Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boat Message: Fuck America, Praise Allah


The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad:

Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was the same day as the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya.

“(CBS) — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April attack, describing it as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller.

“The message was handwritten on the interior wall of the boat where he hid from authorities, bleeding from gunshot wounds, several days following the attack, sources told CBS.

In the note, Tsarnaev described the bombing victims as “collateral damage,” CBS reports. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote. He described his brother Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police, as a martyr. …”

Update: I didn’t catch this earlier.

“As police searched for him, and as he lay bleeding in his boat hideout, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote “F*** America” on the side panel of the boat, police in Massachusetts told ABC News.

Officers said they also discovered the phrase “Praise Allah” on the boat’s side panels and several anti-American screeds, including references to Iraq, Afghanistan and “the infidels.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You also got an important fact wrong again. Muslims are not the main enemy of the neocons. That is not correct.”

    Romney the Neocon explained it is RUSSIANS who are the main threat.

  2. “Why were Israeli doctors, as well as “forensic experts” flown in? Don’t we have loads of our own?”

    I think if there’s any false flag terror attacks connected to this they’re more likely to be jihadist operations in Russia/Chechnya that got lots of russkies killed which investigating the two bombers and their extended family might show had CIA/Mossad involvement.

  3. To conclude I’d like to return briefly to water and spigot analogy, so that I might clarify my point.

    The neoconservative agenda is to take anyone of any stripe with any remaining love of tradition or country and turn their attention from the spigot from which its destruction springs, to the foul water in which we are being inundated.

    Let’s loosely call ourselves paleocons with the recognition that any label will have its shortcomings. Whatever our beliefs, be they Western Civilizationalist, Southern Nationalism, secession, or garden variety Nationalist, our focus was on the spigot. The neocon revolution was to have us focus on the water. It is based on Jewish thinking, and put forward by Leo Strauss. Jews don’t do well without an enemy. It’s the fear that keeps them cohesive and not wandering off the reservation. So their worldview is based on looking at the water, never the spigot. If they turn off the spigot, they die. The neocon ideal is to have all of us focused on the water as well, and take our eyes off the spigot.

    So it is with great disappointment that I see the final enclaves of spigot watchers being slowly turned into water watchers. If liberalism is a mental disorder, neoconservatism is full on Satanic Possession. A man should have one focus, one drive, and focus on Muslims at this point is neoconservatism. It is taking your eyes off the spigot. And I guarantee you if you take your eyes off the spigot now you will be so inundated with water by the time you see it again it will be too late.

    I don’t know what the deal is with the Boston Bombing, but seeing the shift to neoconservatism among our ranks because of it would be enough of a rationale to make it happen. Not to mention the fact that your focus on the water will be used to guilt trip you to force you to ignore the spigot even more (for fear of being seen as waterphobic), and casting the “heroes” of the immigration bill (that will pass) as enlightened members of the human family.

    All I’m saying is this:


    Say that to yourself every day. You’ll need to. Because we are being bombarded with water.

  4. The Chechnyans fighting the Russians were/are bankrolled by the US. Uncle Ruslan for example, was a gun runner selling American wares to Chechen rebels.
    The CIA has intention on invading Chechnya or whatnot any time soon.

    No one will be invaded because of what the Tsarnaevs did. It’s a great case study because in the heart of the multicultural establishment two refugee, Muslim, migrants
    Blew Up a bunch of SWPL and DWL right in their own nest.

    It’s political gold.

  5. “Vermont is proof”

    Vermont (and Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota, etc.) statistics support the Yankees-are-the-source-of-evil hypothesis, however the original white settlers, looking the same or similar to the rural New Hampshire folk in the video I posted, were good English stock, weren’t they?

    The similar-appearing English stock that settled the “Golden Circle” colonies was not better if it fell into the sin of importing and exploiting, and even miscegenating with their captive Africans.

  6. The CIA has no intention of invading Chechnya. Correction.

    This is excellent political stuff for anti immigrant voices and for people interested in conserving the historical population of European and North America.

  7. Unless they offer a false spigot…. Focus on the hand that turns the spigot, then the arm, then the head. I am tempted to write “LOL.”

  8. “This is excellent political stuff”

    I predict that in time it will prove as excellent as the Chik-Fil-A political stuff, because in neither case was the head of the spigot concerned.

  9. The left hand excuse aa of crimes is lack of education, poverty, and discrimination- The right hand exuse Muslims terrorist is they hate our freedom.

  10. Remember the enthusiasms for Chik-Fil-A protests, SECESSION PETITIONS, and many other excellent political stuff?

    The real breakthrough that we need: A morally corrupted people WILL lose their liberty and be destroyed finally, unless they repent and turn from their wicked way.

  11. This blog is virtually silent on the subject of moral corruption! Even the best form of government, most advanced weapons, etc. won’t save sinners in the hands of an angry God. Samson lost his strength and sight by failing to resist evil temptation. Nothing is stronger than drink, or a woman, except Truth.

  12. @Occigent: “A man should have one focus, one drive …” I think the focus should be on White survival, reproduction, and self-defense with solidarity among all the White European races. The spigot is the love of money. The water is a loss of survival instinct.

  13. Where does morality come from? Some say it is not from a Deity, but a human construct, or biological.

  14. “You’ve not been around enough of them yet Mosin”

    I pity the euros of muzzies occupier, vile creatures.

  15. legislation of tolerance and such is that the occupier cultures are aliens to us as we are to them. kissin’s one ass will not make it smell better.

  16. Europe was convinced to focus on the water, not the spigot. Should we continue to make same mistake, we’ll not fare better.

  17. We had the power to utterly exterminate these people and to resettle our own people there. We lost the nerve to impose ourselves and I guess we will simply end up getting eaten by them. This is what comes from pitying zombies.

  18. “You’ve not been around enough of them yet Mosin.”

    If you mean Muslims, around only three of them, so far, ever. How many would be enough? I don’t really need to experience any directly. I can study and reason. Note that I am NOT defending Muslims, but rather opposing globalist world-policing, colonising, crusading, military adventurism.

  19. Occigent: you are proposing a fallacious false alternative. Obviously, people should do both. There is no reason people can’t.

  20. What about wars of extermination? The land you proport to work was conquered a couple of centuries ago by modern men from neolithic hunter/gather/horsemen

    The Syrians, Nigerians, Somalis are nothing more that stone age savages who buy modern equipment from us.

  21. Mosin, Globalist world policing is not our problem. And by our, in this instance, I mran the constellation of people in the United States sufficiently disillusioned to favor secession or partition. The problem with dwelling on globalist policing is you end up focusing on globalist crimes against ethnic and cultural aliens overseas, rather than their crimes against people here. Plus, your sympathies are not reciprocated. I wish Iran and Syria well, but they’re not our problem.

  22. In Kubrick’s 2001, the space craft is compared to the bone that the Chinpanzee whacks the other chimp on the head.

    It occurs to me that this was wrong. The first boat that brought us out of Africa was akin to the spaceship. Whichever proto human figured out that a hollowed out log, or mat of reeds could get us away from bullies, thugs, TNB and cannibals–that’s the guy who started it all. He took one look at the big man with the club and planned an exit across the Red Sea with his relatives. Boats.

  23. I’d region that section of 2001 and replace the chimp scene with a scrawny brainiac desperately making a boat before a big oafish chimp attempts to rape his mate and kill his offspring. The scene ends with the chimp flipping Kang Kong the bird as the boat successfully glides out to sea and the adventure beyond.

  24. Occigent says:
    May 19, 2013 at 6:14 pm
    The primary enemy of the neocon is the Muslim. The purpose of the neocon strategy was to divert paleocon attention from the problems at home to the Muslim threat.

    It isn’t Muslims stopping you or Lew from starting a Southern ethnostate.

    No-man, you’re a clown.”

    No Man is not a clown. He can be breath-takingly insightful, and delightfully witty.

    He’s simply in one of his ultra WASP-like Aristocrat in a Over-seeing the Twilight of a Dying Civilization modes. He’d love to re-create French Haiti, ands have the whip over hundreds of his sugar plantation slaves. Well -his Scottish Overseer would do the actual whipping. No Man would watch from the veranda, with his friends.

    “Occigent says:
    May 19, 2013 at 5:25 pm
    Defending Islam?

    So if my neighbor lets his pit bull loose in my yard and it kills my son and I find the neighbor more at fault than the pit bull I’m defending pit bulls? Who has the legal and moral authority for protecting me? Are Muslims negligent for being Muslim?

    It’s incredible to watch the neocons come out of the closet across the paleocon and secession movement. It’s that moment you realize that there’s nothing special going on here. Perhaps a higher IQ crowd, but still stuck in the same stadium watching the same game as the rest of the cheese whiz crowd.”

    I’m in love.

  25. “The problem with dwelling on globalist policing is you end up focusing on globalist crimes against ethnic and cultural aliens overseas, rather than their crimes against people here.”

    One problem with globalist policing is that it focuses attention on “devils” overseas, while Great Satan commits crimes against people here.

  26. “What about wars of extermination? The land you proport to work was conquered a couple of centuries ago by modern men from neolithic hunter/gather/horsemen.”

    The very land that I “purport to” work was PURCHASED by Quaker settlers from some of those Asian-land-bridge “Indians.” Those English and Welsh (it was originally intended for the Welsh) Quakers didn’t come to exterminate. The Indian exterminations occurred further west, north and south.

  27. Oh I don’t mind the exteminations. It wasn’t a moral judgement against you. Or the Quakers. Thing is the place was taken from the red man, and a bloody good thing too. They didnt know what to do with it.

  28. Purport, thx for the correction there.

    The sales as and well they happened were generally made in the understanding that a
    sale at a cheap price was preferable to extinction.

  29. The “Indians” were the first to carry out massacres, in the northern colonies at least.

  30. “The sales…were generally made in the understanding that a sale at a cheap price was preferable to extinction.”

    True in most cases, but not here. But the local tribes selling out had been declining, preyed upon by other, stronger tribes to the north.

  31. Good research, John. One of several Quaker land purchases. Our land is NOT part of that somewhat fraudulent “Walking Purchase,” arranged by William Penn’s less noble sons.

  32. “Are you a NIMBY?”

    Without consulting the Urban Dictionary, I’ll venture that I’m “NIMBY” regarding SOME things, such as immigration, housing development, and Walmart and other global businesses setting up their mercantile “temples” here, making the valley green and local no more.

  33. Coal mining, quarrying and lumbering are alright, conducted as locally owned enterprises. THOSE enterprises are being shut down by regulation and global economics.

  34. “If Aryans could develop even a small fraction of Jews’ racial cohesion and solidarity, they would soon own the planet.” – Revilo P. Oliver

  35. “There would be a great big white ethnostate in Africa today and chunks of Arabia would be colonies of whites.”

    I agree with that, which COULD have been, beginning when the land was much more sparsely populated. White South Africa, Rhodesia, etc. were established by then, not unjustly, and were advancing — but now, nearly all destroyed or suicidally retreating! What tragic loss! Perhaps the retreat can be halted. Who can tell what opportunities may appear in the future in Africa for Christian white settlement.

  36. I read today that the coffers of the “government” of Zimbabwe are down to about $700 equivalent, which is nothing but unspent (so far) foreign aid. The former breadbasket is starving. Without continuous food and medical assistance the population would naturally plummet in plagues and mass starvation.

  37. Hunter, thanks to you, Jack, Jeppo, and Lew for being the voice of sanity on this blog and on this post. All of you are dead on in saying the Jews are not our main problem. History is on your side. The Jews couldn’t achieve what they did without the cooperation of people outside their group. Otherwise, they would be a hapless minority with very little real power. History shows time and time again the Jews try to hitch their Magan David to whatever the dominant power is in that particular time and place. If we want to destroy and nullify Jewish influence and power, we need to focus on their target, not on the Jews themselves. If SWN is the target, we need to understand why we are a target and eliminate what weaknesses we have in thought, word, deed or personal to keep us free or to free ourselves. It does little good to scream Jew, Jew, Jew if we are not doing realistically what we can to solve the problem(s).

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