Amnesty Cloture

District of Corruption

The vote on the motion in the Senate to proceed with debate on illegal alien amnesty was 82-15-3.

Note: The 15 U.S. senators who opposed moving forward with the debate on amnesty are John Barrasso of Wyoming, John Boozman of Arkansas, Michael D. Crapo of Idaho, Ted Cruz of Texas, Michael B. Enzi of Wyoming, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mark S. Kirk of Illinois, Mike Lee of Utah, Jim Risch of Idaho, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Richard C. Shelby of Alabama and David Vitter of Louisiana.

A few observations stand out here:

1.) First, you have to give credit to Tim Scott, the negro from South Carolina, who voted against cloture on amnesty for illegal aliens, unlike Lindsey Graham and every senator from the Northeastern states.

2.) Second, Mark Kirk of all people voted against cloture on illegal alien amnesty, and I would like to believe that OD’s Jack Ryan had something to do with this.

3.) Third, Virginia’s senator Tim Kaine gave a speech in Spanish on the Senate floor that praised illegal alien amnesty.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The problem here has always been identified as the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and the West Coast, not the non-Southern states. We don’t blame Idaho or Wyoming or Alaska for the present state of affairs.

  2. Pat Toomey, the false conservative Republican senator from Pennsylvania turn-coated on his Tea Party supporters.

  3. Rand Paul voted for it.

    It is important to keep in mind that this vote only means they are going to debate the bill. This will give a lot of these other senators a chance to introduce amendments which will be shot down and used as an excuse not to vote for it.

  4. When you are voting for a Republican, you never know when they are going to “evolve” on immigration while in office. You can’t trust any of them because stringpullers like Sheldon Adelson could buy them off at anytime.

  5. Southern voters in the southern states have advanced the likes of Al Gore, John Edwards, Newt Gingrich, Lindsey Graham, the Carters, the Clintons, Bushes, LBJ, etc., etc. — to power and influence on the national level.

  6. Wiki on Kaine:

    ‘He attended Harvard Law School, taking a year-long break during law school to work with the Jesuit order as a Catholic missionary in Honduras. Kaine is fluent in Spanish as a result of his year in Honduras.

    Kaine practiced law in Richmond for 17 years, specializing in representing people who had been denied housing opportunities because of their race or disability. He was recognized by local, state, and national organizations for his advocacy of fair housing.’

    How noble of the man. Making sure previously safe White neighborhoods will quickly erode into crime ridden slums.

  7. “Southern voters in the southern states have advanced the likes of Al Gore, John Edwards, Newt Gingrich, Lindsey Graham, the Carters, the Clintons, Bushes, LBJ, etc., etc. — to power and influence on the national level.”

    What else do you expect from a broken, corrupt political system? It ain’t like you yankees are doing any better. The only cure is disunion.

    Deo Vindice

  8. @ Hunter

    All Protestants with the exception of Risch, who sometimes claims he’s a “Catholic” of some sort.

  9. We realize it is only about debating the proposed legislation, but it is one step forward in the process and adds recognition and life to it, rather than suffocating it, letting it die out.

  10. The vote on the motion to proceed with debate on illegal alien amnesty among Southern senators was 24-7-1.


  11. Both senators from Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina voted to proceed. Despicable.

    As usual Alabama stood firm. Delegate the national franchise to that state solely and we could all just have a coke.

  12. Thank you Hunter.

    Yes, I put everything I had in to getting Illinois Senator Mark Kirk to not support mass amnesty. My nephew worked for Mark Kirk and I made him give me every single Kirk staff member and I personally bugged the living hell out of each and every one of them and made them feel personally responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing.

    So, one man can make a difference. Never give in to doom and despair. If I can fight the good fight and win solid victories here on the South Side of Chicago with Obama and Bill Ayers my neighbor, Obama my former Illinois state representative, just imagine what you can do where straights White British Americans can actually get elected in local offices.

    Stay strong kinsmen, never give up hope.

    14 words

  13. Thanks, Jack Ryan, for what you do, and your frequent reminders to be involved practically, beginning on the local level. One hard- and smart-working conservative activist may cancel the work of two or more dumb liberals, and even 1% return on effort is worthwhile in the present crisis. I am fully involved in my area.

  14. I think that is some confusion here. A cloture vote is to cut off debate, not, as this vote does, to proceed to debate. What this vote shows is that there are 15 senators, who don’t even wish to discuss the issue. A victory for the pro-amnesty forces on an actual cloture vote is thus by no means a sure thing.

    While I agree with Mr. Wallace on the threat continued union presents, we Southerners still have a big stake in this. The illegals will not just go North but many will come to or stay in the South. (Within a block of my apartment is a Mexican grocery store and an translation service.) Their eventual votes will threaten our ability to maintain within our states what control we still have over our common life as a people and will be a voting barrier against secession.

  15. And thank you Mosin Nagant and RobRoySimmons. I take the British Boy Scout founder Baden Powell’s creed to heart:

    “On my honor, I will do my best”

    It’s a fallen world, we can only try to make the best of things and keep a stiff upper lip.

  16. You really can’t read much into procedural votes. However, I highly doubt that anything which gets 82 yes votes on a procedural motion won’t get at least 60 on the final vote. If it looks like this thing is getting 60, I’m changing my focus to pestering fence-sitting House members.

    By that time, if it does get to that time, all eyes will be on John Boehner. We know he wants amnesty and open borders, but we also know he wants to be Speaker of the House. He would have to blow through the Hastert Rule to get amnesty, but members of his own party have pretty much read him the Riot Act and made it clear that he’s no longer Speaker if he does that.

  17. ryan ought to publish a story of the tactics involved.

    Senators are terrified of terror getting blamed on them.

  18. As I said above, this is a procedural vote, not the final vote. The only Republican senator outside of the Gang of 8 who we know is voting for this is Ayotte.

  19. Earl,

    As nasty as it is, it is right to point this out. White protestants (the founders and their descendants) have definitely been religiously persecuted in Europe. Why is this not seen as another such persecution? Seems that might be the best tactic for putting a damper on the open-door policy to south america and the end of our Freedom of Religion in the u.s.

    Are we really free “religiously” in a warfare-welfare statist situation where one is working to pay for the lives of peoples who are different in terms of Religion, race, ethnicity, folkways, manners, foodstuffs, musics, history, historical trajetory to the country, historical narratives, arts, values, etc, etc.

    That position is usually called slavery.

    The attempt to equate “protestantism” (not that those people call themselves that) with romanism and with every other religion (as if what you base your life in doesn’t matter in a “society) was very smart back in the 60s (Vatican II “ecumenism” and all that).

    But see where it went? And how is it going to be in 20 years?

    Already, the Generational Americans don’t want to really live in the country oftentimes, but they have been there a long time, and don’t know where else to go, and so on.

    Otherwise, even more of them would have just left.

  20. I don’t think it is possible to debase U.S. citizenship any further.

    All the blacks here are already citizens. Most Hispanics are citizens. We are already a minority in the United States. Yankees can already elect Obama to two terms in the White House.

    We can elect senators like Ayotte, Rubio, Paul, and McCain, but nothing they say in their campaigns is a reliable predictor of their future behavior.

  21. Hunter,
    There might be a little more to Tim Scott’s vote than meets the eye. He might have been given a pass by “Leadership” as they had way more than enough votes to accomplish their treason. That way he could look a little better to his fellow Negro constituents, some of which are starting to wise up on this issue.

  22. “but members of his own party have pretty much read him the Riot Act and made it clear that he’s no longer Speaker if he does that.”

    His daughter married aa.He should have been booted from the house, period

  23. About Mr. Kaine:

    Why is it such people have such difficulty assimilating with Northern European peoples (really also Western Europeans and Eastern Europeans).

    What is it that the south europe ethos thinks it has that is so great, lol? Many people would rather live in Western euro cultures (which is why Kaine is here and trying to open the door to his peoples from the south.)

    Why can’t they create something as good as Western euros where they are from?

    He’s a Jesuit—- and they were in South America “socializing” people for years.

    Why wasn’t he able to impose his vision DOWN THERE, when his people were there, trying to “socialize” the south americans (who had their own cultures, btw)?

    Why does he feel the Jesuits will be successful in Northern America, when it was no good in south america with them?

  24. Glad Mike Lee from my adopted home state is standing firm. We tried to get rid of RINO Orrin Hatch in 2012, but he was too well funded. Idaho and Wyoming looking good. I think Wyoming, Idaho, and northern Utah could serve as a viable nucleus for a northern white ethnostate.

  25. Q-ship wrote:

    Glad Mike Lee from my adopted home state is standing firm.

    I respond:

    It looks like Lee is going to be a consistent no vote when it comes to this bill, but he is still problematic on immigration in other ways. For instance, not long ago, he co-sponsored with Chuck Schumer a bill that would grant green cards to foreigners that buy at least one piece of American residential real estate property for at least $500,000. The motivation for both is obvious: Manhattan and Park City, Utah — Both filled with high value residential real estate and people that pull strings with politicians to keep their property values up and make them go higher.

  26. @DixieGirl

    If this “immigration reform” bill goes through, Hunter may get his Civil War II/Secession II, but, it won’t be like he thinks. It will be White Protestants vs. Catholics, Jews, Moslems, Hindus etc.

    That’s how I see it…

  27. Utah is the whitest state that does not border Canada. The Mormons have their idiosyncrasies, but they are largely white, and fecund, which trumps their religion, in my book. Too many DWL’s and Mexicans in Salt Lake City for my liking, but most of the rest of the state still reminds me of the America of my childhood.

  28. Q-ship says:
    June 11, 2013 at 9:25 pm
    Glad Mike Lee from my adopted home state is standing firm. We tried to get rid of RINO Orrin Hatch in 2012, but he was too well funded. Idaho and Wyoming looking good. I think Wyoming, Idaho, and northern Utah could serve as a viable nucleus for a northern white ethnostate.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    There is a certain type of bland, boring, dumb White guy traitor that seems to cries Midwestern and Western states. Orin Hatch reminds me of IN Senator Dick Lugar. We finally got rid of him, thought we had a chance with Orin Hatch.

  29. I am disappointed Lee has already been consorting with the Jew Schumer. Hopefully we can get one good term out of him. The Imperial City turns even principled people into servants of the Union, if they stay long enough.

  30. Q-ship says:
    June 11, 2013 at 9:55 pm
    Utah is the whitest state that does not border Canada. The Mormons have their idiosyncrasies, but they are largely white, and fecund, which trumps their religion, in my book. Too many DWL’s and Mexicans in Salt Lake City for my liking, but most of the rest of the state still reminds me of the America of my childhood.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Agreed. I do lots of things with White Mormons, solid White folks, big families. Unfortunately, Mormons/LDS have a huge problem that they are trying to live down thir controversial, racist past, kind of like Southern Baptists. Mormons/LdS like being accepted by Mainstream America, which is now BRA. So you get pussyfooting Mormons like Mitt Rodney doing the :

    “We’re not racist anymore, we worship Martin Luther King Jr., we look forward to the day when Whites are the minority in the Mormon/LDS church etc”.

    Also, so many Mormon LDS White folks are boring, dull – try doing 3 hours of LdS church on Sunday, you’ll be ready to accept Lucifer.

  31. Unfortunately, most of the whites in the northern Rockies (Mormons included) don’t have a racial consciousness as strong as Southern whites. We don’t have to live among negroes and all their attendant problems. Hopefully enough whites up here wake up before we are inundated with squat brown monsters.

  32. “We’re not racist anymore, we worship Martin Luther King Jr”

    It’s amazing this critter is elevated above 2500 years of history of indo europeans shaped civilization.

  33. “On every major front, this legislation fails to deliver on its core promises. It delivers only for the special-interest groups who helped write it. Should it pass, it would represent the ultimate triumph of the Washington elite over the everyday citizen to whom Congress properly owes its loyalty.”

    — Jeff Sessions

  34. I still don’t think it’ll pass. Even with this debate, no way Republicans would actually pass this. I’m ruling out Democrats since they are the minority party with a problem in unity.

  35. Nathanael Strickland says:
    June 11, 2013 at 10:15 pm
    I got the top comment on the Washington Times article about the speech in Spanish, lol.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Great job Nathan – outstanding! You’re getting 286 thumbs up and no thumbs down you seem to have a talent for quoting classic roman history, yet appeal to the common American. Please pursue your talents, writing, blogging, commenting. Hunter Wallace is a good role model on what can be accomplished.

    Well done.

  36. I have a little bit of good news.

    There was a special election in Missouri’s 8th Congressional district (southeast-south central Missouri) last week, and the winner was a Republican named Jason Smith from Salem. 32 years old. The reason that district came open is because the woman who held the district for awhile, Jo Ann Emerson, a notorious open borders traitor Republican, (CD-8 is a yellow dog Republican district), quit Congress to take a lobbying job. When she quit, the conventional wisdom in state politics is that state Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder, also a big time racial panderer and open borders type, would easily win the Republican nomination and ergo the Congressional seat; he was supposed to be such an inevitability that his announcing his candidacy was tantamount to him going to Congress. Well, he did announce, but so did Smith, and Smith took Kinder to an eight-ballot race in the Republican caucus to determine the nominee (the Democrats had a caucus also) and won.

    Smith really doesn’t have his personnel infrastructure set in place yet, but I called someone who I knows can provide me with credible info, and that person told me that Smith is virtually 100% likely to vote against any open borders bill. This means that an open borders type was replaced with a relative immigration patriot.

    Incidentally, Kinder and Emerson are both from Cape Girardeau, as is you-know-who (in fact, the Limbaughs and Kinders are good family friends). The reason there is this attraction to open borders among elected politicians from The Cape is that it’s close to the delta, and the delta is full of well to do cotton and soybean farmers that love that EL CHEAPO stoop labor. Smith is from Salem, which is clear on the other side of the district, and is Ozark/hilly, so there isn’t the demand for EL CHEAPO labor in that part of CD-8.

  37. Thanks, Jack. There’s a reason a lot of the comments sections are disappearing from the MSM online websites. The comments section can have as big an impact on the narrative as the article itself. It’s so easy and quick to leave a comment pushing the issue in our direction, and if your comment is early enough and well crafted enough to make it to the top – you can influence thousands of people. I think we often underestimate the effect that can have.

  38. Really great job Nathanael Strickland

    Stay strong. You’re a very talented writer for our people. But, remember to step away, step away from politics, rough stuff – ask a pretty White gal to go out dancing. Lots of nasty Blacks, Ayrabs, Pakis, Tiger Woods are bothering our pretty White gals, get in there.

    Make love not Neo Con wars.

    14 Words

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