Putin Signs Anti-Gay Measures Into Law


Vladimir Putin’s approach to gay marriage is more interesting than Greg Johnson’s approach at Counter-Currents:

“President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a measure that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality.

The State Duma unanimously passed the Kremlin-backed bill on June 11 and the upper house approved it last week.

The ban on “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values over Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church see as corrupting Russian youth and contributing to the protests against Putin’s rule….”

Dixie should emulate Russia in this area, not the Northeast and West Coast.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lew, Russia controls some Muslim areas (some of which are rich in resources and vital to Russia’s future). If the Russian empire is to maintain control of those areas it can’t provoke the people there to rise up in revolution.

    This is not about Putin not wanting to provoke the native Muslims in the far corners of Russia. This is about Putin inviting them into the heart of Russia itself. Did you see the picture of thousands of Muslims in Moscow?

  2. Being anti-Putin is not being anti-Russia. Putin himself is anti-Russia.

    Yes. Well said. From this, it follows that being pro-Putin means being anti-Russian. Dismaying that people don’t get this!

  3. “Are you reading the thead? There is NO evidence Putin cares about Slavic Russians. In fact, he is harming them.”

    Putin instituted pro-natalist policies. Every – and i mean every – other white political leader uses low birth rates to promote immigration rather than to call for pro-natal policies. Plus there’s the simple rule. If the mainstream media are very hostile to someone then they must have some good points.

    Now is he pro-white enough for Russian nationalists? Probably not. However all the White nations would be better off if they had their own version of Putin – plus if they did then the balance of power would be very different and they’d be able to be more pro-white than they could be if they were on their own.

  4. Central Asian Muslims are pouring into Russia, and especially into Moscow.

    Russians will soon be a minority in their own country, thanks to Putin’s immigration policies.

    He may be better than western leaders, but better is not good enough. Only a leader who rejects all aspects of cultural marxism, including population replacement immigration, can save his people. Putin, unfortunately, is not such a leader.

  5. Now is he pro-white enough for Russian nationalists? Probably not. However all the White nations would be better off if they had their own version of Putin – plus if they did then the balance of power would be very different and they’d be able to be more pro-white than they could be if they were on their own.

    It’s probably true that Putin is the least bad of all the white leaders. That isn’t saying much, though.

    It should also be considered that Russia was on the brink of a nationalist revolution in the 1990s and it was Putin who stabilised things, restored confidence in the government, and reversed the momentum of the nationalists. So, in that sense, he is worse than the other white leaders.

  6. “Putin, unfortunately, is not such a leader.”

    Only blood will tell. Russia becoming nationalistic. When the Germans starts to dis the USA with its never ending holocaust. That’s when the fun begins.

  7. Plus there’s the simple rule. If the mainstream media are very hostile to someone then they must have some good points.


    This is definitely not always true, and sometimes it is comically false. Think about it. Judeo-American mainstream media treats color-blind conservatives who get their information from Conservative, Inc. as proto-Nazis. Are there any “good points” to conservatives who read National Review and vote Republican? For Judeo-American media, anything less than total submission to Judaic-American hegemony is a “racist,” “nationalist,” etc. It doesn’t make it true.

    I think the anti-homo law is a good thing. It shouldn’t blind people to Putin’s overall record.

  8. It should also be considered that Russia was on the brink of a nationalist revolution in the 1990s and it was Putin who stabilised things, restored confidence in the government, and reversed the momentum of the nationalists. So, in that sense, he is worse than the other white leaders.

    This is an interesting take on the situation. So Putin is a lot like the Southern Republicans who keep giving Southeners faith in the system which leads to a nationalism which dies for lack of energy.

  9. Long Live Dixie says:
    July 1, 2013 at 9:27 pm
    The biggest enemy of whites worldwide is the yankee BRA empire, not Russia.

    You’re missing the point. Being anti-Putin is not being anti-Russia. Putin himself is anti-Russia.”

    Jack responds:

    Oh shut up.

    Putin is the strongest Russian nationalist/pro White, names the Jew, opposes the Neo Con Zionists, the strongest Russian leader since the fall of the Czars.

  10. “The biggest enemy of whites worldwide is the yankee BRA empire, not Russia.”

    I would agree with that. I would also add the UK, France and Germany to that list, but those old dogs ain’t what they used to be.

    Russia will be the next country to lead Whites, when the USSA falls apart due to its “Division is our Strength” silliness. And Russia doesn’t give a fig about anti-white nonsense. They are playing lip service and biding their time.

  11. “And Russia doesn’t give a fig about anti-white nonsense. They are playing lip service and biding their time.”

    Ruskies ain’t gonna standby for China-tilt the balance of power.

  12. The two main schools of geopolitical thought in Russia are the Eurasianists and the Westernizers. Putin is a Eurasianist, Yeltsin was a Westernizer, and Dmitry Medvedev is somewhere in between. For all of Yeltsin’s other blunders, his greatest foreign policy accomplishment was getting Russia admitted to the G8, which is more or less the board of directors of the Western world.

    At the recent G8 summit in Northern Ireland, Putin was instrumental in tempering the Syrian interventionist inclinations of the US, UK and France. So bully for him, but the only reason he was at the big table in the first place is because of Yeltsin’s successful pro-Western foreign policy. At the G8, Russia acted as the balancer of the US and strengthened the positions of the other anti-interventionist nations, exactly what it should be doing.

    Russia is now negotiating to join the OECD, the Western economic bloc. If and when it joins, it will play largely the same role as it does in the G8: as the primary balancer of the US and the champion of various smaller nations chafing under American hegemony. Joining the G8 and OECD were the initiatives of the Westernizers in Russia, who see their nation’s future as firmly belonging to the West along with their Slavic European and Orthodox Christian sister nations.

    But the Eurasianists envision an entirely different future for Russia. Putin is busy constructing a Eurasian Union with the leaders of the Central Asian and Caucasian republics. Based on the EU, the goal is to eventually have a common governmental structure and open borders for the free movement of goods and people. In other words, Putin thinks Russia should turn its back on Europe and its Slavic and Orthodox heritage, and subsume its sovereignty in a hybrid Slavic-Turkic, Christian-Muslim Eurasian monstrosity.

    Putin also helped found the Shanghai Cooperation Organization along with the leaders of China and the Central Asian republics. The SCO is an anti-Western military alliance, a sort of budding Eurasian (more Asian than Euro) NATO. The SCO wants to expand to also include India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. So if Putin et al get their way, the world may once again be divided into two heavily armed and mutually hostile militarized blocs: a Euro-American NATO versus a Russo-Asiatic SCO. Welcome to the Cold War 2.0.

    Of course all this isn’t entirely Putin’s fault. The virulently anti-Russian American foreign policy establishment (i.e. the Judaized neocons and their liberal interventionist fellow travellers) have practically pushed him into China’s arms. Possibly the only good thing about Obama’s election and re-election is that it kept the Russophobic extremists McCain and Romney out of the White House. At least the Obama administration has made a half-hearted attempt to hit the reset button with Russia.

    The obvious solution to stop Russia’s eastward drift is to invite them–no, beg them–to join NATO. Nothing would balance the overwhelming military dominance of the US within the Atlantic Alliance like the presence of Russia would. And nothing would temper the American (and, to a lesser extent, British and French) penchant for messianic interventionism than a Russian general at the head table saying “Nyet!” The centre of gravity of a NATO that includes Russia would shift from the North Atlantic to Central Europe, where it belongs. And most importantly it would tie Russia permanently to Europe and the West, and away from China and the Muslim world.


  13. “if you do live in a suburban or ghetto shithole try to improve yourself “

    Yes you can always move to the sticks or to downtown. I personally prefer both a pied-a-terre in town and at least one house in the country.

  14. “Jack Ryan says:

    July 1, 2013 at 10:58 pm

    Long Live Dixie says:
    July 1, 2013 at 9:27 pm
    The biggest enemy of whites worldwide is the yankee BRA empire, not Russia.

    You’re missing the point. Being anti-Putin is not being anti-Russia. Putin himself is anti-Russia.”

    Jack responds:

    Oh shut up.

    Putin is the strongest Russian nationalist/pro White, names the Jew, opposes the Neo Con Zionists, the strongest Russian leader since the fall of the Czars.”

    What you said, Jack.

    Jayzuz TAP DANCING Kee-rist – Putin just did more FOR Whites, with this one thing, than just about any other leader has done in 200 years.

    See the BIG Picture, folks.

  15. Please allow Lothrop Stoddard to put the white national Walter Mittys in their place.

    Quickened Nordic race-consciousness played an important part in stimulating Anglo-American fraternization, and induced acts like the Oxford Scholarship legacy of Cecil Rhodes. The trend of this movement, though crosscut by nationalistic considerations, was clearly in the direction of a Nordic entente—a Pan-Nordic syndication of power for the safeguarding of the race-heritage and the harmonious evolution of the whole white world.

    The exponents of imperialistic propagandas like Pan-Germanism and Pan-Slavism put forth literally boundless pretensions, planning the domination of the entire planet by their special brand of national-imperialism. Such men had scant regard for race-lines. All who stood outside their particular nationalistic group were vowed to the same subjection.

    Indeed, the national-imperialists presently seized upon race teaching, and prostituted them to their own ends. A notable example of this is the extreme Pan-German propaganda of Houston Stewart Chamberlain….

    The truth of the matter is, of course, that the Pan-Germans were thinking in terms of nationality instead of race, and that they were using pseudo-racial arguments as camouflage for essentially political ends. The pity of it is that these arguments have had such disastrous repercussions in the genuine racial sphere. The late war (WWI) has not only exploded Pan-Germanism, it has also discredited Nordic race-feeling, so unjustly confused by many persons with Pan-German nationalistic propaganda.

    Whiteism is basically pan-Slavism wed to pan-Germanism. “Prussian Croat”….. Center of NATO should be the Alps… Weird shit. All it does is discredit racial discussion like Stoddard noted in 1920.

  16. “The problem” isn’t real. Every single “news issue” needn’t require lines of demarcation.

  17. No-Man

    The world we live in is because of the triumph of pan Anglo-Saxonism defeating both the Germans and the Slavs. The Anglo Saxons made an alliance with the Jews for domination of the world and have just about wrecked everything, with the Germans and Slavs casting off their chains we can start repairing the damage you Judeo-Saxons have wrought.

  18. Hmm…. I thought the Saxons WERE Germans, lol.

    And if the “English Germans” (anglo-saxons…well, come to think of it, the angles were germanic, too, right?)—- Anyway, if the English-Germans are such big winners—THEN WHY ARE THERE COUNTRIES OVERRUN with foreigners?

    Um… no anglo-saxon wants to live in a majority Latino country, lol. (Like the u.s.)

    And no anglo-saxon wants to live in a majority Asian city, like Toronto, LOL.

    So, it would seem the SPANIARDS are the trouble, since they overran the American country and started printing things in their own language (as conquistidors do). People have to speak spanish due to spaniards (obviously)

    Saxons ARE German

  19. And what on earth is a “prussian croat?” Croats are croats. Not prussians. And prussians, I thought were GERMAN.

    (Are you genetically German?—- I know I am, in part— which is why I mention it).

    As an “anglo” and a German, I accept the anglo-saxons AS GERMANS.

  20. The world we live in is because of the triumph of pan Anglo-Saxonism defeating both the Germans and the Slavs.

    The triumph of “pan Anglo-Saxonism” as you call it resulted in:

    1) England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand being overrun with Third World and eastern European immigrants.
    2) The British Empire being dismantled and their colonists being betrayed.
    3) Britain being demoted from world power to regional power and being made subservient to the USA.
    4) Britain giving up its sovereignty to internationalist organisations such as the UN, the EU, and NATO.

    Has it ever occurred to you that Churchill and his gang of criminals did not represent the interests of the English or British people?

  21. Has it ever occured to you that WWII didn’t lead directly to degeneracy? That Germany had been trying to stir uprisings in the colonies since the 19teens? That the UK didn’t “lose sovereignty” to the organizations it helped create (permanent security council in UN), EU was outgrowth of Marshall Plan to contain Germany, NATO is a British American project….?

    Churchill represented Britain and did it well. At least Prussian Croat knows the score, you’re a clueless hick.

  22. “Putin IS an enemy of ethnic Slavic Russians and Orthodox Christians.”

    Lew, that’s not what my Orthodox colleagues are telling me. Brother Nathanael (who denounced his ‘Jewishness’ to become Orthodox) sees him as a sort of Saviour.
    The Blog Mat Rodina also compared the US to Russia and clearly came down on the fact that Russia is far more Orthodox, than the US is “christian.”

    I love it. You all blather on, as if you have ‘street cred’ about Russia, Orthodoxy, etc. and you don’t even ask the one Orthodox among you! Sheesh.

  23. (Are you genetically German?—- I know I am, in part— which is why I mention it).

    As an “anglo” and a German, I accept the anglo-saxons AS GERMANS.

    Surprise surprise your weird worldview is because you are a hyphenated-American. As a real Anglo-Saxon I accept you as a retarded woman, show us your tits.

  24. @ Rudel

    Fallacy of consequences?? What fallacy is the argument that Germany used gay gas on the western front, turning everyone into liberals?

  25. The leadership of the UK betrayed Europe and the white race for that they lost their empire that was fit punishment. The third world colonization of England was too much and needs to be reversed. Russia and Germany are less class based than the UK and so can resist the jew better to the continental Europeans it doesn’t matter how much money you can make or how clever conversation you can have with jews at dinner parties they aren’t part of the folk and shouldn’t be trusted, that’s something the English ruling class forgot and now we are all suffering because of it.

  26. No Man

    Your Jewish blood is really coming out today your mamzer attitude is on hyperdrive just because you have the face and personality but none of the money of your fellow mamzer Bill Maher doesn’t mean you have to take it out on the rest of us Yeesh!

  27. If you accept class theories no society is “less class based” than another, it’s a matter of which class dominates. Germany and Russia are dominated culturally and politically by proles. The problem in Britain is the same that plagues the world Islam and Negroes, caucasian Indians just need Christianity. They can be assimilated because Britain is a complex, coherent, class-based society where people still know their place…. Germany and Russia are big on levelling like Yankees thus have trouble dealing with untouchables.


    I can have a discussion with you because you have your head in the game, we just have different ethnocultural preferences. Not the case with the weekend warrior germanophiles.

  28. The leadership of the UK betrayed Europe and the white race for that they lost their empire that was fit punishment.

    The problem with that is that the loss of the empire was not punishment for the leaders. It was their intention to lose the empire. The only people who lost from the collapse of the empire were the British people themselves, especially the colonists.

  29. No Man

    Your Jewish blood is really coming out today . . ..

    Is that repulsive creature confirmed as a Jew?

  30. I should have used the term less class obsessed to describe Russia and Germany. England had little to fear of invasion so the peasants were needed less, the greater danger was peasant revolt and so that might explain the lack of ethnic loyalty across class lines, bring in Jews to widen these societal cracks to Grand Canyon proportions and you have the situation we find ourselves in.

  31. Not the case with the weekend warrior germanophiles.

    It’s strange how your mind works; not hating Germans and not hoping for their country to be reduced to rubble again is not the same as being a Germanophile. I am more of a Britophile, if you want to label me. I have a lot of respect for the Germans but I don’t feel a special connection to them like I do to the British Isles. You may have noticed that most of my points in opposition to Britain’s war with Germany are that the war hurt Britain. Having said that, the defeat of Germany was a major disaster for Europe.

  32. Long Live Dixie

    Old Winnie and much of the rest of the British ruling class had no idea that the Empire was going to collapse they thought with Germany out of the way happy days would be. here again. The Jews swindled the British out of their inheritance like Jacob swindled Esau, Germany couldn’t be swindled and so they had to be destroyed.

  33. “The Jews swindled the British out of their inheritance like Jacob swindled Esau, Germany couldn’t be swindled and so they had to be destroyed.”

    It was just a marriage of convenience between the brits and the yanks who gained it all while Euros burned.

  34. “Fallacy of consequences?? What fallacy is the argument that Germany used gay gas on the western front, turning everyone into liberals?”

    LOLWUT!?! My comment was about residential arrangements not about war, gas, or gays.

  35. I didn’t see your comment Rudel, I just can’t recall the name of this fallacy. I’m just going to start calling it the “Gay Gas Fallacy.”

    It’s strange how your mind works; not hating Germans and not hoping for their country to be reduced to rubble….Having said that, the defeat of Germany was a major disaster for Europe.

    False. Europe wants revenge for Sadowa, the European Gettysburg.

  36. One just needs to take a look at the Western world and ask, “How did it come to this?”
    Answer: The Allies installed it. No-Man pretends that the biggest war in history had zero repercussions in today’s order. Allies = Team Diversity/Multiculturalism. For the reward of that “Greatest Generation”, they get to see their great-grandchildren made into hated minorities and second class citizens in the very lands they supposedly fought for.
    The proofs in the pudding.
    Hindsight is 20/20, of course. Germany never intended to have to fight any power but Britain. Britain’s strategic aim was the preservation of her empire. Churchill was stunned when FDR first mentioned “unconditional surrender” being an Allied objective. Since America was providing the goods, America got to make the final calls, even moreso as the war wore on. So one could say that America caused the end of the European empires..

  37. No-Man: Why are Muslims and blacks a problem for Britain? Won’t they just perfect that awesome cast system you dream of? Who the hell invited them to Britain? Blacks and Muslims don’t make the immigration laws.

    Place your bets now on the first modern Western caliphate–England or France? Which will make the best mosque–Salisbury Cathedral or Notre Dame?? My bet is on England.

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