Greg Johnson Makes Intelligence Report


Trevor Lynch is called out for “Hating on Hollywood”:

“Speaking of fantasy, “Trevor Lynch” is not precisely a real person himself. Rather, he is the alter-ego of a tiresome and self-important fellow named Greg Johnson who runs a vastly pretentious website called, on which many of the essays that comprise his Guide originally appeared.”

Speaking of terrible Hollywood movies, the new Will Smith movie, “After Earth,” is supposed to be coming out today. It is being called one of the worst movies of all time by critics and “one of the world’s most expensive bar mitzvahs.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I agree with what I understand to be O’Meara’s argument that Jewish values have poisoned discourse on homosexuality. A strict reading of Jewish religious texts on this issue suggests the proper penalty for homosexuality is death. Our own people, especially in the classical world, historically have held more balanced perspectives.

    You also forget that the pre-Christian Germanics killed the faggots according to Tacitus. Therefore, James is either ignorant of pagan history or he lies when he claims that anti-faggotry only started with Judeo-Christianity.

    And about the Greco-Roman world, at VNN Forum I remember I told you (did I?) that classical homosexuality was mainly temporary pederasty, not the coeval adult, permanent degeneracy we see today in the “gay” world.

  2. Re: Ernst Rohm

    Again, you are committing the same mistake when mentioning Oscar Wilde.

    Rohm never organized “gay parades” or presented his card as a transvestite. He could be tolerated also because he didn’t attack traditional hetero marriages (as James does).

    Sorry, but James crossed the line.

  3. If the point is that Symposium was ever an argument for homosexualism, then the point is completely missing, and a represents a very shallow reading of Plato.

    Homosexuality is a dead end in and of itself, and anti-traditionalist in every way. The problem is that many people on the right view homosexuality in a very abstract liberal way, but never confront its day to day effects on the moral way of life. They tend to have a live and let live libertarian view.

    I live in a Southern city that’s a common destination for queers. The city, along with Jew run Disney Corp., sponsors “Gay Days” (which as near as I can tell lasts a month or so). A normal person never wants to be among a crowd of queers when they “let loose” in public. It is one of the most disgusting things you can imagine. The only thing that would be worse is being caught up in a negro flash mob. Queers will usually leave you alone but destroy the culture. A savage pack of niggers could very well kill you.

    The latest thing seems to be homosexuals adopting kids. How is that going to work out? From the news articles, and what I’ve observed, they seem to mostly like White kids. God help those little ones after freak lesbians and homos finish with them. In a saner world, orphanages would be brought back, and biological parents would be sterilized and placed in prison for abandonment. But with today’s White women now adopting niglets from the Third World, I guess it all makes sense, somehow.

  4. I’ve agreed with Lew on many things at CC (I assume that he’s the same poster here who posts there), but on this one, I’ve got to break with him and go with the others.

    You can’t make exceptions in these things.

    Some sites are traditionalist, BUT they make an exception for feminism.
    Others are traditionalist, BUT they make an exception for the Sanhedrin.
    Now we see that others are traditionalist, BUT they make an exception for the gays.

    It’s all or nothing. No exceptions for someone’s pet issues. Heritage is of a whole.

    No exceptions for feminism, or for philo-semitism, or for the gay agenda, or for “anti-racism.” Each of these is a cancer, each have undermined the Western tradition, and each must be stopped.

  5. You also forget that the pre-Christian Germanics killed the faggots according to Tacitus. Therefore, James is either ignorant of pagan history or he lies when he claims that anti-faggotry only started with Judeo-Christianity.

    ^This is truth. & zoroastrianism called for death on the spot.

  6. Plato is consistently opposed to physical consummation of male-male friendships. That’s why we have the term “platonic love”. The Symposium presents the hero Socrates OVERCOMING the desire for the physical consummation of the pederasty relationship. Plato’s other dialogues such as the Phaedrus and the Laws also argue that homosexual acts are against nature and a betrayal of pure, philosophical desire. Socrates’ other great disciple, Xenophon, also comes out against pederasty, saying that the story of the Spartans engaging in homosexual acts is just a dirty rumor.
    As some others have pointed out, the only homosexual relationship accepted at any point in western history was between an adult man and an adolescent boy. So unless this is what CC is advocating, then there is absolutely nothing traditional about their position.
    CC also publishes material by Jack Donovan, another sodomite.
    I have heard that Greg Johnson refuses to answer whether or not he himself is gay, which is suspicious to say the least (I’d be interested to hear if anyone has heard anything about this).
    Another point about O’Meara is that CC not only posts his articles online, but used their presumably limited resources to publish an actual book by O’Meara, which is promoted as a queer, psychedelic view of the far-right, as if such a project could have any value.

  7. Strident anti-homosexuality is Judaic to the core. Jesus himself, personally, never said a word against homosexuals. The 7 or 8 anti-homo versus in the Bible come straight from the Old Testament and from Paul’s writings.

  8. only homosexual relationship accepted at any point in western history was between an adult man and an adolescent boy.

    Maybe not relationships, but sex acts were tolerated. The Romans attached no stigma to visiting male prostitutes or using male slaves for sex.

  9. Strident anti-homosexuality is Judaic to the core.

    I’m sorry Lew, but you could not be more wrong: The following is copied from

    Larry Kramer, Co-founder of “Act Up,” a homosexual/AIDS activist organization; co-founder of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis

    Alan Klein, Co-founder of group ACT UP, co-founder of group Queer Nation, National Communications Director and chief spokesperson for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, GLAAD. Klein also co-founded the successful multimedia campaign STOPDRLAURA.COM

    Arnie Kantrowitz, Co-founder of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation AKA: GLAAD.

    Jonathan D. Katz, founded and chairs the Harvey Milk Institute, the largest queer studies institute in the world and a long time homosexual political activist, was a co-founder of “Queer Nation” in San Francisco.

    Harvey Fierstein, film actor and well-known homosexual activist.

    Moisés Kaufman, playwright and film director, member of the homosexual Laramie Project.

    Israel Fishman, founder of the Gay Liberation Caucus in 1970, today- the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Round Table of the American Library Association, the world’s first gay professional organization.

    Bella Abzug and Edward Koch, both New York Jews, were the first members of the U.S. House of Representatives to introduce legislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in 1974.

    Winnie Stachelberg, political director, Human Rights Campaign.

    Michael S. Aronowitz, Member, The Log Cabin Republicans.

    Tony Kushner, gay activist; Tony and 1993 Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright.

    Len Hirsch, president of the GLBT federal government employees group, GLOBE.

    Barbara Raab , an NBC-TV producer; a “Jewish lesbian feminist journalist, writer.”

    Charles Kaiser, author & founding member of “National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association”, NLGJA.

    David Goodstein, owner/publisher of the major homosexual magazine “The Advocate” from 1975 to1985 and co-founder of the “National Gay Rights Lobby”.

    Judy Wieder, Editor-in-chief, The Advocate homosexual magazine.

    Alison Bechdel, Cartoonist creator and author of the bi-weekly comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For.”

    Kevin Koffler, Editor-in-chief, Genre homosexual magazine.

    Garrett Glaser ,National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, NLGJA, National Board Member.

    Ronald Gold, reporter for Variety; a leader in the fight to overturn the American Psychiatric Association’s policy that homosexuality is an illness.

    Magnus Hirschfeld, early gay rights activist in Germany; founded one of the first gay rights organizations and the Scientific Humanitarian Committee; coined the term “transvestism”; fled National Socialist Germany.”Human Rights Campaign” Board of Directors

    Fred Hochberg, Deputy Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration; co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign. Michael Berman, Mitchell Gold ,Marty Lieberman, Andy Linsky, Dana Perlman, Abby Rubenfeld, Andrew Tobias, Lara Schwartz
    Human Rights Campaign Staff Senior Counsel, Heather Wellman, Field Coordinator Dan Furmansky, Senior Field Organizer, West Sally Green, Associate Field Director

    Rick Rosendall , President, Gay & Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, DC.

    Barney Frank, Former U.S. Congressman, D-Ma, helped create non-discriminatory, homosexual protection, employment policies in all U.S. federal agencies. Frank was disciplined by Congress for allowing homosexual prostitution activities to be conducted out of his official Congressional office.

    Kerry Lobel, Executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.

    Robin Margolis, American coordinator of the Bi Women’s Cultural Alliance and author of “Bisexuality: A Practical Guide”.

    Evan Wolfson, Senior Staff Attorney, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund as well as he the Executive Director of Freedom to Marry.

    Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation: GLAAD GLAAD: Board & Staff:

    Jennifer Einhorn, Communications Director, Nancy Alpert, Treasurer, Judy Gluckster, David Huebne, Counsel, Scott Seomin, Entertainment & Media Coordinator
    Meg Moritz, Ph.D. , Director and member of the Executive Committee

    GLAAD: Board of Directors
    Gene Falk, Chair of the Board of Directors, and business executive; Senior Vice President of the Showtime Digital Media Group; part of the team that launched and marketed the U.S. TV series Queer as Folk.
    Board Members – Stephen M. Jacoby, Matt Riklin, Judy Gluckster, Carol Rosenfeld, William Weinberger, Tanya Wexler,

    Richard Goldstein, Village Voice writer on gay culture and politics

    Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays , PFLAG.:
    PFLAG Staff
    Ron Schlittler, Director of Field & Policy, Craig Ziskin, Deputy Director of Development, Debra Weill, Senior Field & Policy Coordinator,

    PFLAG Board of Direcors
    Leon Weinstein – Chair, Nominating Committee,
    Dody Goldstein, David Horowitz, Shawn Frank
    Paulette Goodman, founder of Washington D.C. chapter of PFLAG and served as President of the National PFLAG organization from 1988-1992.

    Kate Kendell, National Center for Lesbian Rights.

    Gayle Rubin, lesbian author/activist.

    Hilary Rosen, founding member of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund; former board co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign.

    Roz Richter, attorney and homosexual activist.

    Bob Kuns, long-time activist in homosexual and Jewish causes.

    National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, NGLTF:

    Board co-chairs: Rachel Rosen and Dave Fleischer, Members – Beth Zemsky, Marsha C. Botzer, Jeff Levi

    Craig Hoffman Director of Training/political training
    Bill Rubenstein, ACLU Lesbian and Gay Rights Project

    Martin Duberman, author/historian; founded the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York.

    Ben Schatz, Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Foundation.

    Kevin Schaub; Executive Director and Dean of the Harvey Milk Institute in San Francisco, the world’s largest center for homosexual studies.

    Sarah Schulman, playwright, novelist, and activist, one of the founders of the Lesbian Avengers, a direct-action lesbian rights organization.

    Susan Spielman, principal/head of Common Ground, an education/consulting firm specializing in workplace sexual orientation education; her company has worked with hundreds of U.S. organizations, helping them to implement domestic partner benefits plans; co-author of the book Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace.

    Gertrude Stein, wrote the first openly lesbian novel, “Q.E.D.,” in 1903, but it was only published posthumously in 1950.

    Rikki Streicher, (1925-1994), Jew activist and businesswoman.

    Michael Goff, founded Out magazine in 1992.

    Jeffrey Newman, President and COO of the Gay Financial Network; president and CEO of

    Jim Levin, New York homosexual historian.

    Barrett Brick, GLAA ,Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance, Treasurer.

    Robin Tyler, comedian, born Arlene Chernick, who was the first openly homosexual comic in North America; Tyler is also an activist who was the stage producer for the first three homosexual marches on Washington
    and the national protest coordinator for the “Stop Dr. Laura” campaign; she produces women’s comedy and music festivals,and operates a lesbian travel-tour company.

    Dr. Bruce Voeller, 1935-1994, homosexual rights activist, molecular biologist, physiologist, and AIDS researcher, pioneer in the use of nonoxynol-9 as a spermicide; cofounder and first executive director of the
    National Gay Task Force; creator of the Mariposa Foundation,an AIDS prevention research organization.

    Mark Elderkin, co-founded

    Leroy Aarons, American professor, journalist, and founder of the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association .

    Dr. Donald I. Abrams, American physician, HIV expert, medical marijuana researcher, and past president of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association.

    Johnny Abush, (1952-2000), a Canadian archivist of the International Jewish GBLT Archives.

    Roberta Achtenberg, civil rights lawyer and federal official; appointed as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

    Miriam Ben-Shalom, former Army Reserves drill sergeant and gay activist; in 1986 she won a ten-year legal battle with the Reserves when a court ordered her reinstatement; founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Veterans Association, GLBVA, in 1990, serving as its first president.

    Larry Brinkin, American gay activist who brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit in 1982 against Southern Pacific Railroad.

    Rob Eichberg, American psychologist, co-creator of National Coming Out Day.

    Scott Evertz, President George W. Bush appointed him to serve as the Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, ONAP in 2001.

    Surina Kahn, lesbian activist

    Larry Kessler, founding director in 1983 of the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, the largest AIDS support organization in New England.

    Kathy Levinson, American investor and philanthropist; serves on the board of Planet-Out; also served on NGLTF Board of Directors.

    Judith Light, actress, activist for homosexual causes.

    David Mixner, gay activist, political consultant; co-founder of the Municipal Elections Committee of Los Angeles [MECLA], a group of wealthy gays and lesbians who became influential in local politics; president Bill Clinton’s Special Liaison to the “Homosexual Community”.

    Dan Savage, author of gay-themed books, “The Kid: What Happened After My Boyfriend” and “I Decided to Go Get Pregnant”; “Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins” and “the Pursuit of Happiness in America” and the homosexual themed sex-advice columnist “Savage Love”.

    Susan Schuman, executive vice-president and general manager of the Planet Out gay and lesbian online service.

    Jason Serinus AKA, Jay Guy Nassberg, founder and coordinator of the Lavender Healing Network; a former gay activist with the Gay Liberation Front in New York.

    David Sine, CEO of C1TV, the first U.S. gay and lesbian cable TV network.

    Rex Wockner, longtime homosexual journalist who has reported news for the homosexual press since 1985.

    Jack Fritscher, Editor in Chief of Drummer homosexual magazine.

    Leslie Feinberg, trade unionist, transgender activist and author of, “Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul”.

    Allan Ginsburg, dead Jewish poet and leading member of North American Man Boy Love Association, a male homosexual organization that advances sex between adult males and underage boys

  10. Lew,

    There’s a gulf between Oscar Wilde & Michelangelo and the catemites we all abhor. Don’t confuse apples with oranges. Have you forgotten what I told you and James O’Meara last December at The Occidental Observer? Let’s repost part of it.

    Addressing James, I said: “You propose the Athens model of Pericles? Not Spartans, who unlike the Athenians did not commit the mortal sin of mongrelization? What do you propose exactly? (The Burroughs novel you use in your blog depicts an altogether violent and degenerate, non-Athenian homo world that would be easy prey for the enemies of the white ethnostate.)”

    He didn’t reply. Addressing you I said:

    James O’Meara doesn’t seem to support traditional marriage (he recently published an article at Counter Currents critical of 1950s family values). Instead, he theorizes that real western families must be a kind of pagan homophiliacs.

    I’ve read a couple of Latin-Spanish translations of the first long novel in the western world. And although Petronius depicts the Roman provinces in altogether decadent times—perhaps under the reign of Caligula—, the main character, Encolpius, and his epheboy Gitone are described as feeling a great deal of revulsion towards a queerfag who tried to seduce them (during the banquet of Trimalchio if I remember correctly). If The Satyricon is a window to the past we can conclude that, even in those degenerate times, when vomitoriums were introduced in the Roman homes as depicted in Petronius’ novel, the lovers of the story—a 25-year-old young man and a 16 year-old teen—still felt incredible revulsion for obvious queerfags.

    It’s James the one who makes use of the classic world as his pivotal argument for his hypothesis. Thus, if I could demonstrate that he was arguing from a false analogy his hypothesis would be falsified by History itself.

  11. Ulfric,

    The Judaic tradition of anti-homosexuality which people here seem to favor upholding is 1000s of years old. Strident anti-homosexuality is definitely Judaic in origin. Have you read Leviticus? The Abrahamic religions are the most anti-homo: Judaism, Islam, Christianity. The most extreme, uncompromising anti-homo nations in the world are in Africa. Is that who sensible people should align with?

    Your list amounts to a handful of Jews going back about 50 years, a trivial amount of time. Today’s Jews promote the extreme homosexual agenda for the same reasons they promote heterosexual pornography and other filth. It’s part of a general attack on white culture(s). The sexual part is immaterial.

  12. Have you forgotten what I told you and James O’Meara last December at The Occidental Observer?

    Chechar, you have a memory like an elephant. I can’t remember what I said 20 minutes ago.

  13. I think Petronius makes my point. They were repulsed by a particular individual, but the story is still about a male couple.

  14. Lew,

    Your main argument seems to be that homosexuals are more artistically gifted than normal people. I’m not sure how you could prove that point; just naming Michaelangelo and Wilde is not convincing. It seems like you’re buying into the Hollywood lie that homosexuals are creative, smart, productive members of society. Recent studies have suggested the opposite, and have shown that blacks, the poor, and the uneducated are more likely to be queer.

    Furthermore, even if attacking homosexuality prevented artistic development, then why did Europe produce such amazing art during the centuries when homosexuality was outlawed throughout our lands?

    O’Meara often says “Athens against Kansas City”, or something like that; but we should remember that Athens gave us the mob democracy that put Socrates to death. Just because something was practiced in ancient Greece doesn’t mean that it was good.

  15. Major peaks of Western Culture have been accompanied by a high incidence of male homosexuality — in classical Athens and Renaissance Florence and London. – Camille Paglia

  16. I admit that I have never heard of Paglia. I briefly looked at her wikipedia page, and there is not much there to suggest that she is a trustworthy authority. According to wikipedia, she is a feminist who is influenced by de Sade and celebrates the pop-singer Madonna.

    On the page you linked to, Paglia says the following:
    “men’s delusional certitude that objectivity is possible is based on the visibility of their genitals…this certitude is a defensive swerve from the anxiety-inducing invisibility of the womb. Women tend to be more realistic and less obsessional because of their toleration for ambiguity, which they learn from their inability to learn about their own bodies. Women accept limited knowledge as their natural condition, a great human truth that a man may take a lifetime to reach…Man’s genital visibility is a source of his scientific desire for external testing, validation, proof…Sex crimes are always male, never female, because such crimes are conceptualizing assaults on the unreachable omnipotence of woman and nature.”

    Is that really what you put forth as a legitimate authority on sexual matters? This is Freudian “genitals explain human civilization” nonsense. You pro-sodomy right-wingers are even stranger than I thought.

  17. Paglia also said that if civilization were left up to women, we’d still be living in grass huts. She’s a leftist, but she’s opposed to most current feminists because she has realistic views about the differences between males and females. There’s a reason that she almost disappeared from the MSM after the early 1990s: she spoils the current leftist/feminist narrative. She’s an outlier and not a typical feminist.

    The above quote is also irrelevant to the point about homos and artistic creativity. Try actually reading Paglia rather than quote mining her, before you pronounce judgement on her writings. She’s an interesting writer and although I certainly don’t agree with everything she says, she is worth reading.

    Personally I think James O’Meara is wrong in this respect: even if some toleration of the homos is necessary for our type of civilization, it is a toleration on the whole of sublimated, homoeroticism and not toleration of outright, open homosexuality. The warrior band and other male groups work quite well as homoerotic (male friendship, NOT sexual) groups which prohibit explicit sexuality precisely because it disrupts the group.

    Greece and Rome were the last Western societies to practice pederasty, which as Chechar has noted is vastly different from modern homosexuality as an “identity”. Western Christian civilization has gotten along fine without tolerating either form of homo activity. Pagan northern Europeans, also as noted, were not accepting anything new or radical when they accepted Christianity when it came to Christian sexual ethics: the two are/were largely compatible. This doesn’t mean that there weren’t subgroups or outliers that were more tolerant of homosexuality. Northern European pagans weren’t necessarily of one mind on this topic across time and across cultures.

    Revilo P. Oliver argued that Greek pederasty was actually a late corruption of Greek civilization, and that the earlier Greek culture (ie before the height of Athenian democracy) was not pederastic. I’m not sure if his case was convincing or not, but it is worth reading.

    As I recall James O’Meara’s entire case hinges on a book about the Mannerbund by some German or European author whose name escapes me at the moment. A reading of this book might reveal more weaknesses in O’Meara’s case, but I don’t know where to get said book. It might help things considerably if people argued directly against O’Meara’s theory instead of rehashing for the umpteenth time why Fags Are Bad. I’m not casting aspersions on this forum as the quality of discussion here is fairly high; but it is a fact that this type of topic tends to bring out the worst in some people.

    There’s room for debate here without banning the other side to the Outer Darkness. A little bit of tolerance is usually a good thing. What we’ve had for the past half century is a lot more than just a little tolerance, of course, and that’s the problem. It’s not an accident that things are being pushed to extremes.

  18. The biggest allies of Jews when they seek to overthrow a nation are homosexuals because homosexuals are excluded from the nation. There are only two logical alternatives if you want your nation to have as strong an outer shell as possible: some kind of acceptance (within prescribed limits related to maintaining a pro-natal and pro-family culture) or total exclusion. It’s no good them being in the closet because of intolerance and still working as a TV producer as that is what fuels the alliance with malign outsiders. It has to be either total exclusion or some form of acceptance.

    Just something to bear in mind.

    nb1 I agree with the theory that most homosexuality is the result of some kind of bug or virus and personally i also believe the worst aspects of homosexual culture – particularly the most anti-hygenic aspects – are somehow connected to that bug trying to spread. If that is cured the percentage of people born homosexual will drop to a very low level imo.

    nb2 I don’t believe the art/culture argument personally. If there’s a connection it’s the discrimination and disconnection from the cultural mainstream that sparks the creativity rather than homosexuality itself so if there was a certain level of acceptance any differential creativity would go away imo.

  19. “Major peaks of Western Culture have been accompanied by a high incidence of male homosexuality — in classical Athens and Renaissance Florence and London. – Camille Paglia”

    If the bug theory of homosexuality is true then the above might logically follow but as a correlation not causation i.e.
    1) a region or nation becomes a wealthy trade center
    2) lots of merchants, sailors and slaves
    3) lots of the homosexuality bug
    i.e. the homosexuality *follows* rather than leads.

  20. Paglia? If you want to read a loosely argued, psychoanalytic, sadistic mishmash, try Sexual Personae. Just don’t do it on a full stomach. To her credit she is smart enough to know that much of liberalism is a dead-end, but how anyone can take this academic lesbian as an exemplar of intellectual profundity is beyond me.

    Greg Johnson writes likes her a lot: Camille Paglia is a national treasure, one of the few contemporary writers whom I would call a genius.

  21. Paglia is in some ways a very refreshing social critic. Calling any woman “a genius” outside of the sciences is hyperbole. The woman that invented kevlar was a genius. Paglia is a contrarian dyke.

  22. Lew, you might as well be pushing a philo-Semitic agenda by saying there were lots of creative Jews, or a feminist agenda saying that there were lots of creative women, as you are pushing the gay agenda by saying that there were lots of creative gays. It’s irrelevant.

    And I don’t care about the bible, pro or con, concerning homosexuality. It’s disgusting perversion in and of itself on the personal level and it’s culturally ruinous at the level of civilization — especially white civilization.

    There’s no excuse for it and no apologia can redeem it.

  23. Western man must recognize Judaism for the rot it is. That being said biological anti-semitism is often ideological grain filler used to achieve a full finish on otherwise lackluster world-views. Trying to blame Jews for both ‘strident’ anti-homosexuality and ‘extreme’ pro-homosexuality is the kind of incoherent thinking that repels people from Rightism. This is because most racial realists that call themselves rightists are libs that not only want their daughter safe from Niggers, which is fair, they want me to pay for their daughters’ birth-control.

  24. After downing a double Pepto-Bismol, I broke out my copy of Sexual Persona and once again went through the first chapter or so. Paglia is weird, and it’s clear that her ideas are less profound than her press makes her out to be. Camille’s lens into art has been fabricated by the perverted and hostile combination of the Frenchman de Sade, and the Jewish doctor, Sigmund Freud. Great pair, eh? To be fair, it is clear that Paglia is a better writer than a thinker, and she can certainly turn a phrase, but to what end? Her style? She makes unsupported statements as if they were factual, and then moves on to something else before you can notice what she is up to.

    For instance, after discussing legitimate notions of yin and yang, and within that specific context, she writes:

    We must ask whether the equivalence [sic] of male and female in Far Eastern [sic] symbolism was as culturally efficacious as the hierarchization of male over female has been in the west [sic].

    The casual reader may not at first notice that Paglia has slipped an unwarranted logical relation into a metaphysical notion—that is, the idea of equivalence into the yin/yang distinction. Instead of equivalence she should have used the word complimentary, since these are Chinese Taoist notions of opposite forces that maintain their distinction within interaction. They are not equivalent at all. Surely she knows this, so she is either being sloppy with words, or intentionally obfuscating. And it is interesting that she will not capitalize the word “West” or “Western,” but Eastern as in civilization/culture is always capitalized.

    Elsewhere the multi-knowledgeable humanities professor writes:

    Biologists [sic] speak of man’s reptilian brain, the oldest part of our upper nervous system, killer survivor of the archaic era. I contend the premenstural woman incited to snappishness or rage is hearing signals from the reptilian brain.

    I’m assuming that she is not making a joke, so the question arises, “What biologists?” Paglia, ever in touch with her inner reptile, may be forgiven to not know that the triune brain hypothesis is not quite the dogma she presumes it to be among the knowledgeable crowd of comparative neuro-anatomists. In addition, certain quite influential philosophers of mind might also be surprised to know how it is that women are able to “hear signals” from this alleged proto-brain. Is consciousness now identical with physical anatomical structure and attendant processes? And is our “inner mind” something we “hear” in any case? For someone approaching philosophy, she speaks casually, and her terms are not well-defined or clear.

    She writes of Freud’s idea of “family romance” (is incest now romance?): supposedly a meme in Sophocles. But Oedipus is a tragedy because he didn’t want to kill his dad and fuck his mom. If that was what he really desired, it wouldn’t have been a tragedy, would it?

    And it could just be me, but I never saw a woman’s post luteal phase snatch and thought of Cellini’s Medusa. But then again, maybe Perseus got around to the exotic stuff a bit more than I did, and who knows?–maybe the women that Paglia hangs with are …uh…er… just a little different down there.

  25. M, thanks. Keep posting. I’ve only read some of her essays that supported “third world feminism” which is little more than nulliparous dykes realizing some women need to keep giving birth within the feminist tendency for them to remain relevant.

    She also has made an atheist case for religious inspired art that was again, mildly interesting contrarianism. I’ll avoid her books in favor of critiques from right-thinking men.

  26. Trying to blame Jews for both ‘strident’ anti-homosexuality and ‘extreme’ pro-homosexuality is the kind of incoherent thinking that repels people from Rightism. – No-Man

    The Jewish tradition is anti-homo in the main and has been from the beginning. The fact that Jews have been using their media power the last few decades does not change this. When you align with an anti-homosexuality, you align with the Jewish tradition.

  27. “Major peaks of Western Culture have been accompanied by a high incidence of male homosexuality in classical Athens and Renaissance Florence and London. – Camille Paglia”

    I wonder if Paglia isn’t committing the same mistake of James O’Meara?

    I agree with Meh that it will help if we argued directly against James instead of “rehashing for the umpteenth time why Fags Are Bad”.

    The erastes-eromenos zeitgeist in the Greco-Roman world, when you read Xenophon, Plato or even classical authors in much later, degenerate times, like Petronius during Caligula, strike me as a completely different world when compared to the grotesque LGBT movement of today. Elsewhere I wrote that unlike the same-sex unions of today, the classical erastes-eromenos relationship (like Encolpius & Gitone I mentioned above) wasn’t meant to be permanent. The continuance of an erotic relationship (adult with adolescent) was disapproved. In dramatic contrast to contemporary “gay marriages” and the myth promulgated by O’Meara at Counter-Currents, romantic relationships between adult coevals were disrespected in the Ancient World. In fact, the former eromenos might well become an erastes himself with a younger youth when he got older.

    This has nothing to do with what James calls his ultra-violent “wild boys” in the contemporary world.

  28. m,

    I think your comments are always interesting and well-reasoned. But Paglia’s broader theories and conclusions have nothing to do with whether she is factually correct in this instance. Maybe she draws the wrong conclusions from the facts or her theories don’t explain the facts –different issues. Ignoring what Paglia makes of it, are you disputing that a higher incidence of male homosexuality factually correlates with the creative peaks? There is evidence homosexuals are overrepresented among creative geniuses. I can go to sources other than her if you want.

  29. The only ancient gay marriage I can think of is that of the mad emperor Nero. – No-Man

    True, but irrelevant. In much of the classical world, while no one sanctioned homo marriages, legal rights and such things, there was more a lot more tolerance toward that type of sexual activity than in the Judaic tradition.

  30. there was more a lot more tolerance toward that type of sexual activity than in the Judaic tradition.

    What’s your point, Lew? No offense, this kind of implied evil of everything that could in the smallest way be considered “judaic” is the sound someone makes when they’ve aspirated the red pill, not swallowed it. You know my position and I know yours. Enjoy your day but we shouldn’t discuss Jews, ever.

  31. Were Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Wagner homosexual? If they were, I never heard. Was Socrates, or perhaps the author of Symposium or Laws queer? Maybe it was Aristotle? This sort of exercise is fruitless. If an argument comes down to whoever can produce the longest list, then the terms of the argument have shifted, and lost their moral grounding.

    Certainly some homosexuals in history were, and some living today are, smart and creative people. The real point, though, is whether within a traditional social order homosexuality can: a) be considered normal (it can’t); b) be tolerated in public (I say no); and c) be accepted and promoted as equivalent to the traditional heterosexual family (I also say no).

    [As an aside (a point from Chechar), to bring up Classical pederasty within the same context as modern notions of GLBT is to engage in a grotesque anachronism. And as we know, …anyone …Bueller …Bueller?, Classical pederasty was not a common occurance as some would suggest.]

    Look, there are behaviors that heterosexuals have engaged in that are (and should be against the law). The question each society must answer is the limits of sexual morality. One thing is clear, whenever normal begins to include the abnormal, then pretty soon the word looses its meaning, and eventually nothing can be legitimately criticized as being not helpful to the race since …well …didn’t you know, it’s all just a matter of preference and who is to say what anyone should prefer?

  32. Lew,

    You still haven’t addressed Chechar’s claim that the ancient Germans put homosexuals to death.

    Also, in the ancient world, the only type of homosexual activity deemed acceptable for free, adult, males, was to be the dominant partner in acts with children or slaves. It was considered shameful for a free man to be the submissive partner in any sex act. There is no European tradition of adult males engaging in mutual, open homosexual relationships.
    So I ask you, what type of homosexual relationships are you promoting? Are you promoting pederasty? Are you promoting the type of homosexual relationships that have been normalized today, where you have two equal partners?
    If you are using the Classical world as your standard for acceptable sexual behavior, how can you be against pederasty, when this was clearly the most common type of ancient homosexuality?

  33. Lew
    “The Jewish tradition is anti-homo in the main and has been from the beginning. The fact that Jews have been using their media power the last few decades does not change this. When you align with an anti-homosexuality, you align with the Jewish tradition.”

    This doesn’t make any sense. From the Jewish point of view it’s the same as diversity for you but not me. The thing they promote openly is the thing they think is harmful to the host. The thing they keep private is the thing they think is best for themselves.

    “The real point, though, is whether within a traditional social order homosexuality can: a) be considered normal (it can’t); b) be tolerated in public (I say no); and c) be accepted and promoted as equivalent to the traditional heterosexual family (I also say no).”

    I’d agree with a) and c). The primacy of the family as a child-producing unit has to be paramount. Personally i’d be fine with some form of b) under those conditions but it’s not a high priority.

  34. What is to be done with the men and women who engage in sodomy, oral sex, swinger’s parties, wife swapping, promiscuity, adultery, etc? A lot of men and women do the same sex acts as the homos.

  35. Penance, Lew. They should be encouraged to abstain and seek forgiveness from their Lord for the act itself is a kind of punishment.

    There is not something “to be done” by man in all circumstances. THAT thinking is judaic, “tikkun olam”.

  36. Hey Lew…

    Sex between White men and White women is….

    A good thing.

    It’s one of only a handful of activities that we do well together. We want to strongly encourage a white women to have sex with White men – that’s not something “dirty” or immoral. If you or anyone reading OD is in some church, political party, school or any social group that starts preaching this poison that White American women shouldn’t have sex with White men…

    Get Out.

  37. What is to be done with the men and women who engage in sodomy, oral sex, swinger’s parties, wife swapping, promiscuity, adultery, etc? A lot of men and women do the same sex acts as the homos. – Lew

    No need of incarcerating them or committing them into psychiatric wards, unless they start advertising it in parades or activism as if it was perfectly ok.

    You still haven’t addressed Chechar’s claim that the ancient Germans put homosexuals to death. – Clement Pulaski

    Tacitus wrote about pre-Christian Germanics, “Traitors and deserters are hanged; cowards and those guilty of unnatural practices are suffocated in mud under a hurdle.”

  38. This is where Chechar errs, the secular schema is the inheritor of the judaic testing and ultimate rejection of God, not “Christianity taken to its conclusion”.

    When we literally “piss” on Christ who is the moral arbiter in the West?

    The jewish gentleman on television that knows how to heal the world.

  39. Faggotry is disgusting.

    As someone whom fags have tried to pick up on more than a few occasions, as much as I can tolerate the act in the abstract, up close and personal like that I find it truly stomach-turning.

    Still, homosexuality deserves to be permitted and it deserves to be protected. It most assuredly does not deserve, however, to be promoted.

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