About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You can really do some damage by making “break away” websites.

    Of course, I am the master of strategic cyber attacks by mocking long term enemies.

    This, on the other hand, looks like a serious forum.

  2. @test

    I think if was Kievsky who linked to a GoldenJackass.com video on the Boehner thread.
    The GoldenJackass guy is from Western Pennsylvania. He says fracking there has polluted the ground water.

    Environmentaly wise I’d think it would be much safer to go to nuclear breeder reactors like those powering Navy Ships. It gets much more energy out of the radioactive mineral resources and for the same reason leaves a fraction of the hazardous waste product.

  3. @phil white

    You may well be right on that. I was thinking purely in terms of the deficit (i.e. energy costs partially reversing offshoring and other stuff like that).

  4. How in the world do you get banned from VNN? I thought it was a refuge for posters banned from Stormfront. Which is in turn a refuge for those banned from Amren et al …

  5. I can’t resist sharing a funny quote by some white girl walking down the street today. Even I thought it was a bit discouraging and idiotic.
    “The best Italian food I had in Italy was made by Chinese people.”
    Chew on that ODD, Mindweapons, Mangan’s, Stormfront, VNN, new VNN, etc.

  6. Coincidentally, the best Cantonese food I ever had, was at little restaurant in Sausalito, CA. And the chef happened to be…an Italian. But I’ll agree — chinks are absolutely masterful in the art of imitation.

  7. <OT> FYI, naval reactors are not breeders.  They use highly-enriched uranium with no breeding blanket. </OT>

  8. Well, I don’t see what purpose it will serve. Not five minutes into reading the opening posts, and I see an avatar of some goon with tatooes all over his arms (who says he’s over 40- so should know better) and the ‘eff’ word used liberally, along with the “N” word as the norm, rather than as a judicious element of derision.

    I must say, HW, your board (even with the usual suspects) exhibits a far more ‘tony’ vocabulary, once you reminded the posters that language had to be at least witty, if not civilized. Foul language has its place, but not every single post needs to have it…..

    My 2 cents.

  9. Anything that hurts VNN should be supported by every civilized man on this planet. Tis new forum appears to not “pre-ban” Christians like VNN-proper. That’s a step in the correct direction.

  10. Race Traitor,
    I don’t know whether your stupidity is cultivated as a shtick or whether it’s the simple manifestation of genetic limitations; though with either you’re about as useful as an asshole on the forehead. Though sadly your kind abounds…for now.

    • Weeps about the loss of habitat for white bears. Indifferent to that of white people.

    • Prefers to eat salmon over carp.

    • Assiduously avoids ghettos and their feral inhabitants.

    • Would rather not devour the genitals of albinos to ameliorate disease.

    • Believes human and animal remains should be sterilely disposed of rather than set adrift on the Ganges River.

    May you find your personal Ganges soon.

  11. I get a kick out of how at that forum JFK conspiracies are considered crazy by the admin who is a Boston Marathon-truther.

    There actually are relatively normal people that follow this stuff for fun. I used to know a girl in college that would smoke pot and read Stormfront for laughs. I actually turned her on to VNN, which she was grateful for.

  12. Porter – Bellissima!

    May PGRT find itself in a Diversity Fest, one night, all alone, as in the video posted by Hunter re: Nebraska Diversity.

  13. Indeed Denise. And if, to the great sorrow of the race he proudly betrays, he should be gravelly wounded during a typical negro conflagration, he will find himself pleading for relief from the attending physician. And when he requests morphine rather than a baby aspirin, the logical response should be:


  14. May you find your personal Ganges soon.

    Roflmao: this would make a great greeting card or T-shirt Porter, nice one 🙂

  15. Rudel- In Minnesota yesterday, it was 98 degrees!


    No, let’s at least hear Vivaldi’s Spring.
    Or, better yet, “Summertime” by Gershwin, sung by L. Price- even if it’s more than a month early.

  16. Porter, Denise, et al, maybe the fact you respond to my posts so much means you are jealous of me and wish you were as self-confident as I am. I am honored to be the inspiration for one of Porter’s creative writing projects. But your obsession with the fact that all of my nonwhite friends are going to betray me, is really curious to me. I don’t go into bad black gang neiborhoods, just as I also don’t go into white meth dens. I stay where it’s safe, and when I don’t, I go with people who know the area and who I trust, as my father who has many black friends taught me. I also don’t act like a stereotypical slavish liberal in real life, especially not among nonwhites.

  17. Fr John, careful about listening to Vivaldi, that Catholic fileaochist priest race traitor. Maybe you’ll like this better.

  18. Alex Linder is an important writer. VNN Forum, imo, is an under-rated web site. You can think of VNN like a library. You can learn a lot from the archives without bothering with the discussions.

  19. @ Proud Globalist

    Do you consider yourself to be white? In other words if you checked off a box on a census form for ethnicity other than “human” would you check white?

  20. Traitor,
    Perhaps if you placed a cane toad in a tuxedo and top hat onto your keyboard and let it jounce about to the strains of Hello! Ma Baby the resulting series of characters would have possibly been responsive to the very few words I’ve devoted to you. Though as it was, they were not.

  21. @ Mr. Rational:

    My interest in the Navy ship system is that the power ultimately (not on ship board as you point out) comes from breeder reactors.
    The decision in the U.S. to not use breeder reactors for civilian power was made by Jimmy Carter about 1977. As I recall the concern of the Carter administration was terroris might get hold of the highly enriched fuel. The fuel could then be used to make a terrorist bomb.
    I think Carter made the wrong decision as the breeder system is several times more efficient in terms of the energy extracted from ores, and consequently leaves a small fraction of the dangerous waste.
    In exchange for a cheap clean long lasting source of electric power I think humanity could afford to take one terrorist Hiroshima every fifty years or so.
    By the way, what was this thread originally about???

  22. At Phil White, yes I do check the White box on the sensus and other surveys. I would prefer to call myself European American, since I find identification with skin color to be worthless. I am not Jewish, or multiracial, if that’s what your asking.

  23. I wonder why you use “inbreds” to refer to Southerners.
    Would you refer to a Negro phile as a miscegenationist?

  24. “I wonder why you use ‘inbreds’ to refer to Southerners.”

    – Because it was (and might still be) a factually-verifiable, time-honored practice for you people to often marry, and procreate with, your own cousins.

    “Would you refer to a Negro phile as a miscegenationist?”

    – No. ‘Coal-burner’ for women, ‘Oil-driller’ for men. Or just plain ‘Nigger-lover’ for either.

  25. “Because it was (and might still be) a factually-verifiable, time-honored practice for you people to often marry, and procreate with, your own cousins.”

    Well, let’s see your facts, oil driller.

    I didn’t think so.

    Perhaps you are confusing Southerners with Jews, who do suffer severely from the effects of inbreeding.

    Such remarks are quite rich in comedic effect, especially coming from the king of niggertown, who only continues to live there to service the bruthas on the down low.

    Deo Vindice

  26. My interest in the Navy ship system is that the power ultimately (not on ship board as you point out) comes from breeder reactors.

    It doesn’t; it comes from enriched uranium, like the Little Boy bomb.  I’ve listened to professional nukes talk and they don’t care for plutonium or MOX fuel; it gives them headaches.  So ultimately, the power comes from a supernova explosion roughly 4.6 GYA.

    Carter’s prohibition on reprocessing and plutonium extraction would have extended to the US military.  You might notice that we still have more or less the same prohibition, but nuclear submarines were not affected.

    This aside has nothing to do with OD except in the interest of truth-seeking in all areas.

  27. What’s funny is that a sicilian who was spawned by niggers calls someone else an “oil driller”
    Your hilarious, Apelius!

  28. Sean,
    Having wigger Irish yankee trash like you proudly display your ignorance is quite hilarious.

    You Irish bastards have more responsibility for BRA than any other group of whites in Amurrica. Then again, what else can one expect from drunken sodomite Irish, the original white niggers?

    Typical “Irishness” on display. Although it looks like most Irish today are completely negrified. Irish women do love that dark meat, don’t they?

    Deo Vindice

  29. By all means, continue to bash the, Irish.
    I have very hard on the Irish on this comment section as well.
    But, I prefer an Irishman to a nigger any day.

  30. I would rather be a nigger than a Irish yankee who is ashamed of his Irish name and heritage like you. I would be ashamed too, if I were you.
    If you don’t like your Irish name, we can always call you Barack after your great Irish yankee hero that you voted for on the “down low.”

    Deo Vindice

  31. Go through the archives here, nigger. I have zero Irish heritage.
    My family, both sides, arrived here from Germany in the late 1800’s. Up north!

  32. Barack/Sean
    I hate to break it to you, but Sean doesn’t sound really German. Maybe your mom hooked up with a “black Irish” stud. German women are next in line after the Irish when it comes to mudsharkery. Germans do share the same enthusiasm for negro freedom, equality, and miscegenation, after all.

    Poor Germans. Always arriving to the party a day late.
    This German reminds me of you for some reason.

    I think you are just pissed off and butt hurt because negroes took your “virginity” after they chased you down and curb stomped you at the last “Beat Whitey” night at the Wisconsin state fair.

    Now, don’t be a sour kraut. It will grow back…

    Deo Vindice

  33. I see the nigger DNA in Apelius has been activated. References to sexual deviance is always in obvious tell when dealing with darkie.

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