Christopher Lane Hush Crimes & Memorial Rally??

Gunned down by three blacks in Oklahoma, because "they were bored..."
Gunned down by three blacks in Oklahoma, because “they were bored…”


I’m sure that OD readers have heard about the shocking murder of Christopher Lane … the 23-year-old White Australian baseball player who was savagely hunted down and murdered by two black teenagers “for the fun of it.”

Unlike Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in self defense, there’s no chance that Christopher Lane would ever be mistaken for Obama’s son, so the White House is “not familiar with” his murder. Neither are the vast majority of White Americans who will never hear about Christopher Lane or Channon Christian and Christian Newsom due to the blackout on “hush crimes” imposed by the Mainstream Media which cares more about the Missouri rodeo clown story.

Are you sick and tired of White people being robbed, raped, and murdered by blacks, set on fire, beaten unconscious on school buses, or simply shot like Chris Lane “for the fun of it” in Obama’s America? Are you sick of the hypocrisy and censorship of the Mainstream Media? Are you disgusted that we live in a country where crimes like this are so common that even you have become numbed to the violence?

Should we go to Oklahoma? 

“ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM”.

Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.

“Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”

“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.”

Update: The CofCC has unearthed strong evidence that the murder of Christopher Lane might have been racially motivated.

Second Update: This story has struck a nerve in the Washington Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Huffington Post. Rush Limbaugh is also talking about the Christopher Lane murder.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The pressure should be to get the three killers up on Hate Crime charges. Pressure Holder to admit he hates YT!

    Also is the Michael Dewayne Jones character a High Yellow?

  2. One other thing about the area of the shooting. It’s only got 230 black residents from a population of 23,000. The Aussie was quite literally jogging in a whitopia. The Psychos who shot him were 100% likely to murder one day, but he was in an astonishingly low crime safe area. Poor lad seems to have taken precautions, but that wasn’t enough.

  3. This is par for the course. When 71 whites were gunned down by black Zebras in San Francisco in 1977, the media apologized for them. This is just one more example.

  4. Instead of protesting, me thinks gathering intelligence on the media would be more appropriate. Any ex Intel officers out there? I mean, BRA has spent the last decade perfecting the art of discovering and uprooting insurgent networks on the ground with junior officers. It must be easier here where they aren’t even hiding it and their associations are documented on corporate filings.

    If there was a ringleader that knew the process, it would be better to ask folk’s to donate an hour requesting documents or tailing hebes in their local area to build
    an accurate picture of our shadow enemy. They don’t care if anyone holds a sign or complains. But they might when their orgsnizational structure and business networks start popping up online
    an accurate a real picture

  5. When a black juvenile delinquent was shot and killed, our governmedia loudly pondered whether ‘racism’ was a factor.

    But when a white baseball player was shot and killed, our governmedia quietly determined that ‘racism’ was NOT a factor within hours.

    Beginning to sound familiar?

  6. “… literally jogging in a whitopia.” Blacks and mulattos running loose in the feral state means dystopia wherever they have freedom.
    “It was almost post-apocalyptic, where there are no businesses, nothing except people in houses and dogs running around.” – Amanda Arrington, U.S. Human Society, after visiting Detroit.

  7. Read YT’s comment above. He is right on! The media is fully complicit in all this as they work overtime to keep the news of the horrific crimes against whites by non-whites away from the masses. I often go to the Good Lord in prayer asking that IF another crime of this nature happens, it is committed on the children, spouses etc of the mass media traitorous scum!

  8. And certainly on the members of the media, themselves, especially those at the top of their sorry organizations.

  9. Watch the O’Reilly clip and look at what the beautiful Kirsten Powers has to say. She is pure scum. So, again, IF a non-white attacks us, I sure hope Powers is the victim and not a good person. Oh, and note O’Reilly says there is no racial component to this crime!

  10. International news. Impact tourism in America. Florida tourism has declined since the killing of tourists from euro back in 90s. Driving at night. Made a wrong turn in a zoo area. Euros are instructed by their travel agencies avoid certain city. Car rentals no longer have logos on vehicles.

  11. I have sons and they look like Chris Lane.

    Fortunately, Rev. Jackson took the time to tweet about this tragedy and said violence is ” frowned upon”. Frowned upon….

    I’ve had enough. I can no longer remain silent and I am stepping up to support my side.

  12. Lynching becomes more and more explicable when this sort of thing happens. The three Ferals will be given every technical and legal get out of jail free excuse and may well escape prison.

  13. We need the ability to organize as fast as blacks and Jews, get boots on the ground, and make it known to other Whites, who are as righteously outraged as we, that there is and can be an avenue to vent this frustration.

    I hope the Uvalda rally is the nascent infrastructure that we so desperately need to compete with blacks, browns and Jews for public attention to our issues.

  14. ““Why hasn’t [the president] spoken out about this? In this case, you said there was a judicial proceeding. There was one in the Trayvon Martin case. He spoke out extensively on that one,” Henry said.

    “There are some people in this room I don’t thing who would agree with you that the president spoke out extensively on it,” Earnest responded.”

    What a lie- he devoted TWO speeches to it.

    This is something that’s been bugging the living hell out of me over this trial for ages- Obama injecting himself and taking sides like he did in a civil trial like this is something that’s been virtually unprecedented in American history. And while plenty of people have pointed this out, it seems like nobody has examined just how unprecedented. I can easily say the last several presidents we’ve had have never done this- but even further, I don’t know. I know at the least this is a rarity, but just how rare, I have no idea. I am willing to bet however that this might be a first in American history. Obama might very well be the first president in this nation’s history to pull this stunt.

    Nobody seems to have actually dug into this, however. And I think you should make this a research goal, Wallace. It’s begging for some kind of illumination. It would help show the world the kind of narcissist Obama truly is.

  15. These three deserve the rope, but in all the excitement the anti-white establishment who nurture this culture escape all scrutiny.

    I can’t blame the average everyday conservative, their critical thinking skills are low power and besides its not encouraged anyway, so I expect out of this the usual TDO essays, the nigger/kikin rants and our anti-white establishment to skate away scot free as usual.

    But one day one person in the right position is going to frame/define the debate our way and then harness our power and force the anti-whites to bend to our wills.

    Till then the usual esoteric hoohaa that leads into the usual CONman routine, “But this betrays the ideals of Martin Loofer King.”


    And remember what they had on Zimmerman? Initially the “coons” hysteria, and later on the mysterious cousin who accused him of being a racist and molesting her, and an arab coworker who accused him of racially harassing him- two people who’ve been silent ever since then (especially after the cousin guaranteed others would back up her racism accusations) and who seemingly were never considered by the FBI due to their silence.

    Oh, and that little black boy Zimmerman called the police on… because he was concerned for his safety.

    Just try to imagine the media meltdown if Zimmerman said he hated 90% of blacks and if he assaulted 5 on a social media profile.

  17. O’Reilly actually said the crime is “an embarrassment to the u.s.”

    So, basically, if the victims are Americans there probably would be no report. It’s reported just to heap more “shame” on the u.s. Well, the Generational Americans have NO CONTROL and have not had any since FDR anyway, probably since the WBTS. For 100 years, foreigners (or 1-3 generation “americans” have imposed whatever feudalism they came from in europe and used positions to spread americans money to their co-countrymen and co-religionists from abroad.) Even their own private magazines and publications are starting to brag about how they “could never assimilate.”

    They actually believe that the u.s. was always like this (before THEY GOT IN AND CHANGED IT).

    The subtext is always just blame the generational americans. Justify thyself, foreigners.

  18. John, I used to like “true crime” genre— and that’s how I heard of Zebra gang. Have probably asked 100 people if they EVER HEARD of those crimes—- they all say no. Is that even possible???—- yep.

  19. 1. Turn liberal race baiting against itself. Is the killing of a white man by three black men unable to be reported as a hate crime b/c of the liberal racist view that Whites are too good to be racially attacked by blacks. Are liberal whites too good to be offended by racial slurs like “cracka” or “wood”? Is this not a subtle form of racism by liberals; the “I’m so much better than another group that they can’t even offend me”?
    2. Promote the view that it is okay to be white and that white is beautiful. This should be allowed to be promoted especially in areas where whites are a minority population and victims of hate crimes.
    3. Build up a base.
    4. Go after some of the tougher issues that affect whites in America.

  20. “When 71 whites were gunned down by black Zebras in San Francisco in 1977”

    It was 14 not 77, the murders occurred earlier, and four niggers are doing life sentences for the crimes. In the propaganda wars it does our side no good to exaggerate the facts. The truth of Negro violence is a fact powerful enough in itself.

  21. Jones is not White. He’s a Mulatto. Nigra Beast Father, Mudshark DEGENERATE “mother”. Apparently he does possess a sort of Human vestigial conscience.

    You’se guys need referesher courses in Race Identification Sight and Sound. Jones is very “White” looking, upon first glance – but look closwer at his hair texture, and cranial structure. Ya can’t miss the Nigra. I almost feel sorry for him, for what his VILE Mudshark Momma did to him. The Day of the Rope must come quickly.

  22. Quite right Denise “Love” is no justification for dysgenic breeding, dysgenic breeding a crime against humanity.

  23. I am seething with rage over this. I will not be complicit much longer.
    @Denise, are you the blogger viking bitch? If so, I’d love a link to it. Search only turns up foreign sites. Thanks.


      The Oklahoma police chief in charge of the investigation into the death of an Australian baseball player today revealed one of the suspects danced and laughed after they were arrested.

      The new jailhouse revelations came as tweets posted by one of the alleged killers emerged claiming that he ‘hated white people’ and boasting that he beat up five white people after the George Zimmerman acquittal in the Trayvon Martin case.

      Suspect James Edwards ‘danced and laughed’ in the county jail and showed no remorse for their fatal actions, while Michael Jones, who is accused of driving the car when they shot Christopher Lane in the back admitted their role in the crime.

      Duncan detective John Byers told MailOnline today: ‘He did some kind of dance at the booking counter. There’s a long desk that you stand in front of. When they got him up to that desk, he began to dance, he did some kind of dance motion.’

  24. I don’t hate the AA anymore than a fox raids unguarded chicken koop; critters do what comes natural.
    It’s on all level of corporations, governments, preachers and on are willfully responsible. Rope should be set aside for.

  25. Jones is probably a quad or octoroon. He has pretty obvious black facial features, but light, straight hair and light eyes.

  26. “Duncan detective John Byers told MailOnline today: ‘He did some kind of dance at the booking counter. There’s a long desk that you stand in front of.”

    They don’t fear of killing . Death Penalty no longer applies.

  27. If Rashida Jones shot someone would she be black or white?

    If she was a victim would she be black or white?

  28. “We need the ability to organize as fast as blacks and Jews, get boots on the ground, and make it known to other Whites, who are as righteously outraged as we, that there is and can be an avenue to vent this frustration. ”

    Organize for affirmative change empowering hope and affirmation! We’ll get signs and bullhorns and march around! That’ll show those hebes in the board-room!

    Seriously, do you really expect to be able to turn their weapon back on them? Leftist bullshit only works on empathetic whites with a mind for fairness. How’s that going to work on blacks and jews? For blacks and jews you need to hit ’em in the wallet and grape-drink.

    That’s why I suggested intel gathering and publicizing. Shine a spotlight on the roaches and let an army of angry, anonymous whites do the stomping. We all know Abe Foxman’s name but there’s no way in hell anyone would ever get close to him. But what about his 3rd and 4th level of middle management? How many of them would need to be outed on the internet and suffer “random senseless violence boo hoo” before nobody is willing to work for him anymore? Same thing with “peeps”, ACLU, LGBTWTFBBQ lobby etc etc etc.

    Niggers and mexicans are the dumb foot soldiers in this war. The enemy can loose lots of them. And the enemy can afford a large-sized green zone for their “flag officers” in washington and NYC studios. But between the head and the army of dumb orcs are lots of hard-working lieutenants needed to keep the machine running.

    Those are the belly button to push. ID them and go protest in front of their house, tell their neighbors they work against their race for a paycheck, put up flyers at their kids’ school. Do something USEFUL.

    “organizing for action” and other empty platitudes is what niggers do on behalf of jews to trigger the empathy of white housewives parked in front of the idiot box. That shit ain’t going to work backwards. Does a skunk care about it’s own scent or a cobra it’s own venom? Why would the jew care about a bunch of goys making a spectacle of themselves?

  29. Yes, that is another detail that whites need to disabuse themselves of. The idea that jail or a long prison term frightens or even brings forth regret in modern criminals, especially non-whites. In fact going to prison, even for life, is considered a badge of honor to these people, analogous somehow in their minds to what you or I would feel if we were promoted to CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or made partner in a prestigious law firm, or successfully navigated our own business and worked our way to self made millionaire status, or earned a doctorate in biochemistry, etc.

    This needs to be burned into the consciousness of whites. A lifetime in jail is NOT a deterrent for these people. It is an honor and a PROMOTION according to them! A promotion to the savage and ruthless arena where they can pit their ruthlessness, cunning and savagery against others of their kind to see how they measure up. It is a chance to go for the Title. The gold ring. Prove yourself truly King of the Jungle.

  30. If Jones is white he’s a wigger, one of the anti-White fruits of forced integration and assimilation.

  31. Hunter,

    Thread got derailed from the original point — should you go protest Oklahoma? Yes! Of course!

    Maybe you and the two Matts should organize a travelling protest group. Get the local YT’s to show up, as well as others who are able to travel. Strict dress code for anyone who wants to be in your group, as you did in Uvalda — office casual I’d say. Neat looking, but not restrictive or uncomfortable like a jacket-tie deal. Hard to say. Back in the NA days Dr. Pierce insisted that we wear a suit and tie and we actually did. And it had it’s effect — we weren’t viewed as rioters. That was for showing up at inside events like Human Rights Commissions. For outside events it was office casual.

    You want to be ready to defend yourself comfortably, not have jackets and ties getting in your way, but you also want to be photogenic and middle class looking.

    Do a google alert on “anti racist” and “antiracist” and “anti-racist” and find such events going on around the country and just show up.

    The reason for doing so is that meetings of antiracists is a place where they are talking about these issues. You simply want to give the other side of the story . . . there is another side of the story after all. And of course show up and Mantra the shit out of them.

    Surprise appearances at anti-racist events avoids all the police organizing, getting permits or whatever, it doesn’t give the media a heads up for a hate campaign organized out of the local churches and gogues.

    If you look in history, the White nationalist movement is analogous to a heretical religious sect. So long as there was a universal “Catholic” religion, there were always heretics everywhere. The heretics probably shaped the church.

    So what we have is what heartiste calls “the Cathedral,” and we are a group of heretics. Heretics fulfill an important function for humanity. The whole “cathedral” impulse to rule humanity under one doctrine, this time aided by technology, must be perennially resisted.

  32. So I forgot to mention. If you do a travelling protest group, you can probably solicit donations and promote the C of CC. All you guys are is real conservatives, right? that’s what you call yourself to the public. the hissing and spitting of the Jewish groups is losing traction anyway. It makes people like you more, because liberals (the cathedral) are thoroughly hated in this country.

    Only Paycheck People love the Cathedral as it’s priests sign their Paychex. Those ranks are thinning. As Barack Obama said, “The government is going to run out of money someday.” Indeed, sir!

    You could solicit donations for specific protests too, to pay for travel and accomodations. Heck, I think it would be great if you made a living as a White activist. If you actually go do protests and garner media attention and put speeches on youtube with you and the two Matts, people will want to donate, and show up to protests.

  33. Re: Kievsky

    In an ideal world, I would like to be a full time activist:

    – We could assemble a hardcore group of activists (wherever there is “trouble,” I am sure Matt will be there) who would do back-to-back rallies and protests over issues like immigration and black-on-white crime which have already broken out into the “mainstream” as legitimate grievances.

    – Hopefully, this would get the “movement” off the internet and into the streets, which is where it ought to be anyway.

    – Just getting the “movement” off the internet (the major goal at the moment) would be therapeutic in itself because it would cut down on the bullshit feuds and infighting and channel our energies in a more productive direction.

    – We could raise money to cover our expenses.

    – We could push at the taboos until they crumble. Just imagine how many people would join our cause if they could go public with their beliefs.

  34. Rudel,

    that’s kind of minimizing. There were point systems created for the victims with little children getting the most points, in Zebra.

    wonder how much Ayo is making on his federal salary, like probably 200K a year or something

  35. Probably, if you have any government job, it would be in an office with people such as described here. That’s why so many americans do anything they can (including menial labor even if they are highly intelligent) to escape being part of that. Being “off the grid” it’s been called for years. When we were little, they told us it was like that in the soviet union—- that all the smartest people worked in labor camps.

  36. Mighty says: August 22, 2013 at 2:05 pm
    We need the ability to organize as fast as blacks and Jews, get boots on the ground, and make it known to other Whites, who are as righteously outraged as we, that there is and can be an avenue to vent this frustration. I hope the Uvalda rally is the nascent infrastructure that we so desperately need to compete with blacks, browns and Jews for public attention to our issues.

    Hunter Wallace says: August 23, 2013 at 12:07 pm
    – We could assemble a hardcore group of activists (wherever there is “trouble,” I am sure Matt will be there) who would do back-to-back rallies and protests over issues like immigration and black-on-white crime which have already broken out into the “mainstream” as legitimate grievances.
    – Hopefully, this would get the “movement” off the internet and into the streets, which is where it ought to be anyway.
    – Just getting the “movement” off the internet would be therapeutic; it would cut down on the bullshit feuds and infighting and channel our energies in a more productive direction.
    – We could raise money to cover our expenses.
    – We could push at the taboos until they crumble. Just imagine how many people would join our cause if they could go public with their beliefs.

    Yes and double-yes, and the Spokane black-on-white killing is only the most recent reminder that it’s not just Southerners who need to get out and beat the drums, but Northerners, Easterners and Westerners (and that’s just the U.S.)

  37. “The pressure should be to get the three killers up on Hate Crime charges. ”

    Hate crime is PC. Death Penalty deters violence.

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