Christopher Lane Hush Crimes & Memorial Rally??

Gunned down by three blacks in Oklahoma, because "they were bored..."
Gunned down by three blacks in Oklahoma, because “they were bored…”


I’m sure that OD readers have heard about the shocking murder of Christopher Lane … the 23-year-old White Australian baseball player who was savagely hunted down and murdered by two black teenagers “for the fun of it.”

Unlike Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in self defense, there’s no chance that Christopher Lane would ever be mistaken for Obama’s son, so the White House is “not familiar with” his murder. Neither are the vast majority of White Americans who will never hear about Christopher Lane or Channon Christian and Christian Newsom due to the blackout on “hush crimes” imposed by the Mainstream Media which cares more about the Missouri rodeo clown story.

Are you sick and tired of White people being robbed, raped, and murdered by blacks, set on fire, beaten unconscious on school buses, or simply shot like Chris Lane “for the fun of it” in Obama’s America? Are you sick of the hypocrisy and censorship of the Mainstream Media? Are you disgusted that we live in a country where crimes like this are so common that even you have become numbed to the violence?

Should we go to Oklahoma? 

“ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM”.

Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.

“Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee.”

“Woods” is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.”

Update: The CofCC has unearthed strong evidence that the murder of Christopher Lane might have been racially motivated.

Second Update: This story has struck a nerve in the Washington Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Huffington Post. Rush Limbaugh is also talking about the Christopher Lane murder.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “This story has struck a nerve in the Washington Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Huffington Post. Rush Limbaugh is also talking about the Christopher Lane murder.”

    The people who will best know if the media jumped the shark with the Trayvon Martin case are the media themselves because they’ll have seen all the online comments they censored and all the radio callers and TV interviews they didn’t broadcast.

    It could well be they realize they have to adjust their 60 year double standard on race crimes or risk losing the audience – which is the second worset thing that could happen from their point of view.

  2. Bantu and Mestizo activists can count on accumulating an angry mob of marchers, because most of the mob is living on the public dole and has a lot of free time on its hands. White people are too busy trying to work and make ends meet. Moreover, they are in mortal fear of losing their jobs if they are too visibly pro-White. They know that all it takes is Heidi Bearbitch or Mark Ewok to drop a dime and they will be left twisting in a bitter cold wind.

    Alex Linder’s heart was in the right place when he organized a public protest over the lack of media coverage over the Newsom and Christian murders, but all he managed to accomplish was showing how little support Pro-Whites have by the paucity of people who showed up to join him.

    Instead of trying to get Whites to risk their jobs by taking off work and “embarrassing” their employers, why not urge all Whites to write and call these television news outlets to give the same kind of gavel to gavel coverage of trials featuring Black on White crimes that they gave to the trials involving the deaths of James Byrd and Trayvon Martin?

    Threaten to boycott these stations until they report ALL crime. Demand that their talking heads haul Eric Holder onto the show to educate the public why they are not hate crimes, but if you just reverse the races, they are.

    Find out who sponsors these television news shows and demand that the sponsors put pressure on these stations to stop censoring real news about crimes and do some honest reporting, for a change. Threaten to boycott their products if they don’t.

    There is a website that depicts Anti-White advertisement, but it doesn’t’ go far enough. Attach the ads and urls of their competitors to these Anti-White advertisements, so that pissed off visitors can take constructive action.

    Whites may not have that much political power, but they still have the power of the purse. It is time they wield it accordingly.

  3. As of this moment, an article about the anti-white racism of one of Chris Lane’s killers has 65k facebooks rec’s on CNN of all places:

    This is really getting huge. It’s remarkable we have easily verifiable racism on the part of these monsters so quickly, while shameless, scumbag journalists/reporters at MSNBC (and elsewhere) had to lie and alter evidence on the part of Zimmerman:

  4. @sdfassdfsdf
    Yeah, Whites are beginning to notice the contradictions and the anger is growing rapidly. I wouldn’t want to be in the anti-White’s shoes in the coming years. Life is going to become extremely unpleasant for them, if they don’t back off.

    BTW If you need to use an -ism, please use antiWhitism instead of “anti-white racism”, because “anti-white racism” is contradictory.

  5. ….the lack of media coverage over the Newsom and Christian murders, but all he managed to accomplish was showing how little support Pro-Whites have by the paucity of people who showed up to join him….

    things never happen all at once. it’s a little thing here and a little thing there, then somebody else takes it up in a new way. Knowing that is how oppositional people have gotten so far.

    In school, we were told to use our positions (no matter what they were) to “make a difference.” Anyone, from a janitor to a contractor to a hairdresser to a administrator of big money could “do their part.” It was a very slow moving, invisible, infiltrating idea— not expecting one rally to change anything.

  6. Justice with Judge Jeanine just had a segment on the Christopher Lane murder and the massive media bias as regards coverage of White on black incidents as opposed to black on White crime. Guest Ann Coulter even took the opportunity to mention the massively lop-sided interracial rape statistics, the first time that I have seen or heard such mentioned on a main-stream news outlet. What once was the exclusive preserve of Stormfront and “racist” alt-right web sites is beginning to seep out into the mainstream. It’s about damn time, I’d say.

  7. “What once was the exclusive preserve of Stormfront and “racist” alt-right web sites is beginning to seep out into the mainstream.”

    We are gaining momentum. Never would have happened under Romney. I haven’t felt this optimistic in years. Grab the loosening reins wherever you can gather them and pull them towards us with all your might. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

  8. You Snow Monkeys are so blind and stupid That you failed to even notice that there were THREE Scumbags involved with this murder. All of you just decided to omit the fact that a fellow Snow Monkey was involved. You Fucking piles of Dog Shit……

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