Tales From Detroit: LeDuff on Emergency Manager’s Report


In other news, Dave Bing is quitting:

“What stands out to me is 40 years of dropping demographics, of reducing revenues—you don’t get the magnitude of neighborhood blight we have overnight—of no one having a plan or solution for that, of inviting, quite frankly, some class of residents to leave,” Orr told a pool of reporters on Monday afternoon.”

Strangely enough, the same thing happened in Birmingham.

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About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You mean Detroit has been acting “nigger rich on payday?” Duh.

    Despite the mountainous lies necessary to sustain it, the yankee BRA empire continues to reveal its banality of its idiocy.

    I propose we replace the worn out yankee trope of a “shining city on the hill” with the more appropriate “mud hut in a dung heap,” especially given the yankee proclivity for ceding large portions of territory to cannibalistic savages.

    Regarding the objectives and ultimate destiny of BRA:
    Forget excellence. Even mediocrity would be a positive blessing.
    Instead the yankee empire is hell bent for complete and total dysfunction.

    Those people are so far in denial they are completely beyond help or hope.
    He can’t bring himself to mention the real cause. What a tool.

    Deo Vindice

  2. The only difference is skin color. Meanwhile back at the ranch unguarded chicken koop’s . fox do what comes naturally.

  3. “The shooter has not been caught and the McKennas are agitating Detroit police to keep searching, worrying it’s “awful low on their priority list.” “I need help because it’s not going to happen with the police,” Joan McKenna said.

    She said police told her: “We’ll never catch this guy, literally, that’s what they said.”

    And the beat goes on.

  4. Democracy requires the presence of niggers in order to fail. Aristocracy fails all by itself.

  5. Since its fact that the Blank Slate Theory is a fraud and you cannot turn blacks into whites no matter what stupid ideology the jews can make up, there is one simple fact to save Detroit you need more white people.

    Now the anti-whites are going to have a fit since they think utopia will come out of white genocide, but then again I think we no longer need to quibble with those evil clowns.

  6. I suppose I should ask, does anyone know of any libtard or contard ideology which can save Detroit?

  7. “Democracy requires the presence of niggers in order to fail. Aristocracy fails all by itself.”

    … a statement blatantly contradicted by history. The democratically-elected government of pre-WW2 Germany failed as did the Roman Republic. All societies have aristocracies. In fact, entire books have been written detailing how it is the elite within societies (even in democracies) that make most of the decisions and shape most of the opinions.

  8. Yeah anon that is a good lead in to HW’s thesis that slavery was the only productive thing blacks have done as a race. Maybe they will be so offended they leave America for their motherland, then white people can recolonize Detroit and develop its lakefront and river front property and turn it into a world class city across from its Canadian counterpart.

  9. “I suppose I should ask, does anyone know of any libtard or contard ideology which can save Detroit?”

    Doctrinaire libertarianism would fix Detroit. Understand most Blacks would emigrate away to friendlier welfare states and be replaced by non Black workers so it remains at bottom the same old issue of race: get rid of the Blacks and Detroit could rebound.

  10. Hadn’t thought about libertarians but then again in the real world they would be rolled as usual, “dats raycis.”

  11. It might be appropriate to recall James Edwards’s Hiroshima/Detroit thought experiment: If people in the year 1942 could somehow have looked 70 years into the future at Hiroshima, Dresden, Detroit, and East St. Louis, they would have concluded that the U.S.A. lost World War 2.

  12. “Hadn’t thought about libertarians but then again in the real world they would be rolled as usual, “dats raycis.””

    Plus, we wouldn’t want Detroit germs exploded into the region which still has some majority white and safe cities. Nothing can be done about Detroit so long as its human capital remains as it is. National deportation is the only true cure for the problem. And that will probably never happen, at least not until cheap oil runs out toward the middle of this century, and even then the liberal will to death is likely to soldier on. It is enough to make one a Stoic.

  13. “they would have concluded that the U.S.A. lost World War 2.” – Would their conclusion be inaccurate?

  14. Jews won WWII the greatest generation got a nice pension and a parade we get ‘Murika, and as Lee Greenwood says “God Bless ‘Murika.” And if them mooslimes don’t like gay rights laws deport them, but if they adopt our laws import them and call ’em “good ‘Murikans” who want freedom.

  15. Jews won WWII the greatest generation got a nice pension and a parade we get ‘Murika, and as Lee Greenwood says “God Bless ‘Murika.” And if them mooslimes don’t like gay rights laws deport them, but if they adopt our laws import them and call ‘em “good ‘Murikans” who want freedom.

    I pride myself on substantial criticisms of WN. I don’t go around saying WN is just for loser liberals that feel their ‘social contract’ was busted in the mid 60’s.

    I’m willing to suspend disbelief and imagine the WN narrative that Jews “won WWII”, control the US military and oppress white people. Sometimes that narrative seems the only reasonable explanation for why there are so many broken men that coalesced in the WN-sphere. I’m willing to admit that this group of lost boys is what an oppressed people look like.

    However I’ll resist the temptation to chalk it up to willful government miseducation. “Education” in the social sense is a bourgeois concept that seeks to equate what a wise man knows in his blood with what a parrot learns for treats.

    Families that were generously pumped into a vague “middle class” that had no business being there are falling back into the classes of their grandparents.

    The sound they make on the way down is white nationalism.

  16. Whites are the social critics now. IMO jews need to end their little cult, I mean really magic spirit blood or magic words, they really need to take their own medicine and enjoy and good riddance, they need to fall forward.

    As for whites falling back, are you a freaking idiot? Whites would love to go back in time and this time do it right.

  17. Imagine the anti-whites doing the time for their crimes, Denise chairing the jewish crimes against humanity committee and Detroit being opened up for re-civilizing with all that great lake front property.

  18. RRS – What’s turned you around on the Jew issue?

    Dearest Heart – my Title, in the future White Imperium, will not be “Chairwoman”.

    [It] will be bigger, magisterial, and all-encompassing. A Final sort of thing….

    ; }

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