Caribbean Project: On The Rim of the Caribbean


I can’t wait to get my new book: On the Rim of the Caribbean: Colonial Georgia and the British Atlantic World.

Note: Georgia was one of the least enthusiastic colonies about joining the American Revolution. If memory serves, Georgia even rejoined the British Empire during the conflict, and one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence from Georgia was a Connecticut Yankee.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “… one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence from Georgia was a Connecticut Yankee.” Lyman Hall, for whom Hall County in Ga. is named Profiles of Georgia’s Signers of the Declaration of Independence
    “American children are not being taught history.” – Pat Buchanan
    Few of us understand the intellectual background of the founding of the U.S.A. Founding Father’s Library
    ”Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum. Quid enim est aetas hominis, nisi ea memoria rerum veterum cum superiorum aetate contexitur?” – Cicero
    Not to know what happened before you were born is to be a child forever. For what is the time of a man, except it be interwoven with that memory of ancient things of a superior age?
    Variant translation: To be ignorant of the past is to be forever a child.

  2. I’d like to know how Hunter thinks the 1833 British abolition act would have played out in Dixie. The abolitionists were on all sides, jackals surrounding the GC.

  3. No-man, had the South stayed in the British empire it’s likely there would have been no 1833 abolition act. As Professor Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy in his book ‘An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean’ writes:

    ‘[T]he division of British North America helped the cause of abolitionists in both Britain and the United States. It more than halved the number of slaves in the British Empire and made slavery appear virtually limited to the southern United States. The “peculiar institution” of slavery was not peculiar before 1776. On the contrary, slavery characterized the wealthiest and most populous colonies of British America. There were almost a million slaves in British America before 1776. It is little wonder that antebellum Southern expansionists dream of incorporating islands in the Caribbean into the United States in order to enlarge their power and to balance the slave-owning states in the Senate against the North.

    Abolitionists were well aware of the significance of the division of the British Empire. “As long as America was ours,” wrote Clarkson in 1788, “there was no chance that a minister would have attended to the groans of the sons and daughters of Africa, however, he might feel for their distress.” It prevented the island and southern planters from uniting against the abolitionists. The West India lobby was unable to appeal for support from the colonial lobbies of Virginia and South Carolina after 1776.’

  4. You’re welcome, No-man. The more I study the more I oppose the American Revolution. I see it as related to the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution and the Bolivarian revolutions. All contributed to the awful order that prevails today.

  5. Georgia was so sparsely populated that it was feared it would be absorbed into Spanish Florida during the American Revolution and afterwards.

    We forget that the Spanish/Mexicans/mestizos regularly raided the south east coast as far north as North Carolina during the 18th Century.

  6. There’s a funeral home here in Sacramento, CA — USA — that looks just like the funeral home you all have as your opening display pic to represent your site.

    There’s another funeral home in Sacramento, CA — USA — that looks just like George Washington’s Mt. Vernon.

  7. Tell me about it! You’d all be so much better off if you were still British! Why, instead of being burdened with the dreadful expense and inconvenience of being free to own a .45 ACP and an AR15, to legally purchase them pretty much anywhere, and to freely use said weaponry in righteous defense of family, home, and self, as British subjects you would have the good and proper honor of fixing tea for your wife’s African rapist in your own home after he’s finished with her, like a true and proper Englishman does back home in today’s Britain. Damn the Revolution!

  8. I guess Scarlett O’Hunter is back — safe and sound and snug-as-bug-in-a-rug in her Judah Benjamin Golden Circle Tara — back from the Middle East. Thank g*d my Scarlett made her way through the Islamic jihad safe and sound. Thank g*d the mohammedeans didn’t capture Scarlett and sell her into White Slavery.

    I’m going to free my darkies when I die. It’s in my will. Plus, there’s a provision in the will : each darkie will receive — from the generosity of my Southern gentleman’s heart — $$$ for each of my darkies to buy train tickets up north to Philadelphia.

  9. They’re all different shades of the same free-form bourgeois revolution that lends itself to interchangeable groups of aggrieved spiritual peasants. Hugo Chavez tore down Columbus statues in the name of the atheist, Bolivar. It’s disgusting. There is no dignity to be found in the explicit modern order, we can only live in the past and/or try to understand larger forms in our world and manipulate micro-reactions against “progress”. Today I’d say the latter would entail ‘enlightened’ unilateralism. The concentration of power – especially martial – in the executive branch is a good thing now. Pray for Thermidor..

  10. The US has been dealing with astronomically large numbers of black on white rapists for 100 years. The only fault of the British I can see is that they did not observe the trouble the Americans had with blacks and beginning around 1955 started to import Jamaicans and Pakistanis in as hospital orderlies. The gun ban won’t last, I suspect. It was a product of wishful thinking.

  11. No-man, Bolivar’s hero and influence was Francisco de Miranda (thought by some to be a mulatto). He fought in the French Revolution, the American Revolution and then led what became the Bolivarian Revolution. He was captured by the Spanish and died in a jail in Spain but he inspired Simon Bolivar who won the revolution a few years later. Miranda demonstrates the connection between these revolutions on a personal level, not only ideologically.

  12. 313Chris, had the Southern colonies not joined the Northern ones in revolution 1776 this would not preclude a later independence. Canada, for example, and the West Indies, didn’t support the revolution but they became independent anyhow. Southern independence might have happened in the late 1800s as the South matured. It could have been a valuable ally to imperial Brazil and a South which secede in the late 1800s might have included not only the mainland but also the West Indies. Imagine a pro-White South stretching from the Chesapeake to Barbados, allied with a pro-White government in Brazil. That is the way history should have turned out.

  13. “The US has been dealing with astronomically large numbers of black on white rapists for 100 years.”

    – No, not 100 years. More like 1965 to present-day. And for every white woman who is raped by a nigger in America, there are a dozen instances where white women either shoot an attacker or scare one away with the threat of deadly force. Our Second Amendment protects us better than any monarch ever could.

    “The only fault of the British I can see is that they didn’t observe the trouble the Americans had with blacks and beginning around 1955 started to import Jamaicans and Pakistanis as hospital orderlies.”

    – The British observed America’s racial problems in full, they just arrogantly believed they knew better.

    “The gun ban won’t last, I suspect.”

    – Delusion. If anything, Britain has become more iron-heeled with regard to personal-defense, as it’s black and brown population becomes more brazen and aggressive. I won’t be surprised if Britain soon bans metal kitchen utensils.

    “It was a product of wishful thinking.”

    – It was a natural continuation of the long tradition of a ruling class oppressing it’s subjects, nothing more.

  14. It’s a bit like the way the Vermonters observed the holocaust in the south and in Chicago and Michigan and think they know better. The Lunatics are resettling Somalis in their little towns.

  15. I suspect that the gun ban is going to be challenged. Once people figure out that most murders are blacks in disproportionate numbers. The rules will simply be flouted by the EDL types too. I strongly suggest that the EDL begin a second amendment type reform as their central core policy. If a few get jailed for possession they can argue their case and perhaps overturn the statutes.

  16. “Very appreciated. God damn the revolution.”

    I’ll second that as long as you include condemnations of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and Cromwell’s heinous regicide of of Charles I on 30 January 1649.

  17. Palmetto, Canada didn’t officially become independent of Britain until about 1982 I believe. But that’s moot. You’re imagining some idealized alternate sequence of events, where everything turns out exactly the way you want it to, and then you dwell on it and blame our actual history, the good and the bad, for our contemporary woes and further imagine that if you and yours were free to stomp away in a huff with a chunk of this country, then your existence would be so much better. That’s childish beyond words. There is no guarantee that anything would have turned out like you envision. Quite the opposite in fact, if what happened in Africa is any indicator.

  18. Any roadworthy student of history will find his way to Rome.

    The Lunatics are resettling Somalis in their little towns.

    I’ve worked with Somali professionals. They are actually melanotic caucasoids and if they steer clear of Islam and American Nigger culture are perfectly rational pigmented individuals.

  19. Genetic analysis has shown that a significant portion of the Somali genome shows a significant “back migration” from the Middle East (and even further afield) to the Horn of Africa and south has occurred with the most recent influx occurring post-Muhammad.

  20. 313Chris, I notice how quickly your words turn negative and you begin to hurl insults (calling me ‘childish’, for example). This thread is a discussion of history and the counter-historical possibilities that are associated with the South and beyond. I’m well aware of your antipathy toward us. If it makes you feel better to hurl insults while defending Americanism then go right ahead. It doesn’t bother me. Not sure why those such as yourself get defensive when Southern nationalists reject Americanism but history has shown that the USA was a failed experiment, as Rhett recognised it to be as early in the late 1820s. Of course there’s no guarantee that things would have turned out as I speculate they could have. That is why they call this speculation. However, the subject arose and I commented on it. And then you attacked me. Do you feel better for doing so?

  21. If under the Crown I doubt America would have grown as far as it did, remember the British didn’t want us to go off our reserve into Injun territory.

  22. The northern racists here and the Southrons seem to agree on a whole lot. Namely opposition to “endless wars”. These are superficial agreements though because the Southrons view themselves as a trampled nation, differing with today’s BRA war-makers only in ideology and circumstance. The pacifism expressed by the “Pro-Americans” here is simply lack of impulse which itself is harmonious with modern BRA. The hotbloodedness of the warmonger is life, it can certainly be destructive to society but it retains the possibility of being turned towards future, peaceful projects. The lack of that fighting spirit is known as death.

    The arguments offered by anti-Southrons here fall tremendously flat because they cop to “jew control” and “it’ll fall apart” “yea well Niggers are your fault”…. They’re not true-believers like the old Yanks, no thinking man is these days. They’re just ultra-pessimists.

  23. Palmetto, I did not hurl one insult or attack you personally in any way. I pointed out, correctly, that the alternate history which you projected, is a subjective manifestation of your personal feelings about the present. You even said, and I quote, “This is the way history should have turned out.” Well cry me a fuckin’ river. There are a million things about my region, my city, and hell, my own personal life that, in hindsight, I wish had gone a different way, but that doesn’t give me the right to construct an alternate historical timeline and use that as argument to tear the fucking country apart. In that regard, yes, you Southerners are childish beyond comprehension, and that petulant, never-ending, sniveling is more than deserved of antipathy.

  24. “USA was a failed experiment, as Rhett recognised it to be as early in the late 1820s”

    If it is, than 1933 NSDAP was a fluke.

  25. “USA has been an amazing success” USA is the land of milk and homey. Folks take it for granted of enormous land that stretches over the horizon, the abundance of natural resources and the beauty of the continent.

  26. Lindsey Graham has my respect for staying in the closet and making sure the military and executive have as much power as possible. This terrifies shitlibs.

    They’re trumpeting some “Mr. Smith” type from Maine that thinks he can wave the magic Constitution and part the sea of robed perverts, faggots, women, niggers, jews and other undesirables that flow like pus to a wound in Capitol Hill. Constitutionalists are just as radical as any other Bolivarian/Montagnard scum. I’d prefer a junta with one mulatto rather than a “black caucus” and other circus freaks.

    “The Constitution? YOU destroyed it!” – Napoleon

  27. [H]istory has shown that the USA was a failed experiment, as Rhett recognised it to be as early in the late 1820s.

    Thus whites should have been enslaving Negroes. Is that what we’re to understand, Johnny Reb?

  28. John Bonaccorsi, welcome back. Or else I haven’t noticed your comments lately. Good comment.

    “Golden Circle” is about creating immense wealth for a combined white and good (Sephardic) Talmudic Elite, through the exploitation of African, mulatto and “lower class” white slaves — or through the use of modern machinery when cost effective.

  29. It’s about Gold — wealth and power — a Golden pyramid scheme, with a few GOLDEN (monarch, nobility and upper class white and “Sephardic”) people at the top creating immense wealth, which trickles down to some Silver (middle class) white people, and bronze and iron (lower middle class) white people, all of them resting on an immense foundation of iron mixed with clay, “trash” (lower class) whites and pure and mixed coloured chattel of all kinds.

  30. I return your greeting, Mosin. No, I haven’t been here for some time. (Posted a first comment a few days ago.)

  31. “The British are even more pro-black than the Yankees. In fact, the British moved to outlaw slavery even before the Yankees did.”

    Except the British did not slaughter over a half million people for the sake of negro freedom.

    Only two nations employed violence to abolish slavery, Haiti and the United States. Haiti was white genocide by conducted by blacks, while the abolitionist yankees aimed at white genocide by conducted by blacks under white leadership. Henry Ward Beecher, John Brown, and their supporters intended to recreate Haiti in the South, and expressed as much.

    The South should never have entered into a political union with the north.

    The American Revolution was the inspiration for the French Revolution. Both were founded on patently false assumptions regarding the nature of man. The eighteenth century “Enlightenment” is one of the most ironically named movements in history.

    That said both Britain and the yankee empire will continue to receive their just desserts for always placing the interests of negroes and any other “exotics” over those of whites. The darks are showing their gratitude more and more with each passing day.

    Those who make a devil’s bargain often complain that they were tricked and deceived later. Hubristic self deception is one of the greatest destructive forces ever known.
    Negro equality is one such hubristic self deceptions.

    Deo Vindice

  32. I would expect nothing less from you, Mosin and John B. Your American bourgeois mentality is quite conventional, as is your rejection of our classical model of civilisation. The mentality you just described is precisely what many anti-Southern propagandists prior to the war used to whip up anti-Southern sentiments. It’s why we never should have formed a Union with those such as yourselves.

  33. Mosin is obviously a classically trained scholar. Mosin doesn’t understand the postive, healthy nature of Facism.

    Time and tide will take care of that…..

  34. John B – it’s not that Whites should enslave Negroes – I’m adamently opposed to slavery – but since ther are so many around – it’s better than feeding thme for FREE, off of our resources, n’est ce pas?

    Uh oh! That means there will be a lot of hungry Moon Crickets running loose. Making them WORK for food is better than Whites working for the NAGA’s food.

    N’est ce pas?

    EMBRACE Supremacy. The past 100 years ought to have taught Modern Whites that you’re either up or down.

    It’s better to be on top.

  35. The existence of blood and soil nationalism stands as a silent reproach to those who delude themselves that the false ideas of the Enlightenment are a efficacious substitute.

    Which is why Southern nationalism attracts the enmity of so many embittered yankees. The failure of the proposition nation becomes more manifest every day. Hence the shrillness and rage expressed by those who would defend the glorious union of BRA. Their lies can no longer keep pace with reality. Indeed, they never could.

    BRA apologists are a rather quaint combination of shabby, sad, stubborn, and stupid.

    Deo Vindice

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