About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Stephen E Dalton says:
    May 24, 2013 at 12:57 am
    “This is a picture of young Jesus, the Christ.” Funny, he doesn’t look Jewish. Sorry, but I had to use that old standby!”

    That’s funny! Truly. I’m not being mean to you right now.

  2. Mosin Nagant says:
    May 24, 2013 at 1:17 am
    Re: the genetics of Jesus, and the scriptural account:

    Honest accuracy, both scientific and hermeneutic, is the best “PR.” We DO understand “PR.”


  3. “Stephen E Dalton says:
    May 24, 2013 at 4:53 am
    “The Christ was a gorgeous blond Aryan man, with stunning blue eyes.” Ah, no Denise. A blue eyed blond would have stood out like a blazing torch on a dark night. He was quite ordinary looking. “There is no beauty in him, nor comeliness: and we have seen him, and there was no sightlines, that we should be desirous of him” Isa. 53:2b. That’s one reason why Judas had to point him out, he looked like most Jews, olive skin, dark, perhaps curly hair, and eagle-beak nose.”

    Nope. Absolutely not. The Christ was good-looking, and very charismatic,

  4. Chechar – thanks for your commentary. Mary’s right, about you being a class act.

    I do know why Jews do what they do. My post was a taunt to all the Blame Whitey Firsters.

    They still haven’t replied….. ; }

  5. And of the ingredients in the witches brew which has led to our ongoing demise, which is the one which we have the greatest ability, right and duty to control?


  6. John, how do you know this? I don’t find “them” (?) that glaringly similar at all, to be honest.
    But I spose anything is possible in anonymous-land.

  7. Bit of fun. Nastiest takes on an overtly British vocabulary. This NoMan doesn’t but otoh fills a similar role.

  8. It is extremely unlikely that the human body of the Son of God appeared Irish, but not impossible that he had blue eyes or that his skin was somewhat paler than the average of modern Palestinians. Mary appears to have belonged to the tribe of Judah, not a Galillean. The Isaiah passage (“no comeliness,” etc.) should not be taken literally, out of context.

  9. Jews are the primary cause and they’ve been doing the same thing for thousands of years. They did it in Persia, Ancient Egypt, Rome, all over – so the idea that the root problem is something specific to now is wrong. The route by which they destroy the ethnic and cultural cohesion of the host varies with the time period and the nature of the host population but the key factor is Jews always move to wherever the tallest poppy is – they’re already drifting towards East Asia now that the West is dying from their poison – and then they a) create and spread poisonous memes to induce the host to self-harm and b) they try and import racial aliens to destroy the host’s ethnic cohesion either through enticing invaders, their 3000 year domination of the slave trade or in the modern era their unswerving support for nation-destroying mass immigration and multi-culturalism everywhere except Israel.

    It’s how they wage war. Mass Jewish immigration to the ex-Anglosphere countries from the 1880s onwards was an invasion no different to the Mongols invading Russia except Jews wage war by strealth and conquer by corruption. It never works long-term though because the corruption of the host shrivels the poppy so they gradually drift off somewhere more prosperous.

    However although Jews are the primary cause blaming Jews for everything has the same effect as blaming them for nothing because people switch off. The average person is going to see what is in front of them e.g. typical muslim behavior or typical black behavior so you have to work with that.

    nb A good example of a poisonous meme is the “western suicide meme.” If someone is being poisoned their failure to prevent their poisoning doesn’t make it a suicide.

  10. Ah,gotcha now 🙂
    Truth is I feel much affection for Mister No-man, despite our differences, but I would toss NastiestUncle head first into the Liffey without a second thought, lol ….;)

  11. “It’s how they wage war.”

    Just to add, morally there’s not that big a gap between Jews and any other imperialist tribe or nation. The Persians invaded and conquered their neighbors at one time. The Romans invaded and conquered their neighbors at one time. The British, French, Spanish, Italians all invaded and conquered peoples at one time. This is just the Jewish form of stealth imperialism.

  12. Muslims deny the Gospel accounts, claiming that Jesus was an offspring of Galileans who were converted by force to Judaism, NOT the son of a Judean mother, and NOT God! The Talmudist slanders are illegitimate birth and Gentile parentage.

  13. IrishSavant is a fool that blames fanciful ‘Britain interference’ with German African colonies to be the start of the continental troubles. Everyone at the time understood, perhaps most clearly Bertrand Russel that Germany viewed Europe the way Europe viewed Africa. I wouldn’t waste my time at that person’s blog.

    I find these speculations about who I am or what my ‘game’ is to be bizarre. Mosin Nagant seems to understand me quite well – despite disagreeing with my views – and he’s had just as much access to them as anyone else.

    Now please let us return to the topic of this thread.

  14. I find these speculations about who I am or what my ‘game’ is to be bizarre.

    I guess your ‘re-branding’ hasn’t gone that smoothly…..:)

  15. @ “And of the ingredients in the witches brew which has led to our ongoing demise, which is the one which we have the greatest ability, right and duty to control?

    Occigent, I basically agree with you. Perhaps you would like to take a look at some of my 65 blog posts under the category “white suicide” (this morning I will add one more on the subject)?

    @ Jews are the primary cause…—Test

    I used to believe the same, but thinking about what happened in New Spain (not to be confused with “Mexico”) provoked a change in my worldview.

    Some “single J causers” focus almost exclusively in the United States of the 20th and 21st centuries. I on the other hand include the history of Latin America, where the native Iberian Spaniards and the criollos (pure Iberian whites born in the Americas) sans Jews betrayed their ethnicity through massive mestization.

    The beauty of studying the history of the Americas conquered by the Spanish and the Portuguese is that, since the Jews and the crypto-Jews were ruthlessly persecuted and literally eliminated by The Inquisition, it is not possible to blame them for what happened in this side of the continent.

    Single J causers are not only myopic about what happened throughout the subcontinent conquered by the Spanish and the Portuguese (and even the mongrelization with blacks that took place in Portugal), but of what happened before. The story of the Spanish conquests in the Americas is only the tip of the iceberg of what could be described as “ethno-suicide without Jews.”

    Read the two only histories that have been written about the white race, since the days of Sumer to our century, to see this meta-perspective: William Pierce’s last book, Who We Are & Arthur Kemp’s monumental March of the Titans.

  16. I on the other hand include the history of Latin America, where the native Iberian Spaniards and the criollos (pure Iberian whites born in the Americas) sans Jews betrayed their ethnicity through massive mestization.

    What happened in Latin America was anything but a betrayal of the Spanish ethnicity. What a strange thing to say.

  17. Just having a dig at you.

    The gospels themselves have somewhat conflicting breeding lineages. They even include Joseph’s lineages for some reason. He has nothing to do with the event other than being a stepfather. Other Gospel’s emphasize Mary’s links to David. What is it to be? It’s best not to discuss the historicity of Jesus if you are orthodox. Stick with the religion.

    There isn’t much history to go on frankly.

  18. @ No-man:

    It was a betrayal because before Christianity brainwashed the Gothic Iberians these pure Aryans had far fiercer anti-miscegenation laws than the jewish by-laws against marrying non-jews. Again, just read Pierce & Kemp’s books.

    By the way, click on my penname to see our latest post on “white suicide”.

  19. Let me guess, the cultural/political problems in Sweden are due to “secular christian” residue. Despite being a majority non-Christian country they need even less Christianity; then they’ll become Aryan warriors again?

    Anyway from your link I saw you bashed Greg Johnson pretty well, nice stuff.

  20. Chechar
    “The beauty of studying the history of the Americas conquered by the Spanish and the Portuguese is that, since the Jews and the crypto-Jews were ruthlessly persecuted and literally eliminated by The Inquisition, it is not possible to blame them for what happened in this side of the continent.”

    That’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth. It was the Inquisition that *chased* Iberian Jews first to Portugal, then the Portuguese island colonies along the west coast of Africa (where the slave-based sugar plantation model was perfected) and then finally to the New World. They were *more* fundamental to the development of the Latin part of the Americas in the early days of colonization than they were in the North.

    “Single J causers are not only myopic”

    Standard anti-white straw man when discussing this: primary cause != single cause.

  21. Test,

    Once someone has “named the Christian” all bets are off. You’re dealing with someone who doesn’t understand the aufhebung that leads to “complexio oppositorum”; that bringing paganism to its zenith is the only way to utterly destroy paganism. Chechar only sees Christianity’s outward inversion of pagan values, not the full synthesis. His repeated recommendations to read gutter-trash like Kemp and Pierce should be warning enough.

  22. @ No-man,

    Let me guess, the cultural/political problems in Sweden are due to “secular christian” residue. Despite being a majority non-Christian country they need even less Christianity; then they’ll become Aryan warriors again?

    It’s not that simple. “Secular Christianity” is blogger Conservative Swede’s term for liberalism. See his long article in my blog under the title “The Red Giant” to see exactly what does he mean.

  23. @ Test,

    I did not claim that you were a monocausalist. Let me elaborate my point a little further:

    1.- Monocausalists – Most of the commenters at Age of Treason, and people like Dave Duke whom I deeply respect. These people believe that there’s but one cause of our woes: the subversive Jews.

    For strict monocausalists, “there is nothing wrong with whites” (their words).

    2.- Bicausalists Type A – Those who, like Greg Johnson, Alex Linder and quite a few commenters at Linder’s VNN Forum, believe that Jews are the primary cause of our woes, though there are other important factors as well. Unlike Tanstaafl et al, these bicausalists also blame our parents’ religion.

    3.- Bicausalists Type B – Those who, like Tom Sunic, Manu Rodríguez and I believe that there’s something seriously wrong with us, extremely wrong actually. Whites’ mental issues (which include a Calvinist type of Old Testament Christianity that conquered North America) are the primary infection, and the Judaization of the West, a secondary infection (like AIDS / pneumonia, etc).

    A popular image to visualize this later type of bicausalism would be through the archetype of Isildur, a character of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. If you want a scholarly take on it, read “The Yankee problem enabled the Jewish problem” in my blog.

  24. Chechar.

    The Portuguese drove their Jews to Sao Tome. In a year or two the Jews were importing
    Africans to cultivate sugar. This was so successful, that they transplanted the model plantation to Recife (Brazil) under Dutch protection. The Portuguese expelled them from there in a Dutch-Portuguese war. From Recife the Sugar Barons arrived in Haiti, Surinam, Barbados, Cuba, Caracao. Haiti was a particularly receptive territory.

    Sugar was probably a trade dominated by Jews since the first expansion of Islam. It also funded Islam conquests of Palestine, Egypt, Cyrencia, Cyprus, Morocco and Spain. It was medieval crack.

  25. @ Test,

    As to what I said about the Inquisition you replied:

    That’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth…

    No: Jews and crypto Jews were persecuted ferociously in New Spain. There’s no question about it.

    Why do I blame our parents’ religion for what’s happening in the West? In the first centuries of our era the Iberian Goths burned at the stake their fellow Aryans that dared to mix their precious blood. Christianity changed all that, and not only in Iberia.

    Portugal is presently a mongrel nation insofar as many Portuguese have Negro blood in their veins. Even if what you say is true (which is not), that crypto-Jews flourished under the Spanish crown in the Americas, how do you explain that such massive mongrelization took place inside the Iberian penisula itself?

    Simple: Because as early as the 1530s a papal encyclical allowed the Iberians to miscegenate with Amerind women, and whites passively accepted that ethno-suicidal encyclical letter—even with blacks!

    The sad case of what Iberians did to themselves sans Jews is very didactic to understand the white psyche. You cannot leave either whites or their Church out of the hook.

  26. Islam ran into the nest of Sugar, Slavers and The Talmud when they invaded Mesopotamia. There were active plantations there before Islam. The Muslims decided to buddy up with the growers and the hand of the sword was forever directed into areas that Sugar could be grown and people enslaved to cultivate it.

  27. It’s true that Iberian Jews settled in places like Brazil, Suriname, Curacao, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados, St. Eustatius, etc. We discussed the Jewish role in the rise of New World slavery in depth here last year.

    The plantation system was centered on Brazil, the Caribbean, and the American South – the Spanish New World, with the exception of Cuba and Puerto Rico after 1800, was much less influenced by it.

    Jews typically settled in the British, French, Dutch, and Portuguese colonies.

  28. There isn’t a black on the Spanish football team. The Portugese team is relatively free of their trace too.

  29. It’s true that Iberian Jews settled in places like Brazil, Suriname, Curacao, Jamaica, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Barbados, St. Eustatius, etc.

    I stand corrected! But I know for sure that they were fiercely persecuted at least in New Spain (which became mongrelized anyway). With or without Jews, Latin America committed ethnic suicide.

  30. The Spanish kicked em out for attempting to enslave the Spanish to work the Andalsian cane fields.

  31. Well, this mixed South American population has a distinctly multicultural flavour that suits the squids down to the ground:
    “I stand corrected! But I know for sure that they were fiercely persecuted at least in New Spain (which became mongrelized anyway). With or without Jews, Latin America committed ethnic suicide.”
    Black slaves can be seen, in retrospect, as a poison pill in the New World. The various gradations of brown are very good cover for YKW…

  32. It’s important to remember that at the time Latin America and the Caribbean was divided into fiercely competitive mercantilist empires – New Spain was its own separate world, as was the Dutch Empire. Spain spent much of those centuries at war with its rivals.

  33. This Mike Alboogadjango reminds me a great deal of the story of Jean Zombi.
    A savage vengeful fanatic. The video of him getting shot was pretty interesting. He was sprinting fast then keeled over screaming. Classic. The copper kept her nerve.

  34. Chechar

    “No: Jews and crypto Jews were persecuted ferociously in New Spain. There’s no question about it.”

    And yet a few posts earlier the inquisition had “literally exterminated” them.

    “I stand corrected! But I know for sure that they were fiercely persecuted at least in New Spain (which became mongrelized anyway).”

    Sure they got persecuted along the way. That’s how they and the sugar plantation idea spread from Portuguese to Spanish to Dutch to British to American colonies.

    “With or without Jews, Latin America committed ethnic suicide.”


    That doesn’t prove they were responsible obviously (and i don’t think they were). The main reason imo was they didn’t bring women with them from the beginning which i guess may have been due to the climate?

    Anyway some history of people “literally exterminated by the inquisition.”




  35. Chechar

    “No: Jews and crypto Jews were persecuted ferociously in New Spain. There’s no question about it.”

    And yet a few posts earlier the inquisition had “literally exterminated” them.

    “I stand corrected! But I know for sure that they were fiercely persecuted at least in New Spain (which became mongrelized anyway).”

    Sure they got persecuted along the way. That’s how they and the sugar plantation idea spread from Portuguese to Spanish to Dutch to British to American colonies.

    “With or without Jews, Latin America committed ethnic suicide.”


    That doesn’t prove they were responsible obviously (and i don’t think they were). The main reason imo was the Spanish didn’t bring women with them from the beginning (which i guess may have been due to the climate?)

    Anyway some history of people “literally exterminated by the inquisition.”


  36. “Jews are the primary cause”

    Also i don’t think they were the primary cause always and everywhere. I think they were/are the primary cause in North America from around the 1880s onwards and not completely dominant until the 1980s. I think they’re the primary cause now.

  37. “Chechar says:
    May 24, 2013 at 6:41 pm
    @ Test,

    As to what I said about the Inquisition you replied:

    That’s pretty much the exact opposite of the truth…

    No: Jews and crypto Jews were persecuted ferociously in New Spain. There’s no question about it”

    If any were left alive – they weren’t persecuted ENOUGH.

    Kikes have NEVER EVER been persecuted. They’ve been CAUGHT.

  38. White pathology and the JQ are really distinct issues that probably should not be conflated. Causation is so complex this debate may be an exercise in futility. Perhaps we should reframe it in terms of “obstacles” or “roadblocks” instead of competing “causes.” The answer to the question “are Jews standing in the way of our goals now” is a lot clearer than “how much are Jews the cause”? With this formulation, who did what 100 years or more ago becomes irrelevant. The emphasis is on identifying what it’s going to take to solve the problem now.

  39. “Mary says:
    May 24, 2013 at 10:15 am
    Ah,gotcha now
    Truth is I feel much affection for Mister No-man, despite our differences, but I would toss NastiestUncle head first into the Liffey without a second thought, lol ….;)”

    Agreed, re No Man…

  40. “who did what 100 years or more ago becomes irrelevant”

    Those who do not learn from history are condemned, etc.

    White “pathology” and Talmudic anti-Christianity are not distinct issues.

  41. @ Test,

    I know little history of Central and South America and I overstated my case before reading Hunter’s comment, granted. But I know that in New Spain (see the Wiki article of it) Jews were persecuted with the same viciousness they were persecuted in the Iberian peninsula. And even when Spain ruled there the region became much more mongrelized than Argentina or Uruguay.

    In other words, the Iberian whites managed to ruin their gene pool without Jews here down the South.

    @ Denise,

    If any were left alive – they weren’t persecuted ENOUGH

    After the ethno-suicidal wars of independence of 1810-1821, Jews were allowed to come to the region formerly known as New Spain. But not before. In fact, from 1521 to 1821 New Spain was the first Judenfrei state in the American continent.

    @ Lew,

    Not so irrelevant because “economics over race” policies are directly related to allowing the subversive tribe into our sacred lands in the first place (remember the AIDS / pneumonia analogy I mentioned above?). Knowledge of history is vital even when we cannot assign specific percentages of culpability of jew vs. white etiology.

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