SPLC Attacks OD and League of the South


See here and here.

Oddly enough, the SPLC had Ryan Lenz of all people write that first article, who is closely associated with One People’s Project, a violent leftwing street gang based in Philadelphia. The SPLC also glorified the “Tinley Park 8” – an anti-fascist gang from Indiana who went to prison after attacking a group of White Nationalists in a restaurant in Chicago – in a recent edition of their Intelligence Report.

The SPLC is mysteriously silent on Al Sharpton and MSNBC’s attempt to foment race riots by releasing death scene photos of Trayvon Martin. Jamie “Django” Foxx talks about how cool it is to murder White people in his movies and Kanye West makes music videos about raping White women and the SPLC has nothing to say about that either.

The SPLC is anti-White, anti-Christian, and anti-Southern. So naturally, they are approaching these issues from a different perspective than the League of the South.

Note: The SPLC’s enemies list inspired the domestic terrorist attack by Floyd Corkins on the Family Research Council.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I read the replies on their message boards and all were moronic and 100% anti-White. Without their “scare words”, they would have been out of business decades ago.

  2. The $PLC should be banned as an anti-Southern hate group. In Europe, groups that the liberal elite do not like are banned or their leaders arrested or threatened with arrest for speech counter to the party line. The same should be done with the $PLC.

    I know that it’s a hard concept for our people to grasp, having been brainwashed into thinking that they actually live in a free country, but the only way to fight fire is with even more fire. Libs do not respect freedom of speech but try every surreptitious avenue possible to shut down their enemies: from frivolous lawsuits and threats of lawsuits to encouraging employers to fire dissidents to public ridicule and shame. The same should be done to them.

    As soon as our people free themselves from this oppressive empire, ban the organization and deport ALL employees, relatives of employees…even the people who cut their grass. Prohibit ALL donors to that vile group from ever entering our country and arrest and charge those that do.

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