Live Thread: NOT GUILTY!!!


Two words: Not Guilty!

Update: Now comes the crying.

Second Update: Jared Taylor on the Zimmerman verdict.

“This was really no more than a huge “racism” hoax, just like the dozens that are shoved under the carpet every year. Except that this time, the con men and their sycophants overplayed their hand. Just as in the Duke lacrosse team rape hoax, they got national media attention and were eventually exposed as vindictive frauds.”

Note: Sorry about not approving the comments. My smart phone has been dead all evening. I’ve turned comment moderation off temporarily for we can celebrate this special occasion. Don’t make me regret it by starting flame wars with each other.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wise ia Mischling Kike. His Jew blood destroys the White. He’s Chosen to be Self Chosen. He’s a Mischling. An abomination to God.

    These journalists and their 11 – 12 year old children…are they getting a script from somehwere?

  3. TMT — Episode #183 — When Trey-nigger met Zimmer-mamzer — 14 July 13
    Time: July 14, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    OK, the jewry is out and they decided, rightly, that the beaner-jew Zimmer-mamzer was jewstified in plugging Trey-nigger because Trey-nigger/Skittles was beating the shit out of the Zimmer-mamzer.

    Below is a defense video, not previously shown at trial for obvious reasons, that pretty much is a recreation of the events of the night of Feb. 26, 2012, except that the Zimmer-mamzer is actually much browner than in this Mortal Kombat recreation:

    Frankly, I’m sorta partial to a race-war as part of Civil War II / The Great Tribulation.

    Which ex-whiggers will, of course, eventually win as niggers can’t even run a factory producing AK-47 ammo.

    Let’s talk about thangs to cum.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  4. “He’s suing NBC for defamation for editing his 9/11 call”

    Good for him.


    “He’s Jewish, so that makes him white.”

    They’re not White. They’re middle-easterners who inter-married White when they first came to Europe to change their appearance a little. They’re doing the same thing now with East Asians in preparation to swarm there. It’s just camouflage.


    “it is clear to me that ZOG is as sick of BRA as the rest of the country. I don’t think Al Sharpster or Jesse Jackson have figured it out yet, but they will.”

    Yes it’s been clear for a while they want to get rid of them now that hispanics are getting numerous enough to make up the numbers.

  5. Big deal! A mulatto mestizo with a Jewish surname gets off the hook for defending himself against a brutha. The only good thing is that it pisses the niggers off.

  6. I don’t know why some people on this post are soooo upset that Zimmerman is a mestizo. This man’s actions probably saved some white person(s) from being robbed or killed by the late No-Limit- Nigger. The situation he was in with the Trayvon could have been one that anyone of us could have been in. If anything, we who are white should be hailing him for winning a victory against a corrupt cabal of local, state, and federal officials. We should study how his legal team won the victory, take notes, and have that information ready for our own defense in case we get “Zimmermaned”.

  7. I believe that Treyvon’s race probably did play in a role in the decision of Zimmerman to target him. The only problem is that racial profiling isn’t first degree murder.

    I still think this was Zimmerman’s fault, however.

  8. @ Mosin Nagant says:

    ….at best a draw, since “They” got away completely with putting on such a travesty of a trial, and in fact an irrelevancy since Zimmerman is not even white!”….

    I know I’m a big stupid ignent fat toe-picker redneck cracker, according to some here, but I do enjoy your comments often, MN.

    I have NEVER WATCHED ANY of these freaky Show Trials, and maybe it’s sad that (supposed) white people can not make that their talking point. I didn’t watch OJ, (barely even knew it was happening).

    Don’t watch COURT TV, either. The whole exercise of REDEFINING how dumbed down mobs will perceive the court system and their degraded role in it, is just another horror show that makes DixieGirl ponder leaving the country.

    Court tv was put on with “Judge thusandsuch” (there were tons of them, all on different channels, and all at the same time on tv, to GIVE THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE.)

    Yes, court t.v. was like going to the grotesque strip mall “grocery stores” the yankees have opened throughout the south, with their aisle after ailse of “foods” they raise their babies on, with the long list of ingredients like “RED DYE #7 and FLAVORING #4, etc.)

    Aisle after aisle of CHOICES! (of poison!). Thus was court t.v., which was on in the “After School” timeslot.

    Apparently IT WORKED, since being raised on After School Court TV, it now seemingly makes sense for the masses to WATCH THIS SHOW TRIAL, or OJ, or whatever the Show Trial Du Jour.

    The whole point of which is to Redefine you as a Fascist Subject (in the sense of Militarist Corporatist and basically sort of Statist and Empty, the sort of person who will be glued to OJ’s fate, or Zimmerman’s FATE, as a way of life, as what they do all day). Note the Court t.v. scene of people STANDING before the podium of the castigating judge—- lol.

    So, down with streety SHOW TRIALS!
    With Redefining who Americans are in relationship to a “Court System.”

    Court cases used to be done with a matter of privacy. They are not tried by MOBS ON TV, like now. With the country’s “highest offices” (you have to laugh) stepping in, to say “Yes, go ahead and riot,” or “no, do not riot.”

    All round, the level of STREETy that they have brought the average public to is horrifying.

  9. — Oh, not only was the REAL GOAL totally accomplished (continued REDEFINITION of the American Subject in relation to its court systems) BUT ALSO, as Mosin pointed out, the redefinition of “White” to mean hispanic.

    Redefining Latins as “White”—- is part of the overall Immigration Goal (to erase the ethnic descendants, ie north & west european protestants, from the country their real families founded)

    For the “elites” in your existing “classical hierarchy” du jour—- it was a “win-win.”

  10. People just shouldn’t watch SHOW TRIALS—- it does sort of raise the question, “what does that make YOU?”

    Of course, you don’t want to live in such a Third World country where they have that all the time, either! Not to mention the gladiator-arena-stadia-pergamom-altar-style “sports,” which seem the same candy-for-the-mobs kind of thing. (I’ve never seen a “football game” from start to finish, either!)

    That’s why it’s so WEIRD when they do the Repeater Meme, “We’re going to become the Third World!” Or “the Elites plan to make us the Third World.”

    What else could you call this? I don’t get it. Didn’t that already happen in the 1960s or something?

  11. DixieGirl says:

    ‘Yes, court t.v. was like going to the grotesque strip mall “grocery stores” the yankees have opened throughout the south, with their aisle after ailse of “foods” they raise their babies on, with the long list of ingredients like “RED DYE #7 and FLAVORING #4, etc.)’

    Grocery stores are another Yankee evil?

  12. Dalton – NO ONE is upset with Zim’s racial status. We’ve been his staunch and unswerving defenders and supporters from the beginning.

    We’re just cheesed that ZOG is so desperate to demonize and destroy Whites, that ZOG uses a Brown man as proxy for Whites.

  13. I wonder if Zimmermann is aware of the fact that despite being Hispanic the only people that consistently supported him were the so-called “White supremacists” as shown by the fact that it was Kyle Rogers of the Council of Conservative Citizens that first began deconstructing the media’s deification of the No Limit Nigga. La Raza, MALDEF and the myriad other Hispanic activist groups were utterly silent throughout this entire episode. Another point that I noticed was that liberals raged over “White supremacy” following the verdict and how it was proof that people of color are always behind the eight ball in America. Are these imbeciles aware that Zimmerman is not White but a person of color just like Saint Trayvon was? At any rate I am glad that Zimmerman was able to elude the desired outcome of this show trial but he since he committed the unpardonable sin of killing a nigger, albeit in self-defense, he should be aware that BRA is out for his head in the pursuit of “Justice for Trayvon” and nothing will stop them until he is behind bars or dead.

  14. Jagdflieger says:
    July 15, 2013 at 4:12 pm
    “Another point that I noticed was that liberals raged over “White supremacy” following the verdict and how it was proof that people of color are always behind the eight ball in America. Are these imbeciles aware that Zimmerman is not White but a person of color just like Saint Trayvon was? ”

    They say they can’t see race, but they can sure see race, when it comes to White Guilt, White Supremacy, affirmative action against Whites, etc…

    To answer your question, yes they know he is not White, but they are insane. Antiwhitism is psychopathic illness they suffer from.

  15. Snowden sitting next to Putin watching American media Trayvon spectacle. Putin saying.: look at what your country has become; How can we Ruskies trust them when your government turns its back on your people and the historical background.

  16. “Big deal! A mulatto mestizo with a Jewish surname gets off the hook for defending himself against a brutha.”

    Very big deal. The media was pretending he was White in an attempt to criminalize self-defense for White people. Very big deal indeed. It came unstuck because he isn’t White but this trial was aimed squarely at harming White people.


    “he should be aware that BRA is out for his head in the pursuit of “Justice for Trayvon” and nothing will stop them until he is behind bars or dead.”

    Disagree. If he gets out in the sun and then gets his face on TV it’ll be obvious he’s not the sort of White the media were portraying. This will make the media look like the liars they are and they’ll turn down the dial.

  17. Denise, read some of the comments about GZ on this post or some past ones. It is a big deal to some people that Georgie-Boy isn’t white. My own stand on the issue is made above.

  18. I read the article, and the simple truth is that all the “injustices” of which the writer complains, are not injustices at all. White Americans should, most assuredly, enjoy all the benefits, advantages, and privileges which are properly bestowed upon the superior people in a civil society. In point of fact, ethnic minorities should either return to the impoverished, squalid third world countries frm which they came, or quietly accept their inferior political and social status. Even more specifically, I agree with Abraham Lincoln regarding this issue. Negroes and other minorities should most certainly NOT be entitled to vote, serve as jurors, or intermarry with whites. Regarding minority “rights”, Roger Taney had the right idea in Dredd Scott.

  19. Snowden sitting next to Putin watching American media Trayvon spectacle. Putin saying.: look at what your country has become; How can we Ruskies trust them when your government turns its back on your people and the historical background.

    Obama calls me up on the phone. Sometime I have to ask him if he’s from south of the equator.

  20. “This is a must-read.

    I read the article as well and the majority of the Negress’s complaints have nothing to do with “racism” per say but rather pattern recognition on the part of some Whites who obviously are clueless that it is “racist” to be aware that Negros commit the overwhelming majority of crime in the USA. As an act of kindness, perhaps someone should make the writer aware of the following link so that she can comprehend the reasons why certain Whites exhibit those dispositions that she finds so objectionable.

  21. Big deal! A mulatto mestizo with a Jewish surname gets off the hook for defending himself against a brutha.

    I don’t understand how so many people can miss the point. This trial was an attempt by the establishment to set a precedent towards criminalising self defence. If they ultimately get their way, then defending yourself from a Negro thug who is beating your head into the pavement will be considered murder. Right now, the US government is considering prosecuting Zimmerman with violating Martin’s “civil rights”. Zimmerman isn’t white and they are still going to all this trouble to massacre him. Imagine what this means for someone who is white and who can be proven to have politically incorrect racial views and is forced to defend himself from a non-white attacker.

  22. DixieGirl wrote: “Yes, court t.v. was like going to the grotesque strip mall “grocery stores” the yankees have opened throughout the south, with their aisle after ailse of “foods” they raise their babies on, with the long list of ingredients like “RED DYE #7 and FLAVORING #4, etc.)”

    Sam replied: “Grocery stores are another Yankee evil?”

    Mosin Nagant responds: An evil design of The Rootless City People. I shop at mom and pops, for scratch ingredients, whenever it’s up to me.

  23. “Redefining Latins as ‘White’ — is part of the overall Immigration Goal (to erase the ethnic descendants, ie north & west european protestants, from the country their real families founded)”

    Exactly. Zimmerman does NOT qualify as White because he is Roman Catholic.

  24. “Exactly. Zimmerman does NOT qualify as White because he is Roman Catholic.”

    With all due respect, Mosin Nagant, that is an idiotic and ridiculous statement. So all those French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Poles, Irish, Austrians, Hungarians and Lithuanians as well as those Catholics living in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovakia and the Ukraine are not White? Every European prior to the Protestant Reformation wasn’t White either? I am so sick and tired of this stupid “if you’re not a WASP you aren’t White” nonsense.

  25. PROFILE is as old as the Earth itself. America making a big stink about it. All around the planet of people’ and places. For example Japanese consider top of the food chain profile Chinese. Chinese profile Vietnamese. Vietnamese profile aborigines. India society caste of lighter skin hierarchy.

    Japanese especially profile whites. Person just got back from Japan who was there for year. consider a foreigner and a guest. Polite people, bias is there.

  26. “Zimmerman does Not qualify as White because he is Roman Catholic.” Mosin, while GZ is indeed a Mestizo, your statement that Roman Catholics aren’t White is the stupidest, ignorant, and bigoted thing I’ve ever seen on OD. Leaving out the Eastern Orthodox for the moment, all Christians in the West for the first 1500 years of the faith were RC’s. So, according to your bizarre logic, for 1500 years, Christians were not White. Then, when Martin Luther comes on the scene, his followers become White? Uh, the last time I looked, colored folks who become Protestants don’t change their color, and White people who become Catholics stay White. Please do some reading on genetics and you will find out than religion can not change a persons race.

  27. Note to Hunter Wallace: I’m not going to start a flame war with Mosin. I’m just criticizing his confusion of biology and religion. If he replies to my post, I’ll answer him and drop it. BTW, I wonder what Apelius will think of Mosin’s post?

  28. Trial date was set on the summer heat wave? sporadic wal-mart looting. the air-conditions not working.

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