Fighting White Trash Hicks in Bar Fights


With the Trayvon Martin verdict in, there is a lot of concerns about “black” chimpouts, and many Southern Whites are preparing for what they should do in all out black riots (e.g., The Day The EBT Card Quits Working), especially how to use guns in self defense.

My personal experience of late is that hand-to-hand fights with White trash hicks from Indiana are more likely.

Here’s a short video presenting some basic hand to hand defense/offense for dealing with these types:


  1. There is nothing I hate more than the term “White Trash” Even used as a “term of endearment” (Like blacks calling each other ‘niggas’) I find the term offensive.

    Sometimes we call each other “Red-Necks” when doing something really fucking stupid, but let me tell you in my area “White Trash” are fighting words.

    “White Trash Hicks” are the way they are because blacks and other miscreants consume the welfare and social programs that were put into place to help our people, and, also due to the dumbed-down education they receive from the Jew-controled schools.

    Of the few hard-core criminals I know, even in our completely fucked-up society, there are VERY few whites that are completely beyond redemption.

  2. There is some truth to this.

    I go out frequently to the bars and only rarely run into any African-Americans there, but drunk White men fighting over drunk slutty White women is something that I see all the time.

  3. “drunk White men fighting over drunk slutty White women is something that I see all the time.”

    Dumb rednecks gonna be dumb.

  4. Well, as Heimbach was saying, SN/WN is or is becoming a dissident movement (actually, SN I think could . So, hypothetically, lower-class whites and/or ex-cons could know some useful tricks on how to avoid surveillance or things of that nature.

    And on that note, with the NSA and Snowden:

  5. Sorry, it’s not just red necks. Men in large packs, alcohol and sexual jealousy can kick off fights anywhere, among all classes and backgrounds. Just test it out. Go down to the nearest sports bar that draws affluent college kids. Start eye-balling any male in there. Before you know it, you’ll hear got a problem motherfucker! Then, you can either back off, or there will be a fight.

  6. (actually, SN I think could

    Woops, forgot to complete my train of thought. Should be (actually, I SN I think could qualify as a political dissident movement now).

  7. Alex Linder made a point a while back that people with a mind for criminal cunning could be useful. That’s not an exact quote, and I may not have his idea precisely right. The other side sure has enough of them.

  8. I’m actually tired of going to the bars.

    Case in point, I had to go out with my friend the other night because some chick he met was going out, and he didn’t trust her in the bar without him being there. He has never once found a woman in a bar who was worth keeping around.

  9. Playing devil’s advocate, I guess the counterpoint would be that the risk of having criminals is that they can sully the reputation/image of a given political movement.

  10. “He has never once found a woman in a bar who was worth keeping around.”

    Then why does he continue to seek women at places that generally only produce trash?

    I don’t want to fight any whites. We need to talk them into some sense whenever the opportunity arises. Like Annie Oakley used to tell us… I miss her and her diaries. Anyone know whatever happened to her?

  11. The video is great. You can tell that these guys really know what they are doing from watching their bodies.

    All of your power comes from how you stand on the ground, then moves through your core, then out from your core through your arms or legs or whatever you are attacking with. Watch the videos again and see how they are using their cores.

  12. Hunter Wallace says:
    July 15, 2013 at 4:06 am

    “He has never once found a woman in a bar who was worth keeping around.”

    Nothing but Pick Up Artists (garbage collectors) and trashy women in bars. You want to join social clubs, where they do things other than get drunk and spread their legs for strangers.

    “I’m actually tired of going to the bars. ”

    Gentlemen of good name in the old days, would not frequent such places. The reason you do not enjoy these places, is the people in them are beneath your station.

    When the South separates from the North, men need to relearn how to be proper gentlemen, women to be proper ladies and reintroduce the concept of the separation of classes.

  13. @ Peak Finance says:
    There is nothing I hate more than the term “White Trash” Even used as a “term of endearment”….”

    It’s one of the things that makes me unable to “bond” with folks here, lol. No matter how many times I try to talk about various forms of offensiveness, I just get called names and it’s said I’m some fat toe-jam picking person. (I think Boner-esco offered that one).

    It’s the kind of thing that always screams “not our people.”

    If you want to infiltrate others’ groups, it’s good not to go in doing blaring cut downs, lol. It’s a dead giveaway, and why many decent southerners wouldn’t last five minutes in a room with some here, due to the levels of offense (under the guise of being “just like you.”)

  14. “We need to talk them into some sense”

    The only respect force. Talkin will only get ye ass wooped.been there done that bar scene. Guy I know got hit with a pool stick over his head. He now has a metal plate skull.

    Alcohol fuels. Some people can drink and socialize. Some people can’t.

  15. @ Hunter Only hang around really nice places, like hotel bars, top shelf restaurants, etc. That way if you get thrown out, you can always say, I was thrown out of there, naming a really nice place not some dive. LOL.

    Bartenders and saloon keepers are generally useless in politics. If you do have to go into a bar to talk to the owner don’t drink, be pleasant, state your business and leave. That’s how to play it.

  16. This is the type of self defense training I recommend:

    Nothing fancy, exotic, show off – solid punching.

    I met these guys at a gun show in San Diego – it’s presented under “real world self defense”.

    So much of our dispossession is that our “leaders” are scared, they avoid trouble, conflict, Blacks and Leftists shout, call us names, threaten…


    Our side backs down.

    Get some training in real world conflict, worse comes to worse you will give more than you receive and a scuffle with Reds or Blacks mouthing off is no big deal.

  17. When a fight breaks out. Don’t let the opponents distract you of his words.They mean nothing.
    The objective is to stay calm and focus. Breathing is important.

  18. I know that “anyone can be anything” on the internet, but I am trained and I have fought in the ring, and I can tell you I am NOT afraid of the blacks or anybody else.

    What I am afraid of is the aftermath, The cops that will come down on you hard with bullshit charges for touching a black, and after the “investigation” of the fight the obligatory hate crime charges as well.

    There was just a case in Georgia, a clean self-defence shooting of a black guy, during the investigation they found that the shooter had visited “white nationalists websites” and changed the charge to murder. There are some other cases like this as well if I stopped to think about it.

    Yes, you have all just lost your right to self defense by reading OD, Stormfront, NF, Age of Treason, Mindweapons, etc. Think about it, If the Zimmerman case was 100% identical with the exception that there was a record that he visited for example, Stormfront, even just once, do you think he would have walked?

  19. Peak Finance,

    Yes this is bad. But, just learn to be smart and prepare for persecution for being a RACIST.

    Train how to defend yourself from these attacks. Get some cover.

    We’ve discussed this before, what to do if you or someone you support is smeared as a RACIST.

    “She’s a witch”!

  20. Jack Ryan says:
    July 15, 2013 at 7:04 pm

    “So much of our dispossession is that our “leaders” are scared, they avoid trouble, conflict, Blacks and Leftists shout, call us names, threaten…”

    Whitaker said he saw the left first start shouting racist at demonstrations, in New York, in the 1960s and it scared his people away – especially the war veterans. So the method quite clearly works.

    What you have to do is train your people to shout slogans, that attack the enemy and rob him of the moral high ground. The game is psychological warfare/demoralization.

  21. “If the Zimmerman case was 100% identical with the exception that there was a record that he visited for example, Stormfront, even just once, do you think he would have walked?”

    Probably not. Only aa have a right to be racist cuz of past misdeed; as if the euros landed in these shores without the hardship and know how’aa were simply mules.

  22. Jack, we are not talking about the same things here.

    I am not talking about being afraid of being called a racist, I am talking about entering the criminal justice system as a white nationalist after “Defending yourself” in the context of the fight videos we are talking about in this thread.

    Like they say in the video as well, if you know you are about to be “confronted” by two men, the best course of action is to “attack first” but this puts your in an untenable legal position. You would need to get the hell out of there in a hurry, and hope no one can identify you.

    Just being called a racist is a different thing entirely.

  23. Peak Finance,

    I advise…

    Covering your ass.

    Do some charity work with decent Blacks.

    Subscribe to mainstream Liberal magazines.

    Join some environmentalist group.

    Volunteer in a soup kitchen.

    Do lots of things that refute the label:

    24/7 White racist hater.

  24. “I’m actually tired of going to the bars.”

    You may be getting close to a diagnosis of the illness here.

  25. “I’m actually tired of going to the bars.”

    How about going to CHURCHES, Hunter? Not for THAT reason of course, but the best women are found in the most strict conservative Biblical churches every Sunday morning WITH THEIR PARENTS AND KINFOLK. If she was conceived in wedlock by two honest, hard-working, believing parents who never divorced, and who taught her hard work — and if she works and gets along with her siblings and cousins and neighbours — then she probably knows how to be a true wife, keep house and rear godly children. Note especially whether she respects her father, for then she is likely to respect a husband and men in general.

  26. If parts of the worship services are boring, you can use the time to catch up on reading/studying the Scriptures on your own (which is much better accepted than sleeping). Since conservative churches still use hymnals, you can practice singing in parts with notation. You can also use the time to concentrate and meditate on how Christianity relates to race and ethnicity, culture and politics — and meanwhile, you never know who you might meet. Also, at this time of year there are campmeetings. Good Christian women don’t advertise themselves on the internet dating sites.

  27. If it all seems foolish to you, remember that “the wisdom of men is foolishness with God”.

  28. “Christian mingle” indeed! I’m sure that Talmudistic, money-making, internet scheme is all about marriage-breaking and “mingling” multiple mates and multiple races, and it attracts anything but Christians. In such a case, you might be BETTER OFF mingling in your local drinkhouses.

  29. Great advice Mosin Nagant. I am trying to follow it for myself; you are one of few who speak the truth about religion, family and culture, even if I still disagree with you about race.

  30. Thanks, PGRT. I sense that you are sincerely seeking truth as well. Seek and ye shall find.

  31. “even if I still disagree with you about race”

    It is desirable but not necessary that we agree on everything, but I wonder: What do you think I believe about race?

  32. You, like most of the commenters, seem to believe that the white race is emotionally, mentally, culturally and artistically superior, with few exceptions. I like much about white culture (music, etc) but there is much greatness in other races. Further, you seem to think it is desirable to keep races, and even ethnicities which are not closely related, separate in terms of family and culture. I argue that this is not possible in the modern world, that trying to make it happen will cause only more hatred and grief, and the decline of religion is more likely to be reversed if all God-fearing Christians make common cause with each other, regardless of race.

  33. PGRT, you’re either incredibly dumb, wholly mendacious, or blinded by emotionality. Any of one those would render futile attempts to reason with you.

    If you weren’t incredibly dumb, wholly mendacious or blinded by emotionality I’d simply be able to point out to you that believing whites to be superior is in no way incompatible with “seeing much greatness” in other races and you, after thinking about it, would agree with me. But because you are either incredibly dumb, wholly mendacious or blinded by emotionality you will continue your practice of resorting to wholesale illogic in an effort to assert your moral superiority.

    If you weren’t incredibly dumb, wholly mendacious or blinded by emotionality we could have a discussion on the desirability or the possibility of allowing different races to go their own separate ways, or of the moral rightness in forcing out recalcitrant groups who refuse to cooperate. You may be convinced to change your way of thinking or perhaps I might; in a reasonable discussion – a discussion marked by recourse to reason – either might obtain. But because you are either incredibly dumb, wholly mendacious or blinded by emotionality these discussions can’t even get started.

  34. “You, like most of the commenters, seem to believe that the white race is emotionally, mentally, culturally and artistically superior, with few exceptions. I like much about white culture (music, etc) but there is much greatness in other races.”

    I much prefer (enthusiastically so!) the music and other cultural traits and characteristics of my own regional ethnicity above all others, as I imagine OTHERS must love THEIR own. But there are also rootless cosmopolitan “citisens of the world”, mostly urban, who have very WIDE and unstable musical and cultural tastes!

    PGRT, you are right that Supremacists commit sins of Pride, Murder and Blasphemy, as they constantly celebrate their White racial or ethnic “Greatness”, as you put it (they generally use expressions other than “greatness”) — and make plans to reduce the population of non-whites (such as proposing to allow abortion for Blacks only in a future “Dixie”) and even exterminate them all — and so deny the wisdom and Providence of God, who has allowed ALL varieties of Homo sapiens to appear. They want White countries for white people, but Africa for white people too. New Mexico is not enough, they want Mexico too. Well, they are getting Mexico in Alabama now.

    “Further, you seem to think it is desirable to keep races, and even ethnicities which are not closely related, separate in terms of family and culture. I argue that this is not possible in the modern world, that trying to make it happen will cause only more hatred and grief”

    Yes, I am convinced it is natural and Biblical to keep races and ethnicities separated –even our own “tribe”, within our own ethny, should be maintained (short of marrying first cousins). Many WNs and SNs seem to think mixing within “the white race” is not harmful.

    “the decline of religion is more likely to be reversed if all God-fearing Christians make common cause with each other, regardless of race.”

    Christian revival is the reversal of the decline of religion, in which men (in large numbers) come to the Light where their deeds are reproved, and truly repent (repentance means “The sin must stop!”) — and so they are forgiven, and God heals their land.

    We must come directly to God in Christ Jesus, not to the ever-failing “Tower of Babel” pan-racial universalist heresy. “We are all one in Christ Jesus” does NOT negate individual existence, volition and responsibilities, male- or female-ness, ethnicity or race.

  35. Addition: “but Africa for white people too” is not meant to imply that the white settlers of South African and Rhodesia, etc. have no right to their homeland in Africa.

  36. Further addition @ PGRT: We must both agree that all ethnicities and races have “edges”, where they touch, overlap and blend into one another. Northeast Africans, for example, have black skin but many Eurasian features. But it is not natural to want to approach or live on a racial or ethnic “edge” any more than we would want to drive a vehicle near the edge of a sinkhole, but rather we NATURALLY WANT to stay or drive as far from the edge as possible. Does that make sense to you?

  37. Race and ethnicity, kinfolk and family all have a “gravitational” attraction that naturally draws us in, not repels us outward. The opposite desire is perversion, I think.

  38. Yes Mosin, you make a lot of sense. Our disagreement is largely about the biblical justification for racial thinking, which we can get into another time, as I am traveling for a few days. Also, I believe that because races and ethnicities do have edges upon which they blend into each other, and new races can be created by mixing other races, the importance of race and ethnicity is less than most people think here. I am glad that you understand some of the weaknesses in your ideology, and I am understanding some of the weaknesses of my ideology, particularly regarding crime by many racial minorities and the weakening of particular cultures.

  39. Silver, Mosin is clearly a more creative thinker than you. You seem to enjoy being disagreeable and insulting people.

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