HUD’S Plan To Destroy White Suburbia

District of Corruption

In Obama's America, there is no escape from "fairness"
In Obama’s America, there is no escape from “fairness.”

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has effectively declared war on White America:

“The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country’s housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for. …

States would then assess the best way to integrate communities deemed by HUD’s data to not be integrated enough. A HUD official, who did not want to speak on record because of the public comment period, said the rule hopes to better match up HUD-assisted housing with the communities that have good hospitals, schools and other assets. …”

In other words, the plan here is to redistribute diversity from places like Birmingham to Hoover or St. Louis to St. Charles. Henceforth, White Americans will no longer have the liberty to escape from “equality” in the suburbs.

Consider the implications:

1.) Fifty years of voting for the Republican Party, which has which has boldly defended conservative principles, has brought us to this low point.

2.) The blacks are going to be moving into your neighborhood. They are going to bring all their crime, poverty, and blight with them. They are going to go to school with your children. They are going to destroy your property value.

3.) This means you no longer have the option of avoiding confrontation and living out a private life in an expensive suburb with a decent public school.

The time is coming when White America is going to have its back pushed against the wall and will have to confront the result of fifty years of moving to the suburbs, avoiding confrontation, and voting for the Republican Party. We are going to have to start fighting back or idly watch the Detroitization of our communities.

What’s it going to be?

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This means there is a regulatory opening for the removal of blacks from places like Alabama and Georgia and move them to very white places such as NY, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Portland, Seattle, Austin. If you’re going to fight racism, you need to ship millions of blacks to the Canadian border.

  2. There are already various forces spreading out blacks. I’m not sure how much this will increase this trend. Gentrification in big cities moves blacks out to the suburbs, as does the arrival of Hispanics. Black crime moves blacks out. Control of black crime keeps blacks in, because blacks want to be around other blacks. Thus “racist” criminal justice policies help black communities. People always leave decaying areas for newer ones, it’s just that blacks cause an area to decay much faster.

    I think they are just formalizing the Section 8 policy of spreading out blacks. Moving and isolating has been the white strategy for 50 years or more, and they don’t want us to get away with it. We are going to have to get used to confronting blacks and enforcing our social norms on them.

  3. He has roughly three years to complete this by executive actions before he leaves office and hopefully someone can stop this. Republicans will not stop him, but if Clinton gets in office, they will be more bold against her due to the lack of a race card.

    I highly recommend all parents send their children to private schools or better yet home school them. Teach them the John Derbyshire principle to avoid the diverse crowds.

  4. This should leave little or no doubt in any normal White person’s mind about the real end goal of anti-Whites. Once the white flight option is taken away the genocidal intent is practically transparent.

  5. They love “diversity” but not in their own backyards.

    It’s important to note that these assholes are not just hypocritical by pushing the “diversity” they claim to love into the suburbs, exurbs and rural communities. They are also very shrewd about their financial interests. These policies will send property values through the roof in the neighborhoods of the white elites pushing the polices. It’s a triple win for them: 1) push the undesirables out of the cities; make Carter Strange, Channon and Christopher incidents routine, 2) push the fallout onto the middle, lower-middle and working class whites who cannot afford to live elsewhere, and 3) vastly increase their own wealth in the process.

    The plan appears to be to simultaneously collapse property values in white communities while raising their own. The lower the values in a community, the more attractive it will become to section 8 and the 30 million immigrants arriving in the next 20 years. Meanwhile, the desirable white communities will be closed to all but the top .05% and up. If anyone tries to fight back, they will have DHS at the ready armed with detailed information on the troublemakers obtained by the NSA.

    Never forget that we’re dealing with evil.

  6. HW: St. Charles has had some “vibrancy” for awhile. I’m sure that was pointed out to you while you were here.

    Now, as for the subject matter at hand, this might expose people who have never seen or forgot about the undertow to the undertow and wake them up, Patterson’s First Axiom style.

    Why does Obama hate suburbs? Because suburbs are full of traditional nuclear white families, i.e. Republican voters.

  7. Is it really like this in other countries?

    And what is the freak-show religion of these people that makes them think “economy” is the end-all/be-all? Some of the poorest people have the strongest families and networks and are, in reality, the happiest. You CANNOT quantify life in the way the Urban-Development-Paycheck crowd does (although you can understand all the not very creative people who couldn’t create a better job for themselves, or create something, such as the people who work in the Development-Paycheck-Industries, and feel sorry for them)

  8. Although this has been tried by big cities for years it has generally run into a brick wall at the city limits. It has taken old fashioned racial block-busting in order for the niggers and spics to colonize certain poorer inner suburbs. This needs to be fought tooth and nail down at the grassroots neighborhood level. NIMBYs unite! And tag Hillary 2016 with this radical integration brush. Make it a litmus test for Congressman. Defund it NOW and pass laws forbidding HUD to implement it.

    This is the last gasp for Republicans or perhaps the impetus for a breakup of the Republican Party into Big Business vs. Pro-White factions.

    The ironic thing about this is that jungle bunnies themselves overwhelmingly prefer to live in their own black neighborhoods which were far more civilized places back in the 30’s and 40’s prior to the exodus of the professional class of blacks (shop keepers, doctors, lawyers etc..) due to integration itself and the “Great”Society emasculation of black male head of households through Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) dole payments to unwed mothers.

    The bottom line is the Republican Party must die in order for this to stop. It will occur when White Southern Republicans start running on pro-White platforms in the primaries and if they lose then running as third party candidates in the general election. We must destroy the Republican Party from within as well as without in order for an explicitly pro-White party to emerge.

    A good dollop of pro working class populism will be required in order to gain blue collar whites. And if you don’t think that Southern independence doesn’t require nation-wide alliance and support from disaffected Whites all over the country then you are inept at reading politics and are just whistling Dixie.

    We need folks of the caliber of John C. Calhoun who enjoyed and still enjoys a world-wide reputation as a first-rate statesman.

  9. Re: countenance

    Renee was telling me just the other day about how the gas stations near the interstate in St. Charles are always robbed by the diversity that comes across the Missouri River from St. Louis County.

    I also saw the area in St. Charles where the “diversity” has been imported from a distance.

  10. Non-whites are within a hair’s breadth of achieving racial supremacy in the United States. That means they can vote as a bloc to enact federal legislation in order to severely crush the last white resistance to their complete take-over of America. In short, it’s too late to stop them with any sort of non-violent resistance. Let that sink in: it’s too late. Neither WN or SN has any chance whatsoever to stop the non-white take-over of the United States. Greedy and/or pompous-assed fools throughout the WN politico-sphere largely destroyed our last chance to unite against the coming Brown Tidal Wave. That, and the election of Nigbama (without a single serious attempt to “Oswald” him) demonstrated to the world that whites had lost the courage to fight for their birthright.

    Solution: there is none.

    That is, there is none short of armed insurrection. In the meantime, pretend that joining some “organization” with this name or that will save you. But the operative word here is: pretend.

    • That is, there is none short of armed insurrection. In the meantime, pretend that joining some “organization” with this name or that will save you. But the operative word here is: pretend.

      No, the problem with WNs is that they really don’t join organizations.

      Instead, they spend all their time on the internet posting under pseudonyms, arguing and fighting with other WNs over minor issues, and downloading podcasts and reading books in order to “educate” themselves to their White homeland.

      Sit here and try to think what WNs are doing in the real world to advance their goal of the White ethnostate. The answer is almost nothing. They are afraid of the opposition. They allow themselves to be ruled by fear.

      This is the result.

  11. If they push Whites into a corner, they’re going to create a lot of “haters”. Get ready to catch that wave.

  12. Hunter, are you saying that there are people within our government who are seeking to destroy whites, or just white power, in this country one way or another? That almost mirrors what is going on in all white countries! But, wouldn’t this be conspiracy?

    Oh, that’s right, there’s no such thing as conspiracy according to Jack Ryan…

    • Re: Snowhitey

      Sure, there is an organized plan to destroy the White suburbs and White political power by flooding America with Third World immigrants. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy though because it is done openly.

  13. “This means there is a regulatory opening for the removal of blacks from places like Alabama and Georgia and move them to very white places such as NY, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Portland, Seattle, Austin. If you’re going to fight racism, you need to ship millions of blacks to the Canadian border.This means there is a regulatory opening for the removal of blacks from places like Alabama and Georgia and move them to very white places such as NY, Vermont, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Portland, Seattle, Austin. If you’re going to fight racism, you need to ship millions of blacks to the Canadian border.”

    The correct nomenclature for this sort of delusion is called “magical thinking.”

  14. “Solution: there is none.

    That is, there is none short of armed insurrection.”

    The prelude to armed insurrection is the development of a political party to provide cover for the violence recognized by the powers that be. A good example is Sinn Fein.

  15. HW: This is why St. Charles County voters twice rejected tax measures to extend MetroLink into St. Charles County. They knew it would be an easy means to import the undertow from the other side of the river.

    Incidentally, the man who was the chief organizer behind the anti efforts, who only had thousands to spend each time compared to the pro side that had hundreds of thousands, runs Thug Report.

    Watch out for another way to destroy whitopia suburbs, and I’m sure HW got an earful of this when he was here: Allowing students in “unaccredited” (i.e. black undertow) districts to transfer to accredited districts.

  16. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 11, 2013 at 6:59 pm

    “They are afraid of the opposition. They allow themselves to be ruled by fear.”

    They are afraid of a word. A word that was repeated for decades, to instill fear in Whites. Remove the power that word has over Whites and the fear will end.

    And it is ending. The anger I saw on certain racial stories this year, is incredible. On one of them I thought I was reading Stormfront commenters, but when I checked there was no link from Stormfront to this story. It was ordinary Whites and they were raging.

    • Re: JimmyNeutron

      You’re right.

      They’re scared of being called “racists.” They are scared that if they are labeled a racist that the SPLC will contact their employer and they will lose their jobs. It’s getting to the point though, especially with Millennials, that the consequences of not fighting back are beginning to outweigh trying to live a private life in the suburbs.

  17. …and Golden Dawn in Greece.

    GD have a quiet paramilitary wing of veterans who fought on the side of the Serbs in the recent Balkan wars.

    Whenever we bring up the need for our people to train and prepare, we are denounced as informants or agents provacateur.

    Ignore us, at your own cost.

    Events will demonstrate that we were right.

  18. CNN wrings its hands over the fact that the Republican Party (at least the Southern one) has become the party of Jefferson Davis:

    The big money plutocrats have always been in conflict with its populist wing. The best way towards southern independence under to current state of affairs is to split the Republicans in two with a segregationist caucus of Southern Republicans as I outlined in an above post. CofCC > LOS > Southern Republicans > Outright secessionist party.

    • Re: JimmyNeutron

      Here’s a recent post of mine on Facebook:

      I’ve been thinking ahead to the next protest after the Uvalda, GA rally. We need to do more of these protests in other states.

      I would like to see us do one here in Alabama, and it occurred to me, we have the perfect target right here on our doorstep in Montgomery, a group of communists who are universally loathed by everyone on the internet, and who have done to more to subvert Alabama’s immigration law than Paul Bridges.

      How many people do you think we could get to show up, join the League, donate, or raise their glasses in our honour if we protested Morris Sleaze and the SPLC?

  19. Rudel wrote:

    CNN wrings its hands over the fact that the Republican Party (at least the Southern one) has become the party of Jefferson Davis

    I respond:

    Not that the Republican Party deserves it.

    I wouldn’t leave it to CNN to recognize reality, but the Republican Party at the Presidential level is the party of white adults involved in traditional nuclear families (or those that want to be), and the Republican Party is the party of the white Southerner for no more complicated a reason than the fact that the South has relative to its white population as a whole a higher percentage of white adults involved in traditional nuclear families (or those that want to be.) Patterson’s First Axiom does come into play, but it’s not as strong a factor as the Sailer Correlation.

  20. It’s a good idea to join a religion that is legally/culturally untouchable (Islam or Orthodox Judaism) at this time. PC doesn’t seem to have made inroads in these two.

  21. On the plus side, those of us rich, AH, elitist Liberals living in expensive posh urban areas are enjoying seeing HUD housing projects being torn down, the Black underclass moving out, going… Where, somewhere else.


    My backyard is the beautiful Chicago lakefront, where elitist Liberals have all but ethnically cleansed poor Blacks off the Lakefront sail boat basins, prairie restoration sanctuaries, bird sanctuaries replaced places where poor Blacks once recreated in the tens of thousands, BBQing, drinking and hassling White bicyclists.

    Don’t write off the liberals.

    Go green, make our beautiful cities green.. Green and very White.

  22. Hunter,

    Some of it is in the open but the people who schemed it up are unknown. Do we know who hatched the plan? Do we know what their next step is? Do we know what the end goal is? The people implementing the plan are most likely not the architects of the plan. Administrations come and go but the end goal gets ever closer.

  23. I don’t care for that formulation from Sailer. The Republicans are not the party of normal people. They’re the party of plutocrats who lie to, exploit and abuse normal people. Big difference.

  24. Hunter,

    You’re the only ‘mainstream’ alt-right poster I’ve seen who’s addressed the tendency of the alt-right to indulge in intellectual masturbation and status seeking among other Philosophy students instead of doing any actual work. In response to this I’ve seen commenters on other sites talking about ‘oh well I’m going to move to New Zealand’, and its fucking disgusting. What exactly is the line ‘they’ have to cross before some of these people actually do something beyond angry posting on the internet? Use a little bit of common sense and burn someone the fuck out before deciding to pick up stakes and run half way across the world.

    I don’t want to be the guy screaming for violent revolution that someone else kicks off, but maybe instead of googling Expedia prices, you go and talk to your neighbors? Everyone wants to be a fucking iconoclast instead of doing something productive. Golden Dawn has laid down an idea of how to go about winning people to your cause. Unfortunately in America we’re too smart for our own good and can’t figure out that the man who is priced out of the labor market due to illegal immigration doesn’t give a shit about Evola’s conceptualization behind ‘riding the Tiger’, but he’d be apt to listen to you if you helped him feed his family.

    Instead we get articles about Warhammer 40K and how it has alt-right themes or whatever. Great.

  25. @Hanson

    “Use a little bit of common sense and burn someone the fuck out before deciding to pick up stakes and run half way across the world.”

    You’re nothing than a big-mouthed agent provocateur looking for someone to arrest. Get lost.

    PS- putting a red dot electronic sight and a folding stock on a Kalashnikov is about the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

  26. My contribution is trying to wake up the blind and the foolish – those who refuse to believe that conspiracy not only exists, it dominates our lives. It is a full-time, thankless job that has no end. The conspiracy is the planning, the small snippets you see are the actions required to achieve the desired results. Our racial problems, white disempowerment, white dispossession, financial destruction, attacks on Southern culture and Christianity, political correctness, Third World flooding of all white countries are all actions required to achieve a desired result. There is no such thing as coincidence or accident on a scale of change and destruction this huge.

    J. Edgar Hoover (probably blackmailed about his homosexuality): “The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” The Elks Magazine (August 1956)

    Or, Woodrow Wilson (the traitor, most-likely “controlled” by Jewish Edward Mandell House): “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

    I’ll shut up….. for now.

  27. Lew

    That’s not the point. Sailer is just noticing who does and does not cast votes for Republicans for President since 2000. That’s not moral or political commentary about whether the Republicans deserve the votes they get.

  28. “It’s getting to the point though, especially with Millennials, that the consequences of not fighting back are beginning to outweigh trying to live a private life in the suburbs.”

    Yeah, it’s pretty hard to frighten someone about losing their job when they don’t have one.

  29. And if you work hard and show up on time for a minimum wage or similar job, the boss may very well be willing to overlook your political opinions. It’s really only “good” jobs where you have to worry about political correctness, and good jobs are very tough to find anymore.

  30. “those who refuse to believe that conspiracy not only exists, it dominates our lives. It is a full-time, thankless job that has no end. The conspiracy is the planning, the small snippets you see are the actions required to achieve the desired results.”

    A conspiracy is- too late to resist.

  31. @ Rudel

    LOL oh boy here we go “agent provocateur”. “g-g-guys don’t think bad thought DHS reading your thoughts”. did you get this from the same place you cut and paste your “red dot and folding stock” opinion from? Yes I’ve got an assault rifle that fits inside of a tennis case and can hit targets at 500 yds reliably how stupid of me. Or are you one of those idiots who thinks that AKs can’t hit anything past 25 yds because your Navy SEAL cousin said so?

    @ Hunter

    I think the Right takes ‘radical’ to mean ‘independent to the point of looking like an idiot’. It might have been here I read about the guys who couldn’t wear a tie like a normal person to the AmRen conference but had to do it like a dork to show what a special twee snowflake they were. It certainly feels like a different flavor from the Left’s victim ideology that seems to discover a new class of the helpless everyday because of ~*wHiTe pRivIleGe*~

    Anyway, good post. Maybe you’ll be able to get something going over there in Dixie where you have something to show for what you’re doing. I wish you all the best of luck.

  32. “can hit targets at 500 yds reliably…are you one of those idiots who thinks that AKs can’t hit anything past 25 yds because your Navy SEAL cousin said so?”

    Consistent hits from 500 yards with an AK? That barrel whips back and forth at least half an inch every time it is fired. Now we know you are a total BS artist in addition to trying to suck people into violent actions (or even statements) so that they can be arrested.

    And I didn’t learn that from anyone but myself and the NVA regulars who shot them at me, you stolen honor poseur. Fuck you and your useless Picatinny rail you rode in on.

    BTW those same dudes used Mosin-Nagants if they were trying to hit anyone at anywhere near that 500 yard range. AK’s are up close and personal pray and spray weapons developed for massed cannon fodder assaults. Not that a candy-assed pogue like yourself has ever actually fought against a real army. Shooting up hajis and their families and then going back inside the wire for a hot meal and movie in an air conditioned tent is not real soldiering in the field.

  33. @Rudel

    Holy shit talk about a nerve being touched. If your dumb ass was the hard chargin
    Vietnam Vet you claimed to be you’d know the AK was the superior weapon in that conflict. Instead you respond like a blowhard crybaby with a bunch of bullshit (“ALL AKS JERK A HALF INCH I KNOW BECAUSE VIETNAM” lookit dis faggot right here), doubling down on your prior idiocy. Anyone who’s fired an AK in the last decade (and doesn’t jerk off to knows that 500 yds shots consistently isn’t outrageous, but string some more nonsensical keywords together. FFS you’re mad about picatinny rails ahaha oh lordy and you wanna be taken seriously? No wonder you’re so shitty about red dots.

    You know about as much about what happened in the ME as you do about guns, which is fucking embarassing. Take your pogue ass to bed, grandpa, before you humiliate yourself some more. And take your rentboy Sean with you.

  34. @Hunter

    Get yourself some good magazines. What kind of AK is it? CAI WASR 10? AMD65? Polish? Yugo? The last decade or so has been really good for AKs as far as modularity goes.

    US Palm and Bulgarian Circle 10s are easily some of the best polymer mags out there for the AK. I’ve had zero issues with either magazines. Stay away from TAPCO, as they like to shatter. If you’re more of a steel mag type, look for Eastern Bloc mags and make sure to test that the spring and guide don’t stick, as well as that its chambered for 7.62 and not 5.45. Also, stay away from Korean “steel” mags, as most of the stuff out of there is cheap aluminium.

  35. At some point they ‘ll pass a law banning marriage between white people and only mixed-relations will be legal, and don’t expect the LGBT, blacks, Latinos to protest on whites’ behalf.

  36. @ Hunter

    I had an old pal of mine who made it all the way to the State Senate back in the 1970’s telling people the only magazine he read was Soldier of Fortune (SOF). LOL. Even “General” Bo Gritz used that one liner…

    This discussion started off good, but, must have been cross posted to SOF.

    Does anyone want to see my 12 inch dik?

  37. Hunter and other Southern patriots, I strongly suggest you not purchase, own modern military rifles like AK47s, AR15s. They are much more trouble than they are worth.

    These semi auto, to full auto military rifles are not practical for home defense and it is comparatively easy for Antifa, SPLC, Eric Holder forces to entrap, make a minor change from semi auto to full auto to screw you/us.

    Dressing and acting like the Hollywood scripted racist, paranoid, hater psycho gun nut – that’s not practical.

    There is virtually no way these military rifles can be used in a practical way, not in a home invasion, Black riot, government harassment.

    Here’s a good article on the subject by Viet Nam combat veteran, WN activist (got burnt out like Hunter by disfunctional WN “movement”) Jost Turner:

  38. The mantra, ‘The rich can always afford their own apartheid,’ still is true.
    For HUD is not going into the super-affluent 1%. It’s the 25% they’re after.

    So, it’s merely we ‘evil middle class’ folks, who can’t escape our Negrification at the hands of the Simian-in-Chief.

    Unless we leave the country.
    Which appears more and more appealing each day.

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