About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mary – GOD BLESS those beautiful, valiant, heroic young men.

    My eyes are filled with tears of love and gratitude,

  2. Denise, next year we’ll all have to meet up at one of the many gatherings and get a smiley-filled pic of our own! 🙂

  3. Seeing this picture, the hymn tune/text came into my head:

    “Standing, standing, standing on the promises of Parks, my saviour…”




  4. Yeah. There were several there this time and at the conference last year. I think one had kids. Not everyone is in the photo. Several more people showed up after we took the photo.

  5. There were a lot more people in their twenties and thirties this year than last year. I’m guessing there were about 200-300 people there and I missed the second day of the conference.

    I went into the SPLC with Matt Heimbach. We confronted the Jew at the Civil Rights Memorial, took some photos in the Tunnel of Hate, wrote George Lincoln Rockwell’s name on the Wall of Tolerance, raised the third national flag in the SPLC, and took a group photo at MLK’s church and at the Alabama State Capitol.

    Everyone had a great time. I have no idea why WNs are so scared of these people.

  6. Cant believe you missed my talk, HW. One old time LS member said it was the most hardcore speech ever given at a League event. Not sure about that but anyhow will have it on Youtube soon.

  7. Hey Hunter – I know you are being a bit of a prat, and winding me up – but I need notice. I didn’t even know about this conference, until you began writing about it. I can’t keep up with everything!

    I may visit AL after the SF conference. Let me know if there are any events in August. My schedule is kinda booked for the rest of the year…but let me know. Seriously. Would a Copperhead be welcomed?

  8. I didn’t have the gas to drive to Wetumpka and back. So I came home and got my checkbook. I should be back later tonight.

    Being a Southron means you can get away with certain things, a wallet-chain being one of them. Does Dorsia take checks?

  9. I’d love to drag the Hubster along! He regard work as the Sign of the Elect, and working almost 24/7 as a Sign of God’s Favor.

    Meybbe I’ll slip him some roofies, and see what I can do..

  10. Let us hope young, White women turn out to this event to make contributions that only women who belong to their people can make. Not least, the surveying and finding of eligible mates for the purpose of marriage and White families.

    Hot damn but the young men for the League of the South are looking good.

    I am doing my grandmotherly duty by writing my young neices and their cousins in your country.

    Young White women should forget about Jew social engineering for Whites – and FrankfenFort Skool social programming models for White women like being feminists, stockbrokers and JudeoXtian or Judeo change widgets and learn about White nationalism at conferences like these. And survey better possibilities.

  11. Yeah no joke.

    You ought to see how much male attention the women get at these conferences. In fact, I recently hooked up with a girl from Missouri because I went to the last conference, and a friend of mine met another girl from Missouri at our conferece last year.

  12. Sure.

    Come hang out with us True Southrons.

    I’m sure that Denise is “great people” as they say, but what possible benefit is there of inviting Yankees to the LS conference?

    Most of our people get more than enough of the Yankees in our day-to-day lives without socialising with them at nationalist conferences.

    There needs to come a time when we stop being so friendly to the people who are replacing us in our own land.

  13. Not all Northerners are bad people.

    I agree. But, I think a nationalist conference should be one place where we don’t rub shoulders with Yankees, even if they are relatively good ones. It should be a Yankee-free sanctuary.

  14. There you have it Denise. You can brown nose all you want here. These folks want nothing to do with you because of your birthplace.
    It’s not racial, it’s simply they don’t like you and never will, it doesn’t matter how much ass you kiss, Denise.

  15. Denise, you seem to be a pro White advocate.
    Your in the wrong place and aligning yourself with the wrong people here.
    These folks here are very anti White and serve to divide White folks.
    They would prefer the company of Jews and niggers over northern Whites.

  16. There you have it Denise. You can brown nose all you want here. These folks want nothing to do with you because of your birthplace.

    It’s not racial, it’s simply they don’t like you and never will, it doesn’t matter how much ass you kiss, Denise.

    I appreciate Denise’s support for Dixie and have nothing against her personally. But, like I have always said about Copperheads, their support is best done from a distance. A nationalist conference is something that a member of our opposing tribe won’t be able to help with, no matter how good her individual intentions. Southron nationalism will either come from our people or it won’t come at all.

    The birthplace comment is nonsense. Birthplace has nothing to do with which tribe someone is a member of. There are Southrons born in the North and Yankees born in the South.

  17. I think it will be imperative for us to cultivate our allies in the North and other foreign countries because the attitude of the rest of the world toward an independent South is going to be the biggest obstacle to doing anything effective about our racial problem here.

    I have no problem with Northerners like Jack and Denise who support Southern independence and who share our views on racial topics.

  18. They would prefer the company of Jews and niggers over northern Whites.

    I am not a multi-racialist.

  19. I think it will be imperative for us to cultivate our allies in the North and other foreign countries because the attitude of the rest of the world . . ..

    I’m definitely with you on cultivating allies in other foreign countries. But, I think we’ll be disappointed if we hope to find genuine allies among the Northerners. I’ve far too often heard from Copperheads: “I support the South, in fact I plan to move there soon”. This attitude is still one of dominance over us. I don’t doubt that there are a handful of Yankees who might truly support Dixie, but they will be overwhelmed by the direction of their countrymen.

    Our kindred people in the British Isles and the remaining British populations in the Commonwealth should be where we look first.

  20. Long live dixie, would the NYC slicker, “No man”, be welcome at one if your conferences?

    What about Jack Ryan of Chicago?

  21. Long live dixie, would the NYC slicker, “No man”, be welcome at one if your conferences?

    What about Jack Ryan of Chicago?

    I haven’t been to a League conference. But, I’m tentatively planning on going to next year’s and I would not enjoy seeing No-man or Jack Ryan.

    I don’t understand the confusion about a nationalist conference being one place where we shouldn’t have to bump into any members of the opposing tribe.

  22. Hunter – thank you.

    Long Live Dixie – even though your words cause a pang of pain, in me – I understand.

    I was not born in the South. I have a very different historical legacy, than those of Dixie Land do.

    I know when I first spent time in TN – I felt like I had “come home” – but it’s more about the Celtic Mode of Being. My region is heavily Germanic – and I never ever really fit in with the stoic Germanic types.

    I have an open invitation to move permanently. My Yankee cohort, Haughty Blonde, has taken root on Southern Soil. You’ll get rid of kudzu fastern’ you’ll get rid of her.

    Depending on what happens in in the next year – I may wind up “down there” . HELL is gonna break loose within the next year. My real world Southern pals – as in “born there” will welcome me. I have several berths, anytime I want to show up. So ya can’t keep me out.

    I can’t BE a True Southerner – but I’d be the most ardent defender of the South you’ll ever meet. I do understand your position though.

    However – you are kinda deluding yourself about the suitability of various and sundry Europeans,

  23. This is where things get retarded. I’m not of an ‘opposing tribe’, I’d like to consider myself a proxenos in the future. If an annual conference would be the “one place” where you don’t run into enemy tribesmen then start pulling your pork or re-calibrate your friend/enemy distinction just a bit.

  24. Long Live Dixie – my co-Northerners would not ever “overwhelm” me. Quite the opposite. I’d be their bloody over-see-er.

  25. . . . my co-Northerners would not ever “overwhelm” me. Quite the opposite. I’d be their bloody over-see-er.

    Northerners who reject Southron independence outnumber Copperheads 100:1, easily. If Dixie seriously re-asserts her independence then Northern attitudes will harden and Copperheads will become even more marginalised by the overwhelming opinions of their countrymen. And like I mentioned, even most Copperheads consider Dixie as their legitimate colony; to which they may freely migrate whenever it suits them. Your second to last post only shows that that is your position, as well. I am not interested in my people being replaced by any other people, regardless of their political opinions.

  26. Re: Long Live Dixie

    Just as there are Southern race traitors who we see every day, there are Northerners who support Southern independence. More Southern Whites than blacks settled in the North and West in the early 20th century.

  27. LLD – I won’t be “replacing” any-one. I’ll be there to help. You think I don’t defend Southerners NOW? Most Yankees have NEVER had to deal with non-Whites. in any meaningful way, in their lives. Hence the ability to idealize the Noble Savage. This is about to change dramatically. The Amnesty to be going forwards. Millions of Yankees are going to be utterly bitch-slapped with Diversity, s they are thrown out on the streets. This is going to happen everywhere.


    It’s going to BE about Race.

    Copperheads can serve as sort of psychological Border Guards. (I do this now). A snotty arrogant Yankee can dismiss Southerners are “stupid hicks” etc. But they can’t easily put down an equally obnoxious Yankee, who is ripping them a new, in the language THEY speak.

    It’s going to be about Race for EVERY-ONE. Even you.

  28. I think Long Live Dixie personifies the average southern nationalist. They want nothing to do with non southern Whites, they don’t believe non southern Whites should be allowed to live or own property in the south and they see non southern Whites as an age old enemy. Even Palmetto showed disdain for Italian Americans living in the south.
    He’s at least being honest.

  29. . . . there are Northerners who support Southern independence.

    I know. Though, I lived in the North for years and never heard of one. But, still, what good is independence if Dixie is still Yankeedom’s colony?

    • Re: Long Live Dixie

      I’m confident that seceding from the Union and creating a Southern nation-state with a strong and assertive Southern culture would deter the vast majority of the economic migrants from coming here and would drive out the worst of those already here who despise the traditional South.

      Are you working with the rest of us to make that happen? How do you propose to bring any of this about?

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