Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boat Message: Fuck America, Praise Allah


The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad:

Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was the same day as the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya.

“(CBS) — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April attack, describing it as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller.

“The message was handwritten on the interior wall of the boat where he hid from authorities, bleeding from gunshot wounds, several days following the attack, sources told CBS.

In the note, Tsarnaev described the bombing victims as “collateral damage,” CBS reports. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote. He described his brother Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police, as a martyr. …”

Update: I didn’t catch this earlier.

“As police searched for him, and as he lay bleeding in his boat hideout, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote “F*** America” on the side panel of the boat, police in Massachusetts told ABC News.

Officers said they also discovered the phrase “Praise Allah” on the boat’s side panels and several anti-American screeds, including references to Iraq, Afghanistan and “the infidels.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Fr. John, the epistles of Paul (especially Hebrews) make it quite clear that the Mosaic Law was done away with. The Ten Commandments were a part of that law, so they’re done away with too. (IICor 3:5-18) We’re under the law of Christ, as taught in the Sermon On The Mount and other places in the New Testament, not the law of Moses.

    Bahnsen was a Reformed reconstructionist. I’m a Catholic, not a Calvinist or a Judaizer. Reconstructionism is just a form of Judaizing, so that line of thought has no appeal to me.

    Fr. John, I’ve noticed in the past that your ‘religion’ is a syncretic blend of Eastern Orthodoxy and Christian Identity. Now, reconstructionism is added to the mix. Eastern Orthodoxy, based on what I know about it, can’t be harmonized with CI or any form of Calvinism. So it’s no wonder why any of your rants don’t make sense. Attempts to blend contradicting religions never produce logical thought.

  2. Stephen Dalton- Just found this. FYI.

    “…many today unfortunately adhere to the weak antinomian and semi-Marcionite heresy that the Law and Old Covenant are completely abolished with the coming of Christ. This includes the vast majority of adherents for both mainline Protestantism and evangelicalism. Many, particularly within evangelical or fundamentalist circles, will often confess that the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the New, but the practical outworking of their theology involves worshiping an ever-changing God. One of the effects of this heresy is the refusal to acknowledge God’s judgments on earth upon individuals, families, and nations as such. In this part I would like to focus on the implications of the New Covenant and Christ’s incarnation for this doctrine concerning God’s terrestrial judgments.”


  3. Stephen-

    One cannot be a Christian, and a Romanist.

    Or hasn’t the departure of Benedict while still alive, and the election of the man who was the ‘opposition’ prior to Benedict’s election, not shown you that Rome is ‘no true Church’ as both the Reformers, and the Orthodox say?

    And you fall for the ad hominem attack of labelling me as a cultist, when I have stringently noted on my own blog, that truth is truth, wherever it is found, and that it is the very Roman universalism that has corrupted the philosophical mind of the ENTIRE West, and not my ‘aberrancies.’ In other words, pot calling kettle.

    Heal thyself.

  4. Fr. John, the law of Moses was done away with at the cross. The epistles of Paul (especially Hebrews) makes that clear. The Ten Commandments were a part of that law and have faded away. (IICor. 3:5-18) We’re now under the law of Christ, as taught in the Sermon On The Mount and the rest of the New Testament.

    Bahnsen is a reconstructionist Judaizer and a Calvinist. I’m Catholic, so I’m not interested in any form of Protestantism or Judaizing.

  5. “Focusing on The Muslim Threat plays well to possible military and premillennial evangelical audiences of the blog?”

    “You people screaming about Muslims are acting like it’s 1910 and we’re all pure as the driven snow and surely our government wouldn’t do anything against the people.”

    One in 10 people under 25 are Muslim, while Christianity is in decline, the 2011 UK census reveals. An explosion in the Muslim population and an aging Christian demographic could mean Islam will be the dominant religion in the UK in 10 years…

    Furthermore, the re-analysis showed that the majority of Christians were over the age of 60 and for the first time less than half of young people describe themselves as Christian. As a result the ONS has calculated that in a decade only a minority will classify themselves as Christians in England. Christianity is still the dominant religion in the UK with over 50 per cent of the population regarding themselves as believers.

    However, this may be set to change as the British Muslim population has surged dramatically over the past 15 years, increasing by 75 per cent in England and Wales. The 2011 census puts the Muslim population of the UK at around 5 per cent, a total that has been boosted by around 600,000 Muslim immigrants who have arrived in the UK over the past decade.

    The rapid growth of Islam in the West is an existential threat to White Christian civilization, period. But persistent Muslim terrorism, criminality, welfare dependence and all around bad behaviour gives us, the immigration restrictionists, an opening to 1) Stop amnesty, 2) Reduce or end immigration from Muslim countries, and 3) Eventually reduce or end ALL immigration.

    There’s no doubt that Jews played a hugely outsized role in the importation of Muslims and other Third Worlders to our countries. But support for mass immigration isn’t limited to the Jews, it’s supported by virtually the entire left wing of the political spectrum and much of the right wing. And blaming the Jews for the Boston bombings is not only mistaken, it seriously detracts from our credibility when we point out Jewish malfeasance in countless other areas where they are absolutely to blame.

    That’s why we should put the blame squarely where it belongs: on a couple of Muslim lowlifes, fake refugees from Dagestan, welfare scammers, drug dealers, possible previous murderers, and virulent anti-Americans. Just this morning I read about another Muslim refugee from Uzbekistan who was arrested in Idaho for plotting some sort of terrorist act. More ammunition for us, and it puts our Judeo-Islamic, Middle Eastern Semitic enemies on the defensive once again. Good.

    For starters, we should push for a ban on Muslim immigration, but phrased in non-discriminatory language like a temporary moratorium on immigration from the 57 countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. This would be totally justified in the name of protecting homeland security and would have the bonus effect of weakening the OIC, a powerful anti-Western international organization.

    Rather than demanding an end to all Third World immigration immediately–only to be ignored by the entire political establishment–we need to take incremental steps like calling for a “temporary” ban on immigrants from the OIC, something that might actually have political traction. It’s little steps like this, unwittingly aided and abetted by the Tsarnaevs and their ilk, that will get us closer to our ultimate goal: a permanent end to mass non-white immigration.

    I predict that the Gang of H8te’s amnesty will be stopped dead in it’s tracks in the House, in no small part because of popular outrage at the Boston bombings. So thanks Tammy and Joker! Couldn’t a done it without ya. That’s why focusing on Muslim terrorism is a winning strategy for us, and the next obvious step is demanding a ban on Muslim immigration; again, couched in PC language like a moratorium on OIC migrants only.

    The Judeo-Gramscian Frankfurt School gained power over us only after a long, slow march through the institutions. And the only way to wrest that power away from them is through a long, slow march back.

  6. Exactly.

    If it was an anti-Muslim “psy-op,” you would think that it would have implicated Syrians or Iranians, the two regimes which the neocons are agitating to take down, rather than two Chechens which the United States has supported for years to weaken Russia.

  7. Everything! Boston, Virginia tech, 9/11, London bombing, Spain bombing, Batman shooting, Sandy Hook. On and on and on. How the hell am I supposed to take this shit serious? Rick Adams also claims the Jews caused the Civil war as well.

    Remember Joe?

    There are websites out there which interpret almost every current event as a Jewish conspiracy.

  8. Occigent,

    You need to be a lot more specific about who and what you are referring to when you say people here sound like neocons. Who and what are you referring to?

    If you’re talking about contributors like me, test, jeppo, Hunter Wallace, I think you’re misreading our positions and caricaturing them. I doubt anyone here thinks “it’s the Muslims!,” or that Muslims in western lands are not a symptom of deeper problems that were not created by Muslims.

    No one here is calling for war on Syria, or Iran, or for spreading the war on terror, all neocon priorities — that no one here supports I don’t think.

    You’re quoting Pike which as striking as that passage might be does little for your credibility because you’re dragging the illuminati and related kookery into the discussion by raising Pike. It makes you come across as a crude conspiracy theorist with simple and unnuanced views.

    You make some good points from a macro-perspective, Muslims are a sympton nor a cause, but you don’t seem to appreciate that we can and do have multiple enemies at the same time. You’re also wrong on some basic facts.

    Muslims have been an implacable foe of western civilization for 1300 years, for, in fact, centuries before modern Zionism existed. Muslims haven’t just walked in in the last five minutes. They have seized on an opening created in the last five minutes by white elites and Jews to do what they have always done and wanted to do — kill and subjugate infidels.

  9. Sea, and fellas – who controls the media?

    Come on. You know!

    Hey – have you watched Steve A Jew Miller’s stunning peformance in the IRS hearings?

  10. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 19, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    If it was an anti-Muslim “psy-op,” you would think that it would have implicated Syrians or Iranians, the two regimes which the neocons are agitating to take down, rather than two Chechens which the United States has supported for years to weaken Russia.”

    Hunter – Boston was NOT an Anti Muslim Psy Opp. It was an Anti WHITE psy opp. Muslism are the new dupes and scapegoats, to get Whites to do what Jews want – get themselves killed fighting the enemies of the Jew.

    Wouldn’t it be GREAT if the “White population rose up”, and “killed off Muzzies”?THEN, all the Multi Culti Darkies, and their Jew managers, could enact martial law, and arrest, try, and put down all the White racists. The militarized, Israeli-trained Boston police spent time after the bombing hounding ordinary White Yankees, and threatening them if they even looked outside their windows. Kewl!!!! What good little emasculated Zogbots those Boston Beaners are!

    Re: Syria and Russia – the bombing has nothing to do with Syria and Russia per se, excepting prep the Schmmos into accepting the slaughter of more of them Damned Mooslim A-rab Ragheads. JooSA JooSA JooSA! Them cops just wanted us to stay inside so we wouldn’t get blowed up reel gud by them Chechen A-rab bombers!

    Hey – why is FOX paying for a very expensively produced TV show (which I don’t think any-one’s watching, but they are still paying for anyways) called “The Americans”, all about Russian Commies infiltratin’ Mom’s Apple Pie?

  11. Muslims! See Spain, Charlemagne, Sicily, Crete, Cyprus, Constantople, Jersalem…no history of aggression there.

    At least Christianity spread as a creed by choice and debate, where it went from Constantine onwards is another story of course.

  12. Jeppo – yes. Muslims, like Negroes, are HUGE existenstenial threat to Whites. Indeed. I have not EVER disputed that fact.

    Have you ever heard of a physical syndrime – and can’t recall the name, and don’t have time to search – but it’s a situation where-in you have something wrong with one part of your body, yet you feel the pain in another part?

    Muslims are the feelng of pain. Jews ARE the pain . The Cancer in the White Body Politic.

    “Jews have been the sole force in agitating for massive non-White immigration since the Taft Act. It’s taken decades to acclimate the rapidly dwindling White majority to accept The Other. The importation of Muslims, and other destructive Third Worlders, to our countries, would never have been possible without decades’ worth of social propaganda and legal maneuvers. Support for mass immigration is no longer limited to the Jews; it’s supported by virtually the entire left wing of the political spectrum and much of the right wing, thanks to decades of patient and consistent effort.”

    Jeppo – I fixed that paragraph for you.

    “And blaming the Jews for the Boston bombings is not only mistaken, it seriously detracts from our credibility when we point out Jewish malfeasance in countless other areas where they are absolutely to blame.”

    Jeppo – all you have to do is ask questions. “What are those pics showing the Craft all about, all over the Boston bombing site?” “Why are the colors of the backpacks different?” “Why were Israeli doctors, as well as “forensic experts” flown in? Don’t we have loads of our own?”

    Would you care to answer those questions?

    By the way:

    “I predict that the Gang of H8te’s amnesty will be stopped dead in it’s tracks in the House, in no small part because of popular outrage at the Boston bombings. So thanks Tammy and Joker! Couldn’t a done it without ya. That’s why focusing on Muslim terrorism is a winning strategy for us, and the next obvious step is demanding a ban on Muslim immigration; again, couched in PC language like a moratorium on OIC migrants only. ”

    Nah! The Public’s already way ahead of you on this one. The foreign nature of the ahem “Boston bombers” IS a TERRIFIC opp to howl for NO MORE MOOZLIMS – but the Public wants all of it to stop. Don’t just stop at OIC infestations. Think Big! Be a RACIST! Really. I troll all kinds of websites. The Ordinary White Schmoo is way ahead of you, in proclaiming racism. They proclaim – but they don;t know who to act, politically.

    “The Judeo-Gramscian Frankfurt School gained power over us only after a long, slow march through the institutions. And the only way to wrest that power away from them is through a long, slow march back”

    Dead wrong. That is not what will happen. I don’t know what will happen – but the Hebes control the institutions now. They won’t let us back in. We can’t “trick” them, like they did to us.

  13. What are those pics showing the Craft all about, all over the Boston bombing site? Why are the colors of the backpacks different?
    Why were Israeli doctors, as well as “forensic experts” flown in? Don’t we have loads of our own?

    Any-one? Any-one?



  14. “(F)ocusing on Muslim terrorism is a winning strategy for us, and the next obvious step is demanding a ban on Muslim immigration; again, couched in PC language like a moratorium on OIC migrants only.”

    “A winning strategy for us”? Who is “us”?

    I AGREE that this “strategy” might just “have political traction” (it could be enacted, and indeed, might already BE on the agenda) — since it satisfies the popular demand for more of, and is all in the good PC name of “Homeland ‘SECURITY’ “!

    But I disagree that it is the winning strategy for us. It is deliberately missing the target, denying (by not saying) who we are and not naming the enemy. Furthermore, this “winning strategy” of “taking a little step at a time” to effectively limiting Muslim immigration would do nothing to limit the much more numerous Hispanic and other NON-Muslim invaders.

  15. But for the record, at this time I have NO opinion on whether it was a “false flag” or a “psyop,” or not. I know only that the bombing incident is a DISTRACTION if we dwell on it, and that the “police state” implications of the general reaction are serious.

  16. Mosin,

    It’s not a distraction. It’s the exact opposite. We have Muslim immigrants bombing infidels on American soil. The “we” in Jeppo’s comment by implication includes, quite obviously for the non-obtuse, everyone with an interest in rallying people against multiculturalism and immigration, exposing Islam as a menace, and exposing the people responsible for creating the political and cultural climate that allowed them to come here.

    The real distraction with little relevance to the growing number of people dissatisfied with America and living under the US government is dwelling on what the US government is doing overseas in Iran and Syria.

    I also didn’t take you for a vanguardist who opposes all incremental change for the better and isn’t satisfied with anything but biting the whole apple at one time. Of course limiting Muslim immigration alone is not adequate, but it would certainly help.

    Finally, the police state agenda is a separate issue. The police state agenda was moving forward before Boston. The major components, renewing Patriot and passing the NDAA, were accomplished months ago.

    You and Occigent are implicitly defending Islam. This has to stop.

  17. Finally, I am offended at the title of this post, even if the Chechen did write it — and any Southron Christian audience you might be trying to reach will probably be offended also.

    If it’s not Christian speech, and not good English, we shouldn’t write or think it. Let the Christ-denying multicultural cosmopolitans enjoy their “copulation-and-excretion-minded” and Urban-Dictionary-defined PIDGIN habit, it is the part of free men to despise and resist it.

  18. “I also didn’t take you for a vanguardist who opposes all incremental change for the better and isn’t satisfied with anything but biting the whole apple at one time.”

    If I didn’t believe in incremental change, why would I not only vote in all elections but also be active in politics?

    “It’s not a distraction. It’s the exact opposite.”

    Whether or not it was designed so, it becomes a distraction by over-dwelling on it.

    “The real distraction with little relevance (…) is dwelling on what the US government is doing overseas in Iran and Syria (…) You…are implicitly defending Islam. This has to stop.”

    I reject the anti-Christian cult of Islam, and have NEVER defended it. Yet the Palestinian people and other peoples in the now-majority-Muslim lands are worthy of respect as humans, and the wars conducted against them are all un-Christian, unjust by any moral standard, unconstitutional — and corrupt, demoralize and bankrupt us –and create many thousands if not millions of determined, mortal enemies.

    “(T)he police state agenda is a separate issue. The police state agenda was moving forward before Boston.”

    It is not separate, but integral. The police state agenda became established better through Boston, with no popular objection.

  19. Who is the real enemy?

    Jews agitate for open borders, but that doesn’t explain why Yankees are pro-amnesty. The same Jewish media is on television here in Alabama, but most White people here are against amnesty.

  20. I’d say all. Elite Jews, elite whites, the legions of zealous white liberals who support them, business uber alles types, and most immigrants and non-whites.

  21. Defending Islam?

    So if my neighbor lets his pit bull loose in my yard and it kills my son and I find the neighbor more at fault than the pit bull I’m defending pit bulls? Who has the legal and moral authority for protecting me? Are Muslims negligent for being Muslim?

    It’s incredible to watch the neocons come out of the closet across the paleocon and secession movement. It’s that moment you realize that there’s nothing special going on here. Perhaps a higher IQ crowd, but still stuck in the same stadium watching the same game as the rest of the cheese whiz crowd.

  22. Basically, I want comprehensive amnesty to fail, and I am pleased that the Tsarnaev brothers gave the opposition a black eye, and if shouting “terrorism” rouses the conservative base and stops amnesty, then so be it.

    It really isn’t anymore complicated than that. I also reject the idea that Boston was a conspiracy because 1.) it is implausible, 2.) didn’t fit the media’s pet narrative, and 3.) hundreds of ordinary people from Alabama saw it happen and they are not lying.

  23. That feeling when… You realize the ‘dissident right’ is

    Conspiracy theorists, squeaky Ron Paul-types, ZOG agents, tards, disgruntled guys one job promotion away from being a GOP supporter, dilettantes, hustlers, pant-shitters, physical cowards, people from Flyover…

  24. Naturally, I agree that the Jew Power is the enemy, but secession rids us of 4/5 Jews and their Yankee enablers in a single stroke, not to mention almost half the blacks, two thirds of Hispanics, and most Asians.

  25. In a purely Southern electorate, the Chamber of Commerce couldn’t get its way as easily as it does in the U.S. Congress. Amnesty would have no chance of passing a Southern Congress.

  26. Florida, Georgia, and Virginia are the only Southern states that really have a large and influential Jewish population.

    In Florida, it is mostly retirees in South Florida. In Virginia, Jews live in the Beltway suburbs. In Georgia, Jews live in Atlanta’s suburbs. Jews couldn’t control an independent South because they are concentrated in the North and West.

  27. The primary enemy of the neocon is the Muslim. The purpose of the neocon strategy was to divert paleocon attention from the problems at home to the Muslim threat.

    It isn’t Muslims stopping you or Lew from starting a Southern ethnostate.

    No-man, you’re a clown.

  28. “(S)ecession rids us of 4/5 Jews and their Yankee enablers in a single stroke, not to mention almost half the blacks, two thirds of Hispanics, and most Asians.”

    Since the southern states that still remain “red” (like the other red states, and red counties in other states) have low population density, secession would rid the seceded states of most of the WHITES as well, and the remaining non-seceded states would become less black than the fifty were combined.

    The New York metropolitan area contains the VAST majority of all of the self-identified Jewish people in all fifty states.

    • Vermont is the whitest state in America. It is the closest approximation to the homogeneous “White Republic” that WNs dream about. Yet for over 150 years that place has been nothing but a liability to White Southerners.

      They’re “White” … and they have a Jewish governor, a Jewish socialist senator, their black president, and they have a Catholic senator who pushed the 1986 amnesty and is still around pushing for the present amnesty.

      The Yankees who live there enable Jews and the blacks here in Birmingham through their presence in Congress. Secession would rid us of those “White people,” which is great, because we would be infinitely better off without them.

  29. “Yankees” is a broad, almost meaningless pejorative as it is generally used here. The original settlers of the New England states were good English stock. The word may also have originated in reference to the Dutch, of New Netherlands.

  30. “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”.

    Even so, it’s not as if they don’t have a point. PNAC was the epitome of Yankee evil. So either hate Yankees or keep swallowing their New Pearl Harbors. But for God’s sake, choose your damn enemy. A man can’t serve two masters.

  31. “So either hate Yankees or keep swallowing their New Pearl Harbors.”

    This seems to be a false dilemma. Please define “Yankee” or identify who are the “Yankees” who keep offering “New Pearl Harbors” to be swallowed !

  32. A picture worth a thousand words: Is this what the Great Satan looks like? Yankees, for sure, of the VERY WHITE state of New Hampshire — and I know many other country folk in other northern states who do this, look like this, indistinguishable from most rural Southron whites.

  33. Occigent, How long have you been reading here? You are simply laboring under some misunderstandings, and apparently some bad logic and ideas.

    If they let a pit bull into your yard, you now have two problems: the pit bull and the owner. Obviously, you kill the immediate problem, the pit bull, then deal with the owner. You don’t leave a pit bull running loose where it can get your family however it got there.

    You also got an important fact wrong again. Muslims are not the main enemy of the neocons. That is not correct. Neocons love Muslims and welcome them with open arms in the Balkans, Western Europe, America and other White nations. The neocons have backed Muslims against Christian Serbia and against Russia. The only Muslims neocons oppose are the Muslims who threaten Israel.

  34. Either you agree with FedGov that Muslims are the enemy we all need to be fighting or you agree with your co-secessionists that the enemy is FedGov.

    So it’s FedGov unless it’s Muslims. So after we destroy and tame the Muslim world we can go ahead and get back around to fixing our country. That is the neocon line. And it has become extremely popular in formerly paleo/alt right/secessionist circles to tout that line. I think it’s because people are so desperate to have an acceptable enemy they will go where they are pointed. Dear God, the line goes, just give me a flesh and blood enemy so I can ignore the darkness and evil all around me that never seems to get pushed back.

    The first Pearl Harbor was 9/11. The ongoing Pearl Harbor is the “Muslim Threat”. The Pearl Harbor we are currently debating the interpretation of is the Boston Bombing, over which the majority of secessionists and paleocons are taking the spoon fed neocon line, that is, Muslims worse than FedGov. Which was, in fact, the entire rationale behind the neocon/Straussian doctrine to begin with. The threat is always outside. It’s THEM, THEM, THEM. Well there is an element to that, but we’re not paying THEM to keep THEM out. We accept that we are lied to, day in and day out, that we are, in fact the enemy of FedGov, the people FedGov wants crushed. And yet we believe when FedGov tells us the enemy is the Muslim Threat. This is no false dilemma. This is weakness. This is turning away because your enemy is telling you to turn away.

    If you turn your head from the enemy every time there is a distraction you’re going to be used like a diaper.

    FedGov = Yankeedom, the victorious paradigm of the Civil War.

    In the war of language and ideas, it’s best not to adopt the paradigms of your enemies.

  35. Let’s just say the neocons are opportunists. The neocons back Muslims they see as forwarding their agenda, and reject those that don’t.

    But I’m not referring to international politics. Although international politics are important, I don’t consider them the primary motivating factor in reclaiming an America that reflects its historical ideals. That means creating language that creates Americans that represent those ideals. In this respect, I reference the neocon agenda at home. And that agenda was to deflect garden variety conservative discontent outwards towards Muslims. It was basically to turn Christian conservatives into Jews. And it has worked brilliantly.

    So what kind of Christian conservatives are easily duped by the neocon agenda? The Christian conservatives who don’t hold any principles apart from what they are told or apart from where the army is currently fighting. In other words, 90% of conservatives, and it’s events like the Boston bombing that are turning the other 10%. So it’s a bit disappointing that all of a sudden, as the nation reaches economic standstill, as cities are collapsing, as the multicult is in full blossom, as gay marriage gains national headway, as porn saturates our airwaves, as illegals climb our fences, that here, in this little corner of the internet, after a MINOR bombing (let’s be honest here), we get supposedly sane people CHANGING THEIR PRINCIPLES and decrying the Muslim threat. Gee, maybe if we can get an child with a Koran to pee in Boston Commons the last paleocon standing will do the bidding for the American multicult and decide that Muslims are, in fact, a bigger threat than those letting them in, and propagating every other of the aforementioned ills. I’m telling you right now, it would not surprise me.

    The immigration analogy commonly used and accepted, Lew, is that you turn off the leaking water before you clean up the mess. In this case the neighbor is letting in pit bull after pit bull. So you either stop the pit bulls and then clean up, or you just let shit fall apart around you and pick an enemy that’s more socially acceptable.

  36. If your target is mainstream Christian conservatives, by all means tell them don’t let the FedGov and the media pick your enemies. With an event like Boston, a good message for that group is, “yes, Muslims are our enemy, but the more important enemies are the people who let them in the first place.”

  37. Hunter-

    So then your independent South would or would not have niggers? Because sometimes you talk about how you would systematically force them north into Yankeeland by way of re-establishing a Jim Crow-type societal architecture, but then you go on about how the presence of niggers is beneficial to Southerners because it reinforces white racial cohesion. You contradict yourself.

  38. Chris313,

    Whoever you actually, you imagine this whole enterprise to be something like
    Candieland…complete with a hypocritical Massa. What else could you imagine in such a
    Place after all?

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