Live Thread: NOT GUILTY!!!


Two words: Not Guilty!

Update: Now comes the crying.

Second Update: Jared Taylor on the Zimmerman verdict.

“This was really no more than a huge “racism” hoax, just like the dozens that are shoved under the carpet every year. Except that this time, the con men and their sycophants overplayed their hand. Just as in the Duke lacrosse team rape hoax, they got national media attention and were eventually exposed as vindictive frauds.”

Note: Sorry about not approving the comments. My smart phone has been dead all evening. I’ve turned comment moderation off temporarily for we can celebrate this special occasion. Don’t make me regret it by starting flame wars with each other.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Quiet as graveyard around here. (and I’m not just saying that because there’s one literally at the end of my street)

  2. Nothing going on here in Vegas either.

    I doubt we will see any riots. Too bad though, I wish the niggers would start chimping.

  3. All quiet in Orlando, just south of Sanford. Eatonville, oldest black settlement in ‘Amerka’, is just down the road and it’s quiet there, too.

  4. This is a bullshit verdict.

    I am no fan of negroes, but clearly Zimmerman was guilty – he should not have been following Travvon Martin the first place.

  5. The Union will prosecute Zimmerman for Civil Rights violations at the behest of the NAACP and the rest of the anti-white alphabet. It ain’t over yet.

  6. That video is a hoax. It’s actually a video of a riot in Vancouver after an NHL championship.

  7. Full fledge rioting in Phoenix. Level 10 Chimp out!!

    Of course I am kidding, we don’t have those problems here. Tubby beaner Zimmerman gets off. Justice is served.

    Rachel Jeantel is a great conversation piece for me. An eye-opener for the unschooled.

  8. you say a beaner got acquitted for killing a ‘groid? Hopefully the Dark Ones will now flash mob a few spic neighborhoods. Or stomp some urban White Cosmics. Or better still, both. Overall it is a joy to see the neo conz Proposition Nation crap going up in smoke.

  9. I don’t think Zimmerman will face anymore charges. This case has been a disaster for the media and the federal prosecutor.

    Omera laid in to the media in a Q&A press conference. I doubt anyone in the government wants to dirty their hands any further with this case.

  10. I’m happy for the tubby little fella. He did good, he was also innocent.

    Everyone stay safe. You too Chris, I’m in Denmark so I’ve been following case via
    Legal insurrection and conservative tree house.

    I also recommend they were excellent legal analysts.

    Stay safe!

  11. I hope Zimmerman sues the media and the state of Florida. The prosecutor should be charged and fired as was Nifong(?) was in the Duke lacrosse rape case.

  12. @Sean:

    Omera laid in to the media in a Q&A press conference. I doubt anyone in the government wants to dirty their hands any further with this case.

    You have more faith in them than I, brother. Maybe I am just cynical, but it seems that there is no limit to the Fed’s stupidity, or moral bankruptcy. Besides, there will be no consequence of any…well…consequence if they railroad Zimmerman.

  13. Enjoy your celebration of your Jewish/Mexican friend’s victory. I of course am not pleased. One interesting development from this is a possible backlash against feminism since it was an all-female jury. Don’t worry about Oakland; they’ll riot over anything. Hopefully our African-American brothers and sisters will avoid rioting in most other cities, proving you people wrong, but even if they do riot, it is because of the failure of our justice system, and to some extent the concept of white privilege, even if we know that Zimmermann really isn’t white. Lots of my friends on the White Left are quite unhappy, but they didn’t really follow the trial and see the mistakes by the prosecution. Ok that’s my drunken post for tonight; now back to hiatus.

  14. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor

    “Lots of my friends on the White Left are quite unhappy..”

    – Do tell! Your boy Tim Wise is already making threats on Twitter tonight — claiming that the verdict had his 12-year old in tears, and issuing a warning that “white supremacy has made a new enemy” or some such. He’s really having tough night. But that’s ‘Murika — you win some, you lose some. Numsayin?

    I just hope somebody buys Tiny Tim an iced tea and a bag of skittles before his blood sugar gets too low.

  15. If there is an insurrection I hope the cops have drones and whatnot circling the ghetto. Nothing quite like video footage tracking a looter back to his nest to show a jury or judge. The cops might actually have a bonanza of arrests this week if they have planned ahead with surveillance. A real chance to clean house Nd sweep the gutter filth into prison.

  16. How is Zimmerman white?

    He’s as black as Homer Plessy. He’s literally the embodiment of the globalized mongrel. A physically small, brown skinned, Liberal multiculturalist. If the left had a mold to re cast the entire species he’s a good example of what it would look like. I’m living among Danes right now. These people are white, they might even be white supremacists by Tim Wises definition. They do not like third world immigrants much.

  17. It’s amazing to see all these white liberals worry about their 12 year olds getting shot by neighborhood watch vigilantes.

    Hmmmm sure thing. Time Wise: ” I’m worried for my son on the street from the Klan now, may god strike me dead, if I ain’t!”

    It’s more likely you’d get zapped by lightening than get shot by a NW vigilante. Or have your kid develop testicular cancer or die in a plane crash. How many times in the last decade has this happened? A dozen at a stretch?

  18. Please I hope all of you are taking this very, very seriously!

    Be extra careful the next few days, remember your situational awareness, don’t go out alone, DEFINITELY don’t let the women out alone, stay armed, stay out of black areas, be careful!

    Remember if there is a fight it will not be fair! It will be overwhelming force against you or “sucker-punch” tactics, an attack of opportunity, don’t give it to them!

    Stay safe!

  19. This cod be Obama’s version of Hurricane Katrina.

    The howling black mob reduce city after city to ash in a week of looting and pillaging.

    Then the self serving rat has to get on TV explaining away the activities of his adopted sons.

  20. Good point, Palmetto. Let’s not forget though, the reason we have Al Sharpton is because his ancestors were brought here to tend southern cash crops.

    Trayvon Martin, Crump and Jesse Jackson as well. The absolute insanity of importing niggers.

    I don’t defend the government, but as a proud southerner, you should understand, your people have a big part in the destruction of what could have been a decent nation.

  21. Sean, Southerners did not creat Sharpton. Had the USA not given us Civil Rights over the strong protest and 250,000 dead Southern bodies there would have been no MLK, Sharpton or Jackson. Dont blame us for problems created by your propositional nation.

  22. I lament that Tim Wise hasn’t yet consoled his daughter by walking with her hand-in-hand through the foulest nig-nest while murmuring “It’s ok sweetie. See they’re all safe. Here comes a group now to reassure you.”

  23. Great news, but as Churchill reminded the British after Dunkirk, “Wars are not won by evacuations.”

  24. None of this would have happened if trayvon wouldn’t have baited Simerman. It back fired on trayvon.

  25. “One interesting development from this is a possible backlash against feminism since it was an all-female jury.”

    On the contrary. Jurors are soccer mom. Since the female body strength disadvantage. Sympathize with Z of aa thugs roaming the street.

  26. This caught me completely by surprise. I thought for certain this was a setup trial to make blacks feel good. I am happy to see him walk. It is also a victory for those of us who believe in the right of self defense.

  27. @ Sean says:
    Good point, Palmetto. Let’s not forget though, the reason we have Al Sharpton is because his ancestors were brought here to tend southern cash crops….”

    Well, that’s EXACTLY WHY we have latinos, too, right? Aren’t they ‘doing work the whites won’t do?” Aren’t they “cheap labor?”

    So… um, the reason we have mexicans such as zimmerman is b/c whites can’t do their own work, right?

  28. Joseph Campbell, Jr. says:
    July 14, 2013 at 10:06 am

    “Tim Wise is a vile, self-hating white man.”

    Tim Wise is not White and I know for a fact, he tries to conceal what he really is.

    His “Tick, tock, time is running out” letter to Whites, was the most threatening one he has made so far. Give Timmy a drink and he starts to tell the truth about his intentions regard Whites.

    Creeps like that aren’t “self hating”, they aren’t “anti-racist”, they really are just anti-White.

  29. I was at a gas station (New Orleans) went it down last night. About 5 or 6 youfs were on hand. There was some grumbling, but they didn’t chimp. The problem is, even if there is no visible rioting, the media is NOT going to the random beatings, murders and hate crimes against whites resulting from this verdict.

    I’m pleasantly surprised. The women clearly applied logic and reason over emotion. This is all the more surprising, because this was a corrupt prosecution from the beginning. It was backed by the full weight of the US government and a carpet bombing campaign by Jewish media.

    Look up Mark O’Mara comments. He hit the media hard. He said if the roles were reversed, Trayvon would not have been charged. The usual suspects flipped out.

  30. Sean says:
    July 14, 2013 at 10:05 am

    “I don’t defend the government, but as a proud southerner, you should understand, your people have a big part in the destruction of what could have been a decent nation.”

    Yankees say, America is a propositional nation. What that means is anyone in the entire World, can come to America, as long as they put their hand on their heart and say they believe in the same words.

    So what propositional nation means is your home does not belong to you, it belongs to the entire world.

    Yankees are wordists – word fanatics. They value “fine words” above their own flesh and blood – their own people.

    Negroes or not, America was never going anywhere good, with these people in command.

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