Greg Johnson on Homosexuality


Editor’s Note: I had originally deleted this article, but several of you saw it while it was up and requested that I restore it, so here goes.

In a new article he will probably later regret writing, Greg Johnson has waded into the gay marriage thicket at Counter-Currents.

Here’s my response:

1.) It is natural and normal to marry and reproduce with someone of the same race, but the American elite promotes miscegenation because it hates White Christian America, and celebrating miscegenation is a way to normalize race-mixing, promote perversion, and undermine the culture of the despised White Christian majority.

2.) The American elite actively promotes “gay marriage” (as opposed to “tolerates”) for the same reason it promotes interracial marriage. It is a means to the end of leveling and destroying hierarchical institutions like the White nuclear family that are seen as “reactionary” and standing in the way of “equality” and “progress.”

3.) Just as homosexuality exists in nature, the same is true of miscegenation, adultery, sexual promiscuity, polygamy, and pedophilia, but we once had social conventions like anti-miscegenation laws and anti-sodomy laws that stigmatized and criminalized this behavior and promoted and privileged White heterosexual monogamy as America’s normative cultural ideal.

4.) We already know from bitter experience that the American elite’s promotion of miscegenation, homosexuality, adultery, and sexual promiscuity has successfully undermined America’s traditional sexual mores and the White nuclear family even within White Nationalist circles.

5.) While it may not be possible to dismantle “heteronormativity” and “patriarchy” as an innate biological tendency within the human species, the American elite has already succeeded – as the recent Supreme Court rulings have shown – in undermining “heteronormativity” and “patriarchy” as America’s privileged cultural ideal.

The American elite has succeeded in moving America from “Leave It To Beaver” and the “Andy Griffith Show” to “Sex In The City” and “Will and Grace” and “Girls” and “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” They have succeeded in promoting bisexuality and homosexuality and miscegenation among impressionable teenage girls.

6.) It is normal and natural for human beings to love their own children, but we live in a society where there have been almost 50 million abortions since 1970. It is normal and natural to dislike outsiders and love your own ethnic group, but we live in a society that systematically redistributes wealth from Whites to blacks and where it is taboo for Whites alone to express pride in their race and culture.

7.) Many a White American husband knows from America’s divorce laws that changing the law has already changed the stability of social conventions like marriage. Since the anti-miscegenation laws were changed, interracial marriage has skyrocketed.

8.) The same people who have been pushing feminism and miscegenation and abortion for decades are now behind the push for “marriage equality.” The push for “gay marriage” (like the push for the legalization of miscegenation) in no way implies that particular form of attack is the only or even the most successful way in which the White nuclear family has been undermined.

9.) If we really want to defend marriage and strengthen the family, we could do all the things that Greg Johnson suggests, and we could also stigmatize homosexuality and ban “gay marriage” and restore heterosexual marriage to its traditional privileged role in our culture like the Russians are already doing.

10.) Greg Johnson attacks a straw man argument that a homosexual cabal is behind the push for gay marriage. Just like interracial marriage and feminism, the push for “gay marriage” is driven by leftwing ideology and animus toward America’s White Christian majority; the welfare and “civil rights” of the blacks and homosexuals is an afterthought to the people who are behind this.

11.) Vice President Joe Biden recently told the world that the Jews did gay marriage. It would be strange then if opposition to “gay marriage” – something which is supported by 76% of Jews in America – is really a conspiracy to “misdirect and dissipate Right-wing dissent lest it give rise to a genuine populism.”

12.) While it is true that abortion in the South is a net racial tailwind, it would be strange if a people who are supportive or indifferent to the abortion of their own posterity would simultaneously be moved to care about something as abstract as the future racial composition of the United States.

13.) If we were serious about “saving our race,” among other things we would support traditional marriage, criminalize abortion among Whites, stigmatize homosexuality and miscegenation, ban “gay marriage,” rewrite the divorce laws, and change the tax laws to promote high fertility among young White couples.

14.) I’m convinced that opposition to “gay marriage” is just the predictable response to the issue by a traditional Christian culture.

15.) Alternatively, we could be “intolerant” and jettison liberalism, which would free us of the guilt of “discriminating” in law and custom in favor of White heterosexual monogamy and marriage, which is the ideal way to “save our race.”

16.) Dissolving the Union would separate the South from the culture that has given us abolition, civil rights, feminism, women’s suffrage, and now “gay marriage.” The Left defeats the Right, not because it wins “metapolitical battles,” but solely because it is the dominant force in the majority section of the United States.

The Left lost the “metapolitical battle” on “gay marriage” in the South and Interior West. Every Southern state has passed a constitutional ban on “gay marriage.” In the 1960s, 95 percent of Southerners in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but because of the existence of the Union, Jim Crow was crushed from Washington by federal power and resistance collapsed when its supporters were demoralized.

The lawsuits are already being filed to overturn gay marriage bans in Arkansas and Alabama. The issue will go to the federal courts where a federal judge will strike down the law. The same thing happened with Alabama’s HB 56.

17.) I also believe that “gay marriage” like illegal alien amnesty, affirmative action, gun control, “global climate change,” abortion, and Obamacare is a distraction from the real issue – the existence of the Union – which is the only reason we are even debating these matters.

In an independent Southern Republic, “gay marriage” would be a non-issue. Heterosexual marriage would be restored to its traditional privileged role in our culture. The anti-sodomy laws would be restored. There would be a sea change in taboos overnight as the Christian majority reasserted its preferences.

Because of the existence of the Union, the tastes and attitudes of the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest will keep being imposed on the rest of the country. These people never really “win” the argument. They never won the argument on abortion or segregation. They resort to force.

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I read Johnson’s article. It’s not bad, as far as it goes and what it covers. Most of it is actually quite sensible and makes some good points. I see no reason to attack it. (It is necessary to actually READ the article, BTW. Something I’m sure a few people did not bother to do before launching their attack.)

  2. The homosexual can be rehabilitated if they wish to do so-it has to do with early childhood of sexually abused etc.

  3. The problem with Linder is that he’s driven by unquenchable hatreds (rather than measured defiance) against so many things, but especially Jews. The fact that “Linder” is a well-known Jewish surname and that Linder himself clearly reveals the facial morphology of the Semite should easily enable most of us into putting two and two together in order to gain some insight as to why he is the way he is.

    Interestingly, some of you old enough to remember may recall rumors about Alex Linder’s own questionable sexuality some years back. As it turned out, once speculation reached a fevered pitch — the Kike-Hater of Kirksville “suddenly” got married. Then he “suddenly” fathered a child. Then…nary a word has been heard since of his alleged “wife” and his alleged “child”. Whatever their fate (if they ever even existed) it seems to have silenced speculation about Linder.

    The point?

    Perhaps several, but foremost is this: I think Alex Linder is just as suspect as to his own romantic proclivities as “Greggy” is. And now that Linder and Johnson are sworn enemies, perhaps that’s because “something happened” between them some years ago — perchance a lover’s quarrel?

  4. Maxfield Parrish’s name links a forum that was set up by a group of disgruntled ex-VNN regulars, who Linder banned during his recent forum purge. It’s no coincidence that this “Maxfield Parrish” is now here trashing Linder from the behind the casual credence that anonymity sometimes affords.

  5. To my knowledge, Greg Johnson is bisexual. He was talking a few years ago about having kids. I don’t think anything ever came out of that though. I don’t know and don’t want to know anything further about his personal life.

  6. Good point No-Man. The worship of Saint Single-Mom is right up.there with the worship of Marchin’ Lootin’ Fraud–classic BRA.

  7. Chrissy-Pants said: “Maxfield Parrish’s name links a forum that was set up by a group of disgruntled ex-VNN regulars, who Linder banned during his recent forum purge. It’s no coincidence that this “Maxfield Parrish” is now here trashing Linder from the behind the casual credence that anonymity sometimes affords.”

    Let’s analyze Chrissy-Pant’s statement: For starters, he’s all butthurt that someone has “dared to trash” his psychopathic hero, which he apparently thinks “unfair”. On the other hand, Chrissy-Pants DOES think “it’s okay” for Alex Linder to trash any and all that he wishes to — from Brad Griffin to Jared Taylor to Greg Johnson to Sam Francis to (*whew!*) so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so, ad nauseam.

    So how’s that go again, Chrissy-Pants?

    YOU think it’s okay for your psychopathic hero to trash OTHERS (24/7/365!) but it’s NOT okay for others to vent their feelings and impressions about him?


    Is that how it’s set up, Chrissy-Pants?

    Well, perhaps that’s because you’re a two-faced jackass, Chrissy-Pants. And look who’s talking, especially after spewing this:

    “Maxfield Parrish” is now here trashing Linder from the behind the casual credence that anonymity sometimes affords.”

    Gee, Chrissy-Pants, I’m a bit bewildered… You’re acting all butthurt that I’m “anonymous” and therefore should keep my damned frigging mouth shut yet…


    Gosh darn, Chrissy-Pants. Did you know that the word “hypocrite” was tailor-made for jerks like you? Did you?


    My advice is for you to shut your dribbling trap, junior. Because using your “brain” is like giving a loaded gun to a toddler.

  8. Lew wrote: “Some truly pathetic comments here. You look like fools. The intellectual step down from Greg Johnson to the rest of you is more than enough to make informed people bust out laughing at your stupidity.”

    Yes indeed. What you see here is what passes for intellectual discourse on the hillbilly wing of the WN movement.

  9. “What you see here is what passes for intellectual discourse on the hillbilly wing of the WN movement.”

    At least we hillbillies aren’t so simple as to attribute the cause of everything under the sun to the occult forces of supernaturally omniscient Jews. You wouldn’t know intellectual discourse if it bit you on the ass. Monomaniacal Jew obsession does not pass for intellect.

    Thankfully, the folks who support SN have little in common with the sleazy backbiting “intellectuals” who inhabit the WN sphere. That is a true blessing.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Greg Johnson is still a hillbilly even though he makes money playing backgammon shirtless by the pool with oldfags that want “companionship” and does lines in the bathroom at Petrossian.

  11. Homosexual marriage, miscegenation, interracial cuckolding, beastility and forms of moral degeneracy and perversion aren’t subjects of intellectual discourse. Insofar as there is an “intellectual” argument for “gay marriage,” it is that all human beings are equal and have the same rights, which is biologically false and historically untrue.

  12. You usually have to go to Jewish and liberal “intellectual” websites to read about such degeneracy, but at CC you can get it all in one place.

  13. I don’t see race mixing as morally wrong, I see it as strategically wrong if you want a race to survive.

    I also don’t think it will reach a level to threaten the white race.

    Ethnic mixing is a more realistic concern than race mixing.

  14. Homosexuality has a moral dimension to it. It doesn’t make sense.

    Homosexuality is all the drawbacks of sexual behavior with none of the benefits. Because the only reason to be sexually active at all is procreative, otherwise use your hands.

  15. 313Chris says: “My name is Christopher Monti.”

    And my name is Jeff Langford.

    Now that introductions have been made, we can all go on trashing each other as we see fit.

  16. I don’t know and don’t want to know anything further about his personal life.

    Ditto, if you never bring it up again we’ll all be better for it.

    Even if he weren’t a sodomite he’d still be a scumbag.

  17. It appears to me that the central battle here is liberty vs. authoritarian tradition, and you are taking the side of authoritarian tradition.

    Think about the examples that you used: gay marriage, sodomy, and interracial relationships/marriage. In all of these cases, the battle is between the right to marry and even the right to basic consensual relations vs. shoving your own standard of “normalcy” down everyone’s throat by force of law. The same fundamentals hold true with your defense of slavery and patriarchy.

    The direction of history has always been toward greater liberty and equal rights regardless of what family one was born into. As a nation, we have spent the last 200+ years striving toward the ideal of “all men (and women) are created equal” and endowed with rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Once an advance is made toward greater liberty (such as legalizing interracial marriage, consensual sex, or gay marriage), there is no going back.

    On a more specific note, your claim that gay marriage will continue to be banned in the South ignores the trend of popular opinion. The most important fact to keep in mind is that the difference in opinion on gay marriage between the 65+ demographic and the under-30 demographic is greater than the difference between the South and the Northeast or West Coast. If public opinion keeps shifting as fast as it is now, gay marriage will have majority support in the South within the next 10 years. 15-20 years from now, it will have majority support in every state in the country, including Mississippi and Alabama. Once again, the greatest factor here is not space, but time.

  18. One more thing: bunching the Interior West with the South on social issues like gay rights is an insult to the Interior West.

    First, the Great Plains belong in the Midwest, not the Interior West.

    Secondly, the Interior West is no different from the Upper Midwest on social issues. In 2004, Michigan voted 59% to pass the harshest gay marriage constitutional amendment in the country, banning gay marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships. In 2006, Wisconsin voted 60% to ban both gay marriage and civil unions. In the Interior West, only Idaho and Utah voted to pass similar bans similar to Wisconsin. Arizona actually rejected a gay marriage/civil union ban in 2006, and passed a gay-marriage-only ban in 2008.

    Furthermore, polling has consistently shown that the Interior West (with the exception of Mormon Utah and Eastern Idaho) is less religious than the Upper Midwest, with both a higher nonreligious population and a lower “very religious” population.

    It is also important to remember some of the varying structural factors in the states. Bringing initiatives to the ballot in the West and Plains is far easier than in the Northeast or non-Plains Midwest, accounting for the low number of constitutional bans on gay marriage in the latter. Also, the only reason that Iowa has gay marriage is because of their state Supreme Court.

  19. Re: E C

    1.) It seems rather “authoritarian” for 9 judges in Washington to define the nature of marriage for 300 million people.

    2.) My position is clear on this issue. The states should be allowed to decide whether or not they want things like abortion and homosexual marriage. I’m sure the federal courts will step in and make that decision for everyone though.

    3.) The Supreme Court is shoving its “standard of normalcy” down the throat of everyone who lives in the South. There isn’t a single White Southern Christian on that court either.

    4.) That’s utterly false. In the antebellum era and the Jim Crow era, the direction of history was clearly against “greater liberty and equal rights regardless of what family one was born into.” The periods of retrenchment have tended to last much longer than the periods of “advancement.”

    5.) Who is this “we”?

    Do you mean a handful of federal judges? The Northern states?

    6.) I predict that the Supreme Court will strike down all the bans on gay marriage in the South along the lines of the Loving decision.

    7.) As with segregation, interracial marriage, and abortion, federal judges will have the final say in the matter, and the opposition will exhaust itself in a futile effort to work through the system, at which point demoralization will set in, resistance will collapse, and complacency will set in.

  20. “It appears to me that the central battle here is liberty vs. authoritarian tradition, and you are taking the side of authoritarian tradition.”

    Politically correct authoritarianism != liberty.

  21. What is more important, individual rights or states’ rights? The purpose of the judicial system is to protect individuals from the tyranny of the majority, whether that majority be at the national level, the state level, or the local level.

    History has shown that, when demographic factors are held constant, belief in liberty and equal rights expands over time, though perhaps in a “two steps forward, one step backward” pattern. In the antebellum period, abolitionism grew dramatically, setting the stage for the end of slavery to begin with. The only reason why Reconstruction reverted to Jim Crow was because the people in charge of the South changed (from the federal government to white Southerners controlling their own states). Jim Crow, for all its evils, was infinitely better than slavery from the perspective of liberty.

    • Re: E C

      1.) As a state, we should be able to decide the limits of “individual rights” within our own communities.

      2.) The judicial system has usurped our right to govern ourselves through our state legislatures.

      3.) History actually shows that racial attitudes and the rights of free negroes declined in the South over the long term during the antebellum era and Jim Crow era. It took outside intervention sustained by military force to reverse that trend in the 1860s and 1960s.

      4.) There is no natural tendency toward liberty and equality in the South. Every Southern state passed a constitutional ban on gay marriage. 90% of Southerners in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

      5.) There is a clear trend toward the aggrandizement of power by the federal government at the expense of the states.

      6.) Jim Crow emerged within the context and limits of the Plessy decision.

  22. In all of these cases, the battle is between the right to marry and even the right to basic consensual relations vs. shoving your own standard of “normalcy” down everyone’s throat by force of law. The same fundamentals hold true with your defense of slavery and patriarchy.

    It’s a question of group or societal interests vs individual interests. If individualism is held to be the very highest value (at all times, in any and all cases) then gay marriage supporters do seem to have something of a point. However, even within the terms of individualism it is not clear that gay marriage supporters should have the right to shove their own definition of marriage down everyone’s throat by force of law. A union of a male and female is obviously different to a union of a male and male or a female and a female yet the gay lobby wants to force people to treat them as though they were identical, punishing anybody who claims to see an important difference that makes the respective unions unequal.

    Even more egregiously, the gay lobby wishes to deny individuals the right to feel disgusted by homosexuality; heterosexuals are forced to pretend we are not disgusted. (If you are heterosexual and claim not to be disgusted by homosexuality then why not let a homosexual penetrate you? You don’t have to enjoy it, just go through the motions to prove you’re not disgusted.)

  23. EC wrote: “your claim that gay marriage will continue to be banned in the South ignores the trend of popular opinion. The most important fact to keep in mind is that the difference in opinion on gay marriage between the 65+ demographic and the under-30 demographic is greater than the difference between the South and the Northeast or West Coast. If public opinion keeps shifting as fast as it is now, gay marriage will have majority support in the South within the next 10 years. 15-20 years from now, it will have majority support in every state in the country, including Mississippi and Alabama. Once again, the greatest factor here is not space, but time.”

    Apostasy continues to spread, and accelerate. There is no true revival of Christianity yet, none in sight. Otherwise everything from coast to coast, north and south will soon become Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Hunter wrote: “As with segregation, interracial marriage, and abortion, federal judges will have the final say in the matter, and the opposition will exhaust itself in a futile effort to work through the system, at which point demoralization will set in, resistance will collapse, and complacency will set in.”

    A righteous remnant, true conservatives by conviction, will continue to stand through it all, not change their minds, never give up, .

  24. The direction of history has always been toward greater liberty and equal rights regardless of what family one was born into. As a nation, we have spent the last 200+ years striving toward the ideal of “all men (and women) are created equal” and endowed with rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Once an advance is made toward greater liberty (such as legalizing interracial marriage, consensual sex, or gay marriage), there is no going back.

    Ignorance. Christianity overturned gay “rights” once in the West and will do so again.

  25. Ecclesiastes 8:11-12: “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, THEREFORE THE HEART OF THE SONS OF MEN IS FULLY SET IN THEM TO DO EVIL. Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him”.

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