About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thought this guy turned to the dark side already? He’s a rainbow confederate now?

    Didn’t he come out and say

    “I have more in common with a Black Christian than a white pagan”

    Along with a bunch of other asinine shit?

  2. The ancient matter and mythos of NW Europe was reforged in the twentieth century – Tolkien’s great saga of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien societies, Arda societies, groups for the study of Elven tongues, the Tolkien ensemble, film makers etc have been busy with this matter for decades. There is no shortage of cultural inheritance that bridges back from Western Civilization to the ancient mythos of the White European folk.

  3. Hmm… interesting, Heimbach certainly was more explicit than I excpected. His goal of a white homeland is not novel. He thinks the future lies with the downtrodden whites as the backbone of the movement. Somewhat like the national socialists, curious.

  4. Methinks Mr. Heimbach is doing OK. Unless he has a photographic memory, and memorizes his talks beforehand, he speaks well “on his feet”; ie; extemporaneously. His knowledge/understanding seems to increase every time I hear or see him.

    He mentioned jewry a lot, which is to his credit, and his emphasis on the jewnited states of America being a lost cause was excellent.(jewnited=my term, not his).

  5. The “American Third Position” party is rife with incompetent leadership and lacks a clear-cut vision. The fact that it had to change its name after having used it for so short of time indicates poor initial planning and marketing strategy on their part. Really, what lame-brain came up with that stupid name? No one in that party will say, because they fear divulging it and exposing the fool who chose to call it WD40…er…Heinz57…uh…A3P.



    And look at all the red, white, and blue colors, flags, and icons behind Matt Heimbach. Who do they think they are, now that they’re known (for the moment) as the “American Freedom Party” – the Republicans? Those colors, flags, and symbols only represent one thing now: the country that has deliberately unleashed a juggernaut of racial replacement upon this land.

    So what in hell is Matt Heimbach doing there?

    In the past, from Stormfront to The Occidental Quarterly, I’ve lavished high praise upon Heimbach. But more and more he’s beginning to style himself like some Young Republican from days gone by, with just enough WN seasoning thrown in to keep his fan base intact. Between these latest exploits and his venture with MatTonto “to embrace commonalities” between whites and homos, Jews, and other icky types of people, the Matt Heimbach I once knew is fast – oh so very fast – fading away…

  6. The “White homeland” is a WN abstraction. No one in the room can tell you where the homeland is located or how it would be created.

    “The American Freedom Party” with the U.S. flag illustrates the confusion that reigns in WN in spite of all the talk about metapolitics. What’s the goal here? Is it to Take Back America through mainstream politics?

    Is it to dissolve the Union and create a White homeland? If so, why are they calling themselves the American Freedom Party? Are they secessionists or patriotic Americans? I haven’t listened to the other speeches, but I don’t see the plan here.

  7. For the record, I happen to like a lot of the people who were there.

    I first raised these issues several years ago and nothing has changed since then. There has been a dramatic shift in SN in the last two or three years.

    Everything is starting to crystallize in SN: the organization (the League), the goal (independent Dixie), the plan (secession or revolution), the message (secede), the ethnicity (White Southerners).

    WN is still very confused at the conceptual level.

  8. Heimbach seems like a fine young man. But, he has to learn that the key to politics is money, and the ability to raise large amounts of it! Everything else is bullshit…

  9. @ Hunter As I told you a number of years ago, the Ohio River Valley is where I expect a large scale White political movement to break out. The Ohio River Valley with the exception of Cincinnati, and a few minor towns is almost 100% White, and most of that White is colonial American White, and is a large area stretching from Pittsburgh to St. Louis. If it happens, this is where it will happen.

  10. He speaks very well. Man, he covered a lot of ground in only 25 minutes. He understands the situation better than most and said a lot of things ordinary working class White men everywhere would agree with.

  11. “The “White homeland” is a WN abstraction. No one in the room can tell you where the homeland is located or how it would be created.”

    This isn’t entirely accurate. Covington can tell you what he thinks on both these coordinates.

    No doubt it is easier to organize the South, for a number of reasons, size and tradition being prominent causes. Probably, so far as the USA outside the South is concerned, differing groups are going to exist, and do exist, at least “metapolitically”.

    We outside the South need a Pierce type, i.e. a strong charismatic leader who can heal division by strength of character. League of the South is off to a good start tackling the metapolitical problem of the Jews. Southerners, as someone said on another thread, seem to have an embedded aversion to criticizing these people. What has changed is Jews are triumphantly emerging from the shadows, which makes the task easier. If all we do is wake people up to the Jews we have accomplished much, because someday the worm will turn, and being ready with right understanding is probably the single most important thing White people can accomplish politically, other than have children.

    • If the South secedes from the Union, 4 out of 5 Jews will be left behind in the United States, and the ones that are here will be concentrated in Northern Virginia (which they will almost certainly abandon) and South Florida (where we have a bunch of retirees on their deathbed). The most dangerous Jews – the Feinsteins, the Schumers, the Ginsbergs – will be left behind in the USA.

  12. “Harold Covington is the only WN that comes to mind that who has a proposal.

    Unfortunately, it’s not a good one. If you visit his Northwest Forum you’ll quickly find out that Covington’s underlings, foremost among them some weirdo named Andy Donner, will ban you for even daring to question their fantasy, so fragile is the thought that precariously holds it together. Besides, after some dozen years or so, Covington has only managed to con…er…lure about six members up there. And judging by Donner himself, they’re all flakes too.

    On another note, wasn’t John de Nugent proposing a similar idea, except for the Pennsylvania region? And then there’s the PLE, but that too is a dud. It’s (kinda) run by some guy calling himself “Fat Guy In Montana”, and that may be the only truthful element behind that scam, I’m afraid.

  13. The South should succeed. No argument. The only reason not to are raw military force. The current anti White regime will simply immigrant flood the South, as it has the North. The enemy learned the lesson of the Soviet Union well.

    Of course there is no consensus in the North. What is your point? Is there some debate here I wasn’t aware of? lol. Why is it you feel compelled to compare the two political positions as though they are adversaries? So far as I can see there is no better organization for the South than your League of the South.

    • I don’t see them as an adversary.

      I like Kevin MacDonald and Bill Johnson. I’m not interested in fighting with WNs because it is a really a waste of time.

      If WN is going to move forward, it is going to have to settle on some course of action. They have to move beyond the abstract concept of a White homeland to a concrete proposal of building one somewhere in the real world.

      I popularized the term “White Zionism” several years ago in a proposal that WNs move to Wyoming and seize power at the local level.

      • Covington has a plan.

        It might be a flawed plan, but no one else seems to have a better one. IMO, the metapolitical energy should be focused on moving WN toward some kind of consensus, but I don’t see that happening.

        If WNs can disrupt the U.S. system in some other region, so much the better! That’s not a problem for us here in the South.

  14. “Unfortunately, it’s not a good one. ”

    Lets not get into a Covington discussion, please. The point was that there are in fact programs outside the League of the South. Whether they are good ones or not is beside the point being made.

    As long as we are criticizing, which is what people online are obsessed with doing, I’ll point out one problem with the LOTS, and that would be the celebrating of the era of slavery, the so-called Golden Circle, when the majority of the ancestors of our wonderful dusky “brothers in Christ” were brought here in their millions. You folks will never convince the majority of Southerners that slavery was anything but a bad idea. No use even trying. Doing so will retard your progress toward creating a mass movement in the South. Drop all that and embrace the Scots Irish tradition of small independent farmers.

  15. “If WNs can disrupt the U.S. system in some other region, so much the better! That’s not a problem for us here in the South.”

    Yes! And we feel the same about Southern Nationalists, or should feel the same, I can’t speak for the herd of cats. A good idea would be a North West Republic and a Southron Nation. Such would provide White nations on both coasts. Wyoming won’t work because it is landlocked, although as part of a greater Nation it would be welcomed with open arms.

  16. “Covington has a plan.”

    – And apparently that plan was to write a smear-novel about you (albeit one that probably only a half dozen people on earth read) after one of your moderators busted him posting fake comments here. I can’t believe you’re dignifying his delusional bullshit scam by calling it “a plan”.

  17. “If WNs can disrupt the U.S. system in some other region, so much the better! That’s not a problem for us here in the South.”

    You write as though white secessionism outside the South could in some way be inimical to a neo-Confederacy when you imply that at best it would be “not a problem.”

    The key thing to understand here is if conditions are dire enough to enable Southern secession then the entire Union will be simultaneously breaking apart.

    When the US of A disintegrates through fiscal collapse the leaders of a successful Southern secessionist movement will be making allies and common ground with other like-minded folks in different parts of the country in order to achieve their goals.

    Those who unlike Matt don’t make allies with sympathetic factions in other parts of the former USA, won’t be directing the action in the South or anywhere else.

    N.B. I love the way Matt slipped the gist of the 14 Words into his speech.

  18. @Butz

    ” I told you a number of years ago, the Ohio River Valley is where I expect a large scale White political movement to break out. The Ohio River Valley with the exception of Cincinnati, and a few minor towns is almost 100% White, and most of that White is colonial American White, and is a large area stretching from Pittsburgh to St. Louis. If it happens, this is where it will happen.”

    This is an entirely plausible scenario. A White working class Republic. And a nation with the basis of a natural trade alliance along the great river between themselves and a White Southern nation which included Mississippi and Louisiana.

  19. “And apparently that plan was to write a smear-novel about you (albeit one that probably only a half dozen people on earth read) after one of your moderators busted him posting fake comments here. I can’t believe you’re dignifying his delusional bullshit scam by calling it “a plan”.”

    Covington’s novels are good, at least the Northwest Republic quartet are. I haven’t read his last one, but will get around to it probably. There is no doubt Covington has a difficult personality. His character in the book is considered somewhat crazy, and he lives by himself in a mobile home, before he is arrested and put in solitary, which shows Covington may not be entirely unaware of his own difficult personality. In the larger scheme of things does it really matter of Covington smeared HW in a character in one of his novels? It is more funny than it is anything else.

  20. Iceman,
    “He needs to stop, what a windbag.”

    Heimbach is doing important work, but in the grand scheme of things he’s a small fry. The specifics of what he believes (or is willing to publicly claim he believes) don’t matter nearly as much as the effect such activities have on public consciousness. That effect is to get white racial interests “on the table.” It’s far too early to tell what may come from that. Hardcore WNs (and hardcore SNs, for that matter) are rather unlikely, as I see it, to achieve everything on their wishlist but if white racial interests are politically on the table then they at least have a base on which to build. If things ever get started in a serious sort of a way the dust isn’t going to settle for a long, long time to come.

  21. This American freedom party nonsense comes from these men wanting to join up with the “patriot movement” and the “Ron Paul revolution” in order to influence them in a more racial direction.

    They changed their name in order to become more friendly with the “freedom loving” libertarians. The idea is that you have to put on a more American face and talk about things like freedom, democracy, and other American boilerplate. Supposedly this is going to get these libertarians to become racial and yadda yadda yadda. Its all bullshit and it’s never going to happen.

    What this strategy ends up with is men like Jack Hunter.

  22. The “White homeland” is a WN abstraction. No one in the room can tell you where the homeland is located or how it would be created.

    In one sense, the “white homeland” could be said to be the entire USA. Why not? Whites founded it and for the longest time were the vast majority of its population. Until only very recently it was universally understood that to be “American” was to be white, and even now few people would really be confused by the reference if they heard someone described as a “real American.” I may be wrong on that point, but it remains unquestionably true that a “real Australian” is an Anglo-Saxon or at least an Irishman or NW European with roots in the country, and this is overwhelmingly likely to be the case in Canada too. (Many would certainly claim to be confused – ie to play dumb – but it’s a ruse.) WNs, in the main (but by no means uniformly), are merely willing to cede portions of their “homeland” in order to morally and logistically accommodate the formation of racially homogeneous territory. This really is not as difficult to understand as you make it out to be.

    ““The American Freedom Party” with the U.S. flag illustrates the confusion that reigns in WN in spite of all the talk about metapolitics. What’s the goal here? Is it to Take Back America through mainstream politics?”

    You’re quite correct that confusion reigns, but the fact is any realistic attempt to create a white ethnostate/s in America must recognize that it’s necessarily a long-term process, one that can only be achieved in stages. In this it’s completely unlike “ending immigration” or “recognizing gay marriage,” which can be achieved with the stroke of a pen.

    Harold Covington isn’t the only one with a plan. Richard McCulloch long ago outlined a “final settlement” that he would consider territorially appropriate or adequate. McCulloch has had very little to say on just how such a territorial solution could be achieved. Instead, the main thrust of his efforts has been devoted to providing sufficiently strong reasons to desire such a solution – on the grounds, I suppose, that a man with a strong enough “why” will eventually find – or endure – the “how.” (It pains me to say it, but I regard his efforts largely a failure on this count, but it may well be too soon to speak.) Like many a visionary before him he has left the logistic details to others to determine.

    In this sense, WN is so different to SN. SNs are able to tap into a more widespread sense of identity, and “rightful” southern territory is somewhat easier to identify, but the masses of non-southerners (non-white and “white”) on that territory are no less a logistic nightmare than they are in the USA as a whole – a logistic nightmare to which solutions are no more forthcoming than with WN, your assurances that “blacks are not a problem” or “cut off the welfare and they’ll move north” notwithstanding.

    I think you’re well aware of this reality. I suspect the main reason you’re feigning ignorance is to play to your kinsmen’s existing predilections. It’s the same reason you now call yourself a Christian (and, from recent statements, seem to regard abortion as “sinful”) whereas you used to deride that faith as the worship of a Jewish carpenter.

  23. When I last followed them 2 years ago, the A3P were trying to get explicit White representation in the current system, by marketing themselves to “respectable” Whites.

    If they have success with that and get any kind of power in the system, I expect they would view White secessionist movements with a favorable eye. They would be insane not to.

  24. Hey y’all I just wanted to touch on a few things. I think that the party should be changed to “Freedom from America” but that is just me. I was invited to speak alongside some great minds and really dedicated activists this past weekend. As I said in my talk, I believe that white separatism is the path to survival, but regionalism is crucial. I talked openly about my membership in the League and why Southern secession on racial lines is for me and the rest of Dixie the only way forward. I touched also on as Mr. Wallace discusses that WN’ism is missing a lot of elements. In my talk I discussed the need for as the Jews did with Zionism, create songs, flags, symbols, etc, to create a true movement. Here in Dixie we already have all of those things which is why I agree 100 percent that Southern Nationalism is light years ahead of generic WN’ism. We should support all white secessionists no matter where they are due to the fact that they are our cousins and are working to break away from the Empire.

  25. Oh and I did point to the Federal flag and discuss how that is the flag of racial destruction for all white Americans, the flag of the invaders of our homes, and the symbol of occupation, to which the crowd gave a resounding amount of support. WN’s are tired of being told by the older generation to “retake America” or “return to the good ol’ days.” They are ready to take a lesson from SN’s and move forward with a coherent movement. We should do our all to unite together, as the Crusaders did, against the Federal empire. Crusaders from different nations did not give up their sovereignty or identity, but they fought side by side with their racial cousins against their foes. We must do the same. Every Federal dollar that would be spent trying to hold down another region trying to secede, every Federal soldier sent to quell a rebellion in Vermont, Montana, or Iowa is one less that we face here at home. Sovereignty for all, identity for all, and freedom from the Federal Empire.

  26. >“Lets not get into a Covington discussion, please. The point was that there are in fact programs outside the League of the South. Whether they are good ones or not is beside the point being made.”

    I agree that any long-winded discussion concerning Covington or his “plan” would not advance this commentary. MY only point is that Covington’s plan IS bad, and cannot bear up to scrutiny. And because it’s a bad plan, it is just as valid to say that “no such plan exists at all” to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

  27. My rather simple guess would be that Matt was there because he was invited, and he was invited because transfusion (new blood) is probably the most recognized treatment (though not always successful) for moribundity (which needn’t mean full-out dying, but merely a state of threateningly prolonged inactivity).

  28. Here is my problem with the South right now. I would love to hear some ideas or advice.

    When I down moved here, I picked a nice place on the outskirts of a large town, the place was nice, the demographics were nice, and everything was great. 10 Years later, the place is overrun, police have become aggressive to locals, (I was nearly attacked by a Spanish cop once over a traffic accident!), property crime up, and it was just time to go.

    So, I then picked an extremely rural southern area, a white enclave in a farming community, with very favorable demographics in a pro-white community. Just 5 years later, the place is overrun. The actual over-run only took one year to happen.

    The overrun happened so fast, the only thing that makes any kind of logical sense is that lending was loosened in this area on the empty farms? It was literally like a brown wave sweeping in, so now it’s time to go.

    So, now what? Where do I go in the South that’s not going to be over-run in just a few years, possibly even as quickly as one year? Florida has gone from Red to Purple to now almost nearly blue, and I expect that to impact me very soon.

    Blue Ridge Maybe?? I like Blue Ridge. I mean it seems REALLY white, and they fly like a 500 sq foot CONF flag over the town, but Whos to say it will not be swept away, soon, being so close to Atlanta?? Or, maybe it will stay white but I am not sure I can even afford to live there.

    So again, what now? The South’s future seems really scary to me right now.

  29. A Freedom FROM America party would be better. The sooner ‘America’ as a concept (based on Enlightenment principles, universalism, a ‘shining city on a hill’/’American Exceptionalism’ mentality and consolidated government) is dead, the better.

  30. NO other plan? What is flying under or over or invisibly past your radar, and Their radar, is the perfect plan of the Gospel of Christ, that cannot fail. “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all the ungodly….” (Jude 14-15) No successful secession without full confession.

  31. WNs should be opposed, if nothing else, because the ideologies they put forward are dumb.

    “Whites need an ethnostate to survive?” ummm no, whites just need to marry other whites to survive.
    “Jews are not white, but the leader of Golden Dawn is.”
    “Whites are about to go extinct.” Ummm no, they aren’t.

  32. Hallelujah! The 5 White Women and 1 Brown, did the right thing, and reached a Not Guilty verdict. I feared for the worst.

    Chris was right. No riots. Negroes are sulking all over the TV. They’ve been taken to the woodshed. Let’s ship ’em all to China.

  33. Metal Gear / Iceman says:
    July 14, 2013 at 4:11 am
    “ummm no, whites just need to marry other whites to survive.”

    Unmmm no, anti-Whites need to stop demanding all White countries and only White countries be flooded and force integrated with non-Whites.

    Anti-Whites like you, are forcing the conditions that lead to intermarriage and that my friend makes you people guilty of genocide.

  34. Iceman, those aren’t “ideologies,” they’re factual claims, which can be correct or incorrect.

    Racially exclusive territory is the best guarantee of long-term racial preservation, as well as a superior living arrangement in its own right. Preservation in multiracial society requires manipulating demographic parameters such that those who “marry true” have sufficiently more children than those who marry out. The judicious use of financial incentives could probably allow a society to finagle that outcome but a much simper method is to simply legally segregate (at whatever level: neighborhood, city, county, state, country) and be done.

    ““Whites are about to go extinct.” Ummm no, they aren’t.”

    Another way of saying is this (which I’ve heard many times from niggers, incidentally) is that “whites aren’t going away any time soon.” The point is why should whites go away any time ever? For in the long-run, based on political and cultural trends, whites are unquestionably headed for the dustbin of history. Your apparent inability to grasp the logic of racial extinction is just one reason among many that you’re commonly considered a moron in the circles you attempt to infiltrate with your communist nonsense.

    As for the whiteness of GD’s leader, heh, that’s your real sore spot, isn’t it? WNs have really gotten under your skin here, so much so that you’ll happily, giddily cut of your nose to spite your face. Mass multiracialism is pure social insanity but WNs reject him so Iceman pretends not to care about race and insists that nothing be done to remedy the awful situation.

    Listen to me very carefully: if you want to beat WNs, take their best issues away from them. Your pal no-man has grasped this. That’s why he’s “pro-beaner” but at the same time a “tamer of savages.” That’s a start, but it doesn’t go for enough. You, however, don’t even get that far.

  35. @… Unless he has a photographic memory, and memorizes his talks beforehand, he speaks well “on his feet”; ie; extemporaneously….

    He really does, an increasingly impressive natural speaker. Even if one did not agree with him, his presentation is relaxed, humorous, reasonable.

  36. —- Also, he has integrity in the old-fashioned sense. He speaks from his own experience, anecdotally, not from some far-off theory, but his real life, and that’s something one can’t really argue with, like saying he, himself, is motivated by the experience of himself and his friends in the work arena.

  37. Matthew Heimbach wrote: “We should support all white secessionists no matter where they are due to the fact that they are our cousins and are working to break away from the Empire.”

    But you don’t REALLY mean to include white secessionists from north of the Line, who belong to “an entirely different people” who “should be loathed” — who are “worse than Jews” — do you? No wait, it seems you do:

    “We should do our all to unite together, as the Crusaders did, against the Federal empire. Crusaders from different nations did not give up their sovereignty or identity, but they fought side by side with their racial cousins against their foes. We must do the same. Every Federal dollar that would be spent trying to hold down another region trying to secede, every Federal soldier sent to quell a rebellion in Vermont, Montana, or Iowa is one less that we face here at home. Sovereignty for all, identity for all, and freedom from the Federal Empire.”

    I agree, except that the Federal Empire is also a branch of global empire. Don’t let your future nation of Dixie become an empire, or another branch of global empire.

  38. Remember that the crusade is against not only Federal but global, and not only global but spiritual: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Confession before successful secession, repentance before true independence.

  39. Right, so if 200 white nationalists buy a private property (because that is all the support you would have) in Montana or Georgia, then the white race will survive.

    Right Silver.

  40. As for the whiteness of GD’s leader, heh, that’s your real sore spot, isn’t it? WNs have really gotten under your skin here, so much so that you’ll happily, giddily cut of your nose to spite your face. Mass multiracialism is pure social insanity but WNs reject him so Iceman pretends not to care about race and insists that nothing be done to remedy the awful situation.

    Mass multi-cuturalism isn’t the problem, the necessity of moving around the world to find adequate employment is the prole.

    I care about race only in that I basically accept the racial categories of carleyton coon (not his explanation for how they came about, but his descriptive observations) and I keep up on reading new HBD revelations. On the other hand I happily network with Black people in the real world and work, unlike most WNs who can’t find a job and spend all day posting on the internet.

  41. “On the other hand I happily network with Black people in the real world and work, unlike most WNs who can’t find a job and spend all day posting on the internet.”

    As if you have any idea how many WNs on these boards are working or not. Now and then we hear someone complain about being unemployed but it is not a constant refrain. On the other hand, the Blacks you happily network with, have as a group documented high degrees of unemployment and god only knows what they spend their days doing, although reading and writing is not high on the list of probabilities.

  42. About this:

    “(I was nearly attacked by a Spanish cop once over a traffic accident!)”
    Well, at least it was a WHITE cop that attacked you, and not a brown-skinned mestizo.

    Duh, yea I am still in the habit of just calling all the Brown People “Spanish” despite the fact that yes he was either a mestizo or a very low-caste cuban.

  43. “Duh, yea I am still in the habit of just calling all the Brown People “Spanish” despite the fact that yes he was either a mestizo or a very low-caste cuban.”

    It’s insulting to Spanish people whenever anyone uses their ethnic nationality to describe a mestizo. You obviously know the difference, but some whites do not. I’ve even heard some of them call Mexican food ‘Spanish’ food.

  44. I think Matt Heimbach raises some good points. Good video.

    As for comments about the South’s demographic issues, one solution, assuming secession were to occur, could be the Swiss Canton system. Don’t know how the D.C. government would interpret that, but it seems like a decent political solution to the increased presence of non-whites in the South. That and strict immigration policy.

  45. It does not take a Rocket Scientist to figure out that Mr. Heimbach is a Kosher Konservative in the mode of Glenn Beck, et al. He has said “he will take a black over a White Pagan” and his anti National Socialist views when he explains them come right out of the Glenn Beck type talking points. I call your attention to his quotes on the Radio Show “The Chad”, a Black hosed Show , the hosts specifically condemn “racism”. Mr. Heimbach made the comment Re: Pagans and went on to say, “if a Jew converted to Christianity, I would accept him as a brother in Christ.”
    This is in accordance with the words from Galatians 3:28 – written by the Jew Paul (Saul) – in the New Testament: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”. He caught so much flack, that in haste, he penned an Essay after, on June 28, “Matthew Heimbach and the Jewish Question”, which reeks of Zio-Christianity and reeks of anti-National Socialism, he task about how bad it was for those mean wicked evil “Nazis” to be mean to the poor working class Jews and let the elite Jews get away with all their loot. His Essay is a clear indication of BOTH ignorance of the Jewish Question and National Socialism.
    Mr. Heimbach, when you listen to his very cleverly crafted public speeches NEVER names the Jew in public, speaks in generalities about the symptoms and not the disease and is so wrapped up in a Christian basis for everything, i.e. just like a Glenn Beck Conservative. Mr. Heimbach does NOT like to engage in any critical discussion. He never journies outside of controlled speaking settings.
    Here is a link:
    The radio show http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-113475/TS-724928.mp3 (Heimbach talks about 25 minutes into the show).

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