Greg Johnson on Homosexuality


Editor’s Note: I had originally deleted this article, but several of you saw it while it was up and requested that I restore it, so here goes.

In a new article he will probably later regret writing, Greg Johnson has waded into the gay marriage thicket at Counter-Currents.

Here’s my response:

1.) It is natural and normal to marry and reproduce with someone of the same race, but the American elite promotes miscegenation because it hates White Christian America, and celebrating miscegenation is a way to normalize race-mixing, promote perversion, and undermine the culture of the despised White Christian majority.

2.) The American elite actively promotes “gay marriage” (as opposed to “tolerates”) for the same reason it promotes interracial marriage. It is a means to the end of leveling and destroying hierarchical institutions like the White nuclear family that are seen as “reactionary” and standing in the way of “equality” and “progress.”

3.) Just as homosexuality exists in nature, the same is true of miscegenation, adultery, sexual promiscuity, polygamy, and pedophilia, but we once had social conventions like anti-miscegenation laws and anti-sodomy laws that stigmatized and criminalized this behavior and promoted and privileged White heterosexual monogamy as America’s normative cultural ideal.

4.) We already know from bitter experience that the American elite’s promotion of miscegenation, homosexuality, adultery, and sexual promiscuity has successfully undermined America’s traditional sexual mores and the White nuclear family even within White Nationalist circles.

5.) While it may not be possible to dismantle “heteronormativity” and “patriarchy” as an innate biological tendency within the human species, the American elite has already succeeded – as the recent Supreme Court rulings have shown – in undermining “heteronormativity” and “patriarchy” as America’s privileged cultural ideal.

The American elite has succeeded in moving America from “Leave It To Beaver” and the “Andy Griffith Show” to “Sex In The City” and “Will and Grace” and “Girls” and “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” They have succeeded in promoting bisexuality and homosexuality and miscegenation among impressionable teenage girls.

6.) It is normal and natural for human beings to love their own children, but we live in a society where there have been almost 50 million abortions since 1970. It is normal and natural to dislike outsiders and love your own ethnic group, but we live in a society that systematically redistributes wealth from Whites to blacks and where it is taboo for Whites alone to express pride in their race and culture.

7.) Many a White American husband knows from America’s divorce laws that changing the law has already changed the stability of social conventions like marriage. Since the anti-miscegenation laws were changed, interracial marriage has skyrocketed.

8.) The same people who have been pushing feminism and miscegenation and abortion for decades are now behind the push for “marriage equality.” The push for “gay marriage” (like the push for the legalization of miscegenation) in no way implies that particular form of attack is the only or even the most successful way in which the White nuclear family has been undermined.

9.) If we really want to defend marriage and strengthen the family, we could do all the things that Greg Johnson suggests, and we could also stigmatize homosexuality and ban “gay marriage” and restore heterosexual marriage to its traditional privileged role in our culture like the Russians are already doing.

10.) Greg Johnson attacks a straw man argument that a homosexual cabal is behind the push for gay marriage. Just like interracial marriage and feminism, the push for “gay marriage” is driven by leftwing ideology and animus toward America’s White Christian majority; the welfare and “civil rights” of the blacks and homosexuals is an afterthought to the people who are behind this.

11.) Vice President Joe Biden recently told the world that the Jews did gay marriage. It would be strange then if opposition to “gay marriage” – something which is supported by 76% of Jews in America – is really a conspiracy to “misdirect and dissipate Right-wing dissent lest it give rise to a genuine populism.”

12.) While it is true that abortion in the South is a net racial tailwind, it would be strange if a people who are supportive or indifferent to the abortion of their own posterity would simultaneously be moved to care about something as abstract as the future racial composition of the United States.

13.) If we were serious about “saving our race,” among other things we would support traditional marriage, criminalize abortion among Whites, stigmatize homosexuality and miscegenation, ban “gay marriage,” rewrite the divorce laws, and change the tax laws to promote high fertility among young White couples.

14.) I’m convinced that opposition to “gay marriage” is just the predictable response to the issue by a traditional Christian culture.

15.) Alternatively, we could be “intolerant” and jettison liberalism, which would free us of the guilt of “discriminating” in law and custom in favor of White heterosexual monogamy and marriage, which is the ideal way to “save our race.”

16.) Dissolving the Union would separate the South from the culture that has given us abolition, civil rights, feminism, women’s suffrage, and now “gay marriage.” The Left defeats the Right, not because it wins “metapolitical battles,” but solely because it is the dominant force in the majority section of the United States.

The Left lost the “metapolitical battle” on “gay marriage” in the South and Interior West. Every Southern state has passed a constitutional ban on “gay marriage.” In the 1960s, 95 percent of Southerners in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but because of the existence of the Union, Jim Crow was crushed from Washington by federal power and resistance collapsed when its supporters were demoralized.

The lawsuits are already being filed to overturn gay marriage bans in Arkansas and Alabama. The issue will go to the federal courts where a federal judge will strike down the law. The same thing happened with Alabama’s HB 56.

17.) I also believe that “gay marriage” like illegal alien amnesty, affirmative action, gun control, “global climate change,” abortion, and Obamacare is a distraction from the real issue – the existence of the Union – which is the only reason we are even debating these matters.

In an independent Southern Republic, “gay marriage” would be a non-issue. Heterosexual marriage would be restored to its traditional privileged role in our culture. The anti-sodomy laws would be restored. There would be a sea change in taboos overnight as the Christian majority reasserted its preferences.

Because of the existence of the Union, the tastes and attitudes of the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest will keep being imposed on the rest of the country. These people never really “win” the argument. They never won the argument on abortion or segregation. They resort to force.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Idk, I couldn’t very far in that article.

    Anybody who thinks the ‘nuclear’ (what a thing to call a family, LOL) family is “hierarchical” probably is from the northeast and didn’t really have a mommy and daddy in the same house, or if they did, it was northeast mommies and daddies who maybe really do come from that.

    If you ACTUALLY WERE FROM america, and therefore had lived, in Jamestown, or Mass. Bay, or the old Port Tobacco and got sick of it, too, and moved out to what became Kentucky, Ohio, PA, etc, THEN you know those women did quite a lot on the old pioneer frontier. And well… we always have had Queens and they are pretty powerful.

    It was a much more BIBLICAL kind of relation in the protestant america (HELPMATE RELATIONS), so it wasn’t that there was a HEIRARCHY but that the women DID DIFFERENT jobs, things they were more suited for, and that were deeply and completely AS NECESSARY as what the men did.

    It just shows you’re not from protestant america, not really, if you say things like that—-since you obviously then DO NOT HAVE EARLY AMERICANS in your history, who were the epitome of sharing responsibilities (and intelligently dividing the work in accordance with what they were good at).

    They were not “heirarchical” city people, whose fat wives shop and have asians do their nails while the husband does some corrupt job on wall street or whatever… whose IDEAL is the geisha girl thing, a non-entity as a wife.

    Pioneer women had LOADS of personality, and could weild shotguns just fine. They just did different things in a very real and active relationship. Not a “heirarchy” in the city sense of it.

    Southern women have always been like that, too.

    Anyone who thinks a southern woman does not have some form of power is seriously deluded. Any real southern man knows that. The others have never been in a room with such ladies

  2. Re: “criminalize abortion among Whites”:

    …but not for others? Do you recommend that government (taxpayers) pay all costs of abortions and “family planning”, and sterilisation, for all NON-Whites regardless of income? If that doesn’t work, the next step would be FORCED sterilization, correct? Southern Christians who read this site will not support a secular independent Dixie movement that plans to do such things.

    Re: “the tastes and attitudes of the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest will keep being imposed on the rest of the country”:

    …unless something is done to ban or block all airwave and electronic transmissions, and live performances, of UNWHITE music and other entertainments, coming from both INSIDE (where did jazz, blues, rap, rasta reggae and rock originate but the dear old Golden Circle?) and outside the region. Music is the universal language indeed. Most Whites have had their natural ethnic tastes corrupted by constant exposure.

    Finally, your response never mentions that sodomy is condemned in the Bible, where it is not a biological abnormality but an ABOMINATION, a mortal sin that WILL bar anyone from Glory without thorough, complete repentance!

  3. Dixiegirl, that was an excellent comment on the woman’s role in the normal, rural white Christian family and household, whether Protestant or Anabaptist. She is indeed the Queen.

    I have also seen a few real life examples of the Talmudic “heirarchial” model, in which the white wife is under constant direction, “kept” in fear as well as luxury.

  4. As far as white liberal promoted miscegenation goes, my olfactory senses out mulattoism as the most probable, long term, desired materialization.

    With all gene pools melded into one, and therefore with all from the same gene pool, that population will make for a very congenial, herdable flock followers the liberal shepherds want for their socialist democracy to work.

    Further, if the GLBT people would mature up to the point of keeping their lifestyle in their own house, no one would care one way or the other about them. However, being immature as all liberals are they want to force their private business upon our collective, at our collectives expense.

    Worse, many of them are child predators hunting our children, while “pretending it is their right” to do so.

    America is a dead man walking. Time for non-liberals to talk secession. Thank you.

    PS, to the moderator, I seem unable to post a direct link to my blog as others do, any suggestions? Thank you.

  5. Re: DixieGirl

    I live in Alabama.

    Where do you live? In the Deep South, it was always traditional for the man to be the head of the household, and his wife and children were subordinate to his authority. This was recognized in both law and custom.

    The man was subordinate to God. The wife was subordinate to her husband. Children were subordinate to their father. That’s the way things used to be done.

  6. Mosin: per the Bible, homosexuality is just a classification of sexual sins, no worse than adultery.

  7. Here’s an excerpt from the Shifting Grounds review in the archives:

    “For a range of nonfictional southern spokesmen as well, civilization itself rested on appropriate gender roles and relations. While the slave South was maintaining the proper order of things, the North and sometimes the rest of the Western world, was not. In his 1856 graduation address to the Virginia Military Institute, George Rumbough explained that free society was foolish to question the natural, divinely ordained order of things. Listing the dangerous “isms” he saw to the north, Rumbough included women’s rights, Bloomerism, and Free-Loveism, along with socialism, atheism, and abolitionism. The North’s distorted ideas about slavery were not only tied up with its misguided ideas about religion, liberty, and government, but also with its foolish misconceptions of manhood and womanhood. Rumbough contrasted the South, “where woman, the most powerful, the purest, noblest element of society, is considered as an object of love,” with the North, “where woman “is viewed as an object of distrust, and far from beautifying, transcends the boundaries of modesty and decency, and sighs for an MD suffix or the transcendent reputation of a philanthropic lecturer.” One of many advantages of basing a society on slavery rather than free labor, according to Rumbough and others, was that the institution safeguarded hierarchies of gender as well as of race.

    Southern fears about gender proprieties illustrate how urgent the sectional conflict could become when it appeared to enter the realm of the home and family. One Virginia farmer, writing to a local newspaper in 1854, expressed just such fears. Responding to rumors that a female preacher had been plying her trade in the area, the farmer expressed disbelief then sharp anxiety. “Some hundreds are right uneasy about their wives,” he wrote. “They are afraid that some of them women’s rights folks, from the N., are traveling among us, and that some wives are encouraging them.” Even an antislavery fanatic would be more acceptable than a feminist, though the letter-writer. “One would spoil our negroes, but the other would spoil our wives and sweethearts, and either, would be made a bad piece of property.” Perhaps intending that his readers should take the loaded word “insurrection” with a grain of salt (the word was strongly associated with slave revolts in the antebellum South) the farmer concluded: “It is feared that there will be an insurrection among the women, and that they will begin to chew tobacco and drink whiskey.” Likewise, the North Carolina congressman David Outlaw recoiled at the apparent immorality of the society he encountered in Washington, D.C. In Outlaw’s eyes, it was the behavior of northern women there that caused moral deterioration. “There is a boldness,” he wrote to his wife, “a brazenfacedness about Northern city women, as well as a looseness of morals which I hoped may never be introduced south.” In this way white southerners who worried about such matters sectionalized anxieties about moral decline, projecting those anxieties onto their image of the North.”

  8. @DixieGirl

    In general the wife outlives the husband by at least 7 to 10 years. After his death the wife then controls the money the husband has made, plus whatever she made or inherited. So in general women are the real money power, a lot of folks don’t get this fact of life. In lots of cases the wife outlives the husband by 20 or more years!

    That’s why someone like you needs to breathe life back into the UDC, Southern Clubs etc. If the League of the South, CofCC etc. are smart they will make a move in that direction too—natural outreach.

  9. Re: Mosin Nagant

    …but not for others? Do you recommend that government (taxpayers) pay all costs of abortions and “family planning”, and sterilisation, for all NON-Whites regardless of income?

    Obviously, if abortion were illegal in most cases among Whites and contraception was deterred and a healthier attitude was cultivated toward posterity and the tax code was changed to promote White family formation rather than the proliferation of negroes, we would be much better off than we are today.

    I don’t think it is practical for the state to sterilize all non-Whites. I think that is an absurd, unrealistic scenario. I do believe that abortion is a net racial tailwind for Southern Whites. I wouldn’t ban ALL abortion or birth control. I would just discourage it within our own community.

    If negroes want to abort their own children, well, that’s on them.

    If that doesn’t work, the next step would be FORCED sterilization, correct? Southern Christians who read this site will not support a secular independent Dixie movement that plans to do such things.

    I’m not sure where you are getting this from. I didn’t say anything about sterilization above. You are just making shit up at this point. I think sterilization is called for in some cases, but not in others.

    …unless something is done to ban or block all airwave and electronic transmissions, and live performances, of UNWHITE music and other entertainments, coming from both INSIDE (where did jazz, blues, rap, rasta reggae and rock originate but the dear old Golden Circle?) and outside the region. Music is the universal language indeed. Most Whites have had their natural ethnic tastes corrupted by constant exposure.

    That’s something that could easily be done without the ACLU and the federal courts. There is ample precedent for it in our own history.

    Finally, your response never mentions that sodomy is condemned in the Bible, where it is not a biological abnormality but an ABOMINATION, a mortal sin that WILL bar anyone from Glory without thorough, complete repentance!

    That’s probably because I wasn’t making a theological argument.

  10. Excellent analysis as usual Hunter. I have been telling my family and friends the same thing; this sudden push for sodomite “marriage” is just another arrow in the left’s quiver to be used towards their ultimate goal, the destruction of 2,000 years of Western culture and civilization. At heart they don’t give a damn about marriage, which they consider a bourgeois formality anyways, they simply want to reduce the institution of marriage to a meaningless mockery of what it once was meant to be and undermine what little is left of the Christian values that once were imperative.

  11. Let’s see women in the Old South could not vote, hold office or own land. Additionally as mentioned or implied earlier women were kept out of the professions. This included medicine, the law and clergy. There were a few institutions of higher education for women in the South but certainly not on the same level or number as existed for men. Let’s be clear the family was hierarchical and male dominated. Women were subordinated to their fathers and husbands. Only a loon would think otherwise. This doesn’t mean that Southern women were weak but only that the direction their strength was expressed was limited in comparison to men. Were there exceptions? Yes of course but that doesn’t negate the general rule of patriarchy.

    Besides the above chivalry in the South was real. Women could not simultaneously be on the pedestal and side by side with men.

    But Hunter, come on admit it. Dixiegirl has your number doesn’t she? You like Palmetto Patriot are actually a crypto-papist aren’t you? You don’t come from ‘real’ Protestants do you? Though to be honest I’m not quite sure what the distinction is between a ‘real’ Protestant is from a regular Protestant.

  12. I had originally deleted this article


    Some people think it’s a benign issue and it’s not, anyone who knows this sociopathic pervert and his sycophants can easily see that they are subverting WN in a subtle way for their own agenda.

    This idea that we should blindly go along with anyone that professes WN is naive.

    I’m thankful that we do have the South and Old Europe, that we do have alternatives to these numerous despicable, mentally ill people that infest American WN. If that were our only choice I’d say we do deserve to be destroyed.

    13.) If we were serious about “saving our race,” among other things we would support traditional marriage, criminalize abortion among Whites, stigmatize homosexuality and miscegenation, ban “gay marriage,” rewrite the divorce laws, and change the tax laws to promote high fertility among young White couples.

    Why is saving our race in quotes? We’re under legitimate long-term threat and race is real.

    In most cases we already have all of the legal precedents that we need, they were previously legal and enforced. Reinstitute anti-miscegenation laws, immigration restriction favoring Northern European and those of Northern European descent (the founding population of America and the South), Whites-only citizenship, etc.

    The more violent idea of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and/or mass sterilization are all unnecessary and would not only be impractical but they are not in our nature to do such things. I ask the people here, could you personally do it? Could you harm women and children? I certainly hope not, you would be a psychopath. No one is advocating harming innocent people to achieve our goals.

    Aggressive measures aren’t necessary, with secession and laws that are pro-White, non-Whites would naturally seek more liberal pastures where they can exploit willing Whites. There would be a voluntary mass exodus.

    Of course, we will encounter violence even with ideas of secession and racial preservation, and self-defense is our legal right.

  13. Yes a federal judge will render the state bans on gay marriage unconstitutional. But how will they force anyone to marry gays? The only power the federal government will be able to use I. Reality is the power of the dollar. If the state has any guts this is what they will do. Refuse to go along with the court ruling and refuse t recognize the marriages. When the government fines the state and withholds federal funds, the state can withhold funds from social programs that specifically target minorities.

  14. Take your time around the bases, Mr. Crews.

    “Frontier feminism” is a popular myth in academia that obviously DixieGirl is unaware of, any truth to it occurred after settling, driven by the wives of industrialists in Flyover Country who had cash/free time without roots/culture. When white men were highly mobile marauders it was a worse crime to steal a horse than spoil a chunga..

  15. @ Hunter @harold

    What do you mean could not hold (own) land. What planet was this on? Ever heard of a widow, like Martha Washington the wealthiest woman in Virginia? Or any prohibition on a spinster/unmarried woman inheriting, buying & selling, or owning property.

    Also, in those days it was felt that the husband voted for the wife, and her vote would be redundant.

  16. In the egalitarian Quaker model, the White man is on the same level as the negro, and his wife and children.

    In the Judeo-Quaker model the White man is below them, as he is a historical oppressor and does not have victim status.

  17. Re: Mark

    1.) Several reasons … tired of the issue and on the road, mainly. I didn’t have time to finish my thoughts before I left the house.

    2.) This is another illustration that WN is too broad to work. We’ve been over this issue with Greg several times before.

    3.) As Palmetto was saying last night on Facebook, we need to focus on getting the ball moving here in Dixie.

    4.) I was just noting the irony of all this talk about “saving our race” in the context of an article about homosexual marriage. You know, it would seem like homosexual marriage would be transparently ridiculous to someone interested in promoting racial preservation.

    5.) Yes, this is not hard. If we could only get out of the Union, our traditional culture would naturally reassert itself.

    6.) Mosin is just trolling for a reaction.

    7.) Yes, we could easily create incentives for them to move to greener pastures in the Northern states. Almost half of them live there now.

    8.) Pretty much.

  18. Greg Johnson has waded into the gay marriage thicket

    Greg Johnson doesn’t “wade” into anything. He knows how to make an entrance, fabulous!

  19. Also, in those days it was felt that the husband voted for the wife, and her vote would be redundant.

    That’s right, women did own land from inheritance, as long as they weren’t married. When married legally the husband and wife were considered one person with the husband as the leader. Coverture in English common law gave all rights and ownership to the husband, until new laws were passed that allowed women to retain their property ownership.

  20. Here’s how Colin Woodard introduces the founding of Quaker Pennsylvania in American Nations:

    “Ironically, its beginnings were far from ordinary. Like Yankeedom, the Midlands were intended to be a model society, a utopia guided by the tenants of an unorthodox religion. In fact, Pennsylvania was created by perhaps the most controversial religious cult of the era, a group contemporaries accused of undermining “peace and order” and “sowing … the seeds of immediate ruin of religion, Church order … and … the state.” Difficult though it may be to understand today, the Quakers were considered a radical and dangerous force, the late seventeenth century equivalent of crossing the hippie movement with the Church of Scientology.”

    Pennsylvania was created as a religious utopia like Massachusetts.

    “Quakers spurned the social conventions of their day, refusing to bow or doff their hats to social superiors or to take part in formal religious services of any sort. They rejected the authority of church hierarchies, held women to be spiritually equal to men, and questioned the legitimacy of slavery.”

    Does this sound like anyone we know?

    “Their leaders strode naked on city streets, or, daubed with excrement, into Anglican churches in efforts to provide models of humility; one Quaker rode naked on a donkey into England’s second largest city on Palm Sunday in an unpopular reenactment of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. Overcome with rapture, they would fall into violent fits, or “quakes,” that frightened non-believers. Many embraced martyrdom, repeatedly marching into unfriendly neighborhoods or onto New England town greens to preach or challenge ministers, reveling in the imprisonment, whippings, tongue borings or executions that followed.”

  21. 4.) I was just noting the irony of all this talk about “saving our race” in the context of an article about homosexual marriage. You know, it would seem like homosexual marriage would be transparently ridiculous to someone interested in promoting racial preservation.

    I agree, reminds me of Kevin MacDonald’s claim that homosexuals have racial interests too. Oh really? A common slur used by homosexuals at heteros is to call us “breeders.” As if reproducing civilization is some kind of a negative, it’s irrational and laughable.

    Instinctively they don’t have any sort of racial interest. They’re just in it for themselves.

  22. Re: Iceman

    I’m not denying anything.

    There was some speculation at the time that Greg was interested in propagating his race. Feel free to ask him about it.

  23. American Nations is a must-read.

    Their leaders strode naked on city streets, or, daubed with excrement, into Anglican churches

    DixieChick would consider this protestant ecumenism. She often hurts herself thinking about why Anglicans and Catholics seem to take eachother seriously while selectively ignoring less cultured denominations.

  24. Greg Johnson himself is a fag. Jim Giles and Alex Linder revealed this, Fade denied it, but then regretted denying it. Now he’s back to denying it again.

    Jim Giles gets information from others, he didn’t reveal anything.

    Mischling Linder previously worked with fag Johnson, he allowed him to write movie reviews under the transvestite pseudonym The Cat Lady at his degenerate website. Only after having disagreements then did he “reveal” this out of spite. It wasn’t out of moral principles, as he has none.

    Hunter did know about it and collaborated with fag Johnson for a time, but people make mistakes and he learned from it. Others, such as “Dances with Fags” Injun Matt, don’t learn from their mistakes.

  25. Some truly pathetic comments here. You look like fools. The intellectual step down from Greg Johnson to the rest of you is more than enough to make informed people bust out laughing at your stupidity.

    I urge any neutral people reading this to give Counter Currents and Greg Johnson’s work a fair chance. It’s being misrepresented here.

  26. Didn’t mean you. You make your points in a straightforward way. Not true for many of these other ones.

  27. I technically agree with what he’s saying – homosexuality is basically sex that is completely recreational without even the possibility of procreation.

    On the other hand, let’s not give him a chance, because he’s in bed with phoraphaggots.

  28. Women’s suffrage and feminism were considered radical Northeastern ideas in the 19th century South.

    It was considered midwest radicalism on the east coast.

    “Women’s stories are noticeably absent from the master narrative of the Populist and Progressive movements, where their struggle for civil rights was more evident in the Midwest than any other region in the country. This collection of eleven biographical essays highlights women leaders in the Midwest who challenged gender, racial, class, and ethnic boundaries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Not only were these midwestern women powerful orators and active leaders, they were influential in shaping the culture in their communities.

    These pioneering women include Amanda Berry Smith and Carry Nation who helped lay the groundwork for the Progressive Era, Esther Twente who helped develop higher education, Elfrieda von Rohr, Mary Sibley, and Linda Slaughter whose religious affiliations gave them leadership opportunities for political and social influence, Frances Dana Gage who contributed to women’s rights and temperance issues, Marietta Bones who championed the women’s suffrage movement, Alice Moore French who was American War Mothers founder and first president, socialist Genora Dollinger who spoke out for quality of life and rights in organizing a strike at a General Motors plant, and Harriett Friedman Woods who held various state political offices and a national office.”

    All setting the stage for Betty Friedan, the mid-west jewess.

    I hate the midwest and its people.

  29. Back to the substantial issue here … we don’t want or need homosexual marriage in a Southern Republic. The only reason we are even debating this crazy idea is because of the existence of the Union

    We need to return to the Old South model on all of these issues: the husband is the head of the household, the wife and children are subordinate to the husband, abortion and sodomy are illegal, ladies and gentlemen, divorce is rare, men are men and women are women, etc.

  30. Metal Gear / Iceman says: “Greg Johnson himself is a fag.”

    Common homos are indeed ‘fags’. However, erudite, credentialed homos are ‘fawgs’, as in: “I say, Jeeves, I do believe our Greggy looks absolutely ravishing today. He truly is a credit to all we upper-crust fawgs in the WN movement.”

    And for anyone who has visited Counter-Currents for any period of time, Johnson’s fellow ‘fawgs’ – such as writer James O’Meara and ankle-biter “Donar Van Holland”, among others, should now be familiar.

    As an aside, Harold Covington seems to have more than a casual relationship with Johnson, contributing jacket blurbs for Counter-Currents books, among other things – despite the fact that HAC calls for the systematic murder of homos once “the revolution” begins.

  31. Some truly pathetic comments here. You look like fools.

    You’re pathetic, you’re a fool, you’re anti-intellectual, and you’re just another spineless, sycophantic imp sucking up to a fag. You’re the lowest of the low. Fuck you, you piece of shit.

    If we ever had sterilization laws, you and those like you would be at the front of the line.

  32. Others, such as “Dances with Fags” Injun Matt, don’t learn from their mistakes.

    I’m less than 1/32 Amerindian, and now I’m “Injun Matt”?

    Tough crowd!

  33. The same thing happened with Alabama’s HB 56.

    If we’re going to name the Jew, we should name all of those involved.

    Those who filed lawsuits against HB 56 included the DOJ, SPLC and a group of Christian clergy from Alabama. Reminds me of Hitler’s statement that one can either be German or Christian.

    In their complaint, clergy members from the Episcopal, Methodist, and Roman Catholic churches allege that HB56 “runs counter to the Christian spirit of compassion. The law is unconstitutional and a direct affront to the recognized and accepted Word of God. Because Alabama citizens are entitled to freely exercise their religion to show mercy to all people regardless of their immigration status.”
    The gravamen of the complaint in Parsley v. Bentley is the conflict between Christian duties of hospitality and the statute’s mandate to be “inhospitable” to immigrants.

    For example, the complaint alleges that if enforced, “Alabama’s Anti-Immigration Law” will “make it a crime to follow God’s command to be Good Samaritans” citing Luke 10:25-37 and “will place Alabama church members in the untenable position of verifying individuals’ immigration documentation before being able to follow God’s Word to ‘love thy neighbor as thyself'” citing Matthew 22:39.
    More specifically, the complaint raises particular instances that might result in the prosecution of clergy or church members.

  34. If we now allow 1/32 wagon-burners into our fold, then those with 1/32 Jew should also be allowed in, because such a Jew-tainted person is actually whiter than a 1/32 tomahawk-thrower.

  35. @Hunter

    DixieGirl said, and I couldn’t agree with her more: Anyone who thinks a southern woman does not have some form of power is seriously deluded. Any real southern man knows that. The others have never been in a room with such ladies.

  36. “Dances With Fags”

    … Speak of the devil and he appears.

    Give me one good reason why I should see ‘Lone Ranger’, Tonto Parrott. And it better not be to write a “pro-white” review for “our volk.”

  37. When you say make sodomy illegal, I assume you mean between males? Men and women do that sex act too.

    Homosexuality is a fact of reality. There have always been homosexuals. The issue is how to society should handle them. How would an anti-sodomy law be enforced? Enforcing a law like that would require a amount of government intrusiveness into private affairs that is incompatible with Southern perspectives on small government.

    I don’t support gay marraige, civil unions, or any form of legal recognition for homosexuals, or upholding homosexuality as a norm, or the contemporary gay agenda. It doesn’t mean it’s rational to persecute them.

    The notion that homosexuals don’t have an interest in the community is false. They can work and contribute taxes, and do needsd jobs. They will always have parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, friends and therefore a direct interest in building communities and nations that will help them.

    Homosexuals have contributed to western high culture (Wilde, Michaelangelo). This is well known.

    Finally, there is nothing more Jewish in spirit or practice than aggressive anti-homosexuality. Greece and Rome didn’t obsess over homosexuality, but the penalty for homosexuality in the Jewish Torah is death. Aggressive anti-homosexuality has been part of the Jewish worldview for mellennia.

    • Finally, there is nothing more Jewish in spirit or practice than aggressive anti-homosexuality.

      To my knowledge, the Jews are aggressively pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, pro-feminist, except for Orthodox Jews, who are the least problematic.

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