Richwine, Continued

District of Corruption

Check out these three news items:

1.) Jared Taylor mocks the gutless conservatives at Heritage who canned Jason Richwine because of the likes of screeching Jewish neocons like Jennifer Rubin.

2.) Pat Buchanan observes that the GOP is finished.

3.) Here’s the money quote in that column:

“The total number of white voters actually decreased between 2008 and 2012, the first such drop by any group within the population since the bureau started to issue such statistics in 1996.”

Translation: It turns out that millions of Whites really did make good on their threat to stay home in 2012. That’s what sunk Mitt Romney.

“Eight years ago, blacks and whites voted at about the same rate (in Ohio),” write Balz and Mellnik. In 2008, “the participation rate for whites dropped to 65 percent, while the rate for blacks rose to 70 percent. Last November, the turnout rate among whites fell to 62 percent, while the rate for blacks ticked up to 72 percent.”

Translation: Whites in Ohio didn’t show up for McCain in 2008 or Romney in 2012.

How much worse is it going to be for the GOP in 2014 and 2016 after Senate and House Republicans vote for the Rubio-Obama amnesty?

Note: I’m proud that I didn’t vote for George W. Bush in 2004 or John McCain in 2008. I’m glad that I didn’t vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in 2012.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Worse is better right?
    I voted & will continue to vote to postpone the inevitable collapse until my toddlers reach double digits. After that I quit voting (from the ballot box anyway) but I understand if someone who has small children votes to keep the communists at bay as long as THEY can.

    I certainly hope you have laid in some serious supplies/preps Hunter. The longer the Dems ( Commies, Socialists, Marxists) are in charge the faster the train is going to come off the tracks. So you’d really better be ready for whats coming.

    Myself, I see nothing else for me to do than to water the Tree of Liberty by culling what has needed culling for some 150 years now.

  2. I explained why I don’t believe in “worse is better” in a recent comment. If Alabama wasn’t part of the Union, then “better” would be “better.” We could vote ourselves out of this predicament.

    We voted against all the federal civil rights laws in the 1960s. We voted to ban gay marriage. We voted to nullify gun control. We voted for the toughest immigration law in America. We voted against Obama twice.

    The fatal flaw in the “worse is better” strategy is that some places – namely, the Yankee-populated areas in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and the West Coast – NEVER get any better. In the South, “worse” leads to backlash politics, but that doesn’t happen in other parts of the country.

    Five years of Obama has hardened racial attitudes in the South. The Northeast, however, is unchanged. They like Obama and Nancy Pelosi. They agree with their policies. They look at the degeneration of America and see nothing but “progress.” Watch “All In With Chris Hayes” on any given night.

    A steaming pile of shit like Birmingham in 2013 looks like a pile of gold in their eyes.

  3. Voting for Republicans isn’t going to accomplish anything.

    How do I know? The best Republicans in the country are from Alabama. Jeff Sessions and Mo Brooks will attempt to stop the amnesty in the Senate and House, but they will be outvoted by the Northeast-Upper Midwest-West Coast axis.

    Look what happened to Arizona’s SB 1070 and Alabama’s HB 56. They were chewed up and spit out by the federal courts. What’s the point of electing “good Republicans” when the Republican leadership – which defers to Sheldon Adelson – marginalizes them in Washington?

  4. UKIP though flawed might show how the GOP could be shocked into doing the right things.

    But the structural problem remains. The lockstep vote of people who can’t say no the negro.

  5. I think so. UKIP is controlled opposition but they have done some real damage with their disciplined anti EU rhetoric. They are “antiracist” and misplace hostility that ought to be directed at blacks and Asians onto Poles but the Tories have been shaken.

  6. Doesn’t really matter anyhow. Dixie will be Sinaloa in a generation.
    Unfortunately, Southern stock is not worth piss anymore.
    Learn some Mexican, pig Latin.
    The White south is on it’s last leg. As a Yankee, sweet justice for you fools.
    You should have picked your own damn cotton and left the niggers in Africa!!
    Too late now…

  7. Oh yeah, John go home bitch.
    I ran across a few Brits tonight. Real cowards, I had in mind to slap one of them, but why bother?
    Pathetic blokes, like little children, no wonder you ran off and no wonder your nation is being taken over.

  8. Jared Taylor Explains White Man’s Disease
    There is a global White solidarity problem. White Europeans have a genetic tendency to universal morality and individual freedom. White people need to realize that life is always brutal. Genocide and slavery never go away, although they might change form along with technology. Think of the mutiny on H.M.S. Bounty. Captain Blight represents law, order, and White civilization. Fletcher Christian represents race mixing and race treason. Use all means fair and foul to support White survival.

  9. Jeff Sessions and Mo Brooks will attempt to stop the amnesty in the Senate and House, but they will be outvoted by the Northeast-Upper Midwest-West Coast axis.

    Do you really think that the Gang of H8te’s amnesty will pass? Maybe in the Senate, but surely not in the GOP-controlled House? Peter Brimelow seems pretty confident that grassroots opposition will stop this godawful bill in its tracks. Let’s hope he’s right.

    Didn’t they [UKIP} ban BNP members?

    Yes, to their eternal disgrace, they did. But that didn’t stop thousands of BNP members and former members from voting for UKIP anyway.

    UKIP is controlled opposition but they have done some real damage with their disciplined anti EU rhetoric.

    According to the exit polls, 76% of UKIP voters want immigration reduced, compared to 59% of them who want Britain out of the EU. Think about that for a second: 41% of UKIP (a single-issue party dedicated to getting Britain out of the EU which only belatedly hopped on the anti-immigration bandwagon in the wake of the BNP’s collapse) voters *don’t* want Britain to leave the EU!

    Or look at the example of Geert Wilders’ PVV party in Holland. In the 2010 election, running on an anti-immigration and anti-Islamization platform, they won 24 out of 150 seats in parliament and the liberal-conservative government was reliant on their support to stay in power. But in the 2012 election, running on an anti-EU platform, their support collapsed by more than one-third reducing them to 15 seats, and now they have no influence in government.

    That’s why I think that opposing immigration is a winning issue in a way that opposing the EU isn’t. I hope that UKIP, the PVV and other Euro-nationalist parties will pick up on this shift in popular opinion and re-orient their policies accordingly.

    They are “antiracist” and misplace hostility that ought to be directed at blacks and Asians onto Poles but the Tories have been shaken.

    Much was made about the fact that British whites are now a minority in London (45% according to the 2011 census), but whites as a whole are still a 60% majority there. While British whites make up 80.5% of the population of England and Wales, whites in total make up 86% of the population, and if we add Scotland and Northern Ireland then the UK as a whole is probably about 87% or 88% white. That is, one of the least white nations in Europe is still whiter than all but a handful of American states.

    Thank God for the Poles and other European immigrants who are helping keep London and England majority white. And if these white migrants are stirring up native resentment against immigration in general, then that’s even better. Since the politicians can’t really stop immigration from fellow European countries under EU rules, their only option–if they want to placate popular opinion–is to stop non-European immigration. Let’s hope that the major parties, in their neverending quest for votes, don’t take too long to draw this obvious conclusion.

  10. “We could vote ourselves out of this predicament.” If most people were honest, hard-working, responsible, and devoted to Christian values, then democracy would be something to have confidence in. Lawrence Lessing: Corrupt Congress a Farm League for K Street Lobbyists
    Suppose WN states were established in parts of the southeastern or western U.S. The coal companies now control West Virginia. The early histories of states such as Wyoming and Montana show that the railroad companies and other eastern Wall Street companies controlled those states politically and economically. WN states would be targets for economic and political destruction. If WNs do not use bio-weapons to level the playing field demographically, then all efforts for White survival might be merely a delaying action.

  11. Here’s an interesting article in Der Spiegel about immigration to Germany:

    It says that immigration in 2012 was at an 18 year high, with an astonishing 1.081 million immigrants coming to Germany last year. This is the per capita equivalent of 4 million immigrants a year to the US. However, this was partially balanced by 712,000 emigrants leaving Germany in 2012, for a net immigration rate of 369,000 (these numbers are from the German language version of the article).

    It also says that two-thirds of these net immigrants were from EU countries, and that Turkey was the largest non-European immigrant source country, coming in 8th place. So, besides Turkey, where did these non-EU immigrants come from? Unfortunately Spiegel doesn’t say, but I would guess that at least half of them, or one-sixth of the total, are from non-EU European countries, especially Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and Croatia.

    Now surely not all of these European immigrants were white. A small fraction were probably blacks and browns, along with quasi-white Gypsies and Muslims from the Balkans, and of course der ewige Jude. But, conversely, not all non-European immigrants were non-white. No doubt there were more than a few whites, mostly of German descent, from the Americas and Southern Africa who migrated to Germany.

    So all told, I would estimate the over-under for white immigration as a percentage of the whole to Germany in 2012 at 85%, which is almost a mirror image of the situation in the US, with its roughly 85% non-white immigration. The trend in Germany and other Western European countries has lately been for more and more immigration from South and East Europe and less and less immigration from the Third World. The free movement of peoples within the EU has obviated the “need” for immigrants from outside the continent.

  12. Here’s a Spiegel article from 2010 where the liberal author whines and moans about the lack of enthusiasm in Germany for Third World immigration, and that–shock! horror!–the wogs are now emigrating rather than immigrating.

    The majority of Germany’s politicians — and presumably also the German people – are of the opinion that the country has already had enough immigration. There may be minorities such as Economics Minister Rainer Brüderle, employers’ associations, the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the German Engineering Federation who are calling for new immigrants, but no one appears to be listening to them…..

    Unfortunately, the immigration policy based on these reflexes is “effective”: Germany’s borders have been virtually sealed. Tougher asylum laws mean that Germany has practically stopped accepting refugees. In 2008, only 233 people were granted asylum.

    After Germany stopped recruiting guest workers in 1973, the main way to emigrate was for family members abroad to join their relatives in Germany. However, because these family reunions primarily allowed women and children to move to Germany — thereby causing the already low educational level of immigrants to drop even further — they were later severely impeded. Since then, an ever-dwindling number of Turks have been emigrating to Germany. Their net immigration plunged from 10,130 in the year 2000 to 1,746 in 2005. In the meantime, the direction of emigration has even reversed itself. In 2008 — the most recent year with available concrete figures — there was a net emigration of 10,147 persons to Turkey.

    Germany Seals Itself Off

    Sarrazin’s argument that we are being infiltrated by Turks can thus hardly hold water today — particularly since there is no longer anything close to a population explosion in Turkey, a country that is also not able to escape the demographics of the modern age. Turkish women currently have on average 2.1 children — just enough to maintain a stable population. And the birth rate will almost certainly continue to fall there.

    Nonetheless, it looks as if the politicians in Berlin have long since embraced Sarrazin’s problem group definition and tailored their immigration policies accordingly. The numbers, in any case, support the assumption that Germany is sealing itself off. Neither unqualified nor qualified immigrants are apparently welcome. Only poor EU countries, from which the flow of immigration cannot be stopped, still provided significant numbers of new arrivals to Germany in 2008: 8,103 from Bulgaria and 10,447 from Romania. Statistics also reveal that over the past two years the number of people from majority Muslim countries who returned home significantly outstripped the number who immigrated to Germany.

    And we are by no means being overrun by highly-qualified foreigners either: In 2008, a total of only 157 individuals from non-EU countries were granted permanent residency status — 71 of whom came from the US. That is an impressively low number in view of the 40,000 to 80,000 vacant skilled worker positions upon which up to a quarter of a million jobs depend. One reason for the relatively low productivity of immigrants here in Germany is that we don’t even allow qualified individuals into the country.

    It is absurd that for years Germany has steadfastly ignored all the warning signals and refused to become a country of immigrants — with the result that it is now de facto a country of net emigration. For many years, an annual average of 250,000 people came across the border. According to official statistics, however, since 2008 more people have been leaving the land of poets, thinkers and engineers than have been arriving. This puts Germany in a league apart — along with Japan — among the world’s highly-developed rich industrialized nations.

  13. What are Jason Richwine’s positions on “anti-racism” and “anti-racists?”

    As for jeppos seranading us with endless facts about turkish immigration into white countries, simple its bad for whites so end it and reverse it. Its bad for whites, maybe you detailer quibblers cannot conclude that for some reason but that is my informed opinion.

  14. Actually our jewsers could make themselves useful in this episode, though I doubt they will since they are little but beta quibblers lead by the office trouble makers.

    Jen Rubin of the WAPO lead the charge from the stupid right. But why? Because the jewish shlock depends on the fraud of the Blank Slate Theory, without it jews lose power, no social engineering, and little use for jews except as crooked financeers, which we have enough of already.

    Our more informed jewsers know of Boas, Gould, Pinker, Diamond and a host of lessers, but since our jewsers are basically magian thinkers themselves they drift off into metaphysical bad jewjoo speak and are little more than a crank religion (even if they have the facts and figures straight).

    Just ask Jen Rubin if she believes in the FRAUD of the Blank Slate Theory of which there is no proof whatsoever, its a jew fairy tale.

  15. Are those whites who did not show up to vote in Ohio and other northern environs Copperheads?

  16. Voting Democrat is the best way to postpone worse is better. With Obama in the White House, there is a slight chance this immigration bill will go down. With Romney the Chamber of Commerce bag man there, it would be sailing through right now.


    Jeppo is a valuable contributor here. His comments are well-reasoned and informative. You do good work too with exception of your yapping about people not doing things your way.

    As for Richwine, he wrote a dissertation at Harvard arguing immigrants have a lower average IQ. That alone shows courage and is redemptive. You look really foolish sometimes.

  17. Jeppo’s posts are actually informative, RobRoy. Very much unlike your tongue-twisting fake patois.

    Thanks, Jeppo.

  18. I understand the idea that voting Republican might help slow things down a bit. The trouble is most Republicans don’t stand for anything and don’t intend to oppose the system, only make a better deal for business. They come to the table with the leverage that they have a big portion of the population in their pockets- people they regard as superstitious fools almost as much as liberals do- and must be bought off. Then they go home or on talk radio or on Fox and explain how nation-destroying capitalist politics are good for traditional Americans. I’m tired of being leverage for tax cuts and more H1B visas.

  19. Sean is right. Capitalism demands cheap labor; cheap labor demands socialism. In the South this took the form of importing Africans who while they made money for plantation owners, have plagued the rest of the country, north and south, every since. But pointing fingers won’t help us now.

  20. Capitalism demands cheap labor; cheap labor demands socialism.

    Hello. This is certainly the traditional northern view. Others disagree with the historical inevitability of this. It all depends on the view of the Enlightenment.

    If the principles of liberalism are valid, socialism, which is in fact one of the most perverse exaggerations of the human spirit, is fully justified.” – von Ketteler.

    Others would say cheap labor demands hierarchy, high culture, patriotism and religion.

  21. “There is a global White solidarity problem. White Europeans have a genetic tendency to universal morality and individual freedom. White people need to realize that life is always brutal. Genocide and slavery never go away, although they might change form along with technology.”

    Great comment, Goner. That is the crux of the matter. Loyalty to one’s own is the only hedge against such brutality that has ever existed. Which is why propositional nations that deny the ties of blood and land should have no future among whites.

    “Doesn’t really matter anyhow. Dixie will be Sinaloa in a generation.
    Unfortunately, Southern stock is not worth piss anymore.
    Learn some Mexican, pig Latin.
    The White south is on it’s last leg. As a Yankee, sweet justice for you fools.
    You should have picked your own damn cotton and left the niggers in Africa!!
    Too late now…”

    Such silly, hateful remarks illustrate why anti-Southern, like anti-racist, is just another way to say anti-white. The effeminate yankee point of view that regards negro equality and desegregation as the ultimate good is what is on its last legs, not Dixie.

    The yankee nation advocated and attempted genocide of white Southerners before (Henry Ward Beecher, John Brown, Abraham Lincoln) and failed. What makes you think your much browner, blacker nation has even that much strength left now?

    Remember the outcome of Reconstruction, when defeated white Southerners banded together, first in “rifle clubs,” then in groups like the White League and the Red Shirts, and took back control of our country from yankee and negro misrule.

    The BRA government is petrified of a repeat of this. It is their greatest fear. Which is why BRA can tolerate any number of Muslim terrorist attacks and still come to the defense of Islam and flood the nation with Muslim immigrants, while attempting to strip whites of their remaining constitutional rights and redouble efforts to eliminate the “domestic terrorism” threat from white people who belong to the failed tea party movement.

    Your time would be better spent reading literature from the yankee “Unfair” campaign while preparing for the next “beat Whitey night” at the upcoming state fair in your locale. Remember, after you finish your skedaddle away from danger, remain inside until authorities tell you it safe to come out.

    Deo Vindice

  22. “Do you really think that the Gang of H8te’s amnesty will pass? Maybe in the Senate, but surely not in the GOP-controlled House?”

    I’ll believe it when I see it given whats gone on in just the last five years.

    Sean: “Doesn’t really matter anyhow. Dixie will be Sinaloa in a generation.”

    Hah. Doubtful but anything is possible. Last year I saw painted on the back of a spanish/mexican radio station’s (“La Pantera”) mobile van last year in Oregon? “Pura Raza!” Why have “pure race” on the back of your truck? The panther is pure? They’re pure Mexicans? Pure Spanish? The folks running it aren’t from Castille. The panther is a pure racing bred?

    They’re everywhere Sean. Hablas Espanol gringo? You’re racist if you don’t you know.

  23. “Just ask Jen Rubin if she believes in the FRAUD of the Blank Slate Theory of which there is no proof whatsoever, its a jew fairy tale.”

    Pinker’s book is a refutation of the Blank Slate Theory.

  24. “Last November, the turnout rate among whites fell to 62 percent, while the rate for blacks ticked up to 72 percent.”


  25. Sean,

    If memory serves, Alabama is actually whiter than Nevada and New York. How did that happen? Maybe it had something to do with the Northeast voting for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens?

  26. I am actually extremely happy about the demise of the GOP. This is a great development for Southern nationalism.

  27. Nevada is basically a void with a handful of casino cities and some military bases. Turn off the water supply and only the cowboys and miners will remain.

  28. I don’t know if he is a Jew. I never heard of him until this happened. He cites Weisberg too (an Amren Jew).

  29. “If memory serves, Alabama is actually whiter than Nevada and New York.”

    – I’ve never been to Alabama, but I’ve spent periods of time in Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana and Florida on work. I also lived in Buffalo NY, for couple years in the late 90’s. Sorry Hunter, but New York state is infinitely whiter than any place I’ve seen in the South.

  30. Brought here?

    Put to work.

    The shipping people were often addressed in Rhode Island, NYC, Boston! They’d have got into a place like America and multiplied like rabbits no matter what happened becaus ethers is freedom of movement all over the territory. The US is continent sized. Same issues in Brazil– one great big country some regions had blacks
    Many did not. But because you could move from one place to the next the blacks found nests. Argentina would be nigfuxated too if it had ever been unified with the Brazilians.
    South America for all the faults it has separated out into nations according to blood Nd culture.

  31. John, I don’t care what you have to say, go home, bitch!
    You know nothing about this nation. You are a British ex pat with zero loyalty to your nation and zero loyalty to this nation.
    Piss off.

  32. Yankees are always so angry when they discover the lack of gratitude among negroes.
    Poor yankees.

    They gave them freedom and cibbil rights.
    But the negroes only burnt down and destroyed their cities.
    What’s a poor yankee to do? Aside from whining about long dead Southern slaveholders.
    I just don’t know.
    Poor yankees.

    Negroes were never intended to be much more than farm animals.
    Certainly not the objects of worship and sexual fetish that they are for so many yankees.
    Poor excited yankees.

    Why don’t yankees amend the constitution to make their mulatto messiah President for life? That would give them more satisfaction than ending apartheid.
    Poor righteous yankees.

    It’s tough being a conservative when that only means you want to conserve BRA.
    The Republican party is the party of Lincoln, after all.
    Poor conservative yankees.

    All that unmentionable butt hurt the negroes have put on them.
    Blame whitey?
    Poor sad, angry yankees.

    Deo Vindice

  33. Apuleius has it correct. The South doesnt really fit with the North East. anyone with their eyes open knows it.

  34. The RINO/Establishment Republicans have always used/relied on the canard that they can push all the RINO/liberal/moderate Republican candidates they want in spite of conservative consternation, and it won’t make a difference because “conservatives have nowhere else to go.”

    Uh, yes they do. Seven million of them in 2012 did find somewhere else to go…and that place was NOT to the voting booth on election day.

  35. Apelius, in all his Sicilian Negro pride lectures this comment section on Yankees.
    I doubt the man has ever been out if the south.

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