Uvalda Rally: ADL Spotlights OD and SNN

ADL profiles the face of terrorism and extremism in the South!
ADL profiles the face of extremism and terrorism in the South!

New York

While searching for something to write about this evening, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that OD and SNN are under attack by the Jews at the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL is denouncing our upcoming immigration protest in Uvalda, GA underneath their “Latest Developments and Trends in Extremism & Terrorism” section.

Kyle Rogers of the Council of Conservative Citizens, Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Youth Network, and Dr. Michael Hill of the League of the South will also be in Uvalda and are mentioned in the ADL article:

“Louis Smith, the chief of police of Uvalda, a small town in the state of Geor­gia (pop­u­la­tion around 600), has announced his inten­tion to join an anti-immigration protest orga­nized by white suprema­cists and neo-Confederate groups.

Smith indi­cated he planned to attend the event, sched­uled for August 24 in Uvalda, on the Face­book page of the League of the South (LOS). LOS is an implic­itly racist group that seeks to cre­ate a South pred­i­cated on “Anglo-Celtic” cul­tural dom­i­nance. The orig­i­nal Face­book post­ing (which has since been mod­i­fied) stated that the orga­niz­ers of the event were Hunter Wal­lace (whose real name is Brad Grif­fin), a white suprema­cist who runs “Occi­den­tal Dis­sent” and Michael Cush­man, who runs “South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work.” “Occi­den­tal Dis­sent” is a racist blog that focuses on the South and “South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work” is a neo-Confederate blog that focuses on “South­ern identity.”

Oth­ers announc­ing they would attend the event include Matthew Heim­bach, a white suprema­cist leader with the Tra­di­tion­al­ist Youth Net­work, and Kyle Rogers, a key player in the white suprema­cist Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens. Michael Hill, the pres­i­dent of the League of the South, will also attend the event, along with other LOS mem­bers. The protest will pur­port­edly focus on the claim that “immi­gra­tion is destroy­ing our South­ern Culture.

Immi­gra­tion has recently played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the pol­i­tics of tiny Uvalda. The mayor, Paul Bridges, has been very vocal in his oppo­si­tion to HB87, Georgia’s harsh anti-immigration law passed in 2011. Bridges joined a 2011 law­suit chal­leng­ing the law, filed by the Amer­i­can Civil Lib­er­ties Union and the South­ern Poverty Law Center.

Since 2011, Bridges and Smith have been involved in a series of dis­putes. Some of the dis­agree­ments between the two seem to have stemmed from issues related to immi­grants liv­ing in the town.”

Note: If you are unable to join us in Uvalda and want to further the cause of “domestic rightwing extremism” in the South (this rally will be the first in a series of protests across the South), then please consider donating to OD and SNN.

The time has come for someone to step up to the plate and take our movement off the internet and into the streets. We have already discovered in Uvalda that our own people are fed up with the likes of Paul Bridges and the SPLC and are receptive to our message and are looking for leadership.

It is no exaggeration to say that our ability to hold similar events in other Southern states, especially in the Upper South and Western South, will depend on the support we receive from our own community. The Jews at the ADL, SPLC, and ACLU have millions of dollars and legions of anti-White and anti-Southern activists, but we are only running on idealism and a sense of duty to future generations.

Update: SNN has responded to the ADL.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well – you all know my thoughts and feelings on the Spawn of Satan!!!!

    I am not wrong about these things…..

    I figure, if the Hebes are spitting and hissing about something, anything – it’s good for us.

    I’ve resumed one of my favorite past-times, since my return from the Mockingbird State – Jew-baiting online. They are getting hissier and spittier by the moment – but the “tone” has changed. The Tribe of Satan is going into overdrive over PR – trying to get the Goy rounded up, on the Talmudic Tyranny Plantation, and keeping the Evangeltard Worship Bux rolling in……but they know folks are waking up to their true nature. Uh oh. Here we go again!

    You will see my support shortly. I don’t have much to give (and my little vacation made me BLEED JooBux) – but my appreciation will be expressed in finite ways.

    Love to all!!!!

    PS – Tell the Parrot, his lovely little female relative, the Commander, and that savvy hipster new fellow from IN that I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them!!!!


  2. Ain’t it funny how Jews are most ethnocentric folks on the planet yet go bonkers when others display the same tendencies. A long story to tell, that one would be, yet most readers here have a good understanding of the situation.

    I think we have all benefitted by reading the history lessons here at OD pertaining to the Southern Jews during the CRM. We have learned that Southern Jews were mostly cooperative with the dominant social mores of the times. It was the outsider, alien, yankee Jews such as those in the ADL who stirred up so much trouble (and continue to do so) during these times.

  3. This is the reason I hate Jews as much as the next guy.

    Hymie Shitstein sees Jewish nationalism as perfectly fine for Israel but calls white/southern nationalists extremists.

    What else is new?

  4. I wish I could attend, but it’s a 20 hour drive round trip.

    It’s interesting how the participation of that local sheriff seems to be what triggered the hit by the Big-Jew-HateGroup with the $50,000,00 per year annual budget.

    Best of luck.

  5. Seems to me that I recall HW making excuses for Jews in the past on his forum. I don’t recall the exact wording,(and I don’t feel like plodding through this blog looking for them) but words along the line of ” the Jews of the South were/are just good ‘ole Southern boys with a different religion, we had no problem with them,” yada, yada yada, lol. I have no doubt that Abe and his crew at the ADL will help you form a more realistic view of Jewry in time to come. Once they focus on a website/blog and the owners of those websites, they seem to develop all sorts of mysterious problems staying online. You can ask Jack Ryan’s friend Harold Covington about his past problems in this regard, or perhaps Edgar Steele, if you can find out what prison they are keeping him in this week. Oh yeah, I seem to have forgot that the Jews are not the creators of all of our problems, silly me- that is just another conspiracy theory.

  6. Reading that article I reflected on how many occasions over the decades the same thing must have occurred, and just what a cinch beating you people into submission must seem to Big Hebrew. Just concoct some scurrilous anti-white nonsense, add water, and watch the average white public servant dipshit flee for the hills in terror. Child’s play, absolute child’s play.

  7. Hunter has the correct view about Jews. For you jewsters, who do you think is worse: any and every Jew or someone who looks like us but has no loyalty to us? Any and every Jew or the white anti-White race traitor?

    Best wishes for success, Hunter, and all your company going to Uvalda.

  8. “You people” Silver? Just whose people do you identify with? Having said that I don’t really disagree with your comment. What do you suggest “you people” should do to defeat the scenario you so accurately describe?

  9. Hunter – yup – that’s the guy. Thomas Buhls , He’s tops! It was thrilling to meet a core of young, dedicated, super-savvy men, who are wholly up to speed. So much fun!!!!

    I have not had a minute to really sit down and write, and do justice to all involved. I will try to do this tomorrow night. My thoughts are coalescing, on exactly how to….ahhh…phrase things…..

  10. Hunter – I think you are attempting to be diplomatic – but I believe my Mono-maniacal Blamers of Jews for EVERYTHING Crowd provided beyond ample evidence that the Southern Satan Spawn were simply providing behind the scenes support for their “Yankee” Co-Satanic Spawn.


  11. For you jewsters, who do you think is worse: any and every Jew or someone who looks like us but has no loyalty to us? Any and every Jew or the white anti-White race traitor?

    Jews are worse. The ADL and SPLC are run by Jews. Our own anti-whites whites are bad but not that bad. Do you have a point somewhere? Let me know when you identify the anti-white white equivalents of men like Lazar Kaganovich and the Jewish media bosses.

    • It’s not just the Jews.

      The Jews can call me names like “racist” and “white supremacist,” but I am not going to be silenced and intimidated into submission by it.

      We have a much more serious problem with 1.) fear, 2.) apathy and resignation, and 3.) degeneracy.

      • The enemy isn’t going to be scared of us until we have 1.) money, 2.) media, and 3.) bodies – properly organized – and pushing back in the real world, not engaging in intellectual masturbation on the internet.

  12. Anti-White “scare word” count in SPLC article:
    4 occurrences of “white suprema­cist”
    2 occurrences of “racist”

    Pro White “scare word” count in response article:
    1 occurrence of “anti-White”

    Please put anti-White, in front of every occurrence of SPLC , ADL, ACLU and Paul Bridges, to even things up. Thank you.

  13. “We have a much more serious problem with 1.) fear, 2.) apathy and resignation, and 3.) degeneracy.”

    The fear and demoralization was created by the repetition of “scare words”. We create the same effect in our enemies, using the same techniques.

  14. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 15, 2013 at 4:15 am

    “The enemy isn’t going to be scared of us until we have 1.) money, 2.) media, and 3.) bodies – properly organized – and pushing back in the real world, not engaging in intellectual masturbation on the internet.”

    They are already starting to feel the fear. They hate being called anti-White. They tell us, “Don’t call me anti-White! I am not anti-White!”

    Everything starts somewhere Hunter. The anti-Whites were just a gang and they hit it big with their “scare words”. They are still a tiny gang and they rule the majority with their “scare words”.

    So they got money and organization now, but it is still used to ram their scare words into the White Psyche. Look at every article they write: “Scare words” in almost every sentence. You really think the anti-White SPLC, would be using these tactics if they didn’t work? How much money do they have in the bank again? That makes them professionals does it not?

    And no one is going to give you 1.) or 2.), if they are scared. Giving money electronically is just as traceable, as standing on the street, to get your photo taken by the anti-White SPLC.

    Right now you got 6 canons firing “scare words”, to your 1 canon firing back. Ordinary White people are going to see that, get scared/demoralized and head for the hills, leaving you on your own.

    Are you going to keep standing there and take a beating, like a respectable conservative, or are you going to hit ’em back?

  15. Correction you won’t get 1,2 or 3 if everyone is scared.

    Whining that Whites are scared of “scare words”, ain’t going to fix anything.

    Step A is re-moralizing Whites.

    Allowing yourself to be a punching bag for the anti-Whites, isn’t going to re-moralize anyone.

  16. more of the same,

    “You people,” ie WNs and lesser racialists – whites whose racial feelings are central to their outlooks, just less intense than WNs. The problem is that fifty or so years ago you came out really swinging with hard-hitting statements and uncompromising ideologies. All that passion really left an impression. Very few people agreed with you, but it left an impression. Today, although it’s obvious even to WN hierarchs that those statements and ideologies are counterproductive and, in a sense, irrelevant, their social effect lingers on. That’s what makes it so damnably easy for whites with a modicum of social standing to publicly disavow you, even though the “fundamental core” of what WN is all about has never been more urgently relevant. The impression of “hate-crazed extremists” almost totally obscures that fundamental core.

    I may have overstated my case when I said WN “starts and ends” with racial hatred, but I don’t think I can be seriously challenged on the point that WNs are apt to regard 20th century history as nothing but the chronicle of relentless, pitiless racial and cultural decline. This creates immense problems when attempting to communicate racial concerns because most people regard the 20th century as a time of progressive flowering, including many developments over which they’re completely gaga; dour WN threatens to turn the clock back on all of it.

  17. The ADL and SPLC are run by Jews.

    I’d really like to read someone like Foxman’s memoirs some day. Maybe he’ll entitle it “Big Heeb: How to kick the White Man’s ass and have him smile, pay and thank you for it.” What I’d specifically like to learn is whether he ever doubted the outcome or whether he was confident all along that it’d be a cakewalk.

  18. “How to kick the White Man’s ass and have him smile, pay and thank you for it.”

    Hollywood and the MSM could write the same book.

  19. It’s bizarre that they would put this pic of me and story about us under ‘Extremism and Terrorism.’ Anyone who knows me knows that I am laid back and very slow to anger. When talking about politics with friends it usually involves some beers, oysters and lots of laughs. And I couldn’t be further from the type who engages in ‘terrorism.’ Yes, my views are different from that of the mainstream USA on some important issues. But what I find extreme is that the ADL can advocate a specific people and their interests while I do that for my people – and am attacked by them for doing so. My proposals are not extreme: the survival, well-being and independence of the Southern people. Do not people everywhere wish the same for their own ethnic or cultural group? Is that not the most natural thing in the world?

    • When talking about politics with friends it usually involves some beers, oysters and lots of laughs. And I couldn’t be further from the type who engages in ‘terrorism.’

      But the oysters you enjoy eating are anti-Semitic, right? Oh, so you like to drink beer? Well, the Germans drank beer, and they were Nazis. 😀

  20. This can get rough, mean, unfair, down right nasty. I did a few of these, came out OK, other people – not so good.

    Other than financial support, can OD readers help in other ways? Get contact information of regular people, elected officials in Uvalda.

    It worked well at the Amren conference for local White cops to see the difference between us and them.

    • Here’s the three main ways anyone can help us:

      1.) Participate – Just show up. Show our enemies that we are not afraid of them.

      2.) Donate – Send us money to help cover our expenses. We plan to do more of these events in the future.

      3.) Publicize – Spread the word. Help us create buzz about this event.

  21. I would study up on events like these in the past. What worked, what didn’t work. The dangers of infiltration, agent provos have to be very high.

    Bob Miles wrote about these marches, demos.

    Swede nationalist have reputation of doing good protests despite anti fa opposition.

    You should have worse case preparations for anti fa attacks.

  22. I had considered writing a separate post, but a comment will suffice:

    1.) As long as we are bottled up and contained on the internet, we are going to be stuck in this ditch forever. The proof of this is Stormfront which now has 270,000 members and 10 million posts over the course of 12 years.

    2.) Over the course of 20 years, we have probably succeeded in “educating” well over a million White people by now. If the only thing that comes out of education is reading the next essay, buying the next book, or downloading the next podcast, and then engaging in intellectual masturbation over it, we are doomed because eventually even our own people will get bored and drop out.

    3.) There’s a huge audience of people out there who have already been educated. The problem is that we aren’t successfully channeling that education into an organized resistance that engages in action in the real world.

    4.) The main obstacle to a breakthrough is that so many people are utterly paralyzed by their fear of social ostracism and employment discrimination. They are afraid of being labeled with the “scare words” mentioned above.

    5.) When people allow themselves to be ruled by fear and stay bottled up on the internet in a purely anonymous setting, this gives rise to a whole set other problems, namely destructive interpersonal conflicts and being “cuckolded” into supporting shit like the Ron Paul Revolution.

    6.) Someone is going to have to “bust the dam” … by that I mean demonstrate that they aren’t intimidated by the scare words, demonstrate that the consequences of taking on BRA are now less than doing nothing (see the HUD’s plan to destroy our neighborhoods with diversity).

  23. The idea that it’s only the Jews who are behind our sad state is nonsense. History shows the Jews can’t accomplish anything in our societies unless they have help and assistance from Non-Jews. While we should point the finger at organized Jewry for it’s part in destroying our culture, it’s the sabbat goi’s among us who made it possible for them to attain the power and influence they now have in America and Europe.

    Look at the movie industry. The technology for making and showing movies was invented by men like Edison and the Lumiere Bros., but the industry itself ended up in the hands of Jewish businessmen. Why? One, the Jewish movie makers and their Jewish and Gentile financial backers realized the potential of this new technology before the general public did. Two, the Non-Jewish public liked the cheap entertainment the movies afforded them. If the Jews who went to California to escape the Edison Trust didn’t have those two factors on their side, their “Empire OF Their Own” would have been stillborn. Interestingly enough, when the general public started to get angry about the smut that was creeping into the movies at the start of the early sound era, the boycotts that started to occur nearly strangled the industry. This myth that the Jews are solely responsible for our problems hurts us, because we can’t hold our own people who aid and abet them responsible if we do. Once we start doing that, organized Jewry will start losing it’s grip on our culture.

  24. Palmetto Patriot

    Your proposals are extreme because they conflict with your enemy’s right to be the only group of “white” people who are able to advocate for their own interests. If mainstream groups of white people in this country start to act as ethnocentric as Jews, the effectiveness of Jewish nepotism will decline rapidly and, without effective nepotism, Jews will not survive as a people. Therefore, they cannot allow you to be successful.

  25. PP,

    This is a TEXTBOOK example of how they operate. SNsts in general seem not to have that much a problem with the Jews. But even though you don’t have a problem with them, they have a problem with you. As you can see, Jews like to hit below the belt. Jews fight dirty. No lie is too egregious or too shameless. Putting a good man like you under the “terrorism” category would be comical if it wasn’t so serious. In this day and age, it’s the kind of thing that can draw attention from the FBI. It’s wrong. They don’t care. Only what’s good for the Jew matters.

  26. Alex J – right on, dude, about the relentless repetition of Demonization “scare” words. It’s what they do. WE do NEED to do the same thing – “Anti White Jews”.

    Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews


  27. Jack Ryan, re: the Stormfront conference, and rumours….the glitches were ALL about Anti Fa disruption and infiltration. Some folks took security seriously. Some did not.

  28. Hunter, I would seriously have to question just how much of an “education” many of them have received. Yes, they’ve digested some home truths about racial differences and the racial predicament, but what they’ve “learned” is that you “do” WN by endlessly regurgitating those truths (or engaging in endless debates about them with those willing). Imagine those same one million had been introduced to racialism via BUGSer methods. You think that wouldn’t have made a difference in what people thenceforth did with their knowledge?

    In a way, I have to admit, I’m glad they’re stormfronters and vnners, not bugsers. That permitted me an insight into their psyches I otherwise would not easily have obtained. I always knew such fury and hatred were possible, but I had tended to think that they were perhaps more a product of the past (of the kinds of social conditioning that used to take place in, say, the 20s and 30s). SF and VNN demonstrated to me that it’s all still very possible even today. I’m grateful for that.

  29. Silver,

    I would seriously have to question just how much of an “education” many of them have received.

    I sense a distinct undercurrent of irritation in your contributions today.

    Is something about this highly visible assault by the Power Jews on PP, SNsm and people who generally mild on the JQ that is bothering you more than usual?

    As I have said on the past, I do think you should quit dismissing the value of education through essaying and commenting on the internet. Everyone here under about 50 was likely was put on to most of what they know about these matters via some internet source.

    What you call “endless regurgitation,” I call raising consciousness and educating people. The repetitive comments are for them. You never know when new eyeballs are on the page. Even if they aren’t any new eyeballs on the page, commenting still has value because it’s fun, it lets people practice rhetoric, sharpen arguments, pick up new information. It is also often damn near impossible to find a sympathetic ear in the real world.

    Raising consciousness is better than doing nothing. If it has no value, why is Abe Foxman’s latest book about silencing “hate speech” on the internet. If it doesn’t matter, if it has no impact, why the censorship and suppression?

    The people who have POWER seem very concerned about what’s going in the comments and on these sites. This horseshit, and horseshit is what it is, that comments have no value is self-refuting. If that were true they SPLC/ADL and their lackeys wouldn’t be all over these sites, and there would no censorship of these ideas in the mainstream.

    Out of all the criticisms of WNsm, this notion that WNsts do little but comment on the internet is one of the more unfair ones. WNst do what little they are able to do. To do anything effective in the real world, you need an organization on the ground that can be effective. This requires skilled leadership, money, organization, brick and mortar facilities, and people with talent, skills and ability to participate.

    In the past, there haven’t been many choices. The LOS’s new, unapologetic turn toward a more aggressive stance is a new development. It just getting off the ground and was not an option for people to choose in the past. As more opportunities appear, more people will participate.

    I have also never seen anyone dispute that more than activity on the internet will be required to bring about change. The people at VNN at least have some fire in their belly about what’s going on and are pissed off about it. Linder is doing valuable work right now keeping track of Golden Dawn’s activities. VNN Forum has a wealth of valuable information in its archives which I encourage people to explore. You can skip every comment and learn a lot at VNN. VNN is a good web site.

    • Re: Lew

      “Out of all the criticisms of WNsm, this notion that WNsts do little but comment on the internet is one of the more unfair ones. WNst do what little they are able to do. To do anything effective in the real world, you need an organization on the ground that can be effective. This requires skilled leadership, money, organization, brick and mortar facilities, and people with talent, skills and ability to participate.”

      It’s true.

      Don Black has said it many times in the past. There was more WN activity in the real world before Stormfront than after the rise of the internet in the late 1990s. For every 1,000 WNs who are “educated,” you might get 1 WN like Matt Heimbach. The vast majority of WNs read their favorite internet websites, participate in online debates, and then consume the next essay, book, or podcast.

      We’re not failing to exploit the internet to educate people. We’re doing a pretty good job in that area. The real failure comes after we succeed in educating people … when the time comes to channel all this knowledge through institutions into action to change the real world.

  30. ANY-ONE who says that communication via the internet is “meaningless, a waste of time” etc is either a subverter or an idiot.

    We are at WAR. This World War is unlike any other. It’s not really about physical battles. It’s about control of information, winning of hearts and minds, and thought systems. It’s vital that real world organization, to gain the literal physical seats and mechanisms of power, as Hunter enumerated, “up thread” occur- but information is perhaps THE chief battlefield. Our enemies know this. Israel would not pay hundreds of claques, or create the freaking NSA, to try to manage opinion, and control information, were this not so.

  31. Denise says:
    August 15, 2013 at 7:22 pm

    ‘ANY-ONE who says that communication via the internet is “meaningless, a waste of time” etc is either a subverter or an idiot. ‘


    Jews don’t think it’s meaningless.


    Aug. 14, 2013

    JERUSALEM (AP) – Israel is looking to hire university students to post pro-Israel messages on social media networks – without needing to identify themselves as government-linked, officials said Wednesday.

    The Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement that students on Israeli university campuses would receive -full or partial scholarships- to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students’ messages would parallel statements by government officials.

    “This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption,” the statement said.

  32. Denise says:
    August 15, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    “Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White Jews Anti White ”


    Just anti-White.

    I like to think keeping the Jew stuff out of it is a good idea, as Jewsers have never won anything. There is a reason Whitaker does not use it, because in his experience it turns ordinary Whites off. If people want to learn about Jews, they can go to Stormfront. Plenty of Jewsers there yammer about it.

    No matter how you are tormented by SPLC agents, etc, do not take the bait they are offering. Keep the focus on White existence and Southern independence. Remain disciplined and you will win.

  33. “This is a groundbreaking project aimed at strengthening Israeli national diplomacy and adapting it to changes in information consumption,” the statement said.

    This is basically BUGS for Jews.

    The BUGSers were sadly mistaken if they thought Jews were going to let them go systematically unchallenged on topics that Jews care about.

    This is where their retarded prattle about “Jewsers” hits the wall. Whitaker might be done with Jews, but Jews ain’t done with him.

  34. ADL & SPLC: Invisible Empire.

    Most folks don’t even know what those organizations are other than some charity groups fighting aids etc.

  35. Remember, White Existence and Southern Independence is the moral high ground.

    If you are not disciplined you will be routed, like any undisciplined army.

  36. AlexJ – the only thing that tons of folks know about Jews is what Jews tell ’em.

    So we do need some folks who are willing to be called names, and point out the prevalence of Hose Noses, regarding any development that is deranged, evil, treacherous, murderous, subversive, disgusting. vile. evil. nauseating, and Satanic.

    That – and Jew Bating is FUN. I love to get them wound up. It’s so easy….!

  37. “Lew says:

    August 15, 2013 at 10:28 pm

    This is where their retarded prattle about “Jewsers” hits the wall. Whitaker might be done with Jews, but Jews ain’t done with him.”

    Oy geveldt! Exactly. Lew – you are a real mensch!

  38. Lew says:
    August 15, 2013 at 10:28 pm
    “Whitaker might be done with Jews, but Jews ain’t done with him.”

    Its cute that Lew thinks Bob Whitaker is so naive.

    Denise says:
    “deranged, evil, treacherous, murderous, subversive, disgusting. vile. evil. nauseating, and Satanic. ”

    You really have no clue, how you appear to ordinary Whites, do you? lol

Comments are closed.