HUD’S Plan To Destroy White Suburbia

District of Corruption

In Obama's America, there is no escape from "fairness"
In Obama’s America, there is no escape from “fairness.”

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has effectively declared war on White America:

“The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country’s housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for. …

States would then assess the best way to integrate communities deemed by HUD’s data to not be integrated enough. A HUD official, who did not want to speak on record because of the public comment period, said the rule hopes to better match up HUD-assisted housing with the communities that have good hospitals, schools and other assets. …”

In other words, the plan here is to redistribute diversity from places like Birmingham to Hoover or St. Louis to St. Charles. Henceforth, White Americans will no longer have the liberty to escape from “equality” in the suburbs.

Consider the implications:

1.) Fifty years of voting for the Republican Party, which has which has boldly defended conservative principles, has brought us to this low point.

2.) The blacks are going to be moving into your neighborhood. They are going to bring all their crime, poverty, and blight with them. They are going to go to school with your children. They are going to destroy your property value.

3.) This means you no longer have the option of avoiding confrontation and living out a private life in an expensive suburb with a decent public school.

The time is coming when White America is going to have its back pushed against the wall and will have to confront the result of fifty years of moving to the suburbs, avoiding confrontation, and voting for the Republican Party. We are going to have to start fighting back or idly watch the Detroitization of our communities.

What’s it going to be?

About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is quintessential OD:

    “The lack of slavery in the failed White religious utopian cultures in the Northeast established by the Puritans and the Quakers explains why America has degenerated to its present level.”

    If they only had the cleansing, saving heritage of African (or Indian) enslavement, white people north of the Line might not be evil. Damned Yankees are really not damned by their genes after all, but by the sin of their fathers not practicing and even resisting the practice of slavery. Wage slavery of other whites doesn’t count.

  2. Lew wrote: “It seems to me that if they’re moving them out, it’s time for us to move in and buy property in heavily gentrified neighborhoods deep inside the cities.”

    Going urban is just what They want the remnant of land-rooted white people to do.

  3. “Proximity to real negroes is the cure for what ails white Amurrica”

    Proximity to 3rd world Hispanics, Pakis, Hindus and Middle Easterners gets the job done too. You can expect them to be coming to whitopia as well.

  4. “It’s getting to the point though, especially with Millennials, that the consequences of not fighting back are beginning to outweigh trying to live a private life in the suburbs.”

    People are waking up somewhat. More will when they realize they can’t white flight away given the economy. It was interesting recently when I was catching up with a friend who is generally left of center, a truck driver, sometimes listens to NPR, has interracial grandkids and yet mentioned multiple times over several days that Zimmerman was in the right, making jokes about he’s a “creepy cracker” himself. Then he complains that “everyone and their brother is out buying guns like a bunch of idiots including people who shouldn’t own guns.” Yet, he wants to get his concealed carry permits for multiple states.

    Also, that Jost Turner advice is outdated and thus pointless now. During the freakout earlier this year, the gun control folks showed they have learned from the 1994 assault weapons ban etc.. Multiple states proposed laws outright banning or restricting to say, one registered gun (with each 10+ magazine has to be registered too) that could hold more than 10 rounds (tube or detachable mag). Some of the laws named .22 rifles and lever actions specifically as being included in the ban. Along with laws requiring police inspection of your storage/safe of the gun each year. At that point, your single shot .22/410/243 combo won’t be exempt now but inevitably will be in a few years after the next nut who loses their mind on SSRI drugs after denial of service through obumbles care plan.

  5. “Apelius, much like your other idiot on here can’t acknowledge real world experience that five seconds on youtube verifies but knows wikipedia history inside and out.”

    Real world experience? Do hold forth on all your 500m firefights with AKs. I’m in the mood to hear some tall tales. Did you take out an entire battalion before changing magazines? That’s the rumor.

    “yeah, there sure needs to be a culling of whites. physician, heal thyself.”

    If it were up to me, the culling would start with useless gubmint parasites who routinely abuse the citizenry for their thirty pieces of silver. Federal manchild lackeys are better known for their viciousness toward the innocent than for their sober judgment or sagacity. Sound like anyone you know, pup?

    Shooting someone at 500m cannot be called self defense. The correct term is murder.
    Unless of course you are on the battlefield or part of the militarized police force of the emerging totalitarian state of BRA.

    “Damned Yankees are really not damned by their genes after all, but by the sin of their fathers not practicing and even resisting the practice of slavery. Wage slavery of other whites doesn’t count.”

    You are thinking too hard again, Mosin. Yankees are damned because they are yankees. They are infected with a disease like a hooker with a bad case of syphilis. Yankeeism is a disease of the mind. Quarantine is necessary for the public good. Secession would effect such a quarantine.

    Solipsism can only take you so far before reality intrudes. All the utopian visions spawned in the yankee mind cannot dispel reality. This is something the yankee has never learned. Despite all the strange experiments from Dr. Yankenstein’s laboratory, negro nature has not changed and will not change.

    Once you live in close proximity to them, your quaint illusions will vanish.

    At that point, your yankee mind disease will either be cured or the dire consequences of the disease will be unavoidable. Shitavious will be happy to curb stomp and crack any head impervious to truth. Ideas have consequences.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Mosin,

    “Right leveling has NOTHING to do with promoting or allowing sin.”

    And pray tell, what is “right” leveling? The Rural English you cited were defending themselves from invaders trying to steal their lands. They weren’t spreading across the land like flesh-eating zombies infecting everything they touch with the Satanic religion of equality.

    ELITISM is historically more corrupting than “levelling”, “egalitarian”, democratic-republican constitutional mixed polity.

    1. Elitism only threatens the existence of our race when it manifests as a plutocracy. Czarist Russia was more elitist than any other European nation, and it was also the most conservative. Concurrently, its natives enjoyed the most personal liberty, from speech to press to gun rights. The Romanov family wasn’t in the business of maximizing profits by selling the Russian people down the river. Why do you think the Rothschild-funded Bolsheviks did what they did in 1917?

    2. The Framers created a “democratic-republican constitutional mixed polity” in 1789. It blew up in Amurrica’s face like Wile E Coyote with dynamite. Ditto Ancient Greece. Ditto the Roman Empire. How much longer must we suffer the intellectual masturbation that is “We The People” before everyone realizes what a constant disaster it is? There’s a reason Jesus repeatedly evoked the analogy of the sheep and the shepherd and told us to render unto Caesar: Because humans aren’t programmed as “equals.” At the local level in a small, homogeneous tight-knit community, self-government works among Whites. But at a national level? The hyenas always win:

    3. Egalitarianism is inherently evil. No two White persons are created equal. No two groups of Whites are created equal. Nobody is created equal. Whiteness does not justify egalitarianism.

    4. The Puritans and Quakers were demented, deranged, low-life lunatics who were hated and despised by the normal Whites back home in England. Normal White people founded Virginia. Despicable lunatics and hysterical zealots founded Massachusetts. Transcendentalism wasn’t an abandonment of Puritanical or Quaker Christianity. It was the fulfillment of both.

  7. “Ditto Ancient Greece. Ditto the Roman Empire.”

    The independent Greek city states lasted hundreds of years. The Roman Republic (not the Empire you moron) lasted 500 years and even the Empire lasted for another 500 years.

    You picked the wrong examples.

  8. The anti-white (but “there is no such thing as ‘white people’ “), anti- NORTHERN white, hate message of OD:

    “Yankees are damned because they are yankees. They are infected with a disease (…)Quarantine is necessary for the public good. Secession would effect such a quarantine.”

    If only the sick whites north of the Line had imported and enslaved Africans in large numbers like the wise Southrons did, perhaps their “mind disease” could have been cured?

  9. “There’s a reason Jesus repeatedly evoked the analogy of the sheep and the shepherd and told us to render unto Caesar.”

    Let me guess. Those Anglo-Celt rubes should not have levelled but given way to their betters, the noble Normans, who more deserved to own the land?

  10. Might proves superiourity, and makes right — and blacker makes whiter, multiracialism makes racialist, and slavery creates true freedom. If you can’t grasp that common sense you might have the Damnyankee mind disease.

  11. If the goal is a healthy society, the structure of the government matters much less than the quality of the leaders and the people. When the ruling elites are venal, incompetent or otherwise poor stewards, any nation can be run into the ground. There is no guarantee that any monarch or Tsar is going to be a good steward simply by virtue of being a monarch.

    History shows that the reverse is often the case; monarchs are can be poor stewards. Perhaps the French aristocracy should have paid more attention to the public good. If they had, it might have been difficult for the anti-monarchs to rally the masses against the aristocracy under the banner of “equality.”

    The other danger in investing too much power in one person or a small group is that it makes it easier for hostiles to seize power by subverting the top. Once you knock off the top, you gain control of the country.

    Republics and other governments with democratic elements of democracy are not necessarily problematic. In many ways, the can be good and a line of defense against undesirable policy.

    It doesn’t make sense for people to claim that American democracy is a primary source of our problems, as people often do, when America is not democratic in any meaningful sense.

    Even in the rotten, degraded America of 2013, the ruling elites don’t put anything significant up for a fair, honest debate and then a public referendum. They know that they would lose. No one has ever voted for open borders. When Congress passed the immigration act of 1965 (in theory acting as a surrogate for the people), they did it under false pretenses with promises the demographics would not change.

    Switzerland is one of the healthier Euro nations still standing, and the Swiss use a form of direct democracy. It likely works for them because the Swiss are not totally debased (yet), and their votes actually mean something. A recent proposal to introduce gun control in Switzerland was crushed in a referendum.

    Russia’s anti-homo laws were moved through democratic institutions. The democratic process has given Golden Dawn and Jobbik a voice in the public debate AND a small amount of STATE POWER to do things.

    As for the American founders, it hardly makes sense to blame their theory of governance for America’s present-day problems when their theory is not being followed. Their theory of governance included things like a highly limited franchise and the election of senators by the states not the people (to blunt excess democratic fervor). These provisions in the constitution were later abandoned, but not by them.

    The few protections still standing in the way of open leftwing-totalitarianism in this country come from the surviving remnants of the original constitution. The present US federal government is a tyranny under James Madison’s definition. No one from Madison’s time would support what we see around us today.

    The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. – James Madison

    Any government structure work if you have a healthy people and good leaders, but monarchies and other despotic forms do not in and of themselves guarantee that the leaders will be good. I do not see where despotic forms solve any of the weaknesses found in other forms of government.

    I believe that white people need to have meaningful say in how they are governed and are going to insist on it anyway. Finally, if people willing to submit to despotism, I believe that is evidence of the people being relatively unhealthy and weak, as it requires an unreasonable amount of submission.

  12. “I have also long insisted that the person who defangs the word “racist” will be a hero,”

    One tough nut to crack-Career talking heads in the MSM:

    If was on the airwaves daily program. listeners heads clear of cobwebs.

    Open monologue:

    Racism: we are a moral creatures believe in free speech which doesn’t exist in third world.

    Racism: we believe in live and let live. Alien to AA.

    Racism: help those who help themselves. Third world immigration; their governments are inept.

    Racism: we judge each according to its merits; AA has yet to achieve on their own even with the feds leveled Plainfield.

    racism: we are a creature of generosity; democrats and republicans share conservatism.

    racism: they envy us.

  13. Rudel,

    “The independent Greek city states lasted hundreds of years. The Roman Republic (not the Empire you moron) lasted 500 years and even the Empire lasted for another 500 years.”

    And the United States has “lasted” for 237 years – 224 under the Constitution. If you count the colonial period it’s “lasted” for 394 years. So what? The USA is tearing apart at the seems just like Greece and Rome did before them. While I don’t necessarily blame democracy for the collapse of those civilizations, the historical fact is that democracy not only failed to stop those collapses, it facilitated them. Hell, even one of Amurrica’s framers, John Adams, said this about democracy:

    “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

    Or try the prophetic words of H.L Mencken, a man who wouldn’t exactly see eye to eye with me on authoritarianism:

    “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

  14. Mosin,

    “Dalton and Poole think they are wiser than Aristotle.”

    This coming from a guy who praises the “wise men” of 1620 and the 1770s/80’s who thought they knew better than every European Christian civilization of the previous 1000 years.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That ALL men are created equal”


    All men=All men

    2+2 does not equal 5.

    “All men” does not equal “White men.” That it was applied this way in certain legal contexts does not change the meaning nor the implications of the phrase “all men.” As Richard Spencer explained:

    Once upon a time, we are told, there was a nation founded on the unity of all mankind. But it wasn’t able to live up to its own lofty ideals because of the remainder of White power. But after the military defeat of the Old South and Nazi Germany, and the political enfranchisement of former slaves, America finally became America.

    The secret ideology is that all non-Whites must unify politically—as distinct peoples or in a rainbow coalition—in order to get what’s theirs and defeat The Man.

    Self-identifying “conservatives” hope that one day the first myth will come true, and that they could just be left alone, dissolving into race-less, capitalist America. “Liberals” criticize “conservatives” not for holding this view but for not recognizing that White power hasn’t yet been completely dismantled—more work needs to be done!

    Then again, why should any of this concern you? You’re fine with egalitarianism as long as it only applies to White people. The visceral denial of the SELF-EVIDENT truth of superiors and inferiors has plagued Yankees for all 237 years of this “nations” continually imploding existence.

    Related note: The Haitains have a collective IQ of 71. That didn’t stop them from setting up their constitution and their government explicitly for blacks after the slave revolt

    The Declaration of Independence? Zero mentions of Whiteness or Christianity. The Constitution? Zero mentions of Whiteness or Christianity. And no, posterity does not equal Whiteness. Posterity is “the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation.” There’s no inherent connection to race or ethnicity. Amurrica now exists for the benefit of the posterity of non-whites – and many more non-whites to come. Whites exist to pay for it all – and Yankees in the Northeast have no problem with that as long as the savages stay out of their own backyard (Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire: All over 90% non-Hispanic White).

    The Framers created a Civic Nationalist frat club. The first of its kind. They did not create an ethnostate. Even the Heritage Foundation observed two years ago:

    “A foreigner can immigrate to France or Japan but never become truly French or Japanese. But a foreigner of any ethnic heritage or racial background can immigrate to the United States and become, in every sense of the term, an American.”

    Regardless of whether the Framers wanted a Brotherhood of Man or not, that’s exactly what Amurrica became once the Civic Nationalist frat club was taken to its logical conclusion. Amurrica couldn’t have become anything other than what it’s become.

    “25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

    Matthew 7:25-27

    “Let me guess. Those Anglo-Celt rubes should not have levelled but given way to their betters, the noble Normans, who more deserved to own the land?

    1. If those Anglo-Celt rubes, as you described them, had marched into London and declared its entire social system an abomination against God (despite the fact that this social system doesn’t even apply to them), had demonized all Londoners to the point of stripping them of their humanity, and murdered over 250,000 of its natives, all in the name of “equality,” then they’d deserve to have their lands stripped from them by the Normans.

    2. You ignored the context of why I evoked the sheep-shepherd story. There is not a single race on Planet Earth which is capable of self-government at a national level. Most of us were born as natural followers, not leaders. We are not all William Wallace. We are not all Charles Martel. When you take us out of our small, tight-knit homogeneous communities, we become hyenas and jackals. Why do you think Amurricans hate every Congressman and Senator except their own? Other than the silly Ayn Randian cultists, nobody complains when the bacon is brought home to their district.

    3. Defending your lands is not the same as imposing your Satanic religion of “equality” on others – and destroying their lands and their livelihoods in the process. (See Point 1). Not all leveling is created equal. Nothing is created equal, not even two “identical” twins. Cripes man, are you really equating offense with defense?

    “Might proves superiourity, and makes right”

    This coming from a guy who supports democracy (as long as its just Whites voting)? Weird.

    By the way, while I don’t have any use for “might makes right” in terms of voting, one of nature’s immutable laws is that no one has any “rights” beyond what they’re willing to fight for and die for. If the lion eats the lamb, it is good for the lion and evil for the lamb. If the lamb escapes and the lion starves, it is good for the lamb and evil for the lion. (HT: David Lane, Precept 33).

    Yankees choose to be the lamb when it comes to non-whites, and they choose to be the Lion when it comes to their fellow Whites.

  15. “ ‘Might proves superiority, and makes right’ This coming from a guy who supports democracy (as long as its just Whites voting)? Weird.”

    I was being ironic.

  16. I don’t support democracy as such, Dan, as I’ve explained here many times before. I don’t support monarchism either, and certainly do not support the current political system.

    But a truly good people will survive and overcome (with God’s help) even the worst, most unjust government, and even the best governance will not save a generation that wants to be evil.

    The solution is Christian revival.

  17. “Why do you think Amurricans hate every Congressman and Senator except their own? (…) nobody complains when the bacon is brought home to their district.”

    Proud selfish people may do that, but honest, hard working Christian people wouldn’t hate the people and rulers of other states — and they don’t believe in “something for nothing”, don’t accept handouts, don’t participate in government “programs”, maintaining Biblical separation from “the world”.

  18. @Mosin

    Dan Poole is a young guy in his early 20’s. He hasn’t yet experienced enough of the greater world to realize how fortunate we are to be native-born Americans, and to have been endowed with the genuine exceptionalism that comes with our birthright.

  19. Lew,

    “If the goal is a healthy society, the structure of the government matters much less than the quality of the leaders and the people.”

    True. Quite true. I even said as much in the thread where everyone debated what form of government is the best. Or as Matt Heimbach concluded in what might be the best article I’ve ever read on the internet:

    “Whether you are a Christian authoritarian like myself, a Constitutionalist, a fascist, a National Socialist, or whatever stripe of white Traditionalist, just acknowledge that it is time to throw off the shackles of the poisoned American mindset, time for a new unity within our folk and new ideas for a new age.”

    Like Heimbach, I believe in authoritarianism. And although that word scares the hell out of most White Americans when they first hear it, their widespread support for “legislating morality” (whether its banning abortion or banning 32 ounce soda drinks) show how they really feel. Most Whites, myself included, are perfectly fine with authoritarianism as long as its our values being upheld. I see nothing wrong or contradictory about this. If someone doesn’t like it, they’re free to leave. But that’s the problem with Yankees: They can’t keep to themselves. They refuse to leave normal Whites alone – and that includes many of their fellow Yankees north of the line (oh my, how they hate “racial segregation” up here in Michigan).

    “There is no guarantee that any monarch or Tsar is going to be a good steward simply by virtue of being a monarch.”

    Yes. And the unstated fact from that post of mine was that Russians were normal White people with a healthy culture. Replace those Russians with Yankees and their leveling culture and the Romanovs were as doomed as they were when the Bolsheviks invaded.

    My argument is that authoritarianism, as best exemplified by Tsarist Russia, is a much better system of government for White Americans than democracy is. The specific form(s) would be different because the cultural context is different, but the basic structure would be authoritarian. Again, many localities already have authoritarian laws in place. Conservatives hate the 32 ounce soda ban, liberals hate the restrictions on abortion…none of them are really against authoritarianism. Libertarians love to point this out before going on yet another screed about freedumb, whereas Whites like me and Heimbach are like: Fuck your freedom.

    “The other danger in investing too much power in one person or a small group is that it makes it easier for hostiles to seize power by subverting the top. Once you knock off the top, you gain control of the country.”

    London hasn’t been conquered since 1066. America has never been conquered. Geography matters a lot more than the system of government when it comes to how susceptible a nation is to being conquered. Just look at all the fun Napoleon and Hitler had trying to invade Russia.

    “Republics and other governments with democratic elements of democracy are not necessarily problematic. In many ways, the can be good and a line of defense against undesirable policy.”

    If enough peasants truly want something, they’ll get it. Look at all the goodies Bismarck gave the Germans in an attempt to “buy them off,” so to speak. Hell, as much as I support Russia’s new ban on homo propaganda, it’s really just a piece of red meat for the peasants to chew on in order to divert their attention away from the real issues:

    Even authoritarian governments can’t get away with using the stick all the time. Sometimes they’ve got to dangle the carrot.

    “When Congress passed the immigration act of 1965 (in theory acting as a surrogate for the people), they did it under false pretenses with promises the demographics would not change.”

    But therein lies a big part of the problem: The people believed Ted Kennedy. Just like they believed Reagan when he said “its morning again in America.” Just like they believed Rand Paul and Marco Rubio would crush those “left wing progressives” and all their evil, um, “spending.” (I water-carried this shit for years. Spared no expense. Now I’m beyond disgusted with it).

    Can we finally acknowledge that “We The People” deserve blame for allowing ourselves to be repeatedly played for fools? “A Kennedy promised us!!!” is a pitiful excuse for suicidal ignorance.

    “As for the American founders, it hardly makes sense to blame their theory of governance for America’s present-day problems when their theory is not being followed.”

    I’m sorry Lew, but as much as I agree with you on economics, this statement of yours is the exact same excuse the anti-racists give when all their experiments fail. They never ever blame their own failed ideas. Instead they’re all like:

    The execution isn’t the problem. The game plan and play calls are the problem.

    “Their theory of governance included things like a highly limited franchise and the election of senators by the states not the people (to blunt excess democratic fervor).”

    3/4 of the state legislatures voted to strip themselves of their own power in 1913. I don’t have much sympathy for the anti-17th amendment advocates even though I disagree in principle with the 17th amendment.

    “The few protections still standing in the way of open leftwing-totalitarianism in this country come from the surviving remnants of the original constitution.”

    How so, if I may ask? Not playing dumb, I just want to know if there’s any protection that couldn’t be classified under “boiling the water too hot.” The few protections still standing in the way of open leftwing-totalitarianism rest entirely in the threat of the frog jumping out of the pot.

    “The present US federal government is a tyranny under James Madison’s definition. No one from Madison’s time would support what we see around us today.”

    And I doubt any head coach plans on having a losing season. This does not absolve the coach from blame. Nor will it save his job. Sentimentality is no excuse for refusing to place blame where its due.

    “I believe that white people need to have meaningful say in how they are governed and are going to insist on it anyway.”

    I disagree. Whites in New York have no problem with Nanny Bloomburg taking away their 32 ounce sodas. And that’s the liberals. We all know conservatives support bans on abortion, gay marriage, and pornography. Oh they’ll come up with their rationales (“The Civil Society” in the case of conservatives, “progress” in the case of liberals). But they both support authoritarianism in one way or another.

    Also, voter turnout in this country is like, what, 60%? August primaries see as low as 5% turnout. Normal White Americans just want to be left alone to run their lives and want to know that their family, their culture, and their way of life is secured by the government. They’re not interested in constant participation in government affairs.

    “Finally, if people willing to submit to despotism, I believe that is evidence of the people being relatively unhealthy and weak, as it requires an unreasonable amount of submission.”

    And me being a Christian Authoritarian like Heimbach, I have no morals qualms with submission. It all depends on who is being submitted to. Submission is natural in human affairs. The rebellious attitude of “I have my rights!” is not natural. Next thing you know, white women are killing their own white babies.

    Good day Lew. I like a lot of what you write.

  20. Dan Poole:

    Good posts. I couldn’t agree more – Freedom failed. All of this that is going down, all of it, is a result of “liberty.” None of the promises given to us by the supporters of Liberty have come true. The bright future that was planned is not going to happen.

    It was all bullshit from the very start. As far as I can tell, liberty has been one gigantic heist transferring the wealth created by white nations into the hands of those who never created any of it.

  21. “Freedom failed. All of this that is going down, all of it, is a result of liberty.”

    I thought it was all the result of “Yankees” (or “Northern whites”) — the mentally diseased, Satanic, “scum of England”, coming to America.

    “Freedom failed” is a VERY important OD slogan. You won’t read an article here that admits APOSTASY really led to all other problems.

    Dan Poole, thank you for alerting us to the possibility that Matt Heimbach also prefers “Authoritarianism”. We will be looking for evidence of that. I would be surprised though to discover that he loves Despotism.

    Re: ” ‘Christian’ authoritarianism”:

    Roman Papism or one of its harlot daughters (“high churches”) would support your Southron monarchy or any other form of “authoritarianism” or Elitism. Biblical Christianity would need to be suppressed.

    • I thought it was all the result of “Yankees” (or “Northern whites”) — the mentally diseased, Satanic, “scum of England”, coming to America.

      It is the result of Yankees taking Americanism to ever greater extremes – “liberating” everything, leveling everything in sight, spreading the wonders of “democracy” to everything with two legs. Do you disagree?

      Dan Poole, thank you for alerting us to the possibility that Matt Heimbach also prefers “Authoritarianism”. We will be looking for evidence of that. I would be surprised though to discover that he loves Despotism.

      A despotism would be preferable to the “freedom” that we have under this system. At worst, a despot might rule arbitrarily, but no despot every tried to demographically destroy his own people in the way that modern liberal democracies are doing.

      Roman Papism or one of its harlot daughters (“high churches”) would support your Southron monarchy or any other form of “authoritarianism” or Elitism. Biblical Christianity would need to be suppressed.

      Biblical Christianity is not Quakerism. There is, for example, no condemnation of slavery in the Bible, much less monarchy.

  22. “It is the result of Yankees (…) Do you disagree?”

    It is obvious I disagree with the OD thesis, whenever I state it is all the result of sin.

    “At worst, a despot might rule arbitrarily, but no despot every tried to demographically destroy his own people in the way that modern liberal democracies are doing.”

    History and common sense inform us that despots and elitism not only MIGHT rule, but naturally DO rule, “arbitrarily” — constantly subduing, corrupting and destroying their “lower classes” to feed their own insatiable power lust and pride — as they use the slaves and other workers to “create immense wealth” for themselves. The natural sinful human tendency to rule “arbitrarily” must be controlled not only by many political “checks and balances” but especially by true morality and religious conviction of the people.

    “Biblical Christianity is not Quakerism. There is, for example, no condemnation of slavery in the Bible, much less monarchy.”

    Primitive Quakerism WAS a revival and manifestation of Biblical Christianity — and the Bible not only does restrict chattel slavery (and wage slavery) but also condemns the choice of monarchy (over theocracy) that would and did finally enslave, corrupt and destroy even the native Israelite subjects. Read the Torah and the prophet Samuel to begin with, and also Kings, Chronicles and other Neviim, in prayer and the spirit of repentance and faith.

    • It is obvious I disagree with the OD thesis, whenever I state it is all the result of sin.

      The North voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Immigration Act of 1965, and Obama twice. Do you disagree?

      History and common sense inform us that despots and elitism not only MIGHT rule, but naturally DO rule, “arbitrarily” — constantly subduing, corrupting and destroying their “lower classes” to feed their own insatiable power lust and pride — as they use the slaves and other workers to “create immense wealth” for themselves. The natural sinful human tendency to rule “arbitrarily” must be controlled not only by many political “checks and balances” but especially by true morality and religious conviction of the people.

      Show me a despot who has set out to demographically destroy and replace his own people with non-Whites in the same way that every Western liberal democracy has done.

      Primitive Quakerism WAS a revival and manifestation of Biblical Christianity — and the Bible not only does restrict chattel slavery (and wage slavery) but also condemns the choice of monarchy (over theocracy) that would and did finally enslave, corrupt and destroy even the native Israelite subjects. Read the Torah and the prophet Samuel to begin with, and also Kings, Chronicles and other Neviim, in prayer and the spirit of repentance and faith.

      No, it does not.

      The Bible explicitly endorses both slavery and monarchy.

  23. Anti-Racist: code word for Anti-White. “Biblical Christianity”: code word for radical egalitarianism, as in Mosin’s pilgrim church.

  24. “The North voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Immigration Act of 1965, and Obama twice. Do you disagree?”

    Those are facts, and of course I don’t agree with those decisions.

    “Show me a despot who has set out to demographically destroy and replace his own people with non-Whites in the same way that every Western liberal democracy has done.”

    How can monarchism or socialism do it in the same way as a democracy? In any case, I don’t think Western liberal democracy as such is setting out to destroy and replace whites with non-whites, but an evil despotism that lies behind the process and controls or guides the process is what seems to have that goal.

    I agree that pure democracy is harmful. I don’t advocate democracy as such.

    “The Bible explicitly endorses both slavery and monarchy.”

    What commentaries or other secondary sources have you been reading?

    “The Lord said unto Samuel (…) they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them (…) Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit protest solemnly unto them and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people that asked of him a king. And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots. And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots (…) And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants. And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put them to his work. He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants. And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear you in that day. Nevertheless the people refused to obey (…) and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us, that we may be like all the nations”.

    “Now (…) see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king (…) And all the people said unto Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God, that we die not: for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king”.

    “The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah (…) after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people in Jerusalem to proclaim freedom for the slaves (…) So all the officials and people who entered into this covenant agreed that they would free their male and female slaves and no longer hold them in bondage. They agreed, and set them free. But afterward they changed their minds and took back the slaves they had freed and enslaved them again (…) Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage (…) Therefore thus saith the Lord: You have not obeyed me in proclaiming liberty, everyone to his brother and everyone to his neighbour. So I now proclaim ‘freedom’ for you, declares the Lord—‘freedom’ to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth.”

    On sheltering slaves who have escaped: “???, ???-????????, ??????-???????? ???????, ????? ????????. Thou shalt not deliver unto his master a slave that is escaped from his master unto thee; ?? ??????? ?????? ????????????, ?????????? ??????-??????? ???????? ??????????–???????? ???; ???, ??????????. he shall dwell with thee, in the midst of thee, in the place which he shall choose within one of thy gates, where it liketh him best; thou shalt not wrong him.”

    On wage slavery: “Thou shalt not oppress a hired servant that is poor and needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of the aliens that are in thy land within thy gates (…) And thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in the land of Egypt; therefore I command thee”.

  25. The question marks in the foregoing comment were Hebrew letters, of the Hebrew text, that somehow disappeared when I posted the comment. Sorry, I won’t try to post any Hebrew text again.

  26. Stephen Dalton, Biblical Christianity is neither egalitarianism nor elitism. It is theocratic, though, in the sense that there is one king, Jesus, whom we serve.

  27. Mosin,

    “Then love and adore Despotism, Dan. It is the part of freemen to detest and resist it.”

    This guy agrees with you:

    “But a truly good people will survive and overcome (with God’s help) even the worst, most unjust government, and even the best governance will not save a generation that wants to be evil.”

    That’s not the issue. The issue is whether the United States built its foundation on sand or on rock. The “rock” is an explicitly White Christian ethnostate. The “sand” is the Civic Nationalist frat club that was created in 1789, the same year the French Revolution broke out. As Palmetto Patriot has explained time and again, both the American Revolution and the French Revolution were explicit rejections of European Christian culture and society.

    It is true that a White Christian ethnostate is not immune to internal decay. But a Civic Nationalist frat club, or a proposition nation, as Sam Francis called it, is doomed from the start. A proposition nation is Born To Die. Again I ask, is Whiteness or Christianity even mentioned in the Constitution or the Declaration? No and no. What do we get instead?

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

    If you believe in equality, there’s no helping you. Alex Kurtagic thoroughly demolished the concept of equality in a March 18, 2013 Alt Right article:

    Moreover, the United States was set up by the Framers as a Civic Nationalist frat club/proposition nation where any person of any race, ethnicity, and religion has the “God-given natural right” to call himself an Amurrican and to physically reside within U.S. borders – as long as he swears fidelity to the creed of “liberty and equality.”

    “Proud selfish people may do that, but honest, hard working Christian people wouldn’t hate the people and rulers of other states

    1. For better or worse, you hate the Old South. What gives?

    2. This statement of yours is akin to denying the existence of murder by proclaiming, “violent people may do that, but peaceful people wouldn’t.” Well, yeah, in a manner of speaking, peaceful people wouldn’t commit murder. But as Alexander Hamilton, one of the three conniving stooges who composed the Federalist Papers, observed in Federalist 34:

    “To model our political systems upon speculations of lasting tranquillity would be to calculate on the weaker springs of human character.”

    Like liberals, you are assuming “goodness” is the norm when in fact depravity is the norm. Don’t believe me? Ask John Calvin.

    We Whites need authoritarianism to protect us from ourselves. There I said it.

    “the mentally diseased, Satanic, “scum of England”, coming to America.”

    If your own kith and kin hate you so much that they pass multiple laws to save themselves from you and drive you out of the land and across an entire ocean, than you might want to look in the mirror instead of blaming “despotism” and “oppression” for your problems. Every large tribe has a few runts. What happens when the runts congregate and start a new country from scratch? What happens when those runts become militarized? A shit storm of epic proportions happens, that’s what.

    “To a man of mere animal life, you can urge no argument against going to America, but that it will be some time before he will get the earth to produce. But a man of any intellectual enjoyment will not easily go and immerse himself and his posterity for ages in barbarism.”-Samuel Johnson

    “Dan Poole, thank you for alerting us to the possibility that Matt Heimbach also prefers “Authoritarianism”. We will be looking for evidence of that.”

    Your evidence:

    “American democracy and freedom is the enemy of anyone who wants to promote our Faith, our Folk, and our Fatherland. Throw freedom out the window and turn towards your people.”

    Read the entire article. Like I said: Probably the best thing I’ve ever read on the internet.

    “I would be surprised though to discover that he loves Despotism.”

    If “despotism” is defined as opposing Amurrican democracy and the Amurrican system of government, then Matt is guilty as charged. As am I. But I know he frequents these posts, so I don’t claim to speak for him. Having met him in person though, I’m confident I’ve accurately described his philosophy. Also, Matt is a convert to Orthodox Christianity. I’m sure you find the Russian Orthodox Church “despotic” based on your next statement:

    Re: ” ‘Christian’ authoritarianism”: Roman Papism or one of its harlot daughters (“high churches”) would support your Southron monarchy or any other form of “authoritarianism” or Elitism. Biblical Christianity would need to be suppressed.”

    1. You presume I have a problem with Catholicism. I do not. Catholicism served White nations well for hundreds of years. Sure it made some mistakes. So did Protestantism.

    2. I’m not a Southerner. I’m a Yankee. I live in Southeast Michigan.

    3. Read Ephesians 6:1-9. Then tell me again that Biblical Christianity is incompatible with authoritarianism.

    4. Tsarist Russia was the most authoritarian, the most Christian, and the most conservative of all the White nations. To this day, apostasy has never broken out in Russia.

    “The natural sinful human tendency to rule “arbitrarily” must be controlled…

    As opposed to the freedumb of “We The People,” which is inherently good and must be unleashed? You and the Framers got your wish. “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”

    …”not only by many political “checks and balances” but especially by true morality and religious conviction of the people.”

    This might have been a valid complaint before the 1600s. The upheaval in England during the 1650s, the French Revolution during the 1790s, and the entirety of Amurrican history reveal it to be a bogus complaint. “Checks and balances” don’t solve shit. Power and arbitrary rule aren’t the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. Divorce money from power and the structural problem takes care of itself. Then its up to the people to not forget who they are. How to divorce money from power? You can start by scorching the plutocracy, hence the economic beliefs of Lew and myself.

    “I don’t think Western liberal democracy as such is setting out to destroy and replace whites with non-whites, but an evil despotism that lies behind the process and controls or guides the process is what seems to have that goal.”

    The evil despotism you speak of never ever EVER got to the point where the entire planet with the exception of Iran and Syria acted as one giant source of IOU’s. You see only Sauron and Mordor and ignore the power of Sauraman and Isengard.

    “It is theocratic, though, in the sense that there is one king, Jesus, whom we serve.”

    The ethnomasochists within the Church claim to serve Jesus when they waste precious resources on yet another mission trip to Haiti or some other non-white hellhole. They claim to serve Jesus when they advocate for “comprehensive immigration reform.” On and on it goes – depraved mortals claiming they know what Jesus wants and what his ultimate plan is.

    You would dismiss this all as apostacy, and rightly so. But your solution is to rewind the tape and expect the ending to be different. Richard Spencer annihilated that non-sense in his speech at the 2013 Amren conference. He was talking about the Constitution and the Declaration, but the same principle applies to Quakerism and Puritanism.

    Mosin, you’d be better off just confessing that you are defending Quakers and Puritans because they are your tribe, and your natural knee-jerk reaction is to defend your tribe. There’s nothing wrong with tribalism, per say.

  28. 313Chris,

    Last March my grandmother and I paid a visit to a missionary that she supports. This missionary has served in France since the early 1980s and only returns home once every three years. She’s also traveled to several other European countries and is well-versed in how Europeans see Americans and how Americans see Europeans.

    As us three are chatting away, the discussion inevitably segues into politics and culture. That’s when the missionary makes a startling comment. She tells me and my grandma that the average European, based on his perception of American culture and the American way of life, thinks that the American population is 50% black.

    She was trying to explain how Americans perceptions of Europeans and Europeans perceptions of Americans are often very far off base. But here’s the point: If American culture and the American way of life give the impression to the average European that America’s population is 50% black, then how can it be said that America is “exceptional”? By their fruits, ye shall know them.

    Chris, I remember you saying on Hunter’s July 4 post how you hate that Lee Greenwood song. From a pro-White perspective, I must ask: What is redeeming about the United States of America? The way I see it, America is a failure culturally, socially, and economically.

    Dissolve the Union.

  29. Very well composed comments, Dan Poole. I think I understand your position, and that you don’t understand mine. Neither Quakers nor Puritans are my “tribe” or part of my heritage. I don’t advocate democracy at all, and always RECOMMEND dissolving the union.

    Re: “Power and arbitrary rule aren’t the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil”: BOTH are roots of evil, and lust as well. The scripture says not “all evil” but “all this evil”. The pursuit of profit for its own sake is sin, and I AGREE with you on “scorching the plutocracy”. Down with the tyranny of the plutocracy!

    You are infatuated now with the romance of “authority” and its carnal sword, but you are still young. I hope you will know the true love of freedom, someday.

    Repentance before true independence, confession before secession.

  30. “You presume I have a problem with Catholicism. I do not. Catholicism served White nations well for hundreds of years. Sure it made some mistakes.”

    I presumed (was certain) that you did NOT have any objection to Roman Papism (“Catholicism”), which has always worked to destroy the true church, and it was never “a mistake”. Papism and monarchism (or other elitism or “authoritarianism”) are two sides of a coin.

    “But your solution is to rewind the tape and expect the ending to be different.”

    Your fallacy is post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    I’m sure you think Braveheart should not have cried “Freedom!” in the movie, when authoritarianism was murdering him? That movie is dangerous propaganda for the destructive evil of liberty. Everyone would remain in their places in your ideal vision of “high church”-blessed, multiracial caste elitism.

  31. “Ask John Calvin. We Whites need authoritarianism to protect us from ourselves.”

    The “five points of Calvinism” are all error. Calvinism is a curse.

    WHO are these Protectors? These authoritarians who will protect Whites from themselves?

    Are YOU really White, Dan Poole? Or are you, or do you see yourself as, one of the “Protectors” of Whites?

    Slaves love and adore despotism, and so do despots and would-be despots.

  32. Re: “Authoritarianism (…) is a much better system of government for White Americans than democracy (…) many localities already have authoritarian laws (…) I have no morals qualms with submission”:

    Préparer pour la soumission. Vers le bas avec la démocratie, vive le autoritarisme:

  33. Mosin,

    “I think I understand your position, and that you don’t understand mine.”

    In the abstract, you support “freedom.” I’m guessing your idea of freedom is similar to the original American settlers idea of freedom, particularly in regards to self-sufficiency, property ownership, land ownership, and religion. I’m not against those freedoms per say. A specific type of freedom might be beneficial. The American Freedom Party describes the kind of freedoms that are beneficial to Whites:

    I support pretty much all those kind of freedoms. What I’m against is the mindless promotion of the extremely abstract concept that I derisively call “freeDUMB.” When you promote freedom in the abstract without specifying what you stand for, than what you’re really promoting is Godless anarchy, which inevitably – and ironically – mutates into absolute tyranny (see France under Napoleon or the United States under Lincoln).

    One of the reasons the libertarians are like vampires is because they are anarchists. Making no distinctions between different ethnic groups and different races, they howl with rage against the gubiment as “at best, a necessary evil, at worst, an intolerable one.” You being a Ron Paul supporter (who still refuses to recant no matter how much evidence Jack Ryan presents to the contrary), you’re addicted to this “freedumb is always good/government is always evil” non-sense.

    “Neither Quakers nor Puritans are my “tribe” or part of my heritage.”

    Well, you defend them as if they are your people. And you no doubt support their religious beliefs and their beliefs about “freedom.”

    “BOTH are roots of evil, and lust as well. The scripture says not “all evil” but “all this evil”.

    Nice try. Lets look at 1st Timothy 6:6-10. King James version:

    6But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 9But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 10For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    The Bible does indeed say “all evil,” or at least the version of the Bible most accepted by traditionalists does. Lust for power is bad. It isn’t the root of all evil like the love of money is. The problem isn’t “power.” The problem is money. Lincoln, for example, didn’t let the South go because he was like, “what about my tariff?”

    “The pursuit of profit for its own sake is sin”

    Why should a freedom-lover like you begrudge the pursuit of profit? Who are you to tell Wal Mart they can’t make a million gabillion dollars? *devils advocate*

    There’s no association between freedom and morality you know. Freedom simply implies that you are allowed to do something. What that something is might or might not be good and moral. When you start approving or disproving of freedoms based on morality, and demand that certain freedoms – such as the freedom to pursue profits, which is one of the hall mark freedoms of Amurrican society I might add – be curtailed or restricted, then you become…wait for it…an authoritarian! Welcome to the club! (Except its not a club)

    “You are infatuated now with the romance of “authority” and its carnal sword, but you are still young. I hope you will know the true love of freedom, someday.”

    Here’s an excerpt from a December 28, 2012 article that the American Freedom Party cross-posted. It was written by Stanislav Mishin, a Russian native:

    This will probably come as a total shock to most of my Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar. Weapons, from swords and spears to pistols, rifles and shotguns were everywhere, common items. People carried them concealed, they carried them holstered.

    And no, Mishin was not writing a treastisie on “freedom.” He was defending his people, the Russian people:

    No it is not about power and a total power over the people. There is a lot of desire to bad mouth the Tsar, particularly by the Communists, who claim he was a tyrant, and yet under him we were armed and under the progressives disarmed. Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear.

    I support the authoritarianism of Tsarist Russia. This is not incompatible with morality-based freedom. In fact, most of the freedoms the AFP lists would be perfectly consistent with that kind of authoritarianism.

    “Papism and monarchism (or other elitism or “authoritarianism”) are two sides of a coin.

    Well that’s demonstrably false. England was Protestant from 1532 on out. The Old South was Protestant and didn’t have a monarchy. Both were authoritarian.

    “Your fallacy is post hoc ergo propter hoc.

    I’ll admit I had to google that one. In any case, Spencer seemed to anticipate that kind of response and immediately provided an answer within his speech:

    Of course, history is not determined; it is not a film reel or script. But looking dispassionately at our current situation, we can only conclude that if we could hit a political “reset button,” this time around, the outcome would be far worse.

    We are entering a world of resource scarcity (not abundance), and we are not dealing with Blacks that are socially and politically inferior, but some hundred million non-Whites who are empowered by our political system.

    Thus, we don’t have to speculate about whether Rand Paul (and any other “right-wing” Republican) really wants to restore constitutional government or would actually be able to do so. This is all irrelevant. The goals themselves are wrong and must be abandoned.

    Why are they wrong? Because they failed. The Constitution failed. The Declaration of Independence failed. Puritanism failed. Quakerism failed. Freedumb failed. Amurrica failed.

    Failure must not the future of our people, White people, on the North American continent.

    “I’m sure you think Braveheart should not have cried “Freedom!” in the movie, when authoritarianism was murdering him?”

    Confession: I didn’t like Braveheart. It was as black and white with the good guys (Scotts) and the bad guys (English) as Steven Speilburg’s Shindlers List (or “Lincoln,” for that matter). And the real story of William Wallace wasn’t very similar to the gross hyperbole you see in that movie.

    Everyone would remain in their places in your ideal vision of “high church”-blessed, multiracial caste elitism.”

    “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”-Hebrews 13:17

    “2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.”-Romans 13:2-3

    “The “five points of Calvinism” are all error. Calvinism is a curse.”

    Fair enough. So why are you defending Puritans?

    “WHO are these Protectors? These authoritarians who will protect Whites from themselves?”

    As is always the case in a healthy organic society, the leaders arise naturally. I suspect the leaders would be younger people already active in the pro-White movement right now.

    “Are YOU really White, Dan Poole?”

    Here’s the pic I currently use in my Twitter and Facebook profiles:

    Here’s me acting like a goof ball:

    Here’s me as a 7th grader in September 2002 kissing Lord Stanley after the Red Wings won the Stanley Cup the previous June:

    And here’s me…ahem…wearing my ethnicity:

    2 of these 4 photos are self-contradicting relative to my philosophy. *no shame*

    Préparer pour la soumission. Vers le bas avec la démocratie, vive le autoritarisme:

    The DHS isn’t the problem. The people who run it are the problem. This is true of any system, authoritarianism included. The catch is that liberal democracies are houses built on sand, whereas authoritarianism is a house built on rock. Any house can fall, but some houses are more likely to fall than others, and some houses were built on such shitty foundations that they are doomed from the start.

  34. England is Jewish now. The Rulers are al Zionist Jews. They are systematically killing off actual English. The American “runts” may well be the last vestigial English left.

  35. Mosin, I’m afraid you can’t comprehend my remarks. Your “Biblical Christianity” is a fairy tale. I’ve read the Early Church Fathers and your kind of Biblical Christianity does not appear in their writings. Your “BC” is a fantasy created by the radicals like Fox and the Anabaptist fanatics. It didn’t come into existence until after the Protestant Reformation was well underway. BTW, true Christianity is hierarchical. AFA human authority in the church goes, the pope is first, the clergy is second, and the laity third. Christ told his disciples not to be arrogant or overbearing, but through Peter, he told Christians to submit to their elders in the church.

    The same is true in secular society. Those who are inferior in rank (intelligence, social standing, sex, race or ethnicity) must submit to those who are superior. Otherwise, chaos results. The Reformation, the French, American, and Communist Revolutions, are living proofs of this.

    BTW, what is the name of this “pilgrim church” you’re always talking about? Since you’re always rubbing it in our faces, please tells us the name of this fabulous group. No fudging now! We want the name!

  36. “Your ‘BC’ is a fantasy created by the radicals like Fox and the Anabaptist fanatics. It didn’t come into existence until after the Protestant Reformation”

    Nothing new here. Papism denies the very existence of the true church, while it works hard to silence and destroy the true church. It has done so for centuries, for millennia.

    The order of the procession to Hell of the blind led by the blind: “the pope is first, the clergy is second, and the laity third”.

  37. “Those who are inferior in rank (intelligence, social standing, sex, race or ethnicity) must submit to those who are superior”

    Sounds like some Oriental philosophy, or Papism: that everyone “inferior” must remain in their lower stations — and continue to submit to the “higher authorities”, who wield the carnal sword — as they are robbed, enslaved and destroyed.

  38. Denise,

    “The American “runts” may well be the last vestigial English left.”

    Except that Amurrica hasn’t been a majority English nation for well over 100 years now. European immigration changed all that. Just because an Italian or Polish immigrant speaks English doesn’t mean he is English by blood. Zangwill was right about Amurrica being a melting pot. That was 1908. A century later, Amurrica has taken the next logical step and become a world melting pot – the Brotherhood of Man. Conservatives and liberals alike both embrace this. What’s the next logical step? You know the answer: White genocide.

    The reason I called the Puritans “runts” is because their behavior, and the behavior of their Yankee descendants, was so out of line with normal, acceptable White behavior that I’m left to conclude that something was genetically or psychologically wrong with them. Runts of the tribe are still part of the tribe, but they have a defect of some sort. They aren’t normal. So it was with the Puritans and Quakers. There’s a damn good reason Samuel Johnson said, “I am willing to love all mankind, except an American.”

    It’s time to charter a different course. One that transcends the Enlightenment garbage about “equality” and the “rights of man.” Although we are fighting for the continued existence of (normal) White Americans, we can’t “return” to the “founding” of America anymore than the Italians can return to the Roman Empire or the Greeks can return to ancient Athens. RobRoySimmons is onto something when he says the foundation must be blood, soil, and tradition. And as Alex Kurtagic explained in a March 2012 article on why conservatives always lose, tradition isn’t stuck in the mud, it is transcendent.

    Dissolve the Union

  39. Dan Poole, are you leaning toward eastern orthodoxy like Matt Heimbach? Perhaps our religious views are not entirely different. You are elitist and much more politically “authoritarian” than I, but I’m not a radical democrat, egalitarian or anarchist either. I leave room for the rule of law and social discipline, but I also support many controls to prevent or limit the otherwise inevitable abuse of unlimited powers.

    I think those who think DHS is not a problem are part of the problem and why it exists. I think Ron Paul was the best viable candidate in the primaries, and Romney the best, lesser evil choice in the general election. I don’t take my direction from Jack Ryan, and I would only “recant” if I learned Ron Paul was “planted” to deliberately control the opposition.

    Regarding the verse in Timothy: Recognise the significance of the lack of the definite article in the Greek — that the love of wealth is “A” root (of the various sorts of evil in the context) — and that THE origin of evil or sin in general according to Scripture was not the making of money, but pride.

    Your photos indicate that you are white indeed (my question was rhetorical) and of Anglo-Celt ancestry perhaps? Keep writing and learning, Dan. I enjoy reading your well-thought comments.

  40. Mosin has just revealed for us the false premise that undergirds Yankee psychology, and by extension, Yankee culture and Yankee civilization:

    “Sounds like some Oriental philosophy, or Papism: that everyone “inferior” must remain in their lower stations — and continue to submit to the “higher authorities”, who wield the carnal sword — as they are robbed, enslaved and destroyed.”

    1. Inferiors and superiors exist whether any Yankee is willing to acknowledge it or not.

    2. Denying the existence of inferiors and superiors leads to the degenerate leveling culture that Hunter repeatedly talks about.

    3. As was seen in the French Revolution and all the Cultural Marxist revolutions of the 1800s and 1900s, when the masses abandon their lower stations because “I HAVE RIGHTS I DESERVE BETTER!!!,” chaos ensues.

    4. The sword is usually not carnal. Power is not synonymous with tyranny. To argue that the sword is carnal and that power is synonymous with tyranny is to rebel against European Christian civilization.

    5. It is a liberal myth that traditional authoritarian governments “rob, enslave, and destroy” the peasants. But go ahead and believe other wise because “Braveheart told me differently!”

    The rejection of superiors and inferiors, the rejection of the place in life that Yahweh ordained for you, the rejection of Biblically-mandated submission, the fantastical myths and lies about “carnal swords, robbery, enslavement,” this is all the insane non-sense peddled by every shameless group of charlatans from the Puritans to the Quakers to the Amurrican Revolutionaries to the transcendentalists to the abolitionists to the communists to the feminists to the Cibbil Rights activists and to Cultural Marxists of every stripe.

    It is only through well-organized and carefully crafted deception that any of these groups have the moral highground. The fact that they could attain the moral highground in the first place is proof-positive that self-government beyond the local level is a failure. The sheep will eat up what they are fed and then beg for more. In a previous age they got bored of Moses being on Mt Sinai and decided to bow down and worship a statue of gold. A STATUE of effing gold!!! How retarded can you be? Oh wait, that’s right, 3000 years later we fell for “the self-evident truth that all men are created equal.”

    Mosin, you can’t be pro-white and pro-equality. The two are as opposed as Jesus and Satan.

  41. It is your worship of the idol god of human authority that is un-Christian. If you are or imagine yourself to be among the elite, so it may also be self-worship.

    I say “thee” to you, and will never bow, nor take off my hat if I wore one — and YOU cannot be pro-White who intend to subdue “the masses” of “inferior” white people under your despotism of “superiourity”. Let slaves, and also despots (of course) and would-be despots adore and love their proud, selfish despotism — it is the part of freemen to despise and resist it!

    I know the movie “Braveheart” was historically inaccurate. I asked (rhetorically) whether you thought it was dangerous propaganda (from your elitist point of view) for freedom. I say, with that movie character, and with Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty….” If that would be treason in your future restored Southron multiracial caste elitist Golden Circle slavery-based-cultural utopia, then make the most of it.

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