Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boat Message: Fuck America, Praise Allah


The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad:

Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was the same day as the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya.

“(CBS) — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April attack, describing it as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller.

“The message was handwritten on the interior wall of the boat where he hid from authorities, bleeding from gunshot wounds, several days following the attack, sources told CBS.

In the note, Tsarnaev described the bombing victims as “collateral damage,” CBS reports. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote. He described his brother Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police, as a martyr. …”

Update: I didn’t catch this earlier.

“As police searched for him, and as he lay bleeding in his boat hideout, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote “F*** America” on the side panel of the boat, police in Massachusetts told ABC News.

Officers said they also discovered the phrase “Praise Allah” on the boat’s side panels and several anti-American screeds, including references to Iraq, Afghanistan and “the infidels.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denise, I’m sorry about your inability to understand reality. If your reasoning skills were as sharp as your tongue, you would be a genius. Instead of looking at the facts like Messers Wallace and Ryan do and drawing their conclusions from those facts you rely on preconceived notions that you already have to explain what happened. The facts are this Denise: two Muslim losers, without any help from a false flag operation, decide to commit terrorist acts, and get their fool asses shot off for their pains.

    And as for why they brought in Israelis to help, well regardless of what we think of them, they do have some experience dealing with Muslim terrorists. The doctors they brought in might be there to prevent him from committing suicide or to do a psychological profile on him. In addition, a terrorist who is surrounded by his mortal enemies is going to be very well behaved!

  2. Denise,

    Where did you get that he was taken alive? I saw an interview with a local (not law enforcemen) who saw him run down by Dzhokhar.

    Now address the Israeli helpers, and the Israeli
    doctors, FLOWN in, to make sure little Dzhokhar can’t TALK. Oh – Tamerlan was taken alive. What happened?

  3. In addition, a terrorist who is surrounded by his mortal enemies is going to be very well behaved!

    Zero Dark Thirty has a nice moment of gallows humor when Jessica Chastain tells a Muslim prisoner to talk or we’re sending you to Israel…and he starts talking.

  4. Why is this bombing incident considered “important” by so many here, discussed over and over, in post after post? Doesn’t it function then (whether or not it may be so designed) as a DISTRACTION from what really IS important?

    The bombing incident really is instructive to remind us to consider what are the CAUSES of Chechens’ and Muslims’ anger, and why so many are living in America.

    The possible “boat message” is really not worth thinking about now, I think.

  5. Because, it was a fortuitous development that took the steam out of the comprehensive immigration reform bill, and it connects immigration to the public’s concern about terrorism.

  6. “Hunter needs to increase Ryan’s moderator powers, he also needs more similarly empowered moderators.”

    Yes, he “needs” to silence or punish all the non-“mainstream,” free speakers and thinkers.

    Why not also launch a group of false, robot bloggers to applaud and mimic all of Hunter’s and Ryan’s “mainstream” expressions, and dilute and drown out the dissonant voices?

  7. “it connects immigration to the public’s concern about terrorism”

    …and so reinforces the public’s confusion about the cause of both “immigration” (invasion) and “terrorism.”

  8. “it was a fortuitous development that took the steam out of the comprehensive immigration reform bill”

    …or rather, it adds more steam to the preparations for even more anti-terrorist crusading.

  9. Hunter – I do not think there were actors. I think the bombs were VERY real.

    I mean, THINK about what the Christ said:

    John 8:44
    King James Version (KJV)

    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    THINK about that. The Hebes have been lying and murdering for centuries! It’s what they do!

    The Chechens were PATSIES. Oswald was a PATSY.

    Come on.

    I’m really glad the blowback derailed the Amnesty. Kewl! Haha Jewbies! The Boston Cattle Stampede is really rather funny, if you stop ringing your hands over the exploded body parts.

    How about those Israeli doctors, wot cut the 19 year old Bomber Hottie’s throat?

  10. Focusing on The Muslim Threat plays well to possible military and premillennial evangelical audiences of the blog?

  11. Lew – I’l have to dig up the source. I haven’t really paid that much attention, after the first 2 weeks. I’m much more interested in Benghazi, Syria, and The IRS hearings.


    Dear LORD.

    If ANY of you ever wondered why people wanted to expel Hebes, or shove them in ovens – watch Miller. The literal face of ZOG.

  12. “I’m really glad the blowback derailed the Amnesty.”

    Well, possibly slowed its advance a little for a while. But the invading Hispanics and East Asians are known to be NOT Muslim, so the logic is flawed.

  13. “it connects immigration to the public’s concern about terrorism”

    …and so reinforces the public’s IGNORANCE or confusion about the cause of both “immigration” (invasion) and “terrorism.”

  14. Lynda – indeed. The point I was tryng ot make is how the Bomber Bois play to the Great Unwashed and Stupified!

    JooSA! JooSA! JooSA!


    The wheels are coming off the Hollowhoax scam. So the Hebes need a new bogey man. The Moooozlims are wonderful stand-ins. Who, besides any of us, will differentiate between Arabs and Chechen Turcics?

    “Those damned raghead Chechen A-rabs! The blowd up the marathon! The marathon! They’s gonna attack Israel, God’s Chosen, if’n we don’t stop ’em!”

    JooSA! JooSA! JooSA!

    I don’t understand the Subversion Denial Syndrome, going on, with certain posters…..the ….errrr…conflicting details are, in some ways, worse than the Sandy Hook psy-opps campaign.

    All ya have to do is see what’s RIGHT in front of your face. Cui bono? What is the thing, in itself?

  15. “Mosin Nagant says:
    May 19, 2013 at 2:23 am
    “I’m really glad the blowback derailed the Amnesty.”

    Well, possibly slowed its advance a little for a while. But the invading Hispanics and East Asians are known to be NOT Muslim, so the logic is flawed.”

    I know. Chuckie Schumer (J-NY) is doing is devilish best to ram it through no matter WHAT. As Bennie Netanyahu (J-Israel) said (in a total admisson of racial millennial collective guilt) “History won’t give us another chance”.

    Damned right, Kike. Expulsion #110 wil be global.

  16. Stephen Dalton says:
    May 19, 2013 at 12:29 am
    And as for why they brought in Israelis to help, well regardless of what we think of them, they do have some experience dealing with Muslim terrorists. The doctors they brought in might be there to prevent him from committing suicide or to do a psychological profile on him. In addition, a terrorist who is surrounded by his mortal enemies is going to be very well behaved!”

    Ha! Perfect expression of genetics, right there! That’s yer Jewblood talking, Daltonsky.

    I’ve had Jews tell me that Israle HAD to attack the USS Liberty – cause they were SPYING . And that it was an accident. HAHAHA!!!!

    If I could learn to type – I’d rule the world.

  17. Lew! Here ya go:

    That’s the first thing I grabbed.

    Just type something like “Tamerlane Tsarnaev was taken alive” into your search engine. Start rooting through all the stuff. That link is not what “sold” me. I am infinitely more interested in the Cult of Dzhokhar, Teenaged Ji-hottie. Not him – his fans.

    The thing that sold me on the psy-opps False Flag was the Flight of the Israelis.

    No one has offered a cogent explanation, as to WHY:

    1) Israeli investigators came to “help”
    2) Israeli doctors were needed.


    Daltonsky’s Jew explanation doesn’t count.

    There’s ALWAYS a Telling Detail.

    That’s IT.

    Actually – I did read a good explanation. Not here. Somewhere else. The Hebes came in to mop up the mess. They didn’t do a very good job.

  18. OD appears to have a lot of Muslim sympathizers in the readership who need their illusions shattered.

    Why is this bombing incident considered “important” by so many here, discussed over and over, in post after post? Doesn’t it function then (whether or not it may be so designed) as a DISTRACTION from what really IS important?

  19. It’s not an issue of “Muslim sympathizers”.

    It’s boredom wth the relentless distractions. Created to keep Muricans chasing that stick down the street.

  20. I LOVE Incogman.

    It’s the perfect place for Joe. Many of the other Commentors are FAR crazier than he is.

  21. “OD appears to have a lot of Muslim sympathizers in the readership who need their illusions shattered.”

    No, rather a lot of Muslim-mesmerized who need to be awakened.

  22. Denise, no need to at a ‘sky’ at the end of my name. I’m descended from Spanish-Portugese Marrano’s, not Ashkenazi Jews. BTW, the surname Dalton comes from a town in Galilee, Israel, so contrary to the common wisdom, it’s not English, Irish, or Scottish in origin. So, like that terrorist, be on your best behavior when your around folks with that surname. LOL!

  23. Re: Spanish-Portuguese Marranos:

    Many emigrated to the Spanish colonies, ancestors of some invading Hispanics.

  24. Denise that video you posted doesn’t prove nothing. The images are too blurry to make out any details. However, the pictures of his corpse conforms to the information about his death as reported in the media.

  25. Lew, it’s not so much Muslim sympathizers in the readership that need to have their illusions shattered, it’s knee-jerk Jew haters who need to learn how to use the brains God gave them, instead of allowing their emotions to run wild.

  26. This comment section is reading a lot like Rick Adams radio show over at Republic. Everything that happens, to the jot and tittle is all a false flag or “psy-op” by the Israelis and their Mossad. I have listened to all the claims and they have no credibility because everything that happens is a false flag!

    Everything! Boston, Virginia tech, 9/11, London bombing, Spain bombing, Batman shooting, Sandy Hook. On and on and on. How the hell am I supposed to take this shit serious? Rick Adams also claims the Jews caused the Civil war as well.

    The supernatural descendants of Cain better known as the Jews controlling everything through mass hypnosis is easier to believe than doing as Hunter does on this site which takes a lot of work: Studying history and seeing the huge mistakes made by the people who ran/run this country and how those mistakes are now chickens coming home to roost. One of those mistakes is mass immigration.

  27. Damn, it got dark outside. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you! A diabolical one. A black diabolical one at that! Black helicopters. Black boxes. Black ops. Black light.

  28. Denise,

    I think you’re right on the main issue. Until people start saying JEW instead of Muslim, illegal immigrant, banker, nigger, cultural Marxist, faggot, atheist, liberal, etc., they are in a real sense “chasing sticks.”

    The best response to this IMO is to remind people that Jews were instrumental in opening the door to the Tsarnaevs. I don’t see a lot of value in this case of trying to link Jews to them or as some are saying that the Tsarnaevs are Jews. Without strong evidence (dancing Israelis), baseless speculation about Jewish involvement in Muslim killings only helps the Jews.

    Jews control the media frame around every event. But just because Jews spin every event to their advantage, it doesn’t mean they were behind the events or in league with anyone who was. Jews portrayed Adam Lanza as typical of white conservatives even though he was a mentally ill boy from a liberal state. They turn black crime into discussions of gun manufacturers, the NRA and white privilege. They gave Christopher Dorner’s “manifesto” a respectful hearing after he killed non-whites including an interracial couple.

    Jews are in a position to do very effectively here what they have done and do in Israel all the time. Jews are responsible for brutal treatment of the Palestinians. When one finally snaps and goes on a kill spree, Jews just take the attack out of context and use it as “proof” that Muslims not Jews are the real killers. They don’t need to fake Hamas rocket attacks (although I wouldn’t put it past them) when Hamas has plenty of reasons of their own to do it — because Jews have given them those reasons.

    It’s important not to play into the Jewish frame that anyone who criticizes Jews is paranoid Jew hater rather than a person rationally responding to Jewish aggression against white civilization. This is a form of stick chasing too because it plays to Jewish narratives.

  29. “The Craft pictures are all over the place. Can you tell me was they are all about, if this is NOT a False Flag.”

    I don’t blame the false flag people in this instance because there are some odd elements for real this time like the Craft people being there and the connections to the CIA via their uncle, Israelis etc. However i still come back to the timing.

    The Jews are currently split into two factions:
    1. Jews who are anti-white first and pro-Israel second.
    2. Jews who are pro-Israel first and anti-white second.

    The anti-white first Jews have no incentive to plant these bombs because it interferes with their planned stealth genocide of white people via immigration. The only false flag bombings they’d do would be ones that could be blamed on pro-white activists.

    The pro-Israel first Jews are the ones that have the incentive to conduct false flags with muslim bombers but i can’t see what it was supposed to achieve in this case. Israel sinking the USS Liberty had a purpose. 9/11 had a purpose. I didn’t see any concerted media push to use the bombings for anything. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason but i can’t see it.

    What i would believe is their uncle is/was tied up in all sorts of things connected to destabilising Russia/Putin and the two boys created a mess that needed clearing up.

  30. UV-A light. Ultraviolet light. “Invisible light.”

    Many applications. Can detect fluorescence, dyes, etc. Used to detect counterfeit money, paintings, etc.

  31. An important distinction by test.

    Jew faction # 1 is not helped by a Muslim bombing on American soil. Indeed, it’s hindering their immigration agenda.

    Jew faction # 2 is not helped either because the bombers are Chechens and any anti-Muslim sentiment arising from the bombing can’t be channelled to Israel’s immediate benefit, such as, for example, building a case for an American war on Syria or Iran.

    The bombing does help the US government’s police state agenda, but the bombing hasn’t made it possible for them to do anything they were not already doing.

  32. Look, 100 years of infiltration, destruction of culture, erosion of borders and language, intellectual carpet bombing of Western Civilization and the academy, and the active Muslim participation in this decline was about the level of zero.

    Then, in the final 5 minutes of America, when the Constitution is already nearly meaningless, the completely corrupted status quo begins the chant: WE NEED TO GET THE MUSLIMS. Yeah, we don’t want the Muslims here. NO FUCKING DUH. But guess what, they’re the very least of our problems. They’re not hiding anymore than the illegals in the Home Depot parking lot are hiding. And overall, they’ve probably killed fewer Americans. Sorry, but the anti-Muslim crowd just sounds like a bunch of neocons. Here’s the question: Who is letting them all in?

    “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

    Albert Pike, 1871.

    You people screaming about Muslims are acting like it’s 1910 and we’re all pure as the driven snow and surely our government wouldn’t do anything against the people. Meanwhile, WHY ARE THEY HERE TO BEGIN WITH? WHY? WHO SETS THEM BEFORE US? WHO PUTS THEM ON OUR STREETS?

    Fucking pollyannas. Ooooh it’s the towelheads gonna get us. GUESS WHAT MOTHER JUMPERS, WE WERE GOT A LONG TIME AGO.

  33. NOI is a branch of Islam. It’s chock full of Chocolate Soldiers who are murderous Americans.

  34. Muslims are filth, always have been. They are incompatible with Western society, but they are now a part of Western society. Whose to blame?
    The trend setters in the media and those who follow those trends.
    Very simple. Solution, control the narrative, the sheep will follow. The unwashed masses always follow, there is no need to reach out to them. They follow those who are most effective in propoganda.
    Right and wrong mean nothing to those caught up in herd mentality.

  35. “Fr. John, the ten-generation rule was a part of the Mosaic Law. That law was cancelled at the Cross.”

    Stephen Dalton- not to go off topic, but you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Read “Theonomy in Christian Ethics” by Greg Bahnsen.
    Or look at Justinian’s Law Code.
    Or Blackwell’s Commentary.

    All law in the West is EXPLICITLY based on Mosaic Ten Commandment law.
    As St. Paul said, ‘Do we nullify the law? Heaven forbid!”

    Now, back to topic.

  36. “Why not also launch a group of false, robot bloggers to applaud and mimic all of Hunter’s and Ryan’s “mainstream” expressions, and dilute and drown out the dissonant voices?”

    Well put, Mosin.

  37. “As Bennie Netanyahu (J-Israel) said (in a total admisson of racial millennial collective guilt) “History won’t give us another chance”.”

    Denise- well noted.

    Also, as H. Kissinger (himself a Hebe) said somewhat recently, ‘Jews have an expiration date.’

    “The supernatural descendants of Cain better known as the Jews controlling everything through mass hypnosis is easier to believe than doing as Hunter does on this site which takes a lot of work: Studying history and seeing the huge mistakes made by the people who ran/run this country and how those mistakes are now chickens coming home to roost. One of those mistakes is mass immigration.”

    Ulfric- I don’t think anyone on THIS forum denies your last sentence. But, as those of us who read continuously eventually find out, the [sic] “jews” ARE behind it all- even if they are not the ‘players’ on the ‘stage of history.’ They ARE the ‘power behind the throne,’ once one looks BEHIND the ‘throne.’ And some of us who post, DO have advanced degrees, and don’t just blurt out our sentiments, without first having thought long and hard about them…

    I just finished Joseph P. Farrell’s ‘Babylon’s Banksters.’ A ‘deep’ book. Wasn’t looking for it, but again, (like usual) there it was. Right there, at conclusion’s end, Dr. F shows that historically, Jews were both a) the money interest since at least Babylon (and the “Captivity”) in most of ancient Western History- e.g., did you know that the reason for Sparta’s “isolationism” as a city-state, prior to the Peloponnesian War, was all due to Sparta’s NOT wanting to have a ‘fiat currency’ based on what we call today, “fractional reserve banking”? And that the silver/gold merchants between West(gold) and Babylon/Persia (silver) were our old friends, the so-called “Jews”?

    Or that the concept of the ‘harmony of the spheres’ is real, and Tesla almost proved it, among others- or that Soviet research into ‘nodes of power’ on the earth, match almost exactly the ancient temples of most ‘religious sites of ancient significance,’ from Easter Island, to Stonehenge, to the Giza Pyramids? Or that this is all related?

    So, if all of this is ‘news’ to someone with a Doctorate, (i.e., me) who has taught in university, and speaks four foreign languages, and reads two more, why should it not be surprising to find- or believe- that the ‘Jews’ are behind a lot of our troubles as Whites? They truly DO have a millenia-old, (and DNA different) hatred of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. One last thought, that might jog a cog: Why should we discredit the “Protocols,” (for example) when Sergei Nilus (complier/author) was considered both: a) a very holy man, as well as b) a very intelligent man in early 20th- Century Czarist Russia- simply because they (Jews) say it’s a forgery?

    We need to do much more stringent research, if we’re going to break free from FEDGOV, fifth columnists, spies and informers, and ‘false flag operations’ that we couldn’t believe might have been carried out by ‘our’ side. Our side, is ORION.

    And God, in Christ. (for those who believe)

    And precious little more.

  38. Now, having said all that, it’s still important to keep focus.

    So, here’s a quote and a link.

    “Dr Taj Hargey, imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation, said race and religion were inextricably linked to the recent spate of grooming rings in which Muslim men have targeted under-age white girls.

    “The activities of the Oxford sex ring are “bound up with religion and race” because all the men – though of different nationalities – were Muslim and they “deliberately targeted vulnerable white girls, whom they appeared to regard as ‘easy meat’, to use one of their revealing, racist phrases”, Dr Hargey said.”‘imams_promote_grooming_rings’muslim_leader_claims.html

    So, why DO we allow the Maj. Hassans, the Tamerlans, the “Mooslims” in our lands?

  39. Oxford was the spiritual center point of Britain before the Romans arrived. The Uni revived that role. It was a place that people all over the Island came to to discuss politics and religious matters apparently.

    I strolled through last night on the way to the Randolph hotel after drinking with friends at a bar on Cowley Rd. Students and some profs were celebrating end of exams and graduation ceremonies, discussing new jobs in Boston, New York, Berlin, London, Moscow, LA, Beijing… Meanwhile the ground under their feet has imperceptibly shifted.

  40. occigent
    “Look, 100 years of infiltration, destruction of culture, erosion of borders and language, intellectual carpet bombing of Western Civilization and the academy, and the active Muslim participation in this decline was about the level of zero. ”

    You’re right and the War on Terror is really all about getting Americans to fight Israel’s enemies.

    However on top of that the corrupted version of western moral values are both incompatible with traditional moral codes and very seductive so you get this standard pattern where muslims indulge when young and then react against it when they’re older and some of that reaction involves plotting to blow white people up.

    It’s TMB to go alongside TJB and TNB.

    (I’m not saying there isn’t more to this as well e.g. the Craft thing, but personally i can’t see how this helps the neocon faction. To me it seems more likely to draw attention to dirty deeds being done by USG/Israel in Russia/Caucasus.)

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