moved with her family to the United States, returning in 1991 to Moscow, where she lives now.[1] She holds both Russian and US citizenship.

  20. CBS News reports tonight that authorities investigating the bombings have zeroed in on a man seen on surveillance video near the site of the attack. He’s described as a young white man who is standing in the crowd near the scene of the second bombing just before the device exploded, reported CBS News correspondent Bob Orr. A surveillance camera at a nearby Lord and Taylor department store captured images of the man who was carrying a backpack and talking on a cell phone.

    The man was wearing a black jacket, a grey hooded sweatshirt and a white or off-white baseball cap backwards. He is 6 feet or 6-feet-2-inches tall with a medium build.

    Investigators say the man, who seemed to be alone, put the backpack on the ground. Then, when the first explosion occurred at the finish line about 100 yards down Boylston Street, he took off. Just a few seconds later, the second bomb exploded near where the man had been standing.

    Investigators are going through cell phone logs to determine who made calls from that location near the time of the explosions. Sources say the FBI is working with a list of names of cell phone owners and attempting to match one of those to the unknown man on the surveillance

    Forensic experts will attempt to use facial recognition software and compare the images from the surveillance camera to photo IDs connected to known cell phone users. Officials say so far they have not identified that mystery man.

  21. Yes, I think we’ll almost certainly have a George Zimmerman/White Arab makeover if the perp isn’t a Nordic blond–and the photos show a man with black hairfleeing the scene. And since no one would be so gauche as to run from a series of explosions, I’m sure he’s their huckleberry.

    All I’ll be waiting for is the Anglicization of his name. Mahmoud-Al-Aziz will be introduced at his arraignment as…Brian Simpson: White male.

    By the way, I chimed in over there Mary.

  22. A dude took off running without his backpack after the explosion? Running is a natural reaction, shedding weight, in this case a backpack, to run faster is also a natural reaction

    I got no dog in the fight, but hanging your suspensions on running away without a backpack seem like weak sauce.

    If the bomber is a non White “they” will simply call him an american, if the bomber is White, then “they” will play him up to be some version of race realists, Christian etc. Even when the most cursory background check proves otherwise.

    What I like about this boston deal is, 1) how many young White men already understand the political reality regarding the new coverage’ 2) how many simply don’t trust the govt. The young men, suspect false flag ops, govt cover up regarding who did the bombing and why… the more White men who understand the reality of america, how hostile it’s govt is the better. The fewer the patriots the better thing Will be for out people

  23. Check out this PSA article from Huffpo …

    Gun Control PSAs By Moms Demand Action Are Striking And Powerful (PHOTOS)

    In each of the 3 photos its a white kids holding an assault rifle … and the other kids is non-white.

    Obviously, it plays on white liberal’s anti-white mental illness and positive bias towards non-whites.

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