About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The twitter campaign is savage, if anyone one of us had remotely wrote anything like it we would be in jail. IMO blacks are past their peak as a race demographic in ‘Murika, sliding into irrelevancy as just another set of has been blow hards, but if I didn’t think that I would say a real ethnic cleansing was about to be kicked off just by reading what blacks of all types are writing and saying.

  2. I went to the website, and I noticed that a lot of folks were angry, out of a sense of common decency, that Adam Weinstein posted the death photo. IOW, it backfired on him. Some were even calling No-Limit-Nigger a thug who got what he deserved. Me, the expression on his dead face seemed like it was saying, “F—, the creepy-ass cracker shot me!”

  3. I thought they turned purple when they die. Must have still been fresh when that picture was taken.

  4. I don’t think the expected response at MSNBC to this picture is quite like mine.

    For some reason, the sight of “No Limit Nigga” lying in the grass with two sets of feet brings this scene from Pulp Fiction to mind.

    Guess I’m just a really shitty, rotten bastard because I feel NO empathy for this dead thug. ZERO. NADA. NONE. Good riddance.

    Deo Vindice

  5. Dead chitlin relatives walked out of the court room defense closing statement. Felt their lottery slippin away. TNB.

  6. Wait, he doesn’t look like he’s 12 years old in that picture. He looks big enough to do some damage with his fists.

  7. Guess I’m just a really shitty, rotten bastard because I feel NO empathy for this dead thug. ZERO. NADA. NONE. Good riddance.

    This is a minor point in the grand scheme of things, but since we’ve had our differences I’d like to take the opportunity to point I feel much the same way seeing that Travyon pic: he’s a good nigger now.

  8. @RRS

    “IMO blacks are past their peak as a race demographic…sliding into irrelevancy…but if I didn’t think that I would say a real ethnic cleansing was about to be kicked off”

    The two points may be related. Blacks are being marginalised by immigration the same way White people are.

    “Adam Weinstein posted the death photo”

    There’s a surprise. “Let’s you and him fight.” What’s the bet he lives somewhere safe from the consequences of his actions.

  9. Hell, I felt sorry for him in that pic.

    There’s not a doubt in my mind though that he attacked Zimmerman. Trayvon initiated violence against that “creepy ass cracker.” I can’t remember who said it, but he “messed with the wrong dude.”

    This happens all the time in Birmingham and Montgomery. Ja’Quares Walker attempted to rob a White guy and got blasted in Birmingham.

  10. Silver says:

    ‘Guess I’m just a really shitty, rotten bastard because I feel NO empathy for this dead thug. ZERO. NADA. NONE. Good riddance.’

    Makes two of us.

    Photo looks like a re-enactment. No blood?

  11. I think this picture is going to backfire on the people who took it and published it in a big way. I have a couple of seventeen year old boys in my own life. I could not imagine the pain I’d feel if I ever lost one of them. The older generation is supposed to be laid to rest by the younger generation, not vice versa.

    That said, this picture of this young man lying on the ground very much contradicts the helpless little boy meme the media was pushing. He is clearly a very tall, athletically built teenager who could easily handle himself in a physical altercation and would be very much a threat to a shorter, pudgier, out of shape Mestizo.

    A lot of people have speculated why the media has been trying to push this as a White on Black confrontation. And isn’t it interesting how quiet La Raza, LULAC, etc. have been about the push to lynch Zimmerman as a White man?

    IF Trayvon Martin had a conversation with Jeantel about Zimmerman, I highly doubt that he referred to him as “a creepy ass cracker.” He knew exactly who or better yet what race was following him. And it might have been a huge factor in Martin opting to circle back and ambush Zimmerman with deadly intent.

    A lot of Whites are completely unaware that there has been an undeclared race war going on between Mestizos and Negros for almost two decades. Negros have been racially cleansed by Mestizos, especially in California, from their traditional neighborhoods, like Compton and Watts.

    In the meantime, FEDGOV is trying to amnesty approximately sixty million Mestizos or more (if you automatically double the estimate the lying liars who lie in Washington DC give you, like me)

    The major irony of our times is that our fathers and grandparents fought WWI and WWII to keep their children from having to speak German only so that their grandchildren will have to learn to speak Spanish if they want to be able to work in the USA.

    It is obvious that DWL politicians of Washington DC have wanted to elect a new people for, like, forever, but this amnesty makes it clear to me that BRA is no longer working for them. We are in for some interesting times once this bipartisan treason gets pushed through.

  12. Was I the only one who smiled when seeing this photograph for the first time? Good riddance to a worthless black piece of excrement.

  13. Trayvon’s death photo should be plastered on billboards all over the urban areas of America to warn others that staying in school, doing homework and staying out of trouble is the best way to avoid ‘gettin’ kilt ‘n shit.’

  14. Ever notice that most negroes wear clothing that always seem to be brand new? Expensive sneakers never soiled or dirty. Unlike working class Whites who wear threadbare clothing and worn out shoes. Of course nigs never get their hands or clothing tarnished not having to work for a living being handed everything from cradle to grave.

  15. Anyone near black population centers doing anything in case there’s rioting? I’m thinking about loading some magazines.

  16. “Anyone near black population centers doing anything in case there’s rioting?”

    – I have plenty of 7.62 NATO and .480 Ruger ready to go, but I seriously doubt Zimmerman will be acquitted, so I’m not going to lose any sleep.

  17. Lolz:

    Anyone near black population centers doing anything in case there’s rioting? I’m thinking about loading some magazines.

    Yea, instead of the normal one case of ammo I leave lying around I am going to get an extra case or two from the safe!

    Seriously though:

    I have advised some friends that live in danger zones in sub-urban / rural areas to block their driveways with their cars, to make sure if anyone comes onto their property they have to do it on foot, which will alert the dogs and give them better firing solutions. Make sure all outside lights work, have a clear field of vision around the house and the access routes, keep guns handy, prepare for service disruption like a hurricane, etc. These plans have been in place for weeks now actually, I discussed this with friends some time ago. We are taking this VERY seriously here in Florida.

  18. Re Hunter

    Hating their guts doesn’t preclude treating them fairly or even politely. But in moments like this I think it’s fine to show a bit of emotion.

    In terms of policy, it’s better to handle nigs through a dedicated department – something like the Bureau of Indian Affairs – than to leave it all to individuals. Or set up a ‘shadow’ NAACP to represent their interests when the day comes that people no longer care to listen to their niggerwhine, maybe call it the Black-assed Nigger Apes of North America (B.A.N.A.N.A.)

  19. Check this out:


    By the way, the coverage of the trial on that site has been incredible. One of the things they have revealed is the FedGov’s “civil rights” goons that go around the country and bury evidence of black on white crime and agitate for blacks.

    We believe it has become natural for whites to downplay black malfeasance because of the turble slabbery, but as it turns out the FedGov is up to their eyeballs in using threat of force and legal hijinks to control the dialogue. That is F’d up. Seriously F’d up.

    The media doesn’t necessarily bury stuff out of reflexive white guilt. They bury stuff because the Justice Department’s Civil Rights section demands it!

  20. Michael Dean Miller says:
    July 13, 2013 at 12:30 am
    Trayvon’s death photo should be plastered on billboards all over the urban areas of America to warn others that staying in school, doing homework and staying out of trouble is the best way to avoid ‘gettin’ kilt ‘n shit.’

    Jack replies:

    Agreed. And well said.

    I’ll make a propaganda poster using this image and this advice. I encourage OD readers to make hard copy posters and fliers and distribute. We need to get more off the Net.

  21. Just read that Zimmerman was acquitted. Must have been jewced or the gummint wants the mother of all chimpouts. Maybe both. Any truth to the rumour on Before It’s News that the New Black Panthers are bussing the bros down to Florida?

  22. The spotlight is too bright for me to tell whether or not Trayvon was wearing his pants low like a lot of thuggish black youths.

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