Greg Johnson Makes Intelligence Report


Trevor Lynch is called out for “Hating on Hollywood”:

“Speaking of fantasy, “Trevor Lynch” is not precisely a real person himself. Rather, he is the alter-ego of a tiresome and self-important fellow named Greg Johnson who runs a vastly pretentious website called, on which many of the essays that comprise his Guide originally appeared.”

Speaking of terrible Hollywood movies, the new Will Smith movie, “After Earth,” is supposed to be coming out today. It is being called one of the worst movies of all time by critics and “one of the world’s most expensive bar mitzvahs.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Things must be slow at the poverty palace. Greg is a smart man, but my guess is now he will pen a long detailed essay quibbling some point these azzclowns have made and just be yet another fund raising tool of taking money from old crazy jew women to younger jew anti-whites.

  2. Is there anything more “tiresome” amd “self important” than the SPLC?

    Yeah, I saw Will Smith’s movie trailer the other night and had to LOL. Another multi-million many times over failure for their little pet Negro.

  3. I probably wouldn’t agree with Greg on everything, but hey, he’s right about the trash coming from Hollywood.

  4. Black uplift long ago passed into satire. If a remake of “Idiocracy” is made I will assume that Morgan Freeman’s voice will be used at the “time masheen” exhibit.

  5. Greg is a smart man

    What creeps me out is that people like chechar and greg johnson seem intelligent but a lot of their posts I’ve come across are just helicoptering citations of disreputables, then they crash in the ideological prop-wash. They’re smarter than Kemp, MacDonald, Linder but use them as gospel which makes them seem less intelligent…. I think they want to be relevant, big fish in the WN whirlpool. They both understand Europe the Church at least in the historical sense. I think Greg engages in an alternative lifestyle so he calls the Church “intolerant”, fair enough. Pray for Greg.

  6. Greg will quibble, against all logic the SPLC will still retain the aura of moral superiority and a bunch of old holocaust haunted crazy jews will be out a bunch of money, same ol, same ol.

  7. It shows they’re scared of counter currents, especially I’d guess their cultural commentary. Gregory Hood is one of CC best contributors for film and cultural analysis. Hood used to be a contributor here at OD.

  8. If Greg Johnson does in fact view politics as a career then yes, this is good for him. The most important thing the corporate world can teach someone is that it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission. Give’em Hell, Greg!

  9. I agree with Lew on this. The movie reviews at Counter Currents vary in quality, some great (The LOTR reviews, the Twilight review), some not so great (The Dark Knight review), but the reviewers do a good job of piercing Hollywood myths. The Avengers review absolutely laid bare that piece of trash and exposed its propaganda for all to see. In fact, the Twilight review was the first piece of WN prose I ever read and introduced me to the entire movement.

    Next to The Occidental Observer, which is the finest site on the traditionalist.dissident right, Counter Currents is the best cultural-commentary site I’ve yet come across, at least when it’s in top form.

  10. Counter-Currents is full of European “philosophy” inspired gobbledygook. I’ve been banned there for my totally reasonable Hobbesian and Humean criticisms of their stupid hyper-Romantic panegyrics to the likes of the fantasist Robert E. Howard and that crackpot Julius Evola.

  11. I like Evola because he married German approach to political philosophy to european traditionalism and lived in the “short century”, observing the jarring social transitions.

  12. “Rudel, what are some of your problems with Evola?”

    From Wiki:

    “Much of Evola’s theories and writings are centred on Evola’s own rarefied, idiosyncratic spiritualism and mysticism; the inner life. He authored books covering themes such as Hermeticism, the metaphysics of war and of sex, Tantra, Buddhism, Taoism, mountaineering, the Holy Grail, the essence and history of civilisations, decadence and various philosophic and religious Traditions dealing with both the Classics and the Orient.”


    “Evola criticized Nietzsche for lacking the “transcendent element” in his philosophy”

    By definition there is no metaphysics of anything and yes, God really is dead.

  13. “I agree with Lew on this. The movie reviews at Counter Currents vary in quality, some great…some not so great…but the reviewers do a good job of piercing Hollywood myths.”

    Agree. The articles themselves can be hit or miss on various details but they lead people to see the cryptic propaganda buried within a lot of the mainstream culture.

  14. When I turn the TV on are watch a movie I see so many negroes and jews I feel like I am in a snyagog for Christ sakes.

  15. @George: “… I see so many negroes and jews … ” This reminds me of a comment:
    “I didn’t see a black face until I was ten years old … I thought they had escaped from the zoo. … We are at war with those who are trying to crucify our race. … The White man is going to rebel. … Accent the positive, deflate the negative.” – John Beattie Interview with British Canadian John Beattie, September 15, 2012
    When you see negroes and jews on television, for God’s sake, change the channel or turn off the infernal machine.

  16. There is nothing wrong with Robert E. Howard’s stories. But their treatment of him over there is mostly nothing but long-winded nonsense sprinkled over with social and philosophical interpretation that makes Howard’s readers say, “wtf?”

    They just recently had one particularly long–almost nine or ten thousand words–essay about him that was a long, disjointed, problematic and rambling incoherent mess. Much like several of their more fantastic WN interpretations of certain movies.

  17. “Yes, I’ve also heard the whole lot of them at CC are queer.”

    Maybe it’s for the best. Queers get shit done since they don’t have families to raise. As long as they refer to their butt-buddy as “room-mate” around normals, and conduct themselves as such, I can live and let live.

  18. There is no greater example of negative Jewish influence than Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

    And Greg LOVES Hollywood filth. I no longer follow his reviews but the last time I checked he reviewed Youth Without Youth in glowing terms: a film that like many other Hollywood films depicts the Nazis as central characters of the plot.

    Tim Roth is the star of that film. His father was born with the surname Smith in New York to an English immigrant family; he changed his surname to Roth in the 1940s, “partly through solidarity with the victims of the Holocaust”!

    The author of the novel on which the movie is based, Mircea Eliade, reflecting on the early history of the Romanian Kingdom and its Jewish community deplored the expulsion of Jewish savants from Romanian soil!

    The biggest Greg splash has been his review of Pulp Fiction. Incredible that at a site that claims to combat Jewish influence the admin would have written such panegyric for a clearly anti-white movie: a nymph married to a gorillesque Negro; a smart black lecturing a dumb white at the end of the film, and let’s not mention that scene with the Confederate Flag before the sodomization of the Negro took place, etc.

  19. It shows they’re scared of counter currents, especially I’d guess their cultural commentary. Gregory Hood is one of CC best contributors for film and cultural analysis.

    I really don’t think they have much reason to fear Hood’s (and CC’s) world-rejecting ‘religious’ racialism gaining ascendancy in society at large.

    Consider this passage from Hood’s “Revolution from the Periphery” essay.

    The triumph of mass society and bureaucratization has come about not because it creates a higher caliber of person (quite the opposite) but because it allows the average person to run on autopilot. Given a society at a certain stage of development, anyone can get a job or rely on an official system of social support, partake of various harmless entertainments, move some money around, and call it a life.

    Was your life really on ‘autopilot’ before you dedicated yourself to taking a racial stand? Isn’t it a bit insulting to be told so? See, it means you didn’t really confront any challenges or fears at any time in your life, although it may have seemed so to you. No, no, the solutions were delivered to your door on a platter, just the way ‘mass society’ organized it to be, so any sense of triumph or personal victory (however modest) you have experienced is wholly unwarranted.

    Okay, so he may have overstepped reasonable bounds with ‘autopilot’, but surely he’s correct that ‘anyone’ being able to get a job or rely on a system of social support has played a signal role in the degradation of Western Man, right? Ah, for the good old days when a man could watch his children die with honor before his eyes based on no more than the vagaries of the harvest season. Or even better, having a broadsword run through him by marauding knights sent by the lord the next county down in order to massacre his rival’s serfs so as to gain the economic upper hand. That’s what I call really living!

    And ‘harmless entertainments,’ too right, too right. This goes back further than you might think. By the time bare-knuckle brawling arrived on the scene the fix was already well and truly in. We really have to journey back to a time when you had to feel the breath of the sabre-toothed tiger on your neck before you’d call it an ‘adrenaline rush.’ How far this world has fallen.

    Lastly, considering only the last hundred years or so – or the last five hundred years, that is, from the time the commercial revolution was well under way – all people have really been doing is just ‘moving some money around.’ It wasn’t really living. No real hopes and dreams realized or dashed. Just mindless paper-shuffling. Gee, that’s nice to know.

    You know what? I won’t hold back. Motherfuck that miserable wretch. I hope his heart explodes from racial yearning.

  20. The SPLC wrote:

    Lynch manages to find at least a few films worthy of praise. Chief among these is the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, which Lynch – tipping his cap to Hitler’s lieutenant – gives a “Goebbels Award” for “contain[ing] not a shred of Jewish propaganda.”

    I think that Peter Jackson, a producer or someone on the film team made a deliberate but subtle concession to the culture in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Do the Orcs and Goblins seem a bit pale when compared to the original LOTR trilogy and Tolkien’s descriptions?

  21. “When I turn the TV on are watch a movie I see so many negroes and jews I feel like I am in a snyagog for Christ sakes.”

    I worked as a ‘shabbas goy’ in a very large Reform Synagogue while going through college, for seven years, all told- initially I thought they were like me, but after listening to sermon after sermon, and being treated like trash for merely being a ‘worker’, I realized they saw me as ‘utterly different.’

    As for Negroes?
    I saw maybe ONCE a ‘couple of color’- in roughly 350 services. Jews are some of the most ‘racist’ people around, and would NEVER willingly court ‘schvartzes’ into their country club. NEVER.

    That’s purely a trick to use on the goyim. “The more diverse (i.e., non-White, non-normal) American society is, the safer [Jews] are.” –

  22. @Hunter Wallace: “There is no greater example of negative Jewish influence than Hollywood and the entertainment industry.” Hollywood management is stupefyingly Jewish.
    The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. – Joel Stein, 2008,0,4676183.column How Jewish is Hollywood?
    When immigration fears build up in the U.S.A. and the U.K., then a tipping point may occur. Fear can overcome greed. Fear can bring race realism out of the shadows.
    “This is an elite that cannot speak its name.” – Kevin MacDonald
    We are one crisis away from a complete change. – Nick Griffin
    Insane fiscal mismanagement has destabilized Greece, Italy, and Spain. U.S.A., U.K., and France are close behind. Be a prepper.

  23. “There is nothing wrong with Robert E. Howard’s stories. But their treatment of him over there is mostly nothing but long-winded nonsense sprinkled over with social and philosophical interpretation that makes Howard’s readers say, “wtf?”

    They just recently had one particularly long–almost nine or ten thousand words–essay about him that was a long, disjointed, problematic and rambling incoherent mess. Much like several of their more fantastic WN interpretations of certain movies.”

    Well said.

  24. SPLC:

    Lynch – tipping his cap to Hitler’s lieutenant – gives a “Goebbels Award” for “contain[ing] not a shred of Jewish propaganda

    SPLCs target audience needs to be told who Goebbels was. Lol.

  25. Was your life really on ‘autopilot’ before you dedicated yourself to taking a racial stand? Isn’t it a bit insulting to be told so?

    Yes it is, and I agree with your points except the last paragraph. In my opinion, some nationalists have a tendency to mythologize the past. Although I’m sure Hood didn’t intend it this way, making comments like that in broad strokes veers close to a kind of de facto or implied misanthropy that I agree has the potential to sink WNism.

    There is a fine-line between realistic appraisal of a dysfunctional culture and appraisal wedded to false mythology and implied misanthropy. I fall into misanthropy myself all the time. It’s hard not too given what’s going on. But the truth is, you are exactly right; it’s not all a drag — far from it; the past did suck in important ways; liberalism has made life better in many respects; and people have no control over the kind of society they’re born into.

    A lot of nationalist critics when offering their reflections on the culture write as if people had a choice about living in it. They write as if on one one side there was a culture Julius Evola would respect, and one the other, there was our own consumerist, materialistic, decadent, bourgeois, mass-man culture, and people voluntarily chose the latter. That isn’t how it worked.

    This is still a bit of an exception. Hood is very reliable for incisive and balanced comments.

  26. It constantly blows my mind that CC gets so much respect on the right, given that they put out blatantly pro-homosexual material. That garbage from James O’Meara is particularly disgusting. It’s not even as if they’re just libertarians who “don’t care what goes on in the bedroom”, they actually promote homosexuality as a positive good that has some advantages over heterosexuality.

  27. Yes it is, and I agree with your points except the last paragraph. In my opinion, some nationalists have a tendency to mythologize the past.

    Mythologizing the past to an extent is understandable. The pragmatist in me says people should do what works. And if reflecting on a mythical past helps shore up identity in the here now, and in other ways make one’s existence more bearable or pleasurable or exciting, I say go for it. It’s their tendency to mythologize the future that is less forgivable. Some of them really do seem to think that they will one day be able to create and flourish in a real life Hyperborean ‘Eden’ right here on earth. It’s a pleasant enough daydream, I guess, but real problems arise when they compare that vision to the world that actually exists and then fall it into a depressive, world-hating funk because the world as it is is so hopelessly inferior to the stuff of their racial dreams.

    Their vision is perfect, but the real world is messy. There’s rubbish, there’s crime, there’s stupidity, there is steel, there are loud bangs and grinding noises, there is production, there is trade, there is advertising, there is avarice, there is pettiness, and all of it aplenty, and, to cap it off, there is hardly anyone who seems to mind much. That’s the point at which they escape into esotericism as an attempt to live out at least some of the racial dream in the time that has been allotted to them on this earth. So while the world all about it is in ruins, they are able to withdraw into their esoteric sanctums and experience life as it was meant to be (and, if they have their way, one day will be). Now, personally, I think that’s fine. I mean, I can relate, in part. And if they’d allow me, hell, I’d even volunteer to help them build some – I don’t know – ‘temple’ or club or whatever, where they can ‘amuse’ (for want of a better term) themselves. But I called it ‘problematic’ so I’d better explain myself.

    In short, despite what they commonly assume, I think they reject the world more than the world rejects them. Live and let live is not an impossible ideal. It happens all the time. It’s their damned insistence that they have figured out the one true way to live and they are going to force everyone they claim as their own to fit that mold, and their promise to rain down war on all those they exclude, that frightens the wits out of more than a few who come to believe that not only are they serious, but also that they just might succeed . Am I overstating my case? Perhaps. But shit dude, put yourself in my place. There are some serious fucking animals out there and nary a single one has ever given me the impression that they may be open to some give and take.

    There is a fine-line between realistic appraisal of a dysfunctional culture and appraisal wedded to false mythology and implied misanthropy. I fall into misanthropy myself all the time. It’s hard not too given what’s going on. But the truth is, you are exactly right; it’s not all a drag — far from it; the past did suck in important ways; liberalism has made life better in many respects; and people have no control over the kind of society they’re born into.

    At the heart of those feelings is some form of the fallacious belief “Race is wrong, therefore everything is wrong*.” But everything is not wrong. If race weren’t the issue that it today is, far fewer would ever believe that “everything” is wrong.

    * It’s one of the “Four Fallacies” I once outlined that I think are the core problems of the classic WN approach. The others are “Race, therefore war” (race matters, therefore everyone is your enemy and should be gotten to before they get to you); “Inferior, therefore hateworthy” (only superiority counts for anything in this world, anything falling short positively deserves to be disdained, persecuted, destroyed, and so on); and the “One fell swoop” fallacy (the idea that pointing out a few key racial facts is sufficient transform another’s worldview and inspire racial revolution).

  28. I’m more anti-gay than anyone I’ve yet come across on the trad right, so I’m pretty easily put off by any promotion of homosexuality. And I haven’t found that much of it at CC. Granted, I don’t read every article, but I do read those that square with my interests. As for James O’Meara, the only piece of his that I recall reading at CC was his attack on Wagner, which I vociferously argued against. But I’ve agreed with Greg Johnson on a lot of his pieces. He wrote an excellent essay a while back indicating how ludicrous the “We did it to ourselves” meme pushed by Alt Right was, and how it basically let our enemies off the hook and could only dispirit the traditional right.

    As for the claims of verbosity or whatever, I suppose it depends on where you come from. I did my Masters in English Lit, so I’m pretty used to articles that, I suppose, are denser than standard journalism, which is by design written at the Grade8/high-school level (and understandably so).

    In fact, the intellectual bent of CC is one of the reasons why I enjoy it. I’ve only found that kind of traditionalist-leaning scholarship there and at The Occidental Observer (which doesn’t do cultural essays often, but when it does, they’re some of the best).

    The fact that traditionalists abandoned the university (or were forced out) is one of the roots of our dispossession. CC shows what a traditionalist scholarship might look like. And this IS important: remember, universities are activist factories, for good or ill, and will shape young minds toward our cause, or, as happens now, against it.

  29. Discounting James O’Meara because he is homosexual is like discounting Oscar Wilde because he was one. Anyone who would do that can be written off as a serious participant in debate.

  30. Oscar Wilde was not a homosexual. Sin is real, “gay people” are a satanic bourgeois social construct. A sin can be forgiven, the ‘identity’ is a social judas goat leading people away from much needed forgiveness and therefore worse than any sexual vice in itself. Wilde died as a Roman Catholic, acknowledging he was a sinner-not as a “proud gay man.

    I don’t have any idea who Mr. O’Meara is.

  31. Lew,

    That’s a very bad analogy.

    Wilde never boasted pics of transvestite behavior in his presentation cards, as James has done in the “about me” section of his blog on “wild boys”.

    James not only wants us to accept those transvestite photos as if they were normal, he also vehemently criticizes traditional, hetero marriages.

    Once a homo crosses that line he’s fair game for ridicule and shunning among the traditionalist community.

  32. Chechar: Yes. I forgot about the imagery of JOMs web site (though I haven’t looked at it in some time). You make a fair point there.

    No-Man: he is a contributor at CC and controversial across these sites because of his ideas on homosexuality.

  33. they actually promote homosexuality as a positive good that has some advantages over heterosexuality.

    Is it true that homosexuals are overrepresented among artists and others who have made important contributions to culture?

  34. No-man, wow. That article was horrible. I’m surprised and disappointed. I still maintain that Greg Johnson has written many great essays, and in his disagreements (with Richard Spencer, with Colin Liddell), I’ve found more wisdom in Johnson’s POV. But still, that article is just vomit-inducing.

    Oh, and Lew, there’s no question that Cultural Marxism infiltrated The Hobbit movie, but to a degree, it was unavoidable. Tolkien himself likened the Dwarves in his cosmology to Jews, so I suppose it’s predictable that a filmmaker would go the predictable route and make their arch-enemy a skinhead (and the Pale Orc was so blatantly meant to be a skinhead, right down to the tattoo-like scars).

    Still, at least Jackson resisted the pressure to make the Shire multi-racial.

  35. Yet more evidence the problem is not “us.” Yankees are a subset of us both presently and historically, and a small one.

  36. I agree with what I understand to be O’Meara’s argument that Jewish values have poisoned discourse on homosexuality. A strict reading of Jewish religious texts on this issue suggests the proper penalty for homosexuality is death. Our own people, especially in the classical world, historically have held more balanced perspectives.

  37. “he also vehemently criticizes traditional, hetero marriages.”

    I don’t care about homosexuality in itself and think the main reason they have been the biggest allies of Jews in the culture war is their exclusion from the nation but for me the acceptance of the critical importance of traditional marriage is a non-negotiable part of any trade.

  38. Pale Orc was so blatantly meant to be a skinhead, right down to the tattoo-like scars). – M.W.

    I didn’t make the skinhead connection. But, yeah, lightening the Orcs had to be deliberate. The usual suspects bitched about the black Orcs in the trilogy like the repulsive one that Aragorn slays at the end of Fellowship.

  39. “for me the acceptance of the critical importance of traditional marriage is a non-negotiable part of any trade.”

    To say the least . . .

    Like I said, the one thing I remember reading from James O’Meara was his attack on Wagner. All I could think of was, “Why is this being published HERE? I can get attacks on Wagner at any Sanhedrin site.”

    I still think there’s a lot of great material at CC, which I rank second in importance only to TOO. What a pity that there’s this disgusting element there as well — and more of it than I thought.

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