Blacks vs. Mexicans In Georgia’s Onion Fields


As we explored last summer, free labor is unable to compete with slave labor in certain kinds of agriculture:

Note: What incentive do black people in Georgia have to compete with Mexicans in the onion fields?

“VIDALIA, Ga. — For years, labor unions and immigrant rights activists have accused large-scale farmers, like those harvesting sweet Vidalia onions here this month, of exploiting Mexican guest workers. Working for hours on end under a punishing sun, the pickers are said to be crowded into squalid camps, driven without a break and even cheated of wages.

But as Congress weighs immigration legislation expected to expand the guest worker program, another group is increasingly crying foul — Americans, mostly black, who live near the farms and say they want the field work but can’t get it because it is going to the Mexicans. They contend that they are illegally discouraged from applying for work and treated shabbily by farmers who prefer the foreigners for their malleability. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter please “out” these White Agribusiness owners who exploit Mexican sub minimum wage slaves.

    We want:

    Names, photos, contact info, where they hang out, where they play golf, what gated community they live in, the posh private schools their children attend.

    We must “out” punish these rich traitors of our people.

  2. The class-war continues for Jack Ryan…. And the goddamned SPLC that are breathing down the white man’s neck (if anyone read the full article). The real story is that Negroes refuse to work.

    “They like the Mexicans because they are scared and will do anything they tell them to,”…. “We are not going to run all the time,” said Henry Rhymes, who was fired — unfairly, he says — from Southern Valley after a week on the job. “We are not Mexicans.”

    So Jack Ryan and the SPLC are ready to “out” white planters until they hire lazy niggers. Pox on both your houses.

  3. Vidalia reporting in. The blacks in this area are largely non-violent and live in poverty. They want to work but cannot find it with so much Mexican labor.

  4. “The blacks in this area are largely non-violent and live in poverty. They want to work but cannot find it with so much Mexican labor”

    Maybe the big corp don’t want hire blacks because eventually it will lead to discrimination suit. Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson just itching for a shakedownThe mexicans keep their mouth shut lest they get deported.

  5. The Mexicans do jobs Whites won’t and Negroes can’t. The Mexican is our kid brother that never grows up; give him a noogie, toss the pigskin, then read a book on the porch as he picks onions until Mom rings the triangle for dinner.

  6. “The Mexicans do jobs Whites won’t and Negroes can’t. The Mexican is our kid brother that never grows up; give him a noogie, toss the pigskin, then read a book on the porch as he picks onions until Mom rings the triangle for dinner.”

    That’s the best synopsis of the situation I’ve seen yet, No Man. Well said.

    Deo Vindice

  7. My goodness, the SPLC is on the right side of an issue for once!

    Lawyers for the local workers say the system is rigged to favor low-cost foreign labor because, given the conditions and the pay, no one else will do it. Also, they say, the foreigners often arrive in debt because of the cost of the trip and visa, and legally they are unable to do anything else once here.

    “If you can’t find locals to do the work, why is the answer to bring in people who have little protection and not grant them legal status?” asked Mr. Knoepp of the Southern Poverty Law Center. “If we need them, why not bring them in and make them legal citizens with real protections? The answer is because then they wouldn’t keep working in the fields given the conditions of that work. They would do something else. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

    He’s exactly right. Don’t let the megafarms bring in foreigners, they’ll have to raise wages, and then Americans get paid more and don’t have to be on welfare.

    Onions will cost a bit more. That’s fine with me! People can grow their own onions, and farmers markets will get more business. Food is way too cheap in this country anyway.

  8. My grandfather used to tell me of how he hired Mexican workers under a boss to help him pick cotton (he and my grandmother were out there with the Mexicans). Some of the Mexican bosses were the worst about cheating their fellow compadres out of a fair day’s wages for the cotton picked.

  9. I know this is heresy, but should white’s who’s ancestors came from places like sub-artic foggy Scotland be trying to inhabit sub-tropical Vidalia Georgia?
    Florida and South Georgia/Alabama/Mississippi would make a cozy little nation for Blacks to set up house keeping.

  10. You can be sure that the day of the mechanical onion picker is not far off. It may already be here—but—Mexican labor is cheaper than investing in a robot onion picker.

    I would be willing to bet that all of the big farmers already use mechanical onion pickers.

    Some of you city types, need to see modern farm equipment. #LOL.

  11. No-man: carrying water for Mexicans eh? Must be a wetback in the family tree. Yes, the traitors should be outed, and ALL the alien opportunists shipped out.

  12. “Florida and South Georgia/Alabama/Mississippi would make a cozy little nation for Blacks to set up house keeping.”

    Actually, niggers do best up north where they are worshiped by feminized white men who provide them unlimited access to their wives and daughters.

    Deo Vindice

  13. “Some of the Mexican bosses were the worst about cheating their fellow compadres out of a fair day’s wages for the cotton picked.” Descendents of the Marranos who emigrated to Mexico from Spain?

  14. “I would be willing to bet that all of the big farmers already use mechanical onion pickers.”

    They do, for hard storage onions. But the extra large, sweet onions need more careful handling though. Robotic apple pickers are ready for deployment, but it will be a long time until peaches won’t require human pickers.

  15. Kievsky has the correct opinion. Today’s third world cheap labor for the profits of greedy agribusiness (they don’t deserve to be called farmers) is tomorrow’s expense paid by every taxpayer the their social services. For God’s sake, think more than 2years ahead! Mexicans will turn the South into Mexico, blacks are at least part of the culture!
    Agribusiness has it nice–subsidies paid by we the taxpayers and for thanks they are to greedy to hire Americans. All for the almighty dollar! I thought some things in the South were not for sale. I guess I was wrong.

  16. And yes, only a matter of time before machines do almost everything these low-skill manual laborers can do, but by then our descendants will be stuck with millions of Mexicans with full claims to the South AND to Mexico. They will be a drag to our posterity, an albatross around their necks, if not a noose.
    At least the slave owners foot the bill for slave’s upkeep. These agribusiness pigs slough it off on the taxpayer.

  17. PGRT the perp is called Ariel Castro. Google search the names of men with that name. He’ll be a Mestizo. Epic Fail PGRT… If we had a country of our own, in Ohio perhaps this couldn’t have happened.

  18. Google “Ariel Castro Mugshot”

    1/5 of the perps are black. 3/5 are Indio, 1/5 are Mestizo. One or two White Hispanics. The perp was a bus driver at one point.

  19. My goodness, the SPLC is on the right side of an issue for once!

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    You can be sure that the day of the mechanical onion picker is not far off.

    The day of the robotic chicken-cutter is coming… in Japan.  The mechanical (maybe not robotic) grape-picker is already in Australia, though not California’s Napa Valley.  There will soon be a wage ceiling on this work that equals the cost of buying existing automation from the other side of the Pacific, and these “essential” laborers will be as worthless as the Black sharecroppers after John Rust replaced their fingers with dampened rollers.

    Fast food restaurants will automate too.  The minimum-wage job is an endangered species.

  20. Cleveland Story: Various Women Kidnapped by Mestizo (one of the women made pregnant and bears mestizo child)

  21. Not all capital is labor replacing mechanization, by far the most is productivity enhancing, so that one worker can do more, better. Of course no reason to invest in that, or pay out higher wages, when they have cheap labor.

  22. Well that’s disappointing, but they were rescued by a black man and Hispanics. Actually more on topic to this article than I thought then. The black man who rescued her said he was surprised to have a white woman run into an old black man’s arms. This is going to get us mainstream white people thinking about how race relations are still not good enough and we need to keep decsonstructing white privilege. You know I’m right; you just disagree on whether it’s good or not.

  23. Interesting commentary from the nitwit perspective, PGRT. You remind me of the brushless fox from Aesop’s fables.

    As you know, Aesop was a white slave before negroes proved their superabundant aptitude for enslavement, thereby rendering white slaves obsolete.

    Rather than deconstruct white privilege, previously known as white genetic superiority, our efforts would be better spent finding ways to turn the Mexicans loose on the negroes. They are natural enemies, given their relative places in the evolutionary hierarchy as the two most naturally servile races.

    At least whites have rescued both from cannibalistic depravity. Well, we tried, anyway…

    Deo Vindice

  24. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    May 7, 2013 at 3:57 am
    Well that’s disappointing,

    Ha: Poor you, just like David Sirota, the psychotic jew (but I repeat myself) who wanted so badly for the Boston murderers to be White men, you too dreamt of this rapist kidnapper being a White man. Sadly for your purposes of generating some more anti-White hatred, it turns out he is a brownie, who, along with his two brothers, appears to have kidnapped and raped these three women, holding them hostage for a decade.

    **That negro who helped get them out looked quite “crackish” in that interview if you ask me.
    But it was still funny 🙂

  25. I, for one, will be very surprised if the Agribusiness Owners and their Holding Company directorates turn out to be of any White ethtnic heritage. They will turn out more like what The Failed Messiah website is tracking

    Rubushkin Scandals

    The only reason why the SPLC is involved is they think they can stick the overseers and middlemanagement (which probably will be some white boys in lambskin aprons) with the sordid practices of these soviet agri-consortiums which replace the White family farms.

    As T.S. Eliot famously remarked of the underside of a decadent and collapsing social order (White) – the rats are in the piles and the Jews are under the piles.

  26. “At least whites have rescued both from CANNIBALISTIC DEPRAVITY.”

    This is in the news lately:

    I found this part of the report most interesting:

    “Isotopes in her bones indicate that she had eaten a high-protein diet, so she was probably not a maidservant but the daughter of a gentleman. Dr. Owsley said in an interview that he could tell she was English because of his familiarity with English skeletal remains of the 17th century and from scientific tests. The ratio of oxygen isotopes in her bones indicated that she had grown up in the southern coastal regions of England, Dr. Owsley said, and the carbon isotopes pointed to a diet that included English rye and barley.” — interesting, that Englishness could be seen in skeletal form, and that geographic location and specific diet could be determined, or even guessed at, by isotopes in bones.

  27. So “they” say whites are not fundamentally different from those cargo cult missionary-converted Papua New Guineans who do it ALL the time. “None of the victims’ remains have been recovered. They’re probably all eaten up”:

    “Jamestown settlers were cannibals. GOOD FOR THEM! (…) Ghastly firsthand accounts hint at cannibalism as well as the eating of horses, dogs, cats, vermin, and shoes, but this is the conclusive evidence that archeologists and historians have been waiting for (…) Cannibalism occupies a dark cellar in our brains.”

  28. Ariel Castro,

    He was simply doing exactly what PGRT advocates. PGRT is sad that he was caught doing it.

  29. Mexicans are much better workers than blacks and cause fewer problems with rape, robbery, murder, stealing …etc. Of course employers would want to hire them (or anyone else) over blacks.

  30. “This is going to get us mainstream white people thinking about how race relations are still not good enough and we need to keep decsonstructing white privilege.”

    And while you are thinking this you’ll get hit by a black flash mob that beats you, robs you and calls you racist names. Then the cops will do nothing and the media won’t write anything about this hate crime. Then you’ll think, where is my “white privilege?”

  31. No-man: carrying water for Mexicans eh? Must be a wetback in the family tree.

    They’re in my payroll, not my family tree. I’m a job-creator.

  32. Mexicans are becoming the new, premier, “minority” group and that’s not good news for blacks. As competition for increasingly scarce resources becomes more acute blacks are apt to get thrown under the bus by their former benefactors. Who needs them anymore since they are more trouble than they’re worth?

  33. Just today in the paper, entertainer “Lauryn Hill” was on the frontpage; she’s going to the slammer with all her fans because of tax evasion. She claimed she was justified due to being the descendant of slaves, victim of an “imposed system”. Now I’m not one to demand BRA’s pound of flesh but have a little dignity if you get caught… The Negro population seems to lack not only this basic human dignity but as Hunter has illustrated on this blog simply doesn’t respond to market incentives.

    Mealy assertions that blacks are “at least part of the culture” coupled with clarion calls to grow our own onions kind of sum up WN discourse: outrageous non-responses to real world trends.

  34. @ “….The real story is that Negroes refuse to work….”

    Says “No Man.”

    And the “Mexican is our little kid brother.” It’s NO MAN who needs to be deported from the country. My experience from the real agricultural south is just like Words of Advice.

    The influx of Jews and Catholics from the Northeast moved down their whole “System,” and that means they LIKE TO USE south American labor they sum up as “mexican.”

    Nothing Latin is “my little brother.”

    NO MAN, you may really be “no man.” Feed your own ex-slaves (your little brothers) south of the border.

    Blaming the English (and by extension German and Scots, descendants of planters or not) for ALL OF WORLD SLAVERY while SIMULTANEOUSLY creating “Liberation Theology” to fill them with hate against certain WHITE groups, and while simultaneously bussing them to where WASPs lived for centuries and even CHANGING THE LANGUAGE of the country in your path—-

    Um… we see where “little brother” NO MAN’S HEAD is at….

    That’s quite aggressive against White Americans No Man.

    And yes, they are brought en masse, on the tax dollar, headed up by almost catagorically Catholic men “running crews” (which is what they call it often), and they are doing their Spanish “reconquista.”

    But the Spanish NEVER lived here (until now).

  35. AND NO MAN…

    “Cheap labor” is a LIE, it’s just how “mexicans” are SOLD to your segment of the public. Usually cheapskate freeloader neo-cons. Or Republican Paychecks like the military.

    THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE are sold to the “left” as the poor, oppressed, little ones we must HELP if we are to be decent moral people.

    SO CHEAP LABOR has nothing to do with anything.

    Plenty of White guys would take that money, too, at this point, believe me.

  36. The WHOLE POINT was just getting the “mexicans” into north america HOWEVER THEY WERE SOLD to various segments of the public (obviously, no man).

    “Cheap Labor” doesn’t involve a radical, systems-oriented printing of everything in the country in a foreign language.

    That has never been done in the history of the world. Obviously a Fascist move (in the sense of Militarist-Corporatism, as the Fascists clearly decided they weren’t previously Fascist enough, and now they can do Multi-Cult Fascism/ militarist corporatism.

    Re-printing all documents for 300 million people, assigning numbers and saying it was a “social security” number, THEN CALLING THE LIE and making it a number system for “WORKER ID,” etc.

    Cheap labor, my ass. Are you really that asleep????

  37. Oh… but right. It’s Advanced! Progressive!

    We get bull fights, greasy pizzas, and fat women prostrating themselves in front of pancakes they say have the face of Jesus in them, and statues that cry tears of blood!

  38. @ Mr. Rational

    “My goodness, the SPLC is on the right side of an issue for once!

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.”

    Actually I’m trying to clean their clock with a law suit.
    If you could spread this around the web it would help me.

    Thanks, Phil White

  39. Ariel Castro…

    Now there’s a sweet little brother hombre for No Man’s daughters. Want you some good cheap labor, No Man?

  40. The Brother’s Castro.

    The Brother’s Tsarnaev.

    Here we see a completely incompatible system of kindred relationships that are clannish, nepotistic and racial. There’s very little that libertarian political economy can actually do in the face of such close knit family structures.
    Whites are too atomized to really strike back or even hold ground any longer. The link to that story in Oslo about Norwegian lads battling Pakis does no bode well.

  41. “There’s very little that libertarian political economy can actually do in the face of such close knit family structures.”

    If that’s what you’re asking of it then you ask too much. A libertarian political economy seeks only to ensure smooth and free transactions, sound money, and low taxes. It says nothing about “value” judgements other than that which pertain to business transactions. Extending it to other spheres is a fool’s errand.

  42. @No-man. Ahh, vested interest. Clearly the only other basis for that opinion. Job creation is worthless when turned against our social and environmental integrity.

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