Why Women Reject White Nationalism

Where are the women?


Editor’s Note: I wrote this article over two years ago. I was considering writing a new article about the subject, but nothing ever changes in the White Nationalist movement, and everything that I said below is as true today as it was back then.

I bring this up now only because the issue has resurfaced. I’ve long since moved on from White Nationalism. I have also made my peace with the movement and honestly I have nothing further to say about it.

Lately, I have been hearing the same stories from racially conscious women about the White Nationalist movement – they value their race and are eager to participate and do their part to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” but they are alienated and disillusioned by some of the “wounded soldier” type rhetoric that they see at WN conferences and on the internet.

Before I am accused of picking a fight, I want to emphasize here lots of White Nationalists like James Edwards and Richard Spencer are happily married. I also couldn’t be happier with my own relationship. In spite of this, there is still a very loud group of these “wounded soldiers” out there – think of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump – who have had bad experiences with American women in general, and it is a problem attracting and keeping women involved in the movement.

I bring this up because women are indispensable to any movement that seeks to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” and there are attractive young women who I know who are being repulsed by these types, and I would much rather see them end up with some of my bright racially conscious friends than with the losers they are meeting in bars.

Why aren’t more women involved with the White Nationalist movement?

There is a conversation going on about this in the comments. It is such an interesting topic that it warrants a separate thread. Everyone who has attended a White Nationalist conference has noticed that men are always drastically overrepresented.

Why is that?

Dealbreaker #1: Because they are offended by the people who rail against White women on account of their bad experiences with dating and marriage. They shouldn’t have dated women like that anyway, but take out their sexual frustrations on all women with untenable generalizations.

Dealbreaker #2: Because of the HBD cogelite nerds who glorify Asian women and who denigrate White women. This is one of the biggest pet peeves.

Dealbreaker #3: Because of the aura of negativity that surrounds the White Nationalist movement. Most women can’t stand a constant drumbeat of negativity and self consciously avoid demoralizing websites.

Women like to see confidence in men. When they see men who have no confidence in themselves and who preach an “all is lost” political message, they instinctively turn away from a movement that they perceive as a bunch of losers, especially when they encounter a hostile atmosphere on pro-White websites.

Dealbreaker #4: Because White Nationalism attracts a disproportionate number of geeky, socially awkward males who have Asperger’s syndrome or who are creepy in some way as well as the homosexual misogynists who are on the warpath against women.

Dealbreaker #5: Because there is a lot of crossover between the Men’s Rights community and White Nationalism and this is a turn off to women who are culturally conservative and therefore more likely to be Christians.

Dealbreaker #6: Because the vast majority of women who qualify as “traditional” in America are strongly Christian or religious in some way. They are turned off to White Nationalism because of the atheism, misogyny, and lewd discussions about women on White Nationalist websites.

Anyone who goes to church knows that there are far more “traditional” women than men in America. Among women, it is fashionable in some circles to save yourself for marriage, whereas few men think that way these days. A respectable woman is not going to be dressed like a slut in some bar or club on the weekend.

Dealbreaker #7: Because women will always be less interested in politics than men. White Nationalism focuses heavily on politics and science and less on culture, family, and religion which are subjects which attract more conservative women.

Dealbreaker #8: Because women are more empathetic and are natural conciliators and thus mix like oil and water with the curmudgeons who are drastically overrepresented among White Nationalists.

Dealbreaker #9: Because some White Nationalists practice a type of effeminate political correctness and consciously go out of their way to elevate Asians and Muslims in particular over White Americans.

Feel free to take issue with any of the above positions. I have heard this view about White Nationalism from so many different women on so many different occasions that I am convinced it represents something of a consensus among traditional White women.

I wish someone would test this theory by creating a pro-White website with these dealbreakers in mind: exclude the HBD nerds who glorify Asian women, the negative curmudgeons, the “all is losters,” the creepy weirdos, the embittered misogynists, the effeminate homosexual intellectuals, and the Neo-Nazi atheists on a jihad against Christianity.

The website would need a good editor that would balance political discussion with a hefty complement of articles about culture, religion, and family. There would also have to be more talk about ethnicity and pocketbook issues.

I would bet money that would solve the problem. In fact, I predict that racially conscious women would start coming out of the woodwork because women are more social than men and would be attracted like moths to a flame to other women who share their views and who are potential friends.

It should be interesting to see what kind of feedback this post receives in the comments. I think I am onto something here.

Note: Richard Spencer addressed the same issue in a video at Trad Youth.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Stonelifter – go to Israel and ask those nice Jew homos to introduce you around. ANY shred of credibility you had is DONE. You are mentally, socially, and spiritually SICK.

  2. john thames says:
    June 1, 2012 at 3:54 am
    Stop picking on Stonelifter. What he is really proposing is to break the female monopoly on reproduction and lower the price of you- know-what. It is reproductive economics to deprice the womb.”

    Aaaawww! You are sticking up for your boyfriend! How cute! You two make a singularly repulsive couple!!!!! Hay – why go all the way to India, for rent-a-wombs? Get somma them Guatamalan Orc-ettes. Their Gubmint wil be happy to send you some ferals. You can use them as maids, afterwards. Where will you got those White eggs, though?

    Maybe you can just clone some tissue.

    Barb – you asked about stats, on female-hating Homo-creeps, in the Spear-licking movement. Let’s keep our own stats…they are totally outing themselves.

    The genuine homos I know don’t reveal such twisted hatred, and pervo fantatasies about women, and reproduction. Ewwwww……..

    I can’t get over sick these 2 are. REALLY demented. Can oyu imagine what type of society THEY would spawn, if they got their wishes to come true? I’ll bet their “kids” slit their throats the moment they get old enough to wield a knife.

    Barb – I used live in “Liberal World”. (Used to be involved inthe Arts, etc) I’ve known all kinds of people. I’ve known children that are the products of social engineering experiments.

    You wanna know who the MOST, most SEVERE hide bound Paleolithic Conservatives ARE?

    Little wee toddlers.

    They HATE anything that is un-natural. They become indoctrinated by their parents, via what is essentially 24/7 relentless emotional blackmail, in order to justify the way their parents/parent cheated them. Bizaare and tragic emotional patterns develop.

    You are 100% corect. Children want their Mommies. They want their Daddies, too – but what they really want, in perfect Kiddyland, is both Mommy and Daddy to love each other, and work together, in Uber Traditional roles; Mommy is kind and nice and good, and makes the Best Cookies, and is the Prettiest Lady in the World, who is the Mommy you run to when you are hurt, or scared, or happy, and makes everything better all the time. Daddy is Big and Brave and the Smartest Man in World, who can fight and win against all the Bad Things, all the time.

    That’s what kids WANT.

    God knows what type of emotional walkng abortifacts these two “White Men” would produce, via their de-priced dark foriegn womb-slaves.

  3. While women didn’t vote for prohibition they were leading the charge for it; it was at one point consider a great victory for women to wield so much power. and yes the men who voted for it were betas. That was before DV laws etc got out of hand so any man who didn’t put his woman in her place was a beta. It is that generation of White men hold most responsible for our problems.

    I so love it when my enemies resort to insults; typical feminist can’t refute anything so it breaks out is’s big weapon, a vile mouth and shaming words

    Notice harpy, the men don’t really disagree with me, they only try to make some sort of census of opinion basically boiling down to “it’s true but we have to be nice”. Nice never wins a damn thing.

    My words are not for woman; I refuse to use weak, womanish words. Women will never support what needs to be done to make this a White man’s nation again. They will return to the fold if we find our old strength and exert it, or they will cheer our death and spread their legs for our conquerors. It’s the way of things since the beginning of time

  4. Barb – I want the White Race to survive, and thrive. I don’t actually hate members of other races at all (excluding the Deicides of course. I don’t hate each and every one of them, either. There are 4 or 5 that are OK). I would prefer others to be happy and successful, as well – as long as they stay our of “mah that there White bid’ness”. And turf.

    My writings can be very snarky, and insufferable, at times – but I don’t think I’ve EVER EVER written anything as genuinely UGLY and anti-human as de-pricing wombs, of White women, or non-White women. The depravity of that mindset is….wow. Rivals anything in the Talmud, it does.

  5. Stonedloser – go to your local dept store. There’s a sale on make-up you might not want to miss. You want to get all prettied up for your BF Thamsey.

  6. still with the shaming attempts? learned that form your jew masters?

    What I wrote was life affirming for men in an age where our women are our enemy. I give Barb props for trying to write something constructive, even though she fails to understand why it won’t work or recognize the risk of marriage to men. you’ve come up with nothing, you are nothing but a vile mouth spewing bile; not even original bile

  7. “My writings can be very snarky, and insufferable, at times – but I don’t think I’ve EVER EVER written anything as genuinely UGLY and anti-human as de-pricing wombs, of White women, or non-White women. The depravity of that mindset is….wow. Rivals anything in the Talmud, it does.”


    +1000, Denise.

    And, aye, kids want their mommies. Around all the time. And they want their daddies.
    It’s okay if daddy leaves for a while, so long as he plays when he comes home. But Mommy must. be. there. anytime. I. decide. I. want. her. This is a Iron Law of the Universe, according to toddlers.
    And toddlers raised that way grow up to be balanced adults who know what to look for in a good mate and can maintain a healthy marriage and raise their own kids well.
    My hero is Dr. Bill Sears. Proof of the pudding is in the tasting and all that: his 8 kids turned out GREAT. (And he’s still married to Martha, who loves him to pieces and who also rolls her eyes at him now and again.)

  8. but they aren’t raised that way in the usa because of women. Clearly Barb, the more you post the more I realize how little you value men and fathers.

  9. “she fails to understand why it won’t work or recognize the risk of marriage to men”

    Would you please listen for one second?
    If marrieds were given extra votes the risk to men of marriage would VANISH, would GO AWAY, because those marrieds with their extra voting clout will vote IN marriage/divorce laws fair to men, and women. The unfairness / excess risk to men can be corrected.

    Again: Wyoming is the state with the longest history of female suffrage. We also have an economy and state laws that are the among most pro-White men in America.
    What we don’t have is jews.
    Wyoming is PROOF that female suffrage, per se, is not toxic. It only becomes toxic in the presence of jewess feministas. And, obviously jews are toxic to men, too, or pukes like Roissy who encourages guys to have uncommitted promiscuous sex with barsluts, would be run out on a rail.

  10. That does nothing for the here and now barb. Nothing. And changing the way voting is done will not happen any time soon, if ever. You still assume women will vote for better divorce laws, they will not. Past behavior is indicative of future behavior. They do not do so now, and will not do so in the future.

    I’m still the only one who has put forth a plan to produce more White children and reduce/ eliminate the risk to White men in the here and now.

  11. ps, White women sell eggs and they can be purchased at fertility clinics all over the US and Europe

  12. “but they aren’t raised that way in the usa because of women.”

    The ones who ARE raised that way are raised that way due to women: La Leche League Leaders.
    That we don’t have cultural hegemony is because Talmudvision has hegemony. Formula is advertised, bottle feeding is presented as fun and beneficial, Nestle makes BIG BUKS selling it, and new mothers are sometimes actively, and more often neglectfully, sabotaged at nursing.
    Nursing is natural, but it’s not instinctive. During the early days of its’ establishment, many problems can arise to derail the process. Without proper information and encouragement — the baby soon is bottle fed, even with a new mother with the best of intentions.
    Cosleeping in America is characterized, by mainstream parenting magazines (often run by jews) as SHAMEFUL and harmful to the father and dangerous to the baby, even tho cosleeping is the known factor most likely to ensure the child is still nursing at 6 mos. and 1 year.
    That bottle fed baby is then left to cry at night in a room by himself, because getting out of bed 2-5 X times to warm a bottle and hold it for him is just too exhausting to continue every single night for months or years on end.

    Who wrote the “bible” for childrearing for the Baby Boomers (who grew up to be the anti-Whites?) Dr. Spock. A man.

    “Clearly Barb, the more you post the more I realize how little you value men and fathers.”
    Screw you. I have done more as an LLL Leader to help men — by helping them as little boys by helping their moms nurse them when they are little and needy — to be healthy —
    just one ex: ***healthy cholesterol levels in men are now being found to correlate with having been breastfed in infancy ****
    — than you Spearhead pukes who tell young guys, get free sex from barsluts. And then get a baby boy from a rent-a-womb (never mind that the little baby boy won’t get to nurse. It’s ALL ABOUT YOU!!! And what YOU want? And YOUR risks? Right?) And the free sex: never mind the chlamydia young guys who take your advice will pick up and pass on to their wives (if they EVER marry, promiscuity being correlated with cynicism) who then can’t get pregnant from the chlamydia-scarred fallopian tubes caught from hubby who picked up in his manwhoring days, thus destroying his chance to even BE a father.

    I’ve ALSO helped fathers by helping their wives to nurse: Since nursing’s free, the couple can save money, since there’s no formula to have to spend scarce dollars on, and fewer ped visits cuz babe is healthier. The FATHERS I’ve helped, by helping their wives, I’ve helped to be richer.

  13. Here’s my plan, and it requires nothing bizarro, or evil to children, even now, while we work politically to get married couples extra votes:

    Young men can move to WY, get a good job in the mining industry. A good income makes a man attractive to good girls. Choose the gal carefully, get married, make babies. If she leaves you, well, you still have babies out there.
    And WY strives VERY hard to award joint custody.
    **Which I think is sad, since kids shouldn’t have to be shuttlecocks. Ideal would be the kids stay in the home and the parents move in and out But at least, joint-custody awarded divorced parents should live next door to each other. The bit** of an ex-wife can’t stop you from living next door, unless she can prove abuse. Which is tougher to do in WY than some states. And I’ve seen myself, if you, the Dad, really ARE the better parent, oftentimes the teenager will CHOOSE to live with you.

    Financially: If you *really* think you can’t trust your wife, that she’ll rape you in a divorce, have an amount deducted from your savings into a savings acct. in your name. Periodically withdraw the money and buy gold and hide it and tell NO ONE.

  14. Financially: If you *really* think you can’t trust your wife, that she’ll rape you in a divorce, have an amount deducted from your savings into a savings acct. in your name. Periodically withdraw the money and buy gold and hide it and tell NO ONE.

    totally illegal to do that and not list it as an asset at divorce time

    so there should be no children if they aren’t breast feed? My point still stands you don’t much care about White outside of your narrowly defined way

  15. “totally illegal to do that and not list it as an asset at divorce time

    If you’ve done a lousy job of spouse-picking, then you buy the gold with cash to protect yourself from your own bad choice, well, it’s an out. Coins bought with cash from a coinshop, bought a bit at a time over time, there’s no paper trail. No way, if properly executed, for the other side to know about it, unless your own conscience causes you to ‘fess up.

    “so there should be no children if they aren’t breast feed? My point still stands you don’t much care about White outside of your narrowly defined way”

    WoW! Strawman. Is that really the best you can do?

    My “narrowly defined” way is the best way. Of COURSE I’m going to advocate for it.
    Of COURSE I want more kids. I’m sad to see, in cases when mom could have nursed, baby get deprived. But I appreciate the kid. I want moms to nurse, but obviously lots of White babies, even not nursed, is better than few.

    BUT: Note the word “lots.”

    We’re talking numbers here.

    There simply are not, now, enough women selling eggs to even make a percentage difference in the White birthrate, if your ghoulish plan were implemented.
    . There are about 2 million White babies born in America each year. That means 2 million White women giving birth (twins being a tiny fraction.)
    No. way. in. hell. are you going get to get more than a few thousand, at most, women to voluntarily undergo the very difficult, and dangerous, procedure of ovum harvesting.

    Since YOUR, ghoulish, way isn’t going to even result in enough kids to make a visible bump on the graph, why should you even be ALLOWED? It’s bad for the kid who it’s done to, (as formula is for any kid that gets it) AND it doesn’t even move the birthrate needle (which, at least, the current suboptimum childrearing methods dominant in America DO).
    So since only your sons, by and large, are going to be making babies this way, you have done essentially nothing to address our demographic crisis, AND you’re hurting a kid. So, no. Just wrong, with no countradicting advantages. Even a silly girl with sheiss for a brain like me can do THAT calculation.

    Now, if you’re suggesting that women be harvested against their will……yeah, if THAT’s what I thought the endgame of WN would be, well, I will be running away screaming, and taking my daughter, too!!!

  16. Barb – your posts have bene wonderful, onthis thread. Jack wants this stuff to be removed – but I don’t think these thngs should censored. we are Free Whites. We can handle anything. It’s best to lance the pustuance, instead of letting the infection poison the entire system. The Body White.

    You are so experienced, intelligent, reasonable, and SANE, that any-one that gets to this point will appreciate that there is nothing to worry about. Due to YOUR posts.

    ATTN ANY Newbies, who have gotten here -the real world WN folk I know are terrific people. Productive, really really smart, trustworthy, good, and fun. We have a lot of fun. I was chatting with the marvelous Annie Oakley last night – for 2 freaking HOURS –arrghhh! – I did’t get to sleep til after 2:30AM! – we love rtalking casue we make each other laugh so hard we choke. The WN females are the Outliers of the Outliers. We are HERE ,and put up with a small fraction of mental cases – cause we love our people.

    We love YOU.

    Ignore the increasingly diminishing percentages of loonie tunes like Stonedloser. This has been a fringe movement, and fringe things attact fringe people. We want YOU to succeed and thrive, AS Whites.

    Listen to Barb. She’s TOPS. Listen to Hunter and Jack Ryan, and Joe, and Chris313, and Outlier, and John, and Mosin and the wonderous FR John, for those of you with a metaphysical bent. Svigor, and the Genius Kievsky. Read Annie, too; when she graces us. I know her in 3D world. She’s the BEST. There are WONDERFUL people contributing. Please stick around.

    To any young ladies – I know a buncha smart, nice, employed young White fellers. They are NOT creeps that want to steal your eggs, and throw you in the garbage. They want real wives, as partners, and as Mothers, for your kids. The problem with MOST of the WN guys I’ve met, in the real world, is that they love women too well…..not always wisely, alas. We aren’t perfect; none of us are. But we’re YOU.

    Me – I’m a Celt. For you congenital Trouble Makers out there – step right up. We’ll make some real fun trouble!

  17. Barb, you make no sense at all. It was unquestionbly women who were the driving agitation behind Alcohol Prohibition. That the Volstead Act was passed a year after women got the vote is merely an attempt to confuse the issue. Ditto with your nonsense about the horrors of child birth. People (men and women alike) died of all kinds of causes before medical science improved. Childbirth did not do the fighting and dying at Valley Forge, Yorktown, the Alamo, New Orleans or any other battlefield where the future course of this nation was decided – and you know it. Arguing that spreading your legs is equal to drawing a sword face to face is silly and idiotic. It is like Roman women who thought that they avenged Cannae by kicking out future legionnaires. That they did, surely, but that isn’t what killed 20,000 Carthaginians at Zama. It was Scipio Africanus and his iron legions.

    As to your reccomendations on marriage the theory that doubling the votes of the married would induce more men toward matrimony is hypothetical in the extreme. Men will not undertake marriage so long as it is a lisence for women to steal anymore than the average wage earner will risk the Mel Gibson treatment by speaking out against Jews. Until it is financially safe to do either of these things men will avoid marriage and have nothing but good to say about the tribe – although they may know otherwise.

  18. Barb:

    If you will consult John Lott’s research on the subject you will discover that in every state where women were granted the vote prior to passage of the 19th amendmendt there was in every state (including Wyoming) an imediate doubling of public expenditures. That is a fact that not all of your postings can refute. Deal with it.

    As to the “right” of women to vote, let me explain it to you this way.

    “Once upon a time, men could not vote. That right was reserved exclusively for women. It was, after all, women who fought and died fo the new nation at Valley Forge and Yorktown under the famous Jane Washington. It was women, under the foul mouthed Amanda Jackson, who killed two thousand redcoats at New Orleans. It was President June Polk who won the 1848 war with Mexico, doubling the territory of the United States, as Dana Boone and Darla Crockett died on the ramparts. It was Tina “Rough Rider” Roosevelt, who charged up San Juan Hill. When World War One arrived, it was the Dough Cunts who drove the Germans out of Belleau Wood. Spiked helmets could not stand against armored skirts. Men, who never fought with their sisters building the nation, had to tie themselves to public lamp posts and have nervous breakdowns before the progressive president, Wilma Wilson, would give men the vote they never paid for in blood. Male temper tantrums are what got men the vote, not anything they ever did to deserve it.”

    You lose Barb; I win.

  19. Barb:

    Doctors do not make the choice to perform abortions. They only carry out the instructions of the female who made that decision all by herself. Put the blame where it belongs.

  20. White American women are known world wide to be whores and race traitors. Their reputation is dirt. The vast majority are totally lost.
    I don’t think any group of women in history have been this low.

  21. Here is something they don’t teach you in the Jew approved PC curriculum of the public school – it takes great sacrifices from both the man and the woman to have a family, stay together and make a life. Great sacrifices. So is there any American institution that anyone can think of (off hand) that might support a White marriage where the spouses intend to raise a family? Every institution that I can see is against them actively as well as passively.

  22. White women do not want nice, hard working “beta” men; every “beta” male in the USA knows that to be true. Their experience with women bear that out. Women say they want xzy but their actions say otherwise. Nice guy betas have spent a life time watching women chase after the wrong men while ignoring him, or using him as an emotional dumping ground.

    Learn game: apply game: get the girl; but you will have to game her the rest of your life or she will bounce/ make your life miserable and or both. Game is a tool, and is morally neutral. How you use it will make you a moral man or not and it works on “nice girls” too.

    I dislike the “beta” label, BTW. It seems insulting to good men, but it is a useful term, and I don’t have another/ better term. No offense intended to all the decent men who think being nice is the way to find a woman. Your dead wrong, but your still a good man.

    Is donating sperm also ghoulish? How can it be ghoulish when all involved are doing so of their own free will? Or is it you dislike the profit motive? Then thing about greed/ profit motive is, you can count on it for good and bad.

    You assume there are good woman; I know there are not. Not enough to matter at any rate. People are only as good as they have to be, and given our current culture, legal system and what passes for Christianity, women don’t have to behave/ be good at all. Remember the divorce rate for “Christian” women is only slightly better than secular women. That kills your there are ways to pick better mates/ there are good women who won’t do that kind of stuff argument. The divorce rate doesn’t account for all the married men who are utterly miserable but still married. Which form what I can tell, miserable married men is the norm

    Since we shouldn’t require all children to breast feed, why shouldn’t we have children without the risk of wives/ mothers? You fell into that trap Barb, like I knew you would.

    You don’t have a way to increase our numbers Barb, but you are panicking because my way would break the female monopoly on sex and child production. It would catch on quickly with the small number of men who want children and know the truth about women. Let’s say that only catches on with 1% of the single White men in the USA. That’s a large number of babies, but yes it will smart small and I hope it starts with my three sons. On a mass production scale, any man who has 30-50k could have a child for every 30-50k he has. For me that would be around 60 kids if I spent all my money on the project. Not that I would, but its a lot larger number than you think.

    In rough numbers, a quick goggle search showed there are 18000000 single men in the USA; lets assume 40% are White men. That gives us 7200000 single White men. If 1% of them followed my plan we would have 72000 more White children. Doesn’t seem like a small number to me. If half of those men have 2 children we have over a 100k more White children. And its a way for men who will not marry/ have kids because of the risks involved a way to add to our numbers. Not saying it would go that way, but I think you’ve lost track of scale.

    Why should we have only one way to address our low birth numbers? If our numbers would be so small, why not allow it?

    It should be allowed because we are free people and it harms no one (spare me you bullshit about not having mothers because we know children born to mothers have a 50/50 chance of not having a father; which is harmful, so your argument holds no water)

    Still no other solution offered, and harpy cannot even bring itself to understand there is a problem with marriage and Western White women. I do give you credit for understanding that Barb, and I understand not wanting to lose your genders monopoly

  23. I have a family member who caught his wife with another guy on the internet. He watched from an outside window as she would chat with this other guy. They have three kids together.
    More to the story, he was on leave from the Army at the time. This was mid 2000’s and he was deployed in an area and with a unit that saw countless deaths amongst them. That didn’t matter to his wife that he slept in abondened bombed out buildings. It didn’t matter to her that he gave her an easy life supporting her and their children. New house, new SUV. All he wanted was for his wife to not be a whore when he was gone.
    This caused alot of problems, he told me he had to get all the guns out of the house or he would just shoot her during an arguement. I watched the guy go thru so much hell with his wife, it was sad to see. She just couldn’t keep her legs closed, even though they had children together and her supported the family like a man should.
    This was about seven years ago. He was about to be deployed again to Iraq. I told him, “take her out of your will.” Change all the life insurance policies to your children, makes sure if something happens to you, she wont get a dime. He did.
    His wife was pure Western feminised White woman. Nice looking and knew it and used it to get just what she wanted, no matter how much she hurt the men she trampled over. Pure slut.

  24. Another thing he mentioned to me. He worked with Iraqi police in Bahdad. He was around Iraqi interpreters all the time. They got to know these guys and bullshited with them about life and family, ect.
    He said these Iraqi terps were shocked at the amount of soliders that grew up without a father. It was unheard of in their culture for thier wives to divorce. He said they just couldn’t wrap their minds around it.

  25. The majority of White women in America are a discrace, especially in the cities. It is nauseating to see them chase after niggers. I see it everyday where I live.
    They are so arrogant and full of themselves. They don’t even know how utterly stupid they look to others.

  26. Westernized White women who have been robbed of their innocence and youth being edjewmated in the government school are completely whacked. They have been lied to about everything. And they have bought those lies on credit. They have been socially engineered by the elite Satanists to be Kardashian. (Could not make up that name).

    They have been permitted by their whacked out parents to grow up watching trashy movies and tv shows depicting hedonistic feminist lifestyles. They live in uncharted sociological space. They have never heard the word ‘NO’ from their fathers. The great spiritual principles of feminine modesty, chastity and grace have never been explained to them or demonstrated to them by their mothers. They have been indoctrinated to think they can have it all and have it delivered. They think the very idea of children and mothering children is bad for the environment. They would rather save the quoll. They do not prize real skills and craft, rather they define themselves according to success in some destructive career like shorting stock or Enron accounting. They assess their worth by the amount of useless crap they can buy on credit. They don’t believe in anything except the unholy trinity of me, myself and I. The existence of verities beyond the sphere of ‘what’s good for me’ has never been permitted to dawn on them. And if it did, they pulled down the shades.

    They are not interested in good men who would be willing to love them, make sacrifices for them and be a husband and father to the family they might be blessed to have. They would rather contracept and abort their bloodline out of existence and deny their people the kinsmen and women who are needed for their nation to live. They have never been to confession for the absolution of their sins and made worthy reparation for amendment of life.

    For people as far gone as this, the Archangel Michael appeared at Fatima in 1916 and prostrated himself on the earth prayed to the Almighty ‘For the infinite merit of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.”

    When the foes of their nation and people light the bonfire of the vanities these floozies will be the first to start hollering for their lawyer, their publicist, their psycho-therapist, their their travelagent.

    Am I on the right track here or completely off the rail?

  27. Lynda you seem spot on with the above post, which makes me think you are trying to set us up for some version a “knock out” punch. But sadly that’s what women have done, fell for the lies of our enemies and joined the other team. Call women on that, and they go off the chain in anger instead of looking at their behavior and the behavior of women in general or just blame men as if women have no free will

    Men have been indoctrinated to support women do all those things. They think its the way to get laid and be a good husband.

    Men have no idea what femininity ought to be. Hell I wouldn’t expect I can remember my paternal grandmother, and her warnings about women and where feminism would take her

  28. Stonelifter, I am a grandmother and I say what I think. I posted those statements on this thread because young women reading here, women for whom it is not too late, might read it and wake up to themselves.

    The Whites are in one hell of a mess. I think we all have to work on our thinking and aim for the truth.

  29. One more post, then no more on this subject.

    Teenage girls who have abortions are not fully responsible for what they do. Any more than teenage boys who go joyriding and kill someone in the wreck should spend the rest of their lives in jail. It’s a tragedy, it’s gutwrenching that this happened. But teenagers are still not fully adults. Doctors and parents have some responsibility for teenagers’ bad actions.
    I’m right with you in heaping approbrium on adult women who have abortions. I’m also going to heap approprobrium on the manwhores who inseminated them.

    Stonelifter sees it as his RIGHT! (temper tantrum, if ever there was one) to make babies any way he sees fit, never mind the life that baby will have.

    Lessee, something is bad. . So, I know! Let’s double down on it! Hey! Somebody else is doing it, so that makes it right for me to! Yeah!

    Formula is bad; some women formula feed (partly due to ignorance, partly due to that’s the social norm, partly due to laziness, partly due to hormones). Therefore, let’s add ANOTHER layer to the unnaturalness and not even give that baby a mommy! Yeah!

    Frankly, babies, babies, I say, don’t *care* about Daddy’s abscence. Until about age 2-3, for any normal infant, Mother is the whole, sole focus of that infant’s life. Daddy’s absence only starts to matter when they get to be walky-talky. At which time a child needs TWO parents. That some kids don’t have a dad, yeah, let’s double down and deliberately make babies who are certain to not have mommies. THAT’s the way to get back at women!

    I love my people. I’m only one person. I’m doing what I can to help my people by teaching the pregnant White women I meet how to feed baby best.
    That’s probably of more worth to America’s future men (who are boys now) than all the effort Stonelifter has put into his posts all over the manosphere. So, hey, I’m a harpy, right?

    Hey, if labor and delivery aren’t dangerous enough, and pro-social enough, to merit the vote, then any man who has never faced combat hasn’t done anything, either. Votes only for combat veterans, there’s our compromise, guys.

  30. No Barb, you think mothers are important and I say they are liabilities given the current laws, culture and state of womanhood in the West. That’s hardly a temper tantrum. Nice try to shame me as a little kid though.

    You still have not offered one solution which can be implemented right now, with the current legal system.

    I complement your efforts with breast feeding. Not sure why you can’t extend your one person doing one thing to others, but what the hell, I never expect woman to see anything beyond their woman 1st word view.

    Barb, you know your not the harpy with the vile mouth.

  31. Barb:

    I have a better idea. Until the number of women killed and maimed on the battlefield becomes equal to the number of men killed and maimed on the battlefield, then:

    (1) No woman will vote;

    (2) No woman shall hold political office;

    (3) No woman will have any job above waitress or secretary.

    Put up or shut up.

  32. “Why women reject White Nationalism?” This is a pretty old thread, and it seems me, as a fairly recent reader, that this blog has since moved beyond WN as such to concern with southern states’ secession. So are secession and southernism more acceptable to women than WN?

  33. Re: “No woman shall hold political office…. No woman will have any job above waitress or secretary. Put up or shut up.”

    Right yet bound to cause WN culture toxic shock and rejection in women who read it!

  34. Finally getting a chance to read more of this thread, I find Lynda’s comment very quotable (capitals mine) here: “They have been permitted by their whacked out parents to GROW UP WATCHING TRASHY MOVIES AND TV SHOWS depicting hedonistic feminist lifestyles. They live in uncharted sociological space. THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD THE WORD ‘NO’ FROM THEIR FATHERS. The great spiritual principles of feminine MODESTY, CHASTITY AND GRACE HAVE NEVER BEEN EXPLAINED TO THEM OR DEMONSTRATED TO THEM BY THEIR MOTHERS. They have been INDOCTRINATED TO THINK THEY CAN HAVE IT ALL and have it delivered. They think the very idea of children and mothering children is bad for the environment. They would rather save the quoll. They do not prize real skills and craft, rather THEY DEFINE THEMSELVES ACCORDING TO SUCCESS IN SOME DESTRUCTIVE CAREER like shorting stock or Enron accounting. THEY ASSESS THEIR WORTH BY THE AMOUNT OF USELESS CRAP THEY CAN BUY on credit. THEY DON’T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING except the unholy trinity of me, myself and I. The existence of verities beyond the sphere of ‘what’s good for me’ has never been permitted to dawn on them. And if it did, they pulled down the shades. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED IN GOOD MEN who would be willing to love them, make sacrifices for them and be a husband and father to the family they might be blessed to have. THEY WOULD RATHER CONTRACEPT AND ABORT THEIR BLOODLINE OUT OF EXISTENCE AND DENY THEIR PEOPLE the kinsmen and women who are needed for their nation to live. THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN TO CONFESSION FOR ABSOLUTION OF THEIR SINS and made worthy preparation for amendment of life.”

    Notice her key points (I think) on lack of faith and repentance, and lack of spiritual teaching and example by parents. The ideas of SIN and TRUE love and virtue are generally unknown to, or rejected by recent generations of fallen white women.

    There are of course some hyperboles in her comment, such as that none have gone to confession (yet true in the sense that even those who do go to confession haven’t gone with the right motive or received right instruction, since there is no evidence of repentance or regeneration) but overall very well said, Lynda!

    Now for the men…who cannot lead the women and children in the way of truth and right because THEY ARE FALLEN THEMSELVES: We must all return and once again cling to the one true religion, or our race is lost whether or not we can afford Stonelifter’s hired surrogacy and nursing assistance or the equally expensive game of modern “marriage” or cohabitation.

  35. Sean – American women are generally thought, be foriegners, to be al ot NICER than most other woman.

    You military relative, that watched his wife firt with another guy on the Net – why is hoe off fighting Jew wars? His wife in not a Westenr woman – she’s a Judaized White woman, with NOTHING better to do than play around, and the Jew culture tels her to do, while her hubby is off fighting the wars that serve the Jews.

    The Muslims Middle Eastern guys take an interest IN their families, don’t they? They don’t run aroudn the world figthing the Jew Wars, for the Jews, do thay? Nope -they stay home and create families and guide families that they create. Young single guys may go abroad, and perpatrate Jihad – but the married guys stay hoem and TRY to defend the families and the home soil from the foreign Golem the Jews send ot their lands.

    So who is WORSE? The “White slut” – abandoned to Jew culture, by every-one around her, including her White spouse, who is so busy fighting to DESTROY EVERY-ONE INCLUDING HIS OWN PEOPLE, IN SERVICE OF THE KIKENVERMIN DEVILS – or the aforementioned DOUBLE THICK DUMBASS WHITE MALE – who ABANDONS his White family to serve the Spawn of Satan, and kill for the Jew?

    Yup. Screw her out of money, in case he gets killed fighting for the Jew. That’ll show that dumb bitch!


  36. Stoned Loser the abject RETARDED Cialis addicted but it still doesn’t help MORON

    1) Decries the vile Harpy White females devils – WHO HAVE TAKEN ALL HIS MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONEY – for being Liberated (Jew scam) , and abandoning traditional female roles

    2) and then tells women to put up or shut up by dying in battle.

    That’s logically consistent. Sure it.

    Obama mkaes more sense than you do, you moron.

    I hope your ex ripped you off for EVERY cent she could. She OBVIOUSLY earned every penny, by having to endure YOU. HA! I hope she’s pending it on every young guy can can support! Woo HOO!

    Now – White men who go off to die in battle for the Jew, while they throw away their entire historical, cultural and genetic legacy to the Jew, and the Dark Orc minions the Jew enslave – well -they deserve their anonymous and unlamented graves. White men have been doing this for how long now?

    Every post you and your drooling toady John Polluted Thames makes proves that White men are the sole cause of the dire state of the White Race.

    The SOLE cause.

    And Mosin – White women have (badly) tried to take up the slack, that White me left. Until White men decide to be White men again, instead of Polluted Thames fearful craven tax slaves – all is lost.

    But it’s not – cause ther are plenty of lucid, sane brave White men and women left.

  37. And to any war-worshipping retardate, that uses Big Guns as stnad-is for a funcitoning penis, and funcitoing brain tissue:



    in running off to

    KILL and DIE




    I am very weary of people who have shiite for brains.

  38. I did not tell women to die in battle you shit for brains harpy. You didn’t even give birth to children, or you murdered them in the womb back in your liberal days. You are worthless as woman.

    Your shaming tactics are old school feminists / leftists drivel. But I ‘ll tell you this, most married men I know prefer war and life in the A-stan to being home with their American wives.

    European men cannot stand American women; Eastern European men down right pity us

    Nothing but bile from the harpy with out a single offer on how to fix things; double down on the bullshit that hasn’t worked is workable.

  39. Ooops- my bad – but there is really no distinction in the content of you and your boytoy Thamsey’s posts.


    You should be ASHAMED of yourself. You SHOULD. Everything you write is appalling!

    How much did she take you for? BLAH BLAH BLAH! WAH WAH WAH! You scream just like a Jew, over shekels.

    Do your kids ever send you birthday cards? Ever catche them in inadvertent conversations, about how much they get when you die? Better start spending your shekels on those certain to be grateful Darky womb-slaves! Hhhmmmmm I wonder how much some enterprising Indian Yid lawyer will cost, when they decide to prosecute an International lawsuit against a Racist White American Patriarchal Oppressor! God speed to them, I say!


  40. you know what is funny? the harpy is a great example of why European men pity American men and why I say our women are our enemy. However she’s to high on her own vagina fumes, to well indoctrinated with jewish anti White man hate and mean spirited to understand she is the exact type of woman I warn young men about and why I think our people should buy eggs and rent wombs vs being married.

    thanks for making my points for me

  41. ps, my kids elected to stay with me and not their mother. their mother has already pissed away most of their inheritance,which she stole from me in the very system you support.

    I will never stop what I am doing to aide a White woman no mater what, until they start shouting down bitches like the harpy

  42. FYI – I don’t support the system – I rejoice in YOU getting screwed over. It’s personal.

    You have created your situation.

    And you want to “help White women” by exterminating White women entirely.

    YOU are a train wreck.

  43. denise that is a bit harsh, my father and grandfather had no choice but to fight for the jews, they were drafted to shoot yellow monkey people on the otherside of the world, but yes you are right it is pretty stupid to volunteer to fight for the jews, for “‘amurrica”.

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