About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is one of my bookmarks, an uplifting tale of a crazy jewess being tied to a stake… Instead of being given a television show like she would be today.

    (late 1450s–1539), convert to Judaism who was burned at the stake for apostasy in 1539. Weigel was also known as Katarzyna Malcherowa or Katarzyna Zalaszowska, and was the wife of a Kraków city councilman, Melchior Weigel.

    In 1529, Malcherowa was accused of apostasy to Judaism and was summoned to the episcopal court headed by Bishop Piotr Tomicki. According to the charges, she had been practicing Judaism for several decades. During her trial in 1530, she was forced to retract her beliefs by stating that she had accepted Judaism out of “female curiosity,” “madness, and weakness of the mind.” Her public abjuration and reconciliation with the Catholic church took place on 11 August 1530, at which point she renounced heresy and especially “the squalid Jewish unbelief,” while affirming “the true Christian apostolic faith.” In this formulaic abjuration, she asked to be subjected to “the severity of the spiritual law” should she relapse. Malcherowa appeared in the bishop’s court over monetary matters as well. In 1531, she sued a priest and a head of a hospital, Stanis?aw Stanko, for unpaid debts, and even appealed to the archbishop of Gniezno. There is evidence that she and her husband maintained business relations with Jews in Kraków, including Rabbi Mosheh Fischel.

    On 19 March 1539 under the orders of Bishop Piotr Gamrat, Weigel was again summoned to the episcopal court, where she was accused of relapsing into apostasy. She was then imprisoned and examined by a committee of Catholic scholars who on 16 April found her guilty. Now considered a relapsed heretic and apostate, she was subjected to the utmost severity of the law. Accordingly, she was stripped of her property and released to the secular authorities for final sentencing and execution, as canon law allowed the church to confiscate property of relapsed heretics but not to impose the death sentence. On 19 April 1539, in accordance with Magdeburg laws, she was burned at the stake.

    Gets better every time.

  2. Good times indeed. I look forward to the day the White race gets their collective act in order. Then the fun begins, payback will be a bitch!!

  3. I’ve long felt that the True Church made a grotesque mistake when they ceased burning heretics and apostates.

    Time to get back to that old time religion!

  4. Chechar! Drat! I thought that the Jew Burning video was some wonderful artifact…..

    It’s….only…a scene…from…..a movie…..


  5. Denise, anything is possible way back in her family tree I suppose, but it appears she is just a Swedish anti-White who has used the “race card” to her political advantage.
    Note: according to this, her daughter married a negro, lol, an FBI agent who works alongside Obummer on occasion:


    Check out the “selected quotes” section. She really ought to hang (ala the style in No-man’s link, jew or not.)

  6. @Chechar

    “But I know that in New Spain (see the Wiki article of it) Jews were persecuted with the same viciousness they were persecuted in the Iberian peninsula. And even when Spain ruled there the region became much more mongrelized than Argentina or Uruguay. In other words, the Iberian whites managed to ruin their gene pool without Jews here down the South.”

    You’re just lying. Jews were never “exterminated” by the inquisition or anything even remotely close to it. You’re just peddling Jewish myth. The whole point of the Converso episode was they converted to Catholicism to *avoid* persecution (because the Inquisition thought the religion was the problem rather than being a separate tribe within a host) but they carried on marrying among themselves thus remaining a separate tribe by blood. They were Jews who became Converso because of the inquisition and became Jews again when the inquisition went away and New Spain was full of conversos.

    I know you know this because i recall reading stuff you wrote in the past about a “white” priest who led an indian rebellion against the white elite who was actually a converso.

    “White pathology and the JQ are really distinct issues that probably should not be conflated. Causation is so complex this debate may be an exercise in futility.”

    I agree on the substance. Separate from that though there’s the anti-white “suicide” meme to be derailed as much as possible. And then – as being taunted into that can be used as a distraction in itself – using attempts at spreading the anti-white suicide meme to do make some useful counter point that anti-whites won’t like e.g. some historical education vis a vis the primary Jewish role in the creation and spread of the sugar-based slave plantation model in the New World.

  7. “Suicide” isn’t the right word to describe white history in Latin America. It’s intellectually lazy, also would indicate the person hasn’t traveled in Latin America. There’s no better place to be a white man than Latin America. The “suicide” of Latin America is especially rich coming from people that live under a muslim-nigger president.

  8. Denise

    “Mona’s not White. Mona’s a Kike.”

    Maybe. She has the eyes but that may be Saami blood. Which would illustrate the more general case that a percentage of people who are an ethnic, religious or sexual minority within a host population will turn hostile to the majority because they feel excluded.

  9. @ Test,

    You’re just lying.

    In another blog a couple of days ago I was called just that, “liar”, because I don’t believe in certain conspiracy theory. It seems that for some truthers all those who don’t subscribe to their theories are just that, “liars”. Honest disagreement is impossible. You got to believe or you’re a “liar”.

    Jews were never “exterminated” by the inquisition or anything even remotely close to it. You’re just peddling Jewish myth. The whole point of the Converso episode was they converted to Catholicism to *avoid* persecution

    Jewish myth? My source is none other that the second book of MacDonald’s trilogy that I reviewed under the title “Towards White Zionism”.

    The whole point of the Inquisition according to MacDonald was the outing and the fierce persecution of those Conversos who still behaved like crypto-Jews, especially by marrying exclusively to themselves while paying lip service to Christianity. Obviously you have not read the Professor’s trilogy.

    Incidentally, if you knew Spanish you would have heard the word “judaizantes” in the YouTube clip I linked above, and also the word “relapsos” from the lips of the Great Inquisitor of New Spain. These words precisely refer to those crypto-Jews (not Jews, since obviously common Jews were not allowed to enter New Spain) who claimed Christian conversion while still practiced Jewish rituals in the safety of their homes. When caught these Conversos were sent to the stake for example of everyone.

    I know you know this because I recall reading stuff you wrote in the past about a “white” priest who led an Indian rebellion against the white elite who was actually a Converso.

    Miguel Hidalgo had a hooked nose, that’s for sure. He might have had Jewish ancestors. But he is not representative of New Spain but of the ethno-traitorous movement of independence from New Spain, started in 1810. When I talk about New Spain obviously I have in mind the period preceding the movement of independence that Hidalgo started.

  10. @ Lew,

    IIRC way above you said that 99% of those who blame whites do that to divert attention from the tribe.

    I disagree. If the so-called “suicide meme” concept was valid how would you explain that the intellectual who got me convinced that something must be rotten in the white psyche was Pierce? He was so conscious of the JP that in his great novel he even advocated final, exterminationist solutions to it. If there’s a big figure in the movement that cannot be accused of “diverting attention from the Jews” he was William Pierce.

    @ No-man

    “Suicide” isn’t the right word to describe white history in Latin America. It’s intellectually lazy, also would indicate the person hasn’t traveled in Latin America.

    Really…? The fact is that I’ve lived decades in one of those countries.

    Try again.

  11. Mary is right, no proof that Mona Sahlin is Jewish. Her married name and her maiden name Andersson are typical Swede-Scandnavian names.

    Also like Mary said, she’s a typical white anti-white. She sucks up to Turks, Jews, and other minorities. http://www.whyileftsweden.com/?p=139

    As for the so called ‘Jewish’ look, test is probably correct about the Saami thing. I’m Saami-Finn on my mother’s side of the family. Some Saami’s are very European looking, while others, like my mom’s folks, have eyes that have a slight oriental fold.

    Many ethnic Swedes also have that oriental look. One of the most famous was Warner Oland, who played Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan in the 1930’s. He did not require much make up to play either role.

    Once again, the folly of seeing Jews under every bed has been proven. As I’ve said on another post, look at the actual evidence, instead of trying to impose a one theory fits all explanation on every event or person.

  12. Really…? The fact is that I’ve lived decades in one of those countries.

    Then we must simply have different definitions of what “good for Whites” means. This is an honest disagreement. The democracy we all cherish thrives on the free exchange of views such as these.

    Just like I wouldn’t call niggerdeath pulp-fiction a “great novel”, Pierce an “intellectual”, or the White GeNOcide a “movement”.

  13. ‘Just like I wouldn’t call niggerdeath pulp-fiction a “great novel”, Pierce an “intellectual”’

    Rubbish. He was an inspired (and inspiring) orator and essayist.

  14. He took his views to their logical conclusion like a good scientist, that conclusion happened to be fullscale race war. He also managed to make a decent living for himself off of what little resources his followers had, like a good guru.

  15. Successful orator, essayist, and writer of light fiction certainly qualifies him as an “intellectual” in any remotely reasonable definition of the term.

  16. “Light fiction”?? This is Alex Linder take on it:


    I don’t think anyone could like Turner Diaries. It is a disturbing book, frightening even—even if you agree with him, as I obviously do. But it is undeniably heavy. In a way that Covington’s novels, so beloved of Johnson, are not. They are almost fruity in how bubbly the characters are, given the situation, although they are certainly enjoyable escapism.

    Pierce’s work has a gravitas befitting a genocidal struggle, and no other WN novel has come even close to it except Raspaille’s Camp of the Saints. Raspaille is a better artist than Pierce, by a long stretch, but both books are about equally heavy, in that they impress and linger.

    / end quote

  17. @Chechar

    “The whole point of the Inquisition according to MacDonald was the outing and the fierce persecution of those Conversos who still behaved like crypto-Jews, especially by marrying exclusively to themselves while paying lip service to Christianity.”


    Which in other words says
    1) There were lots of Jews in the New World in the guise of conversos.
    2) They weren’t remotely close to being exterminated.
    3) New Spain wasn’t “Judenrein.”
    4) Them getting chased around by the inquisition helped spread the slave-based sugar plantation model.

    Like i say i think the climate i.e. no women, was responsible for the Iberian colonies becoming mestizo from the beginning but the idea that there were no Jews in those colonies is nonsense because it was Jews/Conversos who started the slave trade / sugar plantations.

  18. I stood corrected above about the Caribbean and other American parts which history I ignore. But you don’t really know the history of New Spain nor have read its history in Spanish itself, as I have.

    As far as I know, neither Jews nor cryptos had any real power in NS until the Independence of Mexico broke out. It was the first Judenfrei state in the Americas.

    You really have to study MacDonald’s second trilogy book, which mentions the Spanish Inquisition, before further commenting.

  19. “It was the first Judenfrei state in the Americas…You really have to study MacDonald’s second trilogy book, which mentions the Spanish Inquisition, before further commenting.”

    You contradict yourself with every comment. You’re using the existence and activity of the Inquisition against Conversos as proof there were no Jews when it proves the opposite.

    No *open* Jews != no Jews.

  20. Even by early 1940s Germany many Jews remained there. By “Judenfrei” I meant “no Jews had any real power in New Spain”.

  21. Denise, calling people who are not ‘kikes’ kikes doesn’t help our cause. It only makes you and the rest of us) look like ignorant, backwoods louts. You are the very arch type of a prejudiced bigot. Sahlin is Pro-Jewish and Pro-Israel, but she isn’t a Jew. She’s just a very liberal Scandinavian from Sweden.

  22. I personally like Denise, was biking all day near an area she knows in PA – but disagree with a lot of her views. *pinch*

    makes you and the rest of us

    The problem is not Denise. The problem is you think women’s views represent men.

  23. Let her express herself and stop trying to remake her in a gender-neutral context. Her unbridled femininity is refreshing. She’s also a great writer and has many genuinely interesting thoughts.

  24. Sorry No-Man, but Denise is not a logical thinker. Her lack of logic has nothing to do with her gender. It has to do with her inability to process information that’s right in front of her. She has already made up her mind it’s the Joooos fault for everything. The last time I looked, people of all races contribute to the wrongs and evils we have on this planet. To blame one group of people for everything that goes wrong is just plain damn stupid. Hunter, Jeppo, and the other rational thinkers on this site do their homework, not by relying on prejudiced explanations before the facts, but by looking at what is or what was really happening in the past or the present, and drawing their conclusions from those facts. I think and reason the exact same way, so I have a lot of respect for Hunter& Co. I have no respect for people who just mouth off their biased and bigoted opinions without facts to back them up. These kind of fools should be ridiculed and marginalized, just like Jack Ryan and Jeppo have done in the past couple of week, to prevent the less informed among us from being mislead by tin foil tomfoolery. Because, it is only by knowing the truth that we can wage a successful fight against our people.

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