Amurrica Series: Lincoln’s Call to Service—and Ours

Wall Street Journal

Gen. Stanley McChrystal has penned a really scary article in the WSJ:

“My father first took me to Gettysburg when I was 12 years old. He was a lieutenant colonel in the Army, home from the first of two tours in Vietnam. I remember in particular the hundreds of obelisks poking over the berms, the oxidized plaques attached to rocks and the statues lining the roadways. All spoke for the thousands of men and boys who had died in the grass and dirt serving their nation.

I was young, but I recognized the gravity of the place.

Though I went on to have a career in the military, the visits to Gettysburg with my father were not preparation for soldiering as much as they were early lessons in citizenship—a particular understanding of citizenship that President Lincoln defined and challenged us to fulfill when he delivered his famous address there. It’s a citizenship that does not simply reflect upon the sacrifices of others, but that honors their sacrifice through action: “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Every 4 star general or admiral in the military has been thoroughly vetted to make sure they are rabid diversity mongers. Whether or not they can plan, organize, or lead a battle is not so important these days.

  2. Lincoln was a nasty anti-states rights, totalitarian American mass murderer.

    He sure freed the slaves by by decimation of 600k folk.


    Definition of DECIMATE


    : to select by lot and kill every tenth man of


    : to exact a tax of 10 percent from


    a: to reduce drastically especially in number

    b: to cause great destruction or harm to
    — dec·i·ma·tion noun

    Examples of DECIMATE

    This kind of moth is responsible for decimating thousands of trees in our town.
    Budget cuts have decimated public services in small towns.

    Origin of DECIMATE

    Latin decimatus, past participle of decimare, from decimus tenth, from decem ten
    First Known Use: 1660

    Related to DECIMATE

    Synonymsannihilate, cream, destroy, demolish, desolate, devastate, do in, extinguish, nuke, pull down, pulverize, raze, rub out, ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, total, vaporize, waste, wrack, wreck

  4. G Prune says:
    He sure freed the slaves by decimation of 600k folk.

    Lots of death to fellow citizens — seems like there had to be a broader agenda, huh?

  5. This prick wrote the rules of engagement that got a lot people killed in Afghanistan because they could not fight back.

  6. McCain is met with “Kidnappers”, the natives are the opposite of restful.

    The loose US senator John McCain, the pit bull, the mad dog, the warmonger, bloodthirsty, ex POW by the people he was Napalming, when messing with the Syrian crisis just earned a new title by the profession course he follows: McCain the Kidnapper. On 22 May 2012, more than one year ago a group of FSA terrorists stopped a bus of Lebanese pilgrims on their way back from visiting Shiite holy shrines in Iraq through Syria near Azaz city, north of Aleppo. They released the women and children and kept the men claiming at first they’re Hizbullah fighters, yes, one year ago and 11 months before any interference of Hizbullah in Qussayr countryside battles.

    Photos at link.

  7. I love to listen to patriotards blather about independence from Britain, then turn around and praise forced union for the Civil War. Talk about contradiction…

  8. Whether or not they can plan, organize, or lead a battle is not so important these days.

    That is good because it will contribute to the USA’s downfall. It is just a matter of time till they attack a country that surprises them by fighting back effectively or that gets a major power to back it up.

  9. The Pentagon is nothing more than a den of corruption. It is DC’s siamese twin in uniform.

  10. Mc Chrystal was in charge of special ops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He led task forces combined with intelligence to assassinate leaders. He’s a real nasty character. It’s no wonder he admires Lincoln. Don’t want to sound conspiracy minded, but from what I’ve read about the guy, he was the black ops commander. He was the General that would send higher echelon special forces to kidnap combatants and send them to third world nation’s to be interrogated. Rendition programs, ext.

  11. He is Israel’s wet dream. He was the General that coined the nick name, “bite me” for Joe Biden.

  12. @Snowhitey: “The Pentagon is nothing more than a den of corruption.” Many of those in the ranks and lower echelons are courageous and honourable, but those at the top tend to be cynical Mammon-worshippers. According to Mike Grice,
    “McChrystal argues that national service … would make the nation stronger … ” … stronger U.S. union = accelerated race mixing = more PC brainwashing = more neocon toolery/foolery
    Political correctness is now the Western religion. – Paul Gottfried
    William Pierce was an atheist, although he advocated a neo-religion for propaganda purposes. White people in the old Confederacy are now threatened by black and mulatto violence and anarchy together with mestizo and other Third World invasion through open borders. My thinking is that the fundamental White problem is religion and creed. Anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, pro-White Christianity has been replaced by mush-brain, universal tolerance, Christian agnosticism. Anti-Jew means true theology. Pro-White means survival instinct. If you have a religion or a creed that you really believe in, then you are a totalitarian – your creed is the total focus of your life.
    Vincent Reynouard is the father of eight children. He combines a belief in traditional Catholicism with a neological form of National Socialism for the French nation.
    Neo-religions such as return to lost beliefs in Nordic gods or Greek gods might work for a few people, but the evidence supports various forms of pro-White Christianity as the best hope. Replace the U. S. Constitution by something akin to the Articles of Confederation. Have many pro-White Christianities with a totalitarian world view. Have a semi-Christian, loose political alliance of pro-White Whites.
    LEFT = Liberté Égalité Fraternité Totalitarianisme
    Replace leftwing political political correctness by rightwing religious correctness.
    Think pro-White religion first, politics second – otherwise you end up with Mammon worship in politics – good for Jews/bad for Whitesé,_égalité,_fraternité
    L E F with blacks and mulattoes involved = Detroit/East St. Louis/Haiti
    The main problem for WNs is religion and creed. In the long run, Jews and Muslims are the main enemies. Without high rates of reproduction, Whites are merely historical precursors to mulattoes and mestizos. If you believe that all religions deserve respect and tolerance then your religion is political correctness. If you have a real religion then you believe in respect and totalitarian devotion to your religion and disrespect and intolerance for all other religions and creeds. Have a loose political union of pro-White, religiously bigoted Christianities.

  13. Slavery was outlawed around the world and only one war was ever fought over slavery, and many say that that one war was not fought over slavery.

  14. His is the politics of empire, not really any moral calculation of any decency. Face it folks America was destined to be radical experiment, and the contards we are saddled with just quibble the pace.

  15. The CW was fought for many things but to free Negroes was only an excuse used by the fascist ex-Whig crook, Abe Lincoln.

  16. McChrystal’s idea of soft-conscription runs counter to hundreds of years of anglo imperial tradition that views dry season offensives as sport for the political and soldiering class. Conscription increases pacifism by way of simple self-preservation instinct thusly it requires the most vulgar propaganda (see Bernhardi) to justify something (war), which needn’t be justified to plebes.

    There is no need for a militarization of labor to solve what he terms the “high school crisis”. We need to bring back prison labor.

  17. If the government is in charge, it will say socially obligatory while making it legally mandatory – “nudged” by Leviathan. Just another Democrat that wants to abuse young people for their own and the nation’s supposed good.

  18. Wayne,

    “I love to listen to patriotards blather about independence from Britain, then turn around and praise forced union for the Civil War. Talk about contradiction”

    Me too. The patriotards and the “liburals” they despise both share the exact same pre-1960s view of history. Luckily those patriotdards are mostly just scared old grandmas and grandpas anyway. Yes, I know that sounds like Tim Wise, but its still true. I’ve been to many Tea Party rallies over the last 4 years. The demographics are undeniable. They’re all old white people. The only time I saw whites younger than Baby Boomers was at a May 2010 rally in my hometown where a couple hundred people attended. The young “conservative” folks Jamie Kelso encountered at CPAC give me pause, but as Dr. MacDonald pointed out, they’re probably just trying to make a cash cow from GOP politiciking – i.e., they’re not pretending to be voices of dissent. Young and middle aged whites don’t care about the Tea Party, and there’s certainly no Generation Identitaire equivalent here in America.

  19. GonerWithTheWind says:

    May 31, 2013 at 9:11 am

    “like DC” To clarify, I was referring to the decision-makers.

    However, are the rank and file, who go along with the scam, truly free of guilt? Does the excuse “I’m just doing my job” absolve them of complicity?

  20. “My thinking is that the fundamental White problem is religion and creed. Anti-Jew, anti-Muslim, pro-White Christianity has been replaced by mush-brain, universal tolerance agnosticism (…) If you have a religion or a creed that you really believe in, then you are a totalitarian – your creed is the total focus of your life (…) evidence supports various forms of pro-White Christianity as the best hope (…) Replace leftwing political correctness by rightwing religious correctness.”

    I agree that the solution to all these problems is right religion, not better political science.

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