About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. John Wilkes Booth, an Anglo-Catholic and hero of the Golden Circle.


    John Wilkes Booth-Act One

    At this time, we introduce you to John Booth, a popular theatre actor, who was not born a Roman Catholic but by 1860 had began to convert to that religion. In 1860, he was initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a catholic lay organization. The Knights of the Golden Circle “were committed to the preservation of slavery in the lands bordering the Caribbean Sea–the so-called ‘Golden Circle.’ The seal of the Knights featured a cross similar to the maltese cross used by the old Knights of Malta.” A book, published in 1866, called The Great Conspiracy tells us of this and quotes the following excerpts of a letter from the hand of J.W. Booth to an unknown person, quite possibly a Jesuit ally (whose return letters were only signed “Veritas” which is “Truth” in Latin … the language of the Jesuit priests.).

    “Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated…. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugerated, but I most heartily wish, ‘That never shall sun that morrow see.’ …. One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy’s hand that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don’t be surprised.
    Sincerily yours,
    John Wilkes Booth.”

    Further Evidence of Religious Undertones

    “I mention, as an exceptional and remarkable fact, that every conspirator, in custody, is by education a Catholic.” U.S. General Baker

    Some circumstantial evidence: After spending many years in a Catholic prep school and two years in a Jesuit college, John Surrat studied to be in the Roman priesthood for three years at a Jesuit monastery. After the assassanation he was confirmed to be in the military service of the Pope in Rome, which was led by the General of the Jesuits or the so-called Black Pope( at that time Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli). Weichmann was a Jesuit professor. Herold graduated from the Jesuit college at Georgetown. Samuel Mudd, the doctor who splinted Booth’s broken leg was a Catholic who met Booth at a Mass. The conspirators were all part of or connected to The Knights of the Golden Circle. When he was shot, John Wilkes Booth was wearing a Catholic medallion which said in the Latin language of the priests “Agnus Dei”, meaning Lamb of God, which signified the “sacrifice”, the shedding of blood, which he would offer the Pope and the Catholic citizens in America. It is interesting to note that, upon Lincoln’s death, numerous letters of condolence were sent to the U.S. Government from every civilized nation in the world … except the Papal States of Rome and the Pope. ”

  2. Will have to listen later, but this does explain a lot. There really were two “Souths,” (actually more), but SC seems the farthest north of the Haiti style culture. Wasn’t Haiti kind of a failure? It did not go well in the end for whites.

    Trying to re-establish the slave culture now, like in “Reconquista” where the U.S. is being Latinized does not seem to be doing very well.

    Like the girls who were held captive for ten years by Ariel Castro. Or Panetta saying he wants to draft girls.

    Reconquista seems bad, right? Dixie Girl does not want to live in a society where she will be drafted or kept for years as a sex slave to hispanics. (No offense and nothing personal)

  3. Dixie Girl does not want to live in a society where she will be drafted or kept for years as a sex slave to hispanics. (No offense and nothing personal)

    Stop lowering the discussion with your presence you silly cow.

  4. Dixie Girl, is there anything in the video which even remotely suggests that the historical perspective described in the video promotes you being drafted or ‘kept for years as a sex slave to Hispanics’? Where the devil did you come up with that?

  5. Michael, what a great video! Your counter-narrative of “Southern” development effectively identifies the cultural yeast that gave rise to the Golden Circle. The oddball comments are sad evidence how desperate the Southern people are for this history. There are quite a few on this website that are stranded in the ideological
    morass of the 2nd yankeefied Klan; where they are at once anti-culture/Latin form/hierarchy/colored labor yet somehow “pro-South” which to them means Skynyrd and Sunday snakehandling – with Niggers sitting in the back mind you, standards and all, fuhfuhfuh.

  6. No-Man, I’m glad you enjoyed the video and found it informative. I don’t expect an essentially educational video (that is pretty long and without fancy graphics) like this to get lots of hits but despite that it’s a series I want to continue because I think a Golden Circle historical perspective is a sure foundation for Southern nationalism.

  7. Michael, what was it that made the Golden Circle a single civilisation? It combined Portuguese, Spanish, French, Dutch and Netherland populations. It wasn’t a single religion or language.

  8. White & Confederate, Western Civilisation in general is not a single religion (though Christianity in various forms has somewhat united – and at times divided – the West for the last thousand years in particular) has or language or ethnicity. But it constitutes a single civilization. Likewise, so did the Golden Circle (or, to be more precise the signeurial civilization of the New World) because it was based on a common ethnos and was shaped by similar socio-economic forces and patterns). You could argue that it was part of a broader Western Civilisation that encompassed both Europe and the Americas, however, pretty quickly it became distinct politically, economically and socially from Europe.

  9. White & Confederate, another thing which I neglected to mention was the ease of population movement from one area of the GC to another. When St Domingue was destroyed in a slave revolt many of its White refugees settled in SC where they were warmly received. They quickly assimilated into a culture which was very much like the one they had just left. Others went to Louisiana, which was also very similar. Then there was the population flow between Brazil and the Lesser Antilles and the Southern mainland. As well there’s the fact that the Southern upper class, just like the upper class throughout the GC, tended to be fluent in multiples languages. They had no problem communicating with others within the GC.

  10. Michael,

    I’m going to go ahead and mention the “elephant” that doesn’t quite compliment the antique drapes we’d like to see back in the parlour: modern southern religion. A horizontal religion such as SBC isn’t compatible with a stable hierarchical society. How do you feel this issue is best addressed in the context of the cause?

  11. I enjoyed this video, PalmettoPatriot, but I think you left out one step in the historical sequence. The movement — i.e., the flight — of the Dutch or Dutch Jews from Brazil to the Caribbean was occasioned by Portugal’s regaining of Brazil from the Dutch (1654). This is also what brought Jews to New Amsterdam (now New York).

    Maybe I have that wrong, but that’s my sense of the way the story’s usually told.

    I know your fellow Southern nationalists and you won’t see it this way, but I think the Golden Circle was born of its own doom: race-mixing (i.e. black-white proximity). I know Mr. Wallace will blame the abolitionists, but he knows I don’t share his perspective.

  12. No-Man, I largely agree with you, especially for the upper classes. I would love to see a Southern Anglican church reborn that embraced our classical values and defended civilisation against equality and Progress. The lower churches tend to turn me off.

  13. Michael,

    Do you see Mexican immigration to the North as a type of Golden Circle gavage? The Southern way is being vindicated though they long thought they could avoid casted colored labor by industrialization, today we see even the average fastfood worker is a 28 year-old colored. That’s just one example of the unforseen use of colored, largely Latin-Caribbean labor that’s expanding in the North.

    Could this in your opinion be considered along the same lines as what happened when Oglethorpe’s Yankee-land Georgia imported Negroes en-masse and became part of the Golden Circle?

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