Winning With Southern Nationalism


Here is Palmetto Patriot’s speech at the 2013 League of the South conference:

Note: The speech is about effective messaging. He argues that we need fewer long winded essays and a more distilled message that can be hammered into the public’s consciousness through exposure and repetition.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Palmetto is right.

    We don’t need to get sidetracked by theological debates over religion. We need a simple message that sums up our worldview. The message is “secede.” Just one word. Just six letters. Just two syllables.

    Within our own group at the League conference, there were Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, atheists, agnostics, and even an Odinist. Everyone had their own reasons to support the common cause of disunion.

    We don’t have time to bicker about religion. There will be plenty of time for that after secession and independence.

  2. Naturally, I agree that the demise of Western civilization is the big picture and the disintegration of Christianity over the course of several centuries has played the starring role in that, but we can’t do anything effective about the big picture until we first secure our own little corner of the West, and that is impossible so long as the Union continues to exist.

  3. Zomg, you all are the worst strategists in the world! No wonder you lost the Civil War… Uh, durp, let’s be like Nike and create a catchy slogan?!?!?! Really! Bwahahaha!

  4. Re: “We don’t need to get sidetracked by theological debates over religion. We need a simple message that sums up our worldview. The message is ‘Secede.’ Just one word. Just six letters. Just two syllables (…) We don’t have time to bicker about religion. There will be plenty of time for that after secession and independence (…) the disintegration of Christianity has played the starring role, but we can’t do anything effective about that until we first secure our own little corner of the West”:

    Christianity has not disintegrated, but Whites have apostasised from the Faith. Right doctrine and practice is not a sidetracking side issue that can wait until later, but it is the very FIRST step that MUST be taken on the only, straight and narrow, road back. Pastors and elders of true Christian churches must rise up and lead the way.

  5. PP is a great speaker, but did work for the Spanish government and so on, and tries to argue that latin culture is “classical” culture. In reality, rome was terribly streety, like if you read Juvenal and has always been known for dumbing down its populations. So, there is a “classical” culture for a small group, and the rest are pretty much dumbed down proles watching Gandofini, Tarantino, Madonna, gladiator arena sports s/a have been introduced now. Now, “soccer” has been introduced to the “americans” as the antidote for what the very same people who are introducing it turned the american football (which used to be a good game) into.

    Idk—- the latin road has always led to communism (even as they are taught they are a “bulwark against it” which is the often-used meme). If not a reactionary scene, then a “left-right” hybrid like in u.s. now, the fascist “public-private” partnerships. Now the history channel makes “fascism” mean race, even though it is Military-Corporatism, back in reality, and certainly one can have Multicultural (multiracial) fascism.

    America worked for many of the Generational people because they were a different kind of Christian. Freedom did not mean a free-for-all, and capitalism meant the freedom to create for all, not crony capitalism, as in u.s. since FDR.

  6. I agree with your comment, as usual, Dixiegirl. Romanism and our freedom are not compatible.

  7. Well that is odd since I know there were a number of Catholics at the conference. If anything is incompatible with Southern nationalism it is zionist ‘patriotic’ evangelism. You know those who hold ‘patriotism’ towards the United States up as a tenant of the Christian faith. Or how about the mainline Protestants who are fine and dandy with abortion and sodomite ‘marriage’? Are they preferable to Catholics?

  8. Catholicism is a broad term, Haroldcrews, and of course not all ROMAN Catholics are modernists or universalists or Roman Papal supremacists, but those tendencies are present in a group.

  9. WNs are free to bicker about religion.

    If they want to remain perpetually stuck in the mud, that is their choice. There are Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, pagans, atheists and agnostics who can be found on either side of secession and all sorts of other issues.

  10. Ideologues/Theologians always come back to some ghost in the machine explanation, they really have to be kept on a short leash, doubt me then think Bob Jones the Hundredth and his sellout of Blood, Soil and Tradition, god willed it you know.

    Now I am going to be skeptical of SN because it like WN both have been captured by past authority and slogans from said authorities. SN both 1.0 and 2.0 failed and repeating their slogans while true do not adequately address what is blocking whites and Southrons from flocking to the New SN. WN literally descends from Rockwell’s template and again never ever addresses the PC mindblocks that are within nearly a billion whites’ heads. Both ideologies are about the purity of the believers and the suffering myths these people want to inflict upon everyone else (hello Paula Deen, you too must suffer)

  11. Dissolve the Union

    There’s your simple message/catchy phrase. Its something I first saw repeated over and over by Hunter when I first started reading this blog a few months ago and Jack Ryan recommended to me at the Amren conference that I join the comments section. I’ve adopted it myself and believe it’s almost as effective as the proverbial “picture that tells 1000 words.” White Americans immediately know what you mean when you say “Dissolve the Union.” No long winded essays necessary. Course, many of them (i.e., Northerners) will be like “uh-uh!!” Fuck em. They’re ethnomasochists in one stripe or another.

    As for Christianity, it is my contention that no white nation will survive long-term in the absence of it. Atheists, agnostics, Odinists, etc., shouldn’t be shunned per say, but I see no compelling reason to explicitly reject Christianity in order to secure the existence of our people and a future for our children. It’s wrong to declare, “you can’t live here if you’re not a Christian.” But IMO, its even worse to declare, “we are NOT a Christian society.” I mostly agree with Mosin on this issue. Dixie, should it ever become its own sovereign nation, would be an explicitly Christian nation – and a Protestant nation at that. Texas and Middle America would also be Christian nations. Yankee Land and Yankee West, by contrast, would undeniably be anti-Christian (or some kind of apostasy that is effectively anti-Christian). Indeed, many of them would be atheists. Just a note: 70% of white atheists voted for Obama in 2012. Here in Michigan, 76% of white atheists voted for Obama.

    Christianity survived and thrived in Europe for 1800 years. I don’t see any conspiracy behind that. But that’s just me.

  12. Mosin Nagant, I can get along with pretty much anyone of whatever faith they may have or not have so long as we’re working towards the same goal, Southern independence. But I have little patience for trolls such as ‘Dixiegirl’ who will let no opportunity to vent against Southern Catholics all while defending Puritans. She is a troll intentionally sowing discord among Southern nationalists.

  13. In the world of low attention spans, you only have a few minutes at most to get your point across.

    It’s not just about attention spans, but being concise, concentrated and powerful in your speeches is always a valuable ability. How do you penetrate the consciousness of others, how do you capture their imagination.

    It may seem trite, but yes sloganeering works, the type of propaganda they use in politics and commercials works. YES WE CAN. JUST DO IT. I’M LOVIN’ IT.

    One thing that Palmetto does right is he engages the audience, he makes them laugh, he has charisma. Not many speakers do it that well.

  14. “WNs are free to bicker about religion. If they want to remain perpetually stuck in the mud, that is their choice. There are Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, pagans, atheists and agnostics who can be found on either side of secession and all sorts of other issues.”

    Are the OD positions then that Christian conviction or its opposite or lack of it (atheism, agnosticism, Odinism, Talmudism) is a mere side issue or a harmful divisive distraction — and that the Secession of the former Confederate states and the establishment of an independent nation of Dixie can be accomplished through secular methods and means?

  15. “I have little patience for trolls such as ‘Dixiegirl’ (…) She is a troll intentionally sowing discord among Southern nationalists.”

    She seems sincere and realistic, telling exactly what she sees happening around here. But then, EVERYONE is a troll, save me and thee, and sometimes methinks thee a little troll….

  16. Southern Nationalism is the equivalent of a doctor, utterly blind with denial, desperately performing CPR on a patient who has been legally dead for over an hour and a half.

  17. Just because someone offends you doesn’t make them a troll. If someone disagrees with you that doesn’t automatically make them a troll. LOL. This should go without saying, but some people are confused.

    For most people religion is a personal matter and one that is flexible and doesn’t interfere with other views such as nationalism and race. Only fanatics want to dwell on it above everything else.

  18. I have my own position.

    My position is that we need a short, simple message: “secede.” That should be our message. It sums up in one word the goal of our movement. We can find common ground with all sorts of people on the need to dissolve the Union.

    The theologians here are free to debate religion. I find those debates interesting because religion has a lot to do with our cultural decline (e.g., the impact of Puritan and Quaker influence on us through the existence of the Union), but they shouldn’t sidetrack us from focusing on the immediate goal.

  19. Southern Nationalism is the equivalent of a doctor, utterly blind with denial, desperately performing CPR on a patient who has been legally dead for over an hour and a half.

    Now here is a troll.

    If you believe that then why are you here, take your own advice and find a better use of your time.

  20. White Americans immediately know what you mean when you say “Dissolve the Union.”

    If it’s coming from a White Southerner with an accent maybe. Otherwise that’s quite ambiguous alone with no context.

  21. Let me fix that:

    Southern Nationalism American Nationalism is the equivalent of a doctor, utterly blind with denial, desperately performing CPR on a patient who has been legally dead for over an hour and a half.

    If the Dixie was an independent country, we could immediately set to work and start reversing our decline. The only force that is stopping this from happening is federal power: the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, the federal courts, federal funding, the U.S. military.

    It is impossible to “take back” those institutions because White Southerners are less than 1/3 of America’s population. We have seen on countless occasions that we can’t pass meaningful reforms at the state level without federal permission.

  22. American nationalism doesn’t really exist, other than “support the troops.” Nationalism itself is passé to the masses and our political leaders, it’s too closely associated with racism and discrimination. People who support America ironically support the destruction of it by allowing third-world immigration and tolerance of every sort.

  23. No, Mark. It is Southern Nationalism that doesn’t exist. And that’s because, frankly, the South and the Southerners that you pine for, do not exist. Today’s South is little more than a huge mass of niggers, a steady flow of Northern DWL’s, and a sprinkling of geriatric blue-hairs who congregate at obsure conferences once a year — and all this before a fast encroaching sea of Mexican invaders in the backdrop. Even old Stonelifter realized the truth in this.

    You people are petulantly demanding the right to build a new country out of nothing but the fading memory of a failed one. Your cause was lost long before you ever took it up.

  24. I disagree. Dixiegirl is a troll. She will use any comment thread even those having absolutely nothing to do with religion to jump on her hobbyhorse of bashing the Catholic Church or defending anti-Southern Yankee Protestants. She isn’t a Southern nationalist the best I can tell. She is more intent on driving Catholics out of Southern nationalism then in building up SN. OD is just a forum for her to vent her obsession.

  25. “The theologians here are free to debate religion. I find those debates interesting because religion has a lot to do with our cultural decline (e.g., the impact of Puritan and Quaker influence on us through the existence of the Union), but they shouldn’t sidetrack us from focusing on the immediate goal.”

    Thank you, Hunter, once again, for maintaining freedom of speech on your blog, and your patience as those of us who have pastoral or seminary backgrounds and true, right conviction (not the same as a settled opinion nor is it fanaticism) naturally want to share our advice and knowledge, as well as our prayers, in assistance of your worthy “immediate goal.”

  26. I agree.

    What is American Nationalism? I mean beyond the need to “support the troops” as they violently invade foreign countries to impose MTV on Iraq and women’s rights on Afghanistan?

    If Dixie was an independent country, the negro would be in his place or searching for a new home in the Northern states, women wouldn’t be out of control, gay marriage and gun control would be non-issues, the border would be secure and the Mexicans who are here would be in Mexico.

    Obama also wouldn’t be president of the Glorious Union. Neither would Mitt Romney.

  27. What IS the matter here? RRS is right. You are going to have less excuse for messing around, not using the mantra than millions of white people who aren’t Southrons. Anti-racist is a code word for ANTI-WHITE.

  28. If you watch Palmetto’s speech, you will see that he mentioned Bob Whitaker by name and cited the Mantra and said that meetings should be training sessions in messaging.

  29. Mark,

    I wouldn’t be too sure about that. This is anecdotal evidence, but I’ve tried the “Dissolve the Union” mantra on several friends and family members (all Northerners of course) as well as people on Youtube, and none of them questioned what I was talking about. All of them either disagreed with me or gave me indifferent responses (no surprise there), but they still knew what I meant. The only real question they had was “so what’s your plan for dividing up the USA?” Not a hard question to answer.

  30. I was pretty sure that I would end up turning off this speech within a few minutes, if that much, as I’m a yankee, a heathen, and I’ve never felt establishing a White ethnostate in the black belt section of the country was a defensibly prospect; however, I ended up watching the entire speech, and I thought Mr. Cushing did quite a good job. Some of my impressions:

    He’s a likable fellow and certainly a good rhetorician. I thought he was quite an engaging speaker.

    It was very life-affirming and focused on the “Holy Yes to Life” about which Nietzsche often spoke. He urged the League to start with an affirmation of its own principles, rather than falling back on resenttiment and arguing from a position of slave morality (pardon the pun).

    He pushed for regional activism and openly championed secession, but did not accept the liberal narrative during said discussion; rather, he pushed for Southerners to affirm their nationhood, independence, and right to self-determination.

    At a certain juncture in the speech, he acknowledged the need for metapolitics when he voiced the need for “an elite cadre” to develop and expound upon our core ideas, which are then brought to the people by way of sloganeering water-carriers.

    My one criticism would be that there was a certain anti-intellectual flavour to the speech, despite the acknowledgment of the facts stated above. Whether you are educating people with thick books, such as Alfred Rosenberg did with his Magnum Opus, Mythus des 20. Jarhunderts (which sold over 4 million copies, and it was not required reading!), or through “memes,” as the speaker champions, a mass movement DOES require the education of the folk to the problems at hand and the solutions we can offer. Obviously, providing solutions is far more important, but we wouldn’t be having these discussions if we were not cognisant of the problem in the first place.

    One example of the power of ideals championing over substantial intellectual and physical might was discussed by the speaker towards the end of his discussion, when he touched on the Gramscian slow march through our institutions that our enemies used in order to achieve victory. As he also noted, the word “racist” did not exist before Leon Trotsky devised it, but the impact of this word on our people has been far more destructive than any amount of ordinance leveled at them could be. How many of our people out there are sympathetic to our issues, yet dare not utter a word in affirmation of our principles, lest the life-ruining scarlet letter “R” be imprinted upon them forever? There are likely millions of them.

    Ofen times, a false dichotomy is created between the development of a metapolitical framework and “real world activism,” which is preposterous; we have a genuine need for both of these things.

    • Palmetto Patriot loves long winded historical essays, counterfactuals, and arcane political theories as much as I do. We enjoy discussing those things among ourselves. That’s not how we are going to succeed in selling our message to the low attention span public though.

      We’re both skeptical of “education.” For every 1,000 people we educate, we get 1 person like Matthew Heimbach who is willing to rock the boat. Most people who we succeed in educating are content to post the next comment, like the next Facebook link, read the next essay, buy the next book, download the next podcast, etc.

      Then what? In order to break out of our little ghetto, we have got to start rocking the boat and making waves. In order to do that, moral qualities like courage are more important to take us to the next level than being able to, say, carry on at length about the tactics used at Gettysburg.

      This whole Paula Deen episode illustrates what happens when White people allow themselves to be ruled by fear and being “respectable” in this degenerate culture.

      • Re: Robert

        Here’s a classic example of this: a mutual friend of ours from the time we met in Atlanta recently asked me to remove a barnburning speech about “conservatism” that he gave at the 2010 CofCC conference in Nashville.

        Few people who are or were involved in the White Nationalist movement are more educated than this guy. Yet he was afraid that someone might “find out” that he has ties to a really scary racist group like the Council of Conservative Citizens. He was afraid to stand by his own words. He was afraid what people might think of him and what publicly voicing his beliefs might cost him.

        People like that are why we are losing.

        • White men today don’t have 1/1000th of the virility of our illiterate German ancestors. They don’t have the courage of my Confederate ancestors either. They would rather kill someone in Iraq than be called a “racist” by an obese leftist like Heidi Beirich.

  31. Hunter Wallace writes: ‘Palmetto Patriot loves long winded historical essays, counterfactuals, and arcane political theories as much as I do. We enjoy discussing those things among ourselves. That’s not how we are going to succeed in selling our message to the low attention span public though.’

    That’s correct. We had a blast in our free time talking endlessly about arcane subjects and like. But that was amongst the hard-core. It’s been well-established at this point that this does not work for reaching the broader public.

  32. I just learned of this:

    “It is rare indeed to find a middle-aged, respected CPA who is also a Hitler-worshiping Holocaust denier intent on building an all-white Aryan homeland. Yet that is exactly what Timothy Stephen Folke, an accountant whose firm in Payette, Idaho, audits many of Idaho’s public schools and other government entities, appears to be. In secret. And with the personal advice of Hitler.

    In a bizarre racist fantasy novel published in 2011 under a pseudonym, Timothy Folke pits a light-skinned race called “The Fairest Ones” against “evil” multiculturalists. In an autobiographical appendix, Folke describes hearing the voice of Hitler speaking to him repeatedly over the years.

    Folke, who runs Folke CPAs, P.C., with his son Kurt, writes that Hitler speaks to him. In an autobiography appended to his racist fantasy novel, Hyperborean Home, Folke, using his “Farnham O’Reilly” pen name, describes how, while walking his dog one day, he heard the voice of Hitler talking to him. Another time, Folke says Hitler spoke to him at 2 o’clock in the morning. He identifies this voice as a “spirit” that he has heard “repeatedly down through the years.” …

  33. “As for Christianity, it is my contention that no white nation will survive long-term in the absence of it.”

    In order for Christianity to survive, it must be reformed a la the protestant reformation. The Old Testament (the Torah, basically) should removed. In fact, it is mainly the Torah that preachers are quoting from when they delve into Israel and Tribal worship. The New Testament tells a different story. Removing one section of the bible while keeping the other would do quite a bit of good. It’s easier to reform than to destroy.

  34. I was pretty sure that I would end up turning off this speech within a few minutes, if that much, as I’m a yankee, a heathen, and I’ve never felt establishing a White ethnostate in the black belt section of the country was a defensibly prospect; however, I ended up watching the entire speech, and I thought Mr. Cushing did quite a good job.

    That’s because of his affable nature, and what he talks about is primordial in us, all those whose roots to the past haven’t been severed by the liberal cult. Just like NS Germany inspired many others who are not German nor pagan, even many non-Whites.

    I knew someone of the more highminded sort would immediately reply with non-intellectual. However what he’s really doing is appropriately applying intellectualism, instead of lording it over people and using it as a sort of status symbol and bragging rights, always name-dropping. Dare I say he’s a humble intellectual who still seeks connection with the common people rather than viewing them as lesser creatures.

  35. You people are petulantly demanding the right to build a new country out of nothing but the fading memory of a failed one. Your cause was lost long before you ever took it up.

    Objectively, your arguments are nonsensical trolling. As long as the Southern people exist, there is a potential for a Southern nation, that hasn’t changed. Southern racialism and nationalism existed officially up until we were forced to integrate at gunpoint by Yankee tyranny.

    You obviously have a lot of bitterness and spite, you’re a despicable person of low character.

  36. Thank you, Robert Campbell. I understand your concerns about anti-intellectualism. That is one of the things that turns me off about US politics in general and the low churches and US society in general. It’s extremely anti-intellectual. I say this as someone who loves to read and explore ideas and history and so forth. However, as we have discussed, I don’t think educating the average person is the answer. I think that giving them slogans and pressing these slogans and making them fashionable is far more productive. I would rather than all White people internalized the term ‘anti-White’ and made it part of their daily vocabulary than that they read a certain book (which is never going to happen anyhow).

  37. Dissolve the Union

    There’s your simple message/catchy phrase.

    The problems with that are the same as the problems with “secede”:

    1) It is a recognition of the undoing of secession by the Yankees and it acts as though the secession of our ancestors never happened.
    2) It makes the issue one of us leaving the USA when the issue should be that the USA needs to leave us.
    3) There is no union in any real sense; an occupation is not a union.
    4) Relating to point 3, we are unable to secede. One secedes from a voluntary union, not from an occupation.

    I prefer “Independence for Dixie” and “Free Dixie”.

    Having said these things, the secede meme is proving quite popular and maybe I am overthinking things.

  38. Within our own group at the League conference, there were Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, atheists, agnostics, and even an Odinist.

    An Orthodox Southron? I didn’t know there was such a thing.

  39. Mark,

    I thought my assessment was pretty positive and well-balanced.

    One does have to find a happy medium between conveying real substance and “keeping it down where the chickens can get at it,” as Gordon likes to say, and I thought Mr. Cushing juggled that pretty well.

    Are you the same Mark who has been commenting here for years or a new guy? If the former, I hope all is well on your end. I always enjoyed your comments.

  40. May I bring up the name HAC and a saying he coined about revolutionairies? I’ll try and convey the meaning, it is not to kill but to liberate people.

    SN is not to kill it is to liberate its people from the hatred and destruction people like Baruch sow with their terror campaign.

    Or in a New Confederacy would tyrants go about intimidating white people with the word “racist” and threats of impoverishment for not being PC.

    IMO this above stuff would have to be said about one time and the charade would crack open, maybe not crumble at first but it would be headed for the dust bin. People hate evil and they are evil.

  41. Whitaker has mentioned some association with the new SN movements when they first started but he mentions that they quickly went into theocracy and then debating page 426 of some great book and he walked.

    Blood, Soil and Tradition, theology and ideology kept on short leashes. Ideas are great a ghost in the machine can be useful but they can also be monsters in the wrong hands.

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