Live Thread: NOT GUILTY!!!


Two words: Not Guilty!

Update: Now comes the crying.

Second Update: Jared Taylor on the Zimmerman verdict.

“This was really no more than a huge “racism” hoax, just like the dozens that are shoved under the carpet every year. Except that this time, the con men and their sycophants overplayed their hand. Just as in the Duke lacrosse team rape hoax, they got national media attention and were eventually exposed as vindictive frauds.”

Note: Sorry about not approving the comments. My smart phone has been dead all evening. I’ve turned comment moderation off temporarily for we can celebrate this special occasion. Don’t make me regret it by starting flame wars with each other.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I recommend we use this thread to gather all the chimp information, unreported assaults on whites, incitements against whites in Jewish media and other developments.

  2. Cities should put curfew for aa male for the safety of whites- whites are being curfew.

    What a fecked up world we’re living in. I would not venture in the hoods lest ye packed with heavy metal.

    Prez Obama speaking out: Trayvon could have been my son.

    Weasel John Boehner: Trayvon could have been my son-in-law.

  3. If I was Z. I wouldn’t waste any time getting out and going back to Peru. Leave quickly before they come after you again. The Black Undertow must be appeased. A simple, poor life is much better than no life at all.

    Z must be the firmest believer in the “strength of diversity” of all.

  4. “Zimmerman is going to have to relocate. My advice to him would be Montana or Utah.”

    Why are you looking to dump that mestizo grease-ball smack into the middle of all those white folks in those two states? The last thing they need is another brown-sack-of-shit dumped in their backyards.

    This whole affair was a two-fer – meaning it took out a niggur by using another shitskin to do it. Zimmerman is NOT one of us. I’m glad he was acquitted, because niggurz need to be hurtin’ as much as possible – and then some. But once we whites have come out on top, it’s time to kick aside useful tools like Z and move on.

  5. From my comment, the first one to appear last night, on the “Reconstruct Cambridge” thread: “Breaking news: Zimmerman is not guilty (…) There goes another OD prediction (…) It’s NOT a “victory for Whites” (not because according to OD “there is no such thing as ‘white people’ “) but at best a draw, since “They” got away completely with putting on such a travesty of a trial, and in fact an irrelevancy since Zimmerman is not even white!”

  6. Palmetto Patriot:“Notice how Sharpton immediately calls for Federal intervention. Naturally. The US government is the most effective anti-White organisation on this planet.”

    I’ve listened to your videos, PP and you sound like a native-born Southerner. So I found it odd that you spelled ‘organization’ like a Canadian or an Englishman.

    Are you an undercover European agent?

  7. It was a victory for us Mosin because the media and BRA portrayed it as a White on black crime. They got it shoved back in their faces as they should have. If they had been honest (an impossibility for rabid anti-Whites?) it would have been reported as an Hispanic and black confrontation and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  8. The media will probably incite some lynchings of whites, but what else is new. While we are stuck on riot watch we have wasted an opportunity, but that is nothing new on the Right.

    IMO blacks as a race demographic in ‘Murika are washed us has been blowhards fueled by corn syrup and intoxicants. (think about the fact they are a large portion of the ruling coalition of the world’s “greatest power” I’ll bet Putin is fucking impressed)

    Still they are used as Morlocks because they have a small internal demographic that can and will lynch whites, and that is what we need to call it LYNCHING.

  9. Joseph Campbell, Jr. says:
    July 14, 2013 at 10:06 am
    Tim Wise is a vile, self-hating white man.”

    Jack replies:

    No. Tim Wise is a rather typical white hating Jew.

  10. More, allow me to attempt to answer for Palmetto. Many of us choose to use the original, correct English orthography and thus spell the words as they are in English. ‘American’ is a product of that yankee Daniel Webster who changed spelling conventions honoured for centuries based on his “Americanizing” of the tongue. Since many of us are pretty darn sure that the American union is a horrid thing, we reject the way the yankee language. I use Oxford’s dictionary—not Webster’s.

  11. “Since many of us are pretty darn sure that the American union is a horrid thing, we reject the way the yankee language. I use Oxford’s dictionary—not Webster’s.”

    So it is intentional then? That is great. I’m going to have to change my spell checker.

  12. Good news! This is a sharp blow to the Marxist establishment and their mercenary orcs.

    Reading your predictions about how the verdict would turn out, I see some of you guys [*cough*Hunter: “I predict that Zimmerman will be found guilty”6/28/13*cough cough*] are way too pessimistic about things. Where is your fighting spirit?!

    It would be awesome if Mandela died in the next few days or so, an event which the global Left will probably use to castigate and target Whites everywhere.

    I’m already preparing to celebrate when he goes.

  13. ‘American’ is a product of that yankee Daniel Webster who changed spelling conventions honoured for centuries based on his “Americanizing” of the tongue.

    I think that was Noah Webster of Connecticut.

  14. Tim Wise is a political ally, treat him as such. Twitter users bounce this question off him; “Tim why are you anti-white?” Use him

  15. “If Zimmerman is smart, he’ll be on a plane out of the country tonight.”

    Why give the aa final victory. Stand your ground.

  16. Z won the battle. Victory is not yet. G.Z. should stay with support that aa will not drive us out to sea.

  17. G Prune says:
    July 14, 2013 at 3:43 pm
    “Why give the aa final victory. Stand your ground.”

    He isn’t White and should not be in America anyway.

    Want a final victory for Z? Z thumbs his nose at the cameras, as he goes back to Peru, or wherever he belongs.

  18. “Many of us choose to use the original, correct English orthography and thus spell the words as they are in English. ‘American’ is a product of that yankee Daniel Webster who changed spelling conventions honoured for centuries based on his “Americanizing” of the tongue. Since many of us are pretty darn sure that the American union is a horrid thing, we reject the way the yankee language. I use Oxford’s dictionary—not Webster’s.”

    Isn’t it strange, then, that I have always had the SAME habit, being NORTH of the Line, Jack.

    A “colloquial American” writing style became popular in the nineteenth century, with borrowed Indian and negro words, deliberate grammatical errors and missing vowels and consonants — the ancestor of twentieth and twenty-first century American “urban language”. I always hated to read it.

    King’s English forever, without the king!

    The English language is the world’s finest, most expressive language — or possibly, SECOND to the ancient Brythonic language of King Arthur, still living as Welsh.

  19. RobRoySimmons says:
    July 14, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    “Tim Wise is a political ally, treat him as such. Twitter users bounce this question off him; “Tim why are you anti-white?” Use him”

    Good idea. I’m going to have to learn this Twitter.

  20. “He isn’t White and should not be in America anyway. Want a final victory for Z? Z thumbs his nose at the cameras, as he goes back to Peru, or wherever he belongs.”

    Worth quoting, Pro White Joe!

  21. Where’s the rioting? You know America is in serious decline when the usual suspects can’t even throw a good chimpout party.

  22. jack, if you are truly you are “an entirely different people” you may need to create an entirely different, SOUTHERN language — to differentiate and separate yourselves from the source-of-all-evil, white protestant northern colonial settler stock who continue to use ENGLISH.

  23. “jack, if you are truly you are” should have been “jack, if you truly you are” — or if you would spell your screen name with a “J” capital: “Jack, if you truly are”. Grammar is much more interesting than this saga of the Jewish-Hispanic show trial victim. “Z” stands for boring irrelevant distraction and falling off to sleep.

  24. Coming from north of the Line and southern cities to your own suburb, “blacks have begun leaving cities for more affluent suburbs in large numbers, much like generations of whites before them. ‘ The notion of the North and its cities as the promised land has been a powerful part of African-American life, culture and history, and now it all seems to be passing by,’ said Clement Price, a professor of history at Rutgers-Newark. ‘ The black urban experience has essentially lost its appeal with blacks in America.’ During the turbulent 1960s, black population growth ground to a halt in the South, and Southern states claimed less than 10 percent of the national increase then. The South has increasingly claimed a greater share of black population growth since — about half the country’s total in the 1970s, two-thirds in the 1990s and three-quarters in the decade that just ended.” What do you think?

  25. “I thought for certain this was a setup trial to make blacks feel good.”

    It was but it failed, which is great. The only question is did it fail because Zimmerman wasn’t White. The media made him White outside the courtroom because of their anti-White agenda but they couldn’t do that inside the courtroom.

    The best thing Zimmerman can do now is not leave. He needs to get his face on the TV as much as possible, maybe sue CNN over the doctored tape etc, to show how non-white he is. That’ll take a lot of the steam out of it.

  26. jack, if you are truly you are “an entirely different people” you may need to create an entirely different, SOUTHERN language — to differentiate and separate yourselves from the source-of-all-evil, white protestant northern colonial settler stock who continue to use ENGLISH.

    A distinct language is not a prerequisite for a distinct nationality. English is spoken as the native tongue of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world who have little else in common.

    We Southrons have some distinctive elements within our traditional language (many of which have been lost to modernism). Perhaps someone more knowledgeable of linguistics, like Palmetto Patriot, could tell us whether Southron could classed as a dialect of English.

  27. How long before the undertow occupied metro areas start renaming streets going through their ghettos after Saint Trayvon? When Im driving through unfamiliar towns I can always look for the streets named after black leaders and know Im going the wrong way

  28. “” – and it will be until the end of America.

  29. clearly Zimmerman was guilty – he should not have been following Travvon Martin the first place

    Are you a troll? How does that justify Martin putting a beatdown on Zimmerman?

  30. Same old crap Hunter, different day. I suspect after the polarization this trial caused most White and normal folks are sick of it and not paying attention.

  31. The Hubster and I attended a marvelous men’s chorale concert last night. My dear pal Aryan Goddess called with the news, around 10:30PM. We were on thep hone for an hour/ I posted on one of your threads.

    I am so thrilled about this. I was TRULY afraid that 6 women would act as utter fools, and fell sorry for the Nigger scum. Thank GOD there are six women in the JewSA, possessing shreds of sanity.

    Watch the Jewraldo Rivera stuff on this, from last night, for pure comedy gold. That STOOPID Spic Kike broadcast from Sanford, outside of the courthouse. The Nogs were stunned, and chastened. They are CHILDREN. Stupid, spoilt-rotten chirren. I would like to have 5 minutes alone w/ Jewraldo. He said that the verdict was “Not guilty. That doesn’t mean innocent. That means not guilty”, and he kept referring to the Dead Nig as the “tragically slain youngster” . This forced me to scream at the TV. I hate Kikes.

  32. WG – I hope that old Marxist COON Nelson Mandooky chokes to death too. The sooner the better. I’ll hoist a glass of German beer, when he does.

  33. “Tim Wise is not White and I know for a fact, he tries to conceal what he really is. ”

    He’s Jewish, so that makes him white.

    A self-hating white piece of shit.

  34. “He’s Jewish, so that makes him white.”

    A cheap white paint job, doesn’t make you a White man. lol

  35. There’s a little something called DNA, which determines what you are and where you came from. More White man’s magic.

  36. Denise, I know that Geraldo is an irritating little gadfly, but you really missed the fun when Geraldo went all La Raza on Juan Williams for daring to disagree with him when he said that shooting Trayvon was clearly self-defense on the part of Zimmerman and that there never should have been charges filed to begin with.

    The NAACP is agitating for Eric “My People” Holder to sic the DoJ on Zimmerman and charge him with hate crimes, but the DoJ’s only response is to sign off on an interesting little ad directed at all those Trayvon supporters tweeting threats of violence. It shows a black guy and a brown girl telling them to “raise your voices, not your hands,” warning them that they don’t want to go to jail. “Remember, the police have your back!” Then a line of stern-looking police, armed to the teeth line up behind the speakers.

    At the “First Amendment Areas,” where they were penned in, under armed guard, the expressions on their faces were priceless. They haven’t been told “NO!” by The Man since the Detroit Riots. What is ironic is that they can’t break out the old “White Supremacist” meme, because The Man is Black!

    Why now? I have my own theories. First, Detroit, Camden, Trenton, Gary, Birmingham, etc. ad nauseum ad infinitum has demonstrated the futility of bribing this bunch into acting civilized. So many cities have been wrecked by them that any threat of “a long, hot summer” isn’t as potent as it used to be in the early seventies. I think FEDGOV realizes that Whitey is just one outrage at hitting his snapping point and it’s time to back off.

    Yes, with its latest Comprehensive Immigrant “Reform” antics, Washington is hell-bent on electing a new people, but despite this “White Hispanic” pulled with Zimmerman, it is clear to me that ZOG is as sick of BRA as the rest of the country. I don’t think Al Sharpster or Jesse Jackson have figured it out yet, but they will.

  37. Clytemnestra -it’s over. For NOGS. It’s OVER. Oh – it’s going to bwe a long hard slog to clean up the mess, but their 100% consistent uselessness and destructiveness is blindingly obvious to every-one.

    Every-one that matters.

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