The Finest Gentlemen Drawing Breath

We don’t have a lot of inspiring great leaders in these corrupt, depressing BRA latter days. Hideous, Lesbo Jewess Rachel Maddow is hissing “R-A-C-I-S-T”, looking to destroy the careers of any straight White American North or South who dares write, say or even THINK anything politically incorrect. Vile, straight from central casting New Yawk shysters like Charles Schumer push a race replacement amnesty bill, with massive 3rd world immigration designed to turn our country in to Brazil, Mexifornia or a bad version of the worst ghettos/barrios of Chicago. I should know, I’ve spent half my life in Chicago. Most of the White US Senators seem to be either outright traitors, or worse, clueless dottering old fools like Orin Hatch.

Thus, we should take great joy and pride over the leadership of Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Sen Sessions has led the fight to secure our borders, implement common sense immigration laws and policies that promote the legitimate rights of our people in our country and this is:

Our country.

Sen. Sessions also led the fight to defeat the horrible Federal Hate Crimes/thought crimes bill, pushed through under an obscure attachment to the Defense authorization bill. Sen. Sessions always conducts himself in an intelligent, dignified way – always an honorable Southern gentlemen. I consider Sen. Jeff Sessions to be the finest gentleman currently drawing breath.

Speaking of honorable Southern gentlemen – let us honor the finest gentleman who ever drew breath.

General Robert E Lee

“There has never been – nor will there ever be – a mortal man more admired, more esteemed, or more revered than Robert E Lee. His enemies were few, his friends legion. By war’s end, he was already a legend. He had become the embodiment of the South, and his name synonymous with it. He was the soldier-statesman, and the ultimate hero of th Lost Cause. Today, he is, without a doubt, the fundamental southern hero.” (Southern by the Grace of God, Michael Andrew Grissom)

robert e lee

(Click here to access Gettysburg video on Robert E Lee)


  1. “And industrial capabilities”

    Vietnam War. The U.S. won the battle. But in the long run, Vietcong won the war by not engaging a superior force. General Lee should have taken a cue from Sun Tzu.

  2. General Lee should have taken a cue from Sun Tzu.

    Art of War not translated til 1910. This thread sucks.

  3. “…just wanted to be left alone…”

    “- Then you inbred cretins shouldn’t have started the fucking war in the first place, when you attacked Ft. Sumter without provocation.”

    F*** off you low IQ dolt. Where was Ft. Sumter located? New York? NO. South Carolina, yes. Refusing to remove a military installation in someone else’s country = act of war. Remember this type of comment the next time Muslim terrorists attack Yankee scum. Personally, it doesn’t phase me at all. You want to be left alone? Then stop attacking other countries without provocation you mongrel mixing f***.

    Editor’s note: please adhere to OD comment guidelines against rude, obusive, vulgar language

  4. “But in the long run, Vietcong won the war by not engaging a superior force.”

    Actually it was the NVA that rolled into Saigon in 1975. And while we did indeed engage them it was not a full on confrontation as it would have been necessary to pursue them into Laos and North Vietnam and would have required even more troops than we had already committed. That was always off the table and completely unacceptable by 1969 when we started serious negotiations with Hanoi for further drawdown of American forces.

  5. The Vietnamese, most assuredly, did not win the war. After the U.S. has inflicted a kill ratio of about 20:1, it pulled out, leaving the enemy powerless, and in absolute political and economic chaos. Vietnam, because of the war, remained a filthy, squalid, impoverished third-world cesspool of twenty years and beyond. Quite a “victory”.

  6. By that time, the NVA acquired Sam missiles from the Ruskis . U.S. no longer had air superiority. 1-3 planes were shot down. Nixon last dich of carpet bombing did little to persuade the outcome.

  7. “U.S. no longer had air superiority.”

    – Despite North Vietnam using East German and Russian pilots to fly their MiGs, our pilots were still better trained, aggressive, and daring. Our guys were engaging in combat under tight restrictions.

    “1 in 3 planes were shot down.”

    – Because of ridiculous rules of engagement, the use of aircraft that weren’t intended for the nature of the mission they were flying (i.e. F-105’s against the Paul Doumer Bridge) and the Johnson administration basically allowed the North Vietnamese to build up air defenses around Hanoi and the surrounding flatlands that ended up being as formidable as those in and around Berlin.

    “Nixon last ditch bombing campaign did little to persuade the outcome.”

    – Completely incorrect. Linebacker II (the December 1972 unrestricted bombing of North Vietnam) is exactly what brought the Communists back to the negotiating table. Nixon sent B-52’s into Hanoi and utterly flattened every target of military consequence. The North Vietnamese knew very fast that Nixon, unlike Johnson, meant business and they stopped fucking around agreed to America’s terms.

  8. “the December 1972 unrestricted bombing of North Vietnam) is exactly what brought the Communists back to the negotiating table. Nixon sent B-52?s into Hanoi and utterly flattened every target of military consequence. The North Vietnamese knew very fast that Nixon, unlike Johnson, meant business and they stopped fucking around agreed to America’s terms”

    Nearly a decade, the Americans grew weary of the war. Nixon strategy ultimate grand finale basically an exit.

  9. And for what? Back in the good ole USA. The AA etc waging ethinic conflicts .

    Chinese scratching their head- round eyes long nose sure is crazy.

  10. You’re expecting too little. We’re still in the early 1850?s. You’re asking everyone to be a fire eater. For God’s sake, some of the fire eaters even were vets, like Quitman.

    I don’t think it asks too much of our politicians to not support wars that kill our people and that are designed to benefit our occupier and Israel.

    Jeff Sessions sounds like a New Englander: “Sessions said of the anti-war protesters: ‘The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world. I frankly don’t know what they represent, other than to blame America first.'”

    I am not anti-vet, although vets typically are less prone to radicalisation than non-vets are.

  11. I don’t think it asks too much of our politicians to not support wars that kill our people and that are designed to benefit our occupier and Israel.

    Since you’re plying rhetoric I’ll say it would be more compelling if you framed it simply as “benefit our occupier”. Trying to graft a nanny-like desire to bubblewrap young men instead of letting them volunteer to fight Hajj is unseemly. The Israeli angle is a lib hand-me-down and would probably alienate more southern men of faith/action.

  12. And for what?

    This is how ignorant disenfranchised people interpret history. Yeah, no Vietcong ever called you a cracker. Therefore any effort at containing a Communist bloc from Berlin to Hanoi was “stick chasing”.

  13. “Therefore any effort at containing a Communist bloc from Berlin to Hanoi was “stick chasing”

    Or-Dog chasing its own tail.

  14. Hilarious! All this about Vietnam and the Civil War on a thread about Robert E. Lee. A man who said:

    “The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.”

    C’mon y’all. Vietnam? Really? Let the past be but the past.

  15. Since you’re plying rhetoric I’ll say it would be more compelling if you framed it simply as “benefit our occupier”.

    I didn’t simply say “benefit our occupier” because the USA’s invasion of Iraq has thus far failed. Iraq is now closer to Iran, which is a far worse a scenario for the USA and Israel than when Iraq and Iran were enemies.

    Trying to graft a nanny-like desire to bubblewrap young men instead of letting them volunteer to fight Hajj is unseemly.

    You have apparently mistaken me for a pacifist. Southron men should be fighting for noble causes. They should not be conquering for the very empire that has conquered us.

    The Israeli angle is a lib hand-me-down . . . ..

    You’re hopeless.

  16. You’re hopeless.

    You win the internet. Have fun bashing the healthiest nationalist state that your “volk” love, hambone.

  17. “. . .F*** off you low IQ dolt. . .”

    “. . .Personally, it doesn’t phase me at all. . .”


  18. Iraq is now closer to Iran, which is a far worse a scenario for the USA and Israel than when Iraq and Iran were enemies

    Shia and the West conflict is mostly kabuki you ignorant trash. Now I’ll be at the new Yankee stadium watching the team of the Golden Circle (read Hemingway or travel?) crush Toronto. Cheers.

  19. Tamer of Savages write:

    “Now I’ll be at the new Yankee Stadium watching the team of the Golden Shower crush Toronto. Cheers.”

    – And then you can come to Detroit in the post-season and watch them get mauled again by the Tigers. 🙂

  20. “Because of ridiculous rules of engagement, the use of aircraft that weren’t intended for the nature of the mission they were flying (i.e. F-105?s against the Paul Doumer Bridge) and the Johnson administration basically allowed the North Vietnamese to build up air defenses around Hanoi and the surrounding flatlands that ended up being as formidable as those in and around Berlin”

    That’s the result of the commander in chief Lyndon Johnson’s lack of military experience. He was stationed stateside paper shuffling during ww2.

    All out war breaks out today. Obama, a two year senator. Before that, he was a community organizer. How will he

  21. At least 313 is a baseball fan like a good white man. Jesus, even Linder is.

    I’ll be waving at you Chris, with my fingers. That is, if you know how to steal your neighbor’s satellite signal.

  22. Not proper? I’d love to hear this. I’ll check back after a few more Absolut Red Bull zeroes.

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