Putin Signs Anti-Gay Measures Into Law


Vladimir Putin’s approach to gay marriage is more interesting than Greg Johnson’s approach at Counter-Currents:

“President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a measure that stigmatizes gay people and bans giving children any information about homosexuality.

The State Duma unanimously passed the Kremlin-backed bill on June 11 and the upper house approved it last week.

The ban on “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations” is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values over Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church see as corrupting Russian youth and contributing to the protests against Putin’s rule….”

Dixie should emulate Russia in this area, not the Northeast and West Coast.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. While this news is a breath of fresh air, Putin might be playing games here. I’ve READ but have not yet had a chance to VERIFY that Putin is using this gay legislation as cover for his real agenda: protecting Islam. While Putin is doing this, he is establishing, quietly, Western-style incitement and hate speech laws that will criminalize criticizing Islam. Again, I have not had a chance to verify this. If it’s true, this gay legislation might just be cover for real sellout of Orthodox Christendom by Putin. Putin is anti-Slav, anti-white, pro-Muslim.

  2. Bill increasing extremism penalties sent to Russia’s Duma

    June 24, 2013

    President Vladimir Putin said in early March that the number of extremist crimes in Russia had increased by nearly 12 percent in 2012.

    Speaking at the Prosecutor General’s Office, he called on prosecutors to take on the threat of extremism, claiming a number of extremist groups have been showing signs of dangerous activity.

    “They are holding public rallies, spreading their propaganda on the Internet, and recruiting supporters almost openly,” Putin said.

    “It is your direct responsibility to address in the most definite and uncompromising way any attempts to incite ethnic and religious hatred and promote xenophobia and chauvinism.”


  3. Good point, Lew. I agree with this anti-gay propaganda legislation too, but let’s not forget that Putin is an anti-Western Eurasianist and no friend of the white man. The basis of his foreign policy is to fold Russian sovereignty into an Islamified Eurasian Union allied with China in opposition to Europe and North America.

    And as you point out, domestically he’s now cracking down on ‘extremists’ (i.e. Russian patriots) opposed to the ongoing Islamic immigration invasion and conquest of their country. Why so many WNs idolize this guy is beyond me.

  4. Russian nationalists are not Putin’s definition of “extremists” .

    You people sound like representatives of the US jewmedia.

    “No friend of the white man”… If he’s a friend of his own people – RUSSIANS – he’s our friend. By “our”, I do not mean America, as in the US gov.

    Like all politicians, Putin may say some things for the consumption of “certain ” people.

    No, he’s not cracking down on Russian Patriots. Russia’s “spirit” is different than murka’s. This shithole needs some of their spirit.

    Putin for president!!

  5. Why so many WNs idolize this guy is beyond me.

    The enemy of our enemy is our friend fallacy is running amok in the WNst communities. There is no other reasonable explanation. Putin supports Iran and Syria and opposes the US government. That seems to enough for them.

  6. Lew is right, Putin should not be trusted. He has been supportive of multi-racialism in Russia for years. Russian nationalists are desperate to see Putin go.

    Why so many WNs idolize this guy is beyond me.

    To be blunt, because white nationalists are morons. Putin arrested a handful of powerful Jews about 10 years ago and has been nearly a saint to white nationalists ever since. They have ignored everything else Putin has done – from wearing yarmulkes, to banning nationalist parties, to supporting immigration.

  7. I stopped reading that fallacious garbage at CC after the first paragraph.

    Ask any sane and traditional person if the only thing wrong with homosexuality is that they don’t reproduce, LOL. Black-white miscegenation and male homosexuality are two of the few things that can immediately incite a White male to kill. It’s disgusting and repulsive.

    The ban on “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations”

    That could equally apply to miscegenation.

  8. I sense out that Putin’s Russia has a chance to escape being infected by liberal ideology. Because Russia is predominantly white this helps the cause of saving the white gene pool/race.

    However, we whites as a gene pool/race must try everywhere we exist to resist the “destructive to the white gene pool/race” ideology of liberalism. Is that not correct Susan “the white race is the cancer of humanity” Sontag, or Bill “all white babies should be killed” Ayers,

    Time to talk the truth, for and of the need for secession here in America. A seceding away from white liberals and their allies, the Negros, Hispanic white/browns and Islamics.

    As short a time as 2 generations is possibly to long to wait. We are being herded toward extinction.

    Let us begin. Thank you.

  9. I sense out that Putin’s Russia has a chance to escape being infected by liberal ideology. Because Russia is predominantly white this helps the cause of saving the white gene pool/race.

    However, we whites as a gene pool/race must try everywhere we exist to resist the “destructive to the white gene pool/race” ideology of liberalism. Is that not correct Susan “the white race is the cancer of humanity” Sontag, or Bill “all white babies should be killed” Ayers,

    Time to talk the truth, for and of the need for secession here in America. A seceding away from white liberals and their allies, the Negros, Hispanic white/browns and Islamics.

    As short a time as 2 generations is possibly to long to wait. We are being herded toward extinction.

    Let us begin. Thank you.

  10. Stop idolizing eastern autocrats.

    No, he’s not cracking down on Russian Patriots. Russia’s “spirit” is different than murka’s. This shithole needs some of their spirit.

    He is the ‘enemy’ of pagan and russian nazi tards, to his credit.

    If he’s a friend of his own people – RUSSIANS – he’s our friend.

    Only in your internet ideology. Go play a videogame.

  11. “This shithole”

    First, no nationalist would call their land a shithole.

    Second, if you do live in a suburban or ghetto shithole try to improve yourself before you offer solutions to American ennui. You should be in a labor camp, not storming the winter palace.

  12. I’m 25% Russian – so proud of Putin, the best Russian leader since we lost Russia to the cursed Jew Bolsheviks. The reality that too many stupid Reagan era Conservatives never grasped was that solid White Russians took back control of Russia by no later than 1960.

    Except during a short time when drunk Boris Yeltsin gave away Soviet industries to Jew Oligarchs, Russia has been in solid, good White hands and s now THE best country for Whites. Putin even dissed the Jews this week, publicly blamed the Jewsfor the Bolshevik takeover.

    In all areas – queer marriage, Muslim terror, immigration, Middle East policy, Russia is the best.

  13. Long Live Dixie says:
    July 1, 2013 at 5:47 pm
    Lew is right, Putin should not be trusted. He has been supportive of multi-racialism in Russia for years. Russian nationalists are desperate to see Putin go.

    Why so many WNs idolize this guy is beyond me.

    To be blunt, because white nationalists are morons. Putin arrested a handful of powerful Jews about 10 years ago and has been nearly a saint to white nationalists ever since. They have ignored everything else Putin has done – from wearing yarmulkes, to banning nationalist parties, to supporting immigration.

    Jack replies:

    Utter nonsense.

    Putin arrested the worst Jew Oligarch, owner of Yukos Oil for trying to start American style Jew TV networks. Putin put his Jew ass in a public cage!

    Putin won the second war against Chetnian, Muslim mountain scum. Russian sports, Russian media is all White, pro White.

    What a guy !

    Plus he looks like a great James Bond hero.

    Oh to have a tough, smart, hip tough guy White ruler is this depressing age.

  14. What happened to the pussy riot, lesbians who invaded that sacred Russian Orthodox Church?

    Despite the support of international pop stars Madonna, Bono, Pussy Riot was convicted and sentenced to work camps in Siberia.


  15. Bush II killed more dune-coons than Putin ever will. He is also a real white and western, unlike Putin.

    The WN ‘movement’ is new but its cast of characters are just the latest iteration of fifth-columnists and envycrats that can always be counted on to adulate The Other throughout history.

  16. Southern Nationalism is hurt greatly by its association with WN.

    Having an “odinist friend” is the same mentality of having a “black friend.”

  17. Russian nationalists do seem to regard Putin as a traitor to both Slavic Russians and the Church.

  18. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but No-man has the correct view. (And so does Jeppo, as usual.)

  19. @Long Live Dixie,

    Thanks for the link:

    Armed with anti-Putin slogans, Orthodox banners and black-and-yellow flags of pre-revolutionary Russia, the black-clad participants joined in the “Russian March” as Putin faces the most vocal opposition to his rule since coming to power 12 years ago.

    They accused Putin of ignoring the rights of ethnic Slavs and calling an end to immigration from neighbouring former Soviet-bloc states.

    Sunday’s demonstrations were timed to coincide with the Day of Popular Unity, a national holiday which this year marks the four hundredth anniversary of the 1612 expulsion of Polish occupiers from the Kremlin…

    Putin has been accused of neglecting the rights of the multi-ethnic country’s Slavic majority and turning a blind eye to illegal immigration.

    “If Putin had a drop of reason and conscience what would he do? He would stop the wave of migration,” Vladimir Tor, an activist, said.

    Muscovites complain of a heavy influx of poorly educated migrants from impoverished ex-Soviet Central Asia, saying the affluent capital is already over-crowded.

    “I am against the lack of a visa regime with Central Asian countries,” Andrei Goldin, a 38-year-old university teacher, said.

    Putin himself has slammed attempts to inflame nationalist sentiments, evoking the country’s multi-ethnic, multi confessional history.

    Behold the great hero of the WNs, Vlad the Evoker (of Russia’s supposed “multi-ethnic, multi confessional history”).

  20. Putin is a politician and an oligarch, but I think he is an oligarch that genuinely cares about Russia and her international image, people, and birth rate (which I hear he has worked to increase without turd world immigration). Go Vlad!

  21. Sunday’s demonstrations were timed to coincide with the Day of Popular Unity, a national holiday which this year marks the four hundredth anniversary of the 1612 expulsion of Polish occupiers from the Kremlin.

    The East starts where Poland ends. Would someone please make the case for Russian nationalism? Nearly every people would prefer to be misruled by their own rather than ruled competently by another. Ex-serfs have a bad track record (Kerensky, Khrushchev come to mind) of fumbling brutal yet effective societies dominated by educated non-Russians.

  22. “Putin is a politician and an oligarch, but I think he is an oligarch that genuinely cares about Russia and her international image, people, and birth rate (which I hear he has worked to increase without turd world immigration). Go Vlad!”

    That’s why the USSR collapsed! Not because of Reagan crusade against Communism.

  23. Ex-KGB!!! OMG! Dune-coon body count lower than George the Lesser’s!!!! For shame!! We must immediately invade every Muslim country (France?) to bring social democracy and sodomy to every corner of the planet.
    You SN’s are doing the right thing criticizing Russia for doing what nobody in the USA has been able to do. If you keep this up Yankees and Jews will begin to love you and decide that your culture does not need to be destroyed. They my even retract those anti-Christian monuments you were sniveling about yesterday. So go ahead boys! Show those Yankees how Southerners are at least better than low-life Russians.

  24. Russia was on its way, the last of the European countries to come out of feudalism. It was hijacked. Soviet Union does not equal Russia.

  25. Wayne:

    Are you reading the thead? There is NO evidence Putin cares about Slavic Russians. In fact, he is harming them.

  26. Russia is not an enemy to the South or the US. I wish them well and hope they continue to crack down on the Western agitation.
    Criticize Russia when you can get ones single sorry victory in your own movement, push, campaign, or whatever you call it.

  27. A picture is worth a hours and words:

    Here’s the somewhat downcast Jew Oligarch former head of Yukos Oil photographed in a public cage, yes Putin put the worst Jew wire puller in a public cage:


    After seeing this picture denoting who was running things in the new White ruled Russia, the other Jew oligarch’s skipped town and moved to England.

    This week Putin made a great propaganda show presenting himself as defender of Religious Jews in Russia who were safe now, as opposed to them not being safe in the early years of the Soviet Union when Soviet Union Government was 80 PERCENT atheist JEWS were murdering religious Jews, Orthodox Chrisitans, religious people of other denominations.

    Yes that’s right, our hero Putin this week did an in their face propaganda photo op announcing that the Bolshevik terror in Russia was led by 80% atheist Jews!

    It doesn’t get any better than that!

    Putin is clearly the best leader of any Whitenation since the end of World War II.

  28. I never said Russia is an enemy of the South or the American people.

    Putin IS an enemy of ethnic Slavic Russians and Orthodox Christians.

    This anti-homo law doesn’t change that. If you look closely at what Putin did here, you would see that when he signed the homo law, he also signed a law that seems criminalize speaking out against Islam and non-Slavic immigration into Russia.

    Putin is no friend of Russian Slavs much less white people in general.

  29. No-man says:
    July 1, 2013 at 7:06 pm
    Southern Nationalism is hurt greatly by its association with WN.

    Having an “odinist friend” is the same mentality of having a “black friend.”

    Jack replies:

    What is this “No-man”?

  30. Lew, Putin’s Muslim policy is real politics.

    Russia makes it clear that any non White(Chetnian) Muslims harms Russians, Russia crushes, slaughters them and their relatives, makes deals with pro Moscow Chetnian warlords. In Middle East Putin/Russia are “Russia First”, contain Israel, prefer Whiter secular Syrians. Putin Russia back Iran against US/Israeli Zionist attack.

    As long as Whiteleaders keep Muslims out of theor countries it’s OK to make laws against insulting Islam – insulting religion is what pussy riot Leftists, atheist Jewsdo. Honorable White people don’t need to do this except when everything has fallen down and Muslim mobs are beheading English soldiers in Merry Old England.

  31. Let’s get some victories in our own backyard then we can criticize the Russian way of business.

  32. bring social democracy and sodomy to every corner of the planet.

    Muslims already have sodomy and female soldiers and just about every other form of “western” degeneracy, it’s just deep in their culture. Khomeini said Allah loves sex-change operations. As for bringing social democracy to Muslims that sounds good to me, maybe you’d rather they had a caliphate or strong fascistoid state because politics is your ‘fantasy football’ but I’d prefer my enemies to suffer under democracy.

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi understood this and I posted segments of his treatise agaijst democracy in a combox last year.

  33. Putin knows USA is heading in the dust bin of history. Amnesty bill is the final nail in the coffin. Russians and Germany preparing to fill the void of USA demographic collapse in the near future.

  34. As long as Whiteleaders keep Muslims out of theor countries it’s OK to make laws against insulting Islam

    You’re missing the point, Putin is *not* keeping Muslims out of Russia. That’s what those nationalists were protesting about in Moscow: Central Asian Muslims are allowed to travel to Russia visa-free and huge numbers of them end up staying as illegal aliens, while the authorities turn a blind eye to the whole mess. And that’s on top of the large-scale *legal* immigration of Muslims that Putin is allowing.

    Vladimir Putin: Islamic immigration enthusiast.

  35. I think the Duma and Putin are right on this issue and furthermore I appreciate their support for Snowden. Also, Pravda is now a better source for news than any Jew dominated Amurrican media outlet. Go Russia!

    Besides, regarding Snowden, I really enjoyed seeing Jewish, South-hating, neocon Rep. Peter King from New York sputter about the “Soviet Union” and “ex-KGB” Putin like the Cold War is still going on. Absolutely priceless.

    Russia has escaped from the Marxist hell into which Amurrica now eagerly descends.
    The biggest enemy of whites worldwide is the yankee BRA empire, not Russia.

    Deo Vindice

  36. Lew, Russia controls some Muslim areas (some of which are rich in resources and vital to Russia’s future). If the Russian empire is to maintain control of those areas it can’t provoke the people there to rise up in revolution. The Eurasianist school of Alexander Dugin advocates an Russian empire that will allow for ethnic and national autonomy within the empire. It also advocates a Russian-Muslim alliance against the Atlanticist world of the US-UK and the EU. Dugin comes from a nationalist background and has promoted nationalist thought within both the Left and Right in Russian and is one of the most influential men in Moscow. He’s also strong Russian Orthodox. I can see his influence behind this new law. And I think it’s a good thing. We need a strong Russia to counter the evil Empire (the USA). And Russia is becoming more nationalist, which is a good thing.

  37. The biggest enemy of whites worldwide is the yankee BRA empire, not Russia.

    You’re missing the point. Being anti-Putin is not being anti-Russia. Putin himself is anti-Russia. Did you click on the link of the picture of the sea of mongrels in Moscow? Putin encourages that and he cracks down on the nationalists who oppose it.

    A nationalist Russia could be an ally of independent Dixie and a bulwark against the Americanisation of Europe, especially among its Orthodox neighbours. But, Russia will not be nationalist as long as Putin is running things.

  38. We need a strong Russia to counter the evil Empire (the USA). And Russia is becoming more nationalist, which is a good thing.

    It’s possible when Russia reasserts its leadership in the world. Ruskies may align with the Southerners to drive a wedge on the ungodly beast of DC.

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