Southern Rabbis and Civil Rights


Of the approximately 200 Southern rabbis, a total of 9 were active participants in the Civil Rights Movement. Of the 9 rabbis who were civil rights activists, 3 were born outside the United States, 3 were born in the South, and 3 were transplants.

While the vast majority of Southern rabbis privately supported the Civil Rights Movement, their congregations were afraid that White Christians would assume the Civil Rights Movement was a Jewish conspiracy and would stir up anti-Semitism, so they restrained the actions of their leaders.

Rabbi Ira Sanders of Little Rock was the loudest rabbi who supported integration in the entire South. In spite of this, the Arkansas state legislature passed four bills designed to circumvent the Brown decision by a vote of 88 to 1.

In 1957, President Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne Division to integrate Central High School in Little Rock after Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to block integration. It was an early illustration that the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement.

Jewish merchants in Arkansas were cowed and enforced the segregation laws. Jewish rabbis had no power over Governor Faubus or the Arkansas state legislature. As for the Jewish media, the Arkansas Gazette was by far the loudest champion of integration in the state, and its editor was Harry Ashmore, a notorious DWL whose biographical novel was called An Epitaph for Dixie.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Southern secession is far more likely (and far more desirable) than any kind of white nationalist uprising. I’m always a bit nonplussed when I hear white nationalists talk about the “displacement” of whites. To be sure, such displacement is happening. But what do the white nationalists make of the fact that so many whites are not only indifferent to or approving of this displacement, but actually treat their indifference or approval as a sign of their moral superiority? The usual cant is to call them “race traitors.” The more accurate term, of course, is “white liberals.” Their ethnomasochism is actually a kind of strange, perverted white identity. That most of these liberals are concentrated in areas not in the South tells us a great deal of the prospects of pro-white politics outside of Dixie.

    Whites in America will live or die as the South lives or dies. Simple as that.

  2. Without the Union, the South would not have pushed the US into a fratricidal European war in 1939 that destroyed Western Civ including the segregationist policies of the South.

    Sieg heil, bruder! You tell’em!

    14 words!

  3. I’ll always support Dixie in my heart because it is beautiful and true.

    Southern Patriots that cavort with White Nationals are a disgrace. I derive no small satisfaction from knowing that if tshtf the WN and I will be on different sides of the concertina wire.

  4. No, with capitalism and the Pearl Harbor bombing, wwII would have occured anyways.

    Hitler was planning to invade America too.

    I generally oppose the war mongering of post world war II cowboys and neo-cons, but World War II is different. Only an idiot would think it was a war of choice by America.

  5. Here’s the truth.

    Hitler wanted to invade every country he could, but knew America was a military threat.

    If America was weaker, he would have invaded earlier, just like he turned on Stalin.

  6. I derive no small satisfaction…

    And you derive no small satisfaction from licking the remains of a fudgsicle off your pudgy fingers. Though that, like the comments you leave littered here on the half hour, is wholly irrelevant.

  7. Sorry for interrupting your online White Panther Party. Thanks for proving Palmetto Patriot’s point about vituperative WN’s.

  8. The very real problems with WNism do not make SNism more viable.

    SNists are spat on by the same people that oppose WNists, including the Jews who Southerners seem to have a real blind spot about, and the probability TPTB will let the South secede is about 0.0%.

    WNists and SNists need to remain open to friendly cooperation.

  9. “The very real problems with WNism do not make SNism more viable.

    SNists are spat on by the same people that oppose WNists, including the Jews who Southerners seem to have a real blind spot about, and the probability TPTB will let the South secede is about 0.0%.”

    If you have to ask TPTB for permission, I don’t think you’ll ever be free.
    Their answer is NO. Now get back to your cubicle.

    Whether it is viable or not is irrelevant. We don’t have a choice. Here is an old post from a lovely English lady’s blog that might help you put things in perspective for you.

    “WNists and SNists need to remain open to friendly cooperation.”

    WNists friendly to anyone? I’ve never seen it. Friendly ain’t part of their gig.
    I sometimes think they hate other white people even more than the joos.

    Deo Vindice

  10. When you and others write like SNism has more potential for success than WNism, you show yourself as caught up in flawed thinking. In some ways, you strike me as as blind to the weaknesses of SNism as certain WNists are of their concept’s weakness. You and No-Man are pretty reliable for a mix of accurate and shallow comments about WNism. For every WNism crank, there is someone like KMD or Jared Taylor looking out for the good of all white folks, including Southerners. I don’t see where you appreciate this. Perhaps I’m wrong.

  11. “I sometimes think they hate other white people even more than the joos”

    That’s funny you see things that way. To me, that statement sums up the SN.

  12. It’s strange some of the menagerie of goofs, goons, flakes, and dumb fucks this white southern nationalist site attracts. No-man simply being one of the more idiotic. There’s the coterie of white northern barrel crabs who actually think they’re gloating about life in the union trap. There’s the self-congratulatory race traitors, who if they have any white children will see them showering their graves with saliva. And finally the obligatory defenders of the tribe, whose appreciation for the South is chronicled daily in Hollywood.

    All of this needs to be put to bed. There is no fundamental tension between the concepts of white and southern nationalism…regardless of how friendly the respective advocates find one another. A WN is sanguine in his support of Nordic, Alpine, and Slavic homelands. Likewise a loyal Hungarian Magyar should feel no consternation in embracing his white identity and furthering its holistic interests. It’s brothers and cousins. Fomenting intentional conflict between the two is extraordinarily destructive.

  13. “When you and others write like SNism has more potential for success than WNism, you show yourself as caught up in flawed thinking.”

    Tell me why, Lew. What is the flawed thinking behind SN? Please explain.

    I don’t see it that way. It appears to me that you desire to tear down SN because you view it as competition against WN instead of just a variant of WN. That won’t accomplish anything. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

    Btw, if you haven’t noticed, Jared Taylor is a Southerner. I don’t know if he supports SN or not, but he does good work.

    Deo Vindice

  14. PalmettoPatriot:

    “As HW has reminded us, WN is all about personalities and attacking others. “

    Yes, but I doubt Hunter sincerity in being anti-WN. It’s only a head fake, a bargaining and negotiating phase. He never REALLY intends on breaking ties with the movement.

    Porter’s posts actually provide a good example here of Palmetto’s point.

    Even if white nationalists got along with each other, it would still be about attacking Blacks and Jews.

  15. Porter clearly has his head in the game folks. He’s not just another bitter delusional shithead painting an obscure blog with his purple prose. He’s from White Nationalism and he’s here to help.

    Transylvania should be a WN-DMZ. Romanians and “loyal Hungarian Magyars” should just realize they’re both white. Duh. Stupid fugging barrel crabs.

    It’s brothers and cousins.

    Equating people he will never meet and wouldn’t be able to communicate with without a translator to family. Spoken like a manchild who lives in the ‘burbs and looks to racial politics to fill a void.

  16. Jared Taylor is a good friend of mine. He agrees that Southerners mostly get along. We talked about that this weekend.

    Taylor mentioned inviting Michael Hill to speak at the next Amren conference.

  17. Yes, Taylor also has a blindspot when it comes to Jews. I wasn’t aware that he was southern, but it makes sense to me now.

  18. I have plenty of friends who are WNs like Jack, Denise, and Lew.

    I agree with WN on a lot of things and most of the essentials. It is when we get into discussions about the CAUSES of our downfall and the SOLUTION that our disagreements become more apparent.

    But otherwise, I agree that Jewish influence is a problem, and I also want a White homeland, and I also agree fully on race.

  19. I talked with Taylor about my theory of WN:

    1.) The first rule of WN is that everyone hates everyone else.

    2.) The second rule of WN is that no one agrees on anything.

    3.) The third rule of WN is that when money is involved watch your back.

  20. Re: Iceman

    Southerners are not anti-White. A positive sense of racial identity and race awareness is part of our traditional culture.

    The difference between a WN and a SN is that SN are conscious that valuing our race is a peculiar marker of our own culture, a product of our own history, and see it as part of our heritage.

    WNs assume that it is natural for all White people to have a strong racial identity and those who don’t have only been subverted by the manipulative Jewish media.

  21. One day something clicked in my head.

    It was like even though Blacks are fundamentally different from Whites, I don’t have personal problems with them.

    Plus I never agreed on the WN take on anthropology. We only had common enemies in that we both oppose the Boasian anthropology.

    Then as I entered the business world, I realized how important materialism actually is. It was only when I was a collegiate person being propped by my parents that I didn’t emphasize materialism.

  22. It is when we get into discussions about the CAUSES of our downfall and the SOLUTION that our disagreements become more apparent.

    That’s a good point. I agree with WN on curtailing WF/BM relationships. That’s just common decency. But preventing miscegenation isn’t a potential “grassroots” political issue; If men can’t control their women they can’t be expected to wrest control of even a declining government. Anti-miscegenation laws were aristocratic astroturf.

  23. More limp-ginger flailing: Romanians and Hungarians have nothing in common, and speaking a different language erases culture, DNA, and evolution. Worse than worthless.

  24. Another big change in my schema was the realization that multi-cuturalism in the real world is largely optional.

    Basically, if you want to live a rural lifestyle, you can voluntarily opt out. And if you want to live an urban lifestyle, obviously you are going to get multi-cuturalism.

    Even if the big cities become more multi-cutural, you really can essentially live the same lifestyle outside of them.

    So I’ve really dropped racial politics in a very thorough ideological way. It’s not a mere head fake for me or a slogan. I’ve maintained all my views of anthropology, but abandoned any political connotations. Though my views are still critical of immigration for economic reasons.

  25. Even if the big cities become more multi-cutural, you really can essentially live the same lifestyle outside of them.

    You can do this for how long under present demographic trends? Would you say the Boers are successfully opting out? Should urban life be foreclosed to “opting-out” whites in their (former) countries?

  26. Come to thing about it, the bigger threat to Europe might not be non-white immigrants, but immigrants who can pass as white.

    A group of Blacks who immigrate to Germany will always stand out. But a group of Poles or Turks may actually be accepted as “German” and breed in.

    White nationalists always attack European nationalists for fighting each other. But realistically other Europeans may threaten the identity more, because they may “pass” as the natives when they aren’t.

  27. Palmetto, yes please ignore me. You can’t stand it when a White man from the north defeats your arguments or brings in to question the viability of SN.
    Very mature of you, with people like yourselves leading SN, it further confirms to me that it is dead in the water.

  28. Racial preservation shouldn’t be a goal in and of itself. Fruit that has fallen off the vine is preserved. Corpses are preserved. A healthy race is war-like, fecund and in harmony with the heavens. That’s the kind of race that makes history, which is in large part the story of intra-“white” conflict, part and parcel of the dynamic impulse.

    History can be replaced with WN schlock, the trouble is tearing of garments over “bruder kriegs” coupled with creative subtextual theories about Jews have a limited audience. An example: The world calls Alexander “great”, any ideologically consistent WNist is forced to call him a “race-traitor”, who does that define, Alexander or the WNist?

    Should urban life be foreclosed to “opting-out” whites in their (former) countries?

    Historically, all wealthy cities are multicultural. Saying “No, xyz city was pure abc ethnicity” is like someone in a few hundred years saying NYC today was not diverse because “they were all American”.

  29. Re: Boers.

    After gaining a better understanding of the reformation I must say I pity them more for their heresy than anything else. I wish them no bodily harm at he hands of savage blacks but good riddance to bad theology and an ugly language.

  30. It’s fortunate that you don’t recall your own words from one moment to the next. Otherwise you’d feel some embarrassment at criticizing “purple prose” after uncorking that bit of verbal theatrics. Harmony with the heavens! Yes, whites are singing atonally with various celestial entities, thus rendering our potential demise palatable to the immature pseudo-hipster cohort.

    Historically, all wealthy cities are multicultural. Saying “No, xyz city was pure abc ethnicity” is like someone in a few hundred years saying NYC today was not diverse because “they were all American”.

    19th century London with some Danes and Slavs = multicultural. 21st century London filled with Africans and Pakis = multicultural. 24th century London with a plurality of hybrid man-dogs = multicultural.

    I must say I pity (the Boers) more for their heresy…I wish them no bodily harm at the hands of savage blacks but good riddance

    Unfortunately no one has responded to whether their plight represents the intended template for whites “opting-out.” Though as parents are being tortured to death before horrified children, your pity for their “heresy” must surely offer some solace.

  31. Trying to equate an arguably lavender line of four words to your painstakingly florid writing is unconvincing.

    19th century London with some Danes and Slavs = multicultural. 21st century London filled with Africans and Pakis = multicultural.

    Looks like you’re finally starting to understand. Though there were “negars” and “blackamoors” in London as far back as Elizabeth I’s reign – but who cares about truth, you want to talk about “man-dogs” as if you, a middle-aged piece of chex-mix in flyover have a mission to save London from anything, let alone chimeras.

  32. Looks like you’re finally starting to understand

    And yet still you, a man brimming with teenaged wisdom, apparently do not. Though, of course, you do understand the absurdity of your “multicultural” thesis; and this is merely another exercise in you running from one corner of the room to another farting as you go. I won’t keep chasing. Have a nice nap Billy.

  33. Does it ever bother you that you have a handle on a great universal truth and the rest of the world just thinks you’re a piece of shit? Stay on the internet where you belong. Also, stay mad, beta.

  34. Don’t any of you Good Ole Boys from the South remember the First Civil War? The one you blame on “Yankees”, instead of Lyin’ Lincoln the Tool of Rothschild!

    You ignore the other Whites at your peril! Without help behind enemy lines, it’ll be another bloodbath of barefoot, illiterate Johnny Rebs being flattened by enemy Unionist Forces full of Foreigners – just like the last time!

    Those friendly Shylocks that just wanted to be like you were the traitors that were feeding Lyin’ Lincoln, Drunken Grant, and Ape-like Sherman with the Battle Plans they needed to Crush the South!

    It was their kind that helped the mooslims conquer Spain by opening the gates of cities to the oncoming moorish armies!

    Trust them at your peril! They are not World-Renowned Nation Wreckers and Backstabbers for No Reason!

    They’re the ones that keep the GOP from representing Whites! They’re the ones that ensure that NO ONE in the Open Air Sewer of the Potomac represents Whites or White Interests!

    Blacks, mooslims and mestizos are also a problem, but the Real Enemy is the Hook-Nosed Goblin of Satanic Atheism! They are NOT or ever will be Your Friend!

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