OD’s 2013 Summer Fundraiser

OD's 2013 Summer Fundraiser
OD’s 2013 Summer Fundraiser


I’ve long taken a dim view of fundraising.

It doesn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars to run a vBulletin forum or a WordPress blog.  I have run Occidental Dissent out of my own pocket for the last five years. It costs me less than $150 dollars a year to maintain a domain name with privacy protection and to pay for our hosting account.

In July 2010, OD held its first and only fundraiser, and before the month was over there were rumors flying around the internet that I was a SPLC spy, that I had reduced Michael O’Meara to the edge of homelessness, and that I was partying with scantily clad black women in the Bahamas on the movement’s dime!

There is (some) truth to these changes … I actually told everyone on this website that I was going to the Bahamas on a vacation, but in reality, I was furious about the rumors that were being spread around about me, and I was so pissed off and frustrated with the White Nationalist movement that my roommates in Virginia convinced me to take a break from the internet to calm down.

Shortly thereafter, I packed my bags and moved back home to Alabama, and ever since then I have avoided fundraising because of that experience. I came to believe that fundraising through this website wasn’t worth the trouble it had caused me. Over the past three years (2010 to 2013), I have been living a bachelor’s life and focusing on my physical fitness goals, so fundraising here has been unnecessary.

My life has recently undergone a radical change …in a good way. No, I haven’t been fired from my job, but this change in my life is going to have a big impact on the amount of time that I can spend on Occidental Dissent, and that’s why I am holding our first fundraiser in three years.

Here’s the rub: the purpose of my recent trip to Missouri was romance, my girlfriend is moving down from Missouri to Alabama next week, and the two of us are moving in together and getting into a serious relationship. By a serious relationship, I mean that we aren’t planning to spend the next several years living “The Childfree Life,” but instead plan to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” 😀

In order for that to happen, I am going to have to make some decisions about how I am spending my time. I’m either going to have to raise money through what I am doing on Occidental Dissent, or make money to support my new household by spending more of my time doing something else.

I’m pretty good at this too … sometimes when I am reading the news or watching television, I find myself laughing because I feel like the character Doyle in the 1996 movie Sling Blade: “I’m the only sane ‘sum of a bitch’ here.”

Here’s what OD is doing to restore some sanity where it is needed:

1.) In terms of “ideas,” we have the League of the South on track now. The Rainbow Confederate cancer has been excised.

2.) On August 24th, we are going to Uvalda, GA to put some heat on Paul Bridges, who has worked with the SPLC to undermine Georgia’s immigration law.

3.) If the Uvalda, GA demonstration is successful, we can start to hold similar rallies in other Southern states to capitalize on the growing disaffection with the GOP. I’ve started to build up my own group here in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley.

4.) In Montgomery, we marched into the SPLC itself, unfurled the Third National Flag of the Confederacy, and showed that we were not afraid of them.

5.) My little “hate princess” who is moving to Alabama is the daughter of the leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens. Needless to say, I will be working much more closely with the CofCC in the future to advance the pro-White movement throughout the United States, not just here in the South.

The road ahead is clear to me: White people can start having more children, they can get involved in an organized resistance movement (the Council of Conservative Citizens or the League of the South), they can raise more money to support that movement, and they can get mad, give each other courage, and get out into the street and publicly get in the face of the opposition.

Education is important, but its not enough. The “collapse” may happen, but not anytime soon. We’re not going to read or think or reason our way to a homeland. We’re going to have to start pushing for one. We’ve spent the last twenty years dreaming about a Southern nation or a White ethnostate. We need institutions through which we can channel our beliefs, resentments, and resources into an organized resistance.

A comrade used to always tell me, “you can’t save the world if you can’t pay the rent.” If you appreciate the work we are doing here, support the direction we are headed, or just want to send me and my lovely lady a gift to (literally) help us pay the rent, then now is the right time. OD will continue regardless of the success of this fundraiser. No one here is under any pressure to contribute, but those who do so will have our heartfelt gratitude.

To donate through PayPal, use the “Donate” button on the sidebar or under the “Donate” tab, or send cash, checks, or money orders to:

Brad Griffin
P.O. Box 1544
Eufaula, AL 36072

Note: BTW, you guys are my social network, and I don’t know who is reading this website, but any information on job offers would also be appreciated. Contact me at prozium1984@gmail.com.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s disgraceful that “our” people can’t leave out the smut regarding this joyous occasion. Just ignore the filth, Hunter. People just showing their real color and it ain’t white!

  2. Actually, the nigga who swipes the EBT card isn’t laughing nearly as hard as the banker, hedge fund owner, or shareholders in companies like Booze Allen and Lockheed Martin.

  3. “It’s disgraceful that “our” people can’t leave out the smut regarding this joyous occasion. Just ignore the filth, Hunter. People just showing their real color and it ain’t white!”

    Sorry about that, sometimes it’s just a knee-jerk reaction with me to the creeps who feel like they have to come to forums like this with their anti-white sentiment. I won’t respond to him again.

  4. Hey Lew, About this:

    banker, hedge fund owner, or shareholders in companies like Booze Allen and Lockheed Martin.

    There is some really interesting stuff going on here behind the scenes. Every EBT and Snap card swipe, JPM gets paid, they run the system the system on behalf of the government! A lot of the EBT / Snap money enriches Walmart. (If people don’t know this they should) I try not to give any business to a company that has an “WE Accept EBT” sign up. Not sure what Booze Allen and Lockheed Martin has to do with this though.

  5. I’m talking about professional fund raising. You have the education, talent and background to be a professional fund raiser. Everything else political is bullshit.

  6. Occigent,

    My Lutheran church doesn’t support us moving in together of course. But we’re all sinners, and our Lord Jesus forgives our transgressions. And I promise, I will always love Hunter, and he loves me.

    We are going to get married very soon. We are meant to be together, we’re positive about that. You don’t know me all, so please don’t judge me.

    I am very traditional, despite us moving in together, and I want to save our race just as much as all of you.

    I was born into the movement. Trust me, Hunter and I will help secure a future for White Children.

    • I love you too, Renee.

      I’m sure our friends at the SPLC are watching this thread. They’re witnessing a significant event unfolding here at OD tonight.

      There aren’t many people like you who can claim to have been born into the movement.

  7. Peak Finance,

    Yes, I knew that about JP. In one of JPs disclosures, they told their shareholders they were anticipating “growth” in the food stamp segment. My point is that normal white folks are getting fleeced from the top and the bottom. Lockheed and Booz get a lot of MIC/IIC money. 70% of the US Intelligence budget goes to private contractors like Booz and their hedge fund owner the Carlyle Group. Our taxes at work: the NSA and the EBT.

  8. Congrats “Hunter” and Renee!

    Been a long time OD reader since its inception, and always enjoyed taking in your unique (and spreading) points of view, as well as seeing it become more focused (Southern Nationalism/Activism) and action oriented. My best wishes for both your success–and secession!

    I’ll try to make a contribution when my finances are in better order. Canadian $ OK? 😉

  9. “Needless to say, I will be working much more closely with the CofCC in the future to advance the pro-White movement throughout the United States, not just here in the South.”

    So Hunter Wallace rejects Southern Nationalism in favor of a fanciful White Nationalist strategy that is doomed to failure?

  10. “Although it is too long a story, we are moving towards the elimination of marriage and the next stage of social evolution in which child bearing becomes a specialised profession”

    Yeah, because ants and bees are so much more evolved than humans. Even rats raise their own young.

  11. Hunter. I maintained a long distance relationship with my future wife at a distance of 1000 miles for a period of eight months, then we had a modest church ceremony in front of close friends and family followed by a similarly modest reception. We didn’t have to do it that way. It would have been easy not to. We wanted to do it that way. We had both made poor decisions in the past, and wanted to do it right this time. If you want to do it right, you will. Live a life your ancestors could recognize. I’m telling you this so you know it can be done. Anyways, the way women are, if she truly wants to marry you you’ll have a hard time keeping her from driving down to visit you every weekend anyway, hehe.

  12. I was just over at Kyle Rogers’ YT page and was watching the clip with Matt Heimbach and crew. Hunter, you are very handsome and your personality is just adorable (I’m an older woman, I can call you adorable). I already know you are a true Southern gentleman but I have never seen a picture of you. Renee is a lucky lady. But I am sure you are a lucky man as well because we all know GB’s children would be raised well and are a credit to our race!

    I can’t wait to hear the pitter patter of little white footsies… if we’re lucky, there will be at least twenty of them. I expect an occasional progress report on this union!

    Happy trails!

  13. Thank you, George, but I wasn’t referring to your comments. I was talking about the low-lying sexual reference of one in particular. I think we all miss a beat once in a while. A good check and balance system is vital if we want to recover our refined European/Christian culture.

  14. Hunter, keep your personal life with your fiance private..

    You’re out of your mind even discussing it here.

  15. “We need institutions through which we can channel our beliefs, resentments, and resources into an organized resistance.”

    The first institution should be a political party, one that actively seeks to influence the legislative process through secession. Without the implied protection and legitimacy that a political organization can bring, success cannot be achieved.

    For example, the most successful and well-known right-wing European movements have not coincidentally been political parties: Greece’s Golden Dawn, Britain’s BNP and UKIP, Austria’s Freedom Party, etc. All of these organizations seek office. It amazes me that people in the Southern United States have not yet made that very simple connection. Unless the CofCC or LOS begins actively seeking office, the endeavor is pointless and doomed to failure.

    Further, seeking to build institutions first and influence policy second is admirable but also very close to putting the cart before the horse. The most successful Washington lobbies, organizations, and think tanks exist to influence and sustain the major political parties (and their supporters), not the other way around. The Heritage Foundation influences policy by influencing the Republican party. It does not influence policy by the simple virtue of its existence or the fact that it releases reports.

    Build a party first and the institutions to ensure its success will follow second.

    Lastly, political parties in the Europe have been successful for several reasons while the CofCC and LOS have not been in the United States:

    1. Political parties show instant results. The people can see in real time that their efforts pay off. This boosts morale and attracts followers.

    2. Political parties are potentially afforded some modest protections under the law against non-profit detractors such as the SPLC. By definition, certain non-profits are supposed to be non-political. Actively working against a legitimate party that holds elected office may open up the door to potential lawsuits – intimidating your detractors into silence. Not so much for the LOS and CofCC. They’re just more “racist” organizations that people may demonize without much consequence.

    3. The psychology of numbers: belonging to a group that wins elections implies that many people other believe as the party does. This emboldens supporters by evening out the risk to any one individual for speaking up.

    When non-political groups are attacked as “racist” organizations, there is no recourse other than to either take it or to deny the charge. Eventually, after enough abuse, you may end up with a couple of people saying “oh no, it’s those Democrats who are the real racists.” This strategy doesn’t tend to attract many supporters because each individual is taking a tremendous risk with little potential payoff.

    Simply, attending a LOS rally may show no immediate results and, even worse, may serve as a tremendous individual risk by potentially getting you fired from your job or branded as a bigot. How many fathers with young children at home would be willing to take that chance? However, having those same fathers mail in donations from the anonymity of their homes or cast private votes for the people who might actually do the heavy lifting by attending rallies and running for office isn’t implausible. Frankly, it’s a much more realistic allocation of resources and talent.

    4. One for all, all for one. Belonging to an organization that seeks office may also provide shelter to potential supporters via the following implied threat: “ruin our supporters by firing them, and we’ll alter the law to ruin your business when we control the legislature.” The implied threat of political power can bring supporters out of the woods. It is also the reason Tea Party members don’t worry about losing their jobs the way LOS people might – “fire that Tea Party vet and you can forget about that government contract….we’ll also publicly shame you, too, which is sure to make the news.”

    These are just bones of a very long and detailed list that I could produce. Europeans understand the points that I’m trying to make here and have had some success as a result. If anyone here wishes to do the same, they should learn from them.

  16. Jim,

    I guarantee that our marriage will bring the CofCC and The League of the South together. Laugh all you want, but you’ll see your wrong when it happens. But I have no hate for you brother (I call all my comrades in our movement my brothers and sister, except Hunter of course since he’s my man, forever, lol), only love.

    Also we really need to stop fighting amongst ourselves, we need to unite to make our movement become a revolution that we WILL win. United we stand, divided we fall!

    • My sweetheart has reminded me of why I founded this website. She brings out my better tendencies.

      The cumulative weight of years of bad experiences with certain personalities in the White Nationalist movement poisoned my attitude toward the larger cause of White racial and cultural preservation.

      I never ceased to believe in racial differences. I never ceased to be pro-White. I became increasingly skeptical that White people could ever overcome their cultural differences and unite behind a common course of action to reverse our decline.

      So much of what I believe is due to my own life experience growing up in the Alabama Black Belt. My beliefs are derived from my traditional culture.

  17. “The first institution should be a political party”… whereas Renee refers to “my Luthern church”.

    The first institution of W civilization (when it was a civilization) was the Church. This is the ordo – as in the order upon which the nation as a nation is built up. The White race in its nations was built upon the ordo of the Church which is God’s kingdom order for all nations – the Fathers and doctors of the Church both East and West are very strong upon this point. And I commend it to you.

    The Lutheran church (the Missouri Synod) would appear to be the basis of organisations aspiring to gather, teach, organize the Whites of southern homeland. The ordo which conserves belief (credo), heritage, tradition and culture comes before political expression and ultimately freedom. In the history of the West – political freedom sometimes took centuries for some nations like Scotland – but they did obtain it because the was something to build on.

    The great victories of Stirling and Bannockburn, for example, were means to the end of the political settlement – the Declaration of Arbroath: the Clans and their Chiefs, the monasteries (all the abbatial foundations) and the aristocracy. Eventually the papacy got the King of England to recognize it.

    Only ecclesia can unite factions and interests in conflict over political organisation – especially when there are powerful interests arrayed against such a settlement.

    Renee and Hunter – if you are thinking to unite this movement, then the wedding is important as both a private and public event. To be wedded not just in the presence of family and friends, but in the presence of God, the movement representatives and interests means that this more than just a formality anticipated by a common law / de facto relationship. This is an occasion of Southern heritage and national aspiration.

    Here, for example is the Luthern Church gathered in solemnity
    acknowledging the Lord Jesus Christ as King of all time and eternity, all bonds and covenants – “Crown Him with Many Crowns”

    At its basis a wedding is a union of families. But if you are talking about a wedding whether as a union of clans, aspirational groups, nations or whatever – then you are talking about a larger covenant. The wedding is a covenant. The bride must receive the bridal crown, wedding band and vows from her husband in the presence of those who are gathered to this union. The bride and groom should be to be wedded in the place from whence heritage, legacy and posterity will proceed.

  18. Renee, I was lol’ing at the humor implicit in visualizing such an analogy… ie a medieval ceremony unifying the twin prevailing houses of alt-rightery east of the rocky mountains… just a bit of humor, no ill will.

  19. I meant “know me at all” not “know me all” in my second to last post, and “brothers and sisters” obviously in my last post, not “brothers and sister” lol. That’s just my biggest pet peeve to not have correct grammar, so I had to clarify that lol.

    Jack Ryan,

    I thought I’d met you there. I’m way better with faces than I am with names. Thank you very much for your kind words and support of us. I’m sure we’ll meet again brother.

  20. Renee- I know your dad. Great man. You come of good stock.
    Hunter – (I like that name far better than ‘Brad’- lol) you have matured greatly in the few years that I have been reading your blog. Congrats on becoming a man.

    Both of you- Lynda has some good points to make, but, before and above the Church, the first institution was… THE FAMILY. cf. Adam/Eve- And how does that family begin? “I take thee, etc. for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” “This is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh.” BUT NOT BEFORE!

    The first institution God made sure was in place for the Incarnation was ….. the FAMILY. Joseph, Mary, and the Baby Jesus, ‘asleep on the hay.’

    Now, everyone is a’tellin’ you what to do, and I suppose I would be remiss if I didn’t pipe in, and give you my two cents. While I am appalled at some of the perverted opinions about co-habitation and immoral procreation (as well as the vulgar, and insulting comments about: a) the Church, b) Marriage, and c) Society) from some, I’m ignoring those bastards. [Heb. 12:8] My advice/counsel is to YOU TWO.

    Long distance relationships ARE difficult- less so, to the intellectually, and emotionally mature. I believe you both are more mature than even some of the ‘grandparents’ on this site, whose comments often apall me. INstead of the ‘immediate gratification’ of email, WRITE TO EACH OTHER. LETTERS. USING POSTAGE. Nothing makes the ‘heart grow fonder’ than expecting a letter, handwritten by your loved one.

    ‘Moving in’ as well, has a couple of different meanings. Sharing a two bedroom apartment in one city, while each of you honestly covenant to REMAIN in your respective bedrooms – (with separate baths), until the marriage day, yet sharing the ‘day to day’ existence of life; such a scenario is certainly far less ‘sinful,’ than purposely seeking your own fleshly lusts as the ulterior motive for telling your parents (and your own deluded ego) that you ‘eventually will get married.’ (And for those who can’t believe it’s not possible, you merely lack all self-control, or are just lewd pervs….)

    Twenty-plus years ago, a couple I know did exactly that, while the man was pursuing his advanced degree, and the woman and he had already been in a long-distance relationship for three years. They decided they needed to ‘see if it was going to work out’ and they talked it over. She came to where he was, took a leave of absence from her job, and, for a while, (after they ‘moved in together’) they had another roommate (who eventually ended up being best man at the wedding) living there, to ‘keep them honest,’ but he eventually moved out- and yet… the two kept their covenant until the Wedding Day. I know them… personally.

    Now, that may not be the best scenario, but it is ONE.

    I will say, (to you both) you both NEED, and will (if you don’t do it) LONG FOR the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, later on in life- if you forswear it now, when you are young… and dumb. While you may not believe it, there is a charism and a grace that comes from sacramental union- which no fag can ever posess, no matter what the ‘synagogues of Satan’ make as counterfeit to the TRUE Sacraments.

    Never let anyone tell you putting a ring on one’s finger, and saying the vows in front of God, (and everybody) doesn’t matter. My wedding ring is a tangible sign, and a sacred weight on my hand, renewed to me everyday, that “I am not my own”- but my spouse, and ‘my beloved is mine.’ Yes, OWNERSHIP BY ANOTHER- and not just genital friction- lies at the heart of marriage- and children are that blessed fruit of such a pure and noble love, whereas bastards and illegitimate are all the merely amoral bring into the world. (Again, something no lesbian, or faggot can ever have-EVER!)

    And, after almost a quarter century, I know my loving wife feels the same. Indeed, my dead mother’s engagement ring is now my wife’s wedding ring- so there’s even a familial connection, that bespeaks volumes.

    I would also say, I’d love to officiate when the two of you ‘tie the knot,’ but, of course, you have your own families, traditions, and church communities to uphold, and honor.

    But don’t EVER sell yourselves cheap, or follow the ‘lust of the flesh, pride of the eyes, and the vanities of this life’ [cf. I John 2;16] and say, ‘We’re different.’ NO, you’re not.
    You’re merely sinful kids, redeemed by the grace of Christ. DON’T PRESUME on THAT GRACE. Wait, be honorable (especially in the matter of the marriage bed! – Heb. 13:4, and, above all, DON’T LET THE ANTICHRISTS – the FAGS, the SPLC, the JEWS, and the GODLESS gloat over your lack of sexual restraint- for, having made this future covenant public, you have now given the ENEMY a TOOL to show that… “These ‘white racists’ are just like us- sexual animals- so why deny the same to two men, or two women, or a man and a pubescent boy, or a girl and a goat?”

    For nothing pleases the sons of Satan more, than to see one of Adam’s covenant children, fall. And nothing infuriates them more, than to see us transcend their own venality.

    God bless you both, and may He keep you pure all the days of your life.
    – Fr. John+

  21. When are you coming out with your book? There’s nothing wrong making a living running something resembling a think tank. Alain de Benoist and Alain Soral do it in Europe, just to cite those two examples. “Living off the movement” sounds very pejorative when said like that, but I don’t see how it’s in any way illegitimate or disreputable. On the contrary, you’re providing a vital service and should be remunerated accordingly. We all need to pay the bills somehow.

  22. Have you ever seen that HBO show, Game of Thrones? When I get married to Renee, it should draw the Council and the League of the South closer.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t work out like the arrangement between House Lannister and House Baratheon.

    But seriously, Chess Master, I don’t think the CofCCs approach to WNsm is such that friendly cooperation the LOS and the CofCC isn’t feasible. Your concerns strike me as a bit overblown.

  23. Hunter: Good luck to you and the future Mrs Wallace.
    What whites really need is unity, to simply be satisfied with a positive response to ” is it good for white children?” I hope your union forwards that goal.

  24. By the grace of God, if such a being exists, I really hope you two work and have lots of healthy White babies … but my experience and instinct inform me something is amiss, Hunter

    1. The gratuitous terms of endearment you shower upon Renee, in addition to the public declaration of love, are evidence you’ve prematurely surrendered your emotional world to this woman. By doing so, you have robbed her of her natural feminine desire to earn that emotional world and to EARN your physical and emotional commitment, despite her protestations to the contrary should she rebut this truth.

    Experience, observation and study demonstrate she will come to resent you for this, and that resentment will manifest itself in myriad ways.

    Listen, I, too, in the throes of new love, experience an emotive reflex when I’m with an attractive woman … but I, and all men, should ALWAYS demonstrate, compassionate restraint for these women, not for our sakes, but for theirs’ and the betterment of the relationship.

    2. You are already writing about leaving, or, limiting your creative output, on OD … AGAIN. I’m going to assume OD is a primary attractant for Renee, and under that assumption: If you change for her, in any way, shape, or form, which includes your commitment to OD, personal amusements, relationships with family, friends or organizations, you will disable the attraction mechanisms that initiated her emotional and reproductive algorithms that are signaling to her, right now, that you are the highest value man her beauty can attain for her.

    She must change for YOU, and help YOU achieve YOUR goals with her feminine support. Women NEED to look-up to, and respect, a WORTHY man. They can’t do that if you change for them on a whim, or after serious deliberation. She’s falling in-love with who you are RIGHT NOW, not a future, to-be-defined, amalgam of your current self.

    Now, I think toward the end of ’10 you were writing about retiring OD. I believe you wrote it was because you were loosing weight, had found a girl and obtained a degree of happiness with which you were content. I don’t have to remind you of the importance of history, so apply its lessons in your personal life, and proceed with caution. I don’t want to see Lord Scorpius again should your new relationship fizzle.

    Let caution serve as the engine for this new adventure until you can make decisions on the direction of the relationship using reason, not emotion. This emotion of yours is fulling your fire, and without an engine, fuel burns wildly… but accomplishes little.

    • Re: Mighty

      1.) Well, it’s too late for that!

      Believe me, I understand the point you are making here, but this isn’t a fling. I know what it is like to be “possessed” or infatuated with someone. I learned my lesson years ago. That’s not what has happened here.

      2.) Just the opposite is true.

      I would prefer to INCREASE my creative output on OD. I would MUCH PREFER to take OD to the next level. I would LIKE to go in a more activist direction with the CofCC and the League of the South. Hell, I can’t get more deeply involved in the movement than getting married to (and one day having children with) the daughter of the leader of the CofCC, right?

      The only thing that can possibly cause me to limit my output on OD … is finances. It’s easy to run an inexpensive blog when you are a bachelor in a post-college funk, but when you start to think about marriage and children, it’s natural that your will priorities change, and my household is going to have to come before my website.

      That’s why I am not kidding when I say that whatever support y’all can give me helps a lot and will go a long way. It will enable me to spend more time on OD, more time doing the stuff that needs to be done (like this Uvalda protest), and less time doing other shit with my time because I am worrying about paying my bills.

      3.) Around the beginning of 2011, I was at a very low point. I was disillusioned with the movement and wasn’t sure how to move forward. Eventually, I found the right path, and it has led me to where I am today, which the happiest I have been in a long time.

  25. Auburn alumni network – that’s your sales market for real estate, investments, banking – hell these rich Whte guys spend tens of $ millions on Black SEC football. Do great in business, be a wealthy leader of CoCC.

    The shoe string, college guy one guy activists isn’t the right thing now in your situation.

    I can tell you about my situation, which was similar.

  26. “I don’t think the CofCCs approach to WNsm is such that friendly cooperation the LOS and the CofCC isn’t feasible. Your concerns strike me as a bit overblown.”

    1. You’ve either misinterpreted what I’ve said or you didn’t read what I wrote. Co-operate all you want but if you continue to do things as you have, be prepared to lose.

    2. These are not merely “concerns” but are facts based upon historical precedent. If you disagree, if you really believe that one more WN group of people protesting will change things, I will be happy to return to this site in 2016 or 2020 – after Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and perhaps even Georgia votes for the democrat – and do a bit of gloating. However, at that point, after amnesty has sailed through and 6-18 million more immigrants are citizens (amnesty bill triples legal immigration to 3 million per year), there won’t be any going back. Secession will be almost impossible unless you’d like a confederacy of just Alabama and Mississippi…and you can forget about “waking white people up”…never going to happen when the enemy controls every branch of government, the courts, and the media. Pan-American WNism is a joke and is as doomed as South African apartheid.

    David Duke was most effective when he was seeking office – when he was seeking the support of ordinary and poor white Southern voters. Afterwards, he embraced an amalgam of pan-European nationalism and anti-zionism to no effect. This perfectly illustrates the failure of WNism versus SNism. People in Louisiana could care less about the situation in Austria (a place most could not point out on a map). The same goes for the continental Unites States, too. White Caucasians in America are simply too diverse to ever make something like that work. Appealing to a smaller group with stronger ethnic ties might, however. In any case, unless you are seeking office as Duke did, don’t bother thinking that you’ll somehow change things.

    Currently, Duke is reviled and dismissed (even by the right), regardless of the accuracy of anything he says. Since the man has no popular support – since people aren’t invested in a project with tangible goals and payoffs – he’s an easy target. People who might agree with him see that and flee (“no, it’s the democrats who are the real racists”). That’s why he’s largely confined to a website and a modest collection of youtube videos that are constantly flagged and brought down under charges of racism.

    The same goes for everyone else who’s tried it that way. Don’t believe me? Well, ask Jared Taylor of Amren. He’s been at it for decades (minus the Jewish angle) to absolutely no effect whatsoever. He’s even admitted that things are even worse now than when he started. Outside of the right-wing internet crowd, Amren is completely unknown to most ordinary people. Even if it were, it would be as reviled as David Duke. Don’t expect Amren to become the next Huffington Post anytime soon.

    Still don’t believe me? Then ask the Tea Party what positive results have they brought about. They’ve been FAR more visible than both the CofCC and the LOS combined.

    Almost every successful right-wing European movement that you can name off the top of your head seeks office; that is not by coincidence. Further, most of those movements are pan-nationalist not pan-European (i.e. WNist). Golden Dawn = Greece for Greeks, Freedom Party = Austria for Austrians, UKIP = Britain for Britons (through immigration restriction), etc. You can either do it the way that they have and enjoy some success or you can do it the way David Duke did after he stopped seeking office and lose badly.

    Honestly, with all the gifts that are coming your way – amnesty, growing distrust of the police state with each new revelation of abuse, rampant and growing anti-Southern bigotry in your media and government, the somewhat eminent demise of the republican party on a national level (and the political vacuum that will follow), growing dissatisfaction with the government’s belligerent foreign policy – if you can’t effectively use and channel those opportunities into success, then you deserve to fail. And that’s exactly the kind of thing you need to hear, too.

    No one feels sorry for the artist who never paints, nor the nation that never happens.

    • Re: Chess Master

      1. You’ve either misinterpreted what I’ve said or you didn’t read what I wrote. Co-operate all you want but if you continue to do things as you have, be prepared to lose.

      What do you suggest we do to win?

      Should we elect Republican politicians who will, say, pass the Defense of Marriage Act or the Immigration Act of 1996, or vote against the DREAM Act? Should we pass tough new immigration laws like Alabama’s HB 56 or Arizona’s SB 1070? Should we ban gay marriage like California and Ohio and every Southern state has done?




    • Re: Chess Master

      2. These are not merely “concerns” but are facts based upon historical precedent. If you disagree, if you really believe that one more WN group of people protesting will change things, I will be happy to return to this site in 2016 or 2020 – after Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and perhaps even Georgia votes for the democrat – and do a bit of gloating.

      So what?

      If those states vote for a Democrat, can you tell us what would change? In 2005 and 2006, we had a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a Republican White House, and it was George W. Bush and the Republicans who were pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. In 2012 and 2013, we have a Democratic Senate and a Democratic White House which is conspiring with John Boehner and Eric Cantor to pass the same amnesty on behalf of the same interests who supported McCain-Kennedy and McCain-Kyl.

      However, at that point, after amnesty has sailed through and 6-18 million more immigrants are citizens (amnesty bill triples legal immigration to 3 million per year), there won’t be any going back.

      The amnesty has already sailed through the Senate because 1.) the Republican leadership in the Senate refused to block it and 2.) enough Republicans voted for it to block a filibuster. Even if House Republicans block the present amnesty (Gutierrez claims he has 40 to 50 House Republicans in his pocket), “Plan B” is to get Obama to expand the present DREAM Act amnesty into a “comprehensive” amnesty.


      Secession will be almost impossible unless you’d like a confederacy of just Alabama and Mississippi…and you can forget about “waking white people up”…never going to happen when the enemy controls every branch of government, the courts, and the media. Pan-American WNism is a joke and is as doomed as South African apartheid.

      The enemy controls every branch of government … right now. They control the courts and the media … right now. Why is that?

      It’s not because millions of White people are members of the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens. On the contrary, it is because those people are “working within the system” by watching Sean Hannity and listening to Rush Limbaugh. They are voting for the GOP, which is what they have been doing since the 1960s, and getting leadership like John McCain and Paul Ryan.

    • David Duke was most effective when he was seeking office – when he was seeking the support of ordinary and poor white Southern voters. Afterwards, he embraced an amalgam of pan-European nationalism and anti-zionism to no effect. This perfectly illustrates the failure of WNism versus SNism. People in Louisiana could care less about the situation in Austria (a place most could not point out on a map). The same goes for the continental Unites States, too. White Caucasians in America are simply too diverse to ever make something like that work. Appealing to a smaller group with stronger ethnic ties might, however. In any case, unless you are seeking office as Duke did, don’t bother thinking that you’ll somehow change things.

      Forget David Duke.

      Duke was never anything more than a lowly Louisiana state representative. Rand Paul is a US Senator. Has Rand Paul ended the surveillance state? Did he “End the Fed”? Did he end the “American Empire”? Did he end the use of drones?

      The same goes for everyone else who’s tried it that way. Don’t believe me? Well, ask Jared Taylor of Amren. He’s been at it for decades (minus the Jewish angle) to absolutely no effect whatsoever. He’s even admitted that things are even worse now than when he started. Outside of the right-wing internet crowd, Amren is completely unknown to most ordinary people. Even if it were, it would be as reviled as David Duke. Don’t expect Amren to become the next Huffington Post anytime soon.

      That’s because there is no real world resistance pushing back against these things. There are people clogging up bandwidth on Stormfront and reading books and “educating” themselves, but otherwise, nothing much is happening.

      Still don’t believe me? Then ask the Tea Party what positive results have they brought about. They’ve been FAR more visible than both the CofCC and the LOS combined.

      Let’s see: Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Raul Labrador. They’re “visible” all right. Rubio got the amnesty through the Senate.

      Almost every successful right-wing European movement that you can name off the top of your head seeks office; that is not by coincidence. Further, most of those movements are pan-nationalist not pan-European (i.e. WNist). Golden Dawn = Greece for Greeks, Freedom Party = Austria for Austrians, UKIP = Britain for Britons (through immigration restriction), etc. You can either do it the way that they have and enjoy some success or you can do it the way David Duke did after he stopped seeking office and lose badly.

      Here in Alabama, the Republicans control every branch of our state government, and we passed the toughest immigration law in the United States. It was gutted by an SPLC lawsuit in a federal court.

      Honestly, with all the gifts that are coming your way – amnesty, growing distrust of the police state with each new revelation of abuse, rampant and growing anti-Southern bigotry in your media and government, the somewhat eminent demise of the republican party on a national level (and the political vacuum that will follow), growing dissatisfaction with the government’s belligerent foreign policy – if you can’t effectively use and channel those opportunities into success, then you deserve to fail. And that’s exactly the kind of thing you need to hear, too.

      Hopefully, the people who are disaffected over amnesty will stop voting for the Republican Party. They should have lost all credibility after the Immigration Act of 1996 and the George W. Bush presidency.

      What does channeling opportunities into success even mean? We successfully defeated the DREAM Act. We successfully passed the Defense of Marriage Act. We successfully passed the Immigration Act of 1996. We successfully passed Prop 8, Prop 187, SB 1070, and HB 56. None of those hard fought legislative victories amounted to squat in the end because the political class does what it wants to do.

      The only thing that voting for politicians accomplishes is wasting our time and money. It advances the careers of politicians like Rand Pasul, but we get nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, out of the deal.

  27. Chess Master, Europe has PR though. GD and the other Euro parties have a reasonable chance to win power. This isn’t true here.

    I mean, if a party such as you propose existed, what office would you suggest it seek for a realistic chance at a win? You’re not suggesting working within the GOP?

    I agree with you north American white folks need an organization like GD. I wouldn’t mind seeing the LOS go in that direction and modeling GDs methods except for trying to win elections. LLD mentioned this awhile back. Hezbollah is a model that needs to be looked at very closely too.

  28. The thing to remember about GD and UKIP is that those are parliamentary systems. We’ve got a winner take all one that gaurantees the number of parties will stabilize at 2.

    So that changes the optimal strategy from what GD does. In our system you need to replace a party completely (repubs and whiggs) or transform it from inside (like the dwl billies did to the dems)

  29. Crap, kindle auto correct is not alt right friendly. Dwl billies =DWL hippies . Spelling is a lost cause on this thing.

  30. Real change will only happen when enough Whites are radicalized. They aren’t going to radicalize themselves. They won’t buy what we’re selling just because it’s a good product. They’ll buy it because they think it objectively betters their lives. It must resonate in their minds that “to advance the interests of your people, White people, is to advance YOU.”

    Whites don’t respond very well to the idea of defending and advancing White people in the abstract. They know too many whites who are rude, aloof, mean-spirited, arrogant, narcissistic, selfish, and a host of other negative traits. Perhaps the primary reason Martin Luther King is considered a saint by most Whites is because his one isolated line, “judge not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character,” resonates deeply with Whites at a seemingly primordial level. We in this movement know full well that a certain chunk of whites really are scum. Ethnomasochists, corporate plutocrats, Jacobins on both the left and the right…insufferable miscreants, the lot of them. They’re traitors, greedy sell outs, and ideological fanatics respectively. The ordinary Whites we’re trying to reach hate their guts. As well they should. But those three miserable groups are all white. It’s hard to sell “Whiteness” on one hand and explain away the wretched content of the character of many whites on the other hand. The Deep South is the only region of the country where historically, blood was more important to Whites than abstract ideas such as “all men are created equal.” And now, in 2013, the South has adopted the economic system and many, if not most, of the values of the Yankees who conquered them 150 years ago.

    The United States was founded on an idea and remains a nation of ideas 237 years later. When certain ideas become outdated, new ones take their place. It’s a nation that was born to fail – a nation where blood, soil, and tradition are foreign concepts to most Americans outside of the Deep South. The U.S. is an ideological and economic empire. So when we have these debates over “running for political office” vs. “mobilizing on the streets,” it’s really not a matter of “what works in Europe.” It’s a matter of what works in the political and cultural framework of the United States of America – a framework that we were born into and have no control over. I hate to reduce White Nationalism and Southern Nationalism to mere ideas when they are so much more than that, but seeing as we have absolutely no political power, and seeing as the people we’re trying to reach respond to ideas (even Southerners; see Christian Zionism), we have no choice but to approach our outreach as if we’re selling an idea or a product. We are a competitor in the marketplace of ideas. We are not museum curators or Ivory Tower theorists. Nobody cares about our museums or our verbose theories. “What’s in it for me and my family?” is all that matters to ordinary Whites.

    If Whites don’t buy what we sell, if they’d rather continue listening to Rush and Sean and would rather buy the garbage that Conservatism Inc. sells, than I don’t see how its the fault of Hunter or anyone else in the movement if White Americans are exterminated. It’s our job to sell our idea (even though its much more than a mere idea) as effectively as we can, and it’s up to our people to buy it. Hunter mentioned the federal courts – honestly, those court decisions would be toothless if a critical mass of Whites said “fuck you, this is the law of the land, come get us!” The only way to get to that critical mass is to radicalize enough Whites. And the only way to radicalize enough Whites is for us to sell our ideas and for enough of them to buy it.

    While I agree with Chess Master that a political party is ultimately indispensable, I don’t think a political party is the vehicle through which to radicalize White Americans. Rush, Sean, Fox News, the Heritage Foundation, the entire Conservatism Inc. network…none of them exist to run candidates for office. They exist to keep Whites on the plantation and/or to influence the Republican Party. They create the message of “resistance,” they package it, and they sell it. And they do a spectacular job at it. Fox News.com is one of the top 200 most clicked on websites on the internet. The Drudge Report and the Blaze are in the top 1000. By contrast, the only pro-white website in the top 100,000 is VDARE at 85,643. This isn’t a matter of money. Sheldon Adelson has more money than many small countries and couldn’t get Newt Gingrich to be the GOP nominee (or get Romney to be the President). It’s a matter of Conservatism Inc’s message being more appealing than the pro-White message. It’s safe, it has the aura of mainstream credibility, it has the illusion of effectiveness (see the Reagan Revolution), and above all, it sells ideas that, however anti-white they may be (such as “free market capitalism”), nonetheless appeal to our people in a way that the pro-white message doesn’t. Conservatism Inc. doesn’t do any of this through a political party. It does it through private individuals, private institutions, and private publications.

    This movement doesn’t lack for mediums, especially in the age of the internet. What it lacks is proper advertising. We’re like the local farmer who says, “this is orange juice. It’s good for you. You should buy it because of X, Y, and Z.” I’m as guilty of this kind of advertising as anyone else in the movement. But it doesn’t work. The raw facts are boring and abstract, and they don’t answer the question of “what can you do for me and my family?” We don’t need new mediums. We need a new strategy of selling the pro-White philosophy. Something that resonates with our people and inspires them to take action to defend themselves and save themselves – and in the long run to advance themselves. Clearly the conventional strategy of “just the facts, Jack” isn’t working. Or else we’d have an American Renaissance by now.

    Keep the Faith

    14 words

  31. @ ….clogging up bandwidth on Stormfront and reading books and “educating” themselves….

    Don’t underestimate people “educating” themselves, that’s preparation for when an opening occurs and then everyone is on page; also it’s how the “left” (which is godknowswhatreally) has gotten so far.

    They told people (even in school; I know, b/c I went to schools)— to “MAKE CHANGE WHEREVER YOU HAPPEN TO BE, in whatever way you feel you can,” and even the very smallest little things count. This is the way many-headed Hydras are produced. “The death of a thousand cuts.” Lots of little people doing just a little and feeling they are doing something great. Maybe it’s helping some poor white couple in a nursing home, or visiting them when they are shut-in to help keep them home longer, or starting your neighborhood watch, or whatever.

    Education is a shift in perception—- that perception (shifted in many) changes the way things are, and in ways that are not immediately visible.

    Above someone said that people don’t get very excited about ‘saving the white race.’ That is true. But individuals are usually happy to grasp onto whatever they can use to defend themselves, on a personal level. You have to say: “you are being attacked and here is a ready-made tool that you can use to defend yourself, and people you love, if you do happen to love anybody…”

  32. — that’s another thing about the pro-white movements, lol— they look for a “fix-all,” some one BIG THING that will make changes. In reality, the whoevertheyarereallys got ahead by telling everyone they were VERY MORAL if they used their position (whatever it was, from janitor to teacher to administrator to gardener to whatever) in whatever way that would bring about the desired changes (that will make you moral)

    A change in a perception of morality and the message that one must advance that morality in whatever small way— is how change was made

  33. “The enemy controls every branch of government … right now. They control the courts and the media … right now. Why is that?

    It’s not because millions of White people are members of the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens. On the contrary, it is because those people are “working within the system” by watching Sean Hannity and listening to Rush Limbaugh. They are voting for the GOP, which is what they have been doing since the 1960s, and getting leadership like John McCain and Paul Ryan.”

    And your solution is to peel those people off by what means exactly? And even if successful, to what end? Please, spell out in detail how anything will change. Some people protest in Georgia and magically everything is better?

    • Re: Chess Master

      Do you know why the League is going to Uvalda?

      It is already illegal under the Immigration Act of 1996 for illegal aliens to be in Georgia. The State of Georgia passed its own immigration law in 2011 and expanded it in 2012.

      In 1996, the Republicans passed a meaningless law to appease their base which they refused to enforce during the Bush presidency. Similarly, the Georgia immigration law isn’t being enforced either.

      I will tell you what doesn’t work: squandering all our time, energy, and money on electing Republicans who either outright support amnesty, who “evolve” like Rand Paul, or who pass worthless laws which are instantly gutted by federal courts and which aren’t enforced anyway.

      We outright defeated the DREAM Act but got it anyway through Obama’s executive order.

  34. “if a party such as you propose existed, what office would you suggest it seek for a realistic chance at a win? You’re not suggesting working within the GOP?”

    All possible offices, even the lowest ones you can think of. In many local races, certain positions go unchallenged. Start small. The first goal should be to raise awareness that there is now a viable alternative to the GOP. Higher offices will come later. This will have two immediate effects: 1. pressure the GOP into being more confrontational in order to protect their remaining seats (they’ll attack at first but that will subside after the democrats capture every branch of government in 2016-2020) 2. encourage attacks by the mainstream media (further radicalizing the voting base and driving up membership and donations).

    As time passes, you can replace more and more of the GOP, making your message more acceptable with each victory. When the Republican party is no longer viable on a national level due to amnesty/immigration, you may replace the GOP in the South outright. Once there is no longer an incentive for moderation amongst Southerners (because they can’t win nationally), there will be less resistance to this.

    The end goal will be independence. Working within a rigged system will likely not succeed. Objectively, your most realistic shot is to change that system to a more favorable one. Independence will do that.

    “Europe has PR though. GD and the other Euro parties have a reasonable chance to win power. This isn’t true here.”

    This is true and will pose a challenge. But is it probably your best and most realistic shot. However, I’m not advocating a multi-party system or PR. I’m advocating replacing the GOP with your own independence party then using the force of government to enact your agenda. This should even the odds a bit.

    • Re: Chess Master

      In the 1960s, we controlled the entire states of Alabama and Mississippi, but because power is concentrated in Washington, it didn’t matter that we controlled all the state and local offices here.

  35. @Hunter

    “Duke was never anything more than a lowly Louisiana state representative.”

    You have to start somewhere and state legislatures will be in the forefront of the political wing of any successful secessionist movement. The CofCC should be in the business of promoting pro-white candidates from the school board on up.

  36. Hey Hunter,

    Just stopping in to wish you and your girl a belated congratulations on this new beginning of your lives. Best of luck.

  37. hey Hunter,

    I’ve just been working a lot — serving subpoenas, trimming tree limbs with a chainsaw, collecting and selling scrap metal (that’s good business around here). Something different everyday it seems like.

    I still check out these threads, but, as you can probably attest yourself, real-life just get’s more demanding of ones time.

    Regarding the future of OD, I certainly hope you keep it going, but I also understand that people, well, eventually just move on in life. I’ve been on forums in years past where the owner’s personal life gradually eclipsed his interest in maintaining the venue, and he’d bid everyone farewell and to the winds we went. I guess it’s only natural. Nevertheless, I’ll throw a few bucks your way in the meantime, for the upkeep of OD while you weigh it’s fate.

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