Jewish Social Chameleons

American South

I’m sharing this here with Lew because it touches upon what Richard Thornbourn was saying at The Occidental Observer about Southern Jews:

“Southern Jews became social chameleons, changing their colors so as to blend into the background. Evidence of this need to belong was everywhere. Traditional religious observance was often as low as intermarriage was high.”

Lots of Southern Jews privately supported the Civil Rights Movement, but the vast majority of them were not actively involved in pushing for it:

“Jews understood above all that the continued goodwill of white Gentiles could only be guaranteed through their uncritical acceptance of the southern caste system. Although most southern Jews sympathized with the incipient Civil Rights Movement, political realities compelled their silence. When the northern journalist John Gunther attended a social function in Natchez, Mississippi, shortly after the Second World War, he made the mistake of expressing sympathy for the plight of African Americans. In his words, “Several leading citizens almost broke blood vessels trying to exclaim that I must be a ‘Communist’ or ‘be influenced by Jews’ to hold such views.” Faced with this pervasive sense of suspicion, southern Jews were forced to watch their every word and action. According to an opinion poll conducted in 1959, southern Jews were considerably more supportive of civil rights initiatives than were white Gentiles. So successfully, however, had Jews concealed their true convictions that only 15 percent of Gentiles believed them to be in favor of integration; 67 percent confessed not to know how Jews felt.

Even in cities with a relatively progressive reputation, such as Dallas and Little Rock, Jews carefully avoided controversy. The same was true in Atlanta, arguably the most cosmopolitan city in the South. According to sociologist Solomon Sutker, Jews “were conspicuous by their lack of active political participation.”

The moral of the story is that omnipotent Jews do not exist: the behavior of Jews in any given society is determined in large part by the culture of their host society and its attitude toward Jews.

In places like the South where Whites were extremely racially conscious and militantly policed the color line with Klan bombings, Council boycotts, social ostracism, lynchings, and social disrepute, Jews may have disagreed with the status quo, but it wasn’t “good for the Jews” to challenge it, and self interest dictated that Jews blend in and avoid attracting attention to themselves.

Unlike the North, the South was a very homogeneous society. Dixie was overwhelmingly Protestant, the White population was overwhelmingly Anglo-Celtic, and the South was conservative and monolithic in its racial customs and militant about enforcing them.

In the early twentieth century, the North was ethnically and religiously in chaos. It was liberal in orientation and had civil rights laws dating back to Reconstruction. Racial consciousness was relatively weak there compared to the South. The North’s industrial economy also had Whites far more pitted against each other along class, ethnic, and religious lines than in the South.

Jews thrived in these huge urban ant heaps like New York City. In a place like rural Arkansas, which were the exact opposite of a “melting pot,” Jews much more easily fell under suspicion.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, Lynda. Snowden’s bio is on Wikipedia now: His father is Pennsylvanian (but in the Coast Guard in North Carolina when Edward was born) and the family home is in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Edward Snowden never voted for Obama. He voted third party in both elections.

  2. Interesting,

    You see, I act arrogant and cruel because I was not hugged enough as a child, and because the public education system turned it’s wretched, spiked back on me. – Edward Snowden

  3. HW- I think the moral of this column is that Judas is not only real- as a character in Biblical History: but also, the archetype of how ‘those people’ are, even when confronted by the Son of God in the Flesh- whether Christ, or his People.

    They will trade you for ’30 pieces of silver’ at their earliest opportunity.

    They can NEVER be trusted.

    “God hates the Jews.” – St. John Chrysostom

  4. Apuleius says:
    June 13, 2013 at 12:16 am
    Jewamongyou, has gone to the trouble of translating from the original Hebrew the book “The Ashkenazi Revolution” by Kalman Katzenelson.

    I would say thank you, if only to read what ‘they’ are/were up to, in order to keep informed. Perhaps Mr. Reuben sandwich thinks he’s done a ‘mitzvot’ for we ‘goyim’ in this- but he’s wrong. Only a righteous man can do a ‘good deed,’ as per St. Paul.

    And, God knows, the Deicides can never be righteous.

    Now, as to Apuleius’ other comment:
    “The final, true solution to all these problems is Christian revival. Accept it, live it, pray for and preach it to others.”

    Nice strawman, Mosin. Bet you don’t win many converts with insults, do you?
    Granny always said you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.”

    Well, yes, but Granny was probably a Christian, and therefore, already ‘in the club.’

    Within Holy Orthodoxy, there are labels for the two approaches to how a Christian should confront his brethren, his culture, and his compatriots- whether in the Church, or outside of it. One is ‘economia’… or ‘being nice.’ This is the corrollary to most American’s concept of being ‘fair’- give everyone a second chance, be ‘mothering’ to someone, overlook their faults, etc. If you will, it’s the ‘feminine’ side of a civilization.

    The other is ‘acribea,’ or strictness. This is the equivalent of not allowing niggers into the country club- for any reason; vigilante justice with a noose and a crowd, ‘three strikes and you’re out,’ a sort of ‘tough love’ approach. Clearly, MASCULINE.

    At this stage of our feminized, faggotized, judaized (Lilith-ized?) culture, ANY attempt at a more patriarchal, Jehovah-ist, Christ using a whip on the moneychangers sort of ‘gospel’ looks almost violent. Because combatting heresy, IS VIOLENT!

    And an egalitarian, jew-friendly, hagarene-enabling, fag marriage socient MUST be extirpated, no questions asked. IF that’s an insult, then insult away, Mosin!

  5. @ TJ
    “… insult to injury they bring along their vulgar cosmopolitan accent…”

    Many have never been introduced to any alternative view of history (as much as they spout “diversity,” they have had precious little real introduction to it, especially in the northeast cities).

    But when they realize it, they made the WORSE mistake of trying to hide their background, in some cases. They refuse to say where they are from, hide their accents, or just keep their mouths shut, etc. (and usually think they are “better than the locals.”)

    In reality, most real Southerners value people knowing who they really are. I’m actually a fan of Dan Bidondi on Alex Jones. He makes zero apology, and is who he is, and seems fairly fearless. That’s admirable to many southerners. What they hate most is bullshitters, lukewarmers, liars, hair splitters, etc.

  6. The difference between the previous republic and what white nationalists want to create is that before whiteness was an important criteria for being a citizen but not the only criteria. There were some free Blacks. Being white didn’t give you automatic entry either. Also Indians and Black Slaves still lived with Whites geographically even if not citizens.

    At the same time while Indians and Blacks were living with Whites, Southern Europeans and Eastern Europeans were being denied entry. America valued race, but it wasn’t the only criteria.

    White nationalists want race as the only criteria. Basically an open boarder policy if you are white.

  7. Jeppo said, “….Obviously South African whites weren’t as homogenous as whites in the South, being divided about 60-40 between Afrikaners and Anglos. But these whites were even more overwhelmingly Protestant than Southern ones, the Catholic population of SA being miniscule….”

    Idk, Jeppo— the catholics in the american south were ALL way down south, toward what HW calls “the (his) golden circle,” (some maryland history aside). Virginia and “the bible belt” were and really, in parts not latinized, still very protestant. Also, those families/ areas inter-mixed with the Germans—- actually the english-german-dutch connections seem extremely strong in both U.S. and S.A.

    In that way, I think many upper south people in america feel more compatible with S.A. than places like south florida, which seem foreign.

  8. HW says,

    “The New York metropolitan area is home to the largest Jewish population in the world outside Israel….”

    That’s very true, but the real shift in demographic is the wholesale eradication of the ethnicity of u.s. founders (northwest european “protestants”). Most such americans HAVE NO IDEA they are only 3-4% in that city. (Which also means, what is left is either careerists, students, or gays). Same is true in the other “power cities.” So, the “founding stock” has no voice in the centralized situation.

    While Northwest European “protestants” (founding stock) are only 4%, it is also catholics that are BY FAR the white majority, (I think they are 30%).

    So the close relation between the jews and catholics, (in emptying the city of “wasps”) is something people are only beginning to examine, and an issue that will become more vocalized upcoming, culturally, imo.

    The founding people are still about half the country. Can the others manage to wipe the rest of them out (like was done in NYC) fast enough that they will really completely vanish and it will just become Brazil and latinized?

    It won’t become jewish simply b/c they don’t have the numbers. Why Pat Buchanan said the idea for u.s. is Brazil. (A handful of latin elites collecting “taxes.”)

  9. @ Mr. Butz, who was Charles Carroll of Carrollton?

    I’ll answer for hero, Earl. That’s why you always have to say, no catholic or jewish signers EXCEPT for the Carrolls. Hearing about the Carrolls, though, is sort of liek when jews go on and on about Judah Benjamin.

    The real question is why couldn’t the others live under the Northwest european “protestant” (as they call them) way? Why? Shouldn’t they have embraced the way of life that would have allowed their CREATIVITY to soar???

    If they are these great CREATIVE whites, (also), wouldn’t they have?

  10. Oh, I thought the Carrolls did involve themselves.

    Anyway— did YOU, yourself, No Man, have Anglican family in early u.s.??? Or are you just judging Anglicans from some other position, just curious?

    I ask, b/c among catholics, there is always this thing like, “Anglicans are ok.” They will actually state this openly, which is kind of funny (like it’s always up to THEM to decide whether you are “ok” or not, lol. It’s funny b/c what is “ok” is usually just whatever is useful to them, personally— yet they will go on about jews for the exact same kind of yardstick of usefulness.)

    It would be like quizzing them, and when they said they were a Jesuit, saying “oh, well then, that’s kind of ok.” (or whatever order they named).

  11. @ Mark says:

    It wasn’t slavery per se that saved the South, but the fact that we had a racial consciousness and segregation. We had a hard color line, not a color continuum like Latin America…”

    Yet Hunter seems to want to make the Latin solutions the model (like the “golden circle.) You can’t have it both ways. The Northwest Europeans seem to keep struggling to remain “a people,” but with the loss of america to latinization, they will have no home (there really aren’t enough jews to become judaized, not really, and besides, they were given their own country, anyway)

  12. Apuleius wrote, in response to my comment that Southern Nationalists seem to think the multiracial caste elitism of the historical Golden Circle is a good model and WNs recognise that multiracialism and elitism (especially cooperative Talmudic-and-white elitism) are evil and dangerous to whites: “Nice strawman.”

    Do you really think it is a strawman? I intended it as a disinterested, objectively accurate statement — which happens to agree with everything that Hunter, a key spokesman of “Southern Nationalism” just wrote (ALL CAPITALS IN PARENTHESES ARE MY OWN COMMENTARY!): “I see it less as a Jewish conspiracy and more as Yankees (MOSTLY A WHITE PROBLEM!) (…) pushing the boundaries of liberty and equality (…) I believe the White Republic was a failure (…) (THE MODEL FAILED IN ALL) three incarnations of the White Republic: the U.S. until 1861, the Confederacy, and the Jim Crow South (…) White Nationalists want us to create another (A FOURTH INCARNATION OF THE FAILED MODEL OF THE) White Republic (…) I wish we would have created a Union with the British West Indies, which had a (MULTIRACIAL CASTE ELITIST — BASED ON SLAVERY — BRITISH CARIBBEAN “GOLDEN CIRCLE”) culture (…) I’m comfortable with and find much to admire (…) I think slavery was a positive good. It was the foundation of our culture (…) Because of slavery, White Southerners enjoyed more freedom and equality (YES, IN A SLAVE-BASED MULTIRACIAL CASTE SYSTEM SOME WOULD BE FREE-ER AND MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS) like the Greeks and Romans (THOSE CLASSIC MODELLERS OF THE TRULY CIVILISED, SLAVERY-BASED, “MEDITERRANEAN” OR “SOUTHERN” FORM OF WHITENESS!) (…) The Northern model of civilization (AN EXPRESSION MOSTLY OF THE NORTHERN, “BARBARIC” OR “DEGENERATE,” NON-SLAVERY-BASED FORM OF WHITENESS — AND NOT REALLY OF ANTICHRISTIAN TALMUDISM!) is the main problem for the South and the rest of the world which is suffering under it (…) Russia, Japan, China, the Islamic world, everyone (…) stands to gain from fatally weakening this monster.”

    Down with the barbaric (“degenerate”) northern whiteness, then! Lift the standard of true, multiracial, classical white civilisation built on slavery for the benefit of a free-er and more equal Elite.

  13. Stay curious, dixie chick.

    I ask, b/c among catholics, there is always this thing like, “Anglicans are ok.” They will actually state this openly, which is kind of funny (like it’s always up to THEM to decide whether you are “ok” or not, lol.

    If you studied the history between the CoE and RCC “this thing” woukdn’t have you laughing out loud. The Anglicans these days are little more than Druids playing dress-up, but they are still Druids which means they remain rooted in an ancient Celtic concept of a culture-bearing priestly class. They’re “ok”, especially compared to mouth-breathers like Mormons, Baptists, et. al. you consider “Wasps”.

    While Northwest European “protestants” (founding stock) are only 4%, it is also catholics that are BY FAR the white majority, (I think they are 30%).

    … Wasps…

    …The founding people

    The Wasp identity was opportunistic homonoia. Its untenability as national-ethos/ethnos was demonstrated during a great war between White.Anglo.Saxon.Protestants. in the first half of the 1860’s.

    Goodbye Earl!

  14. “In reality, most real Southerners value people knowing who they really are. I’m actually a fan of Dan Bidondi on Alex Jones. He makes zero apology, and is who he is, and seems fairly fearless. That’s admirable to many southerners. What they hate most is bullshitters, lukewarmers, liars, hair splitters, etc.”

    I agree, Dixiegirl, even though I’m north of the Line.

    “ANY attempt at a more patriarchal, Jehovah-ist, Christ using a whip on the moneychangers sort of ‘gospel’ looks almost violent. Because combatting heresy, IS VIOLENT! And an egalitarian, jew-friendly, hagarene-enabling, fag marriage socient MUST be extirpated, no questions asked. IF that’s an insult, then insult away, Mosin!”

    Thanks, Fr John. Would explain the doctrine of “acribea” (“strictness”) and “economia” (“mercifulness”) a little more?

  15. The ultimate Jewish social chameleon is the Crypto-Jew. CJ’s are most likely to be found in the Southwest, where they pass as Hispanic Catholics, but strangely enough, they can be found in the Appalachian Mountains. The Melungeon people, who are centered in South East Virginia, Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky, have been revealed as Crypto-Jews via DNA testing and historical research. Two good books to read about these folks and their ancestors is “When Scotland Was Jewish” by Donald Panther Yates and Elizabeth Caldwell Hirshman and The Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe In American” by Hirshman. Interestingly enough the religions preferred by these Jews were the Primitive Baptist Church and the Presbyterian Church. Both are Calvinist denomination and have Judaizing features. John Calvin, the founder of the Reformed Church has been claimed as a Jew by Jews, and many open and Crypto- Jews during the Reformation period joined Reformed Churches.

  16. Noman returns to while away the summer break tapping on his Vtech laptop between chewing on his toenails and reminiscing about last month’s jr. high graduation.

    Of course the fact that internecine warfare is a feature of the human condition overall, and thus explains nothing about whites or Protestants in particular will be as lost on him as the prospect of a drug and disease free adulthood.

  17. Hunter, isn’t the goal of your secession movement to re-establish a multiracial caste system (but not including actual re-enslavement of Africans) under a mostly southern white (but including some “southern Talmudic”) Elite? In contrast, the goal of SOME White Nationalists is to preserve white genetics and culture by establishing a mono-racial or mono-ethnic republic with freedom and equality under the law for all citisens. Other White Nationalists hope for some form of monoracial or monoethnic Elitism.

    The goal of Christian ethnic white nationalism is entirely different from the goals of both “Occidental Dissent Nationalism” and White Nationalism.

  18. Stephen Dalton, thanks for that excellent, SUBSTANTIAL comment.

    “Interestingly enough the religions preferred by these (CRYPTO-) Jews were the Primitive Baptist Church and the Presbyterian Church. Both are Calvinist denominations and have Judaizing features. John Calvin, the founder of the Reformed Church has been claimed as a Jew by Jews, and many open and Crypto- Jews during the Reformation period joined Reformed Churches.”

    The tendency of Celtic (especially Welsh) ethnic Christianity has always run “counter” to both Roman universalism and Augustinianism-Calvinism.

  19. Tell us all how great the reformation was, Porter. You’re just another socially atomized post-Protestant. E. Michael Jones summed your type up quite well.

  20. Mosin, I don’t quite get you remark about “counter” in your response to my comment. Please elaborate on it.

  21. Any multiracial caste system in the South will fail and I will join those who will fight it. I don’t give a crap what the Golden circle used to do. It’s not today. If there was ever one word used to accurately describe Jews on the whole it was the word used in the above article. Chameleon. We are either going to seek White Southern Hegemony in the South or we might as well stick to what we are doing and attempt to make our lives better in the system we have.

  22. Billy, did the Lithium just not take with you? No matter. You have about 20 more important comments to make today. Let me ruffle your hair so you can get back to work.

  23. Any discussion that could “divide whites” should be minimized according to the White Nationalist. We get it, you are a post-national, post-religious trash-humper that envies Jews for sitting on the throne of Gomorrah. Ride your tractor to the doctor and trade him some corn for androgel you stupid fucking farmer.

  24. BTW, a Catholic nick-name for Protestants during the Reformation period was ‘Demi-Jew’. They were given that name because of the huge influence that rabbical Hebrew scholars and the Kabala had on them.

  25. OMG. No Man – don’t they teach you, in NSA Infiltration 101, not to be QUITE so contemptuous of the Plebians, as it kinds tips thme off, and affirms that, “Them thar Knazzes was right, after all! Gosh durn it!”.

    Just a little friendly advice. I know you are trying rilly rlly hard to be a good widdle Shabbos Goyim, and praying that Moloch will allow you to stay isomewhere in the throne room of Gommorrah….but you’ll have to be a little more subtle. Utter disdain is reserved exclusively for the Self Chosen.

  26. Ft John is correct, about the take-away. Jews will work to subvert the Host. Period. They are not dormant, ever. They are termites, eating away at the Foundations, 24/7. They must be excluded entirely.

    After all – who is in control now? White Anglo Celtic Protestants? Where?

  27. Denise, once you crack open that manicured facade of erudite hipness all sorts of interesting sentiments start passing those trembling lips. I’m not one, but hatred of farmers? Noted.

  28. Neesy, it was the decent thing for you to white knight this creep. He needed a strong lady like you. He apparently thinks you’ll kibbitz with him about my “trembling lips”.

    Some people find it impossible to disagree on political/ cultural matters without resorting to personal attacks, unlike us.

    Noted indeed.

  29. Billy those cheeks won’t dry until you stop weeping. And your little belly won’t fill without farmers.

  30. Yet Hunter seems to want to make the Latin solutions the model (like the “golden circle.) You can’t have it both ways. The Northwest Europeans seem to keep struggling to remain “a people,” but with the loss of america to latinization, they will have no home (there really aren’t enough jews to become judaized, not really, and besides, they were given their own country, anyway)

    The Golden Circle was a means of expanding Southern power. Recolonizing Latin America with people of Northwestern European descent sounds like a good idea to me. Any expansion of Northern Europeans throughout the world with a racial preservationist model is a good idea, not just for us but the environment, animals, and other races who benefit from our higher civilization.

    I don’t believe Hunter wants to adopt the Latin mixed-race model. If you have quotes from him to support that assertion feel free to post them.

  31. Re: Mosin

    If there had been a Union with Cuba or Jamaica or Barbados, I believe such a Union would have been far less damaging to the South than the Union with Yankees in Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York.

    WNs have this formula that “White = good” and “non-White = bad.” They believe that race is more important than culture. They like to say things like, “if White people had a country, this wouldn’t be happening.”

    As an Alabamian, I would rather have a Union with Mississippi and Georgia, states which share my culture, but which have large numbers of non-Whites, than a Union with Vermont and Maine, which don’t share my culture, but which are constantly agitating to destroy America.

    WNs want to create a fourth “White Republic” with the same people who destroyed all three previous “White Republics” in the name of Americanism. It matters less to me that Mississippi is more non-White and more to me that Mississippi has a conservative culture and therefore won’t be inclined to press for insane utopian causes.

    The Northern model of civilization was the failure, not the Southern system; the South has always been confidently conservative, strongly racialist, and content with itself rather than demonizing normal human behavior as “-isms” and starting fanatical utopian movements to stamp out sin.

    The North, which believed that all “White people” were created equal, naturally disintegrated and became a “melting pot” battleground of ethnic groups, cultures, and religions, and in such a context, millions of Jews settled there and easily emerged as the trendsetters of Northern culture.

    If the Union had never existed, Southern civilization would have evolved in a different way. We would be infinitely better off than we are now.

  32. @DixieGirl

    Charles Carroll was not involved in writing the Constitution & Bill of Rights, consult any good history of the Constitution like “Decision In Philadelphia”.

    The real question is how Roman Catholic was Charles Carroll? Let’s put it this way, if he was, he kept it to himself, like Hunter’s olde southern Jews. Which is understandable.

    I’ve met a few of the Carrolls’, who possible are related to the same Carroll family as Charles, and they are a huge family. None of them were Catholics.

    There is a peculiar old lawsuit, or rather lawsuits, involving hundreds of the Carroll descendants over property in the United States and in England. Every now and then you will see some mention of it in a magazine or newspaper. I don’t know how much mischief there was by the Roman Catholic church in these lawsuits? Lots of kookie claims and counter-claims, but, possibly billions of dollars involved.

  33. How fitting that the greatest Anti-Christ Temple in history is rising beside a polygamist cult center:

    “Bluffdale is home to one of the nation’s largest sects of polygamists, the Apostolic United Brethren, with upwards of 9,000 members (…) Membership has doubled since 1978—and the number of plural marriages has tripled (…) But new pioneers have quietly begun moving into the area, secretive outsiders who say little and keep to themselves. Like the pious polygamists, they are focused on deciphering cryptic messages that only they have the power to understand. Just off Beef Hollow Road, less than a mile from brethren headquarters, thousands of hard-hatted construction workers in sweat-soaked T-shirts are laying the groundwork for the newcomers’ own temple and archive, a massive complex so large that it necessitated expanding the town’s boundaries. Once built, it will be more than five times the size of the US Capitol (…) this temple will be filled with servers, computer intelligence experts, and armed guards. And instead of listening for words flowing down from heaven, these newcomers will be secretly capturing, storing, and analyzing vast quantities of words and images hurtling through the world’s telecommunications networks. In the little town of Bluffdale, Big Love and Big Brother….” Read more:

  34. Just as WNs exaggerate the threat posed by Jews, they also exaggerate the importance of whiteness. The connexion between the South and Vermont has been more damaging to us than all the Jews in the South and has caused more problems for us here than the negro.

  35. Re: Mark

    As I explained in a previous comment, the “Golden Circle” posts explain the historical origins of the culture of the Lower South, and the future trajectory of an independent Confederacy which would have conquered Central America and the Caribbean.

    “Manifest Destiny” was only arrested in the 1850s by perfidious Yankees who blocked the annexation of Cuba, Nicaragua, Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua and other parts of Northern Mexico.

  36. Robert May has a new book about the Golden Circle coming out in September:

    Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropics: Lincoln, Douglas, and the Future of Latin America

    Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropics challenges the way historians interpret the causes of the American Civil War. Using Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas’s famed rivalry as a prism, Robert E. May shows that when Lincoln and fellow Republicans opposed slavery in the West, they did so partly from evidence that slaveholders, with Douglas’s assistance, planned to follow up successes in Kansas by bringing Cuba, Mexico, and Central America into the Union as slave states. A skeptic about “Manifest Destiny,” Lincoln opposed the war with Mexico, condemned Americans invading Latin America, and warned that Douglas’s “popular sovereignty” doctrine would unleash U.S. slaveholders throughout Latin America. This book internationalizes America’s showdown over slavery, shedding new light on the Lincoln-Douglas rivalry and Lincoln’s Civil War scheme to resettle freed slaves in the tropics.

  37. American Mediterranean: Southern Slaveholders in the Age of Emancipation

    How did slave-owning Southern planters make sense of the transformation of their world in the Civil War era? Matthew Pratt Guterl shows that they looked beyond their borders for answers. He traces the links that bound them to the wider fraternity of slaveholders in Cuba, Brazil, and elsewhere, and charts their changing political place in the hemisphere. Through such figures as the West Indian Confederate Judah Benjamin, Cuban expatriate Ambrosio Gonzales, and the exile Eliza McHatton, Guterl examines how the Southern elite connected—by travel, print culture, even the prospect of future conquest—with the communities of New World slaveholders as they redefined their world. He analyzes why they invested in a vision of the circum-Caribbean, and how their commitment to this broader slave-owning community fared. From Rebel exiles in Cuba to West Indian apprenticeship and the Black Codes to the “labor problem” of the postwar South, this beautifully written book recasts the nineteenth-century South as a complicated borderland in a pan-American vision.

  38. @ Hunter

    These are the facts of life, and have been since the mid 1970’s:

    “Yeah, today you see Jews showing up on the board of directors of what were White Southern Protestant institutions i.e. colleges, hospitals, charities etc. I don’t think this is positive, and it displaces a White Protestant who should be on the board. The same goes for Catholics. Does every damn board of directors have to have a Catholic nun on it?”

    You are not old enough to remember when Protestant institutions were Protestant Institutions. Now almost every Protestant Institution has a Jew, or more likely Jews, and at least a Catholic nun, or other Roman Catholic virgins, and now a Moslem or a Hindu doctor of some sort on the Board of Directors. This is what’s wrong!

  39. The Jews have no quarrel with the natives so long as their businesses prosper. south Africa Apartheid was dismantle. Jews lickety split. They knew the gig was up. Who was responsible for the dismantling the Apartheid? Again, it wasn’t the Jews entirely. Their own government apparatus of democracy self destruct.

  40. “The Melungeon people, who are centered in South East Virginia, Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky, have been revealed as Crypto-Jews via DNA testing and historical research. Two good books to read about these folks and their ancestors is “When Scotland Was Jewish” by Donald Panther Yates and Elizabeth Caldwell Hirshman and The Melungeons: The Last Lost Tribe In American” by Hirshman.”

    Good catch, Stephen.

    The most famous Melungeon of all: Abraham (note the Jewish name) Lincoln.

    Deo Vindice

  41. “Mosin, I don’t quite get you remark about ‘counter’ in your response to my comment. Please elaborate on it.” I simply meant not in tune or agreement with, and even actively opposed to Romanism and Calvinism.

    Dalton wrote: “a Catholic nick-name for Protestants during the Reformation period was ‘Demi-Jew’. They were given that name because of the huge influence that rabbical Hebrew scholars and the Kabala had on them.” It depends which strain of Protestantism…. Romanism itself isn’t free of Talmudic influence.

    Porter, you attributed “hatred of farmers” to Denise, but if you read through the comment thread again you will find it was not Denise, but No Man who wrote: “Ride your tractor you stupid…farmer.”

    Hunter wrote: “The North, which believed that all White people were created equal (…) became a ‘melting pot’ battleground of ethnic groups, cultures, and religions, and in such a context, millions of Jews settled there and easily emerged as the trendsetters of Northern culture.” Hunter, I think you might have that backwards, because some effective trendsetters were present in the northern colonies (and southern colonies) from the beginning, and some of the anti-white, anti-Christian, trends were initiated before the earliest settlements in the homelands of the early settlers. I’m trying to imagine if Alabama had united with Jamaica instead….

  42. Re: “an independent Confederacy which would have conquered Central America and the Caribbean”:

    …resulting in even smaller percentage of white people controlling an even larger percentage of coloured people, including millions more of those African slaves who could be managed to create immense wealth.

  43. The Northern model of civilization was a massive failure:

    1.) First, Yankees had agitated the slavery question to the point where they destroyed the Union, and then they abolished slavery and armed hundreds of thousands of blacks to destroy the Confederacy, and as a reward for their military service gave all these blacks American citizenship and rewrote the Constitution itself to destroy the White Republic and consolidate the federal government.

    2.) Second, Yankees put much of the South (Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina) under direct black majority rule, and this despotism was backed by the power of the Union Army. Not satisfied with integrating the South, they repealed all their own black codes, repealed all their anti-miscegenation laws, integrated public accommodations, banned segregation, and passed comprehensive “civil rights” law at the state level between 1860 and 1880.

    Please note that Yankees had done all this to themselves on their own initiative by 1890 while Jewish influence was still negligible in the North.

    3.) Third, Yankees opened the floodgates to millions of Southern and European immigrants, and were soon swamped in their own states – the millions of revolutionary leftwing Jews who came over during the Great Wave were just another group of cheap labor to be exploited in the North’s industries.

    4.) Fourth, Yankees predictably were not satisfied with abolishing slavery. Just as Fitzhugh and others had predicted, they shifted their focus to agitating for new radical causes like women’s suffrage and civil rights and socialism.

    5.) Finally, the North in the early twentieth century had become a free for all, a disintegrating society riven by all kinds of class, ethnic, religious, and cultural divides among “White people,” who were united only by their commitment to liberal abstractions and making money under the free market capitalist system.

    In such a context, the Jews consolidated as a cohesive unit and quickly developed ethnic defense organizations, and began to accumulate the capital that would enable them to rise to power. They easily found allies among the other groups in the North who resented the WASP establishment.

    The North is a lesson in how to NOT secure our existence moving forward. The trouble we had here with a handful of Jews and negroes pales in comparison to what happened in the North which had disastrous consequences for the entire Western world.

  44. “Not satisfied with integrating the South, they repealed all their own black codes, repealed all their anti-miscegenation laws, integrated public accommodations, banned segregation, and passed comprehensive ‘civil rights’ law at the state level between 1860 and 1880. Please note that Yankees had done all this to themselves on their own initiative by 1890 while Jewish influence was still negligible in the North (…) Third, Yankees opened the floodgates to millions of Southern and European immigrants, and were soon swamped in their own states – the millions of revolutionary leftwing Jews who came over during the Great Wave were just another group of cheap labor to be exploited in the North’s industries. Fourth, Yankees predictably were not satisfied with abolishing slavery (…) they shifted their focus to agitating for new radical causes like women’s suffrage and civil rights and socialism.
    (…) the North in the early twentieth century had become a free for all, a disintegrating society riven by all kinds of class, ethnic, religious, and cultural divides among ‘White people,’ who were united only by their commitment to liberal abstractions and making money under the free market capitalist system.”

    It didn’t end, but BEGAN, with “making money under the free market capitalist system” — “the love of money is the root of all this evil,” including African slave importation and slavery in the southern states!

    Apostasy grew in the early nineteenth century or earlier, when Transcendentalism and other clear symptoms were appearing. The abolition movement that escalated to violent, unconstitutional invasion of sovereign states and all the other crimes you mentioned, was merely a palliative for guilty consciences, a carnal substitute for personal faith and morality. The Solution that they rejected then, as now, is true Christianity. Whites both north and south of the Line should have followed King Jesus instead of money, lust and pride, and both would have done what is right.

  45. Mosin,

    What is “true Christianity”? Friar John cited Matthew 1:21 earlier today in a different combox to claim that “His people” denotes ethnic exclusivity for salvation, in other words race trumps works AND faith: predestination taken to its logical conclusion. Is that true Christianity? If it is not then your disagreement, as resident holy-roller is noticeably lacking.

  46. As I said once before, Christianity is nothing but a bullshit religion created by Jews, specifically to be practiced by non-Jews, for the purpose of facilitating the acceptance of the Jewish god “Yaweh” and his Jewish-born son “Jesus” by non-Jews as their new god, and the Jews themselves as it’s “chosen” people.

  47. Chris is refreshing because he actually has opinions. He doesn’t try to dismiss cultural issues as trivial “internecine” squabbles, neither does he have to hide a lack of original thought behind overwrought adhoms. I look forward to future flames with Chris, Porter is a poor substitute.

  48. The Northeast is so screwed up because it was founded by Puritans and Quakers whose leveling cultural DNA set the tone for its future development. The South was founded by normal, mainstream Anglicans.

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