Women and Southern Nationalism

Do women have a place in Southern Nationalism?
Do women have a place in Southern Nationalism?


“Oh, what a horrid sight! What a degradation! After four long bitter years of bloodshed and hatred, now to float there at last! That hateful symbol of despotism! I do not think I could possibly describe my feelings. I know I could not look at it.”
– Emma Leconte

In the comment section of the previous article, I said that I would write a follow up article on the place of women in Southern Nationalism.

As far as I can tell, this is a settled issue in the Southern Nationalist movement. Women are free to join the League the South and have always been encouraged to do so. There are married couples at the national and state conferences.

At the 2013 League of the South Conference, Shane Long and Matthew Heimbach described how eight Southern Nationalists – including two young women – stood up to 400 communists on May Day in the streets of Washington, DC. There were no catcalls from the audience, only sustained applause, when a young woman from Northern Virginia gave her recollection of the experience.

In the historical Confederacy, women like Emma Leconte were fully engaged in the Southern Cause and the Confederate war effort. Southern women didn’t serve in combat roles or in the political sphere, but they shamed the men who failed to take up arms to defend the Southern homeland, and they served as nurses, managed the slaves, sewed uniforms, and supported the Confederacy in other ways.

In the modern Southern Nationalist movement, there is a consensus that our culture is degenerating and that the existence of the Union – whether it is through the Roe decision which legalized abortion, the Loving decision which legalized interracial marriage, the garbage in Hollywood movies and on television, or no-fault divorce laws and the family court system – is the engine that is driving the process.

Southern women aren’t biologically different from their grandmothers. What’s changed is that our culture is being soiled by aliens – let us be blunt, the Jews and their White liberal allies are poisoning our culture – and the existence of the Union is what smothers all resistance and blocks reform in our state legislatures.

The solution to this problem is to dissolve the Union, diminish the amount of garbage pulsing through our culture, and restore the traditional Christian mores which regulated sexual relationships in the Old South. The frustrations that modern Southern men have with modern Southern women (and vice versa) are due to our advanced stage of cultural decline, not any inherent flaw in the opposite sex.

Southern women are our wives, mothers, and sisters and should have an important role to play in our movement.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The ku klux klan excluded women.

    I honestly have to ask myself what Hunter and I have in common other than our dislike of common enemies.

    We disagree on Jews.
    We disagree on women.
    We disagree on friendliness with the white nationalist movement.

    It’s amazing what common enemies can do.

  2. I think women to the extent that they willingly embrace political movements, are far more receptive to ethnonationalism than racial nationalism, because most of them have direct nine-months-at-a-time experience in seeing to it that the tribe is added on to and continued. The woman of Dixie who is in the family way with the child of a man of Dixie is far more likely to think that she’s carrying a Dixieron than carrying a white person.

  3. Things are only going to get worse now that the Catholic Pope has come out, and more or less endorsed homosexuality when he said, “Who am I to judge gays”. Notice Pope Francis used the Jewish coined term “gay” in describing homosexuals & homosexual priests. This move by the Catholics’ Pope will give a green light to the Jews and other perverts to push even more perversion on TV and in the movies. This isn’t good for the institutions of society, or for the health of society, when filthy health habits like homosexuality & lesbianism are made the norm in a society.

  4. Yes women are absolutely welcome as activists. Where they become a burden is when they insist on being in the military, at the pulpit, or on the soapbox. We believe in chivalry, honor and personal sacrifice. What power we assume as leaders, we earn in times of war.

  5. Earl Butz, thanks for pointing out the truly CORRUPTING influence of this new “reforming” Papacy. History of the Papacy has many cases of “gays” and other fornicators on the Throne, and of Jorge Bergoglio’s kind who acquiesce and approve.

  6. As I have noted for some years, the homoheresy is the proximate means to fulfill the prophecy of the late Fr. Seraphim Rose, when he said, “In the end, all the (organized) churches will serve Antichrist.”

    Rome, as the first Protestant, has,and always will be in the lead in this venture, as she has been severed from the vine the longest.

    Orthodoxy has made herself clear, by the recent actions of an historically Orthodox nation (Russia) under Putin, by thir new laws, that herein lies the ‘faith once delivered unto the saints.’

    This is the hardest point for any Westerner to grasp, but it is the most necessary. Unless one goes back to both a patriarchal society, as well as a pre-Schism Christianity, which purges the philosophical error of the last millennium, we will time and again imbibe Rome and the West’s philosophical errors.

  7. Any kind of egalitarianism, including feminism, are incompatible with the long-held ideals of the South.

    The late Dennis Wheeler, who was one of the ablest defenders of true Southron ideals, wrote:
    “No pro-Southern equalitarian can erect any social order that is in one w[h]it better than the one Northern equalitarians erected and in which we now live. Therefore, no matter how many flags and monuments are saved in heritage battles, no matter how many pro-Southern politicians are elected to office, no matter how many new members are recruited into the ranks of Southern organizations, no effective change can be wrought in our society until the principles of Yankee Abolitionist equalitarianism are refuted and overthrown.
    To argue for the South within the framework of the Yankee equalitarian moral system is like trying to fit square pegs into round holes. It is as dishonest as the system our conquerors imposed upon us. And it is dishonorable for Southern men to be dishonest in their presentation of the issues pressing on the South today.”

    The people of the South have traditionally believed in separate roles for men and women. Women can participate without having to assert feminism and conform to the larger society’s ideas of women’s roles.

  8. “Yes women are absolutely welcome as activists. ”

    This is what happened to the 1960s anti-war effort. It wasn’t long before it became a Feminist effort. Seriously, modern activist feminism springs directly from the women who became activists in the anti-war effort. Not sure what this would mean of Southern Nationalists, but it is interesting to note.

  9. Here is an approach that might allow women to see the light. Ask women whether they would stay in a marriage to a man who failed to provide economically, failed to maintain a civilized living space, and was irrationally violent. They will of course say no. Then point out that the behavior of African-Americans is analogous to that of a totally unacceptable spouse; AA’s have not upheld their side of the civic marriage with white Americans. Divorce is an entirely reasonable solution.

    Make this analogy into a meme. Print brochures for distribution. Present it on talk radio, etc.

  10. The solution to this problem is to dissolve the Union, diminish the amount of garbage pulsing through our culture, and restore the traditional Christian mores which regulated sexual relationships in the Old South. The frustrations that modern Southern men have with modern Southern women (and vice versa) are due to our advanced stage of cultural decline, not any inherent flaw in the opposite sex.

    Excellent. This is the real truth. In my opinion the last thread was unproductive because all of the reasons given were irrelevant in the bigger picture. This post is spot on.

    The evil US empire must be dissolved of any and all influence over the South which is causing this nightmare.

  11. Women are attracted to power, as generally signaled by social status.

    Southern nationalism and other forms of white advocacy have low social status. As long as that remains true, women will not be attracted to it. Their souls are not concerned with truth and principle the way ours are.

    Wondering how to get more women in the movement is putting the cart before the horse.

  12. “Things are only going to get worse now that the Catholic Pope has come out, and more or less endorsed homosexuality when he said, “Who am I to judge gays”. Notice Pope Francis used the Jewish coined term “gay” in describing homosexuals & homosexual priests. This move by the Catholics’ Pope will give a green light to the Jews and other perverts to push even more perversion on TV and in the movies. This isn’t good for the institutions of society, or for the health of society, when filthy health habits like homosexuality & lesbianism are made the norm in a society.”

    Yeah, I’m sure that the Jews that run Hollywood and the media are listening with bated breath to what the Pope has to say—duh!

  13. At the 2013 League of the South Conference, Shane Long and Matthew Heimbach described how eight Southern Nationalists – including two young women – stood up to 400 communists on May Day in the streets of Washington, DC. There were no catcalls from the audience, only sustained applause, when a young woman from Northern Virginia gave her recollection of the experience.

    Why is the daughter of immigrants (she is half Panamanian and half Estonian) being labelled here and in other LS sources as a Southern nationalist from Virginia? She is not Southron and she is not from Virginia, even if she was born there. She doesn’t even self-identify as Southern.

    I genuinely appreciate her Southron sympathies, but sympathising with us doesn’t make her one of us. Such a low standard for accepting outsiders into the tribe is more a feature of white nationalism than of folk nationalism.

  14. Things are only going to get worse now that the Catholic Pope has come out, and more or less endorsed homosexuality when he said, “Who am I to judge gays”.

    Who is he to judge? Well, he’s supposed to be the Vicar of Christ, but clearly he’s not interested in the responsibility.

  15. Earl, Fr. John, and Mosin, your bigoted remarks against Catholicism is off topic. We are discussing “Women and Southron Nationalism”, not the Catholic Church. If HW writes an article, say about Catholicism and Southron Nationalism, comments by us would be appropriate, bigoted or not.

  16. I genuinely appreciate her Southron sympathies, but sympathising with us doesn’t make her one of us.

    I’m sure the reasoning is that she was willing to join us to face down the enemy in the streets which is more than we can say about most of our own people including lots of those who claim to be Southern Nationalists.

  17. Long Live Dixie says:

    ‘Things are only going to get worse now that the Catholic Pope has come out, and more or less endorsed homosexuality when he said, “Who am I to judge gays”.

    Who is he to judge? Well, he’s supposed to be the Vicar of Christ, but clearly he’s not interested in the responsibility.’

    He’s just covering for the homo/pedophile priests who probably outnumber the straights. He may be one of them.

  18. Wondering how to get more women in the movement is putting the cart before the horse.

    In my experience, there are lots of women involved in Southern Nationalism, but they are usually married. You see more married couples at League events than you see at the Amren conferences.

  19. Yep. The Pope has just opened the door for more homosexual & lesbian propaganda on TV and in the movies. Remember Catholics and Catholic money like the Kennedy’s, Valente, vandenHuevel’s have been in bed with the Hollywood Jews since the 1920’s.

  20. The Latter Day Saints have very effective organization and solid, common sense male female division of labor. LDS women have lots of things to do, being priests ain’t one of em.

  21. Today, almost everyone is at least 6 generations removed from the Civil War. Many, if not most, are now 7 or 8 generations removed. This one of the reasons, that these heritage organizations like the SCV and the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) continue to shrink.

    For example my grandmother’s grandmother was born in Virginia around 1845(?), she died on “her” farm in West Virginia in 1923(?). If it wasn’t for my grandmother’s memory of her grandmother I would have no knowledge of the Civil War generation. Or the bad old days as my grandmother called them. LOL.

  22. “Yep. The Pope has just opened the door for more homosexual & lesbian propaganda on TV and in the movies. Remember Catholics and Catholic money like the Kennedy’s, Valente, vandenHuevel’s have been in bed with the Hollywood Jews since the 1920?s.”

    Since you are blaming the Catholics for the media’s push for gay marriage how about we look at which Protestant denominations include pro-gay stances. These would be the Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Metropolitan Community Church, Old Catholic Church (protestant despite its name) and Pentecostal churches among others. So it looks like we can can blame Protestants for the moral sump our civilization is in. Thank you Protestants!

  23. This guy nails it:

    Women are attracted to power, as generally signaled by social status.
    Southern nationalism and other forms of white advocacy have low social status. As long as that remains true, women will not be attracted to it. Their souls are not concerned with truth and principle the way ours are.
    Wondering how to get more women in the movement is putting the cart before the horse.

    Women have gained the most from ZOG, and therefore will be it’s best defenders. So for now, Women *at best* will be ambivalent towards the movement, unless they have had an “Up close and personal” encounter with diversity.

    Women will will be more open to the movement when ZOG can no longer provide them with bullshit AA jobs, no longer hand out Welfare for Single Moms, and no longer protect them from their pet “Diversity” creatures anymore.

  24. Jagdflieger has a valid point. The Gay Mafia has it’s fingers in every religious organization in the world. To attack one (the Catholic Church) as the epicenter of queerness is inaccurate as it is bigoted. Now, can we please get back to the topic at hand?

  25. Torfinsson has it . And before anyone forgets- Was it not idiotic females who got Alcohol Prohibition passed?

  26. What’s Jagdflieger mean in German, jack_ff? This must be Rudel under another catholic high knee moniker. LOL.

    C’mon Jagdflieger, the United Methodists, The Southern Baptists, and these independent Pentecostal and Evangelical churches will not ordain gays, or marry gays. Today, many of these independent churches are larger than the big brand names because they project a more conservative
    white image. Not that they are necessarily more White conservative in action. Anyway, being a Protestant is not a top down situation like the Catholic church.

  27. Since Mike Hill and I are probably both around the same age, I’m sure he heard stories about his Confederate ancestors from one of his grandmothers. It seems in the South that oral history traditions were passed down on the maternal side of the family. UNC, Duke etc.

  28. Jadfleiger is quite correct, though how he overlooked the destructive and degrading position the Protestant Episcopalians maintain relative to the homosexuals and their foul social agenda is a little surprising.

  29. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Jagdflieger has a valid point. The Gay Mafia has it’s fingers in every religious organization in the world. To attack one (the Catholic Church) as the epicenter of queerness is inaccurate as it is bigoted. ‘

    Many Catholic churches and parishes have gone into debt due to lawsuits stemming from the legions of pedophile priests who victimized members of their own flock.

    Those bastids are in a league of their own when it comes to corruption.

  30. Has anyone read the latest about the vandalism of the Lincoln Memorial and other statues around DC? Turns out a Chinese woman did it. I thought it might be a southern nationalist, and perhaps some of you were hoping it would be. Well this actually relates to the topic of women and southern nationalism. Will this Chinese anti-Lincoln lady be invited to the next League of the South conference? Inquiring minds want to know.

  31. The Espicopalians are far worse when it comes to sexual abuse by clergy. Those bastuds truly have a league of their own regarding abuse and corruption in the ranks.

  32. Earl, you should know that many of the various Anglican, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Congregationalist and Latter Day Saint churches ordain gay clergy. The Reformed Churches of Switzerland, the Protestant Church of the Netherlands and the United Church of Canada, the United Church of Australia and well as the United Church of Christ do so as well. So to speak in Biblical terms it appears you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye but do not notice the log in your own. The only reason that I am bringing this up is that if you are going to point fingers at the Catholics then you better be consistent and accuse all those Protestant churches that also engage in pro-gay policies to an even greater extent. As to the subject of women in the White advocacy movement, I have no idea how it is supposed to be successful if half of the White demographic is marginalized and made to feel not welcome. But then again after participating on various White advocacy forums I get the impression that many of the posters are more interested in ranting rather than creating a viable movement.

  33. Sam, I suggest you do a web search about sexual abuse by priests, rabbis, and ministers. You will find that the rate of abuse is actually higher among Non-Catholics than it is among Catholics. With that being said, I make no excuses for the abusers who have been outed in the Catholic Church, nor do I make excuses for those who have aided and abetted them.

  34. The criminal Catholic priests/perverts are reprehensible. Offending priests were just shuttled from one church to the next when their activities were being discovered. There was no concern whatsoever for the innocent victims.

    This is just one city.

    A recent news article from the Milwaukee Journal. This is only the tip of the ice berg.


    Archdiocese of Milwaukee releases depositions, offender priest files in sex abuse cases

    The following 45 men appear on an Archdiocese of Milwaukee list of diocesan priests removed or restricted from ministry because of substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of at least one minor.

  35. Maybe the Catholics would like to make excuses for the 30 Million or so of their Latino co-religionists who are squatting here in the United States?

    You mackerel snappers don’t get it. There is no top down control in Protestantism. I have no sacramental obligation to a Priest, a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope.

  36. A private conversation I read about women (names hidden to protect identity):
    “As I see it, most of her threads are news articles about black on white crime or Jew on white scamming. Her commentary never exceeds the monotonous “If (race x) can do (y), imagine whites doing the same thing.”

    She’s useless.”

    Poster 2
    “To put it as nicely as possible, S**** is an airhead and a bore. All she does is post some fairly mild anti-Jewish/Israel newslinks but never contributes really to any discussion. When speaking to her in the SB, you really get a sense of just how simple-minded she can be.

    But they keep the ageing lady around because she is about the only regular female poster. There is one British coal-burner who posts there (name escapes me), but she is just as dumb as S****.

    Eventually, you realize that serious forums are just not made for women. Most women have no interest in calm, intellectual discussions. Once a serious forum goes over a certain percentage of female posters, it will start to be a feel-good club and not a place for mature conversation. I have seen women destroy religious forums before in this manner. ”

    It looks like I have people who agree with me. “Naming the Jew” won’t change women into men.

  37. ‘It looks like I have people who agree with me. “Naming the Jew” won’t change women into men.’

    It’s more or less irrelevant to this discussion but ‘naming the Jew’ no more changes people’s politics or behaviour than does pointing out that Blacks commit a massively disproportionate percentage of violent crimes. If that worked then the problem would have been long ago fixed.

  38. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    July 31, 2013 at 8:57 am

    “Will this Chinese anti-Lincoln lady be invited to the next League of the South conference? Inquiring minds want to know.”

    I would expect Southern Nationalism to be about race, rather than your wordism – which is just the opinions of men, of which there are millions created every week.

  39. Stephen Dalton wrote: “Sam, I suggest you do a web search about sexual abuse by priests, rabbis, and ministers. You will find that the rate of abuse is actually higher among Non-Catholics than it is among Catholics.”

    Instead of justifying the corruption with statistics, I suggest you begin to search in real life (seek and ye shall find) for the “pilgrim church” you have claimed never existed, to discover there are indeed Christian churches and pastors who really do live what they profess. This is the kind of Christianity that must form the sure foundation of any successful new independent white nation.

  40. Every throne and altar in Western Christendom has been overthrown by the Judaic Revolution. The Roman Catholic Church – now in the hands of its declared enemies – is no exception.

    Of course, pope ‘call me Jorge’ Francis does not oppose sodomy, nor does he oppose sodomite priests, nor does he oppose praying in the synagogue with anti-Christs or Koran kissing with the Muslims or pujahs at Dwali or pagan idolatry at the most sacred shrines of the Church like Assissi. All this is just hunky dorey with Jorge.

    Naturally, he will be supporting that rascal Patriarch Bartholomew’s attempt to evict the monks of Mt Athos because (God bless them) these traditional Orthodox monks oppose the whole swag of ecumenist errors of post Vatican II Rome. They oppose the big ecumenical kissy-kissy between Bartholomew and Benedict, Bartholomew and Francis.

    (It goes without saying they would oppose the Roman Catholic Church going back to the Great Schism – or they would not be in Orthodoxy), but as traditional Christians they are most deserving of traditional Roman Catholic understanding and support in standing up to the attempts of the Greek Patriarchate to evict them from their monastery.

    Those who are aware of the Great Apostasy, now continuing apace, know that at the highest levels, the Orthodox patriarchates are attempting to ‘heal’ the Schism with Rome through Noachide Law under the Sanhedrin and form a one world, ecumenical religion for the new world order called for in Gaudium et Spes -of Vatican II notoriety.

    In the real Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II), homeosexual orientation was considered an impediment to the priesthood. Today, of course, a man with normal psycho-sexual maturity would be weeded out of a seminary like Notre Flame.

  41. As a woman, I would say women’s role should be limited. Except for the true pioneer stock (or females like Denise who aren’t weak).

    To this very day, the Rothschilds do not allow their female family members to have any control over or access to the family fortune. I would say we can learn a lot from their strategy.

    Women can be weak in certain situations. Didn’t the decline of our society accelerate after suffrage? I will assume that including women in every aspect of society has been a deliberate intent to unweave it. I believe feminism was a part of this strategy. The Western people have survived intact for millenia due to traditional roles.

    Destroy the culture and you destroy the race and its nations.

    Now with all that said, we will not get anywhere in today’s world without including women. Not with the way today’s women (and, to a lesser extent, men) have been brainwashed.

  42. In my experience, there are lots of women involved in Southern Nationalism, but they are usually married. You see more married couples at League events than you see at the Amren conferences.

    Well there you have it, Mr. Wallace. They are married and thus internalize their husband’s interests and passions. Similarly, married women are more likely to vote Republican whereas single women are more likely to vote Democrat. When a woman is married she sees her husband as the provider and thus is more conservative, but a single woman sees the government as a substitute husband/father figure.

    Every girlfriend I’ve ever had has ended up internalizing my worldview. Learning game is the only shortcut to bringing women into a marginal movement.

  43. Mosin, I’m telling the truth about the rate of abuse being higher among Protestants and Jews. If you refuse to study this, it isn’t my problem.

    Again, your “pilgrim church” never existed. I already did my research in early church history by reading the early church fathers, and found they were Catholic. As for your Protestants who are living what they profess, well I’m sure there are Hindus, voodooists, Buddhists, and other sects who are doing the same thing, but it doesn’t mean they have the truth.

    BTW, since you are so insistent on this “pilgrim church” business, do you have a book you can recommend on the history of this fabulous church? Please let me know asap so I can be enlightened.

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