Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s Boat Message: Fuck America, Praise Allah


The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad:

Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was the same day as the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya.

“(CBS) — Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left a note claiming responsibility for the April attack, describing it as retribution for U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, reports CBS News senior correspondent John Miller.

“The message was handwritten on the interior wall of the boat where he hid from authorities, bleeding from gunshot wounds, several days following the attack, sources told CBS.

In the note, Tsarnaev described the bombing victims as “collateral damage,” CBS reports. “When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims,” Tsarnaev wrote. He described his brother Tamerlan, who died in a shootout with police, as a martyr. …”

Update: I didn’t catch this earlier.

“As police searched for him, and as he lay bleeding in his boat hideout, Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote “F*** America” on the side panel of the boat, police in Massachusetts told ABC News.

Officers said they also discovered the phrase “Praise Allah” on the boat’s side panels and several anti-American screeds, including references to Iraq, Afghanistan and “the infidels.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Jews are not our main problem. History is on your side. The Jews couldn’t achieve what they did without the cooperation of people outside their group.”

    Rather than saying “the Devil made me do it,” own up that it is the moral corruption of white people that makes it POSSIBLE for the Devil to tempt them successfully. Truly honest men can hardly be tricked and cheated at all.

  2. Focusing on the penultimate targets (such as Muslims) or ultimate targets (ourselves, for our SUPPOSED faults, according their critiques) is NOT “doing realistically what we can to solve the problem.”

  3. Jews are a major problem, but they live in places like New York City and Los Angeles. It is the existence of the Union that makes the Diane Feinsteins, Chuck Schumers, and Ginsbergs possible.

  4. I don’t believe there is a single Jew in the entire South who represents a majority White district – except for maybe Eric Cantor, but there are lots of Jews in NOVA.

  5. West Virginia and Kentucky are further from New York City, beyond the range for second homes of the influential urbans, and apparently more Christian than liberal Vermont.

  6. No one who posts here is a neocon.

    In our case, the spigot (the fountain of evil) is the existence of the Union, and it goes without saying that the only reason Muslim terrorists are even in America is because of the loose immigration laws, and that is due to Northeastern liberals like Pat Leahy and Ted Kennedy who relentlessly push for open borders.

    Abolition, black citizenship, the Brown decision, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Immigration Act of 1965, Obama in 2008 and 2012 … it all flows from the existence of the Union.

  7. “Jews are a major problem, but they live in places like New York City”

    Given enough time with continued urbanisation and air conditioning, Talmudic and liberal demographics will tend to a state of UNIFORMITY from Boston and New York City all the way to Miami.

  8. Were it not for the Union, Jewish influence would be minimal in the South. 4/5 Jews live in the North and West and most of those who live here are retirees in South Florida.

  9. Jews have a long history of accommodating themselves to Southern racial mores. They are only able to successfully attack us from the outside whether it be through the Supreme Court or Hollywood movies.

  10. The original fountain of evil was the importation of the pagan Africans into America, for profit, in the eighteenth and nineteenth century — which is the spearhead for all later invasions of other heathen peoples!

  11. I post a lot about blacks on this website (see the Dividing Lines reviews), but everyone here knows that I see the problems that blacks create as being nothing more than a symptom of the existence of the Union.

    Were it not for the Union, blacks would rapidly be put back in their place. The proof of this is the Plessy decision when the North temporarily gave up on Reconstruction and Alabama passed the 1901 Constitution which completely disenfranchised and marginalized them within five years.

  12. I think I understand your viewpoint, Hunter. Your vision depends on the possibilities of secession, at some time, in the future — and of white Southron character not changing before then, remaining until then as you say they are now, in spite of the influence of cosmopolitan “culture.”

    Anglo-Celt-descended Vermonters and Anglo-Celt-descended Southrons are very similar genetically, only “culturally” different.

  13. “The Jews couldn’t achieve what they did without the cooperation of people outside their group.”

    “Rather than saying “the Devil made me do it,” own up that it is the moral corruption of white people that makes it POSSIBLE for the Devil to tempt them successfully. Truly honest men can hardly be tricked and cheated at all.”

    As the saying goes, you can’t rape the willing…

    “Were it not for the Union, Jewish influence would be minimal in the South.”
    “Were it not for the Union, blacks would rapidly be put back in their place.”

    The point. Without political autonomy, the South will continue to be subjected to every form of madness issuing forth from the northeast. History is very, very clear on that score.

    “Abolition, black citizenship, the Brown decision, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Immigration Act of 1965, Obama in 2008 and 2012 … it all flows from the existence of the Union.”

    Not to mention feminism, “free love,” prohibition, abortion, gay marriage and other utopian offspring of the fevered yankee mind. One can only wonder what will be the next experiment from Dr. Yankenstein’s laboratory.

    Deo Vindice

  14. @Hunter Wallace: “Jews are a major problem, but they live in places like New York and Los Angeles. It is the existence of the Union that makes the Diane Feinsteins, Chuck Schumers, and Ginsbergs possible.” The Founding Fathers were conservative on the issue of race, but liberal on the issue of religion. Lincoln changed the Union into a centralized government that is liberal on the issue of race. It is the existence of liberalism that makes the Union what it is. Jews are mentally superior and they use their mental superiority and networking abilities to exploit, manipulate, and destroy non-Jews. Jews and plutocrats run the world. Not many Jews live in Iceland or China but money controls Iceland, China, and everywhere else. The stock market runs on greed and fear. Jews know how to manipulate greed and fear. More people are afraid of being bankrupt than of being dead. Milton Friedman said that he was “a nineteenth century liberal.” Nineteenth century liberals: free trade and equal rights for everyone. Twentieth century liberals: free trade, open borders, affirmation action. Twenty-first century liberals: military aid for Israel, eliminate White European races. Suppose WNs created a few ethnostates – would these be much more than toy sailboats floating on a big lake of raw sewage and toxic waste?

  15. Denise
    “It’s not the Jews!”

    But things don’t all have to all follow an identical pattern.

    1. Jews want to destroy all the white nations with mass immigration. This includes muslims which leads to TMB.
    2. Jews want to destabilize Putin and so USG/Mossad use Chechens to do some dark stuff in Russia possibly including the bombers’ uncle.

    The uncle wanting his relatives settled in the US as part of his payment for (2) leads to (1). The people responsible for (2) don’t want the investigation into (1) to lead back to (2).

    That’s not a neocon interpretation. It’s the opposite.

  16. Mosin Nugent
    “Anglo-Celt-descended Vermonters and Anglo-Celt-descended Southrons are very similar genetically, only “culturally” different.

    I think it’s possible there are genetic differences related to things like average levels of aggression which may act as a kind of vaccine against the external cultural power pumped out by the media and schools.

    This could simply be a product of where the majority of settlers to each region came from combined with how recently their region was on a frontier e.g. Kentucky stopped being a frontier more recently than Vermont.

    Peaceful environments create peaceful people. Violent environments create violent people.

  17. Below is clear evidence that crisis actors were used in the Boston Bombing. Check out the dancing dude – his pants legs are blown to shredsbut his legs are fine? Look closely in his right hand, he has a utility knife – for cutting his pants. This us only one example.

    Crisis Actor Caught During Explosion – Boston Bombing,/i> – 1:36 min

  18. Studying the Boston bombing incident to find evidence of globalist conspiracy will be
    no more productive than inquiries on Sandy Hook, and on the birthplace of Obama. It has already been too much distraction.

  19. “Peaceful environments create peaceful people. Violent environments create violent people.”

    Unjust wars are associated with, and especially followed by, a decline of faith and morals, and create more violent people.

  20. That feeling when… You realize the ‘dissident right’ is

    Conspiracy theorists, squeaky Ron Paul-types, ZOG agents, tards, disgruntled guys one job promotion away from being a GOP supporter, dilettantes, hustlers, pant-shitters, physical cowards, people from Flyover…

    Actually you will find that a great many of them are not “right” at all but liberals and Yankees who are still leftists and anti-White but despise the Jews. They are the OMG the poor palestinians WAAAHHH! types. Like the people from Norway.

    Speaking of Norway, that was another “false flag” that the Mossad did. Anders Breivik: the Mossad trained and equipped patsy. Another Muslim hater. The horror!

  21. Ulfric – Palestinians are proxies, for complaining about Jews, and what Jews do.

    Palestinians have dne NOTHING to me and mine. II don’t hate them. I see their fate, as ours, if we don’t act.

  22. Test – I was being wildly sarcastic. The link I posted details the way that the Bonnier Kikes, in Sweden, have “converted” to Christianity, and are ACTIVELY spending shekels to re-write the New Testament, to make it Jew Worship Worthy.

    It’s the Jews. It’s always been the Jews.

  23. No Denise, it’s foolish white people who allow themselves to be seduced and conned into allowing the Jews to have the power and influence that they now have in our culture.

  24. Stephen Dalton,

    Jewish influence is a major problem. Jews are involved in every project harmful to white civilization. Denise’s latest example of a Jew trying to subvert Christianity from within in Sweden is not atypical. While it’s important not to focus on Jews to the exclusion of other issues, it’s also important not to downplay the Jews or exonerate them. This is a malicious tribe with a long history of hostility to white civilization to its credit. In terms of culpability, the issues are more complicated than you suggest. See this discussion.

  25. There is no doubt that Jews are a malicious tribe who have a negative impact on our culture and political system, but Dick Durbin and Patrick Leahy are on C-SPAN right now pushing comprehensive amnesty.

  26. Oh lordy it is the attack of the 10ft tall jew. Run for the hills my aryan brothers, we’re all doomed.

  27. Durbin and Leahy show why it’s important not to focus exclusively on Jews.


    You rarely make sense when you deviate from “destroy the racist meme.” You don’t seem to be aware of it which gives your comments a comedic element.

  28. Lew, I wasn’t trying to downplay Jewish influence. What I was saying is that in our Western societies, they have only gained power and influence because we have allowed them to do so. The same is also true in Muslim societies. In the past, Jews have gained power and influence because the Muslim rulers in Moorish Spain and Ottoman Turkey allowed them to do so. The only time they dare take direct action is when they have armed force on their side, like in the communist take over of Russia or the Donmeh-Young Turk (Turkish Crypto-Jew) seizure of power before WWI.

  29. What I was saying is that in our Western societies, they have only gained power and influence because we have allowed them to do so

    The accuracy of your statement depends on who you mean by “we”? If you mean white elites/rulers only but not the vast majority of whites, it’s true. Otherwise, it’s not. Look at that article by Johnson if you have time.

    I think people need to be careful about formulations that don’t clearly identify Jews as an enemy or that can construed as white people in general being to blame for Jewish attacks on white culture. When you say “we” have allowed them to gain power without making it clear it is actually white elites who have allowed, there is a possibility people who don’t know better can read it that way.

    I’ve learned through long experience that Jews exploit those kinds of openings to deflect attention onto whites and away from Jewish behavior.

  30. 2. Whenever you hear talk about what “we” are doing to “ourselves,” you should be suspicious. For collectives do not act. Individuals and small, like-minded elites act in their names. In every society, there are those who rule and those who are ruled. There are those who do things, and those who have things done to them.

    Thus “America” is not committing suicide. Some Americans are destroying the country for the rest of us, because it is to their advantage. And if one looks at those who are promoting and profiting from America’s decline, Jews are massively overrepresented among them, although there are white culprits as well. ”

  31. Lew, have you read the Old Testament lately? When the Israelites fell under the religious influence and political domination of the heathens around them, he blamed them for giving in to them, not the pagans around them. He told them if they wanted to be free, they had to reject that influence, and only then, he would sent someone who would lead the fight to free them from the yoke of oppression. So’ it is our responsibility to admit it was our fault, to cast off the ideological idols, and only then will we find freedom from the oppressors of our people.

  32. Lew says:
    May 20, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    Will Jews ever rewrite the filthy passages in their book (The Talmud)?

    You know the answer already. The Chabad Lubavichers think the Talmud is the BEST thing ever. Jews are beginning to brag about the Talmud.

    The Tribe has a completely consistent history of what they do, whereever they go. Jewish malevolence and evil is not committed by EVERY Jew – but so what?

    Are they worth it?

    All tthe misery they’ve caused over the centuries?

    I say “NO”.

    I care more about my People

  33. Dalton – I agree that White niavete and blind trust causes immense harm to Whites – but WHY do Jews subvert and attempt to destroy EVERY Host Nation they infest? Thier real history exposes, with blinding clarity, the reasons why they get the boot every place they infest. It’s always the same thing.

    Should the leaders, in ANY Race, strive to protect their own people, FIRST, form any-one? If not – why not?

    When a 100% consistent pattern of outcome, in a toxin appears, isn’t it far more moral and rational to protect innocent people from the toxin?

    Does the well being of the random “good Jew” (HAHAHAHA) matter more than the safety and happiness of all others?

  34. Hey Marrano Dalton,

    Why are the Bonnier’s trynig to re-write the NT? They own the Swedish media. They are billioniares. NO one is persecuting them in abyway? WHY are they trying to re-write something that any Christian woul consider to be sacred, and Divine Revelation?

    Who are THEY to re-write a sacred text?

  35. Jews always take issue with collective noun when it designates their precious race. In their press (all Western media) they and their mouthpieces speak freely of actions and events as being German, American, Palestinian or Arab or Muslim or whatever. But when it comes to the designation of their own racial or Jewish state within a White nation state activities, such as media monopoly, ownership of the currency or control of the legislative government, then the use of the collective noun as employed by a White speaker is ‘anti-semitic’ and a hate crime invoking federal jurisdiction.

    Wake up to this schtik.

    Normal people who are capable of critical thought make comments using the collective noun; comments like: ‘Germany invaded Poland’ or ‘America supports Israel’. They don’t get into Talmudic gnat straining exercises over the use of the collective noun, attempting to weigh the position of each and every precious German and American soul over whether or not the action/s of the collective is attributable to them on an individual basis. We don’t say things like “Iraq was invaded by an armed force that just happens to be American’.

    This mind f*ckery is employed against the efforts of White nations to think through the questions of the Political and discuss them. It is an equivalent of a Mynock sucking the power cable of the Millennial Falcon when it was parked in the mouth of the giant lamprey in Star Wars.

    Use the collective noun. If the agency or corporation is Jew owned, operated and enabled by the Jewish racial collective which racial imperium is well documented – then it is a Jew agency or institution.

  36. “If the agency or corporation is Jew owned, operated and enabled by the Jewish racial collective which racial imperium is well documented — then it is a Jew agency or institution.”

    – Personally, I could care less whether Levi Strauss was Jewish or not — blue jeans are blue jeans.

  37. Denise, I am a descendant of a Crypto-Jewish, Crypto-Moorish family, but I have never participated in any family rituals because my branch of the family was cut off from that generations ago. For all practical purposes, I’m Scotch-Irish in culture, and Roman Catholic in religion. I have no use for Judaism or Islam because I’m a committed Christian. And as far as not being one of your people, golly, that just breaks my heart, not. You have developed a bad reputation as a sharp tongued shrew who lashes out at people who dares to disagree with your “it’s all the Jews fault” scenario. Hunter and Jack have shown that the Jews could not pull off their schemes without Sabbat Goy help, and I agree with them, because my reading of Jewish history shows the Jews have to have Sabbat Goys to help them. Otherwise they would be dead in the water, going nowhere. So, I’m happy I’m “not one of your people”, because I don’t want folks to think I’m rude and smart mouthed like you. BTW, don’t bother to start a flame war, I won’t bite, and I agree with Hunter’s and Jack’s feelings on them.

  38. The theme of this post was that the Chechen bombers acted independently, as Muslims or outlaws, NOT as part of a globalist conspiracy — and that Muslims are a real threat — and that Yankees, who invite and enable Muslims and other foreign invaders, are the greatest enemy.

  39. Of course you could not care less 313Chris. Levi Strauss is just another panel of subversion in wall to wall Jewry – as were all the Frankfurt School of subversives. You probably had to pass exams on their bogey science at screwU in order to earn your degree.

  40. Stephen Dalton,

    So’ it is our responsibility to admit it was our fault, to cast off the ideological idols, and only then will we find freedom from the oppressors of our people.

    Who is our and what is it that must be admitted to take responsibility?

  41. The only time [Jews] dare take direct action is when they have armed force on their side, like in the communist take over of Russia or the Donmeh-Young Turk (Turkish Crypto-Jew) seizure of power before WWI.

    Not exactly. Jews take indirect action by trying to influence the political process (lobbying for civil rights, immigration reform, and favorable treatment of Israel). Outside of politics, they take direct action by spreading anti-white/Christian ideas using Hollywood and the mass media.

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