Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boat Message: Fuck America, Praise Allah


The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad:

Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was the same day as the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya.

“(CBS) — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April attack, describing it as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller.

“The message was handwritten on the interior wall of the boat where he hid from authorities, bleeding from gunshot wounds, several days following the attack, sources told CBS.

In the note, Tsarnaev described the bombing victims as “collateral damage,” CBS reports. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote. He described his brother Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police, as a martyr. …”

Update: I didn’t catch this earlier.

“As police searched for him, and as he lay bleeding in his boat hideout, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote “F*** America” on the side panel of the boat, police in Massachusetts told ABC News.

Officers said they also discovered the phrase “Praise Allah” on the boat’s side panels and several anti-American screeds, including references to Iraq, Afghanistan and “the infidels.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Gleiwitz false flag is the gold standard. An FF is used to rush a nation into a hasty decision or war.

    Other suspicious events: Gulf of Tonkin, The Maine, Franz Ferdinand Assassination (personally I think the driver’s behaviour that day was bizarre) They don’t exist as utterly uncontectualized as the Boston Bombing. This was the act of a Ghazi martyr type. It will not stampede the nation into any bullshit war in Chechnya.

  2. Peak Finance wrote:

    It’s well known that the FBI & DHS recruits these kind of guys, gives them materials, has them start to carry out an attack, and sweep in at the last second to “save the day” and justify their existence. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that the attack was set-up again by FBI & DHS, but they got away from their handlers and carried out the attack

    I respond:

    Those alphabet gang stings do happen, and sometimes, the stings get away from the alphabet gang. The reason why I don’t think the Boston Massacre was the result of a sting operation, much less a sting gone bad, is because usually these sting operations involve either really sophisticated ordnance or imitated sophisticated ordnance. IOW, the Feds wouldn’t run stings based on bombs made with pressure cookers. This means that it is almost certain the Tsarnaevs did what they did entirely on their own without external provocation.

  3. The thing to look for with a false flag is an empire that thinks it can gain advantage if it strikes while the opponent is weaker, or while a weaker power is rapidly rising.

    A false flag is much more likely in the South China Sea. Expect stand offs there, expect them in Korea. Not downtown Boston on this human scale. A false flag will also tend to silence peacemaker types as well. So Franz Ferdinand’s assassination (given his “trialism”) shut up support for Slav rights in the Austrian-Hungary Empire. The war party in Austria and the war party in Serbia were both delighted by the killing. Not to mention Franz’s kin as his Czech wife Sophie Hohenberg was also killed without issue.
    Read about the driver that day. Fugging bizarre. All the belligerent Austrians and Serbs were thrilled.

  4. As Hunter pointed out, a real conspiracy or “psy-op” would involve a White Tea party anti-immigration patriot type and would involve lots of guns. Those are the people they really hate.

    The media was salivating for it to be a White guy. The psy-op crowd is claiming that Boston was basically a movie set and a script was followed to set up these poor hard working “kids” coming here to make a better life for themselves. What a crock.

    If that was true the “kids” would have looked like something out of central casting for the Tea Party.

  5. ” A nice summary of the current state of affairs by Greenwald.”

    “War is the health of the state”
    – Randolph Bourne 1918

  6. I do know Building#7 fell straight down at the free fall speed of gravity for 108 feet or so. I do know that that the former guy in charge of making bombs for the USAF said the fertilizer bomb could not have blown up the building in Oklahoma City. I don’t know for sure the Boston Bombing was false flag but as far as I’m concerned they are guilty until proven innocent. I don’t believe a damn word they say.

  7. @Lew: “… to hope the twin beasts of Judaism and Islam destroy each other.” What are the 4 beasts? Judaism, Islam, plutocracy, and pornocracy. What are the 4 goals? One World Government with New World Order, extinction of the White European races, replacement of anti-Jew Christianity by Jew-stooge Christianity, and control of the world by Jews, plutocrats, and NWO stooges. The Founding Fathers were conservative on the issue of race and liberal on the issue of religion. The semi-conservative Republicans like Pat Buchanan have now been completely purged from the Republican Party.
    What are they conserving? Certainly not civilization. Certainly not religion. – Hutton Gibson Hutton Gibson 2003 interview 1 of 4
    What is the point of World War 3? Import mestizos and mulattoes from Latin American into the U.S.A. to supply the manpower to replace the Arabs of North Africa and the Middle East. After the Jews destroy the White European races and gain complete control of the oil of North Africa and the Middle East, then the world will be ready for World War 4. The idea of World War 4 will be to use the control of oil to gain total dominance of China and Japan and then destroy the Oriental races. After Jews have total control of the world’s money, petroleum, coal, and natural gas, then they can gradually dumb down and eventually destroy all the world’s non-Jews.

  8. TNB

    False flags have a reason and TPTB wouldn’t have wanted this while the immigration bill was ongoing. The bombers’ uncle being CIA is probably how they got into the country but that’s it imo. The *standard* pattern for muslim jihadists in the west is young men who do the whole western thing when young and then get guilty about it afterwards and start to plot how to kill some white people as a penance. Also most of them are really dumb from marrying their sisters for millenia so that’s not evidence of anything e.g.

    “Six men from the West Midlands have pleaded guilty to planning to bomb an English Defence League rally…Five of them took a homemade bomb to an EDL rally in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, last June but arrived after it ended.”

  9. It’s incredible that some people commenting here believe that Boston was a false flag operation. Will you folks get real, for crying out loud! The Muslims has always hated the West and Christianity, the faith of the West. History shows these people will take any advantage they can get to attack the infidel. Do some deep history reading about Islam, and you will see the more rational commentators like Lew and Jeppo are on target, while the others are reacting from deep seated prejudgements that prevent weighing all the facts.

  10. The purpose of the Bostom psy-op was to show how easily the sheeple would allow the military to take over the role of the police. The sheeple shouted, USA!USA!USA! and waived the Yankee flag that brain dead Southron waive at all hours of the day and night.
    Americans north and south are the only people on earth that think stupidity is a virtue.

  11. The Chechens were patsies. It’s easy enough to use people like that. Re: seeting up Whites – to the Average Knuckle-Dragger of the BRA – those Chenchens are “White” or White ENOUGH. They are much easier to “lighten up”, visually, than rather swarthy and squat Jorge Zimmerman. The youngest boy is “cute”. Not my designation, but he’s definitely the object of a subset of adoring fans. He’s sort of a Bad Boy Teen Dream for the most “daring” of the online multi-culti types.

    I am not sold onthe Crisis Actors scenario. I think real bombs went off. I think real people were very badly injured. The CIA was created to spy on and control Americans. The Craft pictures are all over the place. Can you tell me was they are all about, if this is NOT a False Flag. As far as the Muzzie Jihadist thing – Chechens, like Arabs, are quickly prone to violence, and not terribly bright. I’m certain that the brothers DID think that they were engaging in legitimate Jihad. They were PATSIES. Not materminds.

    Also – the immediate presence of Israeli “helpers” in the investigation is another dead giveway. The FBI, and cops, get a fortune in public money. We need foriegners to come in and solve the “turrurist attack” (TM)? Come on…..

    The final signal is bringing in Isreali doctors, to treat Baby Dzhokhar? Why was he turned over to Israelis? Boston is a huge medical center. What? He could TALK when he was brought in. The CUT him.

    The “lockdown” of the city of Boston miltarized police test balloon. The Yankee morons obeyed everything their brave police overlords told them to do.

    Come on. SEE it.

  12. Stephen – why were Israelis FLOWN in to “help”? Why are Craft pics documented all over the scene? Why were the backpack colors DIFFERENT?

    The CIA/Mossad us USING Islamic hatred of the West, for their little stunts. Muslims are the new Knaaaazeees. As Robert of Arabia noted:

    “Robert in Arabia says:
    May 18, 2013 at 2:26 pm
    The purpose of the Bostom psy-op was to show how easily the sheeple would allow the military to take over the role of the police. The sheeple shouted, USA!USA!USA! and waived the Yankee flag that brain dead Southron waive at all hours of the day and night.”


    “Americans north and south are the only people on earth that think stupidity is a virtue.”

    Don’t be stupid, Stephen.

    USS Liberty! USS Liberty! USS Liberty!

    Whoopsie! That was an accident!

  13. Ahhh, the conspiracy mongering kooks, screwballs are in THE HOUSE!

    Turko Mongolian Muslims from Chetnia, Pakistan, all those “Stan” countries are being violent and hateful to Whites in Boston.. (Also to Whites in Russia, Greece, England to Whites everywhere).

    “It must be some super conspiracy, a Black Op by THE JOOOOZ, also the CIA, the Masons, Catholics, my neighbor that thinks he’s better than me blah, blah, blah, same old, same old”

    Hey conspiracy mongering kooks, was the sack and mass rape of Constantinople, the enslavement of Greece and the Balkans, was that all a Jew conspiracy to make Muslims look mean and violent to White Europeans? How about the Arab Muslim Moors’ 700 year occupation of Spain? 700 years is a rather long false flag operation don’t you think?

  14. Jack – are you watching the IRS hearings? If you want ot see the literal FACe of ZOG -watch. It’s the Jews, Jack. Watch the old testimony ogf Shulman, and now Miller, to see their boredom and impatience of having answer to the Idiotic Goyim. See them barely, just barely, being able to prevent themselves from directly laughing in the faces of the Goy.

    Muslims are at war with the West. So are Jews. Why did Jews open the gates, to Spanish cities like Toledo, when the Muslim invaders swooped in? Court Jews were crawling all over the Moorish – African Muslim – courts, when Ferdinand and Isabella FINALLY took their country back.

    Why were Israelis flown into Boston, Jack?


    Am I being a kook, for asking?

  15. Denise writes:

    “Muslims are at war with the West. So are Jews. Why did Jews open the gates, to Spanish cities like Toledo, when the Muslim invaders swooped in? Court Jews were crawling all over the Moorish – African Muslim – courts, when Ferdinand and Isabella FINALLY took their country back.”

    Jack replies.

    Yes this is correct. Please google the Instaration Magazine article I’ve posted many times on OD “1492 Spain might have had a good reason to expel the Jews”

    Anti White Jews in 15 th century Spain, now in the USA are working to flood our communities with violent, muderous Arab, other NW Muslims. That’s the plan. The solution is to fight the Arab Muslims, non White Muslim scum and recognize the behind the scenes anti White, pro Muslim activities of the eternal Jew.

    The answer is not to do something REALLY STUPID and deny the obvious fact that NW Muslims are murdering our people, raping our women in our White countries and a motley crew of enemies, traitors Jew and non Jew are taking the Muslim side or coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories to deny the obvious.

    Muslims are invading White communities, terrorizing, raping and murdering our people. That’s a bad thing. Don’t be a traitor or a CT kook, nut case, societal misfit, troll, troll troll.

    Any other questions?

  16. Hunter needs to increase Ryan’s moderator powers, he also needs more similarly empowered moderators. I nominate british John. Maybe even Silver. Maybe Lew.

  17. Denise, I’m not stupid. I know all about Muslims and Jews because I have Muslim Arab and Jewish ancestors. Like the well informed Mr. Ryan, I’m quite aware of how the Muzzies and the Jews collaborate against the Christian West, in spite of their hatred of each other. They hate us more than they hate each other, because they both hate Jesus Christ, his followers, and the Western civilization that sprang from them.

    BTW, I did not know I was of Jewish or Arab descent while I was growing up. I was told I was Scot-Irish, Indeed, the DNA tests I took did show a lot of Scotch, Irish , and English genes. They also showed quite a bite of DNA from the Middle East, Southern Europe, and the Baltic States. What I couldn’t figure out is how that DNA got into the Scot-Irish blood. The answer was Crypto-Judaism (Marranoism) and Crypto-Islamism (Moriscoism). My J&A forefathers immigrated from France, (a lot of Crypto J’s&I’s there!), went to Virginia, and intermarried with the Scot-Irish folks. Of course, they didn’t blab about who they really were to everybody . They would only tell those people ( fellow Jews, Arabs, or Goys) that they thought they could trust. If they believed one of their own children could not be trusted to keep the family secret, they would not tell them. That’s why I didn’t know the truth about my family until 12 years ago. My great-grandfather was left out of the loop. Also, my family has always been Masonic. A lot of Marrano’s and Morisco’s are Masons because it helps them to keep their secrets and to make valuable contacts for business and political reasons.

    Denise, Jack is correct about stupid conspiracy theories. Look at the obvious. NW Muslim foreigners are coming into the USA and are behaving badly. Even if Jews did not exist, The Muslims could come to this country undercover, like some of my ancestors did, claiming to be French or some other nationality. And they would make the same kind of trouble that the known Muslims do right now. Please tone down your hyper-emotional JudeKikeVermin and conspiracy theory nonsense and start realizing the Jews aren’t dictating to the Muslims what to do, rather the Jews are just piggyback riding on the Muslim’s backs to gain power and advantage over us. Reliable history, starting with the New Testament, shows the Jews always make deals with or try to influence the real powers that be to achieve their goals. That’s how they gained power in America. They would not have made any headway unless they sucked up to the businessmen and politicians first. Otherwise, they would have been forbidden to settle here or they would have been segregated economically and socially from the European settlers of this country.

  18. Regardless of CT, Jews, FF the only practical way to take the story is at its face value. White and normal folks should be screaming at TPTB: WHY are these 3rd worlders here? WHY do you keep letting them in, not just after Boston but after 9/11? WHY do you want to grant citizenship to 11-22 million more non White illegals? WHY is an approaching police state preferable to just stopping and REVERSING all the non White immigration? WHY do you insist on an endless “war on terror” and insist on endless open boarders at the same time?

    Why has your immigration policy since 1965 been so unfailingly anti-White?

  19. It looks to me like there was all kinds GovCo skullduggery going on in Boston. A note in boat? Are you kidding? If only the JFK kill crew had such a gullible populace. They could have left a note from Oswald in the book depository.

    Not that I think Muslims should be here, or that the Muslim invasion is good for America. But there is a concerted effort going on here to distinguish the “good” multicult members from the “bad” multicult members. By doing this, the MSM and its controllers take the debate away from whether the multicult itself is good or bad. It keeps the focus off the real terrorists — those in leadership positions that are pushing it. We need to be constantly reminded who the “real” terrorists are while the real, real terrorists continue to pound us mercilessly from DC and other avenues. This Boston episode gives us the approved good guy/bad guy script. Bad guy, bombers. Good guy, officialdom. Wether the bombers were patsies or not (and I believe they were), the script they are pushing is false. Drunk driving illegals, Somali rapists, gang bangers, no borders, illegal wars, etc. Nothing to see there. Pressure cooker bombs? The end of the world.

    If any of you want to see the Jewish wet dream of how we’re all supposed to view these events, watch Homeland, the series from Israel with Claire Daines. We have a black intelligence boss and Jew intelligence underboss and a Jew agent (who had an affair with the black overboss) watching a white bread Marine who may have been turned in captivity. This is the full spectrum view of the future, and it’s disgusting. It’s the full on “good” multicult surveillance state watching the “bad” members of the multicult (in this case a white man) so the multicult can feel safe.

    Sure, bombers suck. Bombers kill. But bombs end. The messes the bombers make can be cleaned up. The multicult never gets cleaned up. You or your kids don’t get to go home from the multicult. The multicult is everywhere, making you feel uneasy, unsafe, unhinged and detached, killing you, raping your children, taking your jobs and destroying your neighborhoods.

    But it’s just the “bad,” bombing style multicult we must fight. Regardless if these two drinking, wrestling, popular, weed smoking, beer drinking, white chick banging members of a culture that was part of the US funded Chechen rebellion actually set those bombs or not, the end script is the real false flag. It’s ALL BULLSHIT.

  20. The Boston Marathon bombing was highly damaging to the “comprehensive immigration reform” bill.

    The Left had a script ready to go – it was the work of the Tea Party, rightwing domestic extremists, it was a hate group motivated by tax day – and the narrative collapsed when it became clear that it was Muslim immigrants on welfare waging jihad over the Iraq War.

    Again, it was highly damaging to the Left and Obama’s push for amnesty that beneficiaries of the DREAM Act were terrorists.

  21. Another reason why the Boston Massacre was not a false flag:

    Would the same government that is essentially a silent partner in spreading Shari’ah Law and letting more and more Muslims immigrate turn around and run a false flag against Muslims?

  22. Supporters of the surveillance/paranoia state pushing the Government good/police state Good, bomb throwers bad agenda would definitely do that.

    Who knows what the hell the agenda was. Maybe it was a covert anti-immigration bill faction of the police state. But the job was so unclean there is no way they were lone operators.

    Have you seen the pictures of both bomb scenes? One was being investigated as a crime scene, one was left to the elements. The Globe tweeted there would be an exercise before the explosion. One was a drill, one was a plant.

    • There were hundreds of ordinary people from Alabama participating in the Boston Marathon. They gave interviews to the local media when they got back home. Fake blood? Smoke bombs? Actors?

  23. There is definitely an anti-Muslim push in the MSM, no question. They are, without doubt, trying to foment WW4. You have no argument from me on that.

    But that’s the false script. Everyone knows the Muslims shouldn’t be here. Nobody really likes them here. The enemy isn’t they who find themselves here. The enemy is who is letting them in.

  24. Stephen Dalton- the Ten Generation miscegenation rule works for Jews and Hagarenes as well as blacks, you know. So, you just might be ‘all’ Scots-Irish.

    “Would the same government that is essentially a silent partner in spreading Shari’ah Law and letting more and more Muslims immigrate turn around and run a false flag against Muslims?”

    Countenance, have you never heard of one of the most-used strategies of the Jew/bolshevik ideology, known as the ‘pincers strategy’?

    The Chechyans were merely duped Allahuakbarbarian patsies. The white square backpacks were Cointelpro slip-ups, and FEDGOV is fully in the hands of Mossad, and/or the Jihadis. Both groups HATE Christendom, and (even though it is ludicrous at this stage to call them that) therefore, they hate Whites, whom they view as Christians- even those who aren’t.
    So, why can’t/wouldn’t they join together. Barack has both stated that, if it came to a battle between the West and Islam, he’s side with Islam, and does he not celebrate Jewish Holidays at the Black House? Case in point, if you ask me….

  25. Hunter has the correct view in that the left wasn’t able to capitalize on the bombing the way they would have liked. But until we see the immigration bill failing, we cannot call it a victory for anything but the police state.

  26. Fr. John, the ten-generation rule was a part of the Mosaic Law. That law was cancelled at the Cross.

  27. Boston was a staged event: a PsyOps.

    Good and believable propaganda requires a “kernel of truth”; and yes, there is the doctrine of jihad, but 25 of the 30 cases of prosecuted Muslim terrorism since 9/11 involved infiltration by undercover FBI agents, so most likely most, if not all, of these convicted people would not have acted on their own and they required nudging, money and equipment.

    Yes, it appears they were at the event, but they were probably tricked and invited/paid to show up to the race/drill.

    The raw videos and photos presented on youtube, etc. don’t lie: Boston involved smoke bombs, fake blood, fake injuries, crisis actors and therefore patsies.

    Please do some research before deciding it wasn’t a PsyOps.

    Don’t take MSM’s word for it.

    That said, all muslims – including white converts – should be deported from the west.

  28. I can’t believe some commentators are still thinking that Boston was a PsyOp. Oh, come on! Real people, not actors, got injured and killed by these Chechen creeps. The only thing that’s fake is the bad logic being used by too many commentators on this blog.

  29. That said, all muslims – including white converts – should be deported from the west.

    Qualifying your above remarks with this postscript doesn’t make them any less retarded. Is it a full moon? The tardwhales are rotting on the beach here.

  30. Lots of people that were “interviewed” saw nothing close-up, so they’re not in a position to comment on the injuries. After the smoke bomb(s) went off, runners were diverted from the scene.

  31. No-man, are you saying there aren’t people in positions of power throughout this county and its media who are morally capable of committing such an act?

    Isn’t this blog all about the presence of such people and their persistent commission of such violent acts, both overtly and through culturally violent legislation?

    Where the hell do you think you’re living?

  32. Jack,

    You are gettng a wee tad hysterical on this “IT’s NOT A FALSE FLAAAAAAAG! THING!!!! It’s the Mooslims!!!!! AGGGGHHH!!!!”

    I never said it wasn’t Muslims. If I were magically placed in charge – do you think I’d let Muslims stay in White lands?

    Do you?

    I SAID the brothers were PATSIES. Violent Chechen Muzzies. I would not have let them in.

    However – what the ethny of the Frankfurt School? If it were not for the Kikenvermin subversion and corrosion, and White naivete and gullibility – the Muzzies wouldn’t be tromping all over, doing all those horrid things. Whites would NOT be persecuted in our own lands.

    You were kind enough to address one element of my post. The Jews financing and literally opeing the gates for the Negro Muslims in Spain thing.

    Now address the Israeli helpers, and the Israeli
    doctors, FLOWN in, to make sure little Dzhokhar can’t TALK. Oh – Tamerlan was taken alive. What happened?


  33. Hunter – just because Leviathan is vicious and murderous doesn’t mean they are same. They are getting sloppier by the minute.

    The are going for broke. The West is being attacked on MANY fronts. Please entertain, for a moment, that the Boston Bombers were set us as MUSLIMS. I post in al lkinds of forums. PLEASE beleive me when I tell you the Muslims are the new Knaaazeees. PLEASE. When I troll Jews I get denounced as a Muslim. NOT a Knazzeee. I still get the Knazzeee thing occasionally – but it’s….mmmm…a 50-1 Muslim to Knaaazeee ratiom.

    If you ask most BRA retardates, of ANY Race, if the Chechens are “White” – the reaction will be somethng like, “Ummm…ya…I think so”.

    WE are the folks we can differentiate between Races. Right now, in BRA, the Races are “Hispanic” (which is not a Racial category – but “Hispanic” is the polite term of “Brown People”), White (anything and everything) and African American. If you asked most folks what the older brother was, you may get “Italian” or “Arab”, depending onthe pic you used, as an example. Hoe many people would identify him as Turcic, do you think?

    Dzhokhar will be identified as a cute Brown boy. Get a pic, and show him around. Ask people is they know who he is. People we SEE a cute, kinda sexy Darkish boy. Not Black, of course….but he sure has a cute face. “He’s cute! Who is he?” is the reaction you wil get fomr MOST people.

    FOR THE RECORD – I don’t think he’s cute, or not cute. I’m discussing the way he’s been perceived, by the masses. He has FANS, many of whom are homosexuals.

    Rac is not an issue, n their roles as patsies, to the Masses. Their role as MUSLIM TURRARITS is the point.

    I’m sure ZOG was not planning on this bombing causing an issue with immigration reform/mass amnesty. THEY don’t confuse Mestizo Helots with Mad Mooslim Turra-ritz. They forgot to strongly delineate, to the Masses, that Nice Mexicans Who Just Come Here To Work, are NOT Moozlim TERRARITZ!!!!

    This Craft Show, n Boston, is all about gun snatching. And Can We Spook the Stopud Micks in Bah-ston into obeying outrageous police bullying? Which worked like a charm. There are always Unintended Consequences. Always. The American Schmoo CORRECTLY, for once, IS equating Mestizo Helots with Moozlim Tureen-ists.

    Mestizos have raped, assaulted, and murdered far more Muricans than those Bug Eyed A-rab Terror-Its have.

    The A-rabs are pikers, compared to the child molesting, raping, DRUNK DRIVING Cholos,

    The Murricans are right. “It’s those BROWN People!” (God, thn koyu for your Mercy!).

    ZOG is doing damage control, now.

    So – how about those Israeli doctors, for Dzhokhar?

    Will ANY-ONE answer that?

    Oh -have you been watchng the IRS hearings? Was it Mooslims, wot done it?

  34. “Rudel says:
    May 18, 2013 at 4:12 pm
    Shoot them all.”

    I want to second that. Every single waking moment.

  35. Stephen Dalton,

    I’m sorry about that lineage thing. Yikes!

    I am so blessed that my family were too insignificant to mate with.

  36. If I have deciphered your comment correctly, Denise – an increasing number of websites are onto the Boston Marathon psy-op / drill. The patsies are not Arabs – they are Khazars, from Dagestan. Possibly Al-CIA-duh or Mossad. Look at the Turko-Khazar schnoz on both of them. One was supposedly shot. The other was taken into Jew medical custody. They both probably have a FEMA actor contract and were extracted from the psy-op under the cover of the lockdown and mayhem. We may yet see them on Israeli TV high-fiving and dancing the Hora. (Cue Hatikva)

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