Bicausalism Type B (Part 2)


Did the Jews play a major role in the destruction of the Southern way of life? Absolutely.

1.) MLK was constantly flying to New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC to raise money from Northern and Western Jews.

2.) Felix Frankfurter was on the Supreme Court that wrote the Brown decision.

3.) Stanley Levison was one of MLK’s closest advisers.

4.) Northern and Western Jews poured into the South with the Freedom Riders, to work with SNCC, and to participate in the Mississippi Freedom Summer – two of these New York Jews, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, were murdered and became civil rights martyrs.

5.) New York Jews like Rabbi Abraham Heschel marched shoulder-to-shoulder with MLK during the Selma-to-Montgomery March in 1963.

6.) Jewish organizations like the ADL, American Jewish Congress, and American Jewish Committee were involved in the fight against Jim Crow.

7.) By the 1960s, Northern and Western Jews had significant power and influence in the Northern wing of the national Democratic Party.

8.) Mark Potok is a Vermont Jew.

These are just a few examples that come immediately to mind, but it is indisputable that Jews played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement.

Note: As always, the attack on the South came from the outside, particularly from the Northeast, and it only succeeded because of the existence of the Union. Were it not for the Union, there would have been no Brown decision, much less a Civil Rights Act of 1964, and hell would have frozen over before Loving.

Northern and Western Jews were heavily engaged in the Civil Rights Movement. Southern Jews were typically bystanders. The same division could be found among Northern and Southern Catholics and Northern and Southern Protestants.

Lots of Northern and Western Jews were recent immigrants from radicalized parts of Eastern Europe (the American Jewish Congress was an Eastern European Jewish organization) whereas most Southern Jews had roots in the region since the antebellum era and very different historical experience.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yep Hunter, the tribe of Judah played a huge part in the civil wrongs movement. You could have added that a lot of them, like Levison, were also members of the Communist Party USA.

  2. I came across an illustrative story in a Methodist Protestant magazine from the 1850’s. A lady in Virginia was being asked by her colored servants to describe the Jews in the Bible.

    The lady thought about the colored folks question, and replied, that the peddler who came through the area was a Jew. LOL.

  3. From previous thread

    “For those who don’t believe Whites are capable of imposing this madness on themselves”

    I wouldn’t deny that but part of that madness involved the inability to see the consequences of actions from afar. The situation now is that the consequences are already here but the media are hiding it. So although there are a lot of factors that may have led us to this point over the last few hundred years none of it would outweigh the reaction that would result now if the media wasn’t lying.

    A separate thing is most of the hypocritical anti-white trolls claiming to be anti-monocausalists have a monocause of their own (which just coincidentally helps promote the suicide meme over the genocide meme).

  4. Slavery was a product of lack of technology.

    Jim Crow was a transition period between slavery and integration.

    When you realize it was inevitable, monocasuality of any type becomes a joke. The Jews and Yankees just were a step ahead.

    All this stuff makes sense when you stop trying to defend the past actions of whites.

    • The mechanization of Southern agriculture began in the 1930s and was well advanced by the 1960s. There was about zero support for integration in the early 1960s. The result of mechanization was the second wave of the Great Migration in the 1950s.

  5. The only way the south could have kept going with open racialist policies was to set up a radical military state like Israel and alienate the rest of the world.

    And the Union would never back that and the North is the backbone of America. The North does back Israel and that’s why Israel temporarily gets away with its actions, but will fall as soon as America pulls out.

  6. If the United States had disintegrated into rival nation states in the 1860s, Yankees wouldn’t have been giving the rest of the Western world their marching orders after the Second World War.

  7. Slavery was an excuse to attack, and steal the wealth of the White Protestant South.

    Integration & diversity are an excuse for the ongoing attack on the wealth & society of White Protestant America now not just limited to the South.

  8. “The only way the south could have kept going with open racialist policies was to set up a radical military state like Israel and alienate the rest of the world.” – What does alienating the rest of the world mean? Is pakistan driving all this? Somalia? Kenya? Bhutan? The simple fact of the matter is that the rest of the world pratices those very same racialist policies, from the nepalese who are keeping their own people in Bhutanese “refugee” camps(atleast until our government graciously agreed to absorb them into our country, a process that is still ongoing), to the berbers and other middleeasterners who viciously suppress africans, to the Chinese throughout south-east asia who don’t treat the natives all that well and a hundred other examples.

    The “rest of the world” means the American empire. Even if that weren’t true, the simple fact of the matter is that as a major food producer alone, the rest of the world can’t afford to alienate us, much less pretend to be alienated.

  9. White Zionism be a Uncle Harold type nation or a New Confederacy will be armed with the best weapons, and by then the white guilt wordist machine will be 180 degrees from where it is now. The nice white ladies of liberalism will have literally overnight faded from the scene.

  10. Even without “the existence of the Union,” the unacknowledged (on OD) corruption and opposition to Christianity FROM WITHIN the southern states would have continued.

  11. “Note: As always, the attack on the South came from the outside, particularly from the Northeast, and it only succeeded because of the existence of the Union.”

    Care needs to be taken with absolute qualifiers like “only”. It would be more accurate to say ” …. it [the attack on the South] only succeeded because of the existence of other groups of people.” It didn’t have to only be the Union. Had the War Between the States successfully born separate republics what is to say attacks on the South wouldn’t have continued from that direction? The Other is always the devil. Not all Others are devils, but all devils are Others. Sartre was right in so far as hell is other people.

  12. A separate thing is most of the hypocritical anti-white trolls claiming to be anti-monocausalists have a monocause of their own (which just coincidentally helps promote the suicide meme over the genocide meme).

    But the whole point is that it could be both, suicide and genocide (and we’re everything but “anti-white” by the way).

  13. If the United States had disintegrated into rival nation states in the 1860s, Yankees wouldn’t have been giving the rest of the Western world their marching orders after the Second World War.

    Bingo Hunter comment of the month. Dixie being independent would have benefited everybody Southerners would have been able to pursue their dream of a multi-racial Golden Circle empire, the north “USA” would have gotten rid of 90% of it’s darkies leaving an almost all White republic and Germany would have created a new Holy Roman Empire encompassing all of Europe and securing the existence of the White Race.

  14. German unification directly imitated the Union.
    Had the Union split, I find it very hard to imagine a united Germany at all.

  15. “Care needs to be taken with absolute qualifiers like “only”. It would be more accurate to say ” …. it [the attack on the South] only succeeded because of the existence of other groups of people.” It didn’t have to only be the Union.”

    Bullshit. It didn’t have to be, but it was. Squirm all you will, there is no getting around the facts. Take care to mind those facts rather than exercise your pedantic illusions.

    Deo Vindice

  16. 2.) Felix Frankfurter was on the Supreme Court that wrote the Brown decision.

    Also on Shelley vs. Kraemer, which eliminated racial restrictions on real-estate covenants.

    Reversing Shelley would eliminate the driving force behind white flight and dispossession.

    Slavery was an excuse to attack, and steal the wealth of the White Protestant South.

    IIUC, most of the South’s wealth was the market value of slaves.  The cotton gin and John Rust’s cotton picker would have wiped that out even without a Union.

  17. Add to that the fact that the ADL is anti-Southern in its foundation, it was created as a direct response to the lynching of Leo Frank, to defend criminal, rapist, murderous, exploitative Jews from justice, in that case Southern justice.

    Frank’s modern equivalent would be OJ Simpson, who in a just society would have met the same fate.

  18. I get a kick out of these shows, even though they’re BS propaganda and full of confirmation bias.

  19. “Felix Frankfurter was on the Supreme Court that wrote the Brown decision.”

    It’s a ridiculous stretch to blame Jews for a 9-0 Supreme Court decision signed by one Jew and EIGHT Christian justices.

    The South was home to many Jews, thousands of whom served as officers and soldiers. Unlike the Union Army, which carried out several anti-Jewish actions, the Confederacy had no anti-semitic history. Robert E. Lee gave Jewish soldiers holiday leave when practical; Grant and Sherman expelled Jews from their districts.

    Acknowledging that some Northern radicals in the 20th Century were Eastern European Jews is simple history, but those who expand this to go after all Jews are an insult to the principles of the Confederacy.

    Morons who talk about Jewish bankers causing the Civil War and Jewish satanists delegitimize the cause of states’ rights, and denigrate the memory of Southern heritage.

    The lynching of Leo Frank (the real rapist was the black janitor) set the South back 50 years; in light of all the facts, holding up the murder of an innocent man as an example of Southern justice is simply shameful.

  20. So the butcher's_Charge of the Confederacy, Robert Lee “gave Jewish soldiers holiday leave”?

    Constant propaganda for “Southern Talmudism” is making this blog boring as well as unproductive. “Bicausalism” is all about hating on, throwing sand in the eyes of white readers from north of the Line.

  21. Mitch says:
    July 11, 2013 at 1:16 am

    ‘The South was home to many Jews, thousands of whom served as officers and soldiers.’

    Yet another reason why the South lost.

    Mitch says: ‘Unlike the Union Army, which carried out several anti-Jewish actions’

    Wise moves. Yet another reason why the North won.

    Mitch says: ‘Robert E. Lee gave Jewish soldiers holiday leave when practical’

    Actually, he just wanted them out of the way for a while so he could develop a strategy for success without having to listen to their constant kvetching.

    Mitch says: ‘Grant and Sherman expelled Jews from their districts.’

    Oh my! God must have been angry as all get out now for sure at the North.

    Their defeat was determined right then and there. Ha!

    Gospel of John, Chapter 8:44

    Mitch says: ‘ but those who expand this to go after all Jews are an insult to the principles of the Confederacy.’

    Replace the word Jews in your sentence with the word Yankees and see how much traction you get with the Stonelifters and Golden Asses on this site.

    Mitch says: ‘The lynching of Leo Frank (the real rapist was the black janitor) set the South back 50 years; in light of all the facts, holding up the murder of an innocent man as an example of Southern justice is simply shameful.’

    You should have quit while you thought you were ahead.

    Nice try Herschel.

  22. Pretty much, Mosin. We now have person defending the Jew pedophile Leo Frank. This takes it to a new level.

  23. Grant and Sherman expelled Jews from their districts.

    Only because their profiteering interfered with the US war effort. Lincoln rescinded the expulsion orders as soon as he got word of them.

    The South was home to many Jews, thousands of whom served as officers and soldiers.

    Jews were a small fraction of the Confederate military, perhaps in the low thousands out of more than one million Confederate soldiers and sailors.

    Virtually every Western country had already integrated its Jews by that time; the CSA was nothing special in that regard.

    Morons who talk about Jewish bankers causing the Civil War and Jewish satanists delegitimize the cause of states’ rights, and denigrate the memory of Southern heritage.

    You sound a lot like the guy over at SNN who is currently whining about “white supremacists” and “Holocaust deniers”. You can report back to your buddies Abe and Morris that no one is buying it.

  24. We now have person defending the Jew pedophile Leo Frank. This takes it to a new level.

    Lew, this fellow Mitch is obviously not a Southron nationalist. There is no way that a Southron nationalist would defend that Jewish beast Leo Frank. He is also trolling the SNN forum, digging up old threads to make exaggerated claims about Jewish contributions to the Confederate war effort while using the typical leftist slurs about racialists.

  25. Lew- ever read Gospel of John, Chapter 8:44?

    A verse so often overlooked by modern Christians:

    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Another of my favourites, Matthew 27:25:

    25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

  26. The depraved Jew pervert degenerate Leo Frank was ABSOLUTELY guilty for the sex murder of Mary Phagan. Jews have been trying to shift blame onto the petty criminal Negro Jim Conley for decades, and well as slander beautiful pure Mary as some type o of seductress. A cursory reading of trial transcripts reveals the facts. The sicko Frank was such a perv he tried to anally rape his fully grown male cell mate, in prison. The cell mate had a shiv in his possession, and slit Frank’s throat open. Alas – there were 2 doctors imprisoned as well, and they saved his life, until he was RIGHTFULLY lynched.

    The Jew Mitch repeats every pro forma Spawn of Satan talking point going. Go visit your Daddy in Hell, Mitch.

  27. Mitch is merely following the sophistry of Bicausalism to its logical conclusion: Satan is not manifested in Talmudism, but in WHITES who originate north of the Line. WHITES are the enemy.

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