Southern Rabbis and Civil Rights


Of the approximately 200 Southern rabbis, a total of 9 were active participants in the Civil Rights Movement. Of the 9 rabbis who were civil rights activists, 3 were born outside the United States, 3 were born in the South, and 3 were transplants.

While the vast majority of Southern rabbis privately supported the Civil Rights Movement, their congregations were afraid that White Christians would assume the Civil Rights Movement was a Jewish conspiracy and would stir up anti-Semitism, so they restrained the actions of their leaders.

Rabbi Ira Sanders of Little Rock was the loudest rabbi who supported integration in the entire South. In spite of this, the Arkansas state legislature passed four bills designed to circumvent the Brown decision by a vote of 88 to 1.

In 1957, President Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne Division to integrate Central High School in Little Rock after Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to block integration. It was an early illustration that the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement.

Jewish merchants in Arkansas were cowed and enforced the segregation laws. Jewish rabbis had no power over Governor Faubus or the Arkansas state legislature. As for the Jewish media, the Arkansas Gazette was by far the loudest champion of integration in the state, and its editor was Harry Ashmore, a notorious DWL whose biographical novel was called An Epitaph for Dixie.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In 1957, President Eisenhower used the 101st Airborne Division to integrate Central High School in Little Rock after Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to block integration. It was an early illustration that the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement.”

    You are conveniently ignoring the existence of Jews outside the South.

  2. I think the point of this saga is to go into the minds of the Southern Jews. Interesting article Hunter. Remember not all people are a like.

  3. There’s no doubt about the big part Northern Jews played in the Civil Rights Movement. In the North, Jews never suffered any consequences of behaving in an offensive way, which is why they showed less restraint up there.

  4. Hard Right:

    I’m glad to find out that Jack Ryan’s second favorite phrase, “true believers,” (first is “idiot libertarian”) is an NSA keyword. It wouldn’t hurt people inside Spook Central to read Jack Ryan.

  5. “In the North, Jews never suffered any consequences of behaving in an offensive way, which is why they showed less restraint up there.”

    Like saying the only place the KKK was strong was in the South. Jews living in the South were often main street merchants. Whereas the Jews in the North were concentrated in large cities and operated businesses less vulnerable to populist backlash. There is no doubt that the North is more liberal than the South. Yet the South is more patriotarded than the North. Whites down South have a large degree of general idiocy just as Whites up North have. History has pushed Southerners into a into an adversarial role not of their choosing. Southerners are conformists, go along to get along folk, just like folk up North. The difference is history. They lost the war and they have a loser’s resentment. Lets not confuse it with wisdom. The media has made a whipping boy of the South for as long as any of us have been alive, so it would be remarkable if Southerns were not aligned against the establishment.

  6. What is it with the South and philo-semitism? Southern Jews were against the South according to these findings. They didn’t act on it, but they didn’t have to. Their co-tribalists from the north were in the vanguard.

  7. Hunter, the way your assessment of the attitude of south-of-the-Line Jews is worded, this time, I am in full agreement:

    “While the vast majority of Southern rabbis privately supported the Civil Rights Movement, their congregations were afraid that White Christians would assume the Civil Rights Movement was a Jewish conspiracy and would stir up anti-Semitism, so they restrained the actions of their leaders.”

    But I think this part still needs refinement, for full objectivity:

    “the existence of the Union, not Jewish influence, was the primary cause of the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement”

    It may be true that without the existence of the Federal union the Civil Rights Movement would not have developed or triumphed, but the union itself was NOT the PRIMARY cause, but only the medium or channel for the REAL primary, evil anti-White, anti-Christian Influence to work.

  8. There were “southern-style” Talmudists in the northern states too, even members of the Klan and Masons, and co-active with whites in sundowning and other exclusionary activity against blacks. It died out openly around here in the late sixties, but stories are still told.

  9. “What is it with the South and philo-semitism? Southern Jews were against the South according to these findings. They didn’t act on it, but they didn’t have to. Their co-tribalists from the north were in the vanguard.”

    You are mistaken reading this as phil-semitism. Although our literalist evangelicals do that in spades. Large numbers of Southern Jews mostly assimilated into the dominant Southern population. The ones that exist are only a remnant. You can clearly see that they are a dying population in the South.

    Of course the South as a whole has been dying as long as I have been in this world and even longer. Hardcore remnant folks are fighting to keep this from happening. They are the true constituency of this site.

    crowley has it right. Patriotards come from defeated peoples (e.g. Scotland, Dixie). Unlike the remnant, most capitulate. So I guess we see a reflection of our own fate in the existence of Southern Jews. Therefore they have our sympathies.

    Most of you yankees are here just to give us the final kick.
    Just like your nigger, beaner, mooslim, Jew, and every other Heinz 57 variety allies.
    It doesn’t even matter where you were born. It is all a question of allegiance.

    Don’t expect your insults will win our allegiance.
    Rub our noses in it all you like. We will keep going.
    This is a life and death struggle for us.

    The South will rise again!

    Deo Vindice

  10. The basic problem is religious, and the only true, final solution is religious. From an agnostic, “post-Christian” viewpoint however, you can see only political devices such as secession, education and propaganda to develop ethnocultural or racial awareness, mass economic resistance and civil disobedience and physical violence as solutions.

  11. The South shows that Jews aren’t invincible.

    If Whites were properly organized, Jewish power could be sharply reduced. They would be intimidated, not the other way around.

  12. “You can clearly see that they are a dying population in the South.”

    But they are “dying out” in the northern states and worldwide too, with much lower than replacement birthrate (with the exception of their most conservative sects) and by increasing interracial breeding and intermarriage (the extent of the mixture, however, continues to INCREASE over time, like ripples in a pond) — but remember that the success and power of an Elite depends on its quality much more than its quantity!

  13. So, Hunter, the jist of you recent apologetic stance on jews amounts to what?
    Are you removing Jews from the equation?

  14. The Jews were “contained” in the South. They were out of control in the North. The existence of the Union is why all these wacko ideas keep being imposed on us.

  15. “we see a reflection of our own fate in the existence of Southern Jews. Therefore they have our sympathies”


    “The consolidated federal government destroyed segregation.”

    But what MIND directed the hands that wielded that weapon of the consolidated federal government that destroyed segregation?

  16. “The Jews were contained in the South (…) The existence of the Union is why all these wacko ideas keep being imposed on us.”

    Wait. The southern electorate may be the most active SUPPORTER of some of the MOST DESTRUCTIVE (to whites and Christianity) “wacko” Talmudic ideas!

  17. “All roads ultimately lead back to the North’s dysfunctional culture.”

    Except the main highway that leads back to the eager adopters of the importation of African slaves.

  18. “But what MIND directed the hands that wielded that weapon of the consolidated federal government that destroyed segregation?”

    That’s easy. The yankee mind.

    Ike was no Jew, nor Kennedy, nor most of the yankees who voted for cibbil rights. Or are we back to the silly theory of yankee susceptibility to occult Jewish mind control again?

    Segregation ended when yankees decided to impose their collective will on the South.
    Most yankees here on this site have denounced segregation at one time or another. Are the Jews controlling you, too?

    Deo Vindice

  19. “The South shows that Jews aren’t invincible.”

    Southern election results year after year tell a different story. Southern seminaries and churches are not triumphing over it either. The march of Antichrist across the south (and north) is destroying MUCH more than the march of Sherman.

  20. “Except the main highway that leads back to the eager adopters of the importation of African slaves.”

    Or perhaps more accurately to the people who built their shipping industry on the transportation of African slaves.

    Deo Vindice

  21. Hunter, you have boxed yourself into a position that simply doesn’t add up. You see the south as being at no fault and that Jews would support succession.
    The south is the PRIMARY reason we have niggers in our neighborhoods and cities.
    I got news for you, Hunter, so longas Jews hold the whip, succession is only in your dreams.

    • 1.) The only reason we have so many Asians and Hispanics is because of the Immigration Act of 1965. We have that because of the existence of the Union.

      2.) The negro was a docile slave for centuries. He didn’t free himself, give himself citizenship and civil rights, and establish himself as our ruler. The Plessy decision shows how easy it would be to control negroes … if the North would only back down from its crazy ideas about race.

      3.) While Jews were a potential threat, they probably caused less problems here than anywhere else in the world, and they were “contained” by the unwillingness of Southern Whites to tolerate subversive behavior.

      The one problem that has always proven insurmountable for the South isn’t blacks, Asians and Hispanics, or even Jews … it is the White liberals who are the dominant element in the Northern states, who live in places beyond the range of our culture and social norms.

  22. “That’s easy. The yankee mind.”

    Think harder. The un-Christian mind. The problem is not northern whites being white but northern whites having become APOSTATE. What dominant human influence did they follow to apostasy?

    Of course there is no such thing as “Jewish mind control.” A straw man.

  23. “Or perhaps more accurately to the people who built their shipping industry on the transportation of African slaves.”

    You hit the target with that one, Apuleius. Those were not true Christians, whether white or not.

  24. “The march of Antichrist across the south (and north) is destroying MUCH more than the march of Sherman.”

    Sherman’s march was the march of an Antichrist. Yankee abolitionists were a collection of little Antichrists, including the great emancipator himself. Why do you think they built the temple to him in DC? Lincoln worship is de rigueur among yankees, from Sean Hannity to Barack Obama.

    Idolatry from the yankee Babylon which has now reached its full flower.

    Deo Vindice

  25. “the only reasons Jews hold the whip now is due to White apathy and degeneracy”

    Worse than apathy and degeneracy: Too many are unregenerate — loving darkness rather than light, they will not come to the Light, because their deeds are evil….

  26. When the Jews stole Christian Russia or lead communist infiltration in Germany, was that the fault of the Yankee as well?
    You see, Hunter, all these variables eventually bring us and the current world situation, it’s much bigger than Yankees vs. Confederate.
    I hate to say it, but at times you come across as a negro who has never left his housing projects trying to make sense out of the world by blaming everything on, YT.

  27. “Lincoln worship is de rigueur among yankees, from Sean Hannity to Barack Obama.”

    Some northern Tea Partiers are gradually discovering the error, including one who went out of his way to tell me recently: “I’m discovering now that Abraham Lincoln is the source of a lot of our problems.”

  28. Hunter, if the south could magically succeed in succession, who would finance Dixie?
    What channels would be used to avoid global jewery?
    How would the south avoid global sanctions? The IMF and global powers would starve the south. The hurt would make economic sanctions on Iran look like childs play.
    Not to mention your niggers down there that would definitely be armed.
    Big picture.

  29. What nations would align themselves with the south?
    Mexico would be funded to the teeth to disrupt any progress. Their is no power in the south, no leadership. I can think of a hundred ways the south, as an independent nation could be easily toppled.

  30. “When the Jews stole Christian Russia or lead communist infiltration in Germany, was that the fault of the Yankee as well?”

    None here have ever made the claim that Bolshevism was a product of yankeedom.
    They are two separate evils, despite their common malevolence toward white men.

    “I hate to say it, but at times you come across as a negro who has never left his housing projects trying to make sense out of the world by blaming everything on, YT.”

    You have it exactly backwards. Not surprisingly. Solicitude towards negroes and constant condemnation of white men a quintessential yankee trait. Not the other way around.

    Let’s see. Domestic terrorism aimed at inciting negro genocide as in Haiti.
    A war to kill white men in order to free the negro.

    Having failed to turn the South into Haiti, the yankees even tried to make Haiti a state.

    Then later cibbil rights to ensure negro equality.
    Add affirmative action to give preference to negroes over whites.

    Then the audacity to come here and spew hate at Southerners and misrepresent anything said about the anti-white history of your kind.
    You are quite the picture, yankee boy.

    Deo Vindice

  31. Well, maybe it can happen, apocalypse on a global scale. Then the south won’t have any opponents. We all know, the south fought only one war for independence, and that didn’t quite work out.

  32. Given that you live in BRA, Sean, your taunts and fantasies are meaningless.

    Would you die to prevent Southern independence and preserve your precious BRA?
    I certainly hope so.

    It should be interesting watching the hajis continue to bomb your cities while you try to annihilate Southerners. Better win the war on “terra” before you go starting more shit.

    Besides, I don’t think your Jewish masters would support redeploying the army away from the defense of the promised land. It’s a matter of priorities.

    Watching the PC yankee sodomite army in all its diverse glory would be a treat, too.

    You have the government you deserve. Now be a good little wigger and be happy.

    Deo Vindice

  33. No, Apuleius, I won’t be fighting against the mythical Dixie army that is going to take back the south. I have no interest in the south as the south has no interest in the White people outside of the south.
    Sad fact is, the people that want to fight you will be Mexicans. But you southerners will be blaming northern whites who couldn’t care less about Dixie.
    Your enemy really does fight, you do nothing but point the finger at people that don’t even know you exist.

  34. Apuleius, are you grounded in reality? Explain to me how the south will win independence, please?
    Will it happen magically one day-will the White minority in the south just wake up one day with pockets stuffed with cash and a deadly will to fight?
    Do you know what a business plan is, do you have any idea what it takes to actually organize anything outside of your rambling mind?
    There is no real ground work being done in the south for succession, it is no where.
    Explain to me, how is this going to happen.
    Have you even bothered to think it through?
    Do you clean up yards for a living, do you have any concept of what a workable plan entails?

  35. Without the Union, the South would not have pushed the US into a fratricidal European war in 1939 that destroyed Western Civ including the segregationist policies of the South.

    “Anti-Semitism was the most inflammatory issue in the isolationist debate. Jews had good reason to hate Hitler. Their loyalty was suspect by some for that very reason. Since most Americans assumed the country was safe from German invasion, American Jews, they concluded, were also safe. Jewish interventionists could therefore be motivated only by a desire to help co-religionists in Europe. To save them, Jews appeared willing to sacrifice American lives. This to many seemed more than just a case of divided loyalties. It was pernicious. The fact that interventionist sentiment was strongest in the traditionally conservative south and southwest, areas of small Jewish population, had done little to change popular belief that Jews were leading the drive for war.[71] (So great was the antipathy for America First in the south, and so complete the consensus in favor of support for Britain, that its few sympathizers had been intimidated into silence.) “

  36. Mexicans have never interfered with Southerners’ right to self government until recently. The only reason they do so now is with the consent and encouragement of the federal government.

    Mexican immigrants are only flooding this country because the white yankee dominated federal government wants to displace the native white population, especially in the South. Mexicans are here for the gibs.

    No federal teat=no Mexican deluge.

    We’ve had Mexicans in parts of the South since the beginning. Ever heard of Texas?

    If northern whites didn’t care about Dixie, we would still have segregation.
    Abortion would still be illegal in our states. Gay marriage would not be on the verge of imposition by yankees. Just to name a few.

    Yankees can never just mind their own. From the Salem witch trials until the current soft tyranny of PC/Multiculturalism, they actively seek to persecute anyone who does not follow their radical utopian schemes.

    I don’t think a deracinated, emasculated, money-worshipping, effete Judeo-yankee man such as yourself is a very good judge of what is or is not possible, anyway.

    You’ve clearly never planted anything, either else you would know:
    As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

    The anti-white yankee government will soon understand the law of the harvest, with or without Southern secession. Detroilet and mooslim bombings are simply your first fruits. Diversity is not a strength. Negroes are not equal. Nor are perverted sterile homosexual unions. You can easily judge those by their fruitlessness.

    Ideas and actions have consequences. The yankee BRA empire is doomed.
    The egalitarian chickens are coming home to roost. Enjoy the harvest.

    Deo Vindice

  37. Nice dodge on my inquiries on your master plan to take the south.
    You simply have no answers and that’s why your Dixieland will be a mix of your niggers and new wetback arrivals in a very short time.
    Keep whistl’n Dixie, hayseed.

  38. Enjoy racial equality with niggers, Apuleius. You deserve it, should have picked your own damn cotton

  39. Sean, that is such a simple cop-out. None of us here (I’m guessing) have actually picked cotton. Nor did any of us Blacks or anyone else. Nor are we advancing equality. In fact, our people and culture are the only real opposition left to equality.

  40. Sean also attacks White Southerners for caring primarily about the South, thus demonstrating an anti-nationalist perspective, deriding us for being against the North. Yet he insults us with slurs such as ‘hayseed.’ People like this are best ignored. They have nothing to offer us. Let them continue to promote their WN proposition.

    As HW has reminded us, WN is all about personalities and attacking others. I see this more and more clearly as time goes by. The WN scene really turns me off.

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