Blacks vs. Mexicans In Georgia’s Onion Fields


As we explored last summer, free labor is unable to compete with slave labor in certain kinds of agriculture:

Note: What incentive do black people in Georgia have to compete with Mexicans in the onion fields?

“VIDALIA, Ga. — For years, labor unions and immigrant rights activists have accused large-scale farmers, like those harvesting sweet Vidalia onions here this month, of exploiting Mexican guest workers. Working for hours on end under a punishing sun, the pickers are said to be crowded into squalid camps, driven without a break and even cheated of wages.

But as Congress weighs immigration legislation expected to expand the guest worker program, another group is increasingly crying foul — Americans, mostly black, who live near the farms and say they want the field work but can’t get it because it is going to the Mexicans. They contend that they are illegally discouraged from applying for work and treated shabbily by farmers who prefer the foreigners for their malleability. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Can someone please wife Dixiegirl already so she learns how to make a sandwich and keep her mouth shut?

    Phil’s link led to me stumbling across David Duke’s gibmedat thread. Someone’s post jumped out at me.

    I am a nobody, Dr. Duke, not on Abe Foxhole\’s payroll nor any other fat Jew. Not sure why you chose to attack me personally and make it sound like I am undermining you. I just dont get why someone of your stature cannot appeal to rich Whites, there are so many! Bill Gates is giving 98% of his fortune away! Is he a Zionist? I do not think so, he has never said a word about politics. Being the richest White in the world for a generation, and now retired, he certainly does not need Jew money or approval. And he is one of HUNDREDS of billionnaires who are White like us. Warren Buffet is a close 2nd. Are they both idiots or blind and do not see what you so clearly see? I just dont get why your appeal is strictly to people who have a problem paying May rent, and not to a sinlge rich White person in the world. Please explain. Thanks.

    Well, bellatnrx the answer to your question is that in addition to being culturally illiterate “white nationals” don’t understand the economy or even how to run a small business so they naturally cuddle up with useless scum like the SPLC & Niggers against hardworking Mexicans and their White employers whenever possible. This tends to repel people that are not losers and/or sociopaths. “Greasy pizza” and “Catholics” innit?

  2. Ariel Castro flew a Puerto Rican flag in front of his house/torture chamber, so I assume that makes the Castro brothers PRs. Unlike the brothers Tsarnaev and their Kazakh-Ethiopian accomplices, technically they’re not immigrants. Puerto Ricans are as American as el pastel de manzana (apple pie) doncha know.

    I guess that the much-vaunted “Hispanic family values” also include kidnapping, enslaving and raping white girls. Who knew? Hasta la vista, amnesty.

  3. Two traditions of privilege—industrial and plantation—met in Montgomery in 1901 to write Alabama’s sixth constitution, a real stinker.

    The confluence of planter and industrialist was a beautiful thing, far from a “stinker”.

  4. Was Castro an immigrant?

    Lew, I’ve scanned about two dozen different articles about dungeon master Ariel Castro, and there is absolutely nothing, nada, zippo about his origins. The MSM has decided that it’s simply none of our business, and that’s that.

    But he did have a Puerto Rican flag on his porch (you heard it here first), so I think it’s safe to say that he’s not technically an immigrant even if he was born there, what with PR being the 51st state-in-waiting and all.

  5. Personally this is a rare case when I agree with the blacks. Boot the steezers and let the blacks do these jobs. The blacks won’t do it as well and will have to be paid more and will get out of line more.

    Packing Dixie with steezers AND blacks will mean two groups that need to be dealt with instead of one when the breakup comes. Plus which the steezers (actually many of these people are pure indios, especially stupid and ineducable but also usually quiet and not prone to violence-stizos are volatile because of internal conflict of their instincts amongst other reasons) will intermix with whites more readily and cause more genetic enturbulation than blacks, who can be simply segregated as black up to about the octoroon level.

  6. Regardless of who the gallery here agrees with there are wealthy guaranteed racially aware white men running these operations. Rather than attempting to contact them regarding secession the fantasists here want to “out” them. It’s that kind of Jante Law thinking that keeps WN clowns down in the dirt where they belong, it’s also why it’s so important to distinguish Southern Nationalism from their puerility.

  7. These are good solid white christian families with ties to the land. Google “Stanley farms+six generations work”.

    When I say “racially aware” I don’t mean this:

    I mean they must have a sound head on their shoulders after generations of farming/TNB in the deep South.

  8. Beautiful. 🙂

    As the pie shrinks the false minorities begin turning against each other and baying for each other’s blood.

    Hope it gets worse…much, much worse.

    Dang, this post made by day!

  9. Everyone needs to be paid a living wage regardless of who you are or for whom you are working. Being an immigrant Mexican on an onion farm has nothing to do with the problem. Corporate America probably manages every product om the grocery store shelf using this same type of procedure. Our problems go from pea picking to apple picking.

  10. Everyone needs to be paid a living wage regardless of who you are or for whom you are working.

    What source of revenue supports this “living wage”, Mr. Berg?  Are we supposed to subsidize the wages of people who don’t produce enough to pay that “living wage”, plus all the taxes and overhead costs that businesses have to handle also?

    A sub-“living wage” in a free-market economy (e.g. without mass immigration or employer collusion) is a message:  “You are not productive enough.  Work harder, work smarter, or both.”

  11. Confirmation:

    CLEVELAND, Ohio –The family of Ariel, Onil and Pedro Castro was among the first Hispanic families to settle in Cleveland, emigrating from Puerto Rico just after World War II.

    They came from Yauco, a small coffee-producing mountain town where jobs were scarce. In Cleveland, then the sixth largest city in the United States, they found work in steel mills and automobile plants.

  12. Tariffs, estate taxes, capital gain taxes, higher tax rates on wealthy individuals, closing loopholes and deductions for wealthy individuals, much higher corporate taxes. A good start.

    What source of revenue supports this “living wage”, Mr. Berg? Are we supposed to subsidize the wages of people who don’t produce enough to pay that “living wage”, plus all the taxes and overhead costs that businesses have to handle also?

  13. Free market ecomomies don’t exist, nor should they because they’re undesirable. The most successful ecomomies invariably use a “mixed economy” model. As to your point, it’s a “message” that parasitical capitalists, the investor class, and oligarchs on Wall Street and elsewhere have captured your government and are using it for their benefit and at the expense of the wider public good. It’s a message they are using the influence that only money can buy to pursue policies that drive down wages to enrich themselves.

    If people are not making a living wage, it’s also a message that you’re living in a sick society that subordinates all values to economics.

    Fetishizing the “free market” has no place in any sector of the dissident right or project that purports to be opposed to liberalism, multiculturalism, or BRA. It’s evidence of immaturity, being ill-informed and having the wrong values. Business is among the strongest supporters of those things.

    A sub-”living wage” in a free-market economy (e.g. without mass immigration or employer collusion) is a message: “You are not productive enough. Work harder, work smarter, or both.”

  14. If people are not making a living wage, it’s also a message that you’re living in a sick society that subordinates all values to economics.

    Not every job can or should pay a living wage.  People just starting out with few skills are not going to be productive enough to support themselves.  The message of the low wage is “raise your game”.

    If the bulk of society cannot make a living wage while businesses are highly profitable, THEN you have a systemic economic problem.  If you have a bunch of people whose skills and work attitude leave them stuck at the level of burger-flippers, you have a social problem.  If you mandate a living wage for all jobs and as a result the grilling and condiment-dispensing are automated, such that the entry-level jobs go away and the lowest rungs on the career ladder disappear, you have CAUSED a systemic economic problem.  Ditto if you create a shortage of higher-skilled employees because there is no incentive to develop the skills.  The wage ladder is a major reason to climb the skills ladder.

  15. There is no doubt that the demographic situation for whites is bad, but the funny thing is that blacks have already been replaced, and they keep on cheering their own dispossession as long as whites look to lose too.

    If an amnesty passes, the blacks above the ladder will soon face increasing pressure from newly legal employees who are then able to move into other jobs. The onion pickers will soon work in warehouses and the blacks will be in the fields, until more illegals pour in to do those jobs again. Affirmative action can only do so much.

  16. No Man – I heard about the David Duke thread, and that he’s been berating people….

    Have you ever met him?

    He is our Richard Wagner.

  17. On the ‘Emperors are necessarily wretched men since only their assassination can convince the public that the conspiracies against their lives are real.’ Domitian.

  18. Re: “entry level jobs” and “raising your game,” somebody has been out of circulation for quite a number of years now.

    I’m not a Marxist nor one of the annoying, left leaning when it comes to this subject, but nevertheless I have a few observations that very much appear to be uniform across most regions of the country.

    As far as entry level jobs, in the context this is used by some, yes, you can start out flipping burgers and make manger in one of the fast food chains, and a few other industries. Factories and plants, however, not so much anymore nor for quite a while. There are a few–the correct dictionary definition, btw–promotions and advancements up the chain, but in general, start out as a “team member,” i.e., no or low skill labor, and you remain one.

    Item. For at least twenty years now, industry in general does little training. They are not going to hire you as a line stacker or such, general unskilled labor, and later train you as an industrial electrician or machinist, say. According to MBA’s who manage, it is not cost effective. Cheaper to either have a very small maintenance department and contract out the work when it arises, or to hire fully trained people. A check of the many dozens or hundreds of services providing job opening and accompanying descriptions will quickly substantiate this.

    Item. Engineering and all other “real” degrees are offered now virtually ONLY in the daytime, and at least some of the courses, and usually each year of your coursework, will be scheduled at four or five o’clock in the evening. This same state of affairs surprisingly holds true for vocational training in many localities. There are night classes available for, say, welding, electrical, machining, industrial maintenance, etc., but not everywhere. For example, a search revealed that the nearest for a person living where I do is an hour and a half distant. The rest are daytime only.

    Item. Most of industry requires unskilled “team members” to be available to work ten and twelve hour shifts. Moreover it is now and has been for many years standard industry practice to rotate shifts–swing shifts. That is, you can’t plan on which schedule you will be on two months down the road. Ditto knowing which days of the week you will even be working.

    Item. The above considerations show an immediate and serious problem for a potential working adult seeking to “raise his game.” And this is not a consideration to be dismissed out of hand with uninformed rebuttal. Spend a few hours running a check. Talk to people with first hand knowledge of CURRENT state of things, not someone retired for years or otherwise out of the groove.

    Yes, there are jobs that are more flexible, but they are not infinite in number. Plus, there are earning considerations even if you can get one of these. Will you earn enough to go to school? It’s very expensive today. The cheapest of vocational schools I have seen are now $140 per credit hour. Not cheap. I’ve done some figuring and come out with a person better be making about 16 bucks an hour if considering “raising your game.” And that’s if you are living with your parents and paying little or nothing rent. Take pencil to paper first before you are going to rebut this. If you live in a college town or close to one of these voc schools, you might get by making only about 14 bucks an hour. Remember, gas is, well, you might as well use four dollars per gallon in your figures. The difference can safely be ignored.

    Taking the first two items in consideration, therefore, I also find that probably 3rd shift work is required, to be on the safe side. You can probably make it with 2nd, if some variables are right, e.g., living close to the training facility. And you need to be sure your schedule is set. That is know for fair certain you are not going to be changed to day shift next week, or scheduled for conflicting hours.

    These are only a few items of consideration. “Right Wing” radio and libertarian hot air is mostly as full of holes and as dead wrong relative to reality as is liberalism and the doctrines of diversity is strength. It is not 1980, either. Or even 1995. It certainly is not 1965.

  19. Good realistic comment, Brutus. The cold logic of the system of global corporatism — and the general human tendencies of greed, laziness and believing in “an easier way” that must be fought against with reason and self-discipline — as well as the massive immigration invasion, are all factors in our decline and impoverishment.

  20. That Charles Ramsay fellow who found Amanda Berry has a long history of wife beating. The guy can’t be used as a mascot for blacks after all. It was probably the only good thing he ever did, a very good thing, so I’d not dwell on his criminal history, however he used to beat his wife for sport.

  21. Re: “entry level jobs” and “raising your game,” somebody has been out of circulation for quite a number of years now.

    I’m very much in circulation, thank you, and while your point is valid it is not a refutation but an affirmation of what I wrote.  A low wage is a message to improve your game; the roadblocks along certain paths don’t invalidate the message.

  22. Well, yeah. A low wage job is certainly a message. So is a 500 pound barbell laying across the weight bench, to me anyway.

    And yes, these “roadblocks” might not totally “invalidate” your message. But they do pose certain problems that are not to be so casually dismissed. You never had much response here to these very real factors. I might just as well ask you why you haven’t bought out a multi billion dollar media conglomerate this afternoon so as to enable us to more readily propagate our politics and ideology amongst the masses, and blithely dismiss your remarks about “roadblocks” in the way of such a financial transaction as non-invalidating my message.

    Why don’t you set forth a course of action that applies in general regarding the points I made? I really am most interested in hearing a plan that confronts these roadblocks. So, I imagine, would a lot of people be interested.

  23. Mr Rational reminds me of my own mentality when I decided to go to college. I thought I would finance my education by being a bartender in Lexington, Kentucky. I think I went to at least 25 places before a particularly blunt manager gave me my clue.

    I still feel sheepish toady, many years later, at my naivete. The looks I got coming in off the street asking for the good money making positions and the specific hours. They ranged from bewildered WTF’s, to incredulous head shaking.

  24. No-man says:
    May 6, 2013 at 8:38 pm
    The class-war continues for Jack Ryan…. And the goddamned SPLC that are breathing down the white man’s neck (if anyone read the full article). The real story is that Negroes refuse to work.

    “They like the Mexicans because they are scared and will do anything they tell them to,”…. “We are not going to run all the time,” said Henry Rhymes, who was fired — unfairly, he says — from Southern Valley after a week on the job. “We are not Mexicans.”

    So Jack Ryan and the SPLC are ready to “out” white planters until they hire lazy niggers. Pox on both your houses.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    No. Bringing in millions of low wage, non White slaves to work the fields of White nations is bad, very, very bad. It was bad the first time when some Whites brought in millions of Black slaves, it’s bad now that some selfish, short term White Ag business owners are bringing in millions of Mex, Central American Indian sub minimum wage slaves.

    There are so many race preserving alternatives to massive non White agribusiness slavery. Look at the Japanese. There is mechanization, Whites driving tractors, convict labor or else:

    High wages for White students, White immigrant labor. When I was in college, White college students worked for very high wages in the Alaskan fishing industry, no more – that’s done by low wage, 3rd world workers.

  25. “High wages for White students, White immigrant labor. When I was in college, White college students worked for very high wages in the Alaskan fishing industry, no more – that’s done by low wage, 3rd world workers.”

    Confer with my comment about bar tending above. Even in regions where the 3rd world labor force invasion is not as prominent, such jobs are stridently guarded by persons employed as such and not in general–I want to keep emphasizing the qualifier “in general,” there are always exceptions and degrees–made available to college students or would-be students.

    Industry, despite what people like Mr Rational and the “Right Wing” assert, do not in general like dealing with people who they know are seeking to “raise their game” and thus QUIT for another job. In the first place, they don’t like or want people who seek working a schedule around extra-curricular education or training. In the second, as I just stated, they don’t want you to leave for another job, EVEN though the employer may actually only be planning on keeping you temporarily anyway. It is just the way the mentality is. Strange as this sounds, it is an actual facet of the modern reality.

    My point in these several posts is that the reality is far different than the typical Mr Rational and Rush Limbaugh type discourse leads one to believe.

  26. No. Bringing in millions of low wage, non White slaves to work the fields of White nations is bad, very, very bad. It was bad the first time when some Whites brought in millions of Black slaves, it’s bad now that some selfish, short term White Ag business owners are bringing in millions of Mex, Central American Indian sub minimum wage slaves.

    Jack, the USA was never a “White nation” in the population sense. The “white” identity itself is a response to that reality. Belief in a quasi-mythological meaning of “whiteness” is political distortion perpetuated by half-assimilated types that have neither retained their family’s old ways nor embraced a traditional American identity. This land was founded by what you would call “selfish” men. This is not the Old World, you’ll never get your Volkstaat here, you’ll –as you say– “keep losing” until you realize this.

    The southern culture is healthier than the northern culture because the equalitarian North falls apart in the face of non-whites. The southern culture is an organic way of life that spread gradually from the Caribbean (the heart of the New World). The traditional southern way is to recognize the average non-white for the beast of burden he is while respecting the fact he possesses a soul. Any attempts to civilize the savage are church related. The northern culture was not vaccinated early against non-whites and tries to make them good factorymen or good voters or good queers. The northern “white nationalist” understands his culture is unable to deal with non-whites so he throws his hands in the air and starts plotting “an ethnic state” where he can dream about living on a reservation from reality: non-whites.

  27. When I was in college, White college students worked for very high wages in the Alaskan fishing industry, no more – that’s done by low wage, 3rd world workers.

    Is this one of your points? Am I supposed to address this? Take a summer course, study abroad, do ROTC summer training, go an adventure. Things change. Some kids of my generation worked at video stores but those were closing halfway through college.

    There’s no shortage of mechanization. But we could use more chain-gangs, Arpaio has a good thing going. Chain gangs were eliminated due to northern pressure, they couldn’t bear to watch bwacks in shanes.

  28. Hey No-Man,

    When you or any of your relatives, your “kind” get busted for making $s off the sub minimum wage slave labor of Mestizo illegal aliens (who’s children are forming LA style Latrino gangs in Nashville TN), when you get busted and sentenced to hard labor working the fields yourself as a terrible criminal to our people, maybe you can appeal to the specially appointed prison guard to give you some sun screen for your pale White skin, some vasoline for the terrible blisters on your hands that have never before done hard manual labor. I hope the specially appointed prison guard is more charitable than I.

    14 words

  29. You know what, I’ve never signed off on a check below min. State wage in my life. That’s not why I keep them around. I have a niggerrein rainbow roster of hardworkers. We have mostly white roster but for some essential grunt jobs after everyone that was going to walkoff, steal, get busted with drugs, sub-perform has… Only mexicans are left.

    -El Guapo.

  30. You sure are good at fantasizing about punishing other white men on the internet. And my hands are callused, creep. All the best to you and yours.

  31. Chill out No-Man.

    Please just don’t make excuses for those who profit by bringing millions of destructive non Whites in to our countries.

  32. The fisheries shouldn’t be worked by foreigns!

    Even if things change. That’s just piracy and should mean blood is spilled.

  33. Right. A person seeking to “raise their game” should “go abroad” for education. This week I had occasion to glance at Merck’s Manual. In the chapter about personality disorders I read the clinical definition of psychosis: disconnected from reality.

    If any of you dear readers of this site are currently working a job as a “team member” and not making enough money, No-Man is advising you to first get accepted into a European university, then, pay for the tuition, pay for your flight over there, pay for the years of rent, living expense, etc. In other words, dear reader, get that two or three hundred grad you got stashed in your mattress and by gum “raise your game!”

    No-Man, a person in the shoes we are talking about is very likely to not have the ability to finance a one way plane ticket “abroad.” Do you even try to use your brain? Good grief, you are even further out of touch with reality than Mr. Rational.

    And like I said, let’s have some response from somebody that is not still back in the eighties, please. Video stores, No-Man? Next you will be talking about paper routes. And ROTC training?

    No, my points were my first post. The one you read but, surprise, surprise, never addressed. Choosing instead the one most convenient for smart ass remark, in true keyboard commando, pseudo-lawyer fashion of which abounds so much online.

  34. Hey Brutus I was following your exchanges with Mr. Rational, but all my recent replies were directed to a certain Tom Clancy character. 😀

  35. Mr Rational reminds me of my own mentality when I decided to go to college.

    FYI, my BS degree from a Big 10 university is dated > 2 decades ago.  BTDTGTTS.

    The solution is immigration restriction and suppression of the underclass.  If we need production, we can improve productivity through automation.  How many Joads did one of John Rust’s mechanical cotton-pickers replace?  How much better is the life of the engineering and manufacturing labor of those machines than the Joads?  How much should we support the reproduction of people who cannot design or even build such machines?  I rest my case.

    The northern “white nationalist” understands his culture is unable to deal with non-whites so he throws his hands in the air and starts plotting “an ethnic state” where he can dream about living on a reservation from reality: non-whites.

    I’m not sure what you’re getting on about here.  If you live with them, you have to deal with their dysfunctions somehow.  Do you propose to let them live in your midst, but without rights?  You’re okay if they are next to you, but not “uppity” (and the stereotypical Northerner is the reverse)?  Pls clarify.

    But we could use more chain-gangs, Arpaio has a good thing going.

    After all I’ve seen, all I can say is “hell, yeah”.

  36. 14 words.

    [. . .]

    Please just don’t make excuses for those who profit by bringing millions of destructive non Whites in to our countries.

    Please don’t try the no talking in Church rule, Mr. Ryan. I’m not a WN and frankly despise everything WNism stands for. WNism, like the GOP needs to be abandoned so something better such as Southern Nationalism can get sunlight. That being said I understand you’re pretty much the WN Kato Kaelin on this blog and will respect you so long as you’re a guest of Hunter. I ask the same in return, namely that you meet my disagreements with substantial rebuttals, not fantasies of my imprisonment, not polite requests to stop criticizing WNism.

    While I have your eyes here’s another problem I have with WN: the (closest) Hitler admiration doesn’t jive with the anti-imperialist/anti-war/puddamondabodah double-talk. The anti-“Zionist war” WN is essentially trying to rouse the white population to heroic reactionary national idealism while at once appealing to their ennui. This is more “for bread and peace” than “stab in the back”. An at least coherent argument would be that due to the black/jew cultural miasma emanating from the cosmopolitan ghettos the national body has been polluted and the wars have not been fully conducted in a manner to bring appropriate wealth and glory to the state/race. This appeal of course wouldn’t resonate in the BRA without a religious revival which WN is embarrassingly and intrinsically incapable of.

  37. When I say go on an adventure that can mean anything from driving to Mexico to hitchhiking through BRA.

    And that’s if you are living with your parents and paying little or nothing rent.

    This gets to the point right here. The modern “middleclass” value system where kids get kicked out of the house at 18 just doesn’t fly any more. Cato’s advice to the wealthy urban man was not to build his farmhouse until he was in his late thirties. He would live in a family compound or adjacent property in the meantime. This is normal and desirable. What’s not is the conversation I heard next to me on the treadmill this morning where a mid-twenties SWPL Professor was talking about being frozen in her advancement towards tenure… her husband professor working a second job and her refusal to “downsize” the house as she plans baby #2 to be a “summer baby” just to fit her work schedule. She actually said “I should just tell him to get a third job” to her friend, an older swarthy professor hag. Those people should be living with family. Finish the fucking basement for Christ’s sake, before you take a part-time job just to pay the babysitter.

  38. Tariffs, estate taxes, capital gain taxes, higher tax rates on wealthy individuals, closing loopholes and deductions for wealthy individuals, much higher corporate taxes. A good start.

    Lew, you’re a good guy — BUT these regulations right here are why white families are so spread out all over the country. The fact WN’s don’t understand cause and effect beyond Niggers = Crime is a problem.

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