Illegal Aliens Arrested In Connection To Boston Bombing


TERRORISTA#1 & Co. have been arrested in Massachusetts … another DREAMer (remember Mohammad Atta?) has “come out of the shadows”:

Update: Catch and release, too? The NY Times calls for the abolition of nations and the freedom of terrorists to move to the United States.

“Kadyrbayev and Tazhayakov were already in police custody at the time of their arrest and had been for over a week because they were previously questioned about their license plate that reads ‘TERRORISTA#1’. Authorities then held them on immigration issues because they are in the country illegally after their academic visas expired. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For some reason I can’t explain, I hate the race traitor wife and her family more than these bozos.

  2. Please spread this meme throughout the alternative Right, Southern nationalist universe:

    Fight to the death to kill this mass amnesty using the very effective propaganda issue of keeping out nasty, racially alien Muslim terrorists.

    The White American public hates these Muslim terrorist immigrants. (What’s to like about them?).

    People like David Duke who make excuses for Muslim terrorist immigrants, or who refuse to acknowledge the propaganda opportunities of opposing NW Muslim immigration, well, they just can’t reach the hearts and minds of regular Whites.

  3. What difference does it make if we kill the amnesty bill, yet allow the illegals to stay here and breed new “americans”?

  4. This does NOT bode well for the Shamnesty. Not well at all.

    No it certainly doesn’t. 🙂

    Joker’s 3 accomplices-after-the-fact include 2 illegal Kazakhs and an Ethiopian-“American”. Diversity!

  5. Fight to the death to kill this mass amnesty using the very effective propaganda issue of keeping out nasty, racially alien Muslim terrorists.

    How absurd it would be if amnesty is defeated because of public anger about a handful of Muslims instead of about millions of Mexicans.

  6. Update: Catch and release, too? The NY Times calls for the abolition of nations and the freedom of terrorists to move to the United States”

  7. The 2 Kazakhs are very Asiatic-looking and almost certainly Muslims. The Ethiopian, an immigrant and naturalized US citizen, is named Robel Phillipos, which sounds more Christian than Muslim to me, but who knows. Maybe he’s a convert like Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s wife, who one would think is going to be arrested very soon herself.

    Another convert to Islam was William Plotnikov, an ethnic Russian with Canadian citizenship who may have met and mentored Tamerlan before he was killed in Dagestan.

  8. No-Man says:
    May 1, 2013 at 10:46 pm
    Good work. Your box of PiM’s biscuits is in the mail, John.


    No offence, John – but that’s the funniest comment on the OD today.

    Hey – send me one, too, darlin’!

  9. Wayne – this is why you hate the Mudshark, and her idiotic family the most :

    “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city.

    But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

    For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

    He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech to the Roman Senate

    The Mudshark and her family are straight-up Race Traitors.

  10. No offense taken.

    Although I don’t know what Pims biscuits are. I think that they are French.

  11. Think the Jew lawyers, judges, mediawhores and legislators are going to let this–or anything–stop the amnesty train? Pffft. Wait and see. Opelika will have a bazaar and Day of the Dead parades before you know it.

  12. The excuses and rational for Shamnesty are entertainment in themselves. I would say at the level of satire.

  13. Hey America, two doushes from the ME/Near East just blew your marathon up, and a darkie + 2 East Asian/ Central Asians attempted to hide evidence!

    Wake up!

  14. “Comedy Gold.”

    – Hunter, now do you understand why I hate this prick? What happened in Boston was a fucking atrocity, and he’s practically giddy over it. Good luck with blog and your cause, Hunter.

  15. “The other one is an Ethiopian? Damn, they could make a “diversity” commercial out of these guys. :p”

    The latest from United Colors of Benetton. Abercrombie and Fitch are in talks with them for a new line of stylish backpacks.

  16. 313Chris says:
    May 2, 2013 at 2:47 am
    “Comedy Gold.”

    – Hunter, now do you understand why I hate this prick? What happened in Boston was a fucking atrocity, and he’s practically giddy over it. Good luck with blog and your cause, Hunter.”

    Jack replies:

    Agreed. I am embarrassed to say I still listen to Harold Covington now and then, now he’s ranting that all Muslim violence/terrorism against Whites were inside jobs, frame ups, Al Qaeda never existed, we’re in the same boat as these Muslim immigrants. I want to puke.

  17. No the criminals. Sirota for example had his wishes turn on their head. If you are gonna willfully misread what I said or what I meant, then you are just a fool. A pretty disingenuous obsessive fool too.

  18. I’m going to make another prediction Katherine Russell will be implicated heavily in this attack as well. Just as Samantha Lewthwaite was in 7/7. The converts are literally the worst.

  19. Don’t be suprised if it actually comes out that the Chechen terrs were an offshoot of DC funded orgs. I’m sure the elite would try and cover this up or downplay it because of the YKW involvement but the Russians might force the hand. Raimondo is making that case about such a “conspiracy.”

  20. 313Chris, I believe the remark to which you take offense was sarcasm.  At least, “bucket of KFC” invokes “real nigger” Blacks vs. “sand nigger” Muslims:  two hostile groups, both of which we should rid ourselves of at the first opportunity.

  21. “People like David Duke who make excuses for Muslim terrorist immigrants, or who refuse to acknowledge the propaganda opportunities of opposing NW Muslim immigration, well, they just can’t reach the hearts and minds of regular Whites.”

    Blame the Muslims, then? There are a lot of Endless War promoters on this blog! Syria is the next adventure that you are bound to like. Maybe Iran — that would be even better!

    “Please spread this meme throughout the alternative Right, Southern nationalist universe: Fight to the death to kill this mass amnesty using the very effective propaganda issue of keeping out nasty, racially alien Muslim terrorists.”

    That would be misleading or missing the point entirely.

    They will probably make adjustments in the amnesty programme to manage the entry of any anti-Jewish terrorists, and the amnesty will go ahead otherwise, right on schedule.

  22. “two hostile groups, both of which we should rid ourselves of at the first opportunity”

    The first (“bucket of KFC”) group is not considered inherently hostile, and need not be deported, according to the thesis of this blog. They would be easily and even profitably managed by Southrons if only the Yankees didn’t interfere.

  23. Robroy,

    It’s going to tear at the fabric of so many policies. University departments packing the roster with darkies and Asians, intermarrying with sub-racial outsiders and racial outsiders…multiracial groups of friends palling around, asylum, CIA sponsored refugees, assimilating to rap and weed and BMW, welfare…if the GOP fumble this, I’d be shocked. However, the snag is that it just means that JEB beats Clinton, and essentially more of the same crass stupidity as the patriotard wing allows the squids to bury any real debate about the fate of North America and Europe.

  24. You are on a roll, John. Looks like every muzzy imaginable wants to dogpile the good ole USA (new improved diversified model–it’s got electrolytes!).

    Hard to believe how they mindlessly attack their benefactors, who ply them with every kind of government assistance including scholarships. Scholarships you can rest assured would be denied to any white boy. Utterly vicious in nature, yet we can expect yankee DWLs and federal bureaucrats to continue to welcome these vipers into the country, just as we can expect further vicious attack throughout the proposition nation.

    The yankee “melting pot” paradigm wrought to the uttermost. Of course, the melting pot/immigrant nation was the result of yankee dependence upon foreign mercenaries during the WBTS.

    The composition of the yankee army was about 1/5 actual yankee, 1/5 German immigrants, 1/5 Irish immigrants, 1/5 negro, and 1/5 traitorous Southerner. The empire of misfits hungry for zealous crusade/opportunity for savagery.

    From the melting pot eager to assimilate every kind of European to the current multicultural BRA hell is a very natural progression. And we all know how much yankees worship progress.

    Great quote, Denise. Rome’s afflictions have become ours.

    There is a cure for this nonsense. A free and independent Dixie.
    If you don’t know that, then you are probably a banana short, just like a negro.

    Deo Vindice

  25. This Boston thing seems to entertain many people, and distracts them from thinking about the important problems. The U.S.A. military does MUCH more bombing of Muslims than Muslims do in the U.S.A.

  26. Assurance sat upon him like the silk hat of a Bradford Millioniare–Eliot.

    One of those St Louis/Anglophile types.

  27. “The composition of the yankee army was about 1/5 actual yankee, 1/5 German immigrants, 1/5 Irish immigrants, 1/5 negro, and 1/5 traitorous Southerner. The empire of misfits hungry for zealous crusade/opportunity for savagery.”

    The current imperial U.S.A. military has even fewer “actual yankees” and MORE traitorous Southerners in it.

  28. “The empire of misfits hungry for zealous crusade/opportunity for savagery.”

    So well put.

  29. “This Boston thing seems to entertain many people, and distracts them from thinking about the important problems. The U.S.A. military does MUCH more bombing of Muslims than Muslims do in the U.S.A.”

    Invade the world, invite the world.

    The modus operandi of the Amurrican empire for a very long time, at least since 1898.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Nagant,

    I don’t think that anyone is suggesting reprisals for the bombing. Just secession from the lunatic asylum of BRA…and its apparent HQ found halfway between Harvard and BU.

    next we will find that this black was a volunteer for Obama in the last election. Should be a decisive political knockout. These kids know more than they are letting on about the Chechens. Who tampers with evidence like that without having a guilty conscience?

  31. Here’s snippet from the scrambling Ethiopian “community”

    Look at what the mother of this filthy nigger does.

    Phillipos lives with his mother in Cambridge. Phillipos’ mother is from Ethiopia. She is a single mother and works with refugees. The family’s apartment building is located next to the gas station where the carjacking victim from the night of the shootout in Watertown escaped.
    Everyone in the neighborhood said they are stunned to learn of the developments.
    “I feel very bad. I feel sorry for his mom,” said Tecleverhan Mengistu, neighbor of Phillipos’ mother. He has known the family for about 15 years. “Robel is a nice boy, very nice kid — he [doesn’t] talk too much…he’s a very nice boy.”

    Yes, he tampers with terrorism investigations. TNB

  32. What is the bet, that Tsarnaev was hiding or heading to this apartment. The bigger is a classmate of Johar from Junior high too. These two are pretty tight.

  33. This government is a plague.

    But it is so pernicious that I foresee a day when no white man will feel the desire to defend it.

    We will be free again that day.

    Let us hope for a future like eastern Europe in 1989 rather than a continuation of 1898. May the evils of 1789 be at last extinguished as well.

    Deo Vindice

  34. I didn’t think anyone here was suggesting reprisals for the bombing, but many here are proponents of all military “adventures.”

    It is far likelier that the black accomplice was an Obama supporter than a Romney supporter, and probably no one would be surprised — and the search for false flag evidence in Boston is as productive as the search for more evidence of Obama’s birthplace.

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