Live Thread: Southern Demographic Displacement Rally (Uvalda, GA)


Here are some early photos from the League of the South’s “Southern Demographic Displacement” rally in Uvalda and Vidalia, GA:

Update: SNN is posting photos and videos of the Uvalda and Vidalia protests.

Note: We’re back in the hotel now resting after a very successful protest in Uvalda and Vidalia.










Sea of Hate (Part II)

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Whew! I thought it was Genocide that is and will be practiced. Guess our children and grandchildren only have displacement to look forward too. Assuming they remain white.

  2. Now, now SK any day the anti-whites are going to respect us, any day now, we must remain patient, docile and never, ever question the anti-whites’ moral superiority, never.

  3. Conservative Inc. is picking up on the brewing white reaction: that’s a good thing. Continue to push.

  4. Have fun out there, my friends. I was considering showing up there to counter-protest in solidarity with our Mexican-American brothers and sisters, future citizens, and future in-laws of most of your children. It’s not going to work out this time, but perhaps some day.

  5. I wish I could be there. Hey – have some-one dress up as a Hassidic Jew. In order to counteract the Oberlin College Knaaaazeee hoax.

  6. Not good. You’re creating a lot of negative media when there are so many things to fight for without protesting another racial group.

  7. Best wishes for tomorrow’s rally from a friend in Ky. We need no more Angel Ramirez’s. illegal serial killer who killed many including boy here in ky.

  8. “Have fun out there, my friends. I was considering showing up there to counter-protest in solidarity with our Mexican-American brothers and sisters, future citizens, and future in-laws of most of your children. It’s not going to work out this time, but perhaps some day.”


    Translation: He’s not going to do a damn thing. If they’re not actually being organized and subsidized by some “civil rights watchdog group, few if any “anti-racists” will or would do shit on their own initiative. This needs to be kept constantly in mind. This sword cuts both ways.

  9. “… the system has failed and lost its legitimacy.” History seems to show that a political system loses its legitimacy when its money is debased below the barter barrier.
    “What we need is a film that shows middle- and working-class White people being displaced and disempowered at the behest of elites who control the media and finance the political system. Unfortunately, such a film would not be sci-fi fiction.” – Kevin MacDonald Elysium: An all too real dystopian vision of the future | The Occidental Observer
    Consider the five liberal stages of Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, and East St. Louis:
    Denial of Racial Differences,
    Anger at Rightwing Whites,
    Bargaining with Black Takeover,
    Depression of Property Values,
    Acceptance of Black Crime and Dysfunction.

  10. Hunter,

    In pictures, do not stand behind your woman. Stand up straight in front and look the camera in the eye with a determined glint of Southern defiance.

  11. I don’t think anyone is protesting another racial group, Joe. They are protesting THEIR OWN displacement, they say. Why can’t you hear that?

  12. @Hunter

    It will be interesting to see how many White Americans who live within an hour, or two drive of Uvalda GA show up to rally.

    Try to get an accurate count of the crowd.

    Remember, that when answering press questions, always answer the question you wish they had asked you, not the question they did ask you.

    Best wishes.

  13. Joe Whitlock,

    Not good. You’re creating a lot of negative media when there are so many things to fight for without protesting another racial group.

    A protest that includes an element of protesting “other groups” is fine. It’s just a type of assertion about what’s BEST and GOOD for Southern whites.

    As I see it, they’re not protesting “another racial group” in a purely negative sense as if complaining about “the other group” is the sole and only goal; yeah, let’s bitch about this other group, and then go home. You appear to impose this unnecessarily unflattering interpretation of the event.

    As I see it, they’re speaking out about what’s BEST for Southern whites’ quality of life, asserting a positive case about the GOOD for the Southern whites.

    The SNsts are FOR safe neighbors, FOR safe schools, FOR employment opportunities with reasonable wages, FOR not being overburdened with taxes for services they don’t use and get no benefit from, and FOR preserving their people, lands, and traditions.

    Part of making this case has to include a case for not having this other group around. They’re not Southerners.

    As I see it, at least implicitly, they’re making a case that Southern public policy should be orientated around what’s good for Southern whites. They’re attempting to rally other Southerners to see it this way, to begin thinking in terms of asserting what’s best for them.

    They are doing this instead of allowing the media and TPTB to continue to get away with analyzing every fucking thing that happens in this country in terms of how it affects blacks and Hispanics and never Southern whites.

    They only thing I would do different (and PP might be focusing on this aim too) is protest the white mayor, white federal judges, and white business interests who are likely bringing the “other group” in.

  14. Lew writes:

    “They only thing I would do different (and PP might be focusing on this aim too) is protest the white mayor, white federal judges, and white business interests who are likely bringing the “other group” in.”


    Sort of agree. I believe it’s important to target one individual as the traitor. We have to make things personal, instead of letting terrible traitors hide, escape punishment for being part of some vague, all powerful group of elites, conspiracy etc.

    We haven’t had many successes I. Recent years, but a few were taking down and out immigration traitors like Sen. dick Lugar, Rep. Chris Cannon and Jack Kemp. It brought me great joy to learn that Jack Kemp felt abandoned and depressed in his final years as the adoring crowds were no longer there and no body seemed to want to listen to his Black, 3rd world immigrant free market empowering program.

    Find out everything personal you can about this traitor mayor – his family, friends, college affiliations, golf buddies – he needs to become a social pariah, linked with the worst Neo slave agribusiness scumbags, linked to the worst Muslim extremists, human traffickers, Zeta drug cartels, sponsoring of drunk driving illegals. Get MAD mothers against drunk driving to make this mayor the poster boy for enabling drunk driving killers of mothers of little children.

    This traitor mayor should be publicly identified as covering for animal abuse, dog fighting.

    Again, make it personal, our opposition does this well, demonizing our people, gets our people fired, socially marginalized etc.

    Study the mean, effective tactics of the Left, don’t lie like the Left, cultural Marxist, but present the brutal truth in very hard hitting ways that make things personal.

    I shouldn’t have to even include this obvious recommendation.

    Do not allow race denying, Constitutionalist Libertarians to come in to your ranks. Feed these idiot, loons to the wolves, drop them off I brutal Black, La Raza slums where they can try to talk their way out of brutal torture, death by trying to present Austrian free market theories to the murderous savages.

  15. Jack,
    I support your comments 1000%. The traitorous scum need to be exposed at every chance. Everyone needs to recognize them so when they come out from hiding they are verbally pounced upon.

  16. Here’s an interview this scumbag traitor mayor gave to CNN (Communist News Network) bragging about his alliance with the ACLU (ACLU-Jew) to break the Georgia state laws prohibiting hiring illegal aliens.

    Though he is proudly pandering to vicious anti, White cultural Marxists at CNN, he tries to spin his immigration treason as representing Conservative, small town, Southern values, where neighbors help each other and family business need to hire hard working agricultural workers, or their crops will rot – blah, blah, blah.

    Same spiel as that other terrible immigration traitor – the Onion King of Georgia. This AH is promoting a Neo slave economy, with supposedly “happy Mestizo slaves”.

    Try contacting farm workers union demanding minimum wage and benefits for all agribusiness owners in Uvalda.

  17. Jack and Lew are right on. Name the traitors, so people know who they are. Hold them personally responsible, for this Genocide.

    BTW I thought you guys might be interested in this:

    FoxNews caster, Mr. Tucker Carlson uses the term “anti-white activist”.

    Fox News is playing catch up with the public. Anti-White is going mainstream and they know it.

  18. Wow, was I not paying attention. This traitorous mayor Bridges IS THE Onion KING!

    Let me find the OD article on him!

    I despise this traitor worse than Al Sharpton, he pushes the race/cultural replacement of our people in a folksy, small town Southern, Conservative drawl. Sounds like Sherrif Andy Taylor working with CNN, LaRaza, Zeta cartel and the ACLU-Jew to destroy our people and it’s packaged in Andy Griffith Show Mayberry way.

  19. Anyone seen THIS piece of garbage in Talahassee?

    Here are my comments on that racist graffitti, which I cannot post on James’ site.

    “Like the Berlin Wall, all forms of statist indoctrination and ‘walls of the mind’ need to come down. Jackhammer this atrocity, and rescind the money spent for this piece of blatant RACIST propaganda.”
    The RAHOWA is engaged, folks. No Doubt about it.”

    [Seems my calling out “Br. Nathanael” as questionable on Edwards’ site over a year or more age, and yet his (Edwards’) giving the ‘cleric’ air time and pseudo-legitimacy, (merely because he is a Yid) infuriated Mr. Edwards, now that it’s been shown Nate is merely psychotic, and not even a real monk. Edwards was taken in, and instead of talking to a REAL White Orthodox Priest, (myself) he can’t bear to hear anything else I might have to say, for fear I might be right….as usual.

  20. @Fr. John+ says:
    “now that it’s been shown Nate is merely psychotic, and not even a real monk.”

    I thought that was pretty obvious by his clownish dress, wild eyes and insane grin.

  21. “Sounds like Sherrif Andy Taylor working with CNN, LaRaza, Zeta cartel and the ACLU-Jew …”

    Pretty sure Griffith actually was a liberal.

  22. “..instead of talking to a REAL Orthodox Priest, (myself)..”

    – Except that YOU AREN’T a real a priest, Orthodox or otherwise. You’re just a mentally-disturbed person on the internet who invented a fake religion.

  23. My comments on “brother” Kapner were also moderated out of the comments. My take is he’s just another instance of jewish damage control.

  24. Yes, he does seem disturbed, but brilliantly disturbed — and his messages are accurate and well presented overall. The motivations of both Brother Nathanael and Pastor Manning are uncertain. Both are powerfully attention getting.

  25. Chris,
    I’d remind you that Atheism is also faith-based and spread by evangelism. It has the added absurdity of being a religion against religion. The priests of atheism are some of the most disturbed people alive and dominate the highest ranks of the left. If you don’t like Christians you are not in friendly territory.

  26. Kievsky – Hunter’s in LOVE. He and Renee look adorable. He has plenty of time to do the “steel-eyed thing”

    I am usually Hell fire and brimstone – but everytime I think of Hunter finding his Gal I smile, and my smile originates from the cockles of my heart. NOTHING is better to my eyes, and my heart, than a fresh, young, bright White couple! Kievsky – you are a married man. Weren’t you are goofy and goo-goo-eyed at first? Only Whites are truly capable of beautiful, sweet romantic love.

    Hunter and Renee – here is what I consider to be THE MOST perfect example of White Love ever committed to film:

    If you have not seen the 2005 “Pride and Prejudice” – do so. The photography, pacing, editing, and acting is magnificent. A total chick-flick. Marvelous. I pray your entire lives are like that scene.

    Every-one in that picture, of the protestors, is absolutely delightful. Glowing with happiness, camaraderie, purpose, and perhaps a wee bit ‘o moonshine. Cheers to you ALL! Huzzah!

  27. The photo with the Confederate flag was taken last night and posted on SNN after the bourbon and whiskey started flowing. There are plenty of photos and raw video from the demonstrations in Uvalda and Vidalia today.

  28. Good idea putting the word “wrong” in that one sign. Its a moral judgement and even nice ladies can repeat it as it should be repeated.

  29. Nathaniel Kapner is a typically nutty Yid – but I think his demented persona is a “cover” for his message. His information checks out. “Is it true” is all that matters.

  30. Except the part about him being a priest, that part is total BS. Anyway, enough about Joos. The protest is what is important.

  31. AlexJ, I read long ago about Kapner’s early history, when he visited synagogues that
    “wanted to help him”, and I considered everything before posting a link here and there. I’ve seen the same “insane” smile before on the faces of certified geniuses, and I’ve seen some very intelligent Jews convert spectacularly to Roman Catholicism “with a vengeance” (at least FOR A WHILE) and you must agree it is equally possible for one to convert to both Eastern Orthodoxy and white nationalism, at least for a while. Perhaps no 100% Gentile could do what he does quite the way he does it, and one man’s view of “a silly clown act” might be another’s irresistibly intriguing introduction to Christian WN.

    He who is not against us might be for us.

  32. Might be Kapner is trying to discredit the unvarnished truth through deliberate association with lunacy. I can’t find where he ever gets anything significant wrong about them (not saying that he hasn’t). There is something very jarring about his incisive delivery and air of insanity.

  33. Well, what all happened? Tell us about it. Did very many people approach you guys, and what did they say? What does the local news say? Anybody protest you, cuss you or shout?

    What all went on?

  34. So how do the other Beatles feel about your bringing Yoko to the recording sessions, Mr. Wallace?

  35. So how do the other Beatles feel about your bringing Yoko to the recording sessions, Mr. Wallace?

    LOL! Pretty funny man. It usually causes major issues as time goes by but that’s for another time.

  36. Where was Matthew “the commander” Heimbach?

    Did he puss out? Or maybe “the commander” realized that holding a rally, in a tiny, insignificant town was a waste of time.

    At least you guys got drunk and got some silly pictures to post on your facebook pages, I guess he missed out on the fun.

    Next rally, make it count, go to the $PLC or downtown Atlanta and get some real media coverage. And leave your woman at home.

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