Uvalda Rally: ADL Spotlights OD and SNN

ADL profiles the face of terrorism and extremism in the South!
ADL profiles the face of extremism and terrorism in the South!

New York

While searching for something to write about this evening, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that OD and SNN are under attack by the Jews at the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL is denouncing our upcoming immigration protest in Uvalda, GA underneath their “Latest Developments and Trends in Extremism & Terrorism” section.

Kyle Rogers of the Council of Conservative Citizens, Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network, and Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South will also be in Uvalda and are mentioned in the ADL article:

“Louis Smith, the chief of police of Uvalda, a small town in the state of Geor­gia (pop­u­la­tion around 600), has announced his inten­tion to join an anti-immigration protest orga­nized by white suprema­cists and neo-Confederate groups.

Smith indi­cated he planned to attend the event, sched­uled for August 24 in Uvalda, on the Face­book page of the League of the South (LOS). LOS is an implic­itly racist group that seeks to cre­ate a South pred­i­cated on “Anglo-Celtic” cul­tural dom­i­nance. The orig­i­nal Face­book post­ing (which has since been mod­i­fied) stated that the orga­niz­ers of the event were Hunter Wal­lace (whose real name is Brad Grif­fin), a white suprema­cist who runs “Occi­den­tal Dis­sent” and Michael Cush­man, who runs “South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work.” “Occi­den­tal Dis­sent” is a racist blog that focuses on the South and “South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work” is a neo-Confederate blog that focuses on “South­ern identity.”

Oth­ers announc­ing they would attend the event include Matthew Heim­bach, a white suprema­cist leader with the Tra­di­tion­al­ist Youth Net­work, and Kyle Rogers, a key player in the white suprema­cist Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens. Michael Hill, the pres­i­dent of the League of the South, will also attend the event, along with other LOS mem­bers. The protest will pur­port­edly focus on the claim that “immi­gra­tion is destroy­ing our South­ern Culture.

Immi­gra­tion has recently played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the pol­i­tics of tiny Uvalda. The mayor, Paul Bridges, has been very vocal in his oppo­si­tion to HB87, Georgia’s harsh anti-immigration law passed in 2011. Bridges joined a 2011 law­suit chal­leng­ing the law, filed by the Amer­i­can Civil Lib­er­ties Union and the South­ern Poverty Law Center.

Since 2011, Bridges and Smith have been involved in a series of dis­putes. Some of the dis­agree­ments between the two seem to have stemmed from issues related to immi­grants liv­ing in the town.”

Note: If you are unable to join us in Uvalda and want to further the cause of “domestic rightwing extremism” in the South (this rally will be the first in a series of protests across the South), then please consider donating to OD and SNN.

The time has come for someone to step up to the plate and take our movement off the internet and into the streets. We have already discovered in Uvalda that our own people are fed up with the likes of Paul Bridges and the SPLC and are receptive to our message and are looking for leadership.

It is no exaggeration to say that our ability to hold similar events in other Southern states, especially in the Upper South and Western South, will depend on the support we receive from our own community. The Jews at the ADL, SPLC, and ACLU have millions of dollars and legions of anti-White and anti-Southern activists, but we are only running on idealism and a sense of duty to future generations.

Update: SNN has responded to the ADL.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Don Black has said it many times in the past. There was more WN activity in the real world before Stormfront than after the rise of the internet in the late 1990s.

    Any real world action (before the Internet) was crushed by the feds. We all know this. Why the hell do you think people have been so damn uneasy about coming out again?

    They know what the score is and what they are facing. They don’t trust this current crop of so-called WN leaders who have done nothing with the resources they have been given except hold backyard barbeques giving the same speeches over and over.

    Lew is right. Lack of leadership and the political climate has made it almost impossible for anyone to want to go through that kind of pain and suffering only to get kicked in the ass and to what end? I am glad to see things are starting to change but please – let us not deny the real world political reality on the ground as to why people have had no enthusiasm to put their ass on the line. So far the payoff has been one great big shit burger for the everyday working class White nationalist.

  2. AlexJ says:

    You really have no clue, how you appear to ordinary Whites, do you? lol

    I guess I’m extraordinary because I think I’m falling for her.

  3. “We have a much more serious problem with 1.) fear, 2.) apathy and resignation, and 3.) degeneracy.”

    How do you think we got that way, and who was instrumental in our ‘re-education.

    1) Ever hear of the biblical phrase, ‘fear of the Jews’? It’s been their calling card since Calvary. They even crucified God, such chutzpah. (of course, not really believing in the true God, but only in themselves AS god, they were set back for about 1700 years by the Resurrection…)

    2) Apathy and resignation- ah, yes, the long march through the institutions, and the rise of the antichrist ‘rock culture’ and people like Abbie JEW Hoffmann, who advocated either armed resistance (Mossad) or ‘turn on, tune in, and drop out’ (Hassidic Kabbalists). It was the Jews who taught us to hate our race, our culture, and our very whiteness. Because they ARE the original ‘anti-Adam’ race out there!

    3) Degeneracy? have you ever read the post that shows how many of the Yids were/are involved in the American PORN industry?


    I think your question has been answered- again. It’s the Jews, stupid, as Imprisoned Lawyer Edgar J. Steele used to say, before HE was FRAMED. At the Jew’s hands.

  4. I sense a distinct undercurrent of irritation in your contributions today.

    To tell you the truth I was a little miffed at having a comment at CC rejected which I thought I raised a very good objection. But I don’t know, I thought my posts here seemed kinda jovial.

    As I have said on the past, I do think you should quit dismissing the value of education through essaying and commenting on the internet. Everyone here under about 50 was likely was put on to most of what they know about these matters via some internet source.

    You’ve got to be kidding me. It’s the miseducation that rankles, not actual education. The race sites are rife with miseducation; not about the existence of racial differences or the nature of the racial predicament, but miseducation about what those differences mean, about political solutions, and about the course to follow (the “okay, so what now?”).

    What you call “endless regurgitation,” I call raising consciousness and educating people. The repetitive comments are for them. You never know when new eyeballs are on the page. Even if they aren’t any new eyeballs on the page, commenting still has value because it’s fun, it lets people practice rhetoric, sharpen arguments, pick up new information. It is also often damn near impossible to find a sympathetic ear in the real world.

    All true. BUT there are smarter and dumber ways to do all that. I’m sorry if my saying so annoys you, but the typical way that WNs go about all this strikes me as very, very dumb.

    Allow me to share my personal experience. I first encountered SF in maybe 2002 or 2003. I was initially shocked for a few seconds, but curiosity quickly won out. I did not like at all what I was reading, but in maybe no more than fifteen minutes I could tell that these people were onto something. Much as I hated it, as much as I thought the posters there were a pack of kooks, I could not dismiss what I read as total rubbish. But it was only years later that I finally conceded that things just can’t go on this way, it’s insane, utterly insane. Of course, WN appeals were not directed to me, so this in itself inspired me to resist them, but the fact is BUGSer style points that force you to acknowledge that, like it or not, there is a serious racial issue that demands attention would have forced me to confront racial reality much, much sooner. WNistic points do the opposite: they make a person feel good about sweeping racial reality under the rug, ie in a “well, what you’re saying may be true, but good grief, you can’t go around saying that” kind of a way.

    Out of all the criticisms of WNsm, this notion that WNsts do little but comment on the internet is one of the more unfair ones. WNst do what little they are able to do. To do anything effective in the real world, you need an organization on the ground that can be effective. This requires skilled leadership, money, organization, brick and mortar facilities, and people with talent, skills and ability to participate.

    I think it is a fair criticism. You really would expect to have seen much more in the real world by now. Part of the reason you haven’t is the aforementioned miseducation. It has a most unfortunate tendency to make people feel overwhelmed, that the situation is hopeless, that there’s nothing they can do; while in others it inspires such tremendous rage that they seal themselves off from the world and await the promised doomsday. Far fewer people are moved to real world action than could be. If the fault for this can’t be laid at the feet of WN forums then where can it?

    I have also never seen anyone dispute that more than activity on the internet will be required to bring about change. The people at VNN at least have some fire in their belly about what’s going on and are pissed off about it. Linder is doing valuable work right now keeping track of Golden Dawn’s activities. VNN Forum has a wealth of valuable information in its archives which I encourage people to explore. You can skip every comment and learn a lot at VNN. VNN is a good web site.

    Look, even I’ll admit it’s got its good points. But overall it’s my bet that a shitload of posters there are going to look back in twenty years and wonder, “What the hell were we thinking?”

  5. Its cute that Lew thinks Bob Whitaker is so naive.

    No. From his cv/bio, it’s clear he is an intelligent and accomplished man. It’s the reason I find it puzzling he instructs his “swarms” to belittle other approaches.

  6. Huntrr and Palmetto have the right view. It may also helps to point out each time that they are outsiders, foreigners, and in no way share our values and culture. Remind them they owe a great deal of their cultural survival to our white ancestors who saved their sorry asses in Europe and allowed Israel to be reestablished.

  7. How about doing something Citizen Council type such as organizing a personal letter writing campaign to Uvalda elected officials, leading members of the community explaining what the CoCC is about – good things, and what the ADL, SPLC are about, bad things like enabling massive illegal immigration?

    Sure, it’s not as exciting as battling Reds in the streets. But, doing simple, positive activism was what the Citizens Councils did well.

  8. Thanks Hunter.

    Now how about becoming a successful Auburn grad banker, family man and a great, successful COCC leader?

  9. Being a banker is relatively easy, in particular when the economy is a network of drinking buddies, crony capitalism. Carlos Slim is the richest man in the world because he was given the phone monopoly in Mexico. My take is that Auburn alumni pretty much run business in Alabama. You might have to lay a little low for a bit, but that’s fine.

    There are wealthy growing White flight areas of Alabama, just need to be in right places with our people. New Yotk Jewish Leftists/Lesbians don’t run businesses in Alabama. Same as they don’t here in suburban Cincinnati (I’m at the ATP Masters series tennis tourney – great).

    It’s a mistake to try to do 20 something, rebellion for too long, when you are pushing 40.

  10. Denying a group defense to an ethnic group is a clear cut violation of settled International Law. Now I know that no charges will be filed by the local DA or the FBI against the ADL and other anti-white orgs anytime soon, but the rich transnational donors will in the future will start to look over their shoulders.

    I know, I know the above is not some sexy essay on paleo-con trad values, but if you want to shut them up without sounding like you are quoting the jewser cranks who breathlessly tell us the latest jewspiracy ( and never ever lable jews anti-white for some reason), but its effective, because I say it is time to claim the moral high ground for once.

  11. Hunter,

    Become a banker! Read the House of Rothschild books, by Niall Ferguson. tghat’s where the mojo is at! Fuck idealism, get rich and then you can better help us.

  12. “Look, even I’ll admit it’s got its good points.”

    Says the tiresome Jew “concern troll.” I don’t know who you think you are influencing; maybe 313Chris but that’s just about it. Stop wasting your time posting here.

  13. “..maybe 313Chris but that’s about it.”

    – Heh, well he seems to have your attention well enough, Rudel — seeing as how you feel it necessary to respond to him.

  14. “well he seems to have your attention well enough, Rudel — seeing as how you feel it necessary to respond to him.”

    He has been posting voluminously lately. I haven’t quite managed to automatically skip his long posts yet like I do with that lunatic “Fr.” John or that ignorant and uneducated buffoon Dan Poole or that crypto (or is it would-be?) Hutterite Mosin Nagant.

  15. Rudel, you’re a donkey’s behind.

    Denying me my ordination, which is valid, licit, and still operational (unlike “Br. Nathanael Kapner’s… or Franky the First’s and the whole NewChurch) , is the same thing as denying personhood to a foetus in the womb. Both sorts of hominids are guilty of murder.

    Go join Joew someplace to count your meds.

  16. “crypto (or is it would-be?) Hutterite”?

    Rudel, you must be joking. Other recent mislabels, from other sources: “Quaker”, “Puritan”, “Pilgrim”, “Calvinist”, “radical egalitarian”…. I am waiting now for “Papist”. Why is it so hard to understand?

    Re: “unlike ‘Br.’ Nathanael Kapner’s”:

    Fr John, do I sense some implication you have a poor opinion of him now?

    Very good link (to Darkmoon) in your previous comment, Fr John.

  17. I haven’t quite managed to automatically skip his long posts yet

    You’re probably at the level I’m at with Apuleius. I auto-skip Fr John, Pastor Lindstedt, Jack Ryan, Mosin without a second’s thought. I’d like to skip straight past Apuleius, but a mysterious “something” just draws me into reading.

  18. “I’d like to skip straight past Apuleius, but a mysterious “something” just draws me into reading.”

    That’s because he often makes complete sense.

  19. Hmmm… Well, don’t get too angry — It’s just a FEW Jews who do this kind of thing. It’s not ALL of them!

    Be sure to tell Scarlett, it’s just a few. It’s not important.


  20. I was reminded of the ADLs “extremism and terrorism” list when I discovered this excellent essay by Goebbels tonight. In part it says,

    He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous. – J. Goebbels

    The converse being that anyone who is persecuted by Jews must be doing something right.

    Interestingly enough, according to Goebbels Jews were calling their enemies “terrorists” in 1920s Germany. No joke.


  21. Lew says:
    August 16, 2013 at 4:10 am

    “No. From his cv/bio, it’s clear he is an intelligent and accomplished man. It’s the reason I find it puzzling he instructs his “swarms” to belittle other approaches.”

    Its cute you think Bob Whitaker tells us what to do and we obey him, like he is our Dear Leader or something. Only socialists have Dear Leaders and BUGS is not a socialist outfit, it is an activist blog.

    My personal opinion on Jewsers, historically they are proven failures. Jewsers haven’t got elected to anything by popular vote. The only thing they guarantee is anyone associating with them crashes and burns. The current situation, the game in front of us right now, is the vast majority of Whites are repulsed by Jewsers, because they do not want to be the bad guy.

    My other criticism of Jewsers is they are not about winning, they are about whining. What they call “activism” is complaining they were beaten by a group, that used better activism methods. Methods which anyone can use and Jewsers refuse to use. Complaining you are beaten is not activism, it is whining. Whining is not activism.

    TBH I don’t care what Jewsers do, but I will warn White leaders that have talent and are successful, not to associate with them. I will tell these leaders to send the librarians back to their libraries, because I am about Whites getting real power and representation.

    A clear example of Jewser failure is what became of David Duke. He went from winning elections, to international pariah and now he is a regular on the Jeff Rense show. Jeff Rense is a pay conspiracy website, where David Duke’s views on Jews are treated with as equal seriousness, as theories on Aliens, Illuminati and Ghosts. So yes, David is now a joke.


    Don’t take it personally Lew. I only think of you guys as pariahs, because you have the Reverse Midas Touch. Perhaps when Whites get countries of our own again, you will be a luxury we can once again afford, but right now the situation is so dire, we just can’t afford you.

  22. And I will say, I have the same opinion of any nationalist group that uses “hatred of the other” tactics.

    Historically all such groups have all been miserable failures. And if by some chance they do get real power, Whites inevitably go to war against each other, in titanic battles of “good” vs “evil” and millions of the best Whites die.

    IMO these people are not Pro White, because they never speak about the right of White people to exist in the future. They are anti-(insert racial/religious group here) and that is all there is to them.

    If I had dictatorial powers, I would banish them from Pro White websites for false advertising. They should start their own anti-(insert racial/religious group here) websites and stop piggybacking on Pro Whites.

  23. You don’t own the term pro-White. Everyone is pro-White.

    I was under the impression Whitaker lists “shaming” as a recommended technique to be used against pro-White but non-BUGSERs, and pro-Whites who use some but not all BUGS methods or who use them in some contexts but not others. You seem to applying that principle right now.

    When you use words like Jewsers and claim they have never accomplished anything because they talk about Jews, you look foolish. You don’t seem aware of it which gives your comments a pitiable quality. Unless you’re a Perl script and not a real person. Sometimes I wonder.

  24. Lew says:
    August 21, 2013 at 5:29 pm

    “I was under the impression Whitaker lists “shaming” as a recommended technique to be used against pro-White but non-BUGSERs, and pro-Whites who use some but not all BUGS methods or who use them in some contexts but not others. You seem to applying that principle right now.”

    We are fighting White Genocide and Lew is worried someone’s feelings might be hurt in the process. These guys sure have their priorities straight.

    Anti-Mantra Pro Whites attacked and hindered BUGSers repeatedly, right from the start, but Lew cries his feelings are hurt, when it is pointed out his methods haven’t worked since Hitler and even then they didn’t work. The Nazis did not win the popular vote.

    “When you use words like Jewsers and claim they have never accomplished anything because they talk about Jews, you look foolish. ”

    The definition of stupid, is doing something repeatedly expecting a different result.

    Since WW2, no Jewsers can get elected. No Jewsers can take a walk together in public, without riot police escort. We have all White countries being turned into non-White countries. Racial integration is forced. Whites have no explicit representation and every White is terrified of being called a Jewser.

    Is this the big accomplishment?

    As I said, I don’t care what Jewsers do. Go study and dissect your endless defeats as much as you like. But I will tell effective White leaders to keep you away. They can either be an effective White leader, or they can end up on a UFOs and Ghosts website, hawking books like Duke. They took an electable White leader and reduced him to that. The real world results speak for themselves.

  25. START

    use AlexJ
    use Win32 : :Whitaker-BOT – START MANTRA;
    use Mail : :JEWSERS;
    use strict; PRO-WHITE

    Anti-Mantra PW

    $total, $free, %mail,
    $machine, $drive, $low,
    $to, $from, # Comments/

    $machine = ‘SQL – 03 NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED!!!’;
    $drive = “c:/”;
    $low = 50000000; # 100MB
    $to = ‘notify@occidentaldissent.com’;
    $from = “$machine\@occidentaldissent.com”;


  26. Lew says:

    “No. From his cv/bio, it’s clear he is an intelligent and accomplished man. It’s the reason I find it puzzling he instructs his “swarms” to belittle other approaches.”

    AlexJ says: ‘Its cute you think Bob Whitaker tells us what to do …’

    Cute? More condescension and belittling.

    AlexJ says: ‘Jewsers haven’t got elected to anything by popular vote.’

    Jews have made sure of that. They will also oppose Bugsers running for office.

    AlexJ says: ‘The current situation, the game in front of us right now, is the vast majority of Whites are repulsed by Jewsers, because they do not want to be the bad guy.’

    No, I don’t believe the vast majority are repulsed. Many of them have had their eyes opened to the Anti-White Jew agenda thanks to the internet. People (politicians in particular) are bullied into submission ‘For fear of the Jews’ as stated in the Bible.

    AlexJ says: ‘I don’t care what Jewsers do, but I will warn White leaders that have talent and are successful, not to associate with them.’

    Every Jew agrees with you. Don’t listen to those anti-semites! They will only lead you astray! Your problems are caused by… everything and anything BUT Jews!

    ‘A clear example of Jewser failure is what became of David Duke. He went from winning elections, to international pariah and now he is a regular on the Jeff Rense show.’

    Organized Jewry made sure he was a pariah from the start. The same fate awaits all exposing them.

    He is a regular on the Jeff Rense broadcasts because the media masters will not allow him to speak to the masses.

    Nevertheless, he still manages to educate many people.

    AlexJ says: ‘And I will say, I have the same opinion of any nationalist group that uses “hatred of the other” tactics. Historically all such groups have all been miserable failures.’

    Not so. The Jews entire religion and culture is based on hatred and contempt for goyim. Their holy days are nothing more than celebrations and recounts of defeating their hated enemies. No mercy shown to the vanquished.

  27. @Lew
    When anti-Whites write nonsense, in response to the truth the White Genocide Mantra points out, we respond like so:

    “When you write random gibberish in response to an argument, you can’t deal with, you don’t look clever, you look ignorant and stupid. This is childish, it is the sign of a nut who has lost an argument.”

    Anti-Whites are retarded parrots. You could write a computer program to deal with them automatically, because nothing they ever say is original. It is amazing that such stupid people have dominated Pro Whites for so long.

    Actually no it isn’t, because they are just smart enough to do what works.

  28. @Sam
    You are explaining why the Jewser strategy hasn’t worked.

    The difference between the BUGSer approach and the Jewser approach, is BUGS hit them where they are weakest and use their weapons against them. BUGS use asymmetric warfare.

    Jewsers on the other hand, fight billions of dollars of anti-White brainwashing head on. It was created by the MSM and Hollyweird over 50 years, so it’s no wonder they always lost.

    Either way, IMO Jewsers aren’t going to be relevant. They will never have power, because they do not understand power politics, even when it is explained to them.

    How its going to go down is ordinary Whites are already getting really pissed off at the anti-White contradictions and eventually they are going to stop cooperating with the system. Orders will come down from the Feds, these orders will be ignored all over the Union and that will be the end of the anti-White system.

    Doesn’t sound very exciting, does it? No torchlight parades, no battles in the streets, just millions of Whites thumbing their noses at the system.

  29. Here we see it already happening:

    LePage said Obama ‘hates white people’

    • In September 2010, before he was elected, he told a group of fishermen at a forum: “As your governor, you’re going to be seeing a lot of me on the front page, saying ‘Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.'”

    • In January 2011, shortly after he was sworn in, he declined an invitation to an event hosted by the NAACP in Portland. When asked what he would tell the group if it questioned his decision, LePage replied, “Tell them to kiss my butt.”

  30. AlexJ says:

    ‘And I will say, I have the same opinion of any nationalist group that uses “hatred of the other” tactics.’

    Your mentor revels in his hatred for those he deems worthy.


    My Hatred is for TRAITORS!

    Bob: ‘No, I am simply incapable of hating a Jew or a non-white the way I hate a white traitor. That is in my blood.’

    It’s the reverse for me.

    I recognize that most of the deluded Whites today have been bombarded relentlessly by decades of Jew brainwashing.

    It’s like blaming Patty Hearst for turning on her own after being traumatized by the SLA vermin and letting those who kidnapped her off the hook.

    Read about the “The Stockholm Syndrome.”

    No, my hatred is reserved mostly for the beguilers, not the beguiled.

  31. “Their holy days are nothing more than celebrations and recounts of defeating their hated enemies. No mercy shown to the vanquished.”

    In their minds those are celebrations of triumphs over “antisemites.” It’s defensive. It’s very different to the pointed other-hatred that WNs are notorious for.

  32. The story of Christ is imstructive here.

    Decent guy, more or less blameless. Christ said stuff that was on his mind. The Big Hebe’s wanted him dead, the ordinary Hebe had various opinions about him, the Romans endorsed the execution as a matter of convenience. It’s a very old cycle of getting rid of ordinary men. It’s a warning to good men about the peril of ethical Behaviour. This is an aspect of the Gospels that ought to be emphasized. The positive thing about Christianity is the promise that being the wait of the earth is intrinsically rewarding and that other like minded people will remember you.

  33. “In their minds those are celebrations of triumphs over “antisemites.” It’s defensive. It’s very different to the pointed other-hatred that WNs are notorious for.”

    Hahaha! Sorry Jew, no special pleading for you (yet again.) What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  34. Rudel, I suppose it’s frustrating to be contradicted all the time, so I can understand you wanting to hit back a bit. But sheesh feller, you could pick your spots a bit better.

    If Jewish identity as focused on other-hatred as WN then where are the Jewish equivalents to threads like “Post pics of disgusting Jews” at VNN, say? Come off it. WN begins by pointing out racial differences and drawing attention to problems that arise when non-whites arrive en masse in white societies and the threat this poses to white racial existence, but it invariably ends in a racial hatefest in which it’s no longer about anything any non-white ever did, it’s about non-whiteness per se – how horrible and vile it is and “just you wait, non-white scum” and so on. There’s just no other group that lays into the opposition to the very depths of being the way WN does. Sorry. (Mind you, I don’t for a minute believe WN needs to do this, but it does do it, does it ever.)

  35. Oh, and one more thing, I wasn’t making excuses for Jews. Their celebrations are supremacist bullshit and they totally deserve to be hammered on it.

  36. Sam says:
    August 22, 2013 at 1:35 am

    “Your mentor revels in his hatred for those he deems worthy.”

    A racial or ethnic group can’t change its nature, but a traitor chooses their behavior and can change it at any time.

    The reason “haters of the other (races/religions)” are such retards:

    1) They are not content with the anti-Whites in front of them right now. They create entirely new anti-Whites, where previously none existed at all. They are the best recruiters our enemies have.

    2) An ethnicity cannot change what it is. The only way you can stop an ethnicity being itself, is by using Genocide and that is retarded.

    The vast majority of Whites are repelled by “haters of the other”, for the second reason alone.

    The European peoples are creatures of light, not darkness. We want to be the good guys, not the bad guys. Race is real and it matters and by your track record of endless failures, you have demonstrated you don’t understand White people at all.

  37. The fact we are having this discussion at all, is retarded. The real world results you have gotten, says it all.

    My prediction:
    When ordinary Whites topple the anti-White system, you guys will still be on your websites talking about Jews. You will be no where near the halls of power, because you aren’t doing anything to take that power.

    As I said, you can do as you like, as it really doesn’t matter to me. Normal everyday Whites, are where the real action is.

  38. Sam says:
    August 21, 2013 at 8:15 pm
    “Not so. The Jews entire religion and culture is based on hatred and contempt for goyim. Their holy days are nothing more than celebrations and recounts of defeating their hated enemies. No mercy shown to the vanquished.”

    You are holding up Jews as an example for nationalists to follow, at the same time criticizing them for behaving that way.

    That is contradictory and White people do not like contradictions. As I said race is real and you have demonstrated again, you do not understand White people.

    Not to mention the fact there have been a hundred pogroms against Jews in recorded history. If we take what you say about their behavior as fact, clearly it is not a good long term survival strategy.

  39. Again these are just my opinions and I admit I am rather extreme.

    I can’t stand watching WN screw things up, like they always do. 70 years of screwing up is more than enough.

  40. AlexJ

    If you’re a BUGser why are you wasting time arguing on a nationalist site when you should be targeting mainstream sites?

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